HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-10-04, Page 4• Itl 1 -I B t3fiji.'aXd+ tiltaingamiiinoOwing to the dlisageeable state of the weather, the attendance at the concert and festival au Thursday evening, 26th ult., in connection with Trinity church, was not so large as it would have been,haikthe weather been more favorable, still the hail/ was comfortably; well filled. The tables, were apread•in the Orange Hall and were laid- with a variety of. good things., supplied by the laids.of. Trinity oburch.. Atter partaking of the feast, the audience repaired to the Foresters' Hall,where a: splendid programme was given, which was acknowledged to be one of the best. concerts ever held in the village. Quartettes and duets were beautifully rendered, by the Misses Houghton, Patterson, Petty - piece, and Messrs,Duffield ;and Steven son of Wingham and the Misses FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1889, T. u Carel-well election petition has been dismissed, an arrangement laving been come to by whieh the respandent, Mr R § White, is tq pay part of petitioner Stubbs' costs, AFTER, a lapae of, some five years, the publication of the I3jstander has been resumed by Prof Goidwiu Smith. It is independent in tone;.areview of current events, Canadian• -and gen- eral -a monthly publication. TAE Protestant Council: of , Public Instruction of the Province of Quebec, at a recent meeting, • unanimously agreed to accept the $60,000- granted by the Jesuits Estates Act on con• dition that the trust be restored and that the Quebec. Government will allow unrestricted control of the principal as well as the interest. Tian Clinton New ..Era speaks thus, of Mr A H Mosgrove, teacher, o£ Whitechurch; It is said that ltIr A H Mosgrove, teacher, will be the next Conservative candidate for the Local in East Huron, Mr Hays having de• °lined to be a victim any longer.. Mogrove is not a bad sort of fellow, but be has not the ghost of a chance against "Honest Tom Gibson," who has represented the riding since 1871, and who is again the nominee of the Deform party. Tam Minister of Education, in an interview, expresses the opinion thee the report of the Cornmiesioners sent. tq inspect the French schools of; •thee Province has been most favorably received throughout the country `'and. as for himself he regarded„, it. as., a most satisfactory one.. The:, Commis- sion was . authorized ; to . ascertain whether the regulatione of the De- partment with respect to the etudy of; English were being carried . Aut. These regulations, made in 1885, re- giiired that English should be taught he every school. At that time there were. about thirty schools in which no English was taught, and Mr Boss thought it no small achievement to be able to say that English hat been introduced into every school, in the short period of three years and a half, even thqugh it was. ,but indifferently house. Mr, T Stewart is doing the . is . home visiting his mother. We taught, in.a few instances., The re-. port;.sliows that there ares only about three per cent of the,, pupils, above the first. form who are not learning Eng- lish, and if but a• reasonable. time is -point.-Mr James Watson, wife. and allowed, he felt quite sure that it will family, from Paisley, are at present be very hard in a few years to say on a visit at Mr John Diment, jr's• which are French and which are Eng- Rev A Y Hartley arrived home from itch schools, so thoroughly will the a visit to the. southern part ef,, the county. . English language be .taught. Mr Roes expects *next year to have a East .Wawanosh-, training school established for French The Council metonthe23rd:Septem• teachers, and next week a meeting of her, pursuant,to• adjournment, mem- teachera engaged in French sciinols bes,ail presentr. The minutes of last meeting rend+and passed.. The. Reeve will be held,lasting the whole week, to reported that since last , meeting he discuss school organization and other. wise aid the teachers in Prescott and Rueae11. The Department has authorized for use.in Ontario the bi- lingual serieseetreecier5 now used • in the Acadian schools of Nova Scotia and New . 