HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-10-25, Page 2set .440..,4141 ; ling am Cimt$ vdd I y bring to the notloe of the dela- was paid $6..?0 . for repairing gravel p PATERSON, getes a movement in the North to. roe oppeelte ots le arid 17, eon. 13. • Fury, OCTOBER 25. 1889. EDITORIAIi NOTES. I e Canada there are 12,701 miles of railroad in operation, on which ward eun.on which wee in harmony th. raile ay The reeve was aprinted to urgo upon Smarr ON DIOUTIl DIVISION COURT, balm 0? with the progress of mankind the kAll• AWN LICSNANS. the county counci the justtoo of the woad over. The day of the filibuster debt of the towneassuming apart hip, at the December elit'EvALE, • • • owr, comity . of e has passed. This ntita, as that of session IA the may coouneil. Mr. FRED. Gibson having declined to act on the conqueror, and couquest, was smiting almost out of use and out committee appointed to examine Mr. Contractor of si8ht, Munroe' report and the auditors' re - while by the exieeoce of commerce, port, Mr. IticKay W AS appointed hi his place, Ur, A. 11, Timelier was voted $3 for closing up a ditch at his place. The fiutince committee re- commended payment of accounts amounting to $11.90, The report was tidopted,and the council adjourned till Deoenalter 16th. WINOirAE, there are 1,657 l000inotives, 1,912 passenger cars, and 44,009 freight Agent for cars. Toe total number of miles of rail- $500,000 TO LOAN, roads in the United States at the On Farm anci Town Property ateery Low* Rates and On Terms to suit borrowere. close (41888 was 156,082, of which MORTGAGES PURCHASED, P40 QOMMISSION CHARGED. 7,028 miles were built during the borrowers can obtain money In 5 days it satisfaetory year, Japanese Di , sasters. •it. VANSTONE, The steamer City of Pekin, from Bearer Block, Wiaghain. Te is estimated that the Manitoba China and Japan, brings au account of Government will have at least a major- a tidal wave in which near.), twelve MONEY TO LEND. the obliteration of barriers that divide mankind, and the harmonizing in. fluences of mutual trade, the whole world was tending toward a fulfil. rarest of the prophesy that ushered in the Redeemer of the world "Peace on earth, good will toward WRIGHT, and Builder, nowney's (Thilsrer4) CcUng es% men!" Teeswat3r. The liutter factory will soon be closed for this year. Mr. Brill' has done a very good season's work, and the patrons are well satisfies' with the way the business has been concluded. —The annual meeting of the Upper hundred persons lost their lives toad icy of nine or ten, and probably thir- teen or fourteen, to the Legislature away, On September lith, the same tr _ageS. For eine apply to, 1'. Die/LAREN. when it introduces its propesed legis- day that Yokohama was so seriously or WM. MoPHERSON, Kliasualta, Wingham, Rem, Glenfarrowl two thousand houses were washed Tuitiert°11tPrttY RhAruiTli?bNoirs,THEtoT?oWillSollallploC;I: Tr T . damaged by a typhoon, a violent rain win lation respecting dual languages and ghaih, May storm occurred at Hazugun and Aids. Separate schools, Canada Bible Society was held in Zion iken. By two o'cloCk the sea had THE new law of the state of New Oburch on the evening of Monday 21et risen several feet above the ordinary York for the xecution of criminals by inst, at 7 o'clook. Rev J 0 Manly, high tide, and just after nightfall the e agent e f the Society, delivered au waves mounted to a great ' heitdit electricity, instead of by the rope, v ' address. , yeas1 ling away the embankment .and will probably soon be enforced, Judge levelling the buildings near the shore. Day, before whom the evidence for Shortly after this a wave fifteen feet and against the electrical system was higher than the highest of those that Luoknow. Efforts arebeing made to start a given on Thursday evening hist by the THE 150th anniversary of the estab- Rev Austin Potter, of Dungannon, on lishment of Methodism on this con- his personal reminiscences of the American War, was one of the ablest and most interesting lectures ever delivered in the place.