HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-10-18, Page 8w1: _ ' `_ M'M.--•.,ri+F.W�.+••l. r1.... -... • C':•-. . t •""••.'*-e^'•4Rn .. ::.,.�+•. Ot C +' ` The postal card wag: twenty years witty old as. act 1, X889. Austria. leas the 11 •credit of tir,st adopting the invention, : • .,7M though it was first Advocated by the FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 18; 1889. German. Post- master. general, Dr Stephiin. Oil vet 1, 1b69, a kairrea- ' pondens Kerte first burst on the Bruce County Items,, astonished Continental world. —TiheW'est Bruce Teachers' Amain- - -- BO N. tion will meet at Kitteardiue on Tours. /Wir.sos-Di Wite tam, on the 15th lust, day and Friday, Oilt. 31st and Nov. the wife of Mr. Joh 1 Wilson, Y E3; a sou. l,st. .,<"FainNnsure—In Z' gleam. oil the 15t11 —The East Bruce Teachers'' As. lusonst., the wife of Mr hos1'rjendship ; a ';oei13tion, will meet in Mosley on „d►B1sowx.•-•In East atvanoshr on the 17th Thursday and friday, Oet. 24t11 :cud • inst., the wife of lv I' Brown ; tt, on. 2541. I Bon,-Iu. Dr seals, on Oet. Ord, the wife of Mr Frau • Le Ban; a daughter. —The Rev. Angus Bawd,. late of /Cl,o8KEr.—lu zis, on the 9th inst., North. Bruce and t•3angeeu, was induct• the wife, of Mr W Oleaky; a daughter. F'dinto the postal change of Ormstown, Sa11Tu.--In Mord , on the 7th inst, the Quebec, on Tuesday last, wife of Mr John S ith; a daughter.. ---The Kincardine CUrlint? «'b Clluhas wife x. --1t1 Br :vials, on the 9th ins., the wwife of Mr R Barrett; a son. re-orgainzed.as follows.: President, L M BREED Rightmeyer ; viec'•president, Dr mar. BEE;SER-Cant; ER -At Berlin, on the bra f patron and patroness, air and nits 9th inst.; MVIr = Deemer, Merchant, to J no Watson ;.representative member,; aflthis toypter, cis +r of Mies E F Gersten, e'iajor J H Scott ; ebaplailu, Rev Mr "ons -H .L'ENNr -In Elma, on the 9.11 Turnbull. ins.„ by the Rev J Caswell, Matthew Moore to Emilia e, eldest daughter of The famous Brooklyn Taborndcle, Eioh$rd IIalpena', all of Elma. I'fia-Hulas -At the residence of of which Rev ilel'Vitt Talmage, D D, the brideb fwtlle an the 10th inet„ bqq the is pastor, was burned early Sunday Rev. A SV Toue, of itiyth, Mr �1 H. morning for the secoua time in its Peter, of Bervie, to Miss Sarali Hunter, The daughter of Dar n Hunter, of Morris history. ori„ni of the fiire is un- township. known. The sexton denies the rumor that fires had been lighted in the ,oelawrsi-In BelDI mo e, op the 14th, inst., furnaces. , Edison's workmen were in FrauoisW Irwin, ged 72 years and 8 the building Saturday arranging a 150othe. new electric plant, and it is thought.Roorays-In ngham, oil the 10th tlutt during the thunder shower that . lust , .)ora Jane, = dest daughter of Mr. F. n H. ltoderue, aged years, 3 mouths and night lightning was carried into the li, days, building by the wires they introduced CeNxaoN-in Clint , , on Tuesday, 15th The building and: furniture cost about Oat., Margaret Delve ge, relict of the late $226,00t3 and the organ, ono of the Be,. Cuare son—tTuu.B finest iu the country, $20,000. 