'Brunswick. They are purely undenomi,national and may be used by either French or English scholars. in regard to the exhibition of crucifixes and pictures of a denomi- national character on the walla of schoolhouses, the Minister says the rules of the department must be strictly maintained, Mr Ross states that the Comntniesioners have . visited the german schools also, and their 'report will be ready in a few weeks for payment of the following accounts, viz: Wm Pardon, 46 rods wire fence on sideline at lot 30, eau 13, $6.76 ;. Jas A Sutherland, putting four cedar stringers on bridge, spiking, &o, at lot 31, con 13, $1 ; John Gillespie, Sr, 30 yards gravel, $1,60; Jas- Martin, 20 yards gravel, $1 ; John ,iVIcLeau,. 17 yards gravel, 85 cents ; Wm S h3randon,., 20 yards gravel $1, John Andersou,..sr, 2Q yards gravel, $1e. Jas Wilson building culvert on side- line, lots 3Q and 37•, con 14,, $2$4 Wm Nixon, extra work done on jqb, cons 6 and .7, in, 1888, $1..44 ; Jee• McGregor, fixing approach to bridge near Belgrave, $1 ; R England and Wm Tucker, Morris, 82 yards gravel, per John.. Campbell, pathmaster, $1.60 ; R England, Morris, 10 yards gravel per D Wheeler, pathmasmaster, 50 cents ; H I.Wightman, refund of Fleetly and Young and Mr Floody, , Statute labor in 18.88, $ t ; Jas Tyner, of Blyth. Instrumentalmusic by , Belgrave, elm - plank for culverts, Messrs. Shane, Tanner,,; Oollisoh $3.90; Elam Li,vingtone, 195 feet cedar plank for culvert, sideline 811 and 34, con 7,.. $1.57 ; J A Morton, Wingham, drawing assignment of mortgage, &o;• $2 ; Hugh McLean, Belgrave, inspectiug gravelling on eastern boundary, 1889, $10.50 ; Thos Anderson, cutting hill at lot 36, con 4 and 5, , $40 ; Wm Stewart, Epgineer, services as per award of Messrs Johnson, Stark, `Taylor, John and Jonathan Bently's drain, Dons 2 and •3„ and .R,Dondail's, con 5, $10.50; H B Proudfoot, P,L 5, payment of survey in 1888, of lot 28 and 29, cons 3 and 4, $67.10; Relit Johnson, dig- ging and making culvert, sideline 88 and 34, con 2, $5.50. The Oouncil then adjourned till Thursday 31st Oct. next. • and Proctor. Recitations and readings were also given by Miss .Martin and Mr Gracey, and solos by Miss Godfrey and Messrs Shane, Tanner, MoClelland and Lawrence. Of such excellence was the whole pro- gramme that every selection received a hearty encore from the audience. Rev Mr Racey occupied the chair in his usual genial and happy style. Bluevale.,. 700 cheese of the August make were shipped from the factory here Last Friday. -Our cheesemaker, Mr T J Dillon, did well, as usual, at the big shows this fall. He took one prize at London, one at Toronto, first at Hamilton for large cheese and second for small cheese. -Mr Alex Gemmill has been appointed tax .collector this year for Turnberry.• township. The council never made a better appoint- ment, as Mr Gemmill is well qualified to perform this work, and is a man P. PORTERFIELD, Oteyk, Bluth_; It is, our painful duty to chronicle the death of, Mrs, Anne Coulter, wile who will be popular with the taxpay- 'has been' 'sick for some. time, who ers.-Mr Peter Fowler captured first passed peacefully away on p`tiday prize for heavy deaught colt, Mr Thos• morning at the age of 79 years. JJenkins got eecondfer a two year old, She was one.of, Blyth's oldestsettlers. :Mr -John Gillespie got several prizes Her funeral left her late residence at on;pigs, and Mr Lawrence. Lbvell got 2 o'clock Monday afternoon and pro - first on.team of .horses and • several ceeded to the Methodist church and prizes in the inside department,, at from thence• to• the Union burying the Northwestern Fair in Wingeam grounds, followed by a large crowd of last week. -Mr Samuel Scott pure relatives and citizens, headed by the chased the second prize Poland China band. --The fall ahow this year pro boar at Toronto Industrial Exhibition, anises to be one of the best ever held and is, now -.negotiating, for the first in Blyth or in the county. The Blyth prize. pig at the same ex•;hibitioii. Standard gives a copy of the prize Mr Scott is going into- the pig 'busi- hist. ` •There`veill be'a special attrac- ness strong; next year. He considers tive, we believe, in the shape of a the Poland Ohine the best breed, and trade's procession, which promises to he ought to know, if any man does.