HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-09-27, Page 4:H+!P••w5.3•..+=r.9•3i' -...jReoPprYiF'r-7» . rl;x5r:+ ,• .:-w •$f..:.,f.a.r,.-.r..=:.,. .....wo4x +q%.FWW avwr.,wGo, • < * it had in ate obarge. One fact he put that, ss a Matter of faatFione were Tinnlyn. idamburge, W Henderson, al" 4141 very strikingly. He showed that the offended, The cane wee pot the less 1 and 2. Lengthens, W Henderson; MR MO Qoverrimont by its railway policy bad contrary to ties non•denominal spirit 2, 0 Henderson, Legborna, P Pater• • been the means of securing the can of the law however, and attention eon ; 2, IT L Knapp. Plymouth Rooke, FRIDAY 8BPTTMBER,27, 1888 EAST HURON, TAOMU GlesoN, M. P. P., Toll x011,1 - The Reform Convention for this Riding met in Brussels on Monday last. Bvery municipality in the rid- ing was fully represented, and Mr, E. E Wade, of Brussels, the president, occupied the chair. After some rout - tine business, the following nomina- tions were made : Thomas Gibson >tt P P, proposed by John Nelson, seconded by George Murdie. I+; 3 Wade, proposed by John Wilson, seconded by James Hunter. T W Gibson, proposed by J Mo - .Laughlin, seconded by Andrew • Gow- anloak. Arch Hyslop, proposed by James Moonald, seconded by John" Grant. Thomas Strachan, proposed by J lt, 1lQillsr; seconded by John Robertson. A M Taylor, proposed by Robert .Miller, seconded by William Douglas, Robert McMillan, ' proposed by A. Turnbull, seconded by Lewis Mo- _ Donald. •- Dr Sloan, proposed by George Watt, - seconded by Thomas Gibson. Hon G W Ross, proposed by Dr Sloan, seconded by Thos. Gibson, MPP. It. being understood that Mr Gib• son would accept the nomination, • all the others retired, the Liberals being practically unanimous in believing that his good record personally and politically and his long experience make him the strongest candidate. and the beat representative, Mr Gibson was warmly eulogized, by the other gentlemen who were proposed, and when he signified his willingness again,to bear the, party standard, his nomination was made unanimous by a standing vote, endorsed by hearty cheers. In the evening, a mass meeting was held, with Mr Wade in the chair. Mr Thos Gibson was the first called on to address the meeting. Mr , • Gibson was warmly applauded.as he stopped forward and faced the audience.. He spoke briefly and to the paint. He had been onee defeated, he said, but - since the 21st,1Vlaroh, 1871,.' he had been, aetlie .phrase went, '.'in the swirl. °' During nearly all that'' time he had been the. constant supporter of tjie Mowet,. Adoeinistration. He • did not support them in every :ques- tion, for. he did not believe they wore ' invariably right, but he believed that their; general course was ,such as . to dbserve the confidence of the people, He.recognized what he called a nate. struotion of no less than 3,000 miles having been'drawn to this by the cons. J Harrison, Black Spanisb, J Har - of railway. This, lie reminded them, missioners, the altars, would be, if they risen ; 2, Mrs Tamlyn. Collection was a mileage 00 41 to theet part of the had not already been removed, fowl, W Henderson, 1 and 2. Brown Canadian Paoitio Railway, which bad In Eases, in the exclusively French Leghorns, special, F Patterson, Black added 260,000,000 or $70,000,000 to dietriots, cruoifixee, pictures of the Minorcas,recommended,W Henderson. the debt of the Dominion, and yet it Madonna and other articles emblem- woor,Er1 aooDa. was built without fuss and without atio of the Heinen Catholic faith were• involving the Province in a single found in the public schools, The