—The anniver- eery of the Lnoknow Methodist church has been fixed for December 8th and 9th. Ir is expected that Rev. G. R. the Methodist church an this conti- Turk, of Guelph, will preach the anni- versary sermons on the 8tb, and that nent. he and Rev. J. Livingstone, of Clinton, Trio national crop report estimates will speak at the tat -meeting on the the wheat yield per acre in the princi- 9th• Mechanics Institnte.—The lecture presented, has decided the new law is night school in connection with our had preceded it, rolled in with a great roar, washing away the remaining por- constitutional. tion of the embankment and carrying with it nearly all the houses of the village along the beach. This was done so suddenly that the inhabitants had no time to escape. At Oki.do, all the houses, twenty-three in number, were washed away, and out of ninety inhabitants fifty-four lost their lives. At Jitzeroku, forty houses were washed away and 50 out of a population of • 250 were killed. At lkuta Mura 120 houses were washed away, about. 20 broken up and 40 of the inhabitants killed. At Youhida Mura 350 out of 6,50 houses were washed away and 628 of the population of 3,000 were killed. At Toba Mura, containing 220 houses and a population of 1,130, ten hellos were broken up and ten persons perish- ed. -In addition to those enumerated 369bodies have been fouud, and there are yet 280 persons missing. tinent will be celebrated on Oct. 25. John Wesley began- his agitation for at deeper spiritual life in 1729, and his • brother Charles paid a brief visit to Georgia, which became the home of pal states as follows :—New York, 18 8; Pennsylvaiiia, 12.3 ;, Ohio, 146; Michigan, 14 7; Indiana, 14.7 ; ;lois, 16 ; Wisconsin, 14.2 Minnesota, 14.6 ; Iowa, 13.1'; Missouri, 18 ; Kansas, 18,4; Nebraska„ 12; and California, 15 bushels per acre. THE Montreal Herald says:—A.C.P. R. debenture loan of X800,000 ster- ling, nearly equivalent to $4,500,000, was put ou the London money market - by Baring Bros. a few dap ago. The subscriptions were to have remained open till Friday next. but the applica- tions for the,bonds were so numerous that the list was closed last week. The new debentures immediately rose 'to 1 premium. Canadian Pacific common stock watt quoted last week in London at The British invest. big public evidently have confidence in the financial standing of the 0. P. R. Vompany. THE competition between New York • and Chicago for the honor of being 'the some of the next World's Fair, still goes f ,rward, and is conducted with much vim on both sides. New York, however, with all her trumpet- ing, suffers from a constitutional un- williugnesa to contribute money. * With all her wealth she has not yet been able to see her way clear to raise. a Suitable guarantee fund, a point wherein she is indisputably inferior to • Chicego,that metropolis being already "solid" with $4,000,000, and intent on raising $10,000,000 more. Erastus Wiman dined the dela- gatee of the International. American Trade congress, at the Falls lately. Mr. Goldwie Smith. was among the pests, Mr. Wiman, speaking in favor of reciprocity pointed out the rare gifts Canada had at her disposal, and the advantages the obliteration of the 'Custom's barriet would be both to'her Brussels. A charity concert will be. given on the evening of Thanksgiving day in the Town Hall.—The Orangemen pur- pose celebrating the, 5th of November by holding au .A,t, Home in their Hall, in this place. .A programme of address- es, music, &a, will be ia order after e engersoll has a large number of tea.