HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-09-13, Page 8F axttgtamEttnes FRITS KT, SEPTEMBER 13, 1889 EDITORIAL NOTES. M0.. RoST. FLECK, of Moore town• ship, bas been nominated by the Con- servatives as candidate for the West Biding of Lambton for the Ontario Assembly, Go fill the vacancy caused by the death of the late Hon. T. 13. Pardee, RCN, CHAS, DB/URn, Commissioner of A,grieulturo for Ontario, has re- turned from a tour of inspection through Parry Sound,Nipissing, &lgema and the Rainy River districts; and found on the whole the 'agricultural prospects good,.. THE Chinese Government, according to the latest despatches, seem inclined to better the instruction of the United States Government„ which prohibits the immigration of Chinese laborers, by expelling all citizens of the United States from. China. ONE of the rules recently adopted by the postal department at Washing- ton makes it ''a misdemeanor for a person to mail a postal card dunning the person addressed for the payment of a bill, or to make a dunning re- quest on the outside of an en•relope sent through the post office, either by words or devices." Ars exchange says it is by no means certain that even now Bishop Walsh is archbishop -elect of Toronto. The administrators hold the opinion that the appointment is asgood as made, but refuse to definitely commit them.- selves. hem-selves. Recently a. prominent Catholic wrote to,$is Lordship of London con- cerning some local church work, and an answer was. reQeived In which Bishop, Walsh declined to• act in the manner desired, as.he had not received the official papers. from Rome in the, matter of his appointment. about ninety per cent of her own. The*e'ra � t4 ws. crop. Tice system of wheat buying, Independent too, does much to give rise to propor• Order of Odfellows has issued his tionately large- shipments, The Rus- annual report, which 'howl that dur- elan e p almost invariably ing his tenure of office the Order has heavilyin debt, to hie Mir, as the made substantial progress in member. local village organized= which are ship and in finances' The returns of the d'otual rulers of rural' Russia are . Grand and subordinate lodges show called, to -the State, and to the Jew , that 58,906 brothers were relieved, money lenders. His wheat is hia only .$1,4,4a„136 9$ having been expended available asset, and no Hooner is it harvested than lie is forced to sell it, generally to the money lender, at any price that, worthy sees fit to give him, and aa the money lender desires above all things bo convert his plunder into Dash, he ships the grain in bulk to the market of the world on the first op- portunity. The lack of railway feel!• hies, the poverty of the peasantry and the illiberal nature of the Russian land laws, have hitherto kept this unusually productive country from spoiling the market for .American wheat, but its flood gates are giving way, while, on the other hand, the American grain tra,,de is seriously hampered by the system of gamblileg, on that account, Benefits were paid for 370,,181 weeks, while 8,658 patrie arehs were paid $171,804.60 for 65,- 235 weeks, and 5,868 widowed fami- lies receited $147,.771:143.'