HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-10-18, Page 4'V,
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NORTH HURON Txmotmativ
The regular sern-annul reacting of
this aesocuation was held in the Bros.
eels Public School on Thursday
Friday last, There was a good att).
RHOS' about seventrAve teaoheree
ing present. The first session Si
opened at 10 80, Thursday, with rea
ing and prayer by the President, W.
R. Stewart, The President then
delivered his Wiese, which was full
of valuable euggestions Re urged en
the teaoliera the necessity of taking a
greater interest in the meetings of
ehe ASSOCiatioll,. The aftarnoon ses
sion opened at 1.30, when the follow-
ing committees were appointed : Oa
Reporting—Messrs. a. Bowerman, M.
Black, J Maticlzetin and A H Plum -
.mer. On Resolutions—Miss Richard-
son, Kra Campbell and.-Kessrs Clerk -
sou, Jno She.w and A Scott. On
general businees—D Johnson, James
Dickson and A. Ji1 Plummer. Mr W
foliage plants, Jas Harrison. - Gerani-. Doig, delegate to the Provincial
UM in bloom, J Pollock, J Harrison. TeachersAssociation, gave a brief
Fuchsias in bloom, 3 Harrison.' Hang syuopeis of the doings of the. Assooia-
ing basket, G IvieGowon. f OoUienn. tion at their last meeting. Discussion
Display of plants, 3 Harrison. Table followed by T Cabmen, YL P P, 8
bouquet, Miss Jones Thos. Anderson 'Taylor, and G H Blackwell. Mrs
Hand bouquet, A Praetor, J Harrison. Kirkman read some extracts from a
Floral. design, Mise tintole 3 Barri- book entitled "Teaeliers aut. Teach -
son. Collection of dahlias, T Ander- ing." The chief points brought for-
m, mrs Graham. Collection of panward being: 1. Teaching and learn.
sies, A Proctor, A Carr, ing , must go together ; 2. Tolling,
Seeauen Comaitarrimea-Lady driver,- hearing and memorizing is not.
Miss Fisher'Auburn ; Miss Dickson, leeching ; 3 teaelier must know
Mclaillop. Lady rider, Miss- Fisher. who be is to teach, what .to teach and
Bag pipe oompetitieu, D McKay, and how to teach. 'Mr Clarkson then
0 0 it McKay, Kintail ; D McKenzie. read his paper on the wants avd woee
Mincing Highland fling, Miss McGre- of the Public Scholl Teacher. He
gor, I? Faaeer. Organ competition, sbowed the teacher's woes to be—
miss' Kaake, arra Wilson. Specimen Isolatien, Poverty and the yearly eller
of writing by pupils under 10, Amy gagement. This paper wil. eppear in
Shelby, Kate Little, N Ouinirig, the TIMES, by request of the Assaaiii-- •
JUDGES. , tion, In the evening, a public • meet-
LTGHT Hortsia.—/ncaGovier, Hut- ing was held in the Towu Hall, T
let ; U McFadden, 'Grey ; A Forbes, Gibson. 3.1 P.P, in the chair, when the
Seaforth. following interesting programme was
• anew lionses,—J W Cook, V S, presented; Chorus, by the pupils of
Dunganuon ; Juo Scarletf, MoKillop ; Brussels P 8; Inetrumeneal, Miss
Hargreaves and H L' Jaokson ; Solo,
Miss O'Connor ; Addveies, Rev J Ross,
B A, sobjece, Education, its influeece,
en National Life; Catib swinging, by
pupils of Mr 8 Y Taylor'a school e
Kindergarten songs, by papas 'of
the Brussels Public' School; Chorus,
by the pupils ; Quartette, W M Sin-
clair' H L Jackson and A Strachan;.
Clubswingiug, by the popils; Solo, by
Miss O'Connor; Addrese, Rev S Sul-
lery, B A., C D, onEducation and its
iufiuenoe on individual life; Instrue
mental, Miss. Hargreaves and H L
morhing, G Blackwell
read a paper on Composition, in which
he gave some good hints. This was a
reat practical paper, es Mr Blackwell
gave his own methods of teaching the.
eubject. Discussion followed by
Messrs Clarkson and IlleFaul. J H
Comm gave his methods of teaching.
Writing. This provoked a lively die.
mission, participated in by Campbell. .