Pair blankets, home spun Wool, dollar of debt. And that 3,000 miles people seemed to be unaware that Geo. Johnston, Wm, Robertson, Pair of road had been quite as useful to these emblems were in any sense ob- blankets, union, D. McKinley, Wm. the people and had done as much to jeetionable in a public school, and Robertson. Two skeinsbonze spun 'develop the resources of the country evinced a willingnese to"obey the law, yarn, Mrs. T, Anderson, Mrs. Mo. as the Canadian Paeifio Railway, Mr The department ht d not known of Crackers. Ross went on to speak of theaffairs these infringements of the spirit of ;manna AND onion MANuncruaES. of his own dopat(tment, in which his - the law before the report of the oom• Set of double harness, J. 3, Homuth - lifelong experience as student,, teacher, missioners. But no w, without en- ee Bon, Set of single harness, J. J. inspector ap.d Minister has caused him necessary injury to religious susoepti- Homutb de Son. Pair moo's sewed to have then the minutest facts at his bilities, the department was securing boots, P. E. Roderus. Pair men's _fingers' ends. He allowed how the the recognition of the nonsectarian : coarse boots, T. Abraham, V. H. Ro- difficulty in the wain was with regard character of the public schools. darns. Wooden pump, W. Taylor, to the separate schools. He declined .A hearty' and unanimous vote of R. Clark. to accept responsibility for the policy thanks to Mr.Ross for his address and GRAIN AND SEEDS. of separate schools, for these schools the singing of the National Anthem . were established before he was born. brought the meeting to a close. Red fall wheat, Jno. Pelton. White He reminded his hearers that though _ fall wheat, T. Henderson. Spring 80,000 Roman Catholic children at wheat, Jas. McNaughton, T. Harrison,. tended the separate sehools,there ever NOTttTH. WESTERN FAIR. targe white peas, Gg Moffatt. White 60,000 such children in the l:'rovinee _ The •weather was all that could be oats, Jno. Keith, Q. Moitatt. Blank who had no separate schools, He desired for the fair, but the attendance oats, T. Harrison. Barley, J. Haul - went on to treat of the charges made -•was not as large as it should have son. Timothy, *bushel, Jno -Keith. against' the Government of changing been. In horses and cattle, the eshi- Beane, white, 1 gallon, T. Sender - the Separate School Law so as to bit was not large, but some fineani• son, W. Henderson. Beans, any favor the Hierarohy,",etc. He showed.. mals were shown, especially in the other, 1 gallon, J., Gillespie,' D. Mo• that the changes in several oases were roadster class of horses. Sheep and Kinley. Fief corn, W. Taylor, John based upon a mibunderstanding of the swine were fairly well represented, an Little, law as it really was. He dealt with improvement over former years being , HOED OROPs, the charges, pointing . out that they noticeable. The poultrv'exhibit was : .Swede turnip, L. Lovell, W. Hen - only had the effect of making the law not large, but in some of the classes. derson. Any other turaip, W. Gem. more workable and the separate schools good birds -were shown,,the competition :mill, L. Lovell. Mangold Wurtzel, more efficient. If they were to in d ks and Leghorns being very 'tong, ,John Little, L. Lovell. Man - have separate Roman Oatholio schools cls :gold Wurtzel, short, R. M. Anderson, he beleived, in making such shools n Meade ' ;vening, the hall was 'C. Henderson. Carrots, White Bel-. as -would turn out well-educated rather pen to'the . u ie, and a 1 gen mber glen,. Jno. Little, R. Leathern., than • uneducated Catholics. There tof the to , ispe•ple avail them -lues : 6. of each. must be no diserimivation by tiler' of the o • •ortu ity of s: ing the i side ` Government between her Majest i 1 exhibit•. Them hall as well li a Garrote, table, • W. Taylor, D. Me- subjects of different faiths ; lthel:' and 'e artfcls • • s to Tr,,,teY '' tom„" blood, °., niusb be • as good opportunities frit advantage. - .. Johnston, W.11. McCracken. Beets, education to far as possible. with mei The loss of the fruit exhibit this turnip blood, W. H. McCracken, Q. class as with another. He went al year was quite noticeable, there being Henderson. Parsnips, D. McKinley, into the vexed question of French . n • but eight entries in this class. hoots 1W. H. McCracken. sehpols. He declaredthat ever sin e• aed vegetables were shown in abate f< bushel of each. coming into office he had r000gniz d dance,, and. were of excellent quality. Beauty Hebron, 0. Henderson, • C. the evil. of haying exolusivo instru - Grain. was not largely exhibited, but. HeW.nderson, W. li. nimoth ken. Early tion in any language save the langua a some fine samples were shown. 'Plants rose, D. W.li., C. Henderson. of tbe•conntry, and.had been at wor and floweriewere in" abundance, taking White ,elephant, W. Robertson, D. 'Upon. the problem of •.promoting th up the space °usuall y occupied by the MaK White Any .other potato, Q. study of English,aud, he was meetin ,fruit: In the ladies' department, the $oKinleou W. Taylor. Collection of with -success, Mr. Craig's .idea as display was fully up to previous" years. potatoes, cue peck each, .W. Taylor, given in the House, was to ,prohibit Fine arts took- a-prorninent place in Charles Henderson. Upione from teaching in French also, But . if the hall. and gttracted a great deal of seed in 1889, W A D$oCraoken. they, dill` that they, must, prohibit. ,attentiot . 4.1?;ari ticulars.eau be gleaned Onions anyother ; :r.... W S. Mo-, teaching in German arid Gaelio ae well:. from:they, tee . ,t • Craoken, 'Ales 3 oung. TAmatoest', This would simply cut off from the 'rime LrsT : plum or cherry;' C Henderson, W`, benefits.of the • public echools: those HoxsEs.=Heavy Draught - Brood Taylor.' Tomatoes, any other, .W H children -e ho line` nothing of. the mare, Allan Spier ; 2, I Wright, Foal, McCracken, J A Morton " ' (jokey,. language. He dwelt upon the absur-, P ,Fowleri 2, Geo• Oruickshank: One dwarf red, 6 Youhill, W le MMee,. dity of -the proposition And quoted the year-old filly or gelding, T Henderson; Craokeu. Celery, dwarf white, D figures;in'the commissioners' report to 2, P McEwen. Two year old filly or McKinley, W Robertson. Cabbage, show that the evil had bean greatly gelding, A Spier. Team; . M Verson. Jersey Wakefield, D McKinley, W exaggerated. In concluding hit, main General Purpose --Brood mare, 3 For - Taylor. Cabbage, fat Dutch, W H addresa..he made` an eloquent 'appeal l ster;, 2;R Arneetrong. .Foal, R 9.rm-„MoOrnoken, 3' A• Morton: Cabbage, for toleration and generous treatment strong ; ,2, •J Henry & Sons.. One any other, W H McCracken, Samuel iu,those diflieult cases as against those peer oldfillyor ' eldina• Jas.. Foster; 'Youhill. ' Cauliflower, D • McKinley, who would theist upon compelling 2, a. •Benny.& Sons, Two year old W H Mc0raolrev... Citrons, W R immediate;. and. ,unconiproniising ad filly or -ng geld, 3 M Currie; 2, Thos. McOrhoken, Alex Yonne, Cuciuiber, liereace to an impracticable sari 'Jenikins. Teen), L Lovell ; . 