° The total reliefs from 1830 to 1887 were $46,- 020,800, and the total receipts $121,- 245,779. Speaking of the magnitude of the Order the Grand "Sire says:--- " Very few of us appreciate the im- portance and magnitude of the Order to which we belong. Take .the two great Oddfellow organizations,the atlanchester Unity and the American Order together, and *e find that there aro more 0cl'dfellows in the world lay fat; than any other secret fraternal organization . Theoldest and greatest which has a tendency to delay ship - of these, according to their own ment, and thus enable the freely authority, and it is a truly noble ha. shipped, and, therefore, fresher Rus- stitutiion, numbers, from the estimates sian grain, to obtain a preference on, that can be made, 1,082,922, while tho European market. .the Oddfellows number, according to 1 the last actual returns accessible as iarriston. follows :•- Adult male Oddfellows, Base ball fever has been running b 1 1 American Order high here the peat month,; and the "green hands" have been takingAustraa' Lodge, 656latest rreturus,rand L 6507 f turn at it,—The• new town ball is Grand. Lodge of the German Empire, nearly completed, and will soon bP 1,833 ; total American Order, 574,062; ready for public use.' The contractor, Manchester Unity, 617,587 ; grand Mr. G.. Gray, hag `pushed the work total, . 1,18.1,749, or 108„656 more forward rapidly, and, it has been well : than oldest and most numerous of done. The building presents a' fine the theol fraternal'organizations. appearance, and the different apart-.Inh addition to this Must org not,izfotioget ns. meats are large, convenient and • corn- that there are 40,426 Daughters of fortahle.-Ilarvesting is about finish- Rebekah, who are engaged with us ed in Minto township, and it is doubt in striving to aareliorate the condition fulter if crops as a whale were. et+er bet- iof suffering humanity. This is truly ter in the township than this year.. A ' a proud position to occupy, especially portion of the fall wheat and a small 'as the Order has been built up in the gnantity of the oat crop has been comparatively shortperiodIt of about somewhat injured. by rust, otherwise p y„ the crop is both. of a good quality and, seventy years. abundant.—The fall fair will be held here on the 26th and 27th, of Sep- tember. .. e ougtng t0 the meri an , Jauuary 1st, 1889,•Sovereign Grand Fos Bxsrnrsre and Liver Complaint you have a printed guarantee on every bottle ot, Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. For saiq;by C. E. Williams. The Influence of Tobacco.. The Consul -Generals off the 'United States at St. 1a'etersburg,, in. a, recent report upon, the wheat growing gape- bilities of Russia, gives, some, feats that ase ot great importance to, all Americans,, and 'in view of the fact that the. futureof the Canadian North-West ia in a great degree based upon wheat, of peculiar moment. to the Canadians. Isle Maya that the " black lands"' tlf Russia,;' a region resembling in all 'essential particulars the ricle prairies of Manitobtehave an area of, no, less than a, hund•rcd: and ninety; thousand square miles,, and ninety( percent of this vast area isnot only capable of cultivation but ie so Chronic Coughs and Colds, And all Diseases of the; Throat and Lungs can be cured by the use of Scott's Emulsion, as it contains the healing virtues of Cod Liver Oil. and Hypophos• pbites in their fullest form. See what.W S Mier, M Oa; Truro,,N 5, says: After three years' experience f,00ns der Scott's Emulsion one of thev'Sy ,best In the marl t Veryexesllent.in 'Ttrrooat'affec• tions. Solsibypll Driiggists, 60e. and $1.003 .'''Mrs,..,Lushforth — How dare yon rs• come home in such a condition 1 Mr. 11Y Lushforth—Jus!-' .bikkoz zi am in sat h so a condizh'n, m'dear. , :, . 