HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-09-13, Page 7• • r 't • • 410040 • )777 J aztgalde. JaMeett riVrt- Mit of PAfii alrAITS. 'Don't knew whether to go to iso Miss Xate Oaldhiolt; has returnedvtlyvirtenowtenwriatroti den Exhibition.pr l+uoknow Oaledon- .froth her holiday trip to the Jolty ''of Industrial—Toronto, oSeptember che September to . Ian games, a know, ?—Popping Belleville, mid looks as though the to 19. cora is the amusement and eastern air agreed with Pier.—Mr Great Gautral-• .arailton, Sept. 23 to 27 •,gratin Corn in tie oreateat delicacy Ohas Fraser •is attending the 'Model 1Vra if Morood, of Thossalon, is School in Oederieli.—Several of cur visiting her nephew, Mr.Johu Mcg011- young bloods are attending the *obit :Cie, --Miss ,.rime McKenzie, of Kin - show" in Termite this week,—Harvest Wellesley and Jiaathope•-Wellesley, Sept. 2.1 end 25. Central 7lruoe--Paisley, Sept, 24 to 26. The Northam -Walkerton, Oct.1 to 4. North Perth ,.-Stratford, Oct. 3 and 4. lough, is visiting her friend, Mies Mi is over DOW, say boys, what's the Listowel, l3ept. 18 to 21. .Oanipboll.-- Miss Annie Ross has wetter with revive ug the base ball N Mi1Gcl�elte Septi Rg raid 2Sept, 24 and 215. 'returned to London, after visiting her club 4 7. South Perth, St, Mares, Sept 24 and 26.. old home,— The Misses Broomers, Drat WaWanoelt, Beisra,ve, Gut. 1 and 2. who have been visiting friends here, • Wroxeter Clinton, Sept..24 to 2,6. have returned to .their home in-'Toron- Brui:aols,tOot,.8 and 4. . ;to. miss Irl. Oampbell is visiting p Exeter, Sept, 26 and 24,. -friends in Ripley,— Mr Cottle, of, d I Zurich, Sept, 19 and 20, %Whitechurch, is repairing a number of Blyth, Oct. 8 and 9. the desks and doors in :6011011 house Wroxeter, O9t, d and 2. No 9. •Harvesting is about complet-• Nnrriston, Sept. 2a and 27. ed ; some,of the oats are vary rusty.—Palmerston, Sept. 21 and 2,. h' Tl p d d Guelph, Sept, 20 and 26. The greatest excitement.at present is Mitchell, Sept. 26 atad 27. . tiling the ground'for wheat; a shower Central, at Uargilten, Sept. 22 to 27. .•of rain would greatly refresh the Bambara, Brautfgral, sept to to 12. A destructive fire. took Vito • here on Milonday,week, by whicia tyro houses and astable were completely destroy- ed. The fire originated in Mr. A. McLeod's stable and is supposed to have been started by a spark from the chimney. • 1e fire spread rapidly an . caught on the houses of Mr. McLeod and Mr. A, wake and soon burnt ;ll ', wSUM)them to the ground. There was no Northwestern, Gsderich, Sept, 17 to 19. (INTENDED POR LAST ) d .. Southere �C. anttis's,at St. Thomas, Sept:, herb age in9nralacs.—.All the hpusebold' effects J.'enivaular,�l,t Chatham, Sept. 17 to 19. Mrs 'William Gleeson, who has, were save . 24 to 27. ;beef; visiting her old florae near • • Huron Items • Clinton, has returned. ---Mise Rachel, Why ls a newspaper like a pretty .(taunt, who has been. in Dakota for Mr; Peter W. Ourrie, of •Strath- gird To be pelfeot,it must be the ,the past year, has arrived home,—• •roy, has been appointed third assist- embodiment of many types, tits form 1t1ts Melia Roes le atpresent in deli- 'ant teacher of the Goderich High is'made up, it is chased, though inclin .tate health.—These who were at God- school in place of Mr. Raiser. ed to be giddy.. it enjoys "a good press • LET DOWN T • For every Department of our large premises is literally4 janmled with- New, Seasonable, Stylish and Remarkably Oheap FALL —GOODS. Splendid, range of— • DRESS GOODS In every design and texture, from the cheapest Melton to the richest —Silks or Satin.— PL U S,I E SAll shades from 50 cts up, and other trimmings to match all styles of --Dress Goods,Be sure to see our •erich on,the 20th, had a charming. Rev. A. McMillan, of Manchester,.' the more rapid the better, has a weak- (�hit. �1 ¢ r �j q��time, we believe,.—Mr Mallough ie intends to leave for Scotland about ness•for gossip, talks a good demi, can MoBtigthois it EYWt1 ��dr � 1eli 11, E now adding to tris stock and gpttifig Oct 1st to pursue his studies in the Amid some praise and is awful proud 11 Yy �things.ut order.—Mr Wm Gleeson land of ; his birth, It is • aiot yet of a' new dress.. It •cannot be kept in; who wills yn Its has purchased the property of Messrs known uppldu i } y g good humor without cash. B and B Ross, for $0,009.