The Wingham Times, 1889-09-20, Page 6s
n as broken in three pieces, and had to -- Several outrages Have been corn -
t .� g AinCI tnI `s' be removed in parts, ons of which re• witted in Galt, in the shape of dam'
CCaa gnired the strength of two men to rage done in moulding shops and the
elevate to a waggon, The middle Breaking of windows in private )louses.
zrunmx, SEPTEI>i 3ER .on, inn. Piece itself measured eight feet, and The )dioulders' Union condemned the
louks more like a• log of wood than the colnmitssion of such acts as likely to
.bDITQRTAIi NATES. undoubted horn of tifl animal. The injure their cause.
• work of excavation IS still going on,
*DA:IISL MOIi AN,M P,P, for Dennis, and daily ribs and portions of the sound Adviloe,
lotsbeen appointed Provincial Seers• .vertebra are lieiug dug up. Young man, don't be a lonfi‘r and
Lary of Manitoba, Vice itt... I'rea'ider- The discovery itself is of interest stick -whittler. Go to wort ? Do
gest, resigned, He has been sworn and already has attracted the attention something! If you can't be a bank
A, S.COchraite, of the GPolelei- president be a day laborer. Do any
of Mt
in. It is understood the writ for the cal Silrvey,Ottawa, h1r.0. A, Hirsch. thing that is honorable to make money
election will be' issued as sac* as Felder also inspected the xeuaf6ins of Labor is dign'Ee1, while i1leneas is a
possible, the animal, but in the absencetof ne- disgrace. Take this view of the
A TAR ex,emption conference will be cesaars proofs does not care to make a matter and the result will be, in your
held in Toronto on the 16th of Octo4 tllassificatiou. Be gays, However, that favor. ' The man that_ works never
the animal was at least 20 feet high, drops his ['yes while talking to you,
ber. Circulars are now beim, sent out ,`3o far 11 ribs have been unearthed, while a loafer can't look an honest
' to the various municipalities in Ontario, and although the remains are ear apart, man in the face. His opinions on any
Dost of whore have signified their in- owing evidently to the glacial up subject receive no respect or attention
tendo* of sending delegates, inform' beaving3, `there is a strong hope that because they are not entitled to any.
to them of thethe collection will be made complete• Lay aside false pride, roll up your
8n date of the meeting' in a short time. The horn, the bones ,sleeves and go to work and be a man
SIR TaoMAs GALT has given judg. ordinary hv r.t sized bs would fill an among men. •
ment declaring illegal the resolution A brother editor of considerable ex
passed at the meeting of the Senate ofNews Items. percince thus sums up his dislikes :
Victoria 'University held. 'in Toronto, --Winnipeg had a $12,000 fire or, We like to hear a man refnee to take
and pledging that body to further the Friday night, hie home paper, and; all the time
cause of federation as far as it was __Northern Texas bas suffered se- info fe on 1118 neighbors for the read -
from floods. ns of it. We .)elle to hear a man
able. The place at which the meeting l y complain when asked to subscribe for
wail held is the ground of illegality. Lambton county is to have a a home paper that he takes more now.
