The Wingham Times, 1889-10-04, Page 7about whom ninny remarkable stories are of course Ioltl. The author of "Gleanings from Japan" writes in re- gard to a visit there: I found at Nikko a strange looking picture of something which aright repre- sent anything, from a fungus with a hole in it to a figure of a plan drawn by a child 2 years old. leaked my friend what it Vitas. "Oh, that is11ashiri dal Miojin." "And what is Rashid dal Miojin?" "It is a dried rat, a god." "You do not mean to say that any mass worships that?" "Oh, yes, everybody about ere woo'. ships it. Shodo, says the legend, had made a companion of a rat, which ran about with hint, and in case it should be lost he tied a silk thread to its tail, When Ile died the rat was lost, but many years after the silk thread was found and traced to a hole, inside which was found the dried. rat." "13ut you do not mean to tell me tha• t any sensible man worships that?" "You will find the landlord does," and clapping his hands he asked the maid: "Would you ask the landlord if he has a Hashiri dal Miojin?" Up came the landlord and took from his bosom a neat, silk covered ease, in- side which was the identical representa- tion of a dried rat, and looking so used as if Ile worshiped it every day of his lite.—Youth's Companion. The Spirit of Manual Training. It is believed that the specific purpose of education is to cultivate character, to induce sound thinking and to make a necessity of scientific inquiry. Its high- est end is ethical. Of great value, but secondary to its.supreme purpose, are the skill and the information which would be the natural result of such cultivation. The aim of the school is to prepare for completeness of life. The central thought in its entire organization is always the boy himself, and everything that is done, every study that is taken up, every Influ- ence that is brought to bear, has for its sole purpose his development. In this view of its proper function the school is a purely educational institution, and is industrial' only in making use of the tools of industry to accomplish its chosen purpose. The manual work, like the work in science and literature, is simply a means of development. It bears the same relation to the process of education that a railway train does to travel. One may select slower modes of ap- proach if he choose, in his delight at the rapid transit, he must not confuse the journey with the end for which the journey is made. Those who hold this view of manual training watch with sincere regret any encroachment of that spirit which places the inanimate prod - ' n a PAINS S • CELERY • COMPOUND M ACTS AT THE IMMIX TIME 011 THE NERVES, THE LIVER, THE BOWELS, and the KIDNEYS This combined action gives it won- derful power to cure all diseases. Why Are We Sick? Because we allow The nerves to remain weakened and irritated, and these great organs too become clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are therefore forced into the blood thin should be expelled naturally. CE P'�'"E's COMPOUND WILL CURE BILIOUSNESS, PILES, CONSTIPATION, EIDNET COM. PLAINTS, ViINARY DISEASES, FEMALE WEAENESS,RHEUMA. TIDE, NEURALGIA, AND ALL IiERVOUB DISORDERS, By quieting and strengthening the nerves, and causing free action of the liver, bowels, and kidneys, and restor- ing their power to throw off disease. Why suffer Bilious Pains and Aohea Why tormented with Piles, Constipation i Why frightened everDisorderodllidneyai Why endure nervous or sick headaoheaI Why have sleepless nightal use PAINn's CELERY COMPOUND and rejoice in health. It is an entirely vegeta. bre remedy, harmless in all cases. Sold by all Druggists. Frio., r$r.eo. Six for Ono. �• WELLS. RICHARDSON isCO.,Plepriettess MONTREAL, P. Q. • The Meet Successful Remedy ever Ws= covered, as tt is certain in its effects and - dotes not blister. Read proof below. Snuenrsvnis, P. Q., May 8, ma., Dart J. KZ/MALL Co., Enoaburgh Falls, Vt. Gentlemen .:—I have used Kon. dell'' Spavin•Cure for Spavins andaleo 1n acase of lameness and BtiffJ ointo and found it sure euro ha every respect. I cordially rdoommend it to all 'horeomen. Very respectfully yours, CnAaLss J. Brrciurr. