HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-09-20, Page 8• 4 tngtam fames f. D.ib.*, SEBTXUBE Villi, 18b9 'b, achooi • The ueXk entrance Schools and C Ue is held ou December • . Sramiuittleu Mayers tura op l al►sages from in the authorized Fou Clouds, liaise crud 1?i The Death of the Flo Flow Gently, Sweet 1t,esiguatioh ...... Lead, Madly Right..., 14a •lobi $• Oarpalater, oat of the wealthiest and hestknown farmers of Ontario,. stied at hie .residence near kitnizoe 'lately, aged 70. Ilia war. known u tete 41V19clei rum." tuWtisaNpr>ss• p:. �'. a. TIME TABL14, ex,tu bastion to High Traine'az'rise and depart se tenon: e Institutes will be; syn m,....,ForToraato..........si:36 8111, 1,9t1b and 2QVh• 2:tG p, to.... "" 2:16 8:16p•in.,.:..,• „FOrTaeswater,......... 2:llt ill a be set in Liters., to;3O p. m Alta WINO A• nt pea 10:30 e!ollowiuf;lesaotoia' Q- ZA 17 Txrc ' Tmc •EP•X^ h Reader t • C. STft4'21 71 1E, Atnotr, wixoil4:i. rs pp, 64•••••49 . Through tfokets to all points in America -North• • errs '' "s 67•.•••68 West. Paditc Owlet, ate.. • via two shortest and all Eton 6 1 98 po8u ar routes. BaglTni"e obecked through to ..... „ i06-106 destinatton. 4.owest ttotght rateeto all. pointe. • „ r - ----TIME TA9LE. ` • Dora , ... " '137-142 •I,aAV9 wixailAit.•4RRivn A1• wiNersetr. The 0:39 aim.TOro11fo.0uolph,Palmereton, ace. 8:30 p.m. heroee'o?` the La Sault.." 155-161 li:zo' 10;10 • "" •ts9-1741, 8:4o p•iu, .. "• 207•-211 i71�6Qaau .' ••..1'¢liLond4n° dca �� . ...IMO eau. Lochinvar, , ,A Christma Carol 'Vie heritage ,,. • Bong of tate liver..... • Landing. of the Pilgrim Edinburgh after 1' 1odd ITatioualllorality .. "Ime Forsaken Menne " CAntan, ...•,. " 212-r.2i3 ` -4:4op.n1. f. ' T:46 p.m. i" 221 11:1oe.m,... ...hincardine,deO,• . ..•,'Q:39a.m, 229-23Q a):90p&t1. L. „ 1110 „ ,.... "'27? 281 ko,io, , •6:60p.m. .••••,., '.296--297 ..,...," 29$-309• BAB,BER strop.. • At each esauiicatio candidates should , '. be able to quote. any p rtof',the seleattolia, ' M itfA%LOOI,M MoDONALD, ' prescribed foij menioriz tion as well a pas- (tars nr 7ur'Eg,) sages of-sp'ecial beauty om the prescrib- }wing''purehgsed the barbering business of Messrs. ed literature selections; hey will be ,e Sebastian Bros., is prepared to give all old customers and as manyeew ones es patronize hien, satisfaction ' piloted to have menloriz: • all. of Elie fol• in all iinea-ot•the profesalon. lowing selectious: • K ;SHAVING 'AND HAIRCUTTING dreinyapeoialties. ' The Short klatraota. (L st 'given on page, 8) tia,Glvv m lull at the old stand, opposite Gordon I'll Find a. way or Mk = It ....pp. 23 and Melo' ca store . T ie Balis of Saliaudon " 51--52 nt , IOcDot#Ai,A. To Mary in Heaven `,,, 97,;98 1 ' • Ring Out, Wild Bo118 , " 121--122 HouSe n Lady Clare •`.'; .. .. . ," 128 j-180 t1 Q�• Lot • for' a��`11.�'. ' Lead Kindly Light..