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The Wingham Times, 1889-09-20, Page 4
• ... • d1I, i 4entingtambuts ' * • • nvtnct#r• 'I ierOrt Items.: a a'tsttazitz►ropi*c filer, esTesese rex. lash moose The East Huron. `teachers' Cionven, Wiliiam,Glooderha 9 well-known Tor, Leman Hall, who was lately and "tic Cl)rietiats appointedstationagent at $urlt's'lf'alls, Ira. T. Beat, of Palmerston, spent tier) will be held in brussels the 2nd philanthropist on the Hamilton and Northwestern last' week with her t'a° 11er, Mrs. geek of October. worker, tor, .has aimed troll) his labors, a Marne', SEk'TEMM.BER 20, 1889, 'division of the G. T. R., was made; Hosey,—S, S. No. 11 is in good work- Mr. John McMillan, ltl. P., South having .died in the harness. Mr:* the recipient of a gold ring and al lug order again, under the guidance Heron, returned home front the olds Gooderham had for a number of years ' • � cape o • Ea6T l u ori. A meeting: of the Bast Huron Re feral Association, for the rtontination of candidate to contest the. Biding t.iu ttie coming election for the Ontario' Legislature, will be held in the town -hall, Brussels, on Monday next the 'A3rd September last., at 2 p. zn. ;Pion. G. W, Boss, 11'Iitiister ot , Tdu-•. cation, will .be present, and address *the meeting. * EDITO1 Ale' NOTES. • purse of•noney, accompanied by, a kindly -worded address, by the bust ness men of ,the\town, previone to his departure for:his new field of labor. Our cricket 'club has not been as suoce§11tH this year as in years gone by. Tlarriston defeated- thein in the; return match, on Wednesday, by three wiokets,-alt is understood that fiese •Bros'�factory wilt soon be rue•` lug again. ;i4easrs. George and ,Adam' Hess, and 111r. Rossback, of Toronto,' have•niade'an offerOf$18,000 for the entire estate, subject to eucuiubrances. --An effort is being made to organize choral suciety in town. --Messrs; ,f. P. Austin and Lewis Bush, late of Hess. Bros.; have ' commenced the manufacture Qf .woodworking 'maohiu-: ery in town. Among the machines made by them are oombiised; chuck and saw machine for obairma'kers, a carving machine,. stretotien machine for ah airmakers. .four -hole boring machine, jointing. saw, seat shaper;; veneer -cutting machine emery wheel! stands, &e. -•-Dr, W. E. Dingman irk ,away on his. holidays:—Mrs. James Brown, an old resident of this town, was buried on Saturday .last.. She had been aiak for some years and at last succumbed to lung trouble, at they age of 68. yearn.•-=Mr•J T .Barkers,. of this town, traveller for the Doherty foundry, of Sarnia, who has-been-. ail•' ing for lime time with. Bright's ease,ea ne home .on Tuesday of ,last week,, and was•unoble to'espeak, .but, sensible. • Be lingered' ptill !riday. morning, when•death.pat.tand•,end to: his' sufferings. "He was , an - upright, honorable map:.and,was i respected by all who knew • him. iJIe =was buried iSenday thy ..the ztDddfeltows, of. which -society .be -was a. member, Ile )eaves faawife .and three ehildrea • to matiten ;chis loss. • At. the, annual meeeting of the. Agri �' eultur'al and ArtsAssoeiation�at London a resolution in favor ;of eontitiuing; the Provincal EIthibition wase -carred • 'by a. very decided,. majority. Mn.tetanneii. the B..eforw, leader, will visit.Toronto on ••the:30th Inst, and deliver •an address on •the . public gnestions •of•. the day.' M. Laurier .also contemplates making a tour through Ontario at an early data' • Toronto is to have another line of. railway connecting it with Hu nil tori The` president of 'the Cauadian•Paeifiq. -.Company visited Hamiltaon the -other. day, and. after looking over the -situa- tion promised that a 'branch of ,the 0. P. Ie. line from Hamiltorrto• •• or©nte' would be built forthwith. • 'An Ottawa despateh says : The a largest surplus since •1882.88 is an-•. pounced for the Iast.fiscal year. Thea denue'from taxes last year `amount•, h • f,. • . ed to $80;58.5,000 .;ts abainstc�28,177,,ra 000 the year, be f ore. ;From this grease of over two �milliops, ,a •.su of nearly. a million •siiigd y t'ltailf it3l obtained. The espeayditui a '*did not i %°tease;' 'ww:hat•exctiae-een • there':ea' rfor taking �betweei► to and . two lion doilar'trr the ' pockets, of the s people? -WV-tasted-CA that ten thousand"Ameri-; Jeean'railroad brakeman have