'In- Alfie, youugesb da surauo , 8129,400. The Brooklyn Cormack, aged 12 y Tabernacle was"of the fourteenth con• days• tury Gothic architecture, and was OurvER -Tn Grey, 22,eb . ..... , g.. 6 year Oliver, aged 0 brick with dedicated lstone trimmings, 7wasith a• 'roron to frontage of 160 feet and a depth of The receipts a 118 feet, to which had recently been elllns at oa to 36 added all extension of 60 feet wide g tering, and Oso to. Oa for goose. and 12 feet deep, The' seating capac-' BAnl,rx—Stead : 6,000 bushels sold at ity was 2,800, and it was always taxed 43o to 630, the la ter for old. OATS -Steady .200 bushels selling at 32c ssels, on Oot; ghter of Mrs. Agnea rs, 9 months and 19 the 6th iust.Pranois y and 2 mouths. Itreat 32<urkets. grain -ern Wecinbsday T -Steady; 500 bushels for fall, red winter and ati the Sunday seivices. The previous structure, which was built of - uorru. ta; 330. Pleas -Firm : 10 gated iron, was destroyed by fire on 640, ►S'unday morning, Dee 22, 1872. .ICAs -Steady; eceipts more liberal. Forty two loads ld•at 07 to 29 kr clover, and 211.00 to $1 -76 for timothy.. Sratw Aiono o ring on the street to- day. Prices nomi al at $9.60 to $12.00 DRESS= Hoar None offering. Prices nominal at $6,60 to $7.00. bushels said at 580 to That fire was also of uuoxplaiued origin. Tim suit at the . Toronto aasizes of airs Libbie Brennan, wife of Joseph S Brennan, of Hamilton, from whom idle is now living apart, against her father -in law for $40,000 damanes on . the ground that he induced her to marry his son by representing him to have an income of $3,000 a year, and to be sober and moral, has ended in a disagreement of the jury. A. decision wilt now have to `be given at •Osgoode Hall as to whether the suit is action- able, Iii the event of a negative de- cisicn the case is ended forever. If the suit is pronounced actionable, it . may be to -tried at next Assizes. It We find elle following .in an ex- change :—One of the very painful spectacles of life is to see a little ci'ili:l half 'suffocated in paroxysm of whooplo„ cough. Here is a way to lsrelik up the parotysni at once, cent - mended as infallible by some learned practitioners in Germany and Switzer- '.;.nd :--t'ut the first and second finger* b. hind. the ascending branch or: the lover jaw bone and your thumbs triton the chin. and- then draw the lower jaw forward and depress the chin by the Same movement, land tell' the child do draw a full breath. air John Smith, tailor, of 'Clinton, turned another milestone in the , ,journey through life, on the 11th of JOEN CURRIE, Wiseman, ONT., October., this birthday. His father also was born on the 1lth Oct, and LICENSED Ati0T10NEE on the lith Oct, and Mt Smith's , A All Term i.reasonab ossa office prof ptly attend - died oldest son was,born on the llth Oat, NOTICE' that any pe send fro k la WINGHAM MARKETS. Wrno,A.,, October 17, 1889 Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. 'our per 100 lbs, • $ 2 00 10 2 00 Fall Wheat per bushel, 0 75 0 80 Spring 4,- 0 76 to 1:1 New Oats, - 26 to . 01d Oats - - 26 to 26 Barley. Peas, 60 tote 50 Potato,,. 30 to 35 Rutter late made • 14 to 16 do Rolls, - - 13 to 16 do summer made - 12 to 13 Eggs per dozen, • 16 to 10 Wood per cord, 2 25 to 1 60 Hay per ton, 6 00 to 7 00 O. P. R. TIME Tg.IfL 2. Trains arrive and depart as follows 115 vii a ARRIVING 5:s6 a. ra ....- ., ..Par Toronto.. .... .. •.5:36 a. m 2:16 m .. 2:16 p. to .., :.., .... For' eeswater ..2:16 p em 10:30 p. m 10:80 " a -P TD wi J tT]S K RAX A. C. STRATHDEE, AGENT, •Wrsarrasw Through tickets to all points in America -North- West, Pacific) Coast, ete., via tho 'shortest and all popular routes, Baggage checked through to destination. nowest freight rates to all points. --TIME TABLE. LRAW PANAMA. ARRIVE AT WIliOIrAM. 6:39 a.m.Toronto, Quelph, Palmerston. &o. 8:30 pan. 11:10 " " 10:10 • " 3:40 p.m, " " Clinton, " 77:26 " .,....Palmerston, Mixed......10 20 a.m. 6:50 turn .......... London, &e.. 11:00 " 8:40 .m, " p,m. I1:10 a.m....,...rifncardine, &o., .. ,6:89 a.m. 01g13'`11 " •11:10•'. 