HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-10-04, Page 6• tag am (nc }f'RID.Ar, OCTOBER 4, 1889. IeDITOISIATe NOTES. De. S. W. Dena, late of New Bruns- wick University, has been appoented to the chair of mental philosophy at queen's,, and Rev, John MoNaughton, of it. irg, England, to the chair of ('reel;. Tl alr>7 is at present great rivalry between New York and Chicago over the site for the World's Exposition of 1892, The Press Committee of Chi- cago, who have undertaken the task of iufttieneing public opinion in favor.of scouring the Exposition for that pity, Were issued a circular letter setting filrth the desirableness of having that great fair held in Chicago. 7rEHEitAL BoUeoneen, who wascon- victed of misappropriation of public moneys by the High Court of Justice and who is a refugee from justice, is, disqualified as a candidata kr the Chamber of Deputies and all the votes cast for him have been declared thrown. away, his election nullified and leis chief opponent declared elected. The general's career as an aspirant for dic,, ta,torshipis prob ably over. TIE London correspondent of the New York :Tribune, in his despatch to that paper, says that the Hon, Mr. Abbott's mission to Australia is con- sidered there as of some importance. His primary object is, to press the claims of Vancouver 'as against San Francisco as the terminus of the new trans -Pacific steamsbipeente. Canada has already promised 4100,000 for au eighteen knot service between Eng- 'tile crop has been very good; on low fields it was injured by the heavy rains of the early summer menthe ; and generally the pea is a little shrivelled. The most unfavorable moults are received from the eastern section of the province, where the rains continued to. a Inter period than in the western seotion, Shill the ;yield per aore is only 1.4 bushel less than the average of the past seven years, and the aggregate is greater than the average of those years by l half a million bushels --the area in crop being greater ay 74,000 acres. Corn is still unpromising. The heavy rains at the ,planting season caused touch of the seed to rat in the ground, and in many cases fields had to be replanted two or three times, As a consequence the crop got a very late start, and being overtaken by the drought of August it has had a struggle for life. In some sections it has already been cut and cured for fodder, and the total estimate is less than one*half of the crop of last year. Buckwheat has also suffered from the weather, and some correspondentes state that it was hurt ie the blossom= stage, by the sun's heat. In tee east - era counties it has matured well, 'and the yield per acre is aver the average. 'The planting season fpr beans was, unfavorable, and the drouth arrested the growth at, an early stage ; but although the crop is l-gbt. the . sample is expellent. The yield per acre is three bushels less than last year, but the aggregate is nearly equal, to the average of the past seven years. The root crops have been widely affected by extremes of moisture and dreuth, and the present promise is not hopeful. Seed potatoes rotted extensively and many fields were re- planted. Growth in August was arrested by the drouth, and, except- ing in portions of Huron, Bruce and Grey, which were favored with more rain than elsewhere, the tubers are "small and few in a hill" throughout the western half of the erevince. The rot is reported from one or two land and Canada, and is prepare&-. to localities in Oxford , county, being give £25,000 'for, the. proposed service what is called "dry rot, but generally the quality is reported good. In the between. Vancouver. and Sydney, New eastern counties, along the St. Law - South Wales. Mr, Abbott wishes to renes and Ottawa rivers, the wet induce the, Australians to contribute season continued down to the middle an additional sum of £.7.5,000 towards Cf°Allqust, and t114 rot is reported to the Pacific s•ubvention in order to Se T ve done serious damage to the crop. cure ?fast, boats_ capable, of, giving s.. until the beginning• of