HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-10-04, Page 85. rig am Clines Train% arrive end depart 40 01101141 Littvierri Atairitlek ..e - - - -1, . _ 51Si lie M.... ., •., ..For TareUtO•...." ,,,..6:06 a, ro ,2:15 IN m .. 2:15 pan 11•16 0 10;30 " riunisx OCTOBER, 4, 1889. 2115 P. 111........ ..Yor Tettawater :60p. Ryon Items, G1-2Z.A.WID TXR,171•TIC -Rxr Ott WedllesdaY laSts young lady Tilton h A. URA HOBE, AGENT, WI/MAL g t lets to all point.' in America—North. tti y e uanie of Miss peeves, who re- wet. Paeleo Coast, to,via the shorteet end all 'sides pear Clinton, was struck by the NUtiltrticf f1°.1"1,t'wQ ght rates tall points, stflfargeg:age checked throngn to train going north on the L. H. and B. ' --TIME TABL.E.--,--- 41,14 was instantly killed. $he was PNAVE WINGUAY, *lova ar WILSOITANI. 0:39 aotuaoront.oelluele,Palmer4to4, A0. 3.80 P;1,4, 10;10 deaf and dumb. Mr. Join McMillan, M. P. for 1. 1:10 •• r:129`141.,....:Palmer:tagligggh,...4..1020a.m, 801.101 it droll, arrived home from the 6:50 1"11 1411(1": 40'* "***.**1...::5(} " Detroit fair oo Wednesday night lest. Itga.......inacersaie,40.... ... 0%8911::: He had five horses. with Idta and they it'APO 4. ' Imo 6:50 p.m, carried. off over $270 in prizes,' Ifur- ou's stock always takes the lead. The Smith Hero, fall show, held The Ontario Voters' List Act, .'ehoice Novelties in shades and designs, including black and colored Henriettas, Cashmeres, I.3erges, at 1:1;ter on the 23rd and 24th Sep- 1_889 tember,was a euccess. The live stock Notice hi hereby given that a Court will be held wwil first clans as to the quality and Esaltro,gigayuttio.tvgeor&Luinsty AjottritB8092. they quantity. The grain was good but Urn:YA Hurfon,,,Agite Town Naill, Welongliam, on I 0101011'19 0 Has every confidence in inviting you to inspect his stock of General Dry Gods, GROCERIES. Tailoring and Gents' Furnishing, OTS and SHOES. t, DRESS GOODS DEPARTIVIENT. not a large quantity shown. The toehleatr and Sett?ritine ;stall 9comptiiralisinOt vegetables were very geed. The gur°„ri°01;at' ° fruit was mile r poorly represented. having bu The Ann arts, fancy and ladies' work atjj1118 VMS the best for several years. Farm irep.ernents, carriages and buggies were well represented ; dairy produce was rely good. The weather was all that could be desired, aud there were over 5,000 people present. The report of the Bureau of Indus- trieS for Pntaro fir 1888 has just been issued It contains a lot of n. formation of interest to all classes, bet especially to the farlalare, and we Mr Cozen wake the following extracts from its Rocs. pages. During the year it rained on - 89 days, (nearly a quarter of the year,) And over 25 inclies,of rain fell in that time • it snowed cm t8 days and nearly 90 inches fell. total. occupied and assessecllmid. in Huron --county last year was 799,822 acres, of which 537,325 are cleared. The amount of fall wheat raised in the .county was 9211509 bushels ; in Spring wheat only 28,788 bushels were raised last year, as compared with 71,618 in 1887. Over .900,000 bushels of barley wereoistid, an ‘orease of 300,000 -over - the .previorts year ;' 8,4:56,022 boshels of oats, an hierease of.over 600,000 ;- 3,540 bush- els of rye; 838,847 Of peas and 4,080 of beans were raised. Over 94,000 tons of hay, nearly 700,000 bushels of potatoes, about double the amount iu 1887. -683,945 bushels of mangold wurtzele, 179,979 of carrots • and 2,651,123 of turnips.. The acre- age under, crop wits 332 310, and -tak- ing the years from 1882 to 1888, the average acreage under crop was 328,- .888. In pasturage there was 141,642 .ecres. Live stook in the county are –reported as follows:—Working horses, " 12,130 ; yireeding mares, 6,894 ; un- broken liCrses, 8,986; cattle, 106.928; sheep, 54,951; hogs, 29,246; turkeys, 11,27 ; geese, 22,480 ; other fowl, 294,511. WOOL ee,arse, raised 186,- 734 lbs.,. fine, 42,815 lbs. Factory cheese, t521,314 lbs., valte thereof $142,033 76. 'Creamery butter 250- Jbs., value $9,088.. The- aesees went ro1s show the valneof all farm, lands in Huron t, have Ileen4m,-008.. 