1a:sop,m. The Canadian Pacific Railway Com. Is hereby giv puly has closed. a contract with -.is. removing travel mullet= part of Barrow Shipbuilding Company icor e ,Town .,til• a s+Earners of 6,000 tons each for ,r1ed,ws yorirow ' h.• Pacific service. The company has the law., snot yet .decided 'whether to run the service itself or transfer it to a new Wi ha or other nthew ingl,am, co the corse the atm t. 16, 1889. arsons f'onnd se trespassing t side of Jose. rmonly known t of the under - at extremity of . B. WE11B, company. Wanted. A sharp, Active, willing buy, td take care of a Edward Merrill; barrister, of Picton, home, and to ba generally useful a •ound the house and oilico. Apply to bay twee appuiilt,'dl Comity Courterage Oa. MosCDONALD. f r PriPt•.e.Edward County,Onl.,in the Notice to Contra= -tors. stead of Judge Jellett, the condition 1'endeta for the ercctiori of a -.70•otorejy Brick of whose health is such as to interfere Hall fcrtheCor oration of the tt of Vliaghanr 1p till 4 O'clock, . it`t ,i,N 11iselihhr„ge Of the duties of the wlimb onooivod ytho 'AVIV t of d pOsltlOtl. Pians and specifications can be see, The resignation of Rev tleorge rule' Winghani Det, 9,1889 08T. slot Is . , • position Its president of the �y Ws'sterli liongtegatioliel, Union has BARBER S been in eeptod by the I3oard of, 110: collar MR. MALCOLM McD' 1 ALD, Archbishop teabrr Tied directed the NM or alFfadr,) . ,*taltleion of the rebellions medical NatiniC •ptrrchaeedthe bar henna hgein Sebaat an 8tos,. ie prepared t4 give edl rl suit -tate treat, the t.atiaw13tr hofrtritals mad ea maey new ones e8 pstronfze T fn alt ltaeo of the profeeeler. 3o %nfttmel. SHAVING AND *AMC Sixty =ion wafr'ai kill'ea by stet ex. are Warst»nlwttiess. phooto i.. lr um f.3rL18'lT tt 11i'1rPr t tf ` we ma a atll'sti the old steed, o at,rF ilei tty to`e etgre, 490ruiwttiosi Litt0JiS1461, O2 e°41Di'tifl7lli'�'. >I1; NOB The lowest ar any tender not nee ovember, 1889, at my office. rily accepted, D00, Mayor. OP. ss of Resort. Id orstomere eadfefaotion NG fie Gordo% WV* Tier 0/0Z, C Has evert confidence in inviting you to ins his stook of General Dry Goods, Tailorig and Cents' Furnishing, GROCERIES. BOOTS ad SHOES. ,.*.,U4..N'neli. ole 4/*6+1 .k rn.4.,i.`..,i: ri..i1,,,td v. i„... DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. • Choice Novelties in shades and designs, including black and colored KHnriettes, Cashmeres, Serges, Twills, Heather Mixtures, Tartans, Plaids, Silks, black and colored M.arvell.eux Brft'ck, black and' colors 1 Satins. Novelties in Shawls, Plushes, Skirts and Skirtings, and a large assorltntell,t of bian 1.ee and ,1lantlin-,s. lry .h' GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. Great display and prime value in Worsted Snitings, Scotch and Irish Tweeds, `full' range orMix Checks and Stripe r. l`rouserings. Stylish'new goods. 'Jvereoatings in Naps, leavers, Meltons. Ecce value in Rubber Coats, Umbrellas, Suspenders,, Gloves and Mitts, Collars and Cuffs, Cashmeres and Outliers, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, full dress Shirts, Neck Wear, four-in-hand Knot Scarfs Pu if Self Calvrs. HOSIERY ,AAL Np SML' .v.:AR—Wool, Cashmere, Silk and Merino Rose. Wool, I.1 eh - mere and Merino Underwear. • Children and ladies' Cashmere and Kid Gloves,. Fascinator floods and Caps. BOOTS and SI -10T -GS. For value,'make,-variety and assortment don't miss seeing our Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes, IN8PE'CTIO?