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The Wingham Times, 1889-09-27, Page 5
.. W Fade for Fannon, Blyth. Pltaaeznem TO Tun READERS or TOR VMS. AV .4 Mum, Bator at the "masa:, -•-At our agricultural fairs, and iii r•,,alway ticket (Aces, and in other• places throughout the length and breadth of the land, epaoimens of grain, from the far Northwest, have lately beenon exhibition. So much has already beensaid and done regard- ing the far•northwest that it may be • interesting—by way of a change --to bear something of the near northwest. No State or territory in the American Uhiou, no Province outside of it ; nor indeed all the Northwest Provinces combined have diads, equal --or nearly equal --progress to that of Minnesota,. NO Canadian statesman, in his most visionary dreanls.tlas ever anticipated theat the northwest provinces would for forty years to come, approach the prosperity and wealth already acquired by the state of Minnosota.. Yet, in the very centre of that state, an ilia. '!'TP•➢• _ 'AS_ r... c•-• 'vlrS.7^..3; I c' -t RFR,.,r�,+...--a•*g•.....ggrag .NCP{1If-'Ty-1 I. _ ' Ig�.�nFtiaF+ LET DOWN. TijE ANOHOR • JameEowxl Mr. Will Septa, who has been work- 'Zoo -ever" told it,1 don't know, ing with hie brother here, left town but it is said that Miss Maggie album last week for Lendou. The byys are 'is away visiting friends in Wawanoeh. Sorry at loosing Will,—Mise Ellie A sad accident happened one day last Mackinnon, who has been on an ex- week to the Oldest son of Mr. E, Snell tended visit with relatives in 'Wiscon- of this place. While playing around gin, returned home on Friday.—Dr. the scaffolding of Mr. Forrest'a new Milne is doing a very large practice residence, be accidently slipped and here and vicinity. to has a bright fell to the ground, breaking bis left career before, biol.—There are souls arm above the wrist and receiving that make Iuusio,and we: have hustlers severe bruises around the head and here who hustle the day after a tea- shoulder. The services of Dr. Steele meeting, --We would like tp see a good were galled in, and under careful merolianttailorooine totown4•- Thereto treatment we hope soon to see Johnny a vacancy here, for one man, evenaround again. if he were a little god, cannot please: everybody. Come on -A few of our guronItema, For every De iartment of our large preiuisee ins literally jainmed with. citizens took in the Fair this week.— A few days ago, while some • little New, Seasonable, Stylish and Remarkably Oheap FALL Many of our citizens attended. the • girls wereplaying in the corner store —GOODS. Splendid range Of — Exhibition at Toronto last week, -All of MoLean'e new block, in .Goderiob,. speak highly of the exhibits•--QurFaone of them jumped through the 1011 promisestogates allatllin Oct a the largo plate glass . window, • evidently S' GOODS p-4 laoe Y g thinking the space was clear. Result : kind ever held in Blyth. Blyth is —Utter ruin of $80 worth of glass, ' In every design and, texture, from the cheapest Meltons to the ,richest. well known for a successful Fair, buta little girl with a slight out on. each . •--Silks of Satins,— manse tract of land is now offered for this year' the Officers, are sparing hand, and a very angry paterfamilias. settlement, which is. unsurpassed in .no expense in making it a grand sus- ' M. Hugh Rose, of East Wawanosh, quality, either wheat land or in cess, , painstaking one can say but that we refused an offer of $266 for a three - farming ; where a. pleasant home and have ainstakiu Officers, and WQ year old colt owned by him, got by. All shades from 50 eta up, and other ti'inamiugsto match allstyles o f competency can readily acquired, think the right wen in the right place. ,«Ran:Iin Boy." Mr.. Ross values this - —Dress 'Goods.— Goods.— a P Y beq + —4Ve expect the man. wllo owns the Dolt and its mother at $500. - - Be sure to see our in a land abounding with timber and boarlard hogs back this, week. $he are water, on an excellent rollin Mr, John McMillan, M. i'., has' F Q been away seeing his Hai,—[t is with sent a number of his ern prairie of the. most preduotive. Boil, Leasure we announce that our sinkported -horses P g d the D t t it we ha a Ma�t�oU iDIRINiTi4 Iiinairl � a 1WW)" 1theregionnamedabsolutelyfreefromlistisbecorninsmaller,qubtlessow•nodoubttheywill•aarry.rofi'a shareofL � � � 3 g .414 b. 04 0 PLUSH` S, toThe _ Detroit a v az, g to this pleasant, cool weather..