House of Industry. than he can read, and then go and
• Tse United States treasury depart' —The first 'snow of the season foil borrow his neighbor's or loaf around
rnent has succeeded in reducing the at. Hope, Dakota, on,Thuraday,until he gathers all the news from it,
surplus so that the monthly statement , We like to hear a man run down bis
on the first of September sllowe a -"rhe Deaf •and Dumb Institute at home paper as not worth taking, and
Belleville opened with .AO pupils. - now .and then .beg the editor for a
surplus ` of about $40,000,000, as _Capt. James. Reese, of Baltimore, favor in the editorial column. We
against $70,000,000 August 1st, and 'who built the first steel -plate boat, like to see a man run down his hrme
$107,600,000 ' a year ago. ' While died Thulrsday. paper, and try and get a•share of' the
reducing the surplus the commercial—Mr. Sefton, ax London township trade which the newspaper brings to
interests of the 'country have beentown, We like to see this; it looks
y farmer, has had. several' cows and a economical, thrifty, ,progressive and
relieved by furnishing a sufficient horse, pois hied. cheeky,
surplus of money for its immediate —The official report gives the num- • The Reason Why.—Mary had a
necessities. . ber killed by the Antwerp explosion little lamb, it's fleece was white as
FOURMillion five hundred and eighty and fire as 115. ' • snows, :it strayed away one summer
million galldne of beer and ale are —H, J. Clarke, Q. C., a somewhat 'day, where lambs shohld never go•
consumed annually in Europe, accord noted politician of Manitoba, died Then Mary sat her down and tears
ins t9. the Jewish Messenger. Less of suddenly on Friday. streamed from her eyevs; she never
--A considerable portion -found the lamb .because she did not
this is consumed in England than on erapon of the
the continent. Germany alone c rn-
sumes 1,128,000,000, while Austria-
Hungary makes way with 854,000,000
gallons. In Bosnia and Roumania
the amount consumed per head yearly
is little more than, a quart, while in.
Bavaria` 65 gallons are ce>1i3umed
yearly on the average by every man,
Woinan and child in the country,
AN exchange says : The new High -
license law in Massachusetts is work.`
ing satisfactorily. According„ to the
figures of the Boston Advertiser, the
number of licenses has been. r•:'•u:ed
in sixteen out of twenty-five cities of
the State, from 3,022 to 1,557, while
the revenue from saloons has increased
nearly fifty aper cent. The :moral —The steamer Rothesay and the
effect is pronounced excellent. Police tug Myra collided near. Prescott ou
CJommissionerWhiting, of Boston,suys: Thursday night, and two of the. tug's Tennyson disli les the biographical 'FARM P
crew were drowned. • fiend. He keeps neither journal hoc
I hear the law praised everywhere, by ,
Prohibitionists and clergymen yvho
—James Good, 'an old resident of; diary, and speaking about this subject AZ VERY LOW RATES.
were not "favorably disposed towards it Toronto, died on Thursday.' In 1853, to a friend recently, he said : When I
he built.ihe first locomotive of Cana- stn dread, I dont want them to ripme
at first. High license has a, way of din manufacture. up like a pig.
vindicating itself. -
town of Shoal Lake, Manitoba, has dvertise. And Mary had a brother
been destroyed by t John who kept a village store ; he sat
• ; him down and smoked his pipe, and
—England and Germany are sup- watched the door. And as the people
posed to be negotiating a new agree- - passed along and( did not stop to buy,
ment with regard to Africa. - John still sat down and smoked his
Galldaur defeated Teenier in, the pipe and blinked his sleepy eye. And
four:mile sculling race at McKeesport, so the sheriff.clo ed him- out, but :%ti11
on Friday, in 23 minutes. i he lingered lieu' and Mary came
to drop with him a sympathizing tear.
----Four. million acres"of land in How is it, sister,* that those other
northern 'and central Minnesota is merchants here' 'sell all their goods
about to be opened fcr e [lenient, send thrive from year to year 1
—Thesteamer Haverton arrivedin atembei'ing her own bad luck,the little
Montreal "lately' with fourteen China- maid replies-: These other fellow's get
men on board. .They each• paid ':; 50 there,,John, blsc muse they advertise.
tax. ,
—Hard coal is said , to have been
found on a farm near St. Thomas and
steps are being taken to work the sari
posed seam.
Catarrh141 Deafness, Hay Fever.
Sufferers are not generally aware that theeo die.
Cana are contagious, or that they are due to the
presence of living parasites in the itning membrane
of the nue and iiuerachian cubes, Mieroocoplc re-
search, however, has proved thio to be a feet, and
the result Is that a simple remed • has been torilut-
laced whereby catarrh, catarrhal) fleetness and hay
,lover are permanently Eared in from ono to three
•sharpie applleations made at home bl' the patent
once In two weeks, N, 11, --For catarrhal discharges
peculiar to females (whites) this remedy lea apeoillo•
A pamphlotexplaining this new treatment le sent on
receipt of ten cents by A. II. O,x0N A Son, 803 West
King St., Toronto, Canada.— Scientific American
Sufferers from tarrhal troubles should read the
above careful) • '
Hereafter the boats oarried by. At.