the present he other root crops made slow growth • New rte . Berlin fa to have a scissors factory with a capital of $50,000. ^ Prominent citizens of Berlin are trying to. forte a big choral society, Mr; Panazieli:, aged 74, was badly crushed while undermining a heavy stone near Woudatools; on Monday Last. John Johnston, of unsound mind, is missing from Colborne. Searching parties are scouring the country.. A train ran into a wagon on a crossing near Galt Wedihesday last, and James Watford, aged 14„ was dangerously hurt. An elderly women was killed while walking on the Grand Trunk track near Dundas Wednesday last, Collingwaod is to have a Board of Trade. Tile corner -stone of Peterboro's new market building was laid Thurs- day last. The British Papifc squadron will test the Canadian anthracite coal on the war vessels. Patrick O'Neil had his hands liter- ally grouted off by catching them in a cog wheel at Loudon Thursday last. Mr. J. B. Matntyre, mayor of St. Catharines,. received the following telegram from .Butte, Montana "Alexander Munroe, one of our mem- bers, died seddenly,'seeing ,consider- able estate, We cannot find out where any of his relatives lives. Think he has.a married sister, maiden name Jane Munroe, in Orangeville, Bruce or Grey county. (Signed) R. M, Greig, Secretary Caledonian So- ciety." Mr. McIntyre does not know any snob person land was 'unable to give them any address. Two Good Papers, The best paper for your family cit your.lfriend's feenily is the ,elontreeyl Witness. which, while it is abreast with the :news, is notable for its unex- ceptionable family reading and for its adherence to the great principles which it has, consistently advocated for a generation.. It has been during all that time the uncompromising fee of ecclesiasticism, of"the drink traffic, and all forms of oppression, among which it countsprotection. It leas devoted itself much of late years to the promotion of Reciprofiity with. the United States and bas recently been filledwiththe contest against Jesuit aggression, on which battle -field it is, as might be expected, the foremost and most fearless' 'champion, The 25 °days' mail between London and: month, but the best accounts, ftertun- question and answer departments of Sydney. ately, are from the counties in which the Witness have grown Into an in- maneels, carrots and 'turnips are most stitution in the country, and the paper Ontaxia's Grain Yie1c1. ante WHEAT OIIOP;,ABOUT THE:SAME AS EAST YEAR, A report of,6O0 crop correspondents sent to the Qntsrio Bureau,•,of Static• tics on Sept. 13, have been reduced leo a bulletin. It speaks as follows. concerning the various grain yields: The July estimate of fall wheat is. Mow lowered by nearly 7 bushels per acre, fir an aggregate of 5,600,000 Bushels, and the grain is of a very. ordinary emote. Spring wheat was less affected and the .quality of the grain is finer, but the estimate has 'been redeteed by nearly 4 bushels per acre. The total yield of Wheat as now estimated, is 19,772,081 bushels, being 7,000,000 bushels less than the promise of the crop ,on the 20,th July, €00,000 bushels less than Lest year, and 8,250;0.00 bushels less than the ti„verage of the seven years. 1881-8.. • The yield of barley is fair, and it is generally plump and 'of a good bright color. In the eastern counties, however, 'inhere the great balk of, 'our largely grog n. They promise to is well known as an old friend and reach theaverageof the past seven instruotor of 'the farmer, "Linden- years,but not to equal the fine crops of bank" and "Rustious" being still last year. constant contributors. The children The drouth which has prevailed look for their special stories and over the western part of the province for the puzzle department. The for six weeks, and • over: the whole ypar1Y subeeription to the Daily Wit - re ante barley is,, grown, cor- respondents state that it wag stained by rains at the harvesting season. The yield is less titan the July es- timate by 3,000,000 bushels, but the Aggregate. in 3,140.000 above the aveiage of