—, the honors, ki°. moisture ,to ansurena attract 'd nor est In -the near future it is my intention Last, Wednesday, :Patrick Carroll, a :. For FLANNELS, either grey, . red, white or blue, and away dowse ingte. stations in i ship out to give a list of our new bulldinge and. well known resident of Goderich, and : in price, be sure. you. visit the "Anchor." • Mime number one Minnesota,as than - of those in course of erection.—Owing.: formerly a member of - the Colborne to putting up of stoves and pipes last Township Council Stacks of WHITE ,AND. fIRE�Xi COTTONS, :PICKINGS,• SHIRTINGS arid entire provinces further north. p ,; died suddenly week there were a lot of cuss words. +,while sittingin his house reading a'GaNF1tAI4 DRY GOODS, cheap. .",Minnesota never fails in the. span- used. g flay and' quality of her crop, j n the newspaper. Deceased, although an in— production ' of wheat she leads all elderly man, was apparently -in his ' —Great value offered.in— and States, lr'territories and provinces, Langan death health duurpriaee slay, and his WORSTED. � ® SWINGS and she already annually produces A number of our. young .people 'delr�h wae•a. silrprise;.to" Ilia. many thirty ,dive million bushels of Dorn, attended the Harvest Home at White e ten million bushels of barley three c lUlc ave not quite recovelad million • bushels of flax and ten from the effects of the Caledonian has Leen awarded first prize . at the million bushels of potatoes; besides Genies I You know wlial,—The appl€+ Z'Axonto laidilatrial•l+'.air for. ilii; yegr- forty million pounds of butter and trees are as fruit1e.s; as the hens are lialg Agricultarai stallion Galt;, ."King l�eS ©]F, seven, million pours is of cheeso,• toothless.—The grain its yielding about of Huron ' half t1 million pounds of grapes half of- what seasaptieipated.—Noth A. Bishop; M, .P,; P., fair+ �aouth, and fifty thousand pounds o£ tobacco;;. lug to do now bu't attend the fall fairs. 1Turon, celebrated hie 60th birthday also an enormous quantity of hay —Mrs. Wm, Walker has gone to lately by giving a dinner to his much and an a gregate of several -million, Beue nanville to see he sister who is esteemeaa neighbors. Those . present- laiead of horses, eattle,sheep and swine; ill. -Mrs rhos,Boss •is visiting friend enjoyed a pleasant .evening and all 'Tie district referred -to is 'intersected near Listowel.—Miss Kate Taylor is were universal in wishing Mr. Bishop by the homes of a thriving comimunity spending s,few weeks at her old home. many liaPPY re.tulns'uf the eventful and possessesa all the- advantges of• —Mr."Jas. Boss, of Acton, is calling occasion, their only regret being that civilization.., including;' churches of. on a number of .his friends hero. --A hes was mot iii o.saore' instead of. tares different denominations, schools, etc. concert in aohool house.No. 9 -is talked score years. • The laltd,is:odered cin lozrq tertius of of. -Our Methodist Pastor.is.going to , • paymelit, at frons two and a half dol spend :a fortni ht on the' Peninsula.— lars to eix.'dollars per acre—the price The. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper .. ' . .. .. depending on • location—on deferred, will ,be diapeused in .the Presbyterian '� 1 � ik • : payments at seven per cent Interest .church ou Sunday hexa. Bev IV Ir. There is else. governnient land atilt' Sutherland, of :Ripley; will .conduct open for settlement. • The district has the -se Vices.. • •'excellent rail way facilities, and is near' the groat markets. of. bt Paul acid Salem. - -, ginneapolis,' where the highest price Harvesting' operations' and wheat r�a�J e �'jHS;gi ie obtained for all the rroducte of the sowi'n haven been enerall c — i� fines • M. Thomas McMichael oizNullett , And guarantee every Suit we make to be -satisfactory in htyle, 1 h —R From Hamburg Gerina y, 1 farm. J. Bookwalter, +'scf, the Land in this neighborhood, many of • Qoiilmisaioner•of the St:Paul, hfinnea- our farmers have availed themselves 8-.4114. Manitoba.' Railway Co, St. of the reasonable railway excursions Paul, Minnesota; will on applieation to visit the Toronto ,exhibition. -bar. cheerfully furnish intendinghomeseel• Nicholson, however, has'lately left for era with naps•.and alt further sutura