MoTagart, Pickard and others.
Many teacherdisapproved of Mr
Cornye's plan cif teaching writing, but
all must admit he is a master penman
and a successful teacher, Mr A. An-
derson read a paper on Drawing. Re
does not approve of the use .of the
authorized drawing books, as. they,.
are too dry and uninteresting to young
children. He would begin by drawl,'
ing familiar Objects.en tha board
have the pupils copy them: Mee,
Anderson showed by his; drawing oz
the .board that he is, an; adept with':
the pencil.. The. folleiving reisolutions,
were fully. disciussed :and adopted:
1. Resolved that the Public School:
History is. quite unsuittible for thee
classes for which iei authorized ande
that a book hi simpler, language be
su bstituted.
2, Resolved that the granting of
perraits be abolished.
Resolved that the thanks of this.
Association be teuslered to the Bras -
THE Dicauti$ sa0v7. McIlroy, T Sanderson. Extreeted Stewart Java °envie work, W
• -e. The prize list as followe honey, R W J Marti* Jones, Mies McMichael. Horne made
Biwa. BRAaeuaBBaisaana aaar,„ Roney in comb, Dr. Sloan, Attach. straw hat, A Carr, Plain sewing by,
• /40110.-2,,yr ona, Boaaat *mown, B Baker's bread, B Chamberlain. Home girl under 14, T Hamilton, R "Aiello%
rlaimy OOTOSER, 18, mallow e_ya old, W oununing, g roads bread, A Carr, J Pollock. Plain Patches on gent's pants, bet girl not
Roes. 4 colts foaled in '$9, J P' FiSh- tel bieCtlitSi 1Viason A Proctor. _ over 14, T Hamilton, A Carr. Darn
Emunuaxi NOTES, er.
A•r RefOrre 004,00i001 bold at GiNsatai Poop= ST41440103.-2.
vits ,T...11•10111111110■14
Aylmer, on the 15th inst., mr, J. 0, YyreeTgic!,„y, T nierbY. 1Jas Riddetl.
Dance was again chosen to coated P
....OADSTER STALIONS.-2-yr old, R
East Elgin for the Loosl Legislature. B Laidlaw. 1 -yr old, E D Chamber •
It Is understood that the Educe- lain
,Department him decided that
$icandidetes who obtained au aggre.
gate of 600 marks •at the last third
'lass examivatioreand are recommend-
ed by the head master as fit, my pro-
ceed with the work prescribed for a
second class certificate.
Tea late Thomas Workman, of
montreal, bequeathed $125,000 to the
funds of meal University, of that
city. This money will in part be
expended in the science faculty, in
erecting a pew building and for other
important items. A professor of
mechanical engineering will be ap-
pointed, a mechanical laboratory
erected and e. course in eleotrioal
science Added to the curriculum.
WE understand, meeting of the
East Huron Conservative Association
will be held at Brussels on Saturdaye
the 28th inst., to select a candidate to
contest the Riding in the Oonservative
interest at the next general election
for the Local Legislature. It is re-
ported that several names will be
brought before the meeting, amongst
others, Dr Coleman, of Seaforth ; Dr
Chisholm, of Winghain ; A PI mus -
grove, of Whitechuroh, and B h Oook,
ex•Deputy-Reeve, of Howick. With
honest Thos Gibson ae an opponent,
whoever is nominated will have a los-
ing battle to Aght, as air Gibson has
tate confidence of his constituents.
THE annual mining and miners re-
port of Canada for the year 1888
shows the total production of miner_
ale of all kinds for the year 1888 was
$16,600,000. The most valuable mine-
ral product of the year was coal. The
output in 1888 was 2,658,134 tons,
valued at the pita' mouth at $1,259,•
832—an increase of 239,640 tons. Of
the total output 1,989,263 toes came
from Nova Scotitamines, 543,017 tons
TalTle from British Columbia mines,
115,224 tons from the North-west
Territory and 5,730 tons from New
Brunswick. The product of all the
mines in 1886 amounted to 2,091,976
tons; in 1887 to 1,048,494 tous, show-
ing a steady increase during the last
three years. The quantity of authra•
cite coal imported during, the year
Maple syrup, Proctor, R Johnson. on socks, by girl not over 14, T Henn r
lalaple sugar, It Laidlaw, G Jackson, ton, Nettie Anderson. Fancy leather
Col. canned fruit, W MoCrecken. work, Mies SYmiufiton.