2, Jae green or'ripe, W H >McCracken, W unjust rule. His, plea was received :Kelly, Drivinj-Brood mare, Thos Taylor: Musk melons, • W El Mo. with great. -appease. • At . the ,Strachan , 2,i d N•.f.'etdue. Foal, J N ()reckon, 0 Henderson. Green sweet close:,of his, speech Mr. Ross was Perdue; o, Thos Strachan, One year .corn, 0 Henderson,. W -H McCracken. asked to, explain about the "Ross old filleeet gelding, Thos Strachan; 2, Pumpkin, W. Taylor, W McCracken. Bible,"• and the alleged exclusion of A Linkleeer, Two ,year old filly or •Squash, W H McCracken, 0 Hender- tlia;Btiilefrom the schools.. He went gelding, .1' N`I'erdue 1, R Mclndoo. son. Collection, of galdenr produce,. brief y egos the -history. of, the £an ous Saddle horse, 3 • N Perdue; 2, D D M6;Kinloy W R;MeCracken. eripture,readings, showing.: that. the Pringle. --Single driver, P Deans; 2, seleetione"were made by a 'board. of ,Thos 'Goy 1Tearn,'' .Agnew. Fi: I . eminent Protestant divined and accep- CATTLz.-grade Cnw, T Wilkin- Five •Nnrtli n Spy apples, W Hen - tett by Archbishop; Lynehr with only •son,1 and. 2, . Two year old heifer, 1 - Berson, Co Henderson. Five Snow One suggestion that ''who" would be get Berson ;, 2, T Wilkinson,. One _ apples, W Henderson, 0 Henderson. more grammatical in, the opening year old heifer,.. J Chambers ,2, T Twelve blue plums, H Clark.. Twelve sentence of, the Lord's prayer. That $endergon.,rHeifer calf,T Wilkinson, yellow plums, Jno Keith. book was exclude& . from some schools 1 and 2. One year old -steers, T Wil- ' and pub:iey burned ,in,,some.• ' He said kinson ;_. 2,; S:; W.el1wood. Fat beast, • . bArxx A W PROVISIONS. t made him shuddbr-to.. think,of pen- _'J chambers'. =- Cheese, Dairy; 't' Anderson & Sons, rai division of the Mowat governments term into two parts -the first ten years devoted: wholly to, developing. the resources and improving - the, con dition of the Province, and. the, re- mainder devoted to, defending; Qe- tario's legislative and; territorial rights. And the' crowning, . triumph • in that long. series of struggles, had . come only the others :day,. when. 'the Act was ratified by the Imperial Pavli- ament establishing beyond, all cavil that Port Arthur sod Rat gortage were as much parts of Ontario as was s the County of H,axon. Mr•Mowat, like the Duke of, Wellington, had:, never lost a battle, but,, unlike the Duke"of • Wellington, he,had never, even, de; dined .a battle. :Mr.Gibson,w-ent on to refer to the several, campaigns, he run, in every one of which the' Con.. erVatives had raised a •different. cry, olideontradictorie to the other. -But i they had failed,., ae • they would sail again. Short addresses. were delivered. by • gig different candidates, and .Dr, Mac- ' donaid, M.P. ab An address to Trion. G. W. Ross from the village and riding Reform associations was read by the chairman t welcoming him as the representative of the Government and the holder of that portfolio which, iii some respects, - was the most important, and express- ing confidence in the Government and in himself. as a member of it. Mr. Ross responded in fitting terms o to the address, and went on to the ex- s position of Abe policy and record of the Government. Re spoke for: -almost e two hours end WAS listened to through- b out with Diose attention by all. He proposed himself that those who de. sired points. cleared ,up should ask questions either after he had finished or as the pointa suggested themselves. 'There wereno interruptions during his speech, brit et elle close two points were bttn t up for further explana• tion.. Mr. Iteesittrr't rapidly reviewed what the Govettneent had accomplish., ikkin:the various d ertnvents of work ple burning the Bible, though. it were • S$EEr,,_Leicester-,LeicesterChas J Weir. Butter ,.l •R Walter. n the form of a , newspaper,. and • he ' .. f• ' $eii8erson. liearlirig rsrn,,.J' Henry ` J Weir. Butter, in rolls, R . Walter, said with emphasis. that the.;'nen.who & Sons. Ram lamb, R Armstrong ; -T Henderson. Honey in combed lbs, did this. thing were bad;. men,.