membr 7,falized the 'Inter -State' Oomioissioii to lake such. action as shall 1a1' to' the adopfion of automatic ` ooulilera; and ..brakes on freight cars`'.tliroulihtout "the coui tilt' in order that' tlieterrible: sletegliter of brakemen on the railroads•. its'ry yearn:1.4''be largely diml'n'islhed." fi ••:Such accidepts Fare' as nuiuerous iu . Canada as.'ie the Suttee,, stir it : It ,ist higli time that.Parliatn nt passed • a .:law for securing the greater safety. of, tat o1ass of railway employers. :, • • '.''Tu total, cost of supplying the British man+of-war Hero with, ,explo- sives and projectiles for a eominission s' estimated' by a . correspondent • of '2 the London Daily ZVews at, between £35,000 and £40,000. It costs £86s.; • of Mr. Eidson Spotten.—Miss Well* country on '1\Tednesday evening. wood, and the Misses t7o'�pera, spent Samuel Ford, .better *known as' Sunday with their friend, Mrs, Robb. t,Dnole Been," died at hie ;hone in Rudd, in A1nia. The aceneiutancea Exeter on Friday. :deceased was of G. A.. Hutchison, B.A., were agree- born in Devon, England, mid .had: ably surprised to near of itis presence reached the ase pf :80. in Furdwioh en Friday evening for A young ratan drove. Ante Ethel Jar about, $41, to fire a . tingle. Eliot s'ron1 one of the two 22 inch, 45. ton, ” reach loading guns • The charge weighs 296 ponds and is kept in four. isilken bage, enolosect' in a braes. -cylindrical case.'' The' auintui ition' for torpedoes,ete., being eft • on' •the ,flame expensive scale, it is:hot hard. to see how the total of $200,bQ0 is reached, and how enormous. Would . be. 'the expense of a great naval' war in these days. Is July last,. fifty American work ,i`ngmen and women went. to Europe to investigate the condition of ,:Euro• peen workmen.- They returned., last week, aid Mr, Thompsoh, the man- ager -of the party, soya the workmen in Europe are not to be compared to those in this country. Almost every ' trade was represented in the party sed they examined carefully the .pros Ude and machinery of the old mann ti.y. It was observed that the titechinery,was cumbersorne and leeks the tiunxpleteneas seen in this country the Glasgow iron works it was f.,end wages were 88 .per cent. lower thin in this country. One t f the • , • . Jamestown.. Ori Wednesday last, another of those interesting events happened. which. always cause a ripple of excitement in the, neighborhood, especially among:. the'marriaheable portion of the cone. munity_ (Ve refer to thA Yrnarriage of kiss' Lizzie, eldest daughter of Mr. Jas. Simpson,' of 'Grey, ` and Mr. William RIM", of the 2nd line p; Morris.' ,The fatal knot was tied by: Rev. Mrt` 'Howie,' of. Brussels;' and wala'witnessed by a large number of Heade .of ` the ;contraetiug parties.. This'ia only one;" bid, judging • by appedrances there will be a "boom". 'this fall, as we expect a good many t'for'••betier Or 'Worries" cases. ---Liss •Bella.Peadook'rer dried from ber visit to Newbridge.--=-'iti>.s' Uteri' has also returned from Petrolia.- -1•f r. John if'orrest, our genial blacksihitli, is building *urine bran new hblise and Mr. Wright, our shoe -maker; is having a tent 'anci substantial veraudali erect- ed in front el hip dwelling and' 'sshop. Who says ' Jiime'stown "ain't forging ahead '2 Glenannan.. Mr ;.Wm..: Lithgow, of Mechanics Institute,_: Winglhaui, was visiting frienda•in'this district. --Mr. Richard Wallace and Mr: George 13. Scott visited;the Provincial at London last week.--Fali.sowing `is nee"rl+y coreplet- ed in this neighborhood and farmers hearts are gladdened' by the recent genial. showers 'tff rain: ---The Rev, Mr. Linton, Teeswater,, occupies the ;pulpit off tidies church on 'Sabbath first, ih lien. of the Rev. Mr. Rattles,. —We are 'glad to learn • that Mr. Matthew Fergusot , who..:was i'ecently injured by a ro'naway .accident, is recovering. Mr. ' and 'the Misses Stokes,' and Master T'om, Mr.Appleby, „Miss Annie Mundell and. brother, Mr. Robert Aitken and family all left here on Tuesday morning for Toronto •to. visit the exhibition and friends. We wish them a profitable and . good tittles , the express purpose of carc'yiug off' Monday evening at a furious_ rate of; one of their fair young iadies,.Miss N. speed and amused •Himself by driving. Wilson. The marriage ceremony up and :down , street, whipping his was perfornied by the Rev. Mr,'Muir. hoose iiumereifull} while at its utmost iklr, Hutchison has: been teachitiw in sper:tl, illr, 4peiioe noticed hind and $eafortli H.. S., but has .received n quickly took him "n bund lining 111111 position: in London.