HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-10-18, Page 1VOL. 4L 4 WING:HAM, ONT.., FRIDAY, OOTOBEB 18, 1889. LOCAL DEWS. -B-tr, 31 0 Sp ling bee just received • -DivielenCourt two car foade of a pies. hall, on Tuesdey -Oysters iu say style, et 311oKelvie's. -Bulk oysters ,arriviug daily at No• -Mr. D. Stew Theca Rama musician, were ia towu Rehrie'S. °Otte to Toronto n Thursday. -The weather Mr RDeacon,OEastWawanosii,heought has been very fin three litm!el to t- wS 1%st TueStlaY. which -Po r pure p1 FJ ie tie sold for -816.0 Iti Mr. Deacon evidently gruerics call on ;at the salary of 6320 breeds the tight kind of stock, -Rev R Shaw , ried. lifoYed by Dr. • ed by W02. Moore, that -Yates is sho‘the finest Hue of thd servicee la St Alias lleynolde b re.engaged at a Balmy dishes ever ovine "u Wingbare. Vq, T. fi,,,,y leek lo the oh nee of the Rev 4r . _Tee phaeton, 1 Yates. for the past few days ing apices and choice bee, the China, Roue. Teeswater, conducted eaare Chinch on Sun - in be held if the towa Also the resiguetion • read. Moved G t shipped a ear load of ed by Thee, Abrali n Thureclay. re-engaged as pr -Apples by the barrel or 0therwfSet At year at a salary Carried, Moved b Provincial Conientiou of ea by George Pett whim Teropertieee uwee gess be reengage per annutia.-Ca alt on October 49th, 30th• Chisholm, swoon -The Anima the Woman's 0 will be and 3let. f Maggie tit ritivite Pottypieee, second , that W.E. Groves be acipal for the 'owing f• 07QO per eunum.- D, M. Gordon, secood- piece, that filiee Bur. to Geo. Thomeou, Zetle.nd buggy for B,1e. Apply Moorhouse. mins, Rex of §860 per aon m. -Carried. 2oved by --1:3till furthur im noveznents are ex. 125., Wingtetni, ,. X. Gordon, %tended by Dr. Chieholm, -The gas pipe fence at the east and Deeted at, the T 45ation. in the way of that Miss, Renson be reengage d -d at s. -jut after -NZa went to press last week citeudiy-the platforms. • west sides of the p rk has beee completed, solary of 6290 for be we learned of tlx, death of Miesi3era Jane sect presents a goo t Aia( earanoeMessrs. 8805 f tia I t or 0 a$ ...The Aliases Bonn ron, in. order to re- Wm. and Thee --------- contact. eldest daughter of 111r Et Roderne, of duce their stock of w. els, are Belling Bar- this town, Mi a Redone had not been 11"ad bY 1)* M. 69r lin and Zephyr wools at 9 oente au °puce ; -Grapes, Grapes, Grapes -A. tou of • Aron for- ome time and had oni ahlahaha* that Mia oleo a job lot of 10 °OA pompous for 5 (As, grapes from Peele Island to arrive et Mo- veryy 'Mrs S A MoEwe 1, of Morris, hiforms Eelvie's Star restaurantanext weelt• recently recur She wits in her Roderus have their bereave d from a vf at Raffosio. until thefirst of N 20th year. Mr and Mrs plication as a tea the syrapaht of ou tOnniOatiOUB were eat, ir • Gray and Nellie P pointed on the te Vag,eetc:nE.0119.eitt:.dip:inti.:1:1eet3r,ea tth -Moved by Tilos A, engaged as jointer atinura.-Carried: first half year and •half year, -Carried. on, seconded by Dr. Cargill be granted ember to make ap- last Thursday. Re was on his way to WROLE NO„ 92 on Friday last. t was atre,y a month. and enjoyed him lf splendidly amidst the scenes of his y .Mr W D McIntosh. • wife and family, • loth, are visiting at Mr 'George PlOpp u's. Aileinto,at baits= in business even yeare Du. loth, and lately so d out bis busbies& After spending a ort tirae fu Winglutu they will visit fr de in. Parkhill, Paisley, etc..Rev, A.ndersou, of $t. Helena, was in town on onday, and called at the 11tecimics” Instit Be expects an in. stitute will be establi led there in the near future. .Mr. Donald lendenning and his sister Bella, return d from Roudeau or Woduesde,y, where hey have beau visitiug for some time. r Alex Saunders, of Goderieli, gave t e TIMES pleasant all er,--.Carried. Com- Eiticardine to p bot water service in, . Grain is conara neing to move pretty us that elle has growlag in