HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-10-18, Page 5• aged Shove lit the cottnby was held Here Tuesday and Wednesday of last week.- Everything oxeeeded expec- tations, The weather being fine, a large or d good show was the result. size list will be found in anottlel i gin.-- .I guess our friend, the Stan ra>d .nsau, made a slight ante take in his last week's issue, in saying that a targe millinery opeging iu cne- neotian with the Mammoth house, owned by Mr 1). 13 McKinnon, was to have takers place on Saturday evening. Your correepundent dropped in to twice a few notes, when he was infermeu that it was a mistake on the part of the Standard. A great many more were also disappointed. --The settee' child. ren enjoyed a few days holidays teat week.--Tlte seats of the new Metho- dist church were pat in pluee last weal;;. --Mr L Shane, our popular livery man,has put a new 'bra on the road, which adds greatly to the ap- pearance of the place. -.-Constable Davis arrested Sandy Symonds on Saturday and he was arraigned before Magistrate Young. The prisoner pleaded guilty on the grounds that he was the worse of liquor when he broke the lantern of the ice cream parlor a weak or so ago. He paid all costa and was liberated,-Suhue mean person. or persons effected an entrance into the cellar of the ()antral hotel, owned by Mr .J Mason, on .Wednesday night of last week, and stole five gallons of rum and also a quantity of cherry and other wines. If the party is ever .build out, it will be made )hot for them as 'this means peuitentiary— %?1r Dallis, of Toronto, was in town as week.—. Mr Alex Smith has purehaeed a, Shet- land pony from 'hie brother, who im. ported it from Glasgow, Scotland. It weighs 870 ponuds.—Miss J Olds,who has been -visiting friends in town, re .turned to her home in Goderich• on Saturday.= -We are pleased to' say that Mr -P_Metealf, who has been very ill for some tiine, is able to be around again.—W J,Paisley, of (Minton, li- cense inspeotor,was in town last week. --Rev Mr Henderson, a former prin. oipal of the Blyth Public School, is visiting friends ,in town this week.— Among those who attended the fall fair, held here last "week, were R Holmes, of the Clinton ,itfea Era ; W ki Kerr, of the Brussels Post ; lu Y etcLean, of theSeaforthE .a "` ,,,,au R Elliott, of the Willa... - rer Ross, of Hamilton, own last week.—air F Moore,. Toronto, was in town this week. -=John, W Campbell, of Toronto, paid Blyth a dying visit•Faat week.—Every person was in Blyth on show day.—nsr and Iilrs L II Shane were in Belgrave last Sunday.—miss Magic Kelly, is ou the 'sick list this week.—Master Johny Brown,, eldest ton of Mr -A V Brown, is lying very sick at present.—Mr Geo Powell attended the funeral of Mr 'J Gillespie, near Wingham, last week. asrt B iroKinnon was In Godericll last week.—plias Jackson, of (Minton, was visiting friends in Blyth last week, —Miss Ella Hartnett, of Clinton, is 'visiting at the Queen's this week.— The Youlig People's Society of Chris- . Il � ` f Sl ;r �. �•.. .>�.. .w w .. P ... ...vo..iacsco,o5 1.taci aiendsd®ws l nr .r 1i Miss Bella l eDiarmid paid a shots ' SUBS013113P>��GOODS visit to friends at Langside, last week. CREAPEli THEVER --miss Mattie asurdack is visiting her WEEKLY V EEK LY M11 f1, 1 —AT �,�IIE-.-�- EMPIRE brother Robt, of Lochalsh.-�-sties Jen. hie Towle is visiting friends in Luck - now the past two weeks,. -..Miss Della Reid entertained friends fro» 1404- a1s11 this week,—,Mrs MoDonatd and daughter, of Alpena, are the guests of etre. Angus Demme--eweRmurdoell, of Lochalsb, who eves taken eaddenly ill w'l.ilat visiting friends in Toronto, is so far reeovered as to be expected home this week. --Miss K J taoIenzie, of Detroit, is at home for a short while. Mr Peter eturdook and John Davis lett on Wednesday last for Micbigan,— ler Arohie and Miss May meKenzie have gone to Lake? Linden, to Visit their sister, lues D McLean.— The Bible Class recently organized here by Rev bir McKay, of Lucknow, pro- mises to ,be very interesting.