1S al tic in - rd he ty, les la- ry is in in- od to - ace ' The njpotine playas a very import tat part on, the motor fibres of the spinal nerves,, and probably on. the cord itself. It excites through these structures muscular agitation, folio*. ed by temporary suspension of action' and paralysis. In like manner tobac-, co smoke has the property of 'acting, on the sympathetic system of nerves exciting. them to produce muscular - spasm, followed by delipient power.' It is from this, cause that, the organs of organic life are so irritable, slug gish, and powerless in confirmed, smokerar. r: DR. B. W. 1'1ICn;AnpCQ�t,, St. Louis Magazine. • The Oldest raper Atony in exista :ee. Tho oldest bank note in existence is acrid to be one now preserved in the Asiatic Museum at,St Petersburg. fgrcile,'tlaet good • fanning is, not Hetes- Its date corresponds to 1399 lit O.. sacs to.produce.grlod yields. Besides It we,s issued by the Chinese Govern - the ' bleak lands." there are. in the !ment. As early as 269,7', B. 0.. so - wheat (telt two hundred and sixty :called bank notea were currenh in thousand.; square miles of arable China tinder "be name of " flying e steppes, ,capable. of produeftag good the Imperial Bank,bdate and nuears the iiln- trropt witll.proper farthing' One tenth :bar of issue, and signature of a than - of the available wheat growing area ,darin, and, contains a list of the Was under this crop•laet year, and' the punishments to.be inflated for forgery Anvreta pro Mofusns.-arayau,ditt abed at night harvest yielded seventy million bushels ;of otos Thio relic of 8,200 years aed.brokan of your relit by a elek,o i, suitering ane ail0 was probably writkett by hand, as trying with pail of Cuttin Teeth.. Tt so send at of wheat for export, A3 the il.ussiltal . cucoend gets bottle of .iiia. Wiuelnw'a Soothing, the ecrlleet record,of printing among 8y3,ruy"tor0hilsottlaccusing, Wineloeir inoe1:nl• . peasant, Unlike the American farmer, ''the inozigoiians was 160 A. 1)., w118n able. t will relic C tlr@ poor lfttIe sufferer lfnnmdiately. Depend upon It, ninths% •there f8 ria does not eat wheat bread, the proper- : tiro not:. of wooden ablots was intro, Irliatakc about it. It onres r)yeeutory an ides. rnc�na, tion of the 'whole crop available for duced irate China. export is much greater in the case of Consumption Surely Cured. To Tien EDITOR :—Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless oases have been cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles o my remedy mum to any of your readers who havi consumption if they will send me their Express ane P. 0. address, Respectfully Dn. T. A. SLOOUnd. 164 West Adelaide St., Toronto, Ont When we. consider• the high price of. a fiddling the wonder i$ that there is so touch dancing. New hired man—How much water, do.you.give the stock? Dairy harmer, . --Make itrhalf-and-half. . .4 • Accounted for—Miss gasses only just lead her eighteenth birthfiay ! Ridiculous 1 it's true. You know she was born on the 29th of k'ebruary. Subject to eruptiena_MoFangle_ What a volcanic disposition Mike O'Hara has I Mrs. MoFangle--No wonder;, he was brought up on the araytur. Bobby --Mat I've pretty near out- grown my slippers, haven't I ? Mamma txl04M(gi111• 0 a4D-^ IDAY MOItNING4 EVERY F ^- Tit2+— TIMES OFFIGE,.JOsEPHUNE`STrms:-P 'WINGIAM, - ONTARIO.• Subsorlpltionprlico, $1 per year, in 11.4vaneir • ADVERTISING 1lATES: --"S es„ ]dobby. Bobby—And say, rn , space. 1 1 yr. 1 s mo. I s mo. 1 1 me. how long will it be before T outgrow iii col taut as goo your slippers 1 Quarter 20 00 Tan Rev. Geo. Ind.says: "Both myself and wife owe our 'lives to �1RILQti's CONSUMPTION CURE." For sale by 0, E. Williams, $500,000 TO LOAN. On Farm and Town Property at Nary Lowest Rates and on Terms to Ault borrowers. ,MORTGAGES PURCHASED. NO QOMMISSION CHARGED. borrowers can, obtain, money in. 5 days if satisfactory, 11. VANSTONE, Beaver Bleck, Wingham.. one Inch 5 00 II, TileY>rn, of Bourbon, MONEY TO LEND. THE CORPORATION OF TIL,. TOWNSHIP OF Turnberry h about $3,000 to loan, on Mort- gages. For torula apply to, P. McLAREN, or WM MoPlERSON, Tr. TRTASUnuR, Wingham. Ems, Glonfarrowa Wingham, May, `Money to Loan. A, man always