*, . , . " 145 , •,_— , Before Ei@d'an.., 'i 199 • The arnde;'9fgtiei otters for sale^a good:residence The Three Fishers.... .'" • 22(1, on Victoria street, at present occupied by Mr."David 231--!$2 Sutherland: ono half acre of h•ulk. • Riding Together . „..... W Fdii,burgh after r loddo' , ;.•.." 277-281 also, ,a valuable property' in Town „: 'Tle;�oreaken Merman. ."" 297--302 1/1ot of Wingharii. • Lin s Also,. for sale; a valuable property in the Town. Suggested by a strange col ioideneo :that transpired Plot of •Wingham, consi9ting of 23 sores of land, on in the Minnie street M .thodlatChurch, on Sun- yvhich ore a good frame dwelling house, frame barn, day last. • burgs house and straw shed. The property is in a • Good Homer nods, a orris maked ramark; FQr full p> Mail, apply to the well p ed 1ator nd watered. :No. wonder, then; that look, a 'Christian _ clerk, ' Should like the Pope inf alible in chair, Exclaim, Nay, verily, u' Joh(b) was thefe. Pur workman good, t Wingharn Tubal ; Bain '� Could not as :tole and oiit respond, Amen. For Jobb was there' iter onsets plants e;en 9 four; •h,t ...No wonder that he Tamil• • as mliuv more - h •. ' • GEORGE FRETWELL, Winghatn PO �y --T/yHET--• �y� ` O rADA�i.�.'% W L, - Fril i. •BUN 'Tun manner' and romstances of S,EC '!AL 'Gene> it1.Go; dnn's°de th will neer lze known bei European•E certainly an:d•:friendly native:.*Vito were with klim,in•Ii'hartoiim at he time of its• capture and Who ha e escaped •have Detroit each a: totally di tell, . The latest st respects -rent Story to y,. tvli ell yil�4 Qn 01 seems the n trite laaEiti, is Saginaw h.nd �;• y: L� 1 that he was spears l ley }no own sol 6 py ▪ Biers. Thattrlelieh the fill of Barliotitn Side of;tlle,city ttt t • even b t ialidi'. oaptu a liil�pli'c c1 ::5atisfaotion within 5 % i Birt, in ' `0w -of ; the •pe ullaxait lui)nce:Gen_ ral Gordon pose esleci�over all who ere under liftn, it• is not easy to belles+ • that his: ori u .40 -Idiots 111m ry brought obout.. ay City , j •1 who ysre Ing, e' time a;ree Gua `i aeeotitri : df its i Mom -In ^'urnherry on Robt Muir aeon : R it 'v -fn %4 inch rnt, Dir Sanford Carey a d Jhcaxox.-In East W ivl e. of Mr Edward Je R".r.ny-Tn Morris, o \V Bielby; a soh., - CoAn-AtTeeswater,_• the 7th lost, the wlfsgdf lttt'Y AIifurtt,oad; assn. A.orvw--At Teeswnt v, on the Tat Inst, the wigs of • Mr,TasAgnew ; a dal titer. - o moi •0 Rapidd,S 7..60 1.3 Y,-: 'aukee • FROM-• . ' GRAM e nth inst,ythe wife of Oho 39th'inst; the iViftS o1 titer. wa Sotefrthet21,and 2-8 c tosh;on thel6th loot, , ug • son ,• a•aoh. , ugust16, the wife of D!r • • ' 1ttAittne-pPot . reg rakt • rolls , oX Bru4sets. ra•un.