697, which is over one million •dollard less than the year bef.ire. The value irf fArtit buildings was $8,316,194 ; farm implements $1,378,156; live stock, $3,492,977. no in the Voters' List of the of Wingham for 1889. All persons less at the Court are required to attend time and place. this Srd day of October, 1889. J. E. Precursor, Clerk of the said Munktipality and Court. PHRENOLOGY & PHYSIOGNOMY. • MR. G.ENS Twills, Heather Mixtures, Tartans, Plaids, Silks, black and colored Marvelleux Brack, black and colored • Satins. Novelties in Shawls, Plushes, Skirts and Skirtings, and- a large rassortment of Mantles and Mantlins. GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTiiENT. Great display and -prime value in Worsted Suitings, Scotch and Irish Tweeds, full range of Mixtures, Cheeks and Stripe Trouserings. Stylish' new goods. Overcoatinge in Naps, Beavers, Meltons, Excellent value in Rubber Coats, Umbrellas, Suspenders, Gloves and Mitts., Collars and Cuffsi„.Cashmeres and Silk • Mui93.ers, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, full dress Shirts, Neck Wear,lour-in-hand• Knot Scarfs, Palk and Self Calvrs. HOSIERY AND SIVIALLVV:b.;A.R—Wool, Cashmere, Silk' and Merino Hose, Wool, Cash- mere and Merino Underwear, Children and ladies' Cashmere and Kid:Gloves, Fascinator Hoods and Caps. BOOTS :and SHOTPS. The Phrenologist o lives below the 0. P. R. station, and who h practised for some years in•. England and else% ere is at liberty each tiatilnlaY - till 10 p• m. to e 'give charts, T BOIIN. FOVND --In Whiteehureb, on the 30th Sept.; the wife of Ur. Thos l'ounk; a on, still -born. ToNcin—In Myth, on the 22nd ult., the wife of 1Rov. A. W. Tonge ; a daughter, wit/—IU 'H(rds, on the 11)th nit. the Wife of Rev, G. B. Efowie, of Knox Church, ;.•• iitinseels ; a dOighter. ' • amarttroo DAYIS—G-BuNT —0n Sept. 26th, by the Bev. It. Carson, Mr, Ames Davis, of Vor,e age la Prairie, Mau., to Miss Sarah Guatt• of ' , CAnstve Coo -Garr -Tu Morrie, oh 23rct i1 at the reei deuce of the bride's father, by itev, Mr,, Magee, Mr 11.I. Car- bett,A0 kife4 Milky Ann MO001igliey, GEE0G—DANNIA6N—Al the residence Of the bride's father, INtr. Thettras Dennison, ou the 25th Sept., by the Bev. • Mr. Tor ranee, Mr Alfred *rem. to Miss Dii21-thetils Deunisen. both of AftaillOp.' 3)IED. kur.td12.—in Mornia, on the 24th ult., aged 60 years. • —In Bulled, on the 21st tilt, the infant son of Xr EWA Cole. rulMeit.—In Morris, on the 20th tilt, Wrn uoDons,k1 Frazer, aged 8 years. Cot's,—to 'Hallett, on the 21at ult, Mr Tri Cole, aged 75 years.. ouNso•.1---.Tn Lower Wingbthe i 270 uft, Jame S Johnson, aged 66 years. mine persons phrenologically and e charge at present is only 26 cents. s also agent for all kinds of Nursery' Notice. Notice is hereby given that a mart will ,he held, , pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List Ad, 1289, by 1 -lis Honor the Judge. of the County Cetus or -the Count-- Huron at the FORESTE1113' HALL, BLurtVA.tu, —on the— • Terenty-thir day, et October, 1380, at the hour of 9 o' ock A. bf. to oar and determine the several corn aints of errors and omissions in the .the Municipality of Turnberry for having businessett the court are re- tard at the said time and place. tovale this 30th day of September, 1889. Votrs'lest 11189. All perso quired to Dated at JonN Bunessa' 01 k of • the Municipality of Turnberry and constituted clerk of said court. Executors' Noticz. Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, chapter 110, section 36, the creditors of WILLIAM . WILLITS late of the Township of flowiek, in the County of Unroll, and P,-ovineof Ontario, yeoman, . who died on or about the 4th day of August, A.D.' 18b9; are required to send to Crocket Willits, Wrolre• DAY OF NOVEMBER., A. D. 1889, their names, ad. - kept con:Li-Air ton liana. Prices AS The Most Popular Summer Drink. Something New. To For -value, make, variety and assortment don't miss seeing our Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes. PTSPECTION _REQUESTED BY ' • BROCKENSIHRE'S Photograph Gallery. IF Long Experience,- close attention and unexcelled facilities, enables , me , • to. turn out uniformly a olass.of - work equal to that of any ' Gallery -in the west, . • JfaTWok of' verydescription artifi- promptlyand setidfactorily done. PAINE'S AND'' flan GIVITS --A SPECIALTY.