feela. ready. to return the compliment when you. speak in praise of hi6 good j.. dgment., It is a sign that a,wotnnan is growing old- when she stops,.crying over trouble arid, begins to think. Our idea of a lucky man is one who thinks a flee -cent cigar is as good as one costing:ifteen cents. .Acolored debating club is to wrestle vtat,tt,the question: Would ole maids lub cats if %day dila' hab whiskers'? ; - Nothing ever causes a young elan greater surprise than, to find: out that some one has fallen. in love. with Iiia: sister. We are of opinion, that the„ man. wilco originally. stated that George Washington never told -a lie.eonld not say as much for. himself., " ;absiey--What has become of old trap Fig, 1; I never hear of him, any more. Id he dead.l Wickwire—No, not exactly. ilia, wife is keeping boarders. on Notes, Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES. Money advanced on Mortgages at 6 per with prlvliege of paying at the end of any year. Notes and accounts collected. ROBT. IrroINDOO. Orrlon,—BeavertBloek,"Wingham, Ont. Sam'1' Youhill'S REAL ESTA ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- ' ANCE AGENCY. OFFICE,: KEN'iVS BLOCK, WINGHAM. Private funds to roan. A number of Building Lots and Residence proper ties for Sale. Those desiring to make a home in Wingham should - communicate with, or apply in person at my Chloe;' where air' necessary information can be btaoined. BANE: OF HAMILTON, 'V7 �Nti�HAM_ gapital, $11;000,000. best, $400,000. President—Jena Serena. J(t,9-e•t; Sent— z,V JAhrs ;Inman. D1R'.00TORS A. G. RAMSAY, JOHN PROCTOR, CHAS. 'GURNEY, GED. ROACH, A. T. Wool). Cashier—J. TURNBULL, Savings Bank hours, 10 to 3 ; Saturdays, 10 to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold. B. WILLSON, AGENT. MEYER & DICKINSON, ,5' OLIOIroas. • DAVIS I8 OFFERIN,G Fl�i 8712 r�c.T` AT VERY LOW RATES.. JCHNtRITCHIE, GENERAL. INSURANCE AGENT S'TZi2I wtsoeAx.. FF10E,•-QPt-osirE THE MARK .. $36 00 $20 00: $s ON 1200 1700 4'0000' 3 00 2 00 105 Locni and other canna advertisements, 8e. per Iiia for Hrstinecrtion, and BL. per lino or each subsequent ineel$ien, Local notices, in nonpareil typo, 10e. for 'ret in- sertion, and 6e. per line for each subsequent insertion No local notice will be cherged less than 26c. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations, and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 lines nonpareil, $1 per month. - Itoueee and Faru,s for Snle, not exceeding 8 14n55,, $1. for that month, 60o. per subsequent, month.. These terms will be strictly adhered to. Special rates for longer advertisements, Or fox longer periods. Advertisements without specifierdirectlone,,A•ill be inserted till forbid and ehamok accordingly, Tran- sitory advertisements must -Unpaid in advance. Changes for contract advertisements must be la the office by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that week R. ELLIF? T' Paoranvron taro $UBLislnre DR. MACDONALD, JOSEPHINE• STREET, wtxonaw, ONrAR*. LR• 3. A, MELDRUM, Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Office and Residence—Tho. old stand formerlyoecu• pied by Dr, Bethune, at the corner of Centre and. Patrick streets, WINoIIADI, ONT. DR. F. E. GODFREY, First-class honor man and onera! proficiency medal.. ist Toronto University. Member College Physicians. and Surgeons of Ontario. BELOnAVE, ONT. Office -At Methodist Pai@ouage. J. !,t MORTON BARRISTER &o., Wingham Ontario.. VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY' CONVEYANCER, ETC. OFFICES -Beaver Bloeit, Wtlinu.e,, ONT., Gomm and Iltrin, ONT. Private and Company fonds to loin at low rate, of interest. Mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold. Mercantile collections a