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE S. Torsos, P Q. Apprilr,1889. it. B. J. KENDALL; Co., Enosbur h Falls, Vt. Gents := I have used a few nettles of your Ken. doll's 78pav1n Cure en my salt, which was suffering from Inau• enza in a very bad form, and can, say that your Kendall's Spavin Cure made complete and rapid cure. I can recommend it as the best and most effective liniment I have ever handled. Kindly son d ue one of your valuable books entitled "A. Tree - foe on the Korse." Your' respectfully, I. F. Wu.amaox. 0 Tineluns's sews oi. , of Putnam county, this ""'skate 1>Q , euppoeed by nice" who know him to a strongest man in the civil- ized world, s attracting the attention of tate sporting oi.rolee far and near. One •of his recent feats, in which almost au- perhulnan strength is called' into ate - count, was witnessed only a few days ago by a number of the best citizens. Re raised, apparently with the greatest Vase, a huge pedestal 'weighing 1,800 pounds, and held it aloft above his head for several seconds, Mr. Kramer is over six feet in height and tips the beam at 285 pounds. It has been frequently as- eerted by papers in this section of the estate that he has exhibited deeds of strength that would make the renowned Australian giant turn green with envy, stud Editor Tippett tllIs week announces In his paper that this modern Samson can tie Sullivan with one hared and thrash the "Boston baked beans" out of hila with the other. There are men in this county who will stake $1,000 that he is the strongest human being in existence todayt--Wheeling Intelligencer. The Buffalo Motet. Tuesday night the women of Philadel- pida slept but little; for there was an enemy of theirs in the city that they have long dreaded. The enemy was the celebrated "buffalo moth," the destroyer of carpets. Millions of these moths were blown into Philadelphia by a favoring wind. The Philadelphia Inquirer says that "in a short time millions and mill- ions of the little insects were holding high carnival around the electric lights. As fast as they'd rush into the strong glare they would curl up and die. For hours they fell in showers on the pave tnents and pestered passers by. At Wan- amaker's, between Eighth and Ninth streets, where three large aro lights make a brilliant glare, the atmosphere was thick with the buffalo extermina- tors, and the pavement carpeted so thickly With their dead bodies that they fairly crunched under the feet of pedes- trians. It was like walking over a eoft rug." Welcoming a Son -in -Law. One of Detroit's gilded youths Is soon to be married to a pretty girl who is the youngest of a family of six. When he. offered himself to the girl she referred him to her father, who is a plain, sensible man with no nonsense about him. Ise looked the young man over and asked him about his collaterals, and learned with some surprise that he hadn't any; he was a clerk on a small salary which was hardly enough for one to live oil Comfortably. "But I love your daugh- ter," he ended by saying. "I love her very tenderly and she loves me, and I promiso if you will give her to Ise to Make her happy." "All right," said the old plan grimly; "take her, I've only six to. provide fot now, and one more won't make much ditlererice."—Detroit Free Press. A Dpg's Wonderful Instinct. About four weeks ago Bill Webb, of Iron Mountain, traded his bulldog Jack foram Irish setter belonging to Professor Williams, a traveling showman. Will- iams took Jack with him to St. Paul, Minn. This morning Jack hopped off of as freight train in Iron Mountain on which lie had jumped from an ore train at the "Y," some distance up the line. The dog musthave made its way here from St. Paul, a distance of nearly four hundred miles, by stealing rides on freight, passenger and ore trains. When it found its old master here it was much emaciated, and how it had sense or in- stinct to got back to Iron Mountain is a mystery -.