HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-09-20, Page 5•
`i 10lewfl .'Lilt
1 luevtad• e. The witneolelertee Conmetttlen.
S Scott,. r°s P' :,aoli and wife, R, The winnersof the Montreal Wit -
Black, E;1 Bei Nixon. ,1t Stuart, nos "Dominion Pelee Competition" ori the e•ataor lag
The wad Sirs, 3foi?. kt
n A•;leeser, Dotes have just been announced, he .bolsi• 11,2,sn, ort Te'n
Mf rs W Mease'l,
Annie Qorbet, Lizzie Sanderson, T I petition, ooncerning• which we notipe
Dillon, ;John Farrow; l3 ',pimruine and some wrntera request that it should be
ft King hav one• to Toronto tills fiiade annual, or At tepeatgd,
week to taire7e..theesights there.—T I was aeapitni dev lee for •stsmuleting ,
41 lllilloul took second prize on Truckle patriotiein andnative literature et
oheese at Lendou.--e',I.rile August snake the same time. Tales and sketebee
of cslieese has been sold see 10 cents were asked for from all 801100l 4401
-Orper 115.-.--$ Scott has sold another car rein, Illustrative of pioneer life in
load of hags to John Hamilton• and Canada. • The•lrarthern .Messengw', .a
they were shipped on Thursday.-- small paper published at the saute
Frank Patereon took first &honey' on ,otiioe, was offered as a prize, for the
guoit)s at. the Lucknow games,—Mr T best. tale in every school, in the Doul •
CJoulties ie putting another story on inion, A prize of- greater valve,
his house.—Mrs'ir Ooulties is on a Macaulay's bistory iii Ave •volurFs,.
visit at present to her sister, 1'lre was sent to the writer of the best tale
(.xeorge Thompson, hear Bright,,-- in each county, and a set of Perk -
James Henderson of the* boundary, man's works was the reward of the
was home .on a visit a few days last best m each province. The judges
lveek frgrn Tavistotslc, where. he has appointed to award these prizes: were For time it i ever,.
Veen etnpleyed for some toils,—Robt men of re cognized: ability, the judge •Our heart ,are not prone
Y1a;lvell,,of the boundary, has gone to for the province of Ontario having Te say, in 0 ix sorrow,
see the sigbta.inToronto this week.— heen• 'lr, Wm.Houston,k'arliamentary•
"Thy y will habil be done"
114r Samuel Black's horse made a Librarian, Toronto. "finally a Dom- . Seeing mot i:; our bliudnes's
lively ran from, t*1ie factory the other inion prize, a splenoid ts,pe•writer,was The. hand of our (lad,
mortising'. ;Que good thiug• there was :awarded by Lord Lorne. The "Dom- Though He Reeks but in Pinnaces;
"Pass and +r the rod,"
aio one Burt anti. little damage done.-- iuion prize has very curiously. been F. Mo.. P.
Ben ;Ou?:tlts`spent a few days ..an taken by a young lady' outside. 't1 e
"ril{lexioh•;last week; Dotltinion, the i• uaoss.havin;, in view
of its numerous readers in. Newfound • A. fire broke out in' the Walker
Clinton. land', collated that province, for' the hope stables,' lariat'+line, on Friday
A grand !Mort will " be (this,, in
'cough it had`bet3n,9t paroses of this tgftganada. grant stu t elpi use, c} vneto ld be R.
PublIailerl by request.
o novae ismlpg, ,wit of Hr.
;Sng, Listowei, who died at
nE mara}ns, sept,sak isso.
A flower from the Kingdom,
od's.liing •o of 'love;
,l. .loonalsig ns afor a•Reason,.
T•14611 watt -d above.
Dead? No, ply sheltered
from oar a and alarms,
.1;,[lt3• ration • act) ever
The kind-,helrherd'a arms.
Four hearts resore weoudsdi
So sadly c et down,
•Siuce your h peg are all a'battaretl,
Your loved one Alas Sown.
Think not y E bp.ve, lost Mr&
13e Waits au.ou high;.
i=lls little ha•d tookons
Prom his owe in the sky.
And soon yo will loin him •
Where par IAds nater oon&a,
in the land o the blessed,
Your heas,Chir hoot).
