HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-10-25, Page 4. .• kat .„ • s. e." 1. •-,I,11111ftlitallrar,11,01111Ell I II II • 1\' Ma ' NORA thAt the IN4Atbett te, BOO, ' the t Mt WertiraneWestfield. Shill "."3°41-7._.4 Ts /41 M , .0 The new ethodist ohurele it this Mr. John One1111 V' Wadleteter. ela ‘, ' „„, . . ••••• a. , e t "a farmers ere lowly getting- their roots actitm for setwetd" "Ies` at 6"mer•'. place well be tiediosted to the w.otaisip ie teking a NW healed dd ome ploughing lob, this weekthe plaintiff in : vehitili of God on Thureday, October tilst, hie thiughtey i •'" '" ' " ' -ama."."`"eliwaeeea-a- A*tfell. done, .. Kt 001teleflPt 05, 1,889. and acerae making preparation for the lure livein thts tewnshiP• It reenh- when the nsuel Sermon veil' be liehes twen t tiro A v winerinfor for the preached by the Rev 3 E Howell, Mary A. 1104$ Toro tg of etooa-It ie rietjeame ed in *erdiot 1000 . thee farmers are becoming mere care, pleintiffe Mr 3 Wile nem,' barrister, al A, President of the Guelph Oall- Mr. Samuel Scott hati nrchasea the• a 40:4120RIAL IaraTtt S. lioltoefe terenceilett 0 $0 p ma after which 4.1e, dist prate Poland Obioa boar at Tor. ro a their stock,. both in housing toad of Toronto, teen of Mr rhos Tax Atth of October was; observed feeding, and no doubt they ere finding aseisted by the Rev John S6ott, M A, onto."14,re same, animalealeo took 'the, of Wingbaue, had cherge of the case lot ArborDay in the Province of Q. out thatit pay a beet in the end -One for the plaintiff,-Mestirs H and I' Ece • left ore Tueeday for Bad Axe, ministers, cltairroan of the district, and other sweepstakes for the best of any 0140, will dediente the churr•le -Turnberry Council met bre on. a oar liowick farmers (Mr. D Fisher) Tito same evening, a tea meellog will Monday lab Mr 3)Lewe end wife bas bought the shearliug Leiceater Mich. on a prospecting tour, - Mr D 0 Mettle, Wolter near Blake1 beegiven in the haaement of the church, paid Seaforth n flying visit on Mon. Iv ht *Wawa that the Dominion Parliament will met for the dispatch of Waimea the last week in Janeary. TAXEUTRNANT.CFOVERZIOR ARMS, of Quebec, has issuid a proclamation call - upon the inhabitants of the Pro - vino& to observe Thursday, the 7th of' 11Tovember next, as a day of Thanksgiving to divine providence for lin• abundant harvest and other bene- fits. M. WM. Weld, the energetic proprietor and manager of the Farmer's Advocate, of London, has deoided to publish a northwest edition. of that popular agricultural jOurnal, which will be under the. direction. of Mr. W. JaBartlettor Lambeth, for some time attaelied to the editors' staff here, es ordered Thos. Nash, printing notice of Voters' Slated of music on the mouth organ P g I i and concert on the • 5th Sced to eujoy themselves. Addressee Mr. latextleto will leave this. week for en I -, • Winnipeg to take charge List (loud, $1.25; Alexar. Gowdy. by Mr A Hingstoneaviolio. by Messrs meet•ng November - Itlessrs. Hamilton 'az were delivered by severol reverend Tun 24th animal conventioa of flit) work on sidewalks,.