HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-09-20, Page 10
VOL, 37. .
—Curt Ai.i pales, for
—There was no gnu
Monday evening, not
quorum. ,
—On Wednesday, I
acar load et /amity
should leave their Or
'WIN•G14 . 0NT. I' ,1"S °, EPTBMBEj, O, 1889. • WILOLE Nt) 921
500 feet Farewell to T— ._ i
Worthy ltizealtt
.--The floating d lit of Mitchell is now --Be sure ani read the advertiscmeu* —The town is ar •atly in needof
$10,000. of the 0 PR in .-other column. of additional hose for the wat
2 Os ap S. aracey'!. —Wet. ermelo I hualr,tbberries
• •-4•biesers Gilahri t' Green do Co !tipped : o, at Who'll movein the mater 7
oil meeting hold on Aiolclvie's.
a car load of fun enure to Toronto last —Grapea,
slug able to got a •Friday, per G T .fZ ---Mr. Geo. Ft twell: is offering soma
for sale. Se;e hie °ad
e Ieotus'e in the Baptist
evening next, by Rev d
rayed animals. • The;
Finnie from 90
r Those Bell shipped $ill's. Call and see
c, per G T R, to . • pt •Messrs 'Gni and
con'bract.of fending
it for' preserving 'Penoe will be o "as
t o v` 's • '
fE; 1
a el ie .
.. MIC
See my line'of p
—Wiarton ,pays 25 rills ora the dollar, '35,45 and 05 cents,
Kincardiuo 224 mitis, ?oct Elgin 21 nulla, •and, wreath framing,
S Graoey's.
and•Wingliy,m 19 frills ' .
` f :` The carpenters
Mr George Sadler ti`s elected a neat
Cottage .on "Water etre t ,C ;i`4.•3 g the third ll!r. Gco AIolienzie's
lie has built on that .str 4et. • :lishmaut, an `tile b
ie ady for. use,. 'The
—Huckleberries and ;rapes at the City b 5 feet; 1
by et,w 11 a, le
Restaurant, •R BIIi . rear, 50 by20eeti,
-.A decidedly cold wad wet : wave 6
ante to •0140. at It valuable property
fro, • vertisement in tbi
hoe -Moore have the --Don't forget t
be 'parki The front:. Church'on Atonda
po.. J Baker, 01: A, ore
tore frames- at 25, Advertise your a
followed the extremely warm weather of - 'exatniaation
the past few weeks. : .
•—Notwithsbandirig al dumber ';of need
residences that have ban built in the town
this year, dwelling hones aro in great
demand. -
BAndam.-0ely 2 by carriages- left.
WilI be sold cheap for lash- at S. Gracey.'e.
-In order-IQifup1
him- for furuit te, ]}f
necessary to,rtie .his •f
Machine halide Workin
--Messrs GiIohrist,
purchased al1 the etoc
saw mill pian atLuckn
there some time. last w
y the demands oil
Thes.Bell ;Ands, it
ettirtovertime, the
12e hour's per day.
seen 4t Co., have
of lumber of a
w,1trGreeu being
eh measuring it.
Fruit, fruit,, .fruit, If you want
beaches, plums, Peays.;, n pples, crab apples;
or any kind IA fruit °ai'tut the City. Res-
taurant. ' R, HILL,
• —At a reporrt rife ' OK'd the Order of
the Brotherhobti of L corhrotive•Engineers,
. held:in Loudon, Air ,T'lrrf,,Vorrtie,o'f'this
town, was elected C ief Engineer,' This
is the highest.oiiice ' the Order, .
• —Thereat/4410 ser ',Weld. the Episcopal
church on Sabbath last, the Rev Mr Meer -
house being; in atterr ante• at the meeting
of the Dominion Sy. od in Moutreat
.*-••Mr'i) A Plank, .f Lower Wingiiam;
conductethea servi =es in the Methodist
Charon nu bundaytit vning;•1ast, and the
* Rev. "Mr Smith,:• of -. Wroxeter, in the
evening. •
To Rear: The second and" third$ut 'of
r► frame building on Josephine street, near'
Beira factory. , A. hiutnber of good rooms:,
•'Apply to Geo. Thomson,, . ,Zetland' milts,
box 125, Wiugham. - '
OO Weduesciayr'1.io firetlintd"of, wheat,
his seasbn, wae•brou ;ht on the, market by
.Mr Jos Caeetnore. f . was a, very good
,ample; and was put:,hared by tier'. W •.