—The Young Peoples' Christian cases ,pf diphtheria and typhoid Association of the Methodist chnreln Brussels, is going ahead famously and fever. no dontit the interest it the Monday The. kisigof Portinsal, who has been evening services will increaill for some time, died on Saturday se now that the long evenings are about here.-- last. , Th» Duke of Braganze, eldest The Voters' List Come was held. be. son of the king Who succeeds to the fora Judge Toms, in the Council throne will assume the. title of Car - Chamber ou Thursday forenoon of los I. last week. Senator Janes Turner, of Hamil- ton, died on Saturday evening at his Ciiiross. late residence,. Highfield. The Sena -- A- public meeting of the ratepayers tor's death was not unexpected, as. he of Cuirass will be held in, the Town had, been, rapidlysinkingfor the past ,Hall, Teeswater, on-Friday,25th Oct., few days. Mr. Turner was born in at 1 clock p. m., for the -purpose of ex- Glasgow in 1826, and came to Llamil• plaining Munro's report for taking in- fon, in 1818; having resided there ever to coneideratioa how the Railway since. He rapidly became pro. Bonus of 180, is to be met, and the minent in.business ciroles, being at the shortage in the Sinfting Fund. time of his death head of the whole Mrs. Wm.. NIcKenzie,on 4, Culross, sale grocery firm of James Turner has this year obtained over fifty prier & Co.,, the senior primer of the firm for fancy and useful articles of her of Turner, Ross & Co., Montreal, and own tna.ke. Shp exhibited aS. the that .of .Turner, McKeand & Co., Toronto Industrial and other impel.. Winnipeg, lie was also connected taut shows and at all the surrounclin with the railway and bankin interests g g fairs, That Mrs. McKenzie is an el-. of this city. Mr. Turner was called pert at this kind of work is plainly to the Senate on Jan. 1201,1881. shown•by the very large u,umber of . prizes she has obtained. - son Exhaustion. The council wet on the lst 'inst. It always ought to be borne in mihd in the town ball, Teeswater. All . that .wlettis taken ftson the soil direct members present. Minutes read rind ly or indirectly tends to exhaust Its approved. Mr. Paisley was voted $8 fertile elements, and in time must im- to dig a ditch -opposite lot 13, cons. 10 poverish it, unless these 'elements are and, 11, to be paid when the- work is in some form retarned. Whatever satisfactorily completed.' 1r. Lou tit t line of agriculture ti e farmer pursues, voted $3 for cleaning out culvert op- he ought to inctude in the cost of his posite lot 184 con, 1: Messrs. Clark product the soil elements used up, as and'Gibson were •appointed a- com- well as the labor bestowed If his mtttee to examine Mr. Munro's report line of farming is exhausted,he shunts' and the auditors' statement and . re- be liberal in the applibation of f( rtil- port. The, reeve was authorized to izers that Will supply the elements tip.; take advice from the.County Solicitor Propriated. Prof. Long, hi a lecture re ditch ist lot 17, coas. 10 and 11, before the Cirencester Chamber of The reeve was instructed to have the Agriculture, England, says that a ton gravel road opposite lots 15 and 16, • of butter takes frond the soil 2 7 pounds put in safe condition for travel, also a of nitrogen, 1.58 pounds of phospliorie culvert north of the bridge at the same acid, and one, pound of potash, the *Uth4 IL• E . e 't T SOAP and to nit ed States. Ile also Placle e. ' D. A. Irend, pathmaster, total valuofwhich he estitnates a , TO pointed out that the whole six millions was instiudted to have the gravel road about 40 cents, No other product 3202.,c,cluisite, tc,,...",,,, 'roue,* repaired to prevent further damage probably, takes a? small all amount of - of chillers of duties colleCted on raw by water tn the culvert lately built by, ferttlizilig• material off ReMoveS rreCklen, Tan and Stmlnun, makes front the farm. the Skin Soft, White and Smooth. Material 'from Canada, divided among ker. O'Malley, opposite his place. The Cheese