HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-09-13, Page 4• 1'raaabytgry ofraltasttlaaitd, tho hearty thitnhe of the entire tt iiiin1iini ti CS The Presbytery met in' Winglaani Thebatebali tAnrt�.�,rlt.nt last'Atonday utittee, IDI . ' y�• i� 1. (Lel) 'l + . e • h bt on tho 70th fast, with a good attend- was a great day for sporting people, IAMB. __... atu,,,e of niouaboras. Bev K Me Donald, and lovers of picuiciug, for there was Exeter has a decidedly good FRIDAYS estestreeMBER 18, ;gd;t Moderator. Fli'er's and oetnmissioa• held at Soandrett's Grove a fine tery and is a strong team. ers were received, and the roll made Harvest Home pionie and the best Wardell and ki.Quarrie mak , . 4 e'40kt . ' ,,,,,. :ilk t „hi „•.,.., 4 1 11 111 - 1 connBluth. The Harvest Home Festival its con- Eng nectiun with the ng 'sh Church wee a decided *success. :ear. McLean preached a Very suiR&►"mon to the children of the Presbyteriant church last Sabbath morning. --Rev. hlr,' Racey, preaohed the i -I uvest Home service ou Sunday afteruoon at2.30, the church bt,inq- terribly crowded.— The Morris Agricultural Sceiety will hold their annual Fall Show here on Oct, 8th and 9th. The committee promises this to be one of the best: • shows in the cout,ty.--As 1 was walk. - ing around the lawn social grounds, last Si'ednesdaty et ening, I heard a certain young lady remark, "`.fake another oandy, Charlie." I could "not find out what she meant until I went outside thefence, acid then the whole • niyetrey was explained. --Mr. James i1'avis has been appointed as night wattehruau foe the remainder of .the year ter the sum of $25. --Messrs Mc: Kivaion & .Lowell have. added greatly to the appaararice of the prevision stone by the sedition of a newSign.--- --'file poet when be wrote the line, "what fools these mortals be," must have known that the Belgrave cones- . pondents of the Clinton .a1'oivar-1i'ecoret and your valuable paper wee alive, and 1 think he was riot far astray, for they ate in people's eyes much better than fools. We could go into further details, but we thick they ain't worth bothering with. —Mr; Wat' AMontery's men are turn- ing out wme .of the. iiiiest brick in the °uuniry this season; --J, P.1"'islaer, of Auburn, ,bas entered his well known stallion "Lord of the Manor" at the BeAslo exhibition and left for that place .on Saturday. -Alt. J. Free- men left last week to visit his father Budaio.--Miss tlt;gie Riddell has returned Home, lookipg well"after her extensive visit through Manitoba and the.North-wept. Mr. A. Symonds, of St Thomas, was. in our midst last week.—Fred Deneteadt returned to ' town.lept week, after spending a few weeks in the vicinity of Auburn.—D. Hargraves, of Lucknow, was in Iowa last week.—Mr. T. Bell, of Toronto,. was in town last week..—Mr.C.S.Cum- mer secured a situation in Toronto and left for that place last week. -Mr. .T. F. Johnston has returned home from 'tis holiday trip through the Western States.—Mr W H McBride was iu Goderich last week.—Mrs J Forsyth '• bas returned home from visiting her parelits in Wroxeter. ---Mr and Mrs Q G Odds were visiting in town, :last week.--MrA.1 Tod of`th'e'fjiinton News Record; was iu townlast week.— Miss Fannie Bryant, who has teen at Grimsby Park for some time, returned. home ou Friday. --Mr George Fermin= ter, who has been on the sick hit, fe able to be around again.—Mr F Cpnroy, representing the firm of. Wohu, visiting at Mr. W*iwood'a apd Mrs. Eileen & Co, of Landon, was in town lt. Green at blr. Ilabt. Mch'a,-- lash ween. --Mr Tisdale, who has been *Y7.r, Jaines Strath eyes visiting at Mr, relieving agent here at the G T R, J. Ambler's early .this week. -Mr. J• returned to his home in Palmerston.-.- - Wellwood was on the sick list last Mr Win Ross, of Toronto, is visiting week• .. his parents, who resided a few miles 'ice directors of the Culross Mt}tue' from 'town.—Mr and Mr E G Hesse olio have been visiting her parents here, returned to their home in Toronto last week.—Mrs. Wm Vendor of Sand Beach, Mich, ia''visiting her parents, 11r and••Mrs R Ramsay. blABT 1117110N. and McKinnon were appointed . county, The attendance was about game, bat- e 1 up for the year. Messrs McLennan baseball tournament ever held in the good coin;bination and piny a good A. meeting of the East Huron Be. auditors to examine Treasurers boeks 600, and the weather most favorable. #arra Association, for the noiniaation and report at next meeting. The Huron is noted for base ball ,clubs, clerk presented a call from Qhalniers and considerable rivalry .nae existed of a cendidate to contest the Riding Church, Kincardine Township. and - among thein for "years. Brussels end. in the coming oleo#ion for the OntarioKnox Church, Bervie, in favor �of Exeter have already met in contest •iev A A Urquhart, of Dulwich, for a. stake of $100, the former win. .Legislature, wilt be held in the town London Presbytery. The call is Hing, and, the celebrated "Unions" of 'Hall, Brussels, .on Monday, the 23rd unanimous and cordial ; stipend Wroxeter and Gerrie only a foxtuight 1Se wetnber last., at 2 m. A fall -offered is $$00 per annum and ago made i3rnsaels yield the palm. P P. manse and' glebe, Messrs Carne' And now to end the season, the above =.atteudauce of delegates from - the bell and Henderson supported the teaws, with the additiou of Belgrave, different municipalities is urgently pall, It was sustained as a regular met at our burgh and contested for • Pelle] gall and ordered to be trans- the supremacy and prizes amounting mitted to London Presbytery, together to $50. The'ball was started rolling with reasons for translation. Mx Mc• at 12 o'clock, . with Belgrave. and Nabb was appointed