Clegg for 80emits pe bushel. _r
=-'Fon 80Ders.L. run;on sideiioaras,
bedroom, suites ma abies. Be surer ::and;
call before pine/Iasi g,• elsewhere., and' see
my stook and price • S. Graney, furniture'
dealer; Wingham. Store "en the' Vain:
etrect,, directly opp site Mie. Herdeari's.
and T. A, Mill's', ngbatn. • •
.....Miss:.' Maggie, ohnston,, a;eserpakcr,,
has gone to Detroit for a couple of weeks'•
ett ', and to study a styles. • On the first
!it•Oetober ,her pl a o( business will be
direr: again, and a e Will be prepared• to
give hen nustome the, benefit of "the
knowledge gained : y. hilo.aw •
...Walkerton Tel scope ; "Prof:,Curtie,aold
his house and bo._ineee etanr3 on Durham
street to Mr Rowland for $1,700p, Mr
--trirOiO lutends Mo, Mg to'V ingliam. " The
J'rofr ssor''as opahed a barber shop next
to Mr 13 Davis' o ca, Tosephine street.
•-CheapHiaive• t excursions will be roll
by the Grand`Trh 1t Railway on August
2004bSeptenibor 1 rd and Nth, front Wing.
• bean to Winuipe , Glouboro, Deloraine,
1Saltcoats, Mon jaw, ' and' Calgary, at
Special law fares See posters and call on
W B Towler or 0 Strathdeo, G T R
agents; Wiugba , for full particulars,. free
Colonist births. o.
Mo•- x'lie woet sf of the: G T Ii, station
unds aro beim:. raised, and • a : gang of
wen are engaged putting on , ravel, which
is being brought tr by trains. When it is
II ''s ed it wilt esti imp ve ' h
ntii r s tea.
Y p p
pearanee of they ounrle, mill bo of doeided
N benefit in a wet mason.
.t -"Advertising is toe. genuiuo article
whit manure, is 8d• land --it largely in -
creams the prod not. .Thousands of per-
may be. re ug your advertisernont
while you are eatg or sleeping or attend.
n t 'your tukis ' 1
r q o 'yo bus s, hri oe public atter-
tion Is attracted, .law oustongers come to
you, and if you reidor them a satisfactory
equivalent far 'th r money they ootrbinue
to patronise yon ..na reooremend you to
their frkt,ndss'"v—P4 Barnum.
speoiatty of pieture Tama hasa large of ciliation, and a - small
r.y size or style, at advertisement • in itosts but little. -
-Top Phaeton buggy fox sale. APPIy
re busy enclosing' to Geo. Thomson, Zeb1and mills, Bou
ay pressing estab, ,125, Wfngham.
tiding will soon be ger
sn atructt a it 10 ✓r—Mr. IY . McDonald, oi` Ripley, bas pur-
'abased Messrs. Sebr8tien Bros, barbering
to:.addition at' th! ' business• and makes lie announcement in.
this wee 'a Toms., Mead it.
or profoienoy in,arge quantitis of peaches, .pears,
Anatomy and. Einbalm ng, by tlie Under. tomatoes and grapes( arriving daily at Mo -
takers' Aesooiation of ntario, was 'held in .1lelvie's ' Star Rest .arent, opposite Icor.
Toronto Lest week _here were fifteen man's hotel.
candidate: ; nine. of 71 am were successful. —The Saturday - aoUrsion train leaving
- Amongst those who assod ,Were Mr D B
Calbick, of ` this tows , tulle passed ,with
honors. We congratp ate our townsman
on his ancoess. • . •
While 1"am-prepared ' to furnish all
necessaries for;'fueerals, and 'attend; per:
soniadly(uight or clay) Where niy services
are reqguired,, and will be undersold° by
none, I ltdis'
wish distinctly n
•I. have no.-advanco. agents• out •enquiring
'after deaths, as is!being done by some- in
This town,;as I consider such actions unto.