.• i"
For every Department of our large premises ie literally' januued with,
New, Seasonable, Stylish. and Remarkably Cheap FALL
- GOODS. Splendid range of
' In every design and texture, feora the cheapest Melto=n. to the riche- -
- ---SSi^l k^ s or Satins. -e-
-1 4 S I-1 E S
All shades from 50 cts up, and other trimmiliga to match all styles of
• —Dress Goods. --
Be sure to see our,
..the Town Hail, Olmton, on .1 bursd.ay No one: wilt be jealous that,"our little Walker. Thee buddines, together -
evetittn , Sept •26th.lie Cosgrove sister province Ila,s carried off this' with, abort 60(1 bushels o£ grain, were For FLANNELS; either grey, red; white or blue; and' away: down
' lalniiy of natural born protttstes p0r- boller. The Winner is Miss May totally destrey4 Air. Walker's lossilot) ,.be sure you visit the "Anchor," ,
"'forming on over 40 musical,' i sttu- Seib' Te'hlen of: -St. John's, . whine on building aria_ grain is about $2,000 ; 1n p
portrait; and autograph appear in the insurance Claledonla for X1,004. Stalks of WHITE AND GREY COTTONS, SHIRTTNOg and
pants, assistedbyDer Fax; the great
aerate, and 119,isa Elia poPP. tnger. Wtineas with her tale, .The 'second
At the Lonslui Provincial Exhibitors, GENERAL DRY GOODS, offering cheap,
' •' The iady .violinist Little Mabel Ross, honor ie awarded by Lord Lorne to
,specialty artist,. •and others.—Every Norman L. Cook. of Gay's River, N, the prizes fore lest farms in Ontario •-Great value .offered itz---
efotpt ia`being put fortb to make this g., whose production also appears, as wort) awarded s:s follows .-Gold rood-;
.(ilinten.,Ceetral, Exhibition- a grand will many' of the others, .- The other ahs --Andrew Vatchter, South Bruce . ® IT
an sac, it will be held on Sept 24th, provinee prize; winners are: Miss Ellie Eobe,:t Shortie d,. South Wellingtone i
'25th and 20th:: --The Collegiate fooj, Ladner, Kamloops, Yale 00. British Silver medals -George Hyde,. "1dyd, And guarantee, every Suit' we make. to be satisfactozry, in ,tyle,. ,
' ,ball club has been reorganised, witll Yloiumbia ; '• ,leg Lizzie 'McLaren, Park," towush,p of •North Eaatl ope,-- vorkmanebip and fit.—
the following officers Hon President, Woodnorth, 'Dennis 47gr Manitoba; Perth ;. ' Vm plin, North' BI•uee; .
Jas Turnbull, 13 A; president, J Ross; Miss'lliary, Ann McPherson, Oliaalo, John Duncan, North Grey ,•
Peter Pilesof SHIRTS, TIES,
S t J P Dahgrty B k Miss N' h l, o slip W llington• '
eeretary- reasurar,. Reatigouohe, New - ruuswic ; .ic o,. ownship, e
•oWain, $ Ni ]3arnhill ; sideCapLains;. d biotxij, Smith: Harwich, Kent 'Co., Isaac Fidler, Colborne townseip, AT and D '' $ ✓ ' t
A M Burchill, J'uoOooper;committee, Ontario Benj. Sumluerside, Prince. West Huron. Twonze medals --John
' .'Perry; Griffin, •Cxray, Agnew, Smola Co„ Prince; Edward reland,; Victor Riddle„ • :town thip of . Mornington,
Fi Doherty' has adcepterf a situ- NgorriiX; StQnBtead, ' Stanstead`470., county of Perth ,NIsaac Groff,n P ik. CARPETS FLOOR OIL CLOTI-I •„
To suit every taste..
anon with, Messrs Watson, and . Cox, ,Quebec. ulgton, Welling
.Montreal, munufactucers'o€ varnishes,;,, Following• is the name of the bounty Luther, Wellin
dry colors, ete.prizewinner:.
uo ,
oval• haq.aµ.,p♦ .,agaaµW, E -
gtoi . - • Please visit this department before giving your. orders elsewhere. ;
. ' :.. _ ,
1 i r n Robert Baird Olinton -.TILF . TILE. TILE. "® M . ( ' ' , M. e
Blyth. Those who took scho.ol"prizes. were i
Mr.d 4hxy Bell has puxcliased tbe' Huron Co.—Alex 114 ,McLeod', Al puFarmers ari be eupplltAd at o Y briokyfor
dA lois ' THE BROUV N. 'ANCH-IOR.. WING;H:> M. •
iarliess business of 1Vir ,J. T.: •Carter., ..bert' i Jervis; Clinton ,• John '•Sim_ p-• ,large stock of aii.eixep on hand,
We wish •John success -•=Mr., Frank son,: Wbitechdroh R'tiss Jessie A ' F,Jxoxr nabs.,
Metcalf wbo • hiss been sick for• someT , ' , tvrt,aham•.