- be one of the best ever gathered in Mr Chris Thornton has rented his the county. , We hope to give a better farm for a term of five years to Mr account of it next week. -The Equal W E Orvis, of Zetland. -Mr James - Rights held their usual meeting on Timmins bas gone on a visit to Cleve- :Tuesday night. We wish this society land Ohio to see friends. - Mrs - every;,succesa<, of we believe it is work - .Bailey is building an addition to her : ing for a goad cause. -Mr. P Heffron Work. -liar Wm „Messer, salesman of 'learn that Pet leaves soon for. the the cheese factory here, was asked if ='States. -Rev. 11;:r., Fisher and • Rev. he would take 11 cents per pound Mr. Birks were in town this week for September and October make attending the funeral ofethe.late Mid. and replied that he couldn't .see the Anne Coulter. -Mr. George • King is in our midst again, looking:. hale and hearty after his trip to the Old. Ooun- try.-Robert Evans. is,. laid up Bele• week with a felon on . his, third•fiuger. -Jim says.. he likes. throwing flax bettor than , wrestling dough, -Mr. Dave Dgrrar►ce, and wife of Seaforth, were in, town on 117onduy.-Mr. G. B. Phillips was in Walton last week. - Mrs. M. Holland left last week on a Shit to her son Tom, who resides in Detroit, Mich. -The Turkey Club is about to be reorganized again.,, Go ahead, boys, and give as a bid to ono 1, to the amount of $1,300, instead of - of your festivals.-Mrs,J,Emigh is in had disposed of part of mortgage No $1,200 agreed upon, the same being placed to the credit of , the township in the Bank of Hamilton, Wingham. A claim of $14, expenses in connec- tion with this sale was said before the Council, and payment of the same refused. •-Moved by Mr Sutherland, eeonded by Mr Patterson,tbat. Wm Nixon con 6, be paid $1.44 for extra Welland this week. -Mr. T. Moore spent Sun:laywith his parents, who re- side here. -Mr. 3eorge Powell, of the firm of McKinnon & Powell, is visiting the different towns buying up a oar load of butter, -Sir. F. Metcalf, who has been very ill, we are glad to state is out of danger now, -Niles Morgan has been laid up for a couple of days gravelling done on job, con 6 and 7, - with a sore finger. -Mr. J. S McKie - near Donnybrook, in 1888 -Carried, - non was in 'Clinton last week taking The .Reeve and Mr Roche were em- in the Central,Fair held there. -Miss powered to go again jttnd interview' the Nan Shane has 'returned home from Messrs.Walsh, lot 42, con. 5, and Goderich, where she has been visiting make arrarigements with;, • , thele,, if frienks•. for: a. fete weeks, -Mr, J°. Howiol;. 4nlross. The stook and effect of the late The Directors of the Oulros>} Mute. Wm. Willits will be offered for sale at al Eire Insurance Co'y. met in the his late residence, lot 18, con. B., on town hall, Teeswater,on the 28th Sept. the 10th inst., by the executors of 1889, members all present, Presideut, the estate, Messts, °rocket Willits, in the chair. The minutes of previous . and Wm. Gemmill. Mr. J Cowan, of nheeting°having been read and adopted Wroxeter, will wield the hammer. it was moved by Arinstrong-•--Clark, Amongst the stook offered are ten that all applications for • insurance be cows, three horses, and. some young laid on the table for inspection --Oar- stock Tho sale wily' commence at ried. Armstrong--Little--That hay - 12 o'clock noon.. -•Mrs. J. Batters, ing examined 12 applications and daughter of Mr. Relit. Walker, of the found them satisfactory, the president . 4th concession,.who has been spend- and secretary are instructed to pro- ing a. few weeks visiting friends and pare and isaue policies for same- • relatives, left for her home, Portage Carried. The secretary read th o • la Prairie, on Tuesday. -Mr James following letter from the Inspector of Johnson, of Griswold, Manitoba, is at Insurance, who examined the books present the gust of Mrs Mosey of tee.• - and accounts of the Company on the 2nd line. -Mr Jainos Dunlop spent a hili of this nipnth : - fesv days last week visiting his broth- "Having inspected the books and er, who lives near Detroit. -Miss vouchers of the Culross Fire Insurance Sophia Walker is engaged as principal Company. I feel niuoli pleasure in in the Fordwich ichoel for next year, stating that I have found the trans- . in the stead of Mr Muir, resigned. aetione of the Company recorded with This speaks well for Miss Walker, as great care and accuracy, and that she has been teaching in the Junior every expenditure is evidenced by a Department of the aforesaid salami.