her garden e. -received from Nellie the residence of kl jam Gentles...Mr. A. freely. . On Wedn aday, Mr. Wm. Clegg sunflower ox whic15i tr:eare were 92 headsulin, asking to be ap- Farrow, colleetor f onstonas at Goderich, shipped three oar 1 ads of wheat to Tails - e flowevel This boa a the record so far, . eking etaf. Moved by was in town on aturday last -Mr John tack an on Tbuaaday five oar leade of -The Reform men in hela ma Monday . °tided by Dr. Chisholm, IVIelfahoo, who • as beeutworking in the . peas to Liverpool, lluglaud, -evening, after doing (a naideraine business, ' -The newa:-•omos from lifentreal that the fre4rieutasaklents that (moor to people who pert/lei ir walking on the 'railway tre.oks is likek„_ to bear fruit. .The Greed Trunk euthori, lee are determined to arrest all persone nd trespassing fa the •manlier state riot only in cities, but all along theline. All a,ttercipte te stop the itlierto failed, therefore the e Railway Aet Paieley, sttia• nye, ear and threat special t, has ecceded to a request from Dr Meldr m,,470 be with Ifni in Wing he,in, on Monde, 'neat, Octoher 21st. This • ie. an excellent...opportunity for any ane wishing a thorn h exanairottioe, by a bone- petent, experie •ed aud•reliable epecialist. HallilioS bee favice inEurope studyitig •in theee special. ubobs, add la at satin - Mous, clever an sterling Young man, Note the date. • be engaged to fat the union factory be ft Saturday to take . .. . • vita adjour ed ti 1 n 8,y• even leg, 28th iustant: thou to meet in the Caledon- ian Hall, at 7:80 o'olo, k. -14r. Ses.111oKeivie, . of the Star res- • taurant, has pnrobasea an acre of Cataw- ba grapes at Pelee Island, and expects a • large cousiguniebt this week.' Try them,' • •-A. thin man sent 5 cents to an adser- Or Veer who promised, f r that sum, to ire. part reliable infer/net n how to get tat, •ond received this mem ge on a postal card: ,,Buy it at the hutch° ni. -Fruit, •fruit, fr it, If you, -want peitahea, plums, pear I apples, crab apples •Or Any kind of fr call at the City Res- • taatredtitk , • • R. HILL. • --In acoardanoe with the irtstrootiou og Ootnelp, the turn and „Executive Com- raitteiiputoinised 5 )0 feet of hose, It was bo4b from tlie G tte, Poroha sad Rubber Manufaiituring 4 mpany of •Toronto, ough their agent Mr T H Phair. e 1To RENT.,. --The seoencl mid third flat of . . ...-.. is frame building on josephiffestreet, near' Aoll's factory. A. number of good rooms. A.ppirtio• Geo, Thomeon,, Zetland Mills, 125, Wingliana. Mr It C Sperling itsaleobled toconageht '-'! • the rain business t is seasol apd is now on. ennerket, pre tea to pay the high- OftrPriees for. ag kin a of grain. • Re has secured the store -ho se aa the CP B station fa whit% to store hi grata; - ' -Rev. I33. Wall n, ol Bluenale. took . of the mor ing servioes in the Methodist churolic 'Sunday last. •Ple is • (I, Yokulg nOu •of Ane hiIities, and the itn- 4.cesiive discourse h delivered was listen.. ealto With close 0,t ,ntion.• • • 1 haye in ney e ploy one of the finest . werkinen outaide •the Elgin said Wal- tham factories, h having...had several •years' experientse i one of them. • .337. IL Vatarrotia. , ..Wetake the fol wing from the Lon- • don Fres ?tea ;-1• Z. T. Mitchell, for- merly editor and J-cdprietor of the Erin t , purchesed the Pre tole Brush `qirorke from •Mr, Bowman, au intend( pushing the • . fatalness for all it I worth. n 1 La d th•e -Major Nforrie, and his son Plarry, the oilers etaff„.carried. bis old position in Hese Bros. ct Co's Rye, au& who has lately bean practising •hie profession ail a veterinary surgeon, has Houma, Z go Tonle, held, a COurt, in the tOwu hall, p Mouday lasb, revision ;ot'the P. .vincial4Otera' list. A targotw,trAlt peas had bee& put in ere and Conaereativee. ThrieSalt o -t.h-- appeals was that 29 Iieforrnere wove t on and 17 Coruierve.- • . 