—ale Kin •absence. ; >eaid Bros,of Wingl►am, have bought a Boyd Miorrison, son of Matthew: ..lathe from Rim Gleeson. Morrison, of Walton, has been en- Double I 000motivee. gaged'to teaeli in S' 6 -No. 9, Morris,` The. Railroad Gazette calls attentioal'te The ss doable locca votive for the Indian state Kineardin e. The Watertown firm who have the *contract of putting in the waterworks • here have notified the town council :that owing to the impossibility of securing iron piping just now, that it' Sias been definitely decided by the firm that the Kincardine waterworks will not be commenced until early in the sipring. The material and plant. will ;_he got in readiness so that work eutiabe pushed forward Without delay when the start is made.—Messrs. J. 3, Fisher & Co, are now running the foundry with a full staff oU hands, $laving lately received a targe .num.ber id orders from different parts of the country. The'fact that the Eloper- . - Aline foundry turns out good' work in. °engines,, boilers and mill machinery ,generally, maintains for the institution ya name which is a credit to `the town. —A by'..law has been sub'initted .to the Tote+ of ,the ratepayers for $7000 for a • bonus to Messrs. (,rundry'Bros. &'Oo. ;to, stereo. stove foundry in .toWn. Listowel• Qaite a number of our townspeople ;attended •tale Caledonian .games -at Lucknow, on Wedtiesday.--”Mr. J: W. peg* and patty have returned from their European tour, which they en- joyed thoroughly, --Tile Victoria flour mills oa Palmerston have been routed by Moyer & Go.,1»illers, of this town. es -District Deputy Grand Master, 1. ,.0 O. F., J. 0. Butt, was presented on the evening. of Tuesday, the 8rd, ton the occasion of hid retirement, witµ a niuelyworded address handsomely gamed in gilt. Oa the . oeeasion in , •question a number of, brethren,includ•. lag sovgral from Mount Forest and Harriston, assembled in the hall 'of the Oddfellows. After Mr. But had addressed his fellow•brotbers in reply • the assentbly-adjourned to the Grand Central hotel, where the visiting ' brethren were entertained ,to supper next year for a salary, Of X350, present teacher, A. Anderson, intends ' railways which is a novel' departure from in to Mlanitoba. the+commonpractice. The • design is really go g a permanent .double header; that is, it is Anna to, one of . his nteaxded for use when theeonditionsa,e animals the other day, Mr. Thomas such as to require the use of two 1ocomo- While WORSTED SINIKCS AND T D i every Suit we make to be satisfactory, in . bt,y1e, —workmanship and fit.— For FLANNELS, either grey, red,. white or blue, and away down..in price, be sure you visit the "Anchor." Stacks of WHITE AND GREY COTTONS, TIMINGS, SHIRTINGS ant i GENERAL DRY Goods, offering cheap. ' —Great value offered in— Sweet, Exeter South, narrowly' es- tives:of the ordinary type, o,lntinuw11y8n gaped death. .The animal ' reared, tandem. This arrangement removes the and getting Mr. Sweet under' its' feet necessity for two tenders, and renders trampled him to unconsciousness. easier the transmission of signals from There died at his residenee,7th con, one cab to another. There is nothing in Hullett, on irriday, Sept 6, Mr Hum- this arrangement to criticise; it is really phrey" Swill, after an illness .of some almost the only plan upon which loco- motives of great capacity can •be con - months; "aged 68 years. Deceased was for many years a ,prominent figure in agricultural matters. • In. the ,Sheep and cattle industry he 'was one of the pioneer' introducers of thoroughbreds into the county. He was for -several years reeve and oenon:11er of lids township. • He`w.s a broadsfiotitdered, broadminded man• with very many friends; ale leases, a ' grown up family. Rev. Henry Wall, D. D , formerly in charge'pf St Paltl'atchliroh,4;lirtton, died at his sou-itolaw's residence near .Chestertown, Mel, recently, aged 72. Deceased Was • thrice married, his first wife being a sister of Arehdeacen And guarantee • Piles of SHIRTS, structed with any approach. to a mini • mum of weight per .running foot oP�fA� l lu. •�9_r�e a FLOOR track. This general plan is not new in TIES, HATS and UNDERCLOTHING - To suit every taste. OIL CLOTH.; America, however. The well knowa. , . Please visit this department before diving your orders elsewhere. William. Mason, of the Mason:•],ocomo- e, .tire works, :of Taunton, Mass., con- 'striieted locomotives on tpisgeneral plan -many years since, drecently the. Sonth lids Raprdiart company, of ® or �. 