- proper voucher. The Company is Mr John Lambkin is this year again furnishing insurance at an extreml•y; carrying off several of the prizes for low rate and indeed are perhaps erring horses awarded at, the surrounding in not making a higher assessment. exhibitions. -Miss Ella Cooper i at The Board of Directors and their very present visiting friends in and arnd capable Secretary are to be strongly,; Toronto. -The Methodists, of Mayne, ooinmende;l for their close attention intend holding an entertainment and be the interests of the Company. social in the Church there on the J. HOWARD RuNTER." • 18th inet.-Box-socials are now a Little-Olark-That the Secretary thing of the present in the southern record the forgoing letter in the minu- part of the township. -It is under.- tes of the Company -Carried. Mc -stood that several of our "fair ones" Kague- Reid -That this board do intend leaving their parental's abode now adjourn to meet again in Tees. this winter,•and joining with some water town hall;on the last Saturday • young benediet in forming as, Long- of October, at 1 o'clock p. m. fellow says ALEX, ADAMSON, 0 fortunate, 0 happy day, Secretary Whema new household finds its place Among the myriad homes of earth. M. Helens. On Tuesday of last week, the young: Messrs..Wen. Wellwood and Thee, est child of Mr John Tilker passed Woods have returned . from the old • from this life of mortal breath, unto country looking well, and report a -. that life Elysian. l\ r and Mrs' successful and pleasant trip. Tilker have the heartfelt sympathy of Mr. John Gaunt, - of this - village, the entire neighborhood, which was cut from one stalk or. stein of sun - partly shown by the number that flower 'eighty-three good •heeds, the follpwed it to its last resting place. stalk being over two inches through , The council met in the township near the ground. -Another of Wawa- - hall, Gerrie, on the 16th September, nosh's old and highly .respected resi- pursuant to adjournment. Members dents, in the person of Mrs. John .- all present, except Mr. Dulmago, 1Vlitoheison, passed peacefully to her, The Reeve in the chair. Minutes:. of long rest,.,on, unday 21st September last meeting read and approved. at the good age of seventy-five years Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by and five months. Her - remains were Mr. Jacques, that the rate on the' dol• followed by numerous friends and re- . lar for county purposes be two mills ; lotions to their last resting place in for township purposes be one mill; Kinlosai cemetery. • and for railway purposes 6.10 of a - mill -Carried.- Accounts passed- LucknoW. Mrs. Potter, $6.45, for gravel and The many friends•of Mr, Malcolm ., damage ; Jno. Wilson, $6, for culvert. Campbell, who was stricken with a. opposite lot 10, con, 6. Moved by, paralytic stroke some time since, will Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. be pleased to learn that he is able to Graham, that the council do now be out again. -Representatives of no:.. adjourn to meet in the same place on_less: than nine different firma have on the 25th:,inst, at two o'clock p. m. been estimating on the waterworks . when the collector will be appointed contract, They all, with one excep- -Carried, Wei, Den, - tion, pronounced the plans and Clerk. specifications very'satisfactory and ; think that when the works are coin- . Lakelet. plated, Luoknow will have not only Mr. W. A. Coop, of this place, a very cheap but effective fire protec- - launched an , elegant looking boat a tion. few.;days ago,. There are now ten small crafts -upon our,lake. Mr. Oook - News Items. deserves. credit for the skill and pro-- On Friday last, the ratepayers of • fielency be has shown in this branch Bayfield carried a by law granting. of his business,-A•very pleasant time $5,,000 to Messrs. H. & J. Kalbfleisch, was Spent last Friday evening at the of Zurich, for the purpose of estab- residence of , Mr. Joseph Mahood. lishie g a saw, pinning and grist mill. About thirty of Mr..Elmer Mahood's fil' Bible titans,pupils assembled to show ' The body of Jas D Dougals, who their appreciation of his services as 'res shot in a Hamilton boarding teacher in. the