HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-09-27, Page 1VOL. XV.J II, --"NO 38,. WIN GUAM, . William kl sop has oomple d.. LOCAX, NEWS.Mr comfortable redden a on John Beit --Miss Nelle MoH rdy took Pert in a. near the C, P, R. s 'tion. l concert held in Chesty on Friday night --Huckleberries and grapes at the City Sad. Restaurant. R. BILI,.. —Grapes, 'Grapes, Grapes—A tan of—Prof, Canto, the onsoria3 artist• .grapes from Peele Island to arrive at Me- , who Kelvie's Star restaurant next week. moved here last wee fromWalkerton, for —Mr. Thos. Bell hipped two oar loads some reason moved back to Walkerto if ONT., FRIDAY* at:• he*' .9q . Rose, M. I% P, Pro- ; i'lucial Treasurer was its town oil Wed- nesday attending :the fair and, renewing, acquaintances, r. Ross was pleased to Seethe rapid an sulistantiel prdgreas the to is making, /'Mr.W. R. avis, of tho Mitchell .id• n mate, and bob r of Mr. H Davis, of this town won, a got headed cane ab. the. Du - lin Roman C belie picnic held 'lately e aompeti re were Messrs $. Fre l>harpe, Jas Tow, Thos. Ballantyne: and Mr Davis. —A quart ly review and' harvest thanksgiving a vice will .be bald by the Methodist Sob th school, in the church, on Sunday afte bun next, at O,80, See proramme for varied and interesting ;se• vice of blank and lessons, Mastic, regi- 't roil, and ahoy : address. The church will be appropri ely decorated, E.Very- body welcome. EMBE.k 27, 1889. :of furniture, per G, T. R., to Manitoba this week. this week. —Yates is sh g t1( finest fines of dishes ever ened, in Wingham, W. T. 'on SaLa—A good second hand Radiant Yates. Horne coal stove, at. a reduction. Apply at Cline & Co's. —lir. D. Stewart>3 lipped tWo oar toga "of butohere' cattle, pe G. T. ' R., to To...te recto, on Monday. ,—Top Phaeton buggy for sale. Apply to Geo. Thomson, Zetland mills, Box 12 Ingham. I have in myet!ploy.one of the dined —0n Monday last v. Mr. Geddes, of workmen outside of the Elgin and Wal- tham factories, be having had several hiteoburoh, purcha d a fine two-year- yeara' experience in one of them.. sold Bldg filly fr m Mr. Robb. Mo- R. R. Vanssxoits, '7ndoo, }being 15Q. Mr. John Ruthe erd, who hue held —Fr t `` _ •t, fruit, If you want the responsible posit n of book=keeper at. aeaoheeds spears, apples, orab apples the Union Factory r some years, accent - or y n d b h >f left for Scotland on —A goodly number the Foresters of this funeral of the late A Morris,, on Tuesday buried by the For which Court he wa the members of >wn attended the hibaald McLean, of Deceased was ere of Belgrave, of member. of fruit called the City Res- pa ie y isw• e taurant R. HILL. Tuesday last. Mr. R..C. Sparlin will, have a .oar been well for so oed of a pl though the journe Mr Rutherford has not e time, and it was will de her good. - es in thi week, Parties "re- pply cher d leave their orders sat once at his egg em corium, —0n Friday last, xl!r. Peter Keyes, a young man who worts at the Union Fac- tory, by some mean.' .gat his hand in the buzz planer; ab wbica be was ;working and bad one of"his"finge $ taken qff. To RERT.—The seoond and third flat of a frame building on Josephine street, near. Bell's factory. A number of good rooms. Apply to Geo. Thomson, Zetland mi2is, '' ,box 125, Wingbam. quiring a e Dr. Macdonald, 4:P., and Messrs. W. tt ander. B. /i t on,, of this town, at. ended the meeting of the East Huron ,Reform (Jpu°vention, -elc1 at Brussels, on Men O.elest. I' esst Sabbath 'th,communion service: r `• 'is t1k..d;in the eC% ` grc;;atfontl ohurel#, •alb tisual,foreno • service. In . the .evert `.x :rmon wil be preached; on the r;4 ' $ulsl, •``" ntrderful Book:' Jits ,'l1"oHe1vie, Aar Restaurant, has been appointed so e.'agent in Wingham for the sale of the• celebrated Peele ;'stand grapes. - .Arriving daily.''.Fresh, and delis. Josephine street, from the bridge at: e north side to.th southern boundary of tbe,towii,iis to b given a heavy •coat of good gravel. Work as been commenced, sand the job should a pushed with vigor, 'to havo••iftcoreplete hefore the fall rains 'Set in, —Cn Septembor`3nd, 23rd and 24th and October 0th; 7th steel 8th, the G T R will sell cheap exoursi..n tickets to Chicago, St t Paul and Dulutl„ also. to points in the Western StatOs• -I ,kota, Minnesota, Ne - bruise, Colorado -4i itiisiana, etc„ at' single fare:for the round trip, good to return in "(f dugs. Fewest plsible changes of .cars and: gnictr despatc c to=;all points. By taking'ther G T R eb '•rt route you will save botih:time and moue `.