Doming in the undertaking profession. ' I
will not conduct my business on any, such.'
principles. S, Gracey, undertaker, on the
main street? Wingham..
ounderstood t
,y that
--The season is +ow' at .Hand when -
hunters pf all ages ge their guns. and go
,forth to bag theshy and secluded game.
It is not .impertinent'tberefere, to advise '
the sportsman pot t. -blow down: tiro mus- •'.
zla of. his gun; not o playfully point' an
"uploaded" wean&, at a .friend, and' to.
tante due ogre that hen he airns'at a mark;
it be not es hums. •being transfo>;rned• by
the leaves 'and sh dews of the woods fnto
•the,setnblanee of deer. Eternal vigilance-
fs the price' of Sal on the partof gunners
Wingham heretofrse ' at 7.40 pa .m., for
Eincardine, has c• aea ' turning for the
geason... ,
I have in my employ, one or the Anest•
workmen outside of .the Elgin and Wal=t
them factories, ha having 'had-.• several'
years'' experience in one of thorn.•
o It.R. Vaderonz..
-The C P R wit run cheap exonreione
to Detroit, Chloe
Cincinnati, Inn ti
, Grand
Rapids' and other UeN$ern States points,
on the 27th and 28t1 - of this month'. See
their advetisernent in another column,
for further partioniens. -
—Lebture in tin Baptist Church on
Monday everting, 23 fustant, by the Rev.
J J Baker, ht A, of "Ialkerton, Subject'
" Character," i1Tr s alter deals With. his
suiiject in 'a oleven, .'tty'manner,• malting
the l.oture °nevi t ,: = est and profit • •
— pas, rapes; re apes— • ten oi, ""A very intereeti g ceremony took place:
grapes from Peeler Isi0 ex ve , • . at fae-
elvta`s Rtat'reataurant .: xt eek. (at, Aft. Charles • oyd s residence on the
t evening of the a th instant. Alves num,
--our lacrosse teanii wentto Btassele on i ber of the Erie, . s of Mr..Tahn Buchanan
Tuesday last to play ?friendly match with .1 and his estimable 'fe assembled to present
the club of that place After a very closely ,him with a beauti • 1•Silver Service apd
contested game, it res lilted in favor of the Mrs Buchanan with , everat silver articles
Brussels team, of utility, on the ev of their departure
Pon Sane—A. Sens—A good sec* d hand Radiant for Toronto, wber: they intend to make
`Home coal stove, e4 a reduction. -Apply their fur ra tom ;. Peter fisher, Esq,;
at Cline a Co's.. u
.. • Was chosen chair an, who performed his
—One day last week the wife of a well- duties in a very f• icitous manner. After
known farmer not f r from Wingham raking a very'appr
brought to a store in own .a number of ` ing in kind Words o
dozens of eggs of an . savory kind and i Buchanan and fami
disposed of them, •kno ing them to be bad, . Morton, Esq., la r
Itis Old reparation s been made to the Buchanan and M
merchant, butit is t o bad that the guilty' presentation, • T
party should • be alto d to esoapo so. easily. 1 the address
Conduct such as th woman was guilty I To Sone Bvcnewa
of is deserving of. th severest censure,' Dna SIa,—Your
—Tac MoRelvie, o the Star Restaurant regret. that you an
bas been appointed olegont in Winghanr'
for the sale of th elebrated Peels ' to leave.Wingha
riate speech, abound-
appreoiation for•Mr:
y, he called upon .1": A
•i<d an address to Mr.
S. C,cracey to make the
e'. following is a copy of -
Iaiandgrapes, iv n aily. k'reskand deuce iio' the
delicious. We cannot all
The committee : • pointed by the Coon- expressing the
ail at the last meetin to have the - mall Zoning such a vain
pond cleaned Gut, h a -let the contract of You will cerwainl
cleaning out one hu. red , feet along the the meWbers!of
such - &
river hod to Mesar: Bohn . Elder, James • • .