•• i Gibson, Wroxeter ; Wiili(i l; Gardner,1'ingham, Rept 12t1t s9
time, is rapidly: ,improving—Messrs Lucknow ; William Howell; Seaf orth; ., 1 g •
ed a canParra fol; •Sale.';
McKinnon. 6:- owoli'. ebipp • David S• 'Scott; Belg;rar e ; , $ J D .
leek of.button 100 neck• ---P. "Kelly; Naftel, Goderich ;• Miss Preeilla May x erngs not chessof.Lnae23and21sCzn.I,'tithe .
Tleedq; wee in 0roderiahlast` week on Aldrich, Newbridge ; Miss ''Beasts 9ltelated47 mace trom•Winghargand 2.i miles from
busines8 :'4 new G'•iaar 1aZock crossing Lowell, Turnberry'; Joseph Forest, Blueraletered,. Said farm' iso, ort vied.
;OakttoY 'grafts
rias been ut in at the Cenlral'hotel— Building and adapted l either
p Strathory, Varna.; 1 7ormanBailie, Nile i Miss :Buildings and formes in go6rsetat,t of repair, xhero.
Miss', Newton, of is Alice BeI.; '..--i. call; Miss' Mat ,T isabankisarn60 '40, w,th.shed8,"jrari}e dwelling
visiting at the residence of Mt . -C. 'R. , y . house 80 x 20, newly,sidetold' pinted; vith ehede
ts1 g Henderson, Seaford. attached. Thefdrm is well drained. wtlli tale, Tho
artner-t.Mr. (T. T. Aiiddleton, " Of • said farm with all the implements upon pips1Sremisett,
` including binder, reaper, Moser, waggons; top
t burgy, ploughs,'grarrows and other things too
Mr. Hughes, of'Listowel, was in town i•• numerous to mention, is atfored for, the suflt of
Time populationof ()ntario,aeoordtng 84;200 :Abusiness stand in NVnggatia will be taken
last weele. Bev; Dix. Wright, of to the•census of 1881, Was 1,923,228. In part payment, , . Ir0BX•;RT A. GRANO,
.gorre, was in. town•last week,1Vtntl,fm:P. 0.
The population. of London, Eng., in,
Toronto was town last week
•' Belgrave• - 1881, is thus abated in p Whitaker's
Ontario - BY 'VIRTUE of awirrant issued, liy the Mayor, under the' Corporate s •5. 14 '6..0..
Town at Wiegham, TownofWipgham, tome directed, •be,+r'ng date the fobrth day • of July,lm3,0, cony-• ;
Tnwit:- 7mending met0levy and (tellthe lands, n ,itionediu the following:list, ro•t-m•rl'ars o2'
taxes due thereon, I herebyeire tioticu that unless unth arrears and ;divests are sooner paid 1 };jis if l•.rge.`.l
aeon tp sell the said lands or so much thereof as may be z,egd8sar'y for the payment of the. i4: iaa.+i Lo81t"
at the Conncit'Ohambor of the said Town of W,ngham, on ry . ,S
SATURDAY the Twenty-sixth Day ef: Octoberp f .
' At the hour of TWO -O'CLI)OH it Vie afternoon.
The fouowing lands are patented except parts I airi4 2:.
• euaenty
o, Land, Taxes Cy'estsr TAO. -
• 82 97
20 82
• 'lie. Street Survey
half f 29 Scott south C T, Scott - - + . 1.10 acre 8 9 78 ' 81 t:il.
S,2 25,17 7 8th
's 1.6 1422. . -610
, 1.5 • 5,01 •950
1.6' 5- 91 .- . 3 60
SKa*, ,.2!! ,.... . 5 1 // 66` .J53 4, 00 10 53
W04 fT {' ®1i
Dissolution Of Partnership., ' E part 1 & 2 Josephine E Goy, Add.
8 Josephine E J .b w Sadler
515 Catharine W Leet & Davis
116 Catharine W '
8b JohnandFrencis Leet'rnd,$-
Almanac itihin the Registrar• No }ce is bei'oliv given Mid the partnership here
grand Harvest florae ; k'eStival S • tots"cgx'stiiig JiLtxomn •us as boot shoe and- har-
aand 'entertainment, in conneetion: General a Tables of Mortality,. 8,tt16, mrirtirfacturere ire the Towntif Y1'in hairs, undo;
h Will b held' h limits of •Metropolis the nrnl' 'kiomnth'4&Bnobatan•has .tin s day'Aeen.
th Trinity O lure Wi a 'e on' 488 it)
t e
Sol . ' •W dissoIvoli by mu ual consent
rhiirsday; evening, the 26th- 'last, Looal Management , moth whawlllpay AU liabilities of the
Tea will be served in the Orange Hall
.Ac 3'834 3014 xlr•ahhta d`ri •tp the.tate.flrinaro'tobe yard to •
ate firfn: ' '
D t of London within the 1Vlutlticip}il ' '
6 0 witness J A lIORT .