Grape wine, G Young, Miss Milton, Sampler work, W 0 J Syraing-
Tomato *catsup, H MoQiearrie,I1John ton, Kensington. enabroidery, Mrs
son. Mixed pickier., Mutch, Alias Carder, Mise Mcalicbael. Crochet
Mach. Any other pickles, R attach, with novelty braid, IY1b$ Altiteb, J
hien Alas —Collection oil painting,
Mrs C Campbell, Dr (larder, Water
color paintiug, Mrs C Campbell, 1 and
2. Crayon drawing, J Symington,
airs Carder. Painting on pottery, Mrs
Carder, 0 Campbell, Pencil drawing
by boy or girl under 16, Campbell,
Mrs J Stitt. Heed painting on silk
satin or plush Jas' Pollock airs lie
PLANTS /um Piney-Buse—Collection-of
of mares orgeldings,'W F Young, A num—Four varieties winterapples
Morrison,Hamilton. 2yr W Jones Four var.etiee fall apples.
gelding, ns Reynolds, Geo Dale. 2- W Jones, Baldwins, W Jones'
C Campbell. Northern Spy, W Laid -
yr oldfilly, Jae Reynolds,W F Young.
law, John Johnston, Rirde Island
Year old filly, A Carr, Retd. Mare
Greenings, W 0 Jones, C Oempbell.
foal, Geo -Dale, Jes Reynolds, Horse
foal, M McQuillan, Thos Cole, Ribston Pippin, 0 Campbell, Golden
• Gunmen PURPOSE, — Team, Jas Russet, 0 Campbell, W 0 Jones,
Roxboro Russet, Campbell. Ben
Reynolds, J McLane. Biood mare,
Davis, W 0 Jones, Spitzenburg,
T Paton, W King. 2 -yr old gelding,
Gleon Bros., W 0 japes, Talmo
George Kirkby, Jas McLean. 2 -yr
old Ally, B, Mann, Jas Raddle. Year Sweet, R G McGowan, Maiden Blush,
0 Cerripbell. Snow, la Johnston, Jas
old Ally, Geo Henderson, W King.
Foal, Jats Potter, T Anderson. Symington. ()elver% W 0 Jones.
Alexander, R Johnston. 20 oz. Pippin,
ROADSTE128.--Span, W Allen,Beatty
C Campbell, W 0 Jones. Any other
Bros, A. McMurchie & Co. Brood
variety, W 0 Jones, 0 Campbell.
mare, P Scott, T Straehan, W A
Collection of apples, W 0 Jones,
Cumming 2 yr old gelding,J Perdue,
Winter pears, W 0 Jones 1 and 2.
Campbell. 2•yr old filly, W Leavy,
11 Malley, Year old gelding, R Fall pears, W 0 Jones.
McCracken, fl MoQuarria
Ef. Edwards. Year old filly, T Straoh- W H
Grapes, Ilinehley, Jas Symington.
an, A. T. McDonald. Foal, T Strach-
Crabs, Jas Jackson, Jas Santingon.
• an, W Cunningham, G. Kirby. Fool,
Peaches, Glenn Bros, Jae Symington.
special, T %radian. Single driver,
A McMnrchie & Co., W j Dickson. Rooms.-- Early R080 potatoes, J
Richmond. Late Rose potatoes, (.1
Saddle horse, Beattie Bros, IT Perdue.
Sweepstakes, J Reynolds. McGowan, J Pollock. Any other
CATTLE Tememiriev Duattems.--- kind potatoes, R Johnston, John
Stafford. Colleetion of potatoes, E
Milch cow, T Ross, Snell Bros. 2 -yr
Garvin, John Stafford. Field carrots,
old heifer, Snell Bros., 1 and 2. Year
E Garvin, W McCracken. Garden
old heifer, Jas Webster, Snell Bros.
red carrots; T Hamilton, R Johneon
Heifer calf, J Armour, McDonald.