the seven years 1881-8. The crop has been generally 'secured in first-rate condition. In many parts of the province the oats crop was unusually heavy and rank in straw, but it was affected by rust, and, although housed in good condition and, the total estimated. yield large, the grain !alight of weight The yield, as new estimated, is a little below the average per acre of the past seven years, but In the aggregate it is greater by 11,070,000 bushels, and, greater than last year's crop by 2.200• LOO bushels. ltye has turned out well all over the rirovince, the average per ewe being two bushels more than last year and Ono lenthel mare thiel the average of eetrin veare, but owing to It reduced arce;, tlirs cereal is now of relatively' ittifiOrtailce. °elle reportson pe -aa Vary according s=+ thes itmrition and maters of the et.3. On high or well drained gelds province for a month, has left pastures liens is $8 and to the Weekly Witness `very brown and bare, and, live stock $1, which should be addressed to the have fallen oft' in flesh. The milk publishers, John Dougall & Son. supply has ,also been affected, and the The Arorthern Messenger, issued by dairy industry is suffering. But the the same publishers, is still the cheap: MA serious effect of the drouth this est illustrated paper published, and is month is teen in the delay it has full of the best family reading as well caused to seeding operations. The as reading for the young The sub - land has booth() hard to plow or cullaecription price is only 30 cents a year. vate, fall 'wiheat is going into the, ' ground very slowly, and the seed, bed Bruce County Items. is in poor condition. - lYlt. D, Fisher, of Walkerton, has been appointed legder,of ,the battalion Mime CoLLINei, aq well- known band there at a salary of $400 a year. t teear'- `tvesse tilrogghout the world as a novelist. A4musical sooiety has been formed and and, dramatist, died: 11l friday week. the battalion band made the band of. $600,000 TO LOAN, On Fernand Town Property at any Lowest hates and on Terme to suit horrewere. MORTQAG88 PLIROHA$50 NO OGMM18$10N OHARGEO, borrowers can obtain money in 6 dope it satteiaotory, R. VANSTONE, Beaver Bioo1~, %Ingham. MONEY TO LEND. IBE CORPORATION 011' TUE TOWNSHIP OF rurnberry has about 88,000 to loan on Mort. gages, For terms apply to, P. McLAREN, or WM. MaPIIERSON, Tr. Tenet aEa, Wingham, Reeve, Glenfarrowi Wingham, May 'V.Couey to Loan ox Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES. Money advanced on Mortgages at 8 per cent. with prir'itoge of paying at the end of any year. Notes . and accounts collected• EOBT. MoZNDOO, stiles,. -Beaver Block. Wingluon, Ont. Sa.rn:'l Youhill's REAL ESTAME AND FIRE INSUR- ANOE AGENCY. OFFICE : KENT'S BLOCK, WINGHAM. Private funds to loin e for ietaot Building Lots and Residence proper ti Those desiring to malice, home in Wingham should communicate with, or apply in person at my. olfiee, where all necessary, information can bobtaoined. BANK OF HAMILTON, 'c+:12 &HAM, Capital, $1,000,000. Rest, $400,000. President—sone FToamT, yice•Preeldent—Hoe. Janus TuaNER. DIRTCTOUS A. Oa RAma4y, Jinni Paoaeoa, CHAO. c vasa; GEO BOAOH, A. T. WOOD. Cashior—J. TURNBULL. Saving's Bank hours, 10 to 8 ; Saturdays, 10 to 1. Dopposits of 51 and upwards received and interest a'.lowed. p,eeial Deposits also received at current,. .rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United St too. bought fend sold. B. WILLSON, $oiu r. MEYER & DICKINSON, SOrscaTO11s. H. DAVIS , IS OFFERING 1V1 O .Lel J .3 ON FARM VIZOPDER,T' AT VERY LOW RATES. <E :IM I OFFICE—OPPOSITE THE MARKET. WI IGIMe OCTOBER 4Tn, 1588. S. GRACEY, TN2 '1Y"i TAKE1 , Supplies all necessaries for fun- efal furnishing having a Delivery.,, Wagon specially for this branoh of ` business. All orders attended personally, and delivered any: where within 10 miles of Wing: horn. Remember the place, first door south of the big brick hotel on the main street, Wingham. He was the son of a :scene painter d was horn in London in 1;829 ILL vented an automatic draught ' and