$3 75; Wo2loot: on and Anderson .. instrumental organ by Misses Stewart and ' ,Tovell, being about to remove from gentlemen, but the feature of the en- , Keohnie, work on sidewalks ea •Belgrave, are offerieg great bargaina terainment was the rendition of SunOay School Association of Ontario and. spike; A.nderson; readings. and. recita.tiona .. several. selections by the Wingham was held in, Toronto this week. Over for sidewalks, $4.50; T. de 3. Gibson, by J. Fells, J. Solaretainnie Anderson ;in general store goods. In fact, teey say they will sell regardless of cost, elethodist W. L. Henry, oil -for hall, Church Orchestra. This. 800 delegates from outside. the oity cedar plank, $12.00; Semi' Willi., R Soar, Lizzie Edwards, J Nicol and :which means that goods will he sold organization has a high reputation, were in attendance. Mr, ea K. Mac- grading, $25.00; Wm. Willis, gravell- M Harrison ;.songs by 3 Taylor, Clara L. .0 Baku& Emma Fethere ,whethet it pays thein or not. On the worthy of it. -Rev I B. Wellwin is in and the verdict here is tbat they are ing,$89.96; A. Paulin, gradiug,$52.40. •-•.(1Vit"'-'17`74 801 of November, they will have an Donald, of Totonto, was elected preaa On motion by John Davidson, second- fgi,"t Mary Carlton , and others and auction sale of dittels, and the bal. 4ttellghtnue at the "Dud Sabbath. dent. A very large meeting was held ed by James Paulin, the council, ad_. dialogues by. several deffereng. charm ance of the store goods will be sold School, teaehers' convention, which on Tuesday evening, when addresses journed to meet. on the third Toesday •• 'tors Bie Stewart, of Brussels,occupied by auction on that and the following is in. session in Toronto this week. where given by Rev. Dr. Potts, and in November, or at the call. of. the aho chair, and the best of order pre - j 1 A Aloe they will offer fer sale a frame Mrs. Wm. Baroev, of Kincardine, 'Mrs An erson, wi e o is visiting her oldion , at, r. e, er dwelling houee at Belgrave. Laughlin, Sherwood ; Mr.D. McLean, Orange: Hine derson, of the 6th concession, The Reid's.-Itlessree•Kiusinan. and Orow. Toronto, and Mr. Wm. Johnsim, of Mr. F. 33 Hamiltonis re-engaged in deceased bad .been enjoying her usual S. S. No. 4,.Howick, at an advance Belleville. ram that tooksecondp tz . hie home on the ith last tea to be served from 5 to 7 o'clook. day. -J ndr Toms held court hero On Buffalo and Detroit, thts season. He at Starlie7 township, spent a cluple a very tate- animal, and is from the of days at , Addressee wet be delivered by Revs Wednesday foi the revision of the week. - The Westfield congress J. E Rowell, al A, John Scott, M A, Provincial voters' list for the Town. flock of Mr, Kelly, of Shakespeare tion intend holding a grana tea nieet. A MoLean, and Dr Mactionafd, M P, ship of Turnherry -Mr Wm. Smith said to be the best flock in the westeru, Oct 8lt.- Ana others. Mesie will be furnished is hawing his residence brightened up part of Outario, if not the beat. in the ill on TheaidaY evening wood merchant, of by the celebrated Wiughatu Method- by a new coat of paint -Quite a few Province -14r Fisher has good. eheep Mr W ilearnon and he is determined still to improve London bought a large quantity of ist Church Choir and Orcheetra. All went to °oder' , this week on the them, we hope he will be welt veld wood in this vicinity this week- are cordially invited. On tho Sun- Hooper trial, Mr. James Elliot, for his push and energy-Onr grain Mr B. Densmore had a large 'number day following,. service will be conduct one of our moii lenterprizing farmerte worried bar dogs a, few nights ed at 10.30, bv Rev John Scott, lti A, la going into the sheep business ex - buyers are on the market, but there 43f sheeP injured by a fell from a straw scaffold Gee, by Bev T tensively, and is buying up all the is not a great deal of grain corning in einee-leir P McDonald was severely of wingeane, met at 7.30, yet Farmers are too busy taking ad -Weeding ewes he can ger,-Mr. John one day last week. -A successful ihertioa left for Manitoba last week, vantage of the fine weather. • nottlz7011.1;,07:kiaci grmttriagareztttee; lite. teivrai,ei5 to remain with his daughter. -Annie The council wet on the evenine of entertainment wee held in the school Belgrave. Tuesday, the 15th October. Memibera house of No 18, Friday night, by the versary sermons were preached in the- e ti R teacher of that section,Miss J Ritchie. settle the me, on or before the nth 01 November, Methodist Monate Olt SO1IdaYs the" presen ess Paulin and•Davidson, The R.eeve in Though the Owe was not as well veal" ' f 1 t tilled as on some former occasions -Om.