Bull calf, 3 Braithwaite, Snell Bros, Swede turnips, Jas Barr,. Jas Shob-
brook. Garden products, W
GRADE (JAME,. --.Yoke workine
Oracken, E Garvin. Beets, W
oxen, R G McGowan,R B Laidlawb,
Milch 11
cow, T Ross, ss Braithwaite. McCracken 1 and 2. Mangle wort-
zels, W 11 McClracken, R Sellars,
2 -yr old heifer, Jas Webster, R G
Pumpkins, 3' Richmond, W Mc -
McGowan. Year old heifer, B. Corley
1 and 2. Heifer calf, J Armour, T
Ross. Steer calf, Jas Shobbrook. .2e
•yr old steer, N McDonald 1 and 2.
Year ata steer, T Ross, 1 and 2. Fat
ex or steer, T Ross, N McDonald.
Fat cow or heifer, a' Ross, R G Mc-
Gowan, Herd, T Ross, N McDonald.
Swop AND PIC18,—The judges in all
the sheep and pig classes had so mark-
ed their books that it was utterly im•
possible to .translate the list.
Geenc—Red wheat,W 0 Jones,
13 Laidlaw. White fall wheat, G
Moffatt, R Laidlaw. Spring wheat,
J Cummine, Harrison. Wheat any
kind, R McGowan. 6 -rowed barley,
P Haniilton, R MoGowane 2 -rowed
barley, G Moffatt, E Errett. Large
white oats, T Hamilton, Moffatt.
Blaok oats, J Harrison, T Hamilton.
Small veldt° oats, R G McGowan, N
Cumming. Small peas, R Laidlaw,
G Moffatt. Tineothylieed,R
W A Jones. Flour, Kelly and Son.
Flax seed, R Laidlaw, B Laidlaw,
13 G McGowan.
PoULTRY.—Turkeys, Jas Harrison.
Geese, 3 Harrison, B Mason. Rouen
1888' was 1,326,164 ohs,. valued .at ducks, Jus Pollock. W II McCracken.
• 85,450,748, and of bituminous coal Any other kind of ducks, B Mason, W
1,287,189 tons, valuad at $3,469,025. H leicOraeken. Brown Leghorns, J
The value of the gold product of the Harrison. Light Inheres, W R Re -
year was $1,098,010, representing °reckon, J Harrison. Black Spanish,
61,310 ounces, showing ,a slight de- J Harrison, W H McCracken.. Light
crease compared with the product ofiRralunas, E Garvin, W 11 McCracken.
1887, which is attributed to a bad Hamburgs, 3 Harrison, W H latc-
sesison. having been experienced in Crackee. Dorkings, J Harrison tend
Yukon district, Tho quantity of iron 2, Black breasted red game,a Hai ri
are produced in 1888 waS 78,587 tons sort,. W11 McCracken, Batf Cochins,
valued at $152,069, showing an in-, W 1.1 IVIcOracken. Partridge Cochlea '
crease of 2,257 tons over the Von' I W H McCracken 1 and 2. Bentains,
tity produced in 1897. The quantity - W II McCracken. Polands, B Mason,
of prosphate mined and marketed in - J Lawson. Plymouth Rocks,J Barri
1888 was 24,485 tons, valued at . eon. W 11 McCracken. Collection of
$242,285, showing a decrease of 1,205 pigeons, W H, McCracken. Collection
tons as compared with 1887. The of fowls, 3 Harrison, W H McOrnak
production of sale for the year 1888 'ea. •
was 59,070 tons valued at $185,4'60e-- IMPLEMENTS.—Labiber wagon, John
a decrease in quantity as compared - Brunson, A McNally. Fair bob
with 1887 of 1,103 tons. sleighs, Slater & Sling, Iron beam'
, , sod plough, Geo Love, Leavy & Sons
Rev Tilos macadam, rresbyterian tree beam general purpose, Leavy &
minister at Strathroy, has been ap• Sons, G. Love. Gang plow, Gillies &
pointed to the chair of Logic, mental Martin, J Brunsdou. Iron harrows,
Ind-'d'iral 211i'c's°1111Y and Systematic Slater & Sims, If McQuerrie. Sin,*
Theology in Morrie College, Quebec . buggy, open, Slater & Sims. Single
city. buggy; eovered, al Branalon, 3 'Leslie.
The death is announced of Rev Double buggy, covered, J Brunsdon,
Fether martin Kelly,P Pi which occur- Slater & Sims. Double buggy, open,
red at the parochial residence, mount 3 Bruusdon. Oatter, Slater & Sims.