4; .:.,. : r , , cintyre • THF BROWN ANCHOR, WINGHA.M. Chicago, svlrzCe anveet,igatingathe posse- bilities of extending the usefulne§s of the proposed structure in3reare to cones,;,i- oided that the adoption cif a locomotive of a design similar to tIie'one.described above would enable them to haul nearly double the number of cars arouud 'the sharpest curves with¢ut'"fnbreasing•the load per running foot Of the structure.- Farr, tr, of Westminster, England, . science. -: Rev. Edward Wall is the son of this marriage.: Dr. Wall's remains were iutet•red, at Fredricktonb Virginia 'PILE. ' TILE; TILE. The estate of a man named Fischer, = Farmer and others in need of Tiles for draining" who _died recently in Germany, ' purpose can he tiutiplioci dt oor bridkyurdr Avery '' argo ock of ell eizef on hnnd< amounting,it is said to some $51, 000,000, is awaiting proof of heirs, when it is to be divided. An . item no a Western paper says that. the Aineri- l _ can heirs number 72, cf whom 22 live Been south halves of 'Lots 28 and 24, Con. 1; in the 1n,Missouri . and several in Illinois. There is, however good ' reason to be44ieve that the T+ischers of Colborne township are the nearest heirs, Mr. J J. Fischer having attended the funeral of a brother of the ' owner of the estate. ' Michael Fischer; in Vtt'ughan township, still lives in the old: home- stead where the deceased:' settled, and in. `whioii he died. Our Canadian friends are looking the matter up, and all who know them will hope they may Brussels, ' he successful. • There was a very large attendance, • • in the Methodist thumb, on Monday, Brune County Items. week, to hear the lecture On r'J.he Human Voice," by Rev. Jas. Living- . Mr Pemberton, cattle dealer, with atone, of Clinton. Forllpwardsaf an headquarteta at Paisley, skipped out jtour.the reverend lecturer dilated on last week, leaving aeonsiderable num- • Winghanl. Vingham, Sept 12th, '89. - Parra for sale.:' this important subject, ,explainieg what voice war,how it should be used and cared for and the necessity of training this very important agent.- " At the Council meeting last Monday • evening it was decided to purchase 250 feet of rubber hese for the Are engine. This is money well invested, ber of friends in that town and neigh. y p1000 y boyhood to mourn his sudden iu continued intho •same prase by exit. He was well known and thought , under 'thearttpof J J lipmuth di to be one of the most 'flubstantial r J HOMtIxil cattle dealer in ttruce. Township of Morris, and containing100 acres.' Situated 4} miles from Winghan}and 28 utiles from Bluevale. Said term . is in good condition, well watered, and. adapted for either. stock or grain. Buildings and fences in gond state of repair, There is a bank barn 60 x 40, with sheds, frame dwelling house 80 x 20, newly sided and -painted, -with sheds attaohed. Tho farm is well drained with tile. The said farm. with alt theimplementa npott,the predtises, including binder,"reaper, mower, waggons, top buggy, ploughs, harrows and other things too numeroustt $4,200 in part mention, is aferod for the aura of fC business stand in ,Wingltam will be taken x,ymeat. ROBERT A. ORAHAM, Winghalu P. O. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the partnership here- tofore existing between us as boot, shoe and hal:- nem manufacturers in the Town of Wingham, under the frni of Homuth A Buohatpn has. this day been dissoh•ed by mutual consent. All debts duo'to the late firm are to be paid to John J. Homuthi who will pay .all liabilities of the late firm. .1. HOMUTH, Wttnegs, J. A. MORTON. JOHN BUCHANAN. •Dated Wingham, Sept. 2nd '89, The business formerly carried on byHomuth Buchanan w the undorai Son, On Thursday morning last a fire �yTr �r��••�•� •�;l was discovered in the tannery at - ROCKr1ro x1J. il,1'1S. • Tiverton. A strong wind blowing , at the time and the fire having gainedPhotograph ' Galley a considerable headway, tiothin could WINCHAM''"AW