HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-10-18, Page 7•. • • . ssamler Published by regaest, Unita Written on the death rR Ioniaerlek Fart Netterfic,d, who died am the 12471 of Sept., axed two yore and ee Deer ild, you're gone to rest. Thy tore how soon %W€s over, God to 4rtin home. hokum it witabest, To'dwell ler tit Iiitn iu iteltveu above, For two short years he with u r Rtayea, Till Cooed our hearts. he watt outwitted ,And 0, how earnestly We prayed, That God Weald se.tre ourohild this tinge. Aching hearts he's left below, hearte that will clot soon forget, But when they think of thee lit heaven 'They surely will trot want thee back, Our darling little angel ohild, 'We know thou art happy in thy borne; 0 may this thought our hearts beguile 'Whet where thou art we too may ooune. 8o' parents dear, you mu'lt not mourn What ten Ilia wisdom God doth seed; Trials are seat our hearts to turn A_ndelliug to Jesus as a friend. He who al Ways pays cash is a ere •aOCount man, Never threaten to kiss a pretty Beg her pordatt. lams= cussv), te.eallih amid sweet )breath ttreoured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 ceuts. Nasal Ilijjedtor fret. for dale by C. E. Williams, A pretty dlifrf crowd .'generally .as- tseiubies at race -meetings. WILL Rou seem; with Dyspepsia and .Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is ;guaranteed to cure ,you. For sale by G". E, Wi1Liams. No wonder a man tumbles when 'Le has a full -overcoat on. "CROUP, 'WHOOPING omen and Bronchitis i'rnmediately relieved by Shiloh's Oure. 'or male by 0. E. Williams. Most people. have their lives insur- •ed as a mere tuatter of policy. THAT it ci iNO 'COUGH Can be so quickly ,wured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee -it. .+F'or sale by C. E. Williams. A rootless attempt— To get up stair without being heard by your wife. SHILO:'s. COUGH and Consumption Cure is mold by us on a guarantee. It aures Con- sumption,` For sale by C. E. Williams. The waiter girl is different from a 'poet. • She is not born; she is made to order. SLeFeLusa NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible dough. Shiloh's Cure is the. Ztemedy fur' you. For sale by C. E. Williams: School visitor — My eon, which udy do you like best? Bad boy—I 0 'eel all, OH'S VITarxzitR is what you. need for ,cipatiou, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, tt't all symptoms of Dyspepsia.. Price 10 nd 75 ceuts per bottle. For sale.by, C. E. Williams." Late hours tell on a man, but ie doesn't seem to care as long as they don't tell his wife. Consumption Surely Cured. To TIru Benoit ;—Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named dieease. y its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have San cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of y remedy rens to any of your readers who have onsumption if they will send me their Express and P. 0. address, Respectfully, Da. T. A. SLOCUM (Ali/eat Adelaide St. Toronto Ont• Temperance orator—What is it, y hearers, that drive men to drink? eice from the back seat—Salt Mack- erel. Almon TO Mr:a ts.—Are you dieturbad at night nit broken of,your rest by a sick child suffering and rying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so Bend at noeand get a bottle of "hire, Winslow's Soothing yrup" for'ChUdren Teething. Its value is incal.ul, We, It will relieve the poor little sufferer utnediatoly. Depend upon it, mothers; there is rib betake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, *elates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, *tens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, andhues one and energy to the whole system. "Mie. gives oW'e Soothhig Syrup " for children teething is ICasast to tho taste and is the prescription of one of o oldest and best female physicians and nurses in to Tutted States, and is kr sale by all druggists roughout the world. Price twenty -flee Cents a ottle. Be sure and ask for "Mks. WnestoW'a eoTnine State," and take no other kind. Dowty in Alabama a fevr days ago young, negro Was convicted of vio- tion of the local prohibition law and neo $100. He