is much in ire exheustive; The tehi sixty millions of poptilatiori abeolutely - finance Own saitteo reported, ',non,. profeesor's estimate is that a ton of sell:earhealing properties of the l= . amounts to lees, than a ten cent cigar' mending payment of accounts for Cheese takes from the soil 112. pounds In connection at T8TElVis 07117'lltZ to each pergno per swim. In tne - , 'Wilber, gravel, work, etc., amounting of nitrogen, 1.58 pounds of phosphoric SALTS and SI'LLVB, cures Ecterna, Salt Rheum and all diseases of Moen and Skin. to $146.49, The report was adopted ae'd and One pound of pottish.-valued ProSidence of God he alio ape k ) Ask your Druggist for Testimonial*. was in a certain settee a Messenger bee The riolitioil then adjourned. Off (rein the fartn there go with it, in Money to Loan on Notes, Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES. Money advanced on Mortgages at 0 per cent. with lainlialceigoeuonfj)cagiiinztealthe end of any year. Notes MoINDOO. OrrieS,-Bayer Block. Wingham, Ont. S a na'l REAL ESTATE AND FIREINSUR- ANCE AGENCY. OFFICE : KENT'S BLOCK, WINGHAM, Private funds to loan. A number of Building Lots and Residence proper Mee for Sale. Those desiring to makes home in Wingham should communicate with, or apply in person at my Office, where all necessary Information can bo btaoined. BANK OF HAMILTON, I mir Capital, $1,000,000. Rest, $400,000. prostaset-ione STUART. Vice -President -11m Jarmo Tomei, DIRECTORS A. G. RAMAT, Joao PaOcrort, CIIAs. CluaNNY, Gao Ream A. T. Woo. CaShier-J. TURNBULL. Savings Dank hours, 10 to 3; Saturdays, 10 to 1. Deposits of 31 and upwards received and interest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current. rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United St i te bonght and sold. B. WILLSON, AGENT. 111411YER & DICKINSON, SOLIOITORS. a DAVIS IS OFFERING , ----ON— P0PMleerr'Y AT VERY LOW RATES. EVERT F TIMES OFFIO 1,1oe roe STK e ONTARIO. •••,...•••••••••••• Subsoriptionprice, lit per ysar,in &dynamo 6 ADVERTISING BATES: Space, 1 1 yr, 1 6 um 1 3 mo. 1 Dm One ‘ohnun 160 00 085 00 220 00 1303 , Balt ." 36 00 30 00 12. 00 to Quarter 20 00 12 00 7 00 00 one loch 500 3 00 200 • 1 00. • Local and et ler ewe advertisements, Po. per line for first insertion, and 30. per line for each atibeequ en. Ineertion. Local notices, in nonpareil type, 10e. tor ant sertfon, and 6o. per line tor each subscquout insert to No local notice will be charged loss than 26c. Ad vertisenients of Lost, Found, Stray ed, Situatioa and Business Ohanees nted, not exceeding 3 limn nonpareil, V. per m Houses and Farni Side, net exceeding 8 lbw, 11 for first month, 60e. per subsequent inonth, These tcrfne will be strictly adhered to. Special rated tor longer advertisements, 06 ke longer periods. Advertisements without epecifle directions will b. inserted till forbid and charged accordingly: Tran- sitory advertisements moat be paid In advance. Changes for contract ad advertisements must be to the office by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that week R. ELLIOTT SSOPAIRTOIL AND rUSLBIDIDA 1)R. MACDONALD, JOSEPHINE STREET, Wu-40mm, - • Osman yNE, J. A. MELDRUM, U Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Mee and Residence -The old stand formerly anew pied by Dr. Bethune, at the corner of Centre and Patrick strecte, CST, DR. F. E. GODFREY, First-clasa honor man and general proficiency medal-. ist Toronto University. Member College Physictans and Surgeons of Ontario. BEILOSAVD, BST, Office -At Methodist Parponage. Is A MR BARRISTER c., Wingham • stark, D NANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEYANCER, ETO. OFFICES -Beaver Block, WINOIIAM, 0 °ORRIS and Birth. ONT. interest. Mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold. Mercantile collections a specialty.. Private and Company funds to loan at low rates of - • - • %MILIAN. DENTISTRY.