—Iron Mountain (Minh.) Cor. Chicago Tribune The Absentees Were =There. A young Englishman, on a visit to Ire- _ land during the shooting season (says America), asked his host if there were many of • the neighboring land holders then at home. "Devil a one, faith!" was the answer, "the couuthry is schwarming with ab- 'sentees."--San Francisco Argonaut. Men may have seven ages, but a women after she reaches a certain point has but one. She sticks to that for the remainder of her life. Probably the longest "bee" linty railway in the world is that from i3nenos Ayres to the foot of the Andes. It covers 310 kilutnetres, or about 275 miles, and is as straight as. an arrow. The highest grade is shout .3 feet to the mile. It crosses no ravine and no stream, and therefore zo bridge. Sold or 2102.1. ilaely.IiIliITS Sold for l midi lateworld. jKjIUJIINjj1l(L� Ewe 08s waeel+ ie the world. reefer{ ainekee,er. Was, reeled, kaey Solid eels Hinting Cu.seBelk UAW Werke mid g ur. dawke re, with a and cute et sped clow Oae Person In Nob 2. ealuy .ea tenure ran hese t.oa[b+In r frith oar lefts and et,a�.. elle 11'aa . 1 e asph.lel welltaea oke Time sample'. e well e, td 0?WaIn n. seal Tre., sad Utes yea lave MO Mk* Y yew es YOme Ith , taemey ., Newt tare is thou woe teak Yea wenefbrfs tette of Thw w'aa Write e e wen ran Y► tau rt rNdtlaa the Watella Pdiose ea�w. s ,*seat, oc l req pommy,Wsub er&m il ry.. e 'er � ?was sos riieiit ..--.._, .. . _.._. ,,,,4�1�.a....a . ...0 .1.... .1.__ IlraYaya�trrr x,i4w.ili iI . '�'" Sapessektion le Jape*. Dm' V Read. This The na1>i've+e oP Japan are e�coeeciit' y Jt+a�+,�,7 devotional and set up idols and altar* on what aeenle to be the slightest pretext, tjlillt S S YU �T �'0 1311T G: � At Nikl<<> great reverence is paid the �1 memoryaPbhodoRho Nin,anQarly apostle of Iitt20:, lir, who f$ said to have lI spent several years in the region, and 1. We claim to have the largest and beat assorted stock of Watches Clocks and Jewellery in Wingllam. Our stock consists of American and English Gold Plated and Rolled plated Jewellery of all descriptions, Anreriean and Swiss Watdhbs, Canadian and American (hold and Silver Watch Cases, Spectacles and Opera .Glasses, 2, We buy all our goods in big lots, and pay spot cash for every- thing we buy, therefore our customers may be sure that we are at no disadvantage as compared with others, It will pay you to call and inspect our goods before buying else- where. Wo will sell you 20 per cent lower than any other dealer in W inghaur. In order to snake room for our Targe Xmas stock, now ordered, we will eel' at cost for SO days. WATCH REPAIRING A. PECIALTY. For quality of material used and class of workmanship we ac- knowledge no superiority at the people's Jewellers, B. )fie VANSTONEe Cos, PRACTICAL, WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELTti S ONTARIO MUTUAL LIFE. Cash Income for 1888 New Assurances written in 1888 Assets, as at Deo. 31st, ] 888 $ 393,074 00 2•,518,650 00 6,318,853 00 Assurances in force Jan. 1st,,1889 12,041,914 00 Surplus, Dec. 81st, 1888 90,337 09 SPECIAL FEATURES: Prompt Payfftent of Claims,, Annual Distribution of Profits, Guaranteed Surrender Va1uee L and Liberal Policy Conditions. AL.LEX. AW:ON, GENERAx AGENT. Wingham Ont E7, tiELLY'g 1:1ELLE117 - ErAILIEMIT Has a most complete.assortrnent of the LATEST, CHOICE'`, and MOST CHAR11LING ARTICLES in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry . and 'diver Goods, ' 'OT s ULM e C i r°$ RAI' GAINS. ar CLOSE ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRING, AND WORK ALL WARRANTED. GO RIGHT TO (*PEEN'S 13L00IFOR YOUR JEWELLERY. FFIELD & NEW PATENT TDP MILK CAN, s Cream ane, Sap Buckets, end Mitis Pans, ,end everything 1. the Dairying leas. BAYETA U HDI A SPEC JA 'n' r Vdll Progtly THE LEDING BOOT AND :X: Owing. to the late J3oom I have made room for and liavb on hand -A Large Stock of SHOE STOKE, :EMIT - MAN HOOTS tuati BROD% In a edition to my Custom Business, defy Competition in Quality, Sizes, ani ala tlettlrutiuod to sell Lor CASH, AT OJif Bort() PRIOLS RV -Repairing as usual, and Cement Patching a Specialty. I solicit a share of the patronage. Don't Forget the Place