Carmel, in the township of Stephen,- Set horse shoes frontlin-miser, Roberts.
on etoriday of last week. rather & Seffetson, Slater & Sims. Weddell
Relay bad been seffering from gastric pump, 1' Willows. Stove and furnia
fever for six Weeks, and, although core ture, 0 Hamilton, Pannimng ill,
lined to his bed, was not cousidered in ,Molliturchie & Go. Land totter,Slater
auv itanger until late Sanday night. and Sims. San -filer, Leavy & Son, G
• Father Kelly was lam and educated _ Love & Go. Reaper knife griedeoete.,
in the County lailkenney, Irelana, and J Ross.
Attialled hie theologited studies in tlio Deter.—Tb creamery butter, 0
timid Seminary of SeSulpiese at monte Nott, J Moliroy. Tab bouer, not
was rsiooa to the priestbood leas than 40 Pm , G- McCaolean, liii3
Oiaoken. Squashes, W H MoCracke ,Tas Donald,Amberly.
en. Red onions, 3 Stafford, W R Some AND Nos.—Jae Scott, East,
McCracken. Yellow onions,J Stafford Wawanosh ; T Anderson, East Wawa -
0 Young. potato onions, J Stafford, 'nosh; O. Howlett; Morris.
R Laidlaw. White field beans, jas CATvLE —W Young, Carlow ; Jno
Barr, II Edwards. Corn, J Rich- Skelton, Morris ; I Fisher, Goderich.
mond, Jas Barr. Citrons, P Willows, EMPLEITENTS.—F Rumball, Clinton;
W H Alcarecken. Waterrnelone, T Jas Caldwell, Manchester; P Scott,
Hamilton, W HMcCrackeu. Cabbage, Brussels.
Drumhead, J Stafford, R Sellars. Red POULTRX.—Dr Young, Londesboro ;
pickling cabbage, W R McCracken, T Carling, Clinton. •
John Hinckley. Any other kind, liADIES' WORK.—Miss Cunningham
W McCracken, 1 and 2. Chitin Colborne; Miss McClelland, 13elgrave;
flower, J. Stefford, R Sellars. • Miss Taylor, Morris.
.Menireeinemees--Rome spat Faurr,---John. Stewart, Benmillar ;
cloth, Geo Nott, Pollock. Rome Thos Rollaway, Clinton.
made alt wool flannel, Jas Pollock, T
Anderson. Union flannel, G Nott, Tureiberrv.
A Proctor. All wool blanliets, home The 10th line, eoraespondent of the
made, Pollock, T Anaerson. Blatt- :Times will have, ,to lie -16w for the
!tete, union, not known, Collisen. next few weeks, as we understand Mr.
Horse,blankets, home span, T Hamil- Gooderich will make it intere'sting for
ton. Coverlet, home spun, T Anaer- the one svho insinuates that it *ill take
son, B 13 Irddlaw. Rag mat, Mrs a generetion to move a small, fazed
McBride, G Nett, Yarn mat, A Proc- barn 50 or 60 rods. At Tree -oaf eva
.tor, J Jackson. Rag carpet, Geo understand, the barn is &mesa' in
Nott, A. Proetor, Stocking yarn,
home spun, la Hamilton .0 Iaoung.
Coarse boots, 3 Sherrit. Hand made
gent's boots, J Sherrit. Set double
harness, a Dennis, J T ' Carter. should be attended to at ozame: A
Leather, 3 Wettlauffer. couple of loads of gravel would do the
Lanes' Weele.—Arrasene work, job.—StephenPipee and Wni Rain -
Geo Nott, C Oanelebell. Riek raola son left for-the-eedeliigan lumber
mivi Mutch, Mrs D Carder. Pillow woods on Monday —The apourt for
and 'sheet shams, Miss McMichael, 3 'the revision of the Provincial Seiters'
Symington. Patch quilt, Geo Nett, list viall be held at Biuevale on, the:
W H alcOraoken. White quilted eerd inst.—Mr. Richard Porter is -
quilt, Jas Pollock. Knitted comater- laid up with a out fone.—Mr. Alan
pane, 0 Nott, Mrs De Stewart. Holmes left this week for Michigan,'
Counterpane, crochet work, J Syming- to work in the lumber weeds, —
ton, Mrs D Stewart. 6I:snt's WO 1VIessrs. Cornyn, Hartley, Blaokwell,
shirt, hand.made, G Nett, T Hama- and Shottreed were among, the teach -
ton' Flannel shirt. hand *nada. T ers from this township who. attended
Hamilton, 0 Nat. Woflen stookings the convention, it Brussels.—Miss
hand made, 0 Nott; T Hamilton Addie Porter bee returned from her
Woollen stockings machine made. Mrs visit to Goderiell, ine,•11 impeoved in
Forsyth and Random Socks, home health.—Miss Jennie Bryce has gone
spun, Ca Noft, 1 and 2. Gauntlet to Detroit to spend the. winter.—
mite, Jas Pollock A. Jones. Mite, •T Unity one Should ask you
Symington, G Mo'ffiti. Fancy knitting, Tile cane ot 511 my 30.y., sels Public School Boera. and the
,Miss McMichael 1 and 2. Berlin . aunt tell thorn I'm the tattler Town Council for the free use of
wool work, flat, 3 Symington, W 0 bt a bonnoing baby girl. their wheel and hall for the meet -
Jones. Embroidery, Mrs D. Stewart ins of the Association.