— • ter PostlIittlee, County of Huron, one of the execu. A • Large Aeociettnent of Franies' tors of the said deceased, on or before the 6TH i"UITS Alt Res M, H. McINDOO. ARO. CONFECTIONERY. • ARRIVED THIS DAY STRAWBERRIES, BANANAS, ORANGES, LEMONS, , • PINE APPLES, &C. &C. Finest Quality at Bottom Prices. c, r iii t MILK SHAKE dresses and descriptions ; the full particulars of their as are consistent with good work, • ' Taste is to appreciate. claws; a statement of their accounts and the nature , of the securities (if any) hold by them ; and notice is hereby given that he said executors will immediate- ly after the last the assets of titled there they 'shall J. A. M w w entioned day proeeed to distribute e said deceased among the patties en- • having regard only to plat= of which ea have had notice. SAW. MILL STAVFFACTORY & PURE 10E OREM, cOOPER SHOP • Any Flavor always ready. Very special Reduced Rates to all Public Entertainments. TON, Solicitor for LIAM GE1131ILL and CROCEET WILLITS, llixecutors. glum, let October, 1889. tonoriacemag • OP HA Mortgage Sale some ussumerna, MOM 1+11,LA0E 02; THEMA= ower of sale containe reduced at the ti r sale by Public —on— Uoder the which will be will be offered Ccisimnit MARIC.ET8, • Wisorsax, October 3, MO ,florreete 1 P, Deans, Protht. oe hotiv..60 to „, 6,1 *tow pr lee 4- /hull Wheat fei8,1 bushel, ' 0 75 090 • 0 75.80 020 ,, timing New ORM, • 25 to 26 -01.-1 natal• *• 26 to 27 POW,.bt . -6280 40 80 45 ptitt,01. . , . - 36 80 40 Thrtt.4. ' etc Mad* • • -14 60 14 do Rolle . . 111 to 10 I de Summer niti,10 • • 12 to 18 Eg-ge per destem• 1-2 to 18 31 cod pee Ord, 0 * • 1 26 to 1 541, 434 plc tee. 5 ac to 700 112 THE in st mortgage e of sale, there 'etion, at tho NittiswaT.211, the 8th Day Oeto er, A. D. 1888, at 3 o'clock P, M„ ban th some .residence lately ocuupied by Mr Salyerd • naisting of about three sera Of ground and olid briok residence, two stories high, with outbuil • ge consisting of coach hoitses, stables, etc. The grounds are ye y h• ,dsotne, consisting of lawns, hedges, and epi did orc ard and garden, the latter in a very high ate of fru bearing and culti- vation, This property wil be offered for o aubject to a reserve hid. The purchaseray either pay the ole in cash or allow about o•thirds of the parch e prim to remain nn um gage for three years w interest half -yearly a seven per cent. per annum, Dated this 14 dayf , September, A. D. 18 Eimer W. Gmerris • 87 Yonge St., Toro' Vendor's Solic Or. JOHN 65411Altlent, Auctioneer, . ' ' Teeswater. tATERSON, llaittrir or Etotrrif Thrums COURT, ISSUER OP HMI, RIAMI Ltormats. EILIIEVALE, ... • • ONT. • BARBER snot). MR, MALOOLM McDONALD, (2,414 fulitsr,) Amin; pnrobseed the barbering. Wendt of Messrs, oebsetneralrel., le prepared to give all old customers and 88 106117 new ones 0,11 patronize him, satisfaction Is ell Unite of the profession. SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING are my specialties. ttul Gan at fila • Stand, opposite cordon atai gotta)..e's etoi 14, MCDONALD, • al • '`.* 4-1 FOR SALE. • MR. 3. Y.,AN'DERSON Having mitered, his interests in Mani- toba now -Offers for sale his • Saw URI, Shingle Factory & Stave Factory, Conveniently situated near the Grand Trunk Railway Station, Wingham. All these establishments are web equipped and in good running order and this is an excellent chance for anyone desiring to engage in this line of bust. 11558 - Por particulars and terms apply to J. J. HOBSON, Proprietor, WINGIIAM, ONT. RED ROOKER Furniture. Etore: CONFECTIONERY The most complete stock in the county. Pure Creams a specialty. Call and see me. HILL'S CITY RESTAURANT. . „ • TREASURER' S ALE .