• —Mr. N. T. Bit -hie, Provinoial land surveyor, returned o. tetra on. Monday last after. an ,absence in the Nipiesing,Die the Oita river ,'wl subdivid sa #e's4 t though bis trip and —While I am lliepared to furnish all necessaries for funerals, and attend per- sonally (night or day) where my services are required, and will be undersold • by none, I wish it distinctly understood that I have no advance agents out enquiring after deaths, as is •being done by some in this; 'town, as I consider such actions untie• coming'in the undertaking profession. I will not conduct my business on any such principles. S. Graney; undertaker, on the main street, Wingham, —Several of the ;;embers of Court Maitland, Canadian )rder of Foresters, drove over to I.noknoc on Sunday last to attend the anniversar: services in-. cseppite- tion with Court cherssod,"of that•village, 'The services were oonc>n ted by. the tev. J. Green,, in the Meth dist church; and were'&well attended. .; n et* ber27t, and 28th, the (i -T R will rug its annual ersursion from• Wing - 'ham to Detroit, Port uron,Chicago, and other points in Mfchig n and Ohio, at the same very low fares in former years. Tickets good to retur up' to October 14th. Chicago through ;cos es will also'be run on these dates from ingham G T R eta- tiou; thus enablingit e Wingham public to go from their. own ours to the heart of Chicago. without oha ge of cars. l'ou will save time and moue " by. taking the G T It short line. See tom i agents. • —Mr, Whitely, .f Seaforth, returned Thoma last week fro a the United States with Florence 0., h s celebrated trotting mare, havingfiaishad the fall trotting cir- cuit. Florence G. toed at t'he.head of the list in nearly every placeeshe was entered. Florence G. is a f 11 sister to "Garfield" and'"Belle Roe,'3 h th of which splendid animals are own. -d by Mr. A Atm, of the Queen's hotel, of .t its town. ' Rev. John Mo ?ebb, clerk of Maitland Presbytery, was ii town on Monday. He was on his way t St. Thomas, to attend a meeting of the ondon •presbytery, to prosecute the c 11 made by Chalmers' two months spent Chetah, $incard a township, and Knox b, at the head of . Church, Bervie, congregations to Rev. A. tl- hart of e he iiad a contract rqu D mwioh. The call was Snshipt}s lIe looks as ' unanimous and n • doubt the transfer will ork agreed with him. he made, The st pend offered is $800 per The readers of tlie•'lfxnsmay he favored annum and manse-and'glebe. with an.account •of his trip ' its a . future Pollowiug are the dates for ehooting issue. game as set down by the statute t Par- -Mr. Dung, ilfcc tubi :'ttre popularcon• tridge, September 3,st to January lst fluator 0,bo haa:charea ovary Monday find woodcock, August ,15th to January 1st; Tuesday of tire;7 al exstori' mixed train arsine, rail and gol n plover, September which.,pesses emu); Inure`; lies been sup= lst: to May 1st: nail, October 16th to plying the wants oft e" mayor of Harris. November 20; g se, September let to ton. The 7% 6une 'aye b!r. McCallum May let; hare, S tember lst to March lately sent down to t mayor. of their loth; beaver, min ,- reindeer or caribou burg a speckled trout, taken from a stream must not be killed 'ill October 25th , ;2885 ; t liar Hepworth, whin . weighed 8 pounds deer, October 15 t ,'November 20tH, d measured 10 inc ---We beve bad a -Chadwick, inspector and General Life Assn Toronto. TheComp nese ins1/4tnatelit with, and givestem rerance of their better liv that ab stainort; live others, consequently es long. . -=The semi•auoual meeting of the North Il from Mr C wq Haran Teachers' Association will be held or the..Temperanoe in Brussels, on 'i:hijrsday and Friday, the ranee Company, of 10th' and 11th of October. The following us, is s. solid' bus;. is the programme;; Tresident's. address, Dominidii„Iioense, Mr W R