mr bolls Cook, of lot la aon 11. le
Miss Matliohnel. French embroidery, Much valuable time was taken up.
offering his farin stock iind imple. .
Mrs Carden 0 Campbell. Braiding inents fel- sale by auction, on the in needless discussion on the filet of
on cotton, G Nett, T Hamilton. these resolutions and others that were
29th insse—On the 10th inst the
13raiding on wool, J' Syttington, 0 .,), ..,,,v,,,,, cietk and Assessor met et lost. Messrs Young and Metcalfe.
Nott. Sofa cushion Miss.+ aluteh, I' LW “
Bluevnle and selected jurors for the of Rlyth, were appointed Auditors
Hatniltou, Collection o• lames- work. ee, ea_ aeee.. for the. current year. The meeting
Miss Mutch, J Symington, Mrs* 0 vAi'l“Aui4 'Y um" then adjourned to meet will in Sea-
Hamiltou, Gent's slippers, 0 Camp- Lutsknow. forth 0 the.call of the President.
bell. Darned net, 0 Note, Miss err S A Doming has disposed of
Mutch. °rocket work, modern, Geo the August make of cheese at ten BelMore.
Nett, Jam Putter. Macrame work, 3
position and it is not -yet six- menthe
since it was moved from it old. Atm
dation,—The approaches to Grey's
bridge • are in /bad condition,: and
cents per pound.-.- ler John Poster 1Vties. Anabel lentiondy has returned.,
Sybil -eaten. Tioniton Ince, Miss Mc- bus completed his contract of repairs from. visiting friends in Hamilton.—
Minion, I Symington. Honiton lace, to. the town hall and the whole work Mn H. Perkins has returned from
J'i Symingten, Mrs 0 Hemilton. hes. beenecione to the satisfaction of IVfanitoba. dia giaaa . a• faiorable
Ribbon work, / Symington, 0 tatimia ineiseetor Patterson, and the council Recount of the country.--eare, V. Ir -
hell. Chinelle work, al Nett, 0 Oairip hoard, ere Poster has made. is first wine ria old reeidente.passed away on.
iii311. Outline embroidery, Mrs Oer- ekes jos of the work and the hall is afonclay, 14th inet. —hir, Chas,Service
der. Geo Nott. Crochet work in no a perfectly safe __me win McLean, as very low at present.
be ins &hip- BialkOp Walsh, in .Berr. Tub butter ivit less then 50
I Oa M sa J n
• -
I$73. 18'7 he sees transferred to lbs, jes Barr. Tee Dia , rolls or wool, n ' . es* ilakY the well known cattle buyer, shipped •
work, Mies Carder, Miss Match.
Cerro where he ae
Gnsr' to be ermaa Rut, Mies Mclifiehael. Tette. moo iee„aa1140 head of fine cattle from this junior Judge Lane has been ap
emcee; st '1st gtaffsfem 'area ohareh Paetory ObPene %On than 50 ihsa NelY WSl '1" " ear 0 Tetr station ou Tuesday foi• the Old COUti., Pointed to succeed the late eleage Eto.
• A.,+04,± Pit SlpfOrilt G Tom% 1 mad 2. Dairy allow, dInrc'try reerkets•
ari Pherson in Grey county.