Angus and Ww'St: •• art, for the -sum of , worker. You
f28Qt The'contra, tore have commenced Pointed by t
worts, and are Maki g satisfactory progress. Superintend
Those who have go = over the' work to bo Steward; Clas
done say that there • ill be but little drift. the Young Mao's
wood left in the•• pen . ,after the hundred of these importan
feet are cleaned out, a d what will be left you discharged y
will dont away when: th water is let on yourself; to the
again. The oleaning o ; this pond will over whom yo
remove a great eyesorethe residents' ofand to the ho
the town, as well as g' eatly improve its whom yeti
anitarynondition. T e money spent is Your frier
=mil and commit: Church of
ed for theiraotionin anto'
tual a
s. Ioitlten we know
man of ,sterlin
ordon spent Sunday : character,,: of bus
Kincariiine..Mr E L demeanor~ Ag a to
set 'week. froth° hie admire you ; as an i
er parts..M,, B : ancbnotfvewsrker n t
o Hanover on Satan. ' and' for the suppros
.Mr R Vadstone was l tra$do. You will acce
business.:Mr Geo j as a slight:token of t
and lievenueser- which you.are held by yon, niany: friends
his wife, spent in Winghar. Ae-.of ri as you -look upon
.Iaw, Mr Sanford ' tbistoken of .Our res" eat, may it stimulate
'1P H Ross and you more and mo _• to cultivate the traits,
family are visiting Mr. Ross' sister fhi of character for whic we bestow it. Your
Stafortb..MrPAMill : , son of Mr James.•friends' bust wish'. go with you. May
Miller, of this town, ft for the "Boo" on t Yen awl yotir a •. rabic wife and darling.
Saturday last, for a short time,. Mr Wm ;ahold bo ever ties: ;din your basket attain
Robertson' has been pending a fete days `your store. May -alth and happiness be:
with relatives near L knew, this week..
the daily ootnpan'.us- of your lives and
Mr and Mrs • H E'en w • t to .Toronto on when this life is '• ver may we all meet on '
Tuesday to clothe Toro o fair„Mr Jas A the Golden Stra • d, 'Where parting is un-
Cline is in Toronto this week ,on business kuawp.
and seeing the Indust- al Exliibitiorr..Mr Mi Buchanan • ride a very' appropriate
D C Munro, of. the Times, is- still- at bis reply, referring w th pinch pathos to his:
old home,' dear Milverton, recuperating... happy 'relatfonshi • with the people of
kr Wm Clegg went t Torweto'and Buffalo Wiugham, and expr=seed ,his regret that
on business; this wee „Mr E C Clarke, circumstances renered it necessary, for- _
wife and daughter, rotor, ed from_Buffalo, I the tiro being at 1 ast, to break• up those;
on Friday' last.. hire CM aylor,of Wates. 1 pleasant associati ns. B'e 'very, cordially •.;
loo,was visiting at•Mr W . Little's, Patrick ! thanked Ms fried . a • for their beautiful
street, hest week.,Mr John Dickson, town {{ gift to his wife, as token of their appro.
treasurer, and Mee bin . sou, spent a week dation, of her eery' ea in the -choir,
in Buffalo visiting :: brother of Mr Dick-' concluded by hopir; that all might meet
son's, returning on riday evening 'last.. where parting w. is Unknown. Mtg.3,.