12 Reformers. at ok off; :the net regult tires etruck off, 4, neervatites put on and being a gain of 20 'votes for the xte: formers.- -While am • epered. to famish. all neoessariee for erals, and attend per. easily Night or ay) where ray services • are required, and will he undersold by none, I wish it di inctly understood that ,t1 I have no savant agents out enquiring after deaths, as is eing done by eotne in this town, as I cart vier such aotame Oahe. conniaig in the un rtaring,profeseion. I -bot aoudad n business on any such nrituoiples. S. Gr ey, undertaker, on the • uutin street, Wing ns. • vo Oonsmitteo of the boi bugler, and Adjutant Cousins, of Pal - warden, and et ers. were in town ma 1 Wednesday eveni g, and gave a musical Jubilee in the gat atton Arany barrack. Eon Saas-A good second hand Radiant Home coal etove, at a reduction.. Apply at Ohne 4e Co's. -Mr. Jacob Coo :•,, of lot- 15, con, 11, TUrnberry, will sel bis- farm. stook and it/interne:eta by motion, on Toesday, the 20th October. Sal, will commence at 1 a'olook. ' Peter Dmas,Auetioneer. • -Every person 'requiring carpets or floor oil clothe, should, not faille call on Gon0O & Atolerrite, • okays; ill DAM. 1 tion to an unusual' ,larg y and attractive stock choice scilectio of samples in Ba ems oarpett yhiolet, ey are offering a lose prices. , -Mr. jos. Clegg ship led three car loadeef cattleto Aberdeen, Sa'atland, on Weclotea day lasaMr. Geo. Diaghes, of this town, has charge of the oetlie and will go with them to their clestin Apprentices wat and mantle -making. gie Johnston, Gregor , .-3fiesblellollloPlard a grand concert, damn in November, The bee obtainable local or two was vit ed away with speech and and foreign talent ieb0 g.secured.to take song. part -.On Mods.', Mr. A 0 Strathdee, the -Was. lileEel vie, of the StarRestautant, energetic agen 'at the.,G. T.It station here, has just received a large stook of calmed left for some iolidays. .`• He goes to the el/Anemia-the beat braod made in. British northern pert f the.s'tate of Nebraska to Columbia. Tryit. - • • -. . ., visit friends, ence. to Denver, Coloratlo, --Voters' List itiour's for therevision of aucl still on to be Rooky Mountains, and the Ontario Voters' li.:te, winhe ' held by will visit the mons "Pike's Peak," an Judge Toms pa follow :-East Wawanosh, other noted p int& of scenery, and if time at Belgrave, Opt. 18; aowiek; at •Goerie, will permit, will go as far down as to Got 22; Wroxeter, 04e• 22, 4 p: in.; Turn- New Merle The readers of the TIMES berry, at 33luevale, 0 a. 28, Ashfield, at may be ante tained with a description of Dungannon, Oot. 28, Vest Wawa:with, at his trip In future Riau& Mr. Wm. Pangannon, Oct. 29 Seafortla, Oct. 31; Sutton, ot. A in charge at the • Station 1 Tuckersinith, at Brno had, Nov, 4; Mo- during Idr.,0 Eillop, Nov. 18, ' • - '..., A Oate thus f recasts the weber ' for a -nether Imiathi.-- The 'cold weather - Mt J Z Aye we have had during th past two weeks is 131(Iva to AlittittO over. For the beat nth we shall ha,ye his saw' Millisbi In Ontario fine warm wailer onsidering cooper shop and h i f r and -et dr The end 0 or as y, fe learn dress pply to Misaildag- bloat • is arranging to give, the second eek ,prOtfee, have proyisipne of ly enforced. • -Dr Hai, ie -On Tues y of Ole friends of tertained t ZIA ltdcKelvie" denartizre for E 13' Gerster w MrlitoCatclae nicely worded replied in it fe a veiling last, about thirty r'W MeCutelleon en- ' an nyeter sapper at Mr tar reateurant, prior -to his ouddu,),419F supper Mr celled -to: ieapirair, tied • was presented, with a dress,and a goldiinsl ne ng manner, and an our -Inspector Mallooti rattan, aeconded by •was in town on Pb •sday. -Mr a lifer/oaks Joseph Coed be re- returned from Chi ago last week, and has a, salary of 3300 per taken a positiouiu Itr John Hanuit's store, liamilton, Walkerton, of the firm n metion,the seoretary T , 13elgraye, was in was authorized to advertise in the