was a witness in ial before a County Justice, an hen iso went to the trial carried a the of whiskey in his pocket. After e trial he offered the Justice n' ink The later accepted. and then ued it warrant for the arrest of the gro 'for giving away liquor in a ohibition distriot. CATARRF4 tattlial iYeafn ..eta, Hay ever. 1► NEW 110ME TRRA'r1N$NT. lrfferers are not generally aware, that those dis- til aro oentagious, or that they arotduo to the ROO Of living parasites In tiro llrtiina membrane u nose and sastraohian velvet, Mioroecopio re• h, however, bat proved this to be a fact, and fetult is that a Wimple ramody has Neon Monti. whereby catarrh, catarrhal deefness and hay itra permanently dared in front one to throe applleatlohs mule et Immo by the patent u tea woolen N. 1B. -»For catarrhal ditoharaos tqo,e{etkride. {whites) this'remedy Is a' specific. lii#tlabii g this new treatmentis se t•od d ljrttl b7 A. II. jOltris A Son, SOLI Wet tenni, t71tg1tdlk-- 4o Atnetiefut Don't Read This UL YOU WANT TD )UT GUON MP, I. We claim to have the largest and best assorted stock of Watches Clocks and Jewellery in Wingham, Our stock consists of American and English Gold Plated and Itolled plated Jewellery of all descriptions, American and Swiss Watches, 'Canadian and American Geld and Silver Watch Cases,, Spectacles and Opera Glasses, 2. We buy aThour goods in big lots, and pay spot cash for every- thing we buy, therefore OUT custotners may be sure that we are at no disadvantage as -compared with ethers. It will pay you to call and inspect our goods before buying else- where, We will sell. you 20 per cent lower than any, other dealer in W inallarel. In order to snake room for our large Xmas stock, now ordered, we will sell at cost for 30 days,, WATCH REPAIRING A PECIALTY. For quality of material used and class of workmanship ,iwe ac- knowledge no superiority at the people's Jewellers, R. R. VANSTONE & Co., PR.ACTtCAL WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELLERS.. ONTARIO MUTUAL LIFE.. Cash Income for 1888 It 393,074 00 2,518,650 00 6,313,853 00 Assurances in force, Jan. lst, 1889 12,041,914 00 Surplus, Deo. 31st, 1888 90,337 09' New Assurances written in 1888 Assets, as at Dec. 31st, 1888 SPECIAL FEATURES: Prompt Payment of Claims, Annual Distribution of Profits, Guaranteed Surrender Values, and Liberal Policy Conditions. ALEX. AVVSON, GENERAL„ AGENT. Wingham Ont IMIL:117 ETABU!NT Has a most complete assortment of the LATEST, CHOICEST, and MOST CHARMING ARTICLES in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silver Goods. TM QA ' s AUT AT ° Bea CAB'S. er CLOSE. ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRING, AND WORK. WARRANTED. GO RIGHT TO GREEN'S BLOCK FOR YOUR JEWELLERY 1 KISS HER AND TEtl,. HER SO. You've a neat little wife $ honor, John. As sweet as you wish oto see; As faithful and gentle hearted, As fond as wife can be; A genuine, Horne loving Weinasl, Not caring for LOSS and show; She's dearer to you than life, John; Then lase her and tell her Ora Your dinners are promptly served, John, As, likewise, your breakfast and tea; Your wardrobe is always in order, With buttons where buttons should be. Her house le a cozy home nest, John, A heaven of rest below; You think she's a rare little treasure; Then kiss her Michell her so She's a good wile and true tO you. John,. Let fortune be foul or Pah'; Of whatever comes to you, John, She cheerfully bears her share: You feel she'e a brave, true helper, Andperhaps far more than you know 'Twill lighten her end of the load, John, Just to kiss her and tell her so, There's a crossroad somewhere In life, John, Where a hand•on a guiding stone Will signal one "over the river," And the other must go on alone. Should she reach the last milestone first. John, 'Twill be comfort amid your woe To know that while loving her here; John, You kissed her and told her so. —Woman's Magazine. The Way of Least Trouble. As Charles Mathews was. one day . about stepping into his brougham (as he never paid any one, lee" could naturally afford a brougham), he was stopped by a debt collector employed by one of his many