•:: i1AMANT Fisk by Rev G r3 Howl 1'n Otis' An••ia,only da ghterofMrThosBallafityue,• all of Rrusaels. h saRtat,4 if Altai. In Lomita], on the 9th Inst, by Rev W fi Porter ,.t A.''fr.iV It UTarrison of St M vs Arras, to Mi glary Danis, of St Marys ^ • -• Vmzins:ty-Bion stt lin btorris.ontheiithinst,by he Bo•I - Rower , of Toronto, blrVint Wilikinson to Miss iilictheth A , Brewer bother Morris,. MtlRRa •-11164r,••In r ev,orr the 11th inat, byfte-t R Pau', Mr V..aeharint, lie ' ea tri Mise Adoisidoi.sceond . daughtor of Mr David tilnc, all of Grey. Th•D. .. ARMED Clerk Wanted. A *nnon, active lad about 16, with sus or two ytani oxperhateetn general *torr. • Apply Box 44. Beimare P. 0., For Sala. The undersigned offers his house and Office afid i apre.l.ot toy eats at a great bargain. flood opeuinif : lot a veterinary surgeon.. Apply on the ptomiess• FRED 0130144 florae hector, ftelmore l'. 0., Ont. FARM TQ RENT, • In the Township of Wallace, one mile north of Qowanstawn, comprising 100 acros, 86 acres cleared, '10 acres of pasture with afirst•clasa spring (no trouble .to. water cattle,) and 14 acres of good meadow, with 4 acres of fall wheat and seeded, the, balance under good cultivation. Frani* barn and log house with well at both, Por full particulars apply to • . • 3".• W, SOOT'J Banker, Listowel, oat* E. A. LLIVIB, Agent, 1 almertiton. TOWN AND VILLAGE LOTS FOR SALE, - Town lot 489, west side Leopold street, Wingham, and Village rot 26, Dicerca's survey, Belgravo, both excellent building; sites, are tor sale. Apply to Z. A. MORTON, Barrister, &o„ ' W euaui, 0x1' Cattle Estray. Stra,ved from the promises of the subscriber, lot No; 4, concession 4, Morris, on Settifday, the 24th August, seven steers, -three yoarlings. grizzly rod color, with bell-shaped white spot in forehead.; four two years olds, three red color, and one grey, with stag horns; one of the, red -two-year-olds somewhat' smaller than bhe other two. Any person giving such information as will lend to their, recovery will be puttab1y rewarded. ',PHOS, ANDERSON, Belgraye P• 0, SAW MILL, STAVE FACTORY & COOPER SHOP ' FOR. SALE MR.. J. J. ANL ER'SOI?t` baying centered his interests in Meng ' 'Biba. now offer* for sale his Saw Mill, Shingle Factory &, Stave Factory, Conveniently Situated near the Grand Trunk-Railw ay; Staation;Wingham. All these establishments are well equipped. and in good running order and this. is an excellent chance for anyone desiring to engage in this lino of busi- ness' • 1''or particulate itnd-tgrins apply to J. .J. A BERSONr Proprietor,. r - •IINGH'AM,, ONT.• ' 'RED ROCKER 'as Store. A• •SPIANDID''ASSORTMENT Av 'U>`►Ni'TI?hF of all Kinds, Which }vih be sold at lowest figures,.. • HAND NLA;PE OR ORDERED GOODS. See my awn make' of M'trasses, Lounges, deo„ and ovorythingl6 tile uph, olsterfng line, P1ahire .Frarhrng and :ordered Work will receive; prpmbt add- cry*e(ul iitterlt•on, All work done hi drat•olass style; - n y Wndertakitig prom try attendeid toat ecyaltour • Zvpl'3 FsRuieltoin Stock, Embalming specialty. D. B. CALBIVIC. 'renal Director and Embalmer. ZET M D SAW, MIL:! Stor•fire it1eik�iy AND EVERYTHING BOOMING. 