—A num- ber of young people of this neighbor- hood took in the concert at Ltingside last week and reported a very pleasant entertainment, Culross, There died in this township on Monday of last week, one of the old pioneers of the place, in the person of Joseph Grenaohe,brother of Mr Joaohin Grenaohe of Luolcnow, Deceased, who was in the 71st year of his age, came to the township in 1854, when it was then an almost unbroken forest, and where he had continually resided. He was a man of strong frame and rugged constitution, and by his in- dustry and work had riot only acentnu- tan Endeavor has purehased, a • pipe organ for the new., methodist church, from the Oakes Orap- Company, 'of Olin -ion.. the organ, Vgas .exhilnted at the fait show -held here last week. •• • CANADA'S I &DING NE %%PAVER0 PATRIOTIC IN TONE +� TRUE TO CANADA, • Where all the Novelties of the eea.4on are to be seen, and nobody goes TRUE TO THE EMPIPLi'._ away, because we neve the beat stock and everybody are pleased THE EMPIRE IS NOW with our goods and buy. THE CHEAT WEEKLY PAPER OF THE DOMINION' and special arrangements are being made to and now and attractive featuree, whiolh wl11 greatly inaroass itsintorestandvalue. , Asan indacement to tar it in the hands of all PAetear O CANADIAN# the balance of preesnt year will bo given FREE TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS, Illalcing it only Only One I)ollar from now till end of 1890. ADDRESS "THE EMPIRE," TORONTO, ONT. Shingles,Shingles The undersigned have on hand a large quantity of FIRST-OLA.SS e s, WHICH WILL BE SOLD • CHEAP FOR' CASH. fated a large share of this world's goods, ALSO, ON RAND, but through life enjoyed the good �yi11° and confidence of all who knew him. gmlock and Qr Pine Sonne few years ago he was aficted with canner of the bowels and during the past year had Buttered intense agony, but up to his last hours re- tained fulbuse of his mental power. DRESSED OR UNDRESSED, His remains were followed to their �_ . - laet resting plane in the Teeswater r, . , cemetery by a very large. concourse of LTJMB 1-111-Z, friends and neighbors.— Mr James AT THE Simpson is re-engaged as teacher in ' i1r3g�C1�iCY1 ills quite a raise in his salary, which goes Josephine street, adjoining' C'PB trash. to show that he is gi,g,"►.,ng satisfaction. —Mr Thomas McIntyre saw a deer Wingham, Oot.11, 1889. crossing his father's farm, on Friday TILE. TILE. TILE. • last. It is a good many years . since any deer have Leen seen In thin part Farmers and others in need. of Tiles for draining purposes can bo supplied at our brickyard. A s cry of the country and where this one large stock of all sizes on hand. .ELLIOTT`BROs.; Dame from is not lcrr ,wn.—Mr and MCS Wingham. section No 3 for next year. He gets L. & J. MoLEAN. Gerrie.. On Tuesday evening 'a number of friends and acquaintances of our highly respected Post -master, lwr H J Besanson, gathered at his residence fere the purpose of celebrating the 70th anniversary of his birthday. After all had partaken of a sumpituous repast the evening was spent in musib,' speeches, etc, after whichall repaired to their homes well pleased with the evening they had spent. Mr. Bonn - son has had control of the. postofl ser for over 80 days. ---air W G Strong has purchased the .butoher business in this town from Mr T J Lawless,—air. Strong is a genial and t`toron;;h beef- ness man, and no doubt he will meet ,with success. We are glad to learn that we will not lose the familiar face of Mr Lawless for a while at least . as lie will remain r with mr Strong for souse time. Rapid City. Miss May Stewart has gone to Duluth,—Tho Misses May and Casey Mel/maid left for Woodstock, this week.---i.1r, d .A. Donning spent a few days with friends in Goderieb, last week.—Miss L Johnson, of Galin, Ohio, who has been visiting friends ip Lucknow, went to Goderich last week. .—A very pleasant time was spent here last Tuesday evening, our wurthy pedagogue, Mr Rennie, giving a eon. cert, being ably assisted by the talent• ea young people of Lucknow, who so very nioely entertained us by voice, Musical seleotioias, solos, recitations, &o. The proce'ds amounted to ob. McKinnon were visiting friends, last Winghom, Sept 12th, '89. e •, n e ro , a ng a van age o the excursion rates'.—On Monday: even- ing, there was a grand hdp on the 4th, Tae at Mr D moKinnon's, which was pat-. Notice is ho ionized by all the boys and girls in I1tssFlonor thloeee the neighborhood, for the purpose of County of Huron at celebrating the arrival hoine or the Dai ek,ihm.iciints ,toho departure from home of some member List of the liun�r polity of East vanosh f tix 1880. of the • McKinnon family.