Mao town on "Wednesday. and Rtnpire for a mod claw teacher for the imoond dopar eat. The board then WC$ Bruce Suliaa adjourned. The first votive • aboot A shooting mat • No. 2 Company, at Zetland Ba weather was fi attendance and in in the firing. T wilted as folloWe • • , • Sohoo1 .aesoolatiofl. tion of the shave association was held at Lucknow on ustehes, Wo4nesday, Oct. 9 The convention under tee auspices of woo. presided over the Rev. T. Cot - a Battalion, moo di ling, of Luchnow, ho 011ed the meat. go, on Friday last. The ing to order prompt] at the hour. there was a fa'ir The different topics ere diebtiesed tO „ b interest manifested good advantage, an no doubt prat Wuntaersr 0°4°h re* to all those who lt d the pleasure, of: attending. The p• pers read were of great importance a • bearing on the 2 0 10 0 0 4 great work of Sunda ochoble that IS 0 0 0 becoming now su an important 2 • 4 14 factor in Christ's work The next. • 4 2 2 convention will •e Id Bervie, 4 2 13 • 2 2 12 November, 1890. he following are 9 13 25 the officers z Rev (3. ewton, Presi- dent ; Jeanne Warr S,17:reittaturyy-, treks.; comulitteel mesas J L Clarrlok Wm. Honder- Wm Dod4ci ' George Burke A Carrick Pugsley Pi Green ' John Ray James McGuire - Rogers. , • 4a0 Leavers 7 A Meath' t Carrick • 11 'Wn3 Brant 5 S Sharman 1 -0- Lieut. Ritchie 4 -Bailie de itoo yes. see ycie.Tte The prize ti were awar • Carriek, let, silver op • 2nd,4; Wm Brant, 8r 4th, 4)2; J Pogaley, 543,0 The All -Comers' mat off, and, resulted as follows 200 yds. 4 S Kent ' • 4 A. Stiles 7 Wm Dodds Win Brant 8 Green • 0 1 T Ritchie 0 B Carrick 12 Diusley 7 F Hughes • 7 6 4 9 5 4 2 4 9 • • 1'97 6 13, 30 3 13 21 O 0 0 son. .)0 0 4 8 0 10 • Bel vel e as follows B ' The post office h s.heen...reipovecl • 418; j Rogers, IA Mr W AteLkan Et's Wm 1 .1. -12-.; • 83, Leavers, Welsh is,pushiho• along the new 'build- ; Rey, 6th,61. tikreplaee th one;lately destroyed was then shot by fire.----Istr John pot ter is shipping large quantities of p atoe,s from the ./ ydg. MO yds, Taa atatiort here. 2 2 8 0 8 10 • Att oc)ot • 24 5 7 On Sunday m riling the barns' mid 56 11 dwelling tui the of Dr liamiltm), 0 • 0 0 which is situated' o' the 8th con of 8 13 83 Mina, were burne to the gramid. 4 0• 11 A lantern, whisite ottle, and bag of 0 7 14 . 2 • chickens of some ramp chicken thief 0 •0 a were found near the stable door. The 13 4 26 rascal also left his coat behind him. 10 ‘!,) .11 The buildings V insured in 'the O J'2 Perth untual.-0 Friday evening, 3 0 Oourt Lanedown , No 93, Cana - 3 •0 12 dain Order of °resters, dedicated 3 0 • 6 their new hall. After the dedication 2 0 a grand concert WO giVeri in Graham's 3 2a. • 0 5 hall, in which S in Fax, of Woodstack, 2 0 5 2 0 0 2 2 6 12 ere: E Carrick, 1st, a; 'Wm Brant, 3rd, Leavers athdee'e absence. " - Mosgrove j McGuire ction Sae. . R Lemont haviag cleolded to re- Copt Nt'illiarns oe - *111 offer D atingle p g, le faetory,stave factory, A maraen viral houses and town Rogers UOti011 on Pilattl, Nov. a Ray t t me o. Yea y y. ,:rf October will be do idedly warm, hazy If3t. 113;3 props and ud vem. ed neat the G .Couvenienaly a)0,t, 0 Reading , II W 0 Meyer cud fine, ad the fiest 5we Weeks in No rook Railwayttation, N Griffin ‘ber will be fine and w brim for that time of • Vsr terms particulars, see large ,..-,.smith the year. After th .t put on plenty of Posters. E R Talbot under-olothing and w rni clothes," e The prize winners . • Public °mll Boaret. - t; • i McGuite, 2nd, -On Sabbath ne t, 20tia inst, the Rev A 'tootle school hood was hold 62; 3- Ray, 4th, 62; ,Lantiont, 5th, 62; P` Callen Davis, of Lea a) will conduct her* . on Tueeday eve ing. All the members Hughes, 601,82. ' Vest home and than giviug services, in preeeat, except Bell and W W St Paul's ohureli, zrl th town, both mot*, Pritioipal's reporfforSept, was read and Pere- nale ing and evening. Oa lowing, he 'will deli lecture, entitled,"Vt lia • o 'Ireland hd Wales," 'tlentan has b.whde r lectorer, and t rare %clently anticipated. bUilding fund. maul' oven -big fol. adopted its follovn ;-• Rev. Canon Craig, •f Clinton, spent a r his celebrated mrsummort.