!antic steamers, instead of being made
of wood, will be made of steel .iu one
$500,000 TO.LOa .N.
On Farm and Totyn Property at r cry Lowest elates
and on Terms to eutt borrowers.
borrowers can obtain money in 6 days it
Beaver Block, Wingham.
Turnborry has about $3,000 to loan on DIori-
gages, For terms apply to,
Tr, Tasmanian, winghane. llama, Olenfarrowl
Wingham, May
Money to Loan on Notes.
Notes Discounted
Money advanced on Mortgages at 0 per cent, with
privilege of paying at the end of any y.oar. Notes
and aocbunts collected,
Orrice, -Beaver Block. Wingham, Ont,.
Sam'l Youhill's
Private funds to loan,
A number of Building Lots and Residence proper `
ties for Sale.
Those desiring to make a hone in Wingliam should
communicate with, or apply in person at my Office,
where ale necessary information can be btaoined.
m Flans
—ISP ll .`'� `.n—
LavEux rIxrM). MOEN'INO. `
—AT THE--- 0 -
lil'INGHlll;'t7,, ONT{lRIO.
SubscraptionprteC, til per YOaF; taadvagtne
SOW. . 1 1 ye. i 0 mo. l 8 too. 11 mo,
One Column IiQ 00 330 00 1 810 00 =8 OM
Half !' 35 00 I .°n 00I 12 00 000
Quarter " , 20 00 12 00 7 00 4 09i
Ono Lich 5 00 3. 00 2 00 1 00'
Local and other casual advertisements, Sc. per live
for fl rat Insertion, and se, per lino Inc each aubecquont'
Local notices, In nonpareil type, 10c. for flret ir
section, anit10. per ;Mu for ench,snbeequent insertion
No local notice will be charged less than Rbc,
Advertisements of Lost, k` uuuti,,Strayed, Sltuationa,.
and Business Chances Wanted, not eXeeeding 8 ling"
nonpareil; 91 per month. -
Houses, and Parma for Salo, not exceeding 8 lints,
alas that month, 50e, per eubaetuent month.
These terms will ba etrietly adhered to.
Speciafi rates for longer advertisements, et for
longer periods.
Advertisements without epecitle diroetlone, will be•
inserted till forbid and charged. accordingly. Tray-
sitory advertisements myst be paid ht advance. •
Changes fpr coutract•siftcertlsements`must lie im •
the office by Wednesday noon, in order to. appear
that week
P1101'Rnrro5 AND MESE) NSE;
D1.37'�R. J. A. It'5;LDRUN„
Honor Graduate of Toronto University.
Office and Residence—Tice old etand fotmerl;•t•eccu•r
pied. by fir. Bethune;.at tbo corner of `Ccolre and
W,Na,tAM. - ONE.
• ONTeus
D1t. F• E. oonseEY,
'First-class honor man and general profcieney medal,
ist Toronto University.. Member College. Physician
and Surgeons of Ontario:
Bseow rra,'Oax.
Office—At Methodist Parsonage,. • •
V-7 1sT 3•'1 -IAM.
Capital, $4,000;000. Rea, $400;000. p y oan a ow rain of
terest. Mortgages•ee tow
Vice•President—Hoe. JAwES Tomas• bought and sold: Mercantile collections a spec atty., ••
Winghsin • Ontario
OFFICE$=Beaver Block, WlNONAM, Oar ,
Goma and Rum, ONT.
Private and Qom anfunds to l t 1
President—JOHN STUART. in f, , n andfarm property
r A.• G. 11.4us42, Tom PROCTOn) CHAS. Gomm,
Cashier—J. TURNBULL. '
J S Jerome is manufacturing cel-.
)uloid Plates Vulcanito.plates of the
Savings Bank hours, 10 to,3 ; Saturdays, 10 to " bestmatorial no cheap as they"can'ber
1. Depoeite•of 51 and upwards received and interestgot in the Dominion. All work car— ,
ranted, '
Special Deposits also received at current Vegetable Vapor administered for- the paroles..
rates of interest. extraction of teeth,.the only safe anesthetic known.