specialty. DENTISTRY. -J. S. JEROME, Wu:mIAM: lulu d Plates Vulesusi�te plates f cthe beat material as cheap as they can be got In the Dominion. All work war - PUBLIC.' Illitaass ranted. Vegetable Vapor administered for the painless extraction of teeth, the only safe anesthetic known, OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite tile Brunswick Hotel. DENTISTRY. --W. H. MACDONALD, Wneoawse Braker of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy v, a Silva Gold, etc;, Ste., Plates, ranging. in prices from $600 upwards per,set; crowing and bridgework. Teeth ex traeted without the least pain by the use of;V4tal- ,ized Air. Head Office, Wmghnm, side eetrange,op- posite the. queens hotel, open daily (RenHIA5Tecneept. ed) from 0 a"en to 5 p m, wit. be at, Blyth every 2nd and 4th Saturday elf eacbmonth-OfricoatMilne a hotel; Gerrie: lst and 8rd,14onlaye of each moptt•1= '0fiice at Albion hotel. Extracting 26 cents. th asi VaNauetl 0tr15BB)1..4W . 1858.rielors - -1 y reualaten the Stomach and Bowels, sures ilindCObC, sottene tlte,`C)ums, reduces intlaamwtlon. and' gives • tone and entrnytothe whole system. "Mrs, Win. Blow's Seething Syrup" for children tgrthing is - You cannot reasonably eXpeet, othdl's.. eaeantto the taste and is thepreoceiptinn elf ono of 1108sia than of any ung !b I Speaking i i' h d f the oldest and beet female physicians and noises in }i l t to r •1 main for you t an you o or , wheat producing county rt%cltlarl the United Stelae, and le for sale by all druggists p g y, l y yourself ; it you cannot- help' yourself nitevahout the world. Price twenty-0ve cents n battle, Be afire and. eek for "Mar. WiMt. roe the United Matas, 'whiobt twne11111es others will not do it, - 1 bitioTiline fKleopa andatake np otter last. • S. GRACEY, Supplies all necessaries for fun. eral furnishing having a Delivery. Wagon specially for this branch of business. All orders attended personally; and delivered any: where within lat miles of Wing: ft0)341 Remember the place, first door south.of the big briak,hotel oni the main street, Wingham, T2;�:AI SB° ditrEfi DDOETHGOD -FOD �C A MEdm MEDICAL LAKE.:REMEDIES` Pmt y tioANod�c�F. p vac'PNSpeao. G��A TRY NATURES RE.Mg.Dr PUREPEERLESS P'©TENT SOLO SY.ALL :;DRUGGISTS. TOTEMOFHEALJHCOLON®ON, ONT Cnlano%.M's Comte. Dram Wingham A$encl:,. • • . • . Ammo) -DORM CUNNINGHAM) , ISL INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE, , QUELPg. :P., MEAN, JR,., WnaouAnt, LICENSED AUCTIONEERURoFARN, THE CO.UNT%, 0FU. Sales attended 10,, any part of the Co. Marge •Moderate., 'JAItF„y. nNNDERS01s, , -Idongssr, AUor;o5Rss„ Iron Comertas. Ibutezi ,sap,. BRITS. All ealee.attended,to,promptly and on,the,shorteat, Notice.. Charges Moderate and Satisfaotiop.(luarenteed. All necessary arrangements, cap, be made at th ;bliss' °thee., WnvorrAY., OvTt BOLTON ft,HAWI1;INS? F2 L, & lit. L, sugyzyolili AND, CIVIL'. ItKelDtrgtlRe, IiISTpWEr. ASP. tVXNGIUAItI,, • All Orders left et the office of the. TIMES will re, CCM prohlpt attention. • LSON T. RITCHIE), - E P. L. Surveyor, Civil Engineer and Draughtman Particular attention paid to division Of properties into building lots, settli5g disputed boundaries, preparing complete plans of towns and villager, et. per Registry Act, end descriptions of properties for insertion in deeds. Cross•Scetions of rivers made and estimates of cost of Bridges, Culverts, dte . Pro• filet and estimates for girding hills, drainage, road and atreot improvements, sowers and other F.ngi-,. ncelpg work). Correspondence solicited,, stating pla,wand character or work. 0FFKTh-At 3. A. MORTON'S law office, Win, hum, Ont, FRED, WRIGHT 5/ Contlratpter. and' Builders, wlNGIUAM STOiE�, :' • ONT.., Agent for, Dorvney'r, (Beigf vc).. pallia M.