' ' John J, 80
front 5 to 7, o'clock and the entertain t y : J. J. xolt ar Trpasurer'sOf ice, Wrot ham, artily ¢)1389;•'
,,sent will be held in the • Foresters' and "Parliamentary,
HA1Z, commencing • lit 7.30; . x 'Vhe Oentral Criminal Curt ' Dtt;trie , '4,• Thebusineat fornior}y cat, ed on `by Ilomuth ac
proaratrinle will consist of sons, reci 457,102'; Metropolitan Parliamentary Bee►ireiINGHA SAW MILL
, ` . Dated Wingham, Sept.2pel, 9:'
ran [il be aontituted q..the same. place by -r-
the tin ders,gned under'the Arm of J J •Ilmnuth 4s
i dinstrumental
W' 1 t 131 ti Besides house District (not Including the city of
rations tableaux, an $oro... j. (including'the city of Trow- Son,.
From the earliest period to ••the pxeeent•
J J HOMUTIi, base.
W T il01ift1Tkl, tQja Xlr X3uasnT Bow z Xteircaoar.
Now ready,. complete in ono'voinme, with sectional
maps, plans and index, A book full of startling in•
oldents and thrilling romance, A• Matchless work,
by an author of areae repute,, ane Is also the only
history of this section extant,
Agents Waste-`bverywhere, Thoimmenso
area covered by thea vol•
un,o •ta. ral.idty Riling tot
Agents withdutotli'gent and ehtorprising.scttleis, who aro
making here their helloes 'Toy all want to knew
the history of the country as well as their .friends.
- nln5a. Trilent; to saes part in the ,
entertainment, as been secured from don), .8,45 , 25, D7etropvlits}1 Police
irrn nam and y ;, y -s • ` y r
talent. A,good time 'is' anticipated. London). 4,11;16,00.9'; Metropolitian BRO V Ct•1 i SITIR 'S
• Photograph alter
• and all are invited ._..-
•TxE Dolninien Alliance convention, • 'LEAN L
and City Police :Districts, 4,766,661,
x est of Fan t"at'ai
Industrial --Toren ft), September 9 to e . lately held in Toronto, _. elected the - r
NorbhiWestern-6sodaribh,September" l7 'fallowing as office bearers for the en• Long L,'xperience, a'ose attention qnd
$0 19.':
+ 6i eat 11 neral iriiltee Sept' 23 to 27 suing year ; Senator, Vidal President ; unexcelled facilities, enables me
r e • to turn out uniformly a class of
ept. 2 and 40. M Mr F S Speuoe of Toronto, Cortes.. t-
lvork.equal to that of any Li 1aitrn5 OJ
*' Central Since --•Paisley, Sept. 24 to 28. pointing'lecretary; 4Ir d H Caarson,1 Gallry 111 the west,
Dlartli Sert11 Stratford Uct $ e,utl x, LIJI IB Ry
,tier. ;', et/1,..t. 114, W .H Orr, of Toronto, Treasurer;,.Wol1c oi,everq dosoription aitifi
n the I A artily, iromptly and satisfactorily dobe. ,
;Wellesley aua Bastilope--Wellesley,'
PROPRIETORS. and those who hare busmeascommetions with then
who do not go there. Hero is a country as large ae
• the United States, and this volume nest ever con.
stituto the l'onhdatiotl of its history: -
Froin $5 to $ao a day
can be made by agents,Everyone of the hundreds •
at thousaude or people interested in this country,
and in ijte history Prot the world, one part with
anotbet:, will buy this book, It to wholly unbiased, •
and though ful) of startling detail, it is thoroughly
sound, practipal and philosophical. •
Geed e truest workers desiring, territote should
apply irnnedlately, and In order to secure it in.
S!<111 1 3JJ31t' ' stanttytents41,26 for a complete canvassing eutft,
S +,a i • and name choice of territory, aAktre, liberal terms
guaranteed. No experience or capita) stqutred, as
AND 'WOODthobook tvilisell•Itself if properly ,resented, so
9: we giro onrAgents thirty Jaye time in which to de•,
'The Northern-Aalkerton, Oet:'1 to 4, Uontreal, Recor,ling 'Secretary; sltid
;t Mitchell, Sept.