Stewart; Writing, Mr John It then the ac ' tags Ccrn;'u; Ewtraots from "Teaching and Teachers,” Statistics •shaves Mrs B Hirkman; Composition math longer titan Writing, Mr G 1I Blackwell; Drawing, Mr 11 eueb sham !n..,/ilton Anderson; Literature, Mr L?'xrr)iAs• St sure in this Company See its rateb aucl ton ; Delegate's Report, Mr W T3oigy. ylid $ enquire of 1 . T. ISO 'bra, civil engineer, two aubjeets not yet named, by btr ,11.ic ea t 'Wfngham, ZS Wits tieing plans. The Turnbull, .B A, and Mr 0 'Clarkson, B A. .s If ' G W Roes i Provident, and g respectfully; Trueteee •and others fitter- I t ara, Manager, arming Arcade, T. ested in the cane°. of eduoabion are invited: f rent*. . to attend. • 'TAdvertise your strayed animals. The—Anyone lending us 25 gents can have t ees fans a large oiroulation and t► email t the Trines sent to their address --at home advertisement) in it conte but little. 1 er abroad—tor the balance rr£ this year. t Th t —The Brucefle d correspondent• 'of the Seaforth Exposits nays:" This. people of this village and v oinity wep pained .and shocked at the eamouncewenbof the death. of Mr, John Rost:'. of the' London Road,: Stanley, near her , on Thursday Morning. Few had heard -o his illness and it is only a few days si oe his genial face and familiar.form wer seen on' our streets. .It seems that on 7, esday last , Mr. floss had prepared to go o the Seaforth ehow and had gone to th stable- tq hitch up, his horse. While so e gaged he beoairflpsud- denly ill and deoiil d not M. go ,,;Ho want to bed and from tl-. s he never r e, sinking, rapidly until Thur'day"morning when! he passed peacefully ; .way. ,, Previous to this he had` been •en Dying his ,usual good health. :The Daus of death ie;•supposed to be'some affectio of the kidb `s which resulted in blood p ;aching. He was an intimata< riend of t e late Wiii •McMillan, and was on'Mof the pall hearers at his funoral, and none wh saw his fine, robust figure itete, ever upposed; that they would lave. the pain! duty, ,following ''bisremains to the s are. •cmetory" soon' after. -Th ways of rovidence fare indeed' mysterioiis.; Mr... R ss was a native of Roselrire'ootland, nd : was one of the first settlers on the ondon Road, where, by industry and g ed ':manage;' eat he made for hiruself an family a co o ble home and laid up 'a' liberal competennn ,it4 He was.* worthy oitiz n, a gobd no g1±bb a kind. and faithful ft' nd. He wad a use' fur sgetnber of Union resbyterianol,iurch. Hejeaves his aged p tner:in life and a family of four eons a five daughters to mourn bis loos. He ,s 69 years. of -ego." The deceased was an mile to Mr. A. Ross, of this town. Mr: and sirs.. Ross attended •- the funeral at Bruo?fieid,s'on Saturday last. partied by Ars. Reis, who had been visit- ing in that sootier for a couple of week$. , Miss Ise Gordon vas in.Toroato last week for a few days..li`r Loci Flanagan spent last week in Toro ito, returning on Mon. day, He was gre.,tly pleased. with the ex- hibition. ,Mr F .la Dtokiuson was in Goderieh on busiess, last week, .Me John Haulm spent last -meek in Toronto, taking in the sights, ase George Powell, of Blyth, was in tow t oo Tuesday,.Mr Hunt, representing S. i`A.uk Wilson, of Torouto, game the Truss a. WI this week, Mr Hunt is ad experieaced zrinter, having learned his trade in the porter o,ioe, Kincardine, twenty years ago. Mr Wni M°Cuteheon, of L atowel, was i a town a (staple of"days this week„ Mr ans: Mrs McClure, of Pais- ley, are visiting at Dr. Chisholm's..,Mies Lizzie Anderson, of Holyrood, was visit- ing at Mr. Jame ; Miller's last week. le teture. The lecture. in tl .e Baptist church on Monday evening, b ' Rev. J. J. Baker, M. • 4.,, was not nearly as largely attended as Zet1-nd. -the 'Merits of, the.ismture deserved. Those Mr.. George T 'otnson returned who were present, 1 , from Manitoba l st week. --Mrs. and children, are gre, Thomson at Taylor and lilies ,nding a 'couple in 'Melancthou, WHOLE NO. 92' —For pure p . lit' spices and choice groceries call o , t e hiva Rause. —The G. T. R. of&*els ate now occupy- ing the new passeng deg t. Apples by the barrel or other 'se, at Mo$elvme's, Staff -Captain Wigg no, the Welsh Min- strel, assisted by Ad utant Causing, will conduct special meeti igs at the Salvation Army barracks here en Sunday next. —Jas. McKelvie, of the Star Res ,. urant, has just received a large stook canned salmon—the best. brand mad in British Columbia. Txy it, -Tbe T3 r swill be sent from now till the end of the year for 25 coots. Send for or call and subscribe. ' Lower ngham. Mrs; Peter Wilts ., of.London{ is , visiting friends in t is locality a $ sent.