Drafts on. Great Britain and the, United States: OFFICE: In the. Beaver Block, opposite as.
bought and.soid. Brunswick Hotel.. • -
B. WILLSON, Actimm.
Maker ot• Vulcanite,. Celluloid,
e „ ailve; Gold, etc etc ,Plates ranging
E.- In prices from 8600 upwards per vet.
crotvnng and bridgework. Tooth ez
S traeted without the lean ppain by the neo of Vetter
'zed Air, Head Office, 11 •Ingham, aide entrance op -
IS OFFEIIIN(i ed) from G a m to 6 p m. will be at Blyth every
posits the Queen's hotel, open daily (Sundays except:-,
. —Hillman's mill, • near Ottawa, and Chronic Coughs and Colds.
a large quantity of lumber, were And all Diseases of the Throat and Lange can be
vie Amaranth Mastodon.
Mr. W. B. Jelly, ex -Reeve of .Am- a loss of nearly $200,000. ,
aranth, who lives on lot No, 9, con.. 7, —Evidence has been found show.
was last summer engaged in scooping ins that Jahn Hennessey, sentenced
out a watering place for his cattle in a in June of Montreal to fourteen years
wet corner of his farm, and while ex; for assaulting a girl, is innocent.
coveting be'unearthed the ribs of an - John 1. Blair, the New Jersey rail
animal, which were .of such a' large —John Grose, a young man who road king, who admits that he is
alae that they startled" him. He" ex- belonged to St. Mary's, jumped from worth from $40,000,000 to $60,000,-
hibited the ribs a couple ofeeks ago the steamer • Athabasca near Owen 000, says he laid. the foundation of
to Mr. Jdlin Jelly, of Shelburne, the Sound, on Friday morning, and was 1114 fortune by°trapping rabbits when
result being that this gentleman's drowned. a boy.
tciriosity was so much aroused that he _ F.W. Gesseveiti, the' wealthy tool,
' h'red then to continue the search for manufacturer, of Brooklyn, was shot - Consumption Surely Cured.
the remaining parts of what he be- dead in his office, on Friday, by an old ha o THE
E r remote leen inform
shove named d[t at
Iieved to be an antediluvian animal. man with whom b had had d9 t B itetiiuel use thousands of ho Bleed casae have
burned on Wednesda nidllt eausin cured by the use of Scott's Emulsion, as it contains
o r the healing virtues of Odd Liver 011 and Hypophos.
ph'tce in their fullest form. Cee what W S Muer, M
D, L RCP, eto, Truro, N 9, says; After three years
experience I consider Scott's Emulsion one of tho very
beat in the market, Very excellent iii Throat affeo.
tions..Sold by all Druggists, 50c. and 711.
Aeter digging for a while they exgumed 'aboltt a stent a diso a been cured.y I sha11 be glad to Send two bottles of
other bones, vonsistin of ribs and p t my rhtnedy rust to any Of your readers who hav
g consumption it they will send me their Express ano
vertebra. These relies told their own —The Methodist, Congregational, P. O. addreta. Respectfully. DR. T. A. BLOCUMd
tale. Some of the ribs are four feet Baptist and Presbyterian ministers of les West Adelaide Sit., Toronto, Out'
)ono; and the component parts of the Kingston have decided to work with Dr. 0. W. Holmes received a con-
backbone are in proportion to the Messrs. Crossley and Hunter when
p p gratulatory telegraphic message on
weight and size of the framework of they visit that city. his 80th birthday from an entire
the, body. In 'a kW days they un- —The French Government's last stranger marked, Collect, 90 cents.