- . e arr, ing were read and confirmed, The there was a good average attendance • in attendance at each servioe, to hear following accounts were handed in,anil and notwithstanding the fact that gr, u. Edwards left for Miehigan olamotion by Jolie Davidson, second_ severe' who were to take pare did not The Orangemen are putting' au ade anneal tea meeting was held. neva on a prospecting tour last Monday- the tibia and eloquent discourses. On• the Teerelay evening followitig, the ed .Jae. Paulin, were puma and de. Pot in an appearance a very good to their hall and otherwise im. forh • . programme was rendered, which con. tliti°e. u it d ' d tea was an ininameee crowd, and all- seem - close up our business here on that date, V have all accounts settled by that moo, or lath inat., by Rev John Scott, ef Wingleme There were large numbers en be placed to other hands tor oollertion. Make note of the date. The Rev.. Dr. fitaff&d, Toronto; Rev. Wm Reeve. ivailedeoeit is our duty this week to daYs death ef .obattels will lie sold on a year's time. Langside. J. Comet,. Clerk. ohronicle•the very sudden Reynolds, Peoria, ; Rev A Mo. of seventy-six dollars. This speaks MONTREAL Witness; The idea of volumes for Mr, Hamilton, as in spite fostering a direct trade with foreign Of all difficultiesehe• has succeeded in discriminating maintaing his integrity end popularity countries by placing against the vicious attack of those who duties against indirect importations and washed to replace him byservile flatterers. -The farmers of this part in favor of direct importations from ' the producing country is one which .have never been favored with a better would only have occurred toe pate,rnal crop of potatoes, Mr, Saunders raised one hundred busbels from Government which knovra everybody's business alia ihteresta better Muni they ay.:rein two. tveo seerths of an. acre and Mr. hundred' bushels from do themselves; and wleich[ thinks that e ghthe ef an acre. -The line it is within the province of a govern- fence dispute between •Messre. Jaques -and Wiggins has been decided by the ment to restrict the commercial free- - . fence viewers in favor of Wiggins. - ston are digging a number of twilit.;health, health, and en T.uesday evening, after ,t. very succeseiel tea meeting was left now meliongtes offiee will be. . . • and cisterns in this • yieinity, Ordere.. house, bet etas not. missefor some a having had tea, she went .outside the held on Tuesday evening, Oct, 7the at promptly attended to.--alessrs. Wale.. Ebenezer Chnech. The tea was tw • se -- law and McKenzie held a rliee$111g on time, when. rtearch was made, and she edin the School House, after 'whieli. Wednesday evenina, 16th hen , fax was found lying on the .steps insen a very interesting prOgrammewa$ Ro- tate, hiving been atricken do en with st eurnegd the purpose : of or:anizieg a night paralysis, . She' was taken in the :fliele!t;iitt8:11inoir barltioPtilfirenrde• su11°°1' but the audience choosuee house and ateedical aid se -cured, but rGend(f) the Sabbath School. Miss rather to continue in ignorance tbail she neveiearecovered consoioasness, of Belgrave, and Miss was deneed best to let the wheel run.in to bear the burden of knowledge, it and patised.P,satiefully away on Wed- ...