firstliteraryproduetionwasabiography ventilation regulator for which he has of his father, published in 1x49, sucured a,patent light. This inven- h'rom this, time he devoted himself tion can, be applied to any stove or entirely to: literature, and produced a series of novels,which were immensely popular at the time of publicatinn, and which have continued to hold their ground to. the' present day. In the longlist the "Woman in White,"which appeared in 1860, was perhaps his the society, an Mr. .l evves,of Pinkerton, has in - heater, and will :save 85 per cent. of the fuel generally used, . besides keep- ing a room mare comfortable by means of sedating, a, thoroughly equable temperature,. Luek low is advertising" for tenders to build waterworks hi the village. It masterpiece, and created a great 'sell- is the intention, to use the present town sation at the time. Mr. Collins' hall building for the engines and take works have been translated into almost the water froth Treleaven's dam, near every modern language and have• run the overflow, in a direct line to the through several editions. He was a building, where a large tank will be member of.th) Guild. of Literature and built and front which the engines and Art. pumps will be supplied. Mr. John l atanah of Tucllerstmith Aevret 'ro aeon t. --Are you dlaturbed at night f and broken of your Peet by a slok child suffering and has purchased from. Mr. Deadman, of trying with pain et Curtin Teeth? If so send at Brussels, a jersey cow and two halls S weed rota bottle of " rn Wlnelow'e Vethln y' p" for Children Teething„ ate varus ie local /t of the sante breed, They are,from a I,lel dfnaefyfllDeo1eedu hila iootheretltho uficrnr the stock of Mr. Fuller, of Hamilton, nl etakeaboutit. piton os Dysenteryan'd llisrrl tnAo, and tyre. very superior animals. In repulatesthe/Remade andBowe,Is,auresWtndCnfie, softens tine hums, reduces Intiannnation, and rive~e all the principal dairying distiiots the tone and cost y to thin wllolo system. ",tire. ltrin- elow'e Soofhleig S ru ' for children ecth l other breeds with the ' Jersey in be. tbo eldest and best female physicians nudnnurenso iu the l aired States, and ie for sale by ate drag; late coming very general°and the animais the «''.'trout rho world Pride twenty flue Lente thus produced are found to be the most profitable for dairying purpases. Briton's `TtrAtszan is what you need for Constipation,Lose of Appetite, Dizsinets, sad sit symptoms of »ye epeia. Price Irl and 76 cants per bottle. Far sale by (1..G'. 'W31fie nm, practice of crossing the Durham and ploneant to the testa and is too reseri•ettteething Of an is Y'OTE 1.OF • I EAyT}I TOILET SOAP ID=4y,txlaiiite f2or *Ilea '.`dila$ Removes Freckles, Tan and Sunburn, makes the Skin Soft, White and Smooth. The marvellous heating properties of the Salts are incorporate l in this Soap, and used in connection with TOTEM OF HEALTH SALTS and SALVE, cures Eczema, Salt Rheum and all diseases of ]hood and Skin. Ask your Druggist for Testimonials. 'totem of Health Go. LONDON, Ib NT. L, & D. L. SnRVEreRs AND Clvn. lteenrest , I 011 t Mindam is ---IS PURLt$1ZED. EVL'iB 1?1 IIfAX MQRNII ruv" --•AT TIMES OFFICE, 40SEPHINE STREEll" WING>`ZA , e ONTARIO. Subsceepttanprise,elparyeah,iu *dVance ADVERTISING RATES; Sparc, 1 1 r. 1 6 iso. 1 3 mo. 1 1 mo. Ono Column 501 00 530 00 1 520 00 8s 64 Halt " 88 00 20 00 I 12 00 8 011 Quarter " '40 00 12 oe 7 00 4Oic One Inch 0 00 8 00 2 00. 100e Local and of ler ensue advertisements, lie. per line, for first insertion, and Be. per lino for oa h subsequent' insertion. Local noticen, In nonpareil type, 10o. for prat in. eertion, acid 6o, per lino for each subsequent insertion No local notice will be charged less than 28c. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations, and Businees Chances Ranted, not exceeding 8 line nonpareli, 51 per month. Houses and Farina for Sale, not exceeding $ "thee,. Si for Oast month, hoc. per subsequent month. These terms will be etrtetly adhered to. Special rates tor.longer advertisements, an for. longer periods. Advertisements without specific directions, will be,• ineortaxItfli forbid and charged accordingly, Trac.. sitory advertisements mutat be paid in advance. Changes tor contract adsertisengents must be leo: the office by Wednesday noon, in order to epf,ear. that week R. ELLIOTT* Paoralnros ArO,Ponite0ag DR. eR. MACDONALD, 5, jJ JOSEPEIN'li, STREET, Miamian, - 01040110, IiUILDRUM, Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Office and Residence --The old stand formerly oceu- Pled by Ur. Bethune, at the corner of Centro *ad, Detrick streets, WlNOOAM., Our,.' 9`1R. F, E. GO FREY, First-class honor man and general proficiency medal. , est Toronto University, ilember College Physicians- , and Surgeons of Ontario. BELGRAvs, oar. Offices -At Methodist Parsonage, J. A MORTON BARRISTER ,tsa., wingham. • Ontario., `( . VANSTONE, • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC ' CONVEYANCER, ETC. OFFICES—Beaver Block, Wneenam, Onx., Ooinwx and Bnvmn, ONT. Private and Company funds tO loan,at.low rates O.; interest. Mortgagee, town and farm property., bought and•sold. Mercantile ooilectionii a specialty, DENTISTRY.— J. S. JEROME, R moms. s, - 11 J S Jerome to maaPputneturing oeI-. "+i r`► lulold Placa Vulcanite plates of the:. beat material as cheap as they can be got io the Dominion. All work war- ranted, Vegetable Vapor administered for the painless., extraction of teeth, the only safe anesthetic known, OFFICE; In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick Hotel. 1'INTISTRY.--W., H. MACDONALD, Mumma Maker Golc.. Vulcanite, ec., Plates, ranging 111 rices from5500 u watde P P per get., orowmlg and bridgework. Teeth ex treated without the least pain by the use of Vital. iced Air. ilend Ofbce, %%ipgham, side entrance op• ed) frotm 9 anme to 6 p in P WilIabe eat nBlj h except. 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month -01110e at Milne E., hotel; Gorrle : lst and 3rd Mondays of each month=-: Office at Alhion hotel. Extracting 26 cents. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCP,AGENT WnesnAlf, • , ONTARIO,, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, it INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE, [C3UELPt#. 1. DEAN, Js,, wI 011.41 , LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUWr - OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charge Moderato. JAMES HENDERSON, Lennon AnOrnonxtn rote Comm! Hues ,raja. Balton. All sales attended to promptly and on the Shortelit , Notice. , Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Ouatanteed. All necessary arrangements can be made at'th,,; Torn' 602co W,tNOnam, O,T, BOLTON' & IIAWEINS, Ceasnot,M's ComenE DRUG STORM:, + LISTOWZ L AND i1INOIL4M. Wingham .Agency.. ;'+Alt orders lett at the of0eoeof the Tulle will tris chive prompt attention. Oat Neal Mill toeuede Ei50 T. RI'rOEIE, P. L. Surveyor. Civil Engineer and nraughi,nan The undersigned desire 10 inform farmn ern anti the people generally that they hal preParina complete plans of towns and villages, ne reopoued their per Regietry Act, and descriptions of properties for insertion In deeds. Cross•Sectfons of rivers midi Partionlar attention pled to division oI prop}erttee °. into building Iota, settling disputed bonndarles +r + end estimatee of east of Bridges Culverts, Jcc„ oat Meng i1I Int inghni1 ged. dcsthnatesforgradinr dills drainage zeas 1 %i 1 and street improvements, sewers and other' Engl. , nearing works. Correspondcneo soliclte4, stating And are nerd prepared to pUtCbelue Oats in pplaesand character of work, OFl<'ICt':;-Ai J. A. unlimited quantities and at the 3foantee's aw office, Windham, Ont, bottle. Be sure and ° ask for "Mus, 5VT $1.ow'r a0UaSIMP." and take no other kind, q(st s t g• pe s They will supply cu. tntnerm with the Theey Omen in Oat Meal. for boy --Why not, sir 7 We have" ELDER f , .t x.E G G$ ' Don't let enyone with long hair Cotntt tip the elevator to -clay. Elevn, M po:•try eueugb for the pretreat. j X °e „ . 1- * ..x Contractor itnd Builder, GUAM, ext. Agent for Downey', 1Betg ♦e) int »