- Mrs. David . atohett, of., ton, who has been .ttendipg the, rat of Ir. Netteri,eld's child.has 'ter:: turned, •. • owever, enjoyed listen- ` h, whilst containing Willis, of Seaforth, abounded in practical visiting at Mr, • Geo nted, The.pastor of present.—kir, Robes the chair and intro. Minnie Taylor are, la. a few remarks. of weeks with friends with his subject, just noir. ' the speaker said aen-this wording for Wro to(, think that char.- One of our most pot ing piece -to piece, as Mr. W -Lee, left for Tor e their patohwork d this phraseology omaryway to speak f character. What er is an. old Gree, ngraving tool, it ession made bythe transferred from Se that character alae upon others. broad foundations f the eld German. houses were built soh • storx;projeoting over, the other. Tepee houses, however; were not built to :ash•. :The old Py-. ramids :' of Egypt, - that have stood the •'test of time, had.'broad founda- tions. The. builder must have an ideal; "have an aim in life:. The lecturer had ing to a lecture wh sonsiderabl'ehuroo truths, forcibly pre' the church occupied duoed the lecturer Commencing at on "Character Buildin that whilst behest et his subject, we must. anter is formed byad our grandmothers ma quilt, He had adopt because it was the one of the development; is character ? Charts word. • meaning an came to•n}eon the in;; tool and'at length we the thing to the perso _is the impression we, la building character must be laid, Some er. lar merchants, ipto last week, his oatensibly object beih_g to "visit the fair." Before coming back,, 'how-' ever, he. went further, pnd brought home, fronlPennslyvania a young lady sin, t`he capacity.. of, Mrs. • Lee. Mips Johnson, formerly. of Tec water,, was the; object of his. choice Our 'coni gratulations: are extende• to' Mr. ,and `' Mrs, Lae. ` Lost. -Mistake. One of the Cler'ke of Gordon & MTh, tyre, of this town, put a basket full of dry goods, shoes'agd , groceries, and , two. large stone brodkd into the, wrong buggy at Korman's hotel shed last night. The buggy in which the goods" were left had a white home a hotted to it, ,whioh led to the mistake• s the purchaser wass sup- posed to dr* e a white horse, The party who has t ase articles will confer a .favor by recur ng them to Gordon & McIntyre. Thur ay, Sept. 26,•'89. ',i and say that everything depended on en - always cherished a `genuine admiration for that character of Scott's, wha devoted himself so assiduousl ' to carrying out his aim in life of upholding the "honer of the family." Leb the id 1 be high, for we never rise Higher th our ideals. Some may object to this, b saying they have known boys who ha e outstripped their fathers ; scholars wh : have gone ahead 'of. their teachers. This ay be, but the mo. ,ment the boy has sur assed his father', or the scholar risen abo his teacher, j that moment the father or the teacher ceabed to be the boy's ideal. For the successful building,of character t ere must be suitable surroundings. Place -,he tadpole in pro- per surroundings. and _t will soon develop into the finest jumpin ; frog you ever saw. But put it in a glass bottle and it wi never be anything bu .a tadpole. Whilst the lecturer would no.: go as fa; as some List of >j w11 Fairs. The Northern—Zalkertou, Oot. 1 to 4. East Wawanosh, eIgr&ve, Oct. 1 and 2: Wroxeter, Oat. 1 and 2. Brussels, Oot. 3 a Yd 4. North Perth —Stratford, Oct, 8 'and 4. Blyth, Oot, 8 and Gorrie, Oot. 5. Fax mala. Mr W Barley, of r S A Hodge's drug store, returned on M Way from a holiday visit to friends at Wi bam—bfitohell .Fe corde4s,.Mr Wm fltew t, some time ago employed with Messr Dore & Cook, was in town a few days th s week. Re is at present employed iu linton..Mr W W y on business