- J. S. JEROME, .1 Jerome is manufacturing celL, luloid Plates Vulcanite plates of the best material as cheap as they can be got in the Dominion. All work war- ranted. Vegetable Vapor administered for the ,painless extraction of teeth, the only safe anesthetic known. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick Hotel. F,NTISTRY.-.W. II. MACDONALD, WJNONAN. Maker of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy, Silve. Gold, eto., etc., Plates, ranging in prices from 3600 upa suds per set crownng and bridgework. Teeth ex traded without the least pain by the use of Vital, ized Air. kletid Office, Wingham, side entrance op- posite the Queen's hetet, open daily (Sunday% except- ed) from 9 a In to 5..p Will be at Blyth every 2nd and 4th Saturday of eachmontir-Ofilccat Milner+, hotel; Gorrio: 1st and 3rd Mondays.ol each month - Office at Albion hotel. Extracting, 2.6 cents. JOHN RITCIIIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT. 0 FFICE-OlzintsiTE. THE MARKET. WISEMAN OCTOBER 4zII, 1888. $11.2iM RosEar. C WIC WINGIIAM, IIIINGSILAh‘ANCE • 2.aauesiAnnWaiweeneneratiasereseaw,i 4 g- VINT MYET WI' A-IC:Mil, Supplies all necessaries for fun. • eral furnishing having a Deliver y Wagon speoially:.for this branch of business, All or d a n t ten d ea personally, and. delivered any; = where within 10 miles of Wing:. hain. S. GRACEY, ▪ Remember the place, first door south of the big brick hotel ou the main street, Wingharn. illaaam.11..114 .1 a in gm... TOTRIW•OF•HRTITH a er and the accounts ordered to be paid0 at about $10, When the milk is sold 4ween tile two countries, at once Council Met again on the kit inst, the chee ise, 2.72 pounda of nitrogen. ItuOlte subject Of ti'ar Msjeety ritt the `Metxtberts all preeent. By-law No. 7, 1 84 pourtifrof phosphoric acid, mid Totem of Health G 0 deputy- returning ofileers for the elecLONOON, ONT. . — yok resig4 the opportunity to thus was read a first tirnti o, Win. Scott, jr,,i 6),T cell and subscribe,. • . Wingh am Agency, Oil* hand, and * grateful sorest of the !king polUut beothe and p.pinit1 6.67 pounds of petash. grStat ItePu 444 611e Other, be scut tion of municipal ectinoil for The Tonts win be comb front now till . the end of the year for I0 cents. send for ICHISHOLE's COltNnit Dana SToun, 0. P. AND MARINE, GUELPH. DEAN, JR,, Woolf/or, ONTATUI?• LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE comair, OF IIURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charges. Moderate, JOHN CURRIE, WIttaiwir, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER tort TUE 'COUNT/ or DIMON. • Alt orders left at the MISS °Mee p ronlpt14attentl- ed to, Terms reasonable. • JAMES HENDERS011, LIOENSED AUCTIONEER roe COUNTIES BORON ADD Banos, All anion attended to -promptly and on the Shortest Notice. , Charges Modeate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. All necessary arrangements can be made at ilk Taos' mace WINOI1Alf, , ONT. BOLTON ds HAWEINS, P. L. az D. L. SURVEYORS AND Div% Exoutbstsa,,, LISTOWEL AND %INGHAM. All orders Ieft at the office of the TAM Will re- ceive prompt attention. ELSON T. RITCHIE, P, L. Surveyor, Civil Engineer and 'Broughton.* Particular attention paid to division of properties, into building lots, nettling disputed boundaries, preparing complete plass Of towns and viliagee, as per Registry Act, end descriptions of properties. for insertion in deeds, Cross,Sections Of ilvers made and estimates of coat of Bridgen, Culverts, Ito, Pro. files and estimates for grading hills, dr:dna:re, road. and street improvements, sewers and other Engl.. heeling, worke. Correspondence solicited, stating. place and character of work. OPPION-At J.41, MOItToN's law office, WIngham, Oat, . 1VE S MISS LILO' MOTIARDA r1LASSES OR INSTRUCTION ON PIANO AND, 1„,,, Organ, in VOice Culture and Harmony. Mum Roos IN NAVIN tBrOOS,