04 anti 23. on itkens 'aiid 14Ir • Vii $ LAT • Et
- • 11ovrlaud. were chosen, ;Vice-presidents
for Ontario, v sera S ouball and AB NE
S A Fisher,M.2, of 4uebec, and, ' for
elgrave, set.
$ruseels, Oct. and 4.
Exeter, Sept. 23 axil 24.
rick. Sept.' '
Blyth, Oche 11 3
\Wroxetor,,0o ; lama 2. •
Snrriaton, 8 ' t. gii 'nd `37,
palnierstou.` opt. and 25.
• Guelph, Sept 25 au 125.
Vitahell, be
Central, at U
Southern, Br
Peninsular; a
Southern Cot
24 to 27.
Prov"ece the'Presldent and A SP1i;OlALT'Y '::
ce t consteintly on hand. Prices as, Market ,
the ()thee -}, s, • ' Ko l Conch ntiy+ on hand or cut to order and dourer•
p Addrass, •h V CO.,
• h
Secretary of: the Provincial branch; A Large Assortesont ' of b'r`ittlpes ed'In any pant of the town on the ghorteat posaiblc ills 1 i / ,7
San t'r telsee, Cat.
Strong .col}amittees were appointed 1 p
for Executive, and Legislative par- low as aro consistent with good work.
28 a rd 27. 56ees,
mil , Sept. 23 to 2'i.
ax ,
God Chat
s, t
d' ansnornatt IIALf,. •
• . month, oi'isltinftbrcthron wcleoMe.
conn i d ons hall can be ec
nti Haps 1Q to 12.The s lay mods every third Monday ,
Ch m Sept. 17- to T9 city is spr`nging up like, Aladdin's
Gtinmon n` every y low an o.
Go rich, Sept. 17 to it). no Vaueouverr Worta say' :—This This o o *attired fah enter
is t er hind at n very T II t k r
e . city -springing arms 1cc., apply t0
tie St,1110a148, Sept. palace. In IMO` it had 600 inhabi• , JAltES OUTIT,
touts a
and in 3auuat;y of 18813, about - ' +
till,. /Itstice Falconbridae loris re- 11,000. It possesses 38 utiles of . '- " s 1a
f d to o Earthier into the charges' of streets, 46 miles Of sidewalks, 12
°se 6 cuurehes, a paid fire department, .MISS N' LO Mo A to
6°1'11,10- practiass' by agents the p
• kial'drmand elet,tion and dismissed eleatrio light lied two •magniticena
All orders attended' to promptly
and satisfaction guaranteed.
Orders . «i Car lots a Specialty.
• M.11,1and Para oil Josephine street.
;adjoining the O. P. B. track. '
L. & J. 11it;LE'!N.
lvingham, ?ifav 1st, 1880.
LABBkS Q11 ly RtJCTXO;i oN 1'XA:iil AND Town Lots NO5. en, 258 and 910 in the Town 1D1'
p b y g nicks. Lass than five ears ago the iI""`1i ct of winggham, motioning- itt<If Ott acre mach, aro 1,
the charges of ersrnaZ briber against 1? Y el F,7 organ, }n veno situ,., acrd idanmoul. a,vla appty to
Ur. Gaiter. was iaty rterneils taw* is 1#iw,TBtt iiaoaai Wt,s1. g
' lite w Wilderness. 1. A. MORTON, Birwister ision
. •.
---OF Tun--•
JOH OWN a;' t1C boyy
Embracing also a history of the nodes in 11 Basins.
pint, Loeb Xiaven,• S,mbnry, and all the flnodott •
districts to the State of Pernrsrlvaels. Y.Ieo in Wash.
"neon,t>,C.,,Z'ew'York, Um -,laud, Virginia and
Wtsb• V14111114, all id wbit'h ,•m,.rd the total lets of;
over 11,090 lives anti thy &Arm:Bon of ever $40,000,+
020- worth of property,
XSY D,>;q. 7 1 Stilus, J1 'MI,
Octave, 2 +airs; fitcwtrite t r •b 'ort +
- 191ght alt sato i ngt:.v *,.w
iiretri,tt•.ttissued August 10th. t•r pay duty.011
ci tNr,ha ., {,.±.
At.1,Z,. i+,''% VirA ;. ywT ID sefi r!t f,+, 'CU
' ' 'Tete nutdt, I
, o% •4
a •