MILL, HISTORY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA,_, a, From the earliest .period to the prgstint LUMBER AND OOD tie. HT HOWH BANen01*r. Now ready, complete in one.olnme, withsectionai 1 maps, plans and index, A book fulI of startling in- oidonts and thrilling romance. A Matchless work, • by an author of crest repute, and is also the only history of this section extant, YARD 1. &J. M CLEAN i PROPRIETORS. , ALL MINDS OF ° W T J HOMUTH. LUMBEI. v 'ZeRib 3• be clone to save the ltin building, ldin , 11 111 lfbb f vJ itg ' is spending a few days with her which was destroyed with all the con– tong Experience, close attention and sister,MO. Fred .Thomson. --Mr. tents. A, large qualitity of bark and unexcelled 'facilities,. enables me George Thomson, of this lace, left some oil, however,' was saved. Tho g p fire is supposed to hnve originatedto taro out uniformly a c'ass of last week on a tour of the north- pp work equal to that of any west. He expects to be gone about a from the smokestack. Lees, about Gallery in the west, month.—Miss Ella Porterfield, of 23,000 ; partly insured. Clifford, is visiti ,g frieade here. The figure 9 in our date: has souls 'Work of everydescription artifi• Dull promptly and satisfactorily done. Teeswttter. to stay. ' No man or woman now Y� p lr Y Y Mr 'P Arkell, of this vicinity, has living will ever date a •document with. (y 11I Y qUp been successful ill carrying offnow out usurg a 9. it nostands at the �l s AID fr prizes for Cotswold sheep at the .extreme right, --1839, Next year it Buffalo fair, The showof sheep is will move up a peg -1890, and there -A SPECIALTY.-- admitted to be the best ever brought it will stay fur ten years. It will A Large Assr►rttnont. of Prames. together in America. Mr Arkell is to then move up to the third place•. -e kep„,cunstat try on hand. Prices as ¢.d cong t ted Ons , ,d • . T , as are consistent with good • work,; ra ula hi .access, 1900 an reel there fur' 00 eerie, low r LATH, SHINGLES, AND WOOD Rept constantly on hand or out to order ant deliver. ed In any part of the town on the shostost possible notice. ' • All orders attended to promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. Orders in Car Lets a Specialty. Mill and Yard on Josephine street, adjoining the C. P. R, track. L. & ti. MuLEAN. Wiggham, May let, 1880, row LOT'S FOII', SALE. Town Lott lira. 282, 268 and 81din the Town 'clot of 1V01011am, to iteininii;tai; an acre odd!, aro for 1.du. Apply to Y. A. 3IJii.. N, Batiste. �1 iu,,b:un, Agents°Wanted everywhere. The immense area covered by this vol- nate is rapidly filling up with intelligent and enterprising settlers, who aro making here their holmes. The • all. Wart to know the history of the country as well as their Mend,, and those who have business connections with them who do not go there. Here is a country as large as the United States, and this volume 'Must ever con- stitute the foundation of its history. From $5 to $2o a day can be made by agents, Everyone of the hundreds of thousands of people interested in this country, and in the history of the world, one part with another, will buy this book. It is wholly unbiased, and though full Of startling detail,it is thoroughly sound, practioal and phildeopbical. Good earnest workers desiring territory should scantlimmediately, s d 5i 28 for a compl0 order cahvessing outfit, and name choice of territory. Extra liberal terms guaranteed. No experience or capital required, as ” the book will sell itself if properly presented, and we give our agents thirty day& time in which to de- liver and collect. AUuress, THE HISTORY CO., 728 Market St., • San Pranoliyoo, Cal, A COMPLETE HISTORY • ° --op tux-- 1 Q lel�j� TOaFndLOOD,s Embracing Cleo a history of the floods in Willimos. port, Loch Haven, Sunbury, and nil the flooded districts id the State of 1,etn,ev1vania, also is Wash. ingion, D.0„ New York, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia, all of which reused the, total toes et trey 11,000 lives and the dettraution of oser240,000, 100 worth of property. t)Y GEO. 7. A. M. Octavo, , 2_rages Illuatratcd Weinrntft•. fight run rage Eugtoneings. 1•,i. i Lty ?int edition issued Auhusi itis i:o 13.1r duty e at 0,004. A arlw4-a t1•41Wz4il) ben , et for con .lot, uuti.t. 11. u, GOOD I'I ND CO., New s's 4