last ley; ,ran of Mr. "NM y, who -has beer~ in past year,1 aU been home visitinghi par me and Mende b fends a.. n} p i and around Wingha . He retetrned to A.drain last Tuesday, oompauied by his i Tater Rester, Who intends remaining hete for a time..lilr W Chadwick, in - peter of the Temper "arse and General,; fe f nauranoe Company, a.s in town for a ew days this week .,Mr' Jas McAlpine 1 ,+pent a few days in Toronto last week.. Mr A Ross, booksella , spent a few days lab, week visiting relatives in tMidfeld , it vicinity, returuira on Monday, rn.1 Inglis was in Chest week,.Me Wm Glider Markley, of Tartlbe'r Adrian, Mich, for th .vironment, he would hay that very much .may may, } .. Eat-W.nwn ";Gtr. T. ti. Taylor is vial ing friends in Guelph.—M r: W. Soott has return ed front Nassagawoya wh re, he was spending a few days With relatives. -- Mr. ' Aaron elatives,--Mr.'Aaron Bennet left. o Wednesday for the Michigan, lumbe woods. -The Canieronians played a •: ame of base- ball at St. Helens on • aturday with the team of that' - vill : ge, but were defeated by a snore st , ding 11 to 7 in favor of St. Hele s,—Mr. Alex. Day; •blacksmith, is a- present w.orkin, for Mr. Geo Hacket , Blyth.—Miss.$. J. Rath, teacher, 8 S. No, 13, in- tends holding a g : nd entertainment in the school haus: in a few weeks. - Glen $Yt• Prayer meeting as held at Mr John Soott's on nesday-. evening. There was a good a endance. At the request •f Miss Mary Mc, Connell, of Tees titer, Wingharn's favorite portrait p inter, Mr. Lithgow. of the Mechanic:. Institute, sat three, consecutive fore .ons of last , week.. From personal k . owledge we can aver the likeness is a s iking o; end any one of aesthetic endencies would'' express themselves highly satisfied with the likeness a a work of • art, depended on • our ez vironment. An in- and on being touched p there is every stance was given of an old • couple who, I. likelihood of its ti • ding a place ' in after having lived tog- Cher for a number of 'Toronto exhibition ext spring, where years, had come to re :emble one another she intends exhibit rug it. It may be so much in appearance as to be taken for mentioned in pa :ing that Messrs. brother and sister. Jo in oharaoter, we Brockenshire ands ason,photographera partake largely of tl a nature of our sur- of Wingham, vol tested to take his roundfngs. . The di Threat elements in likeness after their „ anner,whio1i shows character were revie sed at length, the the estimation 'he held in as a man physical, mental, mood and spiritual. A and citizen, Never .Bloss, we cannot., very timely warning ,was given against help remarking, alth• ugh he is now a mental dissipation, w ioh manifests itself citizen of Wingha , we think we in the too common habit of "glancing have • a preferential lain; on him, as through" in reading,d also indulging in he' resided in ,and round this neigh- borhood reading, "he oure advocated boyhood fora .per`•d extending over' was thoughtfully retrains, at least, five many years, Mr, ithgow has beel. good books. In concision the leoturer for over a year 1 ,rattan in the Me - showed the fmportan at of perserverande °hanies' lristitbtte the duties of which, in this building. Tl cubit_ or perfect the believe, he as discharged with r nea in a day. The comtnendab.o• fat • ;fulness, assiduity t of slow and almost and ei ioienoy, Prl r to his being o the Subic character librarian, he devote ' hitt time and bhnracter was not for coral reefs take year mperceptible work, requires patient an At the close of the lec it a few welt -chosen remarks, moved a vo eoturer, which vast Cousins. We only r townspeople did not the privilege of hes able and pleasing to i painstaking effort, talents to teaching t higher'' branches tate, Mr. P. Fiahar, of education, and y his ability as tnd highly eulogistic such and Iris dap rtubont to all tiro 'e of thanks to the relations of life, h wort for himself peeonded by Mr Geo.the `respect and e eem of the whole ret that more of our community. avail themselves of Down through Time's eo ri.ler welt sound hie name; vg this highly profit• be revere.l, ultalsi elatudeaked In many memories be' ro• 1 Ivor truth. Ana honesty'