—Who can AR p sox i g b i t th rt `nr wnship of East W TART° VoTElt$" Y given th tario V e 0 0 anosh. item, '1880. a. Omit will he. held, ors' List Act, 1880, by ho County Court: of the Foresters' Hall, I3elgrave, 1880, at the 1ra>Ir,. of 0 r an, domino the several •s and om ons in the'Miters' et n v n us nese a o •u a re - dig the most potatoes in a given time, 4"i otos tbte 5th d at tho oboe i88Orlr is the. question agitating the people 1'. PORTERFIELD, kat now. • Mack is prepared to bet Clerk of the said Municipality and Cou t. high on two individuals of the female FARM FOR SAL. •persuasion, as ' champion Murphy Tho subscriber offers tor sale lits farm,' being Lot handlers.. No. 4Y, Concession 13, East Wawanosh,containing • 50 acres, more or loss, situated 2i miles from Wing- - • hath, all cleared and under a good state of cultiva- Huron Items. - • tion ; well fenced and watered, On the premises' t'c young English -boy named D s.3 good orchards. For particulars apply to tho owner, are good house, bank barn and outbildings, and two Pople, about 14 years. of age, lately THOS. E. LINIILATER, left: the home of err J H iallough, of Winghun.Qnt. the 2nd coneessiorl of West Wawan- osh, and any information, concerning his present whereabouts will be suit. ably rewarded by that gentleman. Address Dungannon Post Office. W Doherty & Co., the Clinton organ manufacturers, have placed an .order for 100,000 feet dry walnut, eifeoting a saving of about $500 on the usual prices. u - Catholic Mutual Benevolent Association. The annual audit of the books of the Sudreme Court, tl ?,f 13 A, of America, took place recently at Brook. lyn, N Y. The society is in a flourishing condition. • The member- ship in Canada numbers 5,000, and there are , 20,000 members in . the United States, The following fig- ures will shore the ;inanoial standing of the order: ' BENEFICIARr PUN). BBatanee on)land $ 1,068.86 Received during the year349,396.6 Unclaimed money,..,...,.., 1,800.0 Total $352,665,02 Disbuesedee,... ,$851,573.513 Balance..,..4 $ 1,09.1.45 REBBI5VJ4 FUND. Balance on h,rnd...,,.. $ 1,059.94 Received during than year. 4,565.41 Berng.so Township 0 Situated 41 nil Bluovale. Said watered, and adap Buildings and fences is a bank barn 60 x 40, house 30 x 20, newly attached. Theta, said farm with al Including bin burgs, plow numerous t $4,30pa001 Farm for Sal©. halves of Lots 23and , Con.1,'in'the. forris, and con ning 100 adroit. from Wingha and 21 miles from ;n is in rood condition, well for ither stock or grain. d state of repair, There sheds, frame dwelling painted, with' shed well , fined with tile. Tho upon tiro promises, , reaper, mo„ : •, waggons, top ,s, harrows. and ot r things too mention, is aferod fo, the sum of flatness stand in Wingham s lie taken aymont. . ROBERT A. GRAN- Wingham o implomo House and, Lot for Sale. ass .; ods of all qualities and styles. Positively thelargest stock in the county of Huron to select from, with all the newest trimmings to match. ULSTERINGS c tU .ESS .90 ERIN GS AND MAN ,8. LINS froze 50 cents per yard upwards. Thairndcrsigned otters forsalea good residence on Victoria street, s.b present occupied by l4r. David Sutherland, Ono -half acro of land. Also, a valuable property in Tower Plot of Wingham. Also tot sale, a valuable property in tho Town Vet of Winghatn, constAing of 23 acres of lams, on which are a goad fratne dtvellinyr house, from barn, buggy house and straw ,,had. Tho property is in n good state of cultivation, well fenced and watered For full particulars, apply to the proprietor, GEORGE VIUITWELL, }Vingiiam P C. BUN Pla 68 : dill. :l. DID SIM •' T S of the best qualities, which we cu;free of charge. Every lady should see there. You would certainly say we have the best range in towns. Flannels, Yarns, Blankets, Shawls, Wool Squares, Fascinators, Hose, Gloves, Skirts, Full Cloths, of all kinds. Tweeds, Pan1igs Worsteds, Overcoatins1 Etc,, FIT GUARANTEED EVERY TIME. Ready-made Clothing and Overcoats. ET-0-Rs,of all styles, in Caps, Sets, Fur Coats for ladies and gentle- men, robes, &e, Groceries and Crockery and the only and most reliable stock of 00 T8 _A. 2.\T SII in the county. ALL COME AND GIVE US A LOOK THROUGH. T. Wingham, Oct. 16th, 1889. ea 0 MILIk LET N THE ANCHOR! THAT P,,EASE EVERY CUSTOMER. rim F3 1 r- U1 For every Department ot our large premises is literally jammed with New, Seasonable, Stylish and Remarkably Cheap FALL GOODS. Splendid range of— • - .D ESS GOODS e ric In every design and texture, from the cheapest Meltons to thhest —Silks or Satins. Totnl.....Y,U..;,...... 6,525.55 Disbursed 6,819.42 Balance $ 204.0 pLTJSH1s, All shades from 50 cts up, and other trimmings to match all styles of —Dress Goods.— Be sure to see our - Mantio ac For FLANNELS, either grey, red, white or blue, and away down in price, be sure you visit the "Anchor." Stacks of WHITE AND Glil✓Y COTTONS, TICJ INGS, SxnttTTnGs. and GENERAL Dlt ' GOODS, otlerin„ cheap. -Great value offered in WORSTED SWIMS AND TWEEBS' And guarantee every Suit we make to be satisfactory •u style, —workmanship and fit. -- Piles of SHIRTS, TIES, HATS and " J Y`RCLOPHI G To suit evert-'u''t0, ARrET17• Perth Teachers' rsanvention wil meet at. Stratford on the 24th And 23t1 of October. Fsr,441 .OIL CLOTHS. ,alt before giving your orders elsewhere. Please visit this chis,,• ori44141 McIntvre THE BROWN ANCHOR, WINUHA 11.