10,0 Eta War th of ROW Wo have liow' afore xoom to sbQw.aur stock and. rife making the' ----Largest Display o - .• ° re sF ,Vr ,6.its Ever ehown ils' W ih 1dlii in-Ilepriettas, Drees Rakes, Twills, Stripes, • Cheeks, Bi11•dereti Satins, with Trimmings in Braids, Braid Setts, Bugle'," Trimmings: in setts and by the yd. In . L C th exGOODS'.. • We show all the xlbveltii3;t in ENOLISII, EBENOTF and t -ERMAN •Goods, only eBerried' iiy' our:selves..in town,- and would • .specially- ilyvite ladies of Wingliaxn and surroundII g country to ins/leer our Black Goods before buying. : ' Ladies see otic CORSgTN; we. handle' a nes - make.. The-" +raviFne$ "Bon inza,"" "Sarins e" and "Little Wunder." • Our imported 'IUD • GLOVES in .Beach and Odors heath them all Skirts,• Shintings, Wool Squares and H asiery in endless variety. • - Just ti1`Irtnd a -large purchase of v Tvieeds, Pantiog-s, 1Vorsted Overcnatings --Et c Inverted' direct,• In this department satisfaction as to fit ';guaranteed or no sal,TREMENDOUSe..Otun`eres,siing..traade�syhp'o�w'i liow our goods are, appreciated • ...lJ Ct7 DISPLAY- iL • . OF.^ YJI, Rets, White and •Colored Silk Wipes, Linen' and lvorine .(Jo1lars .and!-• •Cuff's, White and Colored Shirts, Scarfs, Gloves, Shirts and: Drawers, ete, Flannels, Yarns, Sheeting's, I?ull Cloths,. boaight direct Prow the f•,Janad`ian 1VIills; No sboddy,nnixed'or wholesale profits.- ' Piles of Cult- pets, Curtains; Laces,. Cretonnes,- Table. Linens,. Towelings, Cottons 'and, General Dry Goods. a, BOOTS and. SHEDS in a; the leading makes. - GROCERIES AND. O.ROCKERYa TEAS A sVECIALTY. Give us a call and see our goods and get prices. Remember, we think it no•trouhlp to show you .through., • , - Wingham, Sept, 4th, t889.• MILr= . , a �C FRUITS AND CONECTIO ELUL 11 Oily RI$tair ' ARRIVED THIS : DAY, rf ' STIIAWBEIMIES, BANANAS?. 'ORA 46g, LEMONS, , • ` PINg APPLEt5', - 14. &C.,• . . rlieu' Quality at Bottom . Prices ...1 ILK .SHAKE T1 a Most Poopulir• Sumnifir; rink. SfitrnetliingNe*, »to Taste is tp appreciate. - ry GEORGE :TR,OMSO% Proprietor.. LL: PURE ICE CREAM Lanber of all kinds, • • „ First-class :Shingles, Equally'low rates from all other - St ions; • . and Cesar Posh. icklts Go to Reui'c nt��• Any Flavor alviiays. ready. Very special Redu • .public Erntertainments.. 00NFEOTI0NERY Tates to ,a,[lll 1� The most complete *tock in the county-. % Pure Oreiims-",a .speeiaTty. C7ali' • • and eeo.me. . -On the rthinet,hy theltev; :' Dotobar,, 1889y IiiClastva.- ren, of Palmerston, to•Mrs D. • •s --in Rrnasols, on the 10th Por fu , Mr AlexOtrnehan,merchant hears?t Lead Orders a Specialty, _ N•in°faaarxtb-in L or Wintihatn, on the 12th init. In order that th • Fredrick Earl, vont ..et ebo of Mr James' otteriteld, •oppdrtunity to soar 4' so., . WindA earti and 20 ;ass. suit of the drouth f R w* M In Listen 1, on the itth init. t Spiv:IM . ; present season, the wife o'• tame, lirwi, had fianghter Of- the.li,te' 114,1o261 Tremain, age • i years. 