—Mr. G.rii. Ma-tothe.e.xtent oft 17.x0.. gee, a sucoessful'caudidatefrom Zar- The,if'uron;Presbytery met on. the Aston H. 'S, is at •present attending 10th' inst. at ,Egruondville. A cit• the Model in Mount Forest,.. -•Miss •°alar was rend front the.society on Eminaiine Roadhouse lass :returned. ,,Prison :EZeforw," asking the'co oper- from an enjoyable visit with +ltar` .,ation of the Presbytery. :No action friends in Albion. --Miss. M. L. Well. was taken, •It.wasdedided.tohdid' a wood, of Belfast, • Ireland,. has been conference on Sabbatli•scl ool work in visiting her cousin, Mrs. F. 'Doper.-- January. Bev, Mr. Moserove. was While swinging,in the barn, Monday; `appointed treasurer of the. Presbytery, evening, -George Faust fell and broke his. arm. Ile is doing as 'well: as ear; be expected„—Miss•S. G. Wells, of' Stirton, is yisiting her • old friends.-� On Sunday morning, Mrs. Iiuglr Hutchison, .aged 23,•daugliter of Mr. Alex Edgar„passed :peacefully away. Fee a couple of yearsther health has been precarious. Her-�friende have a great deal of sympathy tendered them. The funeral was attended •by a very large )circle: .of acquaintances and relatives,,. -Miss'-ltI. Cooper left Ford wieli, Wednesday, for Toronto, where she ,will` . remain during Exhibition timeei—The Annual I-Iar vest Home festival was held in the 'English Church, Fordwich, on' Friday even. ing. It was a decided success. --Mr., C'row'ing and step -daughter, Miss Julia Lambkin; have taken a trip to see. some relatives in -Michigan, Mitchell According to the parochial report for the year ending April 30th. 188$, there are 170 families professing to belong to Trinity church here, and 21 adults not thus indI•uded, a,li represent. ing 480 ,souls ; there were 22 baptisms during the year; 112 comcnunicants,y 6 marriages ; 6 burials ; $1,000 con- tributed for parochial purposes; $260 for diocesan .perpost s, said $15 for Teeswater. Mr. H. Field is captain of the: hose company.-•=Dr..Gordon has gone on a shooting eapedit<ion 'up ' the'' Druce. Peninsula. M.re; Johii Logan,one of the oldest inhobitauts got this place, died on the YOth:" hist., in e her 63rd year. `` Deoeased,'whose maiden name was Ann Eleheven, came "to this country in'the year 1846, and settled in :Vaughan tgwnship 'near' Toronto, In the year 1853°she was married to John Logan, rare; %jerk of Teeswater, and oarno( Ctu'lross Township set• tling on lot 19, 'con:'7, 'where she ye - sided for re number of years. Then removed to Walkerton for .eight years' mid then returned to Teeswater for the. remainder' •of Iife. There Lire lefteto mourn ' bet loss besides tier husband, one daughter and two sons, She was a contiistent- member rif" tip Methbdist Church' from her youth lip, and was belated and esteemed by all who had the pleasure of her acquaint= anoe not only in her christian char- acter'burfcii'her kind, amiable 'and ohariiehle disposition. Nast Wawnaosh. Mr: ' W.:'•E. Scott attended the Tor,nto' lxhibition this week.u•A large number of sixth liners • took in the London and Goderieh shcevae . tMr.'W. J. Roe, of Morris,bade a large delivery of books in tis locality last week. Messrs. Fothergill dt Stonewall have repaired the school foundation of section No. IA. --Mr J Dingwall had a well attended party on Mondey'evening._M,r T Anderson, of Auburn, has finished the contract, of cutting the Lill opposite lot 86, con 4.—Mr Robert Wighttnan is able to be around again after a severe illness. —A little son of Mr W 'Nethery was badly injured by a kick from a.. horse last week. --Sunday's relishes freshen- ed things up considerably, .'though we would be glad to see a'little Mae yet, The Methodist Brick Oburch, 'op 10th con. of Wawanosh will be opened for Divine service' ori Sabbath, Sept, 29th Rev John Scott M. A'• of Tien ed trouble £rout an affection of ::the'beart, bot not enough ;to t pre- vent Lina tram engaging actively in liie,ntunerous self-imposed•duties, eon - slating' of the .conduct of religions. meetings and the managelnetit of the atl'aira of 'Christian • organizations'. Lately he felt somewhat worse than usual,. but his sickness seemed to give way to the supple homely treat- ment .administered by kind halide. On Tuesday he seemed as well els usual, tend visited the Fain grounds. After dinner :Friday evening 117;r, Geoderitam went to • the" "Hawn to gonduot the sereiice,which be opened with a hymnandthen lid in prayer. Rev James Matheson,of the Bing Street Methodist Church, was present. and Mr Gooderham gsked him:to react' from the Soriptucea, aa he was feeling tired. Mr Matheson, had read,• only -u. few verses when he heard a gurgling and lir, ittetcber (primer of Some' sound, and turning to l lr. Goutier) arra, Mission Committee, saw that be was .either dying or :ser - The Clinton Neuf Bra says Last spring a horse and buggy was stolen froth a party at:. Watford and aubse- quently , recovered near Wingham, On Monday the thiefwas seen in Clinton, being recognized by i+e party. with whoin he hadtraded horses, ,and. on tine : person's . authority, Constable Tedford arrested the man, The Wat- ford party was communicated with by telephone, but he refused: to prosecute, as he said itwould' cost him more time andmoney than lieWas prePared to expend, consequently the thief was allowed to go; . Mr, Ed. McLean and wife, of the 3rd cop. of Goclerich township; ' par- ents of xhe,well knowncattle. buyers, were in Olinton hist week,'' and few Who saw' -them would believe that both are over °80 years -of age, With the exception that Mrs. 44..ean has bad - parelyeis of the face;' which affects hers • eeeh, both are in prime health,. and really look ' younger than they are. ''They have no harp whatever on the farm, and Mr. McLean .looks after his horees,,stook, ate., with as inuch'ease as a youth .of 26. , " Death has carried off another fa - miler 'figure in the person of Mr. P. S. Stevenson, who.'hae been long and familiarly known in the railway and commercial world. ' Mr.' Stevenson was for nearly twenty years • traffig manager of the Grand Trunk railway. Previously he held a high yositidn, in the Bank of Toronto. At; one time he :was joint Manager of the Belgian syndicate and was a director in sever- al Canadian companies: At4 the bait of his death he was President of the New Brunswick •.Railway. He had, only.been ill"for a few days, and died in his sixty-fourth year. Ile 'leaves' a widow and family.'` Brude. County Items." 'The Toronto Mail lays.: Mr. • JRhu Gillis, for a number • of years a mem; 'a cost' ot :$26,000. Iit his death ber of the Dominion Souse of Paha.; *Toronto loses one of he foremott menta and now Stipendiary Magistrate . philanthropists and prominent workers for the Algoma Western district,, is at .and, litany charities and reli cue present in Toronto to `obtain medical bodies in. the city will Miss a wernt and treatment. 'the genial ex -member in$uentailp:friend, • hes been unwell for sometime. A trip fit is said that the estate of the to Banff in the month, of_ July' did deceased gentleman is worth about not improve his condition, and hence $450,000, -perhaps considerably more, his visit to threoity. Mn Gillies• lived and that Mr. Gooderham fn disposing many years in the County of Bruce .of' it bas" acted in consistence with and is considered to` have. been the his entire,life by leaving -the bulk of it most popular public' man , alio ever.,; for charitable, religious and"education-' resided in that district. The people t.al purposes, The largest legacy, it is there wilt regret tri know that the said, is one of $125,000 to Victoria state of the health of thea' old fLtend University for building purposes, and .and member occasions a visit to Toron $76,000 for iindowment both condi= to, ti.onal upon the remove! of .the Walkerton has a oniony at Pomo• versity"from Oobourg to:lTormlio.. • .