� " -REQUESTED BY M. H. + r 1VIISS NELLO McHARDY. LASSES OR INSTRUCTION ON PIANO AND Organ, in voice Culture and Harmony. Music Boos: IN Bsevca I3Locs F.DA17£RSON, BAILIFF OF EMITS DIVISION OottRT, Isms OF MAR. MAGA Mousse. BLUEV'ALE, • ..0131'. PliRE OOLOGY & PHYSIOGNOMY. MR. a:. COZENS, The Phrenologietrwho livesbelow the 0. P. R. station, and who has practised for some. years in England' and elsewhere, re:at liberty each Saturday till 10p. ru: to oxumino persons pbrenologically and give charts. -Tho charge ntpresent is only 25 cents:; • Mr Cozens ls�;plso ,: ent for all hinds of Nuraary Stook, •• • .e- oentora' Notice. Pursuant to the Revised Staflttol of Ontario, 1827, chapter 110, seetton>30, the creditors of CHRISTINA CAb1PEELL, Iate oftin:Townslrip of Morris, in the County of Huron, and Province of Ontario, widow, who died on or abohm the lith day of September, A. D. 1889, aro required to- send to Robert, Warwick, Winghampoet oilico}.�i�n the County of Huron,. one of the executors of Eno said deceased, On or before the 5TH DAX OP NOVEMBER, A. D. 1889, their nem '• ddree1es,and descriptiorrs; the full particu- lar - ' • ,", of their accounts n the x n 0 d03 ce av Co th 18 to G D. suTazisaLANTD Wishes to state that he has moved into the store.lately copied by T. A. Mills, and has just opened up a large stock of WOOD AND COAL STOVES, of every description. A special invitation is extended to those requirii g PARLOR WOOD STOVES S our stock in this line being very complete. LA '' PS AND ?AMP GOOD in endless variety. O TI T'L i R " of the .best res) es. • TI T Vtr.ri�R�, a leap an >durabic, TJr L+tiRNA, HEATING AND REPAIRING promptly •attended to, a all work g . arantced satisfactory. tair Pxmember the place—Mills' old stand, Josephinepstreet, Wingli ii, w '` D. STITHERLANI.V. N FECTION ER St rra `'able Glass, Water Sets, Fruit Bowls, China Casters, Cheese Dishes. IS DAV ORANGES; IDLE APPLES-, • Bottom Prices. A &U &o.. . ink. -Something New.. '3'a ppreciate.. CREAM, pecia1 Reduced Cates to all aixixnents. O1 ERY Pure Creams a specialty. -Oall e. L'S CITY RESTAURANT.. 1 have also an elegant line of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet ` Sets. My stock of Groceries and Canned Goods is complete, Pons SPICES.$G VINEGARS Fait P'ICII;LING TEAS A SPECIALTY. YATES, the' Obbia liottse. LANDS s SALB --�--- fir. FOR TAXES. ,, Ontario Bir VIRTUE of awarrent issued by the Mayor under the corporate soft of the Town of wingham, Town of wingbam, to me directed, ba+r'ng date the fourth day of fitly, 1599, coin - To wit: 1 mending mo to levy and sell the lands n e' ttoned in the following list, dor � nears el taxes due thereon YY5 hereby give notice that unless ouch arrears and all costs are sooner paid, I shall Geon to seri the said lands or so much thereof as may be necessary for the payment of the taxes; .and at the Council Chamber of the, said Town of Wingbaln, on STURDAY the Twenty-sixth Day of October,. At -the hour of TWO O'CLOCK 18 the afternoon. no 1 and 2: Quantity of Land, 1:10 acre 2 1-5 .6 1.0 The iollowinWtaeds are patentsd except pa No. Street Surve E half of 29 Scott south C. T. sada 1•h part 1 & 2 Josephine IC Qov..Add. 2 Josephine 18 J & W 8ad1efra 116 Cathatlne W Lool i1t1 wie 116 Catharine W 68 Johnand Francs Loot slid ii eltky 1`rweerei'll Ofloe,Winghanl, July 4,1084, c P'II0 e e'7 $ 279 Coto.1 0 2 4 Ss 125 17 7 2 32 kit i6 3 01 la o 50 0 41 di '{+, e, 63 400 10.Oi� JOEIN » +ccsO N,.