112, Jacls Taylor, o the Ann' Arbor, Mich., Smith wascalled upon to sing anddid so
Medical trniversi •, spent a few days visit- in a very able audr-ntertaining, stylet . Mrs.
ing at Mr Win L tie's; last week, . Rev J' Robt On, who is lways, so highly appre'
Ii Moorhouse is in + • r treat attending the elated- as a .muni fan, sung a beautiful .
annual meeting of the 's orninion Synod.. piece in her best tyle, which was highly
Mr toseph Mason is in uffalo this week.. enjoyed by those esent. A few remarks. -
Seaforth Sant Mrs J': mes McLachlin, of were made, suite') a to' the.occasion, 'by the. ”
Wingham, ie at prey • • t the guest of Mrs . Mayor, and i11esst Morton, Brocltenshire
Murray, of this to, n..Mr C J Reading is I•Risdon and Dr. Mao onald, Mr. S.Graoey
in Toronto this wRobt McAlpine, gave a reading in his' iritablerstyle,wbioh -
son of Mr ;as Al Alpine, of. this tows, re- was much appreoi ted and.' enjoyed by
turned from lira • . on, Manitoba, on Satur those' present. The seting was cencluded
day, whore he has .:sea far the past year, byallthe friends jot ing heeds and singing
He likes the country nil Climate, and says
Brandon is making r pfd growth, the no, with a will and wit sling;
minion Government • aving several public " Should eutd . aorlt tintauce,be forgot," em.
buildings in course .f construction, which . After whiclh
will cause the exp . aunts of about $100,- Plash took o Mils .several way;.
000.. The many fonds of Mrs R Cornyn Hoping to me t some other day.
will be sorry to .ar that she is at present '
nuffering from :e - s evere attack of iniiam' ,
matory Amulet's ..;•51r M 11 Meindoo —Wo will take pleasure in fortrArd-
is in Toronto on be nese.. ,Mr W Taylor •ing the Truest* any address in Canada er
was in London la week attending the the tioited States, 'froiu now tiihti' Jdit
Provincial Exhibi on..'17:1, A E Simmons 1890, for twenty fivo deme.. Subvoribe at
and wife have be . in T fronto; this week, ; once... - t •
attending Tho nee alvation Army meet. i ere to "4ioiiclei
ings..RsvJohn Se
days in Leamingto fast week,
Fiends learn: with great„
your family are about
and take up your rest-
erishicg city of Toronto.
you to depart without
es we will •sustain by
le member of society.
be greatly' missed by
e Church in which you.
Aier ous,,and successful
ere. honoredby being ap-:
meinbers of your Churohi
of; the Sabbath .School, -
eader and the Leader of
river Meeting. Meeting. In each
and honorable positions
r duties with credit to
most satisfaction of thosew
had epiritutid supervision -
or of your spiritual Nester,
:rued so faithfully, Those of -
ewho ore not members of the
our choice are unable to,fully
lielf=eaorificing Tabora in
here of action, but as a.
d appreciate you as ea
integrity, of . Christiao
eas tact, and courteous -
perance, man, we--
ependeut, fearless,
ase oflitum;aiityr;;
ion of the liquor
b this silver service
Kemal, regard in.
v tinge
Loire w.ay to 10111: town,, Order yon Lryr
geode freer .outside, cities . or .towns,.. Buy
of, pedlare•ae often • ea..muett••are- possible.
G1oty in the down all Of spine -man who
h ;s'done iiiudh to b ild up -the place: I a
stranger comes to : ; • n tell iritis that eve'rj'
Ung is,overdorik,ud predict: p, general
$rash• of the town:ir the near future, Keep
every cent you can•. Ind don't do anything
ot a, public , nater.,. artless' you ,can, get,
•aomething-put of :it directly, ,Patronizo.
outside, papers Ant,- the exclusion of your
own, and then •d.ounoe• thein fornot
being at; large as
are a merchant,
home papers, but
use that—it may
make. the paper lo
=The semi -annus,
Huron Teachersq.sa
in Brussels, ozi"ti'1 it
10th and 11th +of• o
is the programme
Mr W . H StetVart,
Cornyn ; Extracts froila' " Teaching and
Teachers," Mrti IILarlithen;•.Composition
Wrftiu;, Mrl Blackwell Drawing, Mr
nes the ,the .follewii1 as Pa? Alton'Aitdereon';'Literatiire, Mr D rohns-
etingof th
*tion will bi
Or. . The fo11i
i eidentzs a
ting; Mr J
e :pity papers. - • If ydu
on'b adve;!tisa in: 'the
uy a rubber stamp and
save a few. dimes' and
as if it' was published
by amateurs in a o e hotee town. Standee
your public inen,at every opportunity, and
do all within you power to hinder and
annoy them in thei - public dirties.