°.: Godfrey, e ars favored the -aodience with inneshdeary5aarfroona ' Tbe deceased was 6 II ed fairly, veryfew rott u on Y e . es .yrere the old rue -The potatoes bare iaa- excellent recitations The principal in East Wawatiosh and Turnberry. pareend was well known speakers of the evening were Rev found. ' • • MestreTtilige, or Blyth and Wallwin, Her deatii*I1 be regretted by ell of• J31nevaie, both denting chiefly with es e, • (INTENDED POR, LAST VIDIRIO who knew. - her. * Anderson and •ier. otronginau, of Lucknow, family 'have the sympathy of the athe ainuctaaeiceu de a La fb 1 theoimportance yoiItii ofpi, riodtakingof . .. t . , . . ,., . , missionary sermon in the PereanclotaedistateMilitir:n, On Sunday even'. dom of the people and subsi me wee. . The young people of Orange Hill are tune. - ' whole community, in their bereave- ing.-Mr. Duncan Ross is indisposed life, for future success and usefulneas. On the following evening a very Emily, tai classes at the expense of others. • 1 • 1 • for t* • t• , anxious y wis ung the orgitniza ion . engaged for $120. -Mr. James Oroyt- winter nights may be profitably spent. _ P W'e are leased to be, able to state After havingthe physical man satisfied ! eta 'University, rendered, vacant by the ' ' - • • chair, we had interesting • Jersey, visited his friendrlast week, eon, who a few weeks ago suddenly -Edwin Warren of Newark,New that Miss Lizzie Johnson, of the 10th and e,liact inglYtaaWn mst° pro co:::::::1°Paeln:tanngZtOht:t7 ft:Late:nu; ethics or morals. in. the Provincial No. 9, end which now presents a very death of Professor Toung, ba i been filled by the appointment of Mr. J. G. ance is doing well. -Nearly ale the gradually recovering it.-gllisses Mag - Ned leeks well and from. tell mem- 'pat the sight -of one of her eyes, is Ret1B-lei v e rtTheahie. ot fel; ;Lit hrp r osych:onewud gs , - peel); et . , cosy Se No. 9 was held tug concert. The school room WU Y ' MI" exquisitelyti / a • 6 ecora e wit evergreens, Humeoefaverite pupil of Professor the Teachers" Con e ti n • • school teachers of Howick attended gie and Katie Baxter left last week a . mottoes and. various. other artig Seaforth, where the Will carry Macrey at tindlater is now in attend. , v n o , which was for i 9 Y'oung.• and. Professor Jamea Mark held at Brunets. . thetilintene Model School. . Ma. which. added. to itsgeneral appearance. Baldtrib, Ph. D., forinerly of Prince- • ... ' . • on the dressmaking. -Mr Alex Kelly Miss Robertson, Miss. Clara Jew- p 1 and wife spent Siindayewlth friends in a- cep e came from far and near to see • itt and R.• L. Stewart attended ton.IIttiversity, and now professor of A umber oi , young folio) from 151.Vt'be , Wellesley townelhipee-Mes Jelin Wil- near the performanceshand pleas- inental. philosophy in. Lake Forest : son of die gravel •roada has been the Teachers' Convention at Brussels,and -A meeting fax the re.organieation of ,I3 tongs. &larger part of the e- the residence ot Mr J M ,Ross suffering for some • time with Rome around town and vicinity gathered at musicat talent was froin• Luoknow and Uni ity,, Chicago, These gent! 'and t te -th.. ri of her ankl e and the Literary Septet Willi held' on rou e o e e Tan chair of. logia, metaphysics and of a Literary Society, so that the long •.Turnberrve able free 'and easy social was held. at Pres . mat. Mr. M. McKenzie is re - we are sorreeto say there are still no s t gait asyc.heovoribitoigus,e.l. 41.itt.ineatra., stlicielorcrnaInt remnantwas assubryprtishingpuPthiles men. will the .chaii. jointly, but th tripping enjoyed: emse Yes thelight otfaiethnet elex:G2; Mr. Mime, having during the past .fantastic "till the weesmall hears of signs of revery.