• He 12, J MOurrie, Aged ewe, R W Nast- W Henderson, W Robertson. Honey, owed that another revision had been Ings ; 2, B;Armstrong. .Shearling ewe, i extracted, 5.. lbs.,, D McKinley, W made tb+hieet sortie of the objections, :.R. W Hastiegs, 1 and 2. Ewelemb, 'Robertson. Bread, home-made, W and this revision seemed to be atm.:.f M. Currie; 2, J Henry & Sons. Mcleuzie,. J Wein Vat cake, J Weir, ed without objection : Southdown -...Aged rain, .1', Anderson W Robertson. Pickles. 1 qt. jar mixed, Rev. Mr Tonge, of Blyth, asked. for. & Sons. Ram lamb, T. Anderson' & W Robertson, D 111cKinley, ,pickles, a staternent as to the reports their there :'Sons; 2t B,;M Anderson.. Aged ewes, 1 qt. jart,any other, W Robertson, D were in the French public • wheels •E MAnderson; 2, 3 Crowston. Shear- McKinley. , Tomato ketchup,. 1• qt., alters, crucifixes and •other Roman ling ewes, J Orowston;2, 13, bL An. C Henderson, R M Anderson. Three Catholic emblems. Mr. Ross ab once entered • upon, an xplanation- Iie said the commis• ioners who visited the French schools found that in two of those in the astern district there were altars. The uildfngs were „he poorand sparsely PZ kN' a AND P1.01477R$ Foliage planta, collection, win, 11 Ia Knapp, Greonboese J 8rMwin, J A, Morton. Mrs Youhill, J Bradwin. Bradwin, Mrs Youhill, Brad- lants, iunas, Sias, pet and beet collection of flowers & planta, Mrs Youhill, J Bradwin. Bouquet, table, Mrs Youhill, Mrs Carr. Baguet, band, M'rs Youhill, Tamlyn, Bouquet, wild flowers, Mrs Harrison, Mrs Youhill, Floral design er ornament, Mrs You - hill. Basket of annuals, W Taylor, Mrs Carr. Dahlias, T Anderson 8C, Sons, Gladiolus Spikes, Mrs Carr. Verbena heads, Mrs Youhill, Mrs W Taylor. Pansies, Mrs Morton, Mee Youhill. Petunias, Mrs Youhill, Mra, GM. Phlox Drummondli, Mrs Tay. lor, Mrs Harrigan. Zinnias, Mrs Youhill, Mrs Oarr. • LADLES WORE. Coverlet, Mrs W Robertson, Mrs Leathorn., Quilt, pieced, Mrs Taro- len, Mrs T Henderson. Quilt, patoh. ed, W Mulfeuzie, W H McCracken.. Quilt, keit, W Robertson, A Tipling. Quilt, cabin, W McKenzie, J Weir, Quilt, crotchet, Airs Carr, Mrs Pelton, Work basket, Mrs Walters, Dir; Youhill, Bead work, Mrs Tamlyn, 1st & 2ud. Speoimeus of lase, Mrs Tamlyn, lst'& 2nd. Fancy knitting, W,1,3. pKenzie, Mrs Tamlyn. Jim- broidery Qn woollen, Miss Johns, Mrs• Tamlyn. Embroidery on any c there Mrs Tamlyn, Miss Johns. Braiding, Mrs Tamlyn. Etehiug, Mrs Tamlyn, lst & 2nd, Collection of wort(, Mrs Tamlyn." Man's fine shirt, haude, made, Mrs McKenzie, Mrs Tamlyn, Man's coarse shirt, hand made, Mrs. McKenzie, Mrs Tamlyn. Pairof wool sooks or stockings, Mrs Ma0rackeu; Mrs McKenzie. Pair of wool mita or gloves, Mrs M.oKeazie, Mrs McCrack- en, Pitches on pair pants, Mrs Mo. Kenzie, Mrs T. Anderson. Embroi- dery, Mrs Tamlyn. Tidy, Mrs You - hill, Mrs. Leathern. Crochet work, MrsTaiulyn, Mrs H. Clark. Beta pillow, Mrs Ferguson, Mrs Tamlyn.. Pair of pillow shams, Mrs Ferguson,. Mrs Tamlyn. Crewel work, Mrs:. Tamlyn, Darning wool cooks or stockings,. Mrs -McKenzie, Mrs Tam, Lyn. Darning cotton socks or stook - Ings, 14Irs bleKeuzie, 'Mrs Tamlyn. Darned i et, Mrs Tamlyn. Bracket lambrequin, Miss Johns, Mrs Lea - thorn. Fancy needle work, Mrs Tam-• . lyn, Dire Youhill. Berlin wool.. work,, MrsLeathern, fat and 2nd. Combing. towel, Mrs R. Leathern commended. Crazy, patch work,, H.,.