Lakelet Methodist Sun house last week by Police Constable • day School during the past three Ha�vkins,.was taken to his late home years. They did so by making him in $treetsviille on Sunday by his tete-,, the happy recipient of a beautiful bible tives. accompanied by a very complimentary The liquidators of the Central bank • ► addrers. Mr. Mahood, though taken state that it will take $200,000 to pay bysurprise.made a verytouching reply. the 14 cents on the dollar still, due. After spending an enjoyable evening The funds in hand only. amount to the young people dispersed to their about $.i5�,000 and out of this must homes. Mr. Mahood took his depar- come the legal and other expenses of tura the next day for Iowa, U. S,;,: ,the liquidation. where he intends to enter upon the, , A young boy named Walter Davis, , ministry, As Mr. ,Mahood is a young adopted son of Wm. .Wise, of Goder- tnan of sterling character and marked teal township, was on Friday last ability, we predict for,hitn .a successful thrown from his horse, which was future, frightened by a :passing train, after being dragged for some distance the '7 Langsider• . horse kicked lying, crushing ,his skull. Mitts Maggie b1cIi;enzie„ of Detroit, t[e died in a few minutes �'� possible:@,. regarding the purehese of a Slia ree $nessels, was In town, this is,calling on a number of.. bar friends 4 weals --Miss Ann Kelly is visiting in ,bete. -Mr John McDonald lost one of The store of j..Perin, of ,5t. Marys, ravel . it offered for sale to the town o was burglarized Thursday night. An arkfng;,horses, valued at $120.-- entrance was obtained through a win- • Mr Jattues yrowston has sold his noted dew in the rear end of the building Trull, Silverside, to Mtie Jae Young, of and $6 in catch, together with a quan- Luckuew,-�We notice thst an enter.City of goads,, stolen, There is no . tainment is to be helceie S S Na 9, clue to -the thief. Langside,an Monday 4vening,Oct 7th, comaneuciug at eight. o'clock. Jgdg- a The, schooner Erie Wave went ing by the excellent character • of,,tho, *ahem, neer. Port tlurweil, some time • last concert held in the. school bowie,. ago, and Monday .>+ wrecking. party the forthcoming one ought to prove a were trying to get her into the harbor • great success, The object of, the eon. at Port Burwell, when a gale sprung Cert-�-to provide funds for a school up and the schooner capsized, and the • library --is a vet iandeble one, and as following of the party were drowned the admission, 15 and 10 mite, is Oatpt. Thos Stafford, 11,obt marled, , within the reach of all, the affair Edward Soper, Geo Dell, and • four should be well patronized. l others from (7lear Creek.. ship. pit betwa;n Ii.• 13 Clinton thtraweek,-W, II. and Mrs. Proudfcot, P L S, ;and the clerk, re- Me,Bridereturned from tt eir visit, to Ur W A McLean, of Walkerton, wading survey .ofline , between cons Hamilton last week.• --S. Shibley has commenced a Criminal libel suit 3 and 4, and across Iota 28 and 29, returned home last week, looking none against Mr Wm Wesley of the Bruce &c, in 1888, was laid before the coun- the. worse of his trip. through , tlio Herald Walkerton, the preliminary - cit. Mr Proudfoet insisting on pay- ;Mates.•-�•-Mr. •J. Scott,.of.the Mansinn haeringr of which came 'tp on Friday anent of his account, acedrding to, IIouse,was in Srnitla'stiill jaat week. -- last before Mr John 13ruoe, Police terms of bond and agreement entered ;Miss Hannah Firmer took in the cheap Megistrate, After hear the evidence into before said survey was made;, rotas to Cleveland, °M°1 for wh i, the P S2 committed the defenclaint to After deliberating for some time, , i't, ,place she started on Friday last. etand his trial at the nett court of was agreed upon that his account of : The Otter Creek Cliesse Factory competent jurisdiction, Bsil for the $67.10 for making this survey 'Apia, a ppesranoe of the accused in $1000 and that the clerk further doerea,pond captered let prize for uncolored ware aecepted. The Assizes at with the Hon A 1VI Roca, and Crown choose and 8rd prize for colored cheese in which this case will he tried opens Lands Department,Taronto, regarding at the Industrial fair, 'Chis speaks on; tat 28tri day, of October, !this matter. Debentures were signed well for the County of Braise.