-LastWednesday . acted. as Seer° ary. The Low. foevescwf .the meet disttnguished person - in ethics: at Harvard:University., will enjoyed the•sweets of eingte blessed- .-0ourt was held here on Monday, t fo e no took part in the entertain- • „consequently a taiga crowd in town ness beet, • • " with. the spirit of,. his Wee h -iia • I t II W d e in 11 US , en e manner o , wen o er o e P I n , thatlittle Lucknow ca,n produce. A occupied the chair and Chas. Camp - year carried off a valuable scholarship the morning," on Weanesdayevening. 'Mr Jame Thompson vette has long be permitted4 to complete his studies ming dissatisfied with hie ing officers were, appointedr President, in accordance ivas the le:Ault-A grtiud assembly Hie t v t th 4th - It. L. Stewaat ; vice reede Marymime are as follows :--1Vlisses Berry,. Smith, Peart, Watson Graham and. Winifred Warwick: The 1.,ely au essra. afer,risott, Kerr application, whereinhe said that it Tuesday evening or thief week.-Theand Geddes.• The violin and organ, would be nob ' only advantageous to remen turned out last week and filled e the person. Ofilitisti aNiohol, a very treasnrer, . stimable young lady of that vicinity. managing committeefare abeut i• secure were made Co fill -the evening air with one of the tanks on Queen -etteet..- wride,yeeighn a gays, company of in. -.mg an.atrotennr 7.. the se.s.son'h Tile; the_lointostthetbransipooerstiwn of the univereity, if he wore allowed . • week . -Large t* ' f " 4' ' ) ' I . himself,. hut eascefor the best intereste Master Sam Rowed es on the sick 'me vited (reeds from Hulletv the 41,h, tneetings iet r li. held eveity Tuesday. . * ' ' ' " efuvienoifieg.e-On edyaemnisnefs.a.ofoutsbeee. ut „„ violint transporting. eant roati up; niessep oel 1: to continue his studies, . are coining into the market'dailye- this wee t,- arge quan ities o gram - „ eatable& at his residence and spent and the immediate neig ibor mod as- yet .61 . P 1 ' lvDhrirhawgaasvedaiffisee.Nejott.toton, _......_.. . 'Afrej 'Davis,; the tOwtt couiltablO, .t} ' 11" lie with Tit 'Or Via &rig a d 2I tl vicinity assentbled at lute ,. le igum ,. n 1 n151,% deguish frern ;the pipet?. A delightful ,At a Meeting of the Senate a the -, was ih Petrolia last week on Imsinese. kindred imasenients 1111 the signs of Freaky Perdties and a very alijOyakie pert Of the programme was- spenteine tieiversity, the other night, . lees ..-We lean that' Billy. had a raffle. for approaching day warned! them, as it evening was spent. • Indian club ewinginge. performed. by Davis. of North York, received the ahersit ofiSaturdayulght. However, did the fairies -of oldenetime thee thew- Misses 13erry, and Graham. All went degree of Bachelor of Medicine', the we will"not mention what the brine must away totheir owo babitittiodse • . Glen anneal,. Mi; Cornyin teacherin S., S. No. 8, home pleased with the. eveningai pre- • Ant ever cdnferred her the University wag worth. 10 cents a throw when wishing ' the happy'.eouple .a '. ceedings. The reiiiipts of the conceree they was talien down eiclesin Thursday last, on te woman, though of B. A.'s mare was 'the fee. -.