-Two accidents happened, on Saturday
last, to the 0 P R-ixpress train that left
here at 2.15 p.re, At Cardwell Junction
it was found neo scary to hitch on an
additional oar, an in doing so•`the oars
were jammed -tog ther with such forgo as
to upset all the p sssengers oil the train.
A small panic en ed, but the conductor
reassured the pa, gangers and the train
reauhned its jour ey eastward. Hardly
had tranquility returned when West'
Toronto d'upotion . a reaohed,and, through
some alleged mhmanagement of the
switches there, the engine ,of the Owen
Sound express crdel ed foto the hindmost
passenger coach
of Ire trath
, ao pletol
wrecking oue tied an turning the oar over ,
into the ditch. - Rove al persons were in-
jured, but fortunate
their lives, The ea ins of the .Owen
Sound train was ooh iderably dareesged. I
and another had to
flys tra ,r rehto.
ill escaped with .
12e1ersst J iR, pJ-bnr
Foal, F Woodward, J am:es
ton; Delegate's Report, liar W Doig; and
two'subjecte• not yet named, by Mr James
Turnbull, i3 A, a'hd Mr C :Clarkson,"B. A.
respectfully. Trustees and, others inter-
ested in'the cause of edueation.are invited
to attend.
--The Strathroy Dia deli. sayer Another
of our old residents p seed away on the
10th inetaht, in the p rson :of Mr Robert
S Hilh of Colborne str et,: who, for some.
years bank has been d s fferer frotn•disease
of the heart and kidne complaint. Since
February last: he liad been almost con.
stantly. 'confined to the arouse, and suffered
severely until death .,hired its victim.
Deceased was born in tee County of Cavan,
Ireland, in 1819', and vans consequently in
his 71st year. About et years ago he came
to Canada; first aettlin t. in Toronto, then
Vaugban, York county. whore lie married
Hannah Weir, Lorne 3y years ago. He
than retrieved to Strati,rd, where ho re•
sided for eleven years, at.erwards being in
several .places, but finely taking up his
residence in btrathroy, about four years
since. During that ti 'e he has been
esteemed fie a quiet, ino ensive and good
citizen. Re also took rent interest in
political matters, being ell known as a
staunch and donsietont nservativo, and
was well posted in all rna tern of interest
to his party. As a memo r of the Oluiroh
of England also he was hi hly thought of,
and died with a full conac cusnes. of hie
position, having 'every col fidence in the
effectiveness of his Savin is work, and
trusting to that fora bright iereafter, .ilia
Wife, and family of four • s -na and three
daughters survive him,cons stingof George
who resides here; Mrs Mo onaah, of Oak
Take, l%fau ; Frohn, of Brig :u ; Hobert, of
Wingham; fors Sutlierl of Oak Lake,
Man: Benjamin, of Brigderet;,nd Maggie of
Wingham,'ell Of.whore Ate.' tile heartfelt'
sympathy of many frierfal n their sad
bereavement, The funeral ax atteu,lod
by a large number ofsympa i singfriends.
The ceremony wag conduit by the Rev
rare wore,•—
Raymond, 1
right, P•
aonpled• on *via. I
ell invesbad,. and the
tee arerto•bai'commeri-
the matter.'
Mt' and MrsDkt9
last with friend's i
Dickinson `returned
trip to Chicago 'mud o
Flanagan drove over
day last on business
10Goderioh last week o
W Woodward, of the I
Vice, of Waterloo, wi
Sunday' itii their son-'
Carey, of this, town..1VT
s'£1 r.;1'tastruranL.for
14I A, spent a few Aunts, -Peaches an re s, Fresh errikata
eyery clay.:•• . • •• ,
-...Anyone .sending us 25 cents can bevel —The T:si*s will he sent from heel U j
the Timet sent to their address --at bora* the end of ,the year par 2.r,ceots. Send Io r
or abroad—for the balauoe of this year. 1 or call an4 atubaoribe