creditors. "Mr. Mathews, I be- lieve?" inquired the naan. "Yes," re- plied Mathews, affably. "About that little account, sir?" "Account?" replied Mathews, with an expression of supreme surprise; "what account?" "Why, that account I've been after these four years." "Dear me, how much is it?" inquired Mathews, putting his hand in his pocket, "Seven pounds eight and fourpence, sir." "Is that s,11? dear mel" "I've called near on thirty times, sir." "Thirty times! You don't say so?" "And written at least twenty times. Yes, sir; twenty times, and called thirty times. Only a little matter of seven pound odd, and here have I been bothering about it for nigh on four years. What do you think of that, sir?" "I think," replied Ma- thews, getting into his brougham, and driving off; "well, I think that it would have been less trouble to have paid it yourself."—San Francisco Argonaut. Fattening Snails. The vineyard snail is held in great es- teem in southern Europe. It is by no means uncommon in England. At one time it was, believed to have been im- ported by the Romans; while another theory held that it was introduced about the Fifteenth or Sixteenth century. It is undeniably common in the vicinity of old Roman camps. But it is frequent also on chalk and other dry soils. and the opinion new generally entertained is that the Helix pomatia is a native Brit- ish species. 'The, rulers of the world were nevertheless its especial patrons. : ALL Not content with eating it stewed in every form, they fattened it in cochlearia, or styes, meal boiled in wine being re• garded as the food best fitted for pro- ducing large and juicy specimens. How successful they were may be inferred from the fact—if fact it be—that some of the shells of these domesticated snails would hold a pint of wine.—Once a Week. ;Jav f,A:oad *Inti err6rLtei i1:e11ftl hit the THE LED1NG. BBOT AND SHOE STOREI ss: Owing to the late Boom I have made room for and have on hand A Large Stock of----- ♦y' ABE ROUTS and SHO Z1, In addition to my Custom Business, nefy Competition in Qlnttlity, Sizes, Land all) determined to sell Por CASA, AT 00Ii BUTTO PRICES iiepairing as usual, and Cement Patching a Specialty, i• no&izit a share of the patronage. Don't Forget the Plate Opposite the Central :Eiotel, hips sewed free in all boots purchased froth elm. Butter and egg to 11 as mu in exelilliike for goads. 10,1Yi'GR.11tl 'O1NT Ferpetnal Motion. Mrs. A. -So you have got a new hat. It seems as if your husband gave you everything you wanted. How do you manage it? Mrs. 13.—I do it by perpetual motion. "Don't talk nonsense." "I'm not talking nonsense. I work the perpetual motion racket on him. I go to a party, and some young man admires me very much. My husband gets jeal- ous, of course. We have a row. I make up with him, but only on condition of his buying nee a new dress or some jewelry. With the acquired dress of jewelry I make a fresh conquest. Hus- band gets jealous again. Then we have another row. We make' friends again, and I get some more jewelry or a new hat, and so on to the end of the chapter." —Texas .Siftings. • 1 • 1 • • • • r • firsts irrwe PAINE'S 1 CELERY . COMPOUND 1 ACTS AT THE SAMIL TRAIL 014 THE NERVE$, THE i.IVER, THE ROWELS. and the KIDNEYS This combined action gives it won- derful power to cure all diseases, Why Are We Sick? Because we allow the nerves to remain weakened and irritated, anti these great organs to become clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are therefore forced into the blood that should be expelled naturally. PAINE'S { CELERY COMPOUND W11,4 CURE BILIOIISNEBS, PILES, CONSTIPATION, RIDNEY COM- PLAINTS, UR/If ART DISEASES, FEMALE WEASNESS,RHZnMA• TISM, NEURALGIA, AND ALL NERVOUS DISORDERS, By quieting and strengthening the nerves, and causing free action of the liver, bowels, and kidneys, and restor- ing their power to throw off disease. Why suffer Bilious Pains and Aeites 1 Why tormented with Piles), Constipation) Why frightenedoverDieorderedKidneysi Why endure nervous or sink headaeheal Why have sleepless nights 1 Use PAINO's Cat.nay COMPOUND and rejoice in health, 1t is an entirely vegeta- ble remedy, harmless ip all eases. Sold by all Druggist:. Price $1.00. Six for.V..00. WELLS. RIC HARDSO N It CO.,Proprietors, MONTREAL, P. Q. The hIoet Successful Remedy eller dis- covered, as it is certain in its effects and does not blister. Read proof' below. STszaxsviLLE, I'. Q., May 8, 11189. DR.