Opposite the Centred, Hotel. flip sewed free ifs all, boots purchased front ate.; Butt er and eggs taken as cull in exchange for goods. sa,. a H. RODERUS, ma e, wi gau y had at four cents apiece, You will see priceless mosaics and exquisitely painted cups and cans and vases, which were presented by some European potentate; and side by side with them you will notice horrible daubs, veritable ten cent. chromos picked up no one knows how or where. You will perceive glass cases filled with huge heaps. of rubies., dia- monds, emeralds, saephires, turquoises, garnets, topazes, beryls of all sizes and kinds, cut and uncut; and cheek by jowl with these your eyes will see cheap. mu- sic boxes, jewsharps, squeaky hand or- gans. The shah must also be in a condi. tion to "bull" the market on pearls, for here is, for, instance, a big glass case, twenty-four inches long by eighteen inches wide and high, which is more than half filled with pearls (mostly from the Persian Gulf fisheries) of all sizes and degree/A of loveliness.—Esschange. A Signal of Distress. A new nautical distress signal has been successfully experimented with in Eng- land, the notable feature In this device being that no stink is required and there is no back fire, the rocket taking the form of a metal Cylinder, in the base of which is the propelling charge, above this being the charge of tonite and above this again a star composition. The pro- pelling charge is tired by simply pulling a lanyard, and the signal is propelled upward at one impulse until the rocket has reached the maximum height. which is 600 feet, The stars aro thrown out. gi•trng,a brilliant iilumination, and the tonite charge then explodes, the noise of the explosion being equal to the firing of 11 six pound gun, but being high up it is heard at a great diitanoe.—%"dun Let. 4tsr. 0 IENDALL'S SPAVIC ODE. roar Er.Lresa, Max., lkiny 10 1889. rt. B. J. KENDALL Co., Euosburgh Falls 't. Gentlemen:— I always keep your Kendall% and nd theavin y- havednevereSeineon d in hat you state they will do. I ave cured a bad case of Spavin and also two eases of Ringbone fyears standing onmareawhich 1 bought to breed from, NW have rot seen any signs of disease In .a their offspring: Yours truly, D. J. O'KEErnr. Price Si, per bottle, or six bottles for *5. All Iruggisls have it or can get It for you, or 16w111 bo out to any addreso on receipt of price by the roprletors 'DR. B. J. KENDALL CO., Enosbnrgh Palle, Vt. SOLI) BY ALL DRUGGISTS. etb4:w.ae.,auu, „Smaalasitaawital"WeoldWatewria, ICIJRE FITS! When I say Guru I do not mean fnerely to stop them for a time and then have them return again. I MEAN A' RADICAL CUBE. 1 have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS A Iife long study. I vv il1IIANT my remedy to OUSE the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at onco for a treatise and a FREE Boz rix of my' INFALLIIILa REMxDY. Give TXpressand Post office. It costs yon nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address: H. G. MOOT M:O.. '..Iranch Offi18 ce, 4 West Adelaide Street,. Toronto. Nosiaitara,ciamtatimialk a. 4 I.dt Y ii Jlyl Llly.t 1.411 18 .u. Sl)!it Sewing -Machine raeInapails,�jl ri To At once �L.((ii++llllLu,!t!I IL.� trade In 05 pans, by plating bar machine. had geode where the people can sea them. we will send free 10 one peraoa in tools locallty,tbe vary best sowing.maebtee made he the world,with ell the atteehmente. We will also tend free a tampion lino of our toetiy and ',Minable ere samples. 1n retard We eek that yea chow what we send. 50 those who, may tau at your home, and arter ;d, months all .ball become year own ooe 011 ma grad Fa`h net n mid* astir the bI tr whit& have ran oat • before palate run oattt bold 0*05SunOS, with the $ 50. 8nt., end new tell* fat *,reb Eeet,1tretlte+t,timettwo. All merhine re the world. tl t* .e. No terdiel required. l0t. lief faattnett0n-t lea. tThose v111iie wtd to as et Otte tart ON, wire. time tee beet .swing-tneehM* to the world, end the gem lir�aq�ettroths ofInch art Over +WOwn tecethe•ir�Atrntle'. XIX VS alis UO.. Meg'tl,O. Aw, sennet 7aaN+►�hl