-The Diamond hleaicine prosperous. voyagothrouali life, some $16, will be deyoted to purchage with iesevere e.olcie which necessitated than a score 'hate been rent out. OomPealSO wit° have Leen givina: etme 'took their departure, The Times also a library for 61:6436'10th of the school.. him to close the school. • We are glad berts daring the past week4 took the •extends its ccitgratulations -Mr Win Rev, William Stephenson, D. 3)..4 a • ' M d forOr t . I 41 * ' to earret at the tether, e est now open Goodericti una. family.• leaves to day mormug tram on on ay irt on. . rycon. and took unto himseif a wife in Ithister ; secretary, Chas. Catu,pbell ; wha d m 'elenore.. framer minister of the Methodist • -alley Mr Taylor, of Mitchell, preaeb (oeiday,) toe aphessahne, eagonno • tend Mr. Corey,/ fully recuperated. eoenotnination in Canada, died' ." ed in Trinity Church, last Sunday, Alley van settee on the farm of Mr l3riet as Mr. Oornyie ecanurn has been School Report -The following is the. 11', ittehin,g+ le_.;'i, \-11 W, 'ea" _ isdaY. Tile., both morning and evening.** Wilt amines penis, in one midst, he sheens to have won report of examination held on Friday,. aeceattece during a long eau active powtei was visiting which. Mr Geodetic', his parents in has engaged to worn, for a teem of golden opinionae he proof of 'velaieh Mee 18th Mel: Vouttle eltiss-M Fry -. career irt Canada, filled leading pulpits Olinten,, last Sunday -4f B MeOcire 'ears, . we have only to chronicle the fact that fogle 80 per eent; • M Jeffi•ay, 10; ta took a splendid, group.of teeolter and hwin, 95; A,Irwin, a4; S Oltittick, 80. ..• 110Wielt. in Toronto, Hatteltort and. several nelt .pert Sunday with hie parents, ale Mason, Photographer, Wittgbarn DIAL ti, 78. Senior Third elass-E • other cities. who teal& here. -Mrs J Emigh and ' Mr. E. V. Sodom% ef Vancouver, .dsughter were in Londesboro heat ' John•Orofts, jr, of thietownthip, pupils an Tneeday last. 'Junior Third clasti-fd• Abram, /9 per It. O., diea suddenly on Friday night week„ -Mr P Oonrey, of London, re ,vat tried at the Huron assizes, this . cent; L Rolston,77;. M A Hall, 70. while sitting ii, 'Margolies oar at Mor. presenting the grin of John Birrell f:week, under the Charlton. Act,. and Mare:took Mr Robert Ferguson, of 'Seurat Oily, Perkins., 42 'Second. olags-J Fey, 45 per cent; R par cent; E Perkiue, 89. ley, N, W. T. He was on a shooting & Co, was in town 'set week -Mr was Sound not guilty. . • ...„ ,,, tr p, Deceased was 61 years old and Albert, Scott drove over from Clinton lee.- efaintels, paid. his friends in this wart beoOrta-S Wileon, 95 per cent; . . . had resided iu Vanoolorer two years last Sonday,-Mr It Crittington was Detective Wesley Webb. had David vicinity a flying visit last week. R Jeffrey, 85;1 Ahtern, 8e*alr 1.1 Me- lte was offered the mayoralty last in town on Sunday -Mr W EI Stew- Ever, of Merlibara, geed $1.00 and Mies Aggie leieg ateernpaeied ben Hardy is attending the Rarriston yeerarid was formerly President • of art, principal of the public echool, awe for infraotion of the atedioal hack to the Prairie ProYin siereatir .fligh School. the Itoterd na Trade. From 1887 , to hes again been engaged to teach tor Act, nn Tneerlay and an Wedneeday 'Robert Reilly lios returned ' froin,,,his 11;75 he sae in the Oorometitte far South the veining year, at -a eatery $480.- 'And H. Wonfiwr was mulct in a eimi. time ite the Northweet. Ile her Or. Elle Wheeler•Wileox stip+ ; The. keefoed,nodertareveedeerassuperintes W li MeBeitle,our popular teWnsmee, rer tum, and Moses Ern in 4st at chased a farm and intends moving worst man 1 ever knew bad no vitt. itiak of the Welland Canal. ' was in Kineardine this week. Ititrlin fins einetter offemouto .i4s,.' his family out there in the spring, Bad men often lose troth. grip. ' • e • ,