1n;.s. w•.+ I Morris . the 0th Inst, ?dr James D r(7�rhurriehe, aged 87years, months and 10 days. A*i,i r, -1t Culro..; the IOtii Inst, Cotte E• in T nt child of Mr Henn Arkolle aged 1 year and 8 r '1,111%oases•-•-4.tCnlrose, ,, Aug 27th,ItalphBodging, sedan yard*. 4.4.4• - _ 14.14• x -.in Pv'rns. on the Oh Met, yvmJohn **strew. , -rety w. aged 1 yea*, 1 menthe not 4 darn, 7 Tle4 wit tof John}L $ S'•M` marl Anne ii, natireof tis '.y unit, eo'• 41 "5 • :4'1111/nth"' . . Ofterthe tallowin• ysry law barred ex° recta kG"t61sFS A1CL.dr+l' ICi~t"f`l. VVI TNIp a t. f'Arrl'f'4 by 1y.11oanW> rAx, lnite> M, f 1 GtLE1n1 i� ei "4�' (`+n Yawn we+• 1:00 lbs. • 4 z. lM to 6r• RAi,'I'C: es :c '4''$ lie Pell nMrs*perb.isttel, • A 7Jl e . Sr MOOS • • A.W tri • N Poor+srs9 , A CALF d $V 60 Prdat s. - !x! so:, : • iib returning Sept. Sill 'Batter >Se, tiff) - 6tn 1R rsolosett, " r1 7R • n- INwI' ire* • . air'tt ie.- +"cel. HILL't: CITY' RESTAURANT.. 1 • Pinner rficnlarscntYpunVWOODdelivered to anypart' ofPUBLIC O C llardare Store . ,iMTOrdere by mail prompt y attended to, ` GEORGE Ti1OMSOIT, Wingliam P. 0. • • To Tag farmers of 0 tarso •r,•ay have an. the exact , .rah about the re - the No • h -West during the 14. •i Ian a a"3c 1r t3 " * Oct,. 14 24, " Now. 4 artiotelashors any vont of the coeu .ny. REDUCED RATES To AIL;POINTS IN MArtiTCBA, • BRITIS I GOL,t, Mata ...AND THE- NORTH. WESTt=RN STATES, •-V1A F EATTY'S SARNIA LINE STEAMERS "1'.InITRe EMPIRE",- "ONTARIO" and "CAilrhtta:" Leaving Sarinia every TUESDAY and PRtDAY nigh atos: during navigation, (weather permitting), and. poll • every WEbNESDAYY and SATURDAY at trod and Kincardine, where they connect with ii R. train leaving %%Ingham at 11,10 a. m for dos". Island, Garden Rivet, The Soo, Pott Arthur�d Duluth, eoanertlng at Port Arthur with the R., and at Duluth with the iced Rivet Valley We, LowlssT IIATIts, BM? AoenMMobAWMt, - Expo," Tilts Ann Cslo1C'i fp/ Baffin* Ace yarn& rinarset 'Otah4. "Prank" try agent treig anipaeeeng'or Nitta. • • OM. H. btllTY'V, nowert4. MMsetn, *snarl, • Another large consign- ment of Fresh Teas of superior ' quality. In order to •ootx teract the dishonest practices perpetrated on the pub lis• by pedlars and others pro erre offering - Special Xi/duce/monis iii Tea anii. Coffee, and solicit yotr: tro"nag`e, 'N • T. YATES,, TheChinaa ]Douse. 4r • sTO g ' B tecLL,• . We give sslsesial ntiention--to till~ following. lines, , • IRAN PII'Idy Ari. p';PIOM Ta 8 mon. IRON AND DUBS PIIrBi+1.,:vt rcre. l± jign B B1 TOi�S, l4IXLL Ii`TLBS, :1)4Acf1Nr, niLS._ :g.► s Itro4N WTI --T , COAL* We are sole agents in: Will Tnilm for the sale of Genuine BO Paint .the boson the ry . ki $ bf sheif and 'heavy Itiiptchve,rec at • bottom - prices.' Led Plaster in bags always on band. e. w Cele Oe • ;II