earthed, one of the borne of the mam- report concerning the wheat crop of ADvlea'ro Mornnas.-Are you disturbed at night
moth. The workmen thought that France estimates the yield thisyear at sail broken of your rest byatic thud suffering and
trying with pain of COtthi6 Toeth'l It eo Aend at
the find was a log of petrified wood, 306,516,598 bushels, as against 270,, onoeand seta bottio of "Mrd. Whislow'a Soothinq
but after the earth was removed the 787,002 bushels last year. Slyrup" for Children Teething. Ile value's local mi,
a/1e. It Will relieve the poor little sufferer
identity of the mammoth specimen - immediately, Depend upon it, mothore; there is no
Warn made Direr, The enormous size --Tile?' joint committee appointed to mferskeabout12. 12CUCaa»yaentoryand Olarrhaia,
consider the proposals of the London go ton etthe�Oun,, red sea innamamation,yand ggive,
of .the antediluvian taenial oan be (England) atrikers decided in favor or ,;tone and energy to tho whole system. "Mrd Win.
estimated from the size and weight of slow's Soothing Syrup for children teething' is
the immense hero or task, At tyle conceding the demands, and the men pleasant to the tasto and is the presortption of and of
batt it is eight .inches it diameter, ad are now ready to resume work. rho oldest and best female ph ''pietane and nurses in
the United States, and 1s tor tale by ail 'drugg's;s
the part secured is twelve feet eight —A 'Ohioago paper says there is toe lti nn,33. aurwa S"askrnrort' Mas.fn vrieeeow',ai
inches in length, Unfortunately the positirte evidence that Ooug11Iin, Burke, 80015000 Ss uiY and take no other kind•
workmen could not locate the � of Gooney and O'Sullivan were in the It is said that F. Marion Crawford,
the bora raii viewed but ribs petent i Bion ieto , the dialog Cottage up to otto o'clock on. the novelist, writes a three volume
It wended fourteen t y morning of May 4th, the day on novel, when ho gats started, in thirty
fia6it, Tire which Dir. Cronin etas .ttJi [lad, days a chapter, soh day.
2nd and 4th Saturday of eachmonth-0ificeat Milne In
hotel; Gorria let and Sid Mondays ofeach month
011ice at Albion hotel. Extracting; 25 cents. -
SE -i L4 t 11i.v.L Z wlNan.x,
a v u • INSURANCE13:3011,.
d mi.,SYidhti,t 2 1. 1I J111,tt ffa d. FIRE AND MARINE,.
Supplies all necessaries for fun-
eral furnishing 'having a Delivery
Wagon specially for this branch of
business, All orders attended
personally, and delivered , any:
where within 10 miles of Wing:
hem. -
Remember the place, first door
south of the big brick hotel ou the
main street, Winghaut..
Medical Lake Salts or Concert.
Crated Water taken internally
Dyspe sia, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Biliour
nets, Sick Headache, Kidne Troubles
Complaint, and used for bathin cures Mheu
matism and Paralysis and all Diseases of the
Blood and Skin, ,
Ask your Druggist for Testimonials,
D DEAN, Jg.,. Wn oz i,
Salsa attended In any part of the .Co. Charge
All tales attended topromptly and on the Shortest
h nocessa ye arrange arrangements teAnd Satisfaction
be made .4 tai
Tau' office.
r7 ,
P. L. ik D. L. SOavEroas AND CI•VIL EINNEEms.,
All orders left at the OMoeeof )the Thom wst its
oeive prompt attention.
V ELSON r. RITCBik, , 4, .
P. L. Surveyor, Civil Engineer and Draughtmem
Particular attention paid to division of propanee
into building lots, tattling' disputed boundaries,
preparing complete plant of tons and village,, as
par Registry Act, and ctorerilitions of propertied
for insertion in deed,., cross -Sections of rivers made
and estimates of cost of Bridges Culverts, &o. Prig•
Ries and estimates for grading ills, drainage, toad
and street improvements, se re and other Enid.
Steering works. Cor
res anden l
p to iCE stating
plac.and character of work, OFFICF.-At J. A�;
MMoRToN'S laW Wee, Win Cham, pnt,
Totem . of Health Goo
LONDON. ONT. Contractor and. Builder,
tinLuRNltle DRtra STOR1 ,' w1/""t'
Gi'ingltalxt .1 e:1cy.
.agent for Drertmet (Eisigrare) ea. .