[t' raft, California; end on Tuesday of Inst is said that the Salvation i Army, the' week Mr Thos. Adamson and wife, V . i. 0. A, Wvokliffe Oollege,' Mrs. Garter and. two children; left for Bible Society,. the Home for • Incur. that place. The colony will. now abhts and the Boy's�llome will .each number about,twenty, '.all of whom reeetye�.it•+equreeb of $10,000., wit' have left Walkerton or vicinity. smaller amounts to numerous oth Wingham, will preaeh morning t and I _ Mr. AlignsMcltay., of Ripley, has : obaritiiss. Mrs, Mathew Robbins, th d• 1 k 1 iousty i11. The.,service vas at once closed and a messenger sent to Dr. tylsite, who arrived in a few-minutee, but ;Mr Gooderham expired'.in 'a few minutes,' from -the titne•he first attract- ' ed 1Vtr Matheson's .attention. :The • cause of death was heart disease, Mr Gooderhani's wife died about four Vara ago. Be leaves no children. Be was born in Score, Eng., April 14, 1824, and Came to Toronto with his.father's family when he was but 8 years olde Be was the oldest of a family of Wee. teen, of which five boys ap$ four gir'is survive hili), George, Henry, Robert; C. II. and Alfred Gooderham; Nes Raywood and birs Donald ' Cameron; ; of Strathroy, Mrs Turner, the wife' of a. retired battier, who lives in Toronto: Mn Gooderham Was well known its financial and business circles- through' out the country its n nran"' of • high,. integrity and fine business ability: Re was president' of the Nipissing Railway Company; a'director of the ( r'eat Norsiiweetein''Telegraph nom• pany, a member of tho'Toronteilloepi. • tat Trust, a director of 'the Willard Tract Depository, a member of the directorate for the Moine. 'for Incur- ables and= prominently 4onnectod at. different times with many mercantile and insurance aoinpanies.:: i<Ie 'was very successful in nearly all his finan- cial undertaking.: Soon.. after . the • Salvation•Arniy movement took hold in Toronto, Mr Gooderham 'identified himself with itt and remained_ until death one of its most earnest. and ;liberal supporters: lie was a faithful. and attached mombei of the Methodist. e denomination, tiro"$herbourne Street )Church being his place of worship. Mr Gooderham '.was never -weaty in wen -doing; but ever ready to:extend a 'helping hand to any' who might be in need:, -His latest Fact of benevolence and wise expenditure of money marl the erection of the beautiful building 'for the Toronto Christian. Institute at ninth beein appointed a er . ofthe nin r niece of deceased, will, it is saI evening, and the etev Mt Gi=ddies at. .. pP , $o'clock. A Teti:; Meeting. will, be division court of the county of Bruce. reoeive $,1-0;000,.and•.,liis housekee_ held on Mon dayaveningfoils, wirig,"`lea i:t • an, annuity of $500. Thu residue of served from 6 to 7' iy'e1oclr. Aftt r. ital. the. , es•tate, .amounting to perhaps' P,ert1. • teznu. •$100,00t1,"witt be disposed of by the:. when aa ddresser are will hp held lila- tooteti from 1'lrn. Me%"sugiit; an' .old' and much executors to such religious and ohari• the Kiev John .Scott, M A:, 11 . Walker, respectedirittee :raiser one wide:y known, tante institutions as they may deer)) Isaac, Geddis, Law, Setery, `longe, ail over this western country,,. died at fit.,. . Torrance, R Carson tend 313 Wallwin, her e°4$ residence in'.. ,Vloukton, on ; "Veal and instrumental rnt.sic will be Tunedav last, Sept. 10th, .in the 7Srd' The London Baily Telegraph esti. rendered by the Winghatu Mctliodist, year of hoer VI, last, ,while _ t �nnbn nst of the .dot k strike at On Tuesciav �` Yv- c thrashing with a sttitrut.thrasher at the ' The Vancouver, IL a, World se, party :vim investigated the printing obj.eett beyond the diocese. Wroxeter. rune of Win. Lanita, Logan, sparks - The snow is already '"flying" a' trod' veld that in Europe they isre Dr. S. B. Statile and P. V. Dickson fro,, thct onginl: caught a stack of oats 'considerable extent in the mounts About where the prfntere of this onen- - Mr. William 'Graham, of St Marys have been vi,.iting the Industrial '»i hie. Desi ice the t+fturta lit. ;be The grand vie peaks have alrtaa e try aero twenty years age. ,mother int , wo valwthle horses an the voyage tahilrition at Toronto, )lira MegIi,tiida Hvt:i ytl,il' was burnt. asanmed their winter attire in m t: her who leaked into tiro engineer- ... from 'ii)e..1. rad last week, and lawns, grata, mid hay, everytliialg that places, The "beautiiful" has not y mg workin R,irtspo said watee %refs etaother died at the station bore. GUT ••h ,bas utile 4,.000 of water. grew on elle `fans of .11)11 roe's. 'There reached the rallwity Muck, but it• = 4:0 ptic etch+, to t`hto ;l rttoasr:d ions $4-,465ow o wax. works dteetnelu.rset se a let ;urea. et le s), small lntut nirs►•ixw•t tt fili trot • gradually weeping ite stat, to • is .;y , _ •#open• the haves, dhoti oh. ' • i