• OF LANDS FOR TAX • Ontario 13Y VIRTUE of a vvarrant issued by the Mayor, under the Corporate rim of ette : 1, Town of Wingbam, Town of Winghatu, 80 me directed, be,,r4ng•dato,the fourth day of July, 1889, nom - To wit : mandin:, me to levy and se11 the lands p. vitioned,in the following list, for_arrears ot taxes due thereon, 1 herebygive notice that unless such arrears and ancosts are sooner id pa , 1 Mali pro- ceen to sell the said lands or so much thereof as may be necessary for tho payment cif the ihntes and coats at the Council Chamber of the said Town of Wingham, on • SATURDAY the Twenty-sixth Day of October, 1889.V . At the hour of TWO O'CLOCE in the afternoon. The following lands are patented except parts 1 and 2: Mo. Street Survey $ 01 Land,arr int :P.1130; A 'I'LENDID ASSORTMENT :part 1 2 Josephine E Gov. Add. E half of 29 Scott south 0. T. Scbtt 1.2 1425 1372 1.5 8 50 , 9 41 67 8500 20 82. —or— 116 110 Josephine E. J & Sadler's Catharine W Leet.k Davis John ancIrrancls Leet nd Mellay 2.5 1.5 1 5 655 599311 34 6000 .„,4' 190 4613 FURNITURE of all Kinds, ea Which i11 besold at lowest figures, HAND MADli ORDEREDGOODS, See my own make of !digresses, Lounges, 5ro, Treasurer's Office, Wingham, July 4,1889, and everything In the upholstering line, • Picture Framing and ordered work will receive prompt and careful attention, All work one In flrot•class style. Undertaking prOingtly attended to at any hour Every requisite in Stoe Embalming a spec alty. D. III, runeral Director and Embalmer, ZETLAND SAW MILL ,•••••••••.1•••••••41 GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. • •••••••.0.••••••••.. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty. 4t% WOOD delivered., to any part ot Winghem. 0;d0rii by Mall prompt y ationded to. REORGE TI103161014, • WIngluitri 1'. 0. • COMPLETE HISTOR 2118--.* j 11 T JOHN DICKSON, , Treasurer,. • • Conernmak t Val Ise -FLOOD, Embraeing rdso a story of th. Clods in Williams- port, Loch Haven, unbnr and all the flooded districts in the State en ylvania, also in Wash. ington, D. 0., New 7or Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia, all of w caused the total loss- of over 11,000 lives and t de etion of over $40,000,- 000 Nvorth of proper II3V GE T. FIERfl M. • ., octavo, 622 gee; Illnetrat ;with IFOrti• Eight 'u1 ago Zugratringe. Price 411 50, First editio Betted August 10th. We ay duty Oa nooks • TS WANTED Sea ct dpale tat. . S. GOODSPEED CO., New CALEDONIAN NALL Tito SoCie(y meets every third liondey month.- Visiting brethren wdicome, cOmmodious hall cart , be secured for enter tainments of ovary kind at a very low ligtue. For ternms 5tc., apply to • JAMES LOUTIT, 0 Ind &ea . NI S MISS NEMO 11013ADVZ. CLASSES Olt INSTRUCTION ON PIANO ANDOrg0.h. Organ, 10 Voloo Culture and Ilarrintay. Mega Roos is, Blatt* Uses • HIS IRY OF BRITISH COW IA. Froin.th earliest period to the present time. HuBEET HOWE Mime Now ready, mplete in ono volne, with sectional maps, plans an index, A book 1 1 of startling in- cidents and thril ng ronlanee. 1 matchless work, by MI author of o at repute, a d is also the onir history of this 880 00 extant, • ligentslant. V' "11°1' The immtmlit. covered by this vol- e Is rapidly filling up with intelligent and ent isin( settlers, Who ate making here their holmes They all want to know the history 01 the countr well as their friends, and those who have busi 88 onections with theta who do not go there ere countty as largo as the United State*, and Alit vo me must ever OA- Fititute the fonndatio of Rallis • ry. From $ to 2s a day earl be made by itg nts. Everyone the hundreds Of thousands of ople Interested ntohlapteottnriwtirit, and in the his h another, will 511 this book. It IS h ly unbiased, and though MI of startling detail, 19 1- thoroughly ;found, practio hand philosophical, workers desiring territo e13e014 apply iron; ately, and In order to sour it in. gently ism • $1.26 fat emisate &vim:gulag 'UM, m and Imo oleo of tierftry, Elam liberal rairlovnttlee . No experience') or aapital required, the k Risen itself .if properly 'presented, a r agents thirty days' time 18 which .99 d liver en oolleot. • Addre T HISTORY tit, 728 ilittlt St., ban iota:v*10a, co: • 4- '1 oi 1..