$. J. E.EPDALL Co., Enosburgh malls, Vt. Gentlemen have used Ilen. -. dall's Spavin Cure for Spavins and also in a case of lameness and Stii7J pints and found Rasura cure inevery,respect. Icordially ( . recommend it to all horsemen. • Very respectfully yours, CBAnLss J, BLAcseLL. Big Profits. Tlie article in The Forum on enormous profits of insurance companies should be broadened to cover trusts of all sorts. Mr. Hamilton shows that insurance com- panies divide at the rate of 40 per bent. in some instances; in others, 28 and 20. This is simply indicative of extortion. But our trusts are doing the same thing —reaping from 12 tb 80 per Cent: oil capital invested. From the foundation of •our states it has been a general under; standing that no investment should re- ceive over from 5 to 8 per cent, interest. The capitalist at that rate he gathering a fair remuneration for the Ioan of his ao. cumulations. Social equilibrium is im- possible when capital manages to extort, or by subterfuges to obtain, 20 to 40 pet cent. --St, Louis Globe -Democrat. Acorn on a tree worth two on Four toes. Young poet ---Now to tell the• truth, t tloti't thiek this p tin of mine call bit 'iliiprored On, Friend — Is it tie badeta that Th. Linooln Call; newspaper r.f I ehr;titkfr, tttltiounces find horn. d toatirt wt► 11 het re e ivett by the editor ail tUbacriptiulitd KENDALL'S SPAWN DDRE. Sr. Taonus, P 'Q., A r1122,1889. Ds. B. J. S.EteDALL Co., F.nosburih Falls, Vt. Gents —1 have used a' few potties of your Sen- dall's Spavin Cure on my nett,. which was Buffering from Influ- enza in a very bad form, and can say that your Irendall'e Spavin Cure mark complete and rapid cure. Scan recommend It as the best and most effective liniment I have ever handled. Kindly send lee one of your valuable books entitled "A Trea- tise on the Horse." Yours respectfully, tw leiwNsbN. .KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. FORT ELLTOB, IKAN., May 10. 1859. Tilt. B. J. KENDALL, Co , Enosbnrgh Falls fit. Gentlemen:— I. aiways keep your 'Bendall'. Spavin Cure and Blister on band and they have never failed in what you state they'Wlll do. I have cured a bad base of Spavin and also two cases of Ringbone of years standing onm,u•naWbloh I bought to breed from, and have not seon any signs of disease in their offspring, Yours truly, D. J. O'lrasrra. Price el per 'settle, or sea bottles for 155. _Alt druggists have it or can get it for you, or it win be Sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors, DR. B. J. I ENDALL CO.,,llnosburghValls, Vt. BOLD BY ALL DItIIGGISTS. When I say CORA I do not mean merelytx' satgthemI ate n N mAeRdDhCeAh()vUEe,m return I have made the disease of PITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SIC3i"NI SS A life long study. I WARRANT my remedy to Gunn the worst cases. Beeauseothers have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Bend atFAcLrit tIteEtMDyGFREoLRbP office. It costs yon nothing for a trial, and it will cure you.. Address H. G. ROOT A1.t1« Di.aneh OfSoe, 104W at.:d.Lnide s ltreat, Toronto Mott Settida4gateleitte fes` ' REE r To at ones establishPj7R trade In an parts, by J. la pllerntr ear auehInts and treads whore ado people eon tee them. 'PO win e6nd Tree to ane per,on to nada loraltty,the vers tete ,awing-tnarhine made fa the wot1d,wikb alt the attlehtatebt We win also sand frke a eeraptate Poo of our empty and raleable art maples. la relern 'e6 abb that ysn thaw what we use. to abut who may tenet roar borne, sad atter X months ell !ball betaa,a lone ewn Mro y Tau strand htaehrn'e w 6n{p ►t ewe tan WIa eN pat6nes, *bieh bavIraa anti b.rat6 peleeti tan ort la wold'he S $. wfl► Nit hMee,,atta, Mad i*w Mire Int .eft, iMHal6- e its fW we. s 11 tb e. AJi ., b<•1ttowlelaM 6 t iiw ' up write is A6at anal baa !wt. w.+a • 'tt els• in OA *MK ant ten uaVrartrilira 1 •