he ci tty on; -a different errand, as a .1 have also an elegant line of alien. The. Minnesota . farmer is aiuful affection in his eye will involve protected. froth outside compete the .necessity of his i ndergoin;q an Dime r Sts, ' tion In the American market and ca Operation whish, we trust will be suo ater Sets, Fruit Bowls; China Casters, Cheese 'Dishes. sell in the Europeitn market' ars eq,ual.. Tea Sets,' cessfullyperformed: •— We regret' to terms with his aanadiaa••neighbor,and hear that Mr, °rocket Willits has lost Toilet Sets. has in his favor the vast competition of hie infant son, aged -seven months. • My stock of Groceries and: Canned. the nut srous-American railways 'to The funeral took place on Tuesday,-- Goods is 'complete. `'' ' the seaboard and internal —workmanship. and fit. --- SHIRTS, TIES, VATS. and. UN•:DEROLCTRIN j! To suit every taste. CARPETS FLOOR OIL CLOTHE. Please visit this department before giving your orders elsewhere, Ord®., • : t .: cit w,„� THE BROWN ANCHOR., WL1 U1 A°al. ' TREASURER'S. SALE} A ']N'Al1MER, Mr.. Archibald McMichael. is making Puns SPICES & Vxnneans•roa PICHLIMI A Wingham, Sept. 20th, 1889. • active preparations to "raise a house,on one of his farina, we understand for a TEAS A SPECIALTY. - • residence for his son, --A long con- . ' 'TO the Editor aheTimes. yourtinned residence hi any neighborhood " W .T YATES DEAR Sia, -,-I notice In issue is often' associated with the roinoval or of the thirteenth inst., a cummunica- loss of one's neighbors, and we learn . • tion written in some • sort of Scottish that Mrs. Hunter and her faniily'Will, The Chinet SOU �. over ;tire signature• of Seotie s °osis; shortly remove to Michigan to join her purporting to'deal with ti certain meet - husband who recently left dere to T v " in' s"ipposed to have .,beon convened purchase a farm in that State.—C1om-' �PiO�i E�l•'1�HI �i S in the neighborhood, and wanting to In within the•influa+noe of the holiday�1 know what Scotty thiuks of said g . Photograph' :Gallery: meeting. Now,Mr. Editor, Scotty mania at this. season of the year, Mr. does n t nor itlnot sayor write and Mrs. Robert Wilson and their auything, if he .knows it, that will daughter Bessie, are now gone to pay Long plled facilities,close s'iaiable attention be apt to insult anyperson.— a Visit to their friends in G -alt. P to.turn but uniformly a classic( But, 1 . will endeavor to correct • • w.urk:equal to.thatof any Sootie's Ooain in what he aays, Culross. Ile says that. all the women in the Who Is Scotty ?' That's what we country were called together, when would like to know. Mack had better ZerWork- of every description artifi- there were only two invited to attend stop saying that be and Scotty are rally, promptly and satisfactorily done. andg ive an account ofsome statement identical. or he wilt meet with some- - irculated which were not eoinplimen- thing to his disadvantage.—Died on DEE'TS AND FAMILY U OUPS taryto a reepeetulele citizen. °neap- Saturday, the 21st; at her son.in-law's, _ii. SPEOIAL'r .•--• ' peared,putin herdefe ace and proved her -Mr. Geo. Castirks, Mrs, Rebecca Mc- A Large Assortment of, 1 earner innocence, while the other, for treasons Kenzie, aged ninety years. Her bine- kept constantly an hand, prices es best known to herself and surmised by ral took place on Monday and wee low as are consistent with good work. others, failed to be present at; the largely attended.—Mrs. and Mr. J. N. like showing the White feather. week, and took in. the Toronto Bxhi • /iIXLEi)oNI$t!i mitt „ Bootie's °W>iin's last sentence is bition on their way home.--Mr,Albert G. sootety moots every third Monday unaditltorated nonsense, and. tate Goble done the London Fair, — Mrs. i" This conmt0a oushail c aelbben$edhrod for enter names he makes. use of are of too Joe Wellwood was in Huron last week tamescng pplytokind atsvory law Haure. For pa.lery. in the west,, LATH • OF ' LANDS FOR TA Ontario 1 BY VIRTUE Of.a.warrant issued by the Mayor, under tho Corporate sea of the Town of Wingham; }Town of Wingham, to me directed, henr'ng date the fourth day of July, In89,. t onz To wit r 11 mending me to levy and sell the lands n ehtioned in the following list, for arrears ,7t taxes due thereon,• I -hereby gave notice that unless such arrears and oncosts aro sooner paid, 1 'shall pt:.-. coon to sell:tire said lands or so much thereof as maybe necessary for the payment of the. taxes and. costs. at the Council Chamber of. the said Town of. Wingham, on SATURDAY + the Twenty -shah Day of October, OBI At the hour of TWO O'CLOCK in the afternoon. The following lands are patented except parts 1 and 2: quantify 1-10 acro No, Street Survey of Land, Taxes. Costs. $ 2 78 $1 fY $T41;181. 1; 2' 25 I7 7 80 82 :17 1.6 14 82 6 40 20 82 116 6.91 8 60 0 41 1-5 5 91 8 50 9 41 88 John andFranolsLeet 1ndMcKay 2.6 6 6 400' le 63 JOHN DICKSON., . Treasurer. . E hal4 0129 Scott south . C. T. 9oott c E part 1 & 2 Josephine E Gov. Add. 8 Josephine E J & W Sadler's 115 Catharine W Leet do Davis MaaL-•.....— VI If Treasurettd Office, Wingham, July 4, IMO. O D From the earliest pprfod to the p1re+st3nC LUMB AND woo time• ByHnssRTEo BdNORerr. Now ready,. complete in one volnme, with sectional maps, plans andindex. A. book full of startling in. • cidentsand thrilling remance. A matchless work, WIt CHAM SAID MILL, HISTORY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. 1 &JI HLE N ALt. KINDS Or • LUMBER PROPRIETORS.. specified time and place, which looked Picked were ,away on a trip east last trifling a nature to require any re- visiting her father, who i11et. with' 'a tnarka. very painful accident.-- Mr. John SCOTTY. Ambler does not intend.. running his Note by Scotty—Last week being cider mill this seasons -Solute neigh• the week of the Toronto Exhibiton bore ooetewplato turning some of MISS NELLU :f MCaA1t r i; prevented me front attending to their outbuildings round. Just turn - — , , (IL/MRS S Ott INSTRUCTION ON PIANO AND 1$0010'11. t,osin;s case any sooner. them, ;ails. We Will na,Ane a, note of C 'Organ, in Voice t ulturb and ZTarn.ltur. *. '`' ,�, �+O'rTl•r it,. ' Baas, it0O)0 .1S flsavba Utuu t JA1fES LouTIT, cline &Co by an author of great repute, and is also the only • history of this section extant. , AgentAgents planted everywhere. The ainmens° s Wanted. ll area covered by this vol- ume is rapidly filling up with intelligent and enterprising si;ettlers,',who' are making here their holmes. They all want. to know tho history of the country as well as their Mends. , and those who have business connections with them who de not go there, Here is a country as Iarge as 'the 'United States, and this volume must ever eon. stituto the fonndation of its history. From $5 to $20 a day can he made by agents, Everyone of the hundre• of thousands of people interested in this country,, and in the history of the world, ono part with another, will buy this hook. It is wholly unbiased, and though full of startling detail, it is thoroughly sound, practical and philosophical. Clod earnest workers desiring territory should S /y t mediately, and in order to secure it in- H.IN•GL:�S , stantly send 51"25 for a complete canvassing outfit, apply immediately, and name choice of territory, Extra liberal tame AND WOOD, Itopt eonstantly on hand or out to order and deliver- ed in any part of the town on the shortest possinlo notice, 'A11 orders attended to promptly, enndeatisfaotion guaranteed, Orders in Car lots a Specia4 Mill and Yard on Josephine street, djoinieg the 0. P. R. track, L. Sr ,J•, McLBAN. lyinghaatt, May 1st, 1880. TOWN' LOTis POR, SAVE. Town Lots Noe. 252, Mond 310 in the'Cotvn Pim Of Winghare, remaining half an &ere each, aro for gala, Apply to - 1 J. A, ituaTcav, nartleter, 1lingham.b: guaranteed. No experience or -capital 8 united, nil the book will sell itself if pproperly p}relehtcd and we give our agents thirty days time in nhiah to 0e• liver and. collect. Address, THS NUSTORY CO., 723 Markel St,, San Francisco, cal. A' •COMPLETE HISTORY u6, Tow tit E and PLO(.jD,N Embracing also history of the floods In ltilllen,a-. . port, 1.och Haven, Sunbury, and ell tiro flooded districts in the State of Pennsylvania. also In W asl•- ington ,1). 0., Now Yotk, Maryland, 1' it,;in:e and', West Virginia, all of which reused the total lees of ' over 11;00) lines and the destruction' of Duet $0400,-• ON worth of property. tY cittl. T. rrlilts, A. M. ileGcvav • 2 l,a;ea; Iliust: attrx with li''ort:rrt•• 01.04 - J -i" n .ilinNrr 'sAg8, i'rii rl s^.. 89,at:.•tlitnmJanet AugustlOth, 0u pay (tiny 0114 , pu ncs .ttw:l�iyu'ti`ltkt7' 210 hen it to ,tea. > •,c oamt, il, 11. ,JO0i 411, 11 t.;U., Am/ °It1. ,fOa z