(ll,arl oom- Mended. ',':.... '- . f d h •ao •:s a t Iv J e g D p derson. Ewe Iamb, J Crowston, 1 lbs maple syrup, Cl Henderson, W Dir NOTES. M 1I Mc[ndoo, always to the ore, had a very handsome display o.`€ ry goods, &c. • , Messrs Smith&Pethick's display ,of. ardware was neatly arranged., The .dry goods. display of 'Messrs, Bowles & Hisooeks was mottle admired - Messrs J J Homuth.:&; Son'.s.c hibit f harness,. etc., yras;t,very tastefully' rrange& Messrs.J.,.A ,Cline & Ob.,, had a line. bow of rubber, paints. Miss Johns.lied.,on exhibition a fine: ollection of paintings. Messrs F ?~I Boderue and T Abra- - ani had fine exhibita of. boots and, hoes. , ,. The Union Brooni;Company, of this own, made a fine exhibit • of- their - wares, and it vas much admired by isitors. . Mrs J B Ferguson was a lin ex. ibitor in the fine arts depart nt. ex In plants and flowers, fine exhibits. , Mrs ere • made by Mrs Youhill, Carr,", Mks•,Tamlyn, and Messrs Bra J dwin,,. A:1V?orton;VV Taylor and Et napp. Mr. W F Brockenshire had nice . xhibi-t in fine arts. • Mr D McKinley's oollec n of fin arden produce was really e, andet. • was awarded the. red tick His celery and cauliflowers were t finest e have seep this year. Mrs Tamlyn was a Iarge e n the ladies' department. Mr T Ii Ross. exhibited the acted avis sewing machine. Mr: JA Morton had afinely arranged xhibit of specimens,, of Tants and flowers. Brussels Mr W H McCracken, of , 4 ar me do Ile xhibitor Canadian was a large exhibitor in the inside de - and 2. Fat sheep, R. W Hustings, 1 MoEenzle. Canned ie.uit in gaart Jars, p and 2. collection not less than six different Swr•NR.-Smadt Brad -Nay pig, 0 kinds, W. IA McCracken. W. Robert. 1-Ienderson ; 2,J Gillespie. Aged son, honey vinegar, oorumendod,, b • boar,, 0 Henderson. Sow pig, a Hen - Fergus Advocate :--"Everybody will e pleased to know that Conductor Hider is out again and on the straight. oad to recovery. As an evidence of ng Berson ' 2, J' Gillesp ip . BreediFINE sears.. S r settled sections head the peoplehad sow, J. Gillespie, Large.Y3reed-Boar Cil painting, and subject, Mrs J B t need there to hold religions services hi. pig, John Tattle.; 2, 0 Henderson. rapist n, Miss Johns, Water color r The altarrhsd been left during the Sow pig, J Gillespie ; 2, 0 Henderson, 'palatine, auy subject, W I+' • Bonckon• e week, just' as in many schools in Pro. Breeding sow, J Gillespie; 2, John shire, let. & 2nd. Crayon drawing, testant districts a pulpit used on Sun- Little. IP I3rockens:lire, Miss Johns. Paint. . -.At the Provincial Synod held last - days for religious servioe was left at Povvrny'.-•--Turkeys, .T laarrison. tug ou pottery, bits Tamlyn, Mrs week in Montreal the following were. one side, ready to be put in place for Ducks, J Little; D McKinley. Geese, 1 erge:ion. Painting 00 silt( or Satin, elected from the Diocese of Huron toe the next meeting. In thb ttvo eaatern F Paterson, 1 and 2. Beehmas, W lure Ferguson, 1st & 2nd, Collection act on the Board of Diana ement,:•, cases referred to he wee under the 'in. Toler ; 2, W Henderson. Cochins, of paintiuss; Miss blips, Mrs. Per- Very Rev. Dean ].arses, London; :Eley. 4.pression that all the children attendin Tamlyn. Dorkings, J Harrison, guson. Collection of photographs, R. McCosb, P'etrolea ; V. C3ornyn,. the schools were: Iidmait.Oatholi, . 1 and 2, Game, ,l' Harrison ; 2, Mrs W F Brockenshiro, l;t & 2nd. s Loudolq ; ltiathely Wi;scn ghatb iii he severity of the attack he is greatly. educed in flesh, and has lost. that , lastioity of step he used to have." • a ..