• few hours in town dia Tuesday. Pie was 1 saw in England, Dept.- boys. oirla Totel. avg. on his way to Gerrie, conduct harvest e reverend gen. 1 • 24 85 59 51 home and thauksgiv g servioes- Rev, utation as an able • 2 25 23 48 43 Isaac Barr, who ve.s • one time pastor of 2726 63 . 44 eat now be eon- • 1 2/ - • 22 54 42 St Paul's 'thumb in t s town, tsu is now tOceeds in aid of 5 81 27 68 51 rector of St Georg 's ,olaurch, in East • ii 45 • 2T 72 63 Saginaw, Michigan 5 in town on Tues- nro spent a few week, returning .11 on Ifonday..lar a from his trip a on Saturday last. ea friends in No. , Ohiwand netiohigan, Advertise your strood animals. The52 99 70 day leat..Mr I) 7 47 Turks has a large eiroulation, and a small no total visa ts of our exanainationt days in town last • solVertisemeot in it costa but little, •for the year were irst class certificate. one to his home at Milvert orat',A %map has eemplot. eiladidate, one g=teuessful.. Third class Haynes Atigns retut -The Repress's Ontario .il5n 0 Oral)* dub met imt. There Vas 'On:hrtna (furling •pri. , for the • .41, Otte% of , no 74,-5, ss la 7, ; a •do. r 110, Yal Caledonian Toronto en Tim:54y large gathering,' Ob being represt% ‘- '0;i51.6 1104 41.10.:StOkell Wit fll'h)WhI toadixo, • •• arrangements for laming a wawa nertificertela. 6 oardidates, 8 Aucceesfal. to the wester& $te ' • tett, 18 canaidatee, 13 While away he vie • breaks, lows, Illinoi counts vitro presentedi but thinke Ontario is any,31,50; O'Neal' than...Gerrie MAO; *attainment, in the tett hall, Thesday ztrau,ae„. cer. a llo November The programme seeoesadl, .t ebnalat of a con ert, for which the The following a best foreign and lo talent has hoed Globe/Printing Co eeeatretde and Bev, Jit es Livingstone, of glaring, $1.60; rt. uot, printing, 61.50. of Winglutro, le visitin Swill deliver s justly celebrated. 110i/ea by WM ,NOOVei seomitied .by T. Ur John Mosley *A tilfet •Ontilled "Th Human Veioe."1, 4bralaam, that theetecourits just read to safirday „Mr Thos herever Mr. LiVin one bas delivered! paid,..4erried. L.tplication or re•en• the freight liens, it . thre) It! 1r0lit41,,,..liti„ p asai. . • • • . • 411*;1 . • • leatare It has the higjunit Wins of Peettottlers will bill ilflra • "I • SPOken IA in giggernent itte WO. Vora woe reVed Stratford on Wed . rate, 'nether teem W. Grov 4, S. A. Burgess, .134 on: assistant the PO and me and - Aliso glass players, took was largely patro of the an and was a sauce ae, the musical art. The concert ized by the people surrounding country, s in every way. List el. ntessra John. P stin and L Bush contemplate opet ng at new fonihdry and machine Bill emnbmed itt Lis• towel for the muI se of supplying tools and inachiner forfiketory plant together with at .am engins, oto, The leading eitize is of the town are considering the n• visibility of guaran- teeing a loan of $5 $0 to enable the scheme te be carr ed Out. --A gun club has been 0 gsnized hre, of vvitieb xorphy A W Featherston Spears vice, It L and Sohn Living The e tub is gover club rules,- Th is bon Is -resident, president, Wm illico secretary. one, jr, treasure. a by Toronto gun curling club hes good as any et elected theldlow g °MOOS tor the s George Green, current year. Pat on, 3 a Hay; prod4 frieada itt town.. dent,13 13 Camp ; vice prPsident, itt Xinoardiao is•at X 0111111e, jr ; gee -treed! WM °abort; ilon, assistant iu chaplain., W ughes. Bapreseir. Xt, left for tstive nfilibers, B and F 0611102* y. Ideate/prig onimitt7eti* it swat, ret fittare ieted& at Reynolds and Whittle Mdam% rid from vittia * elate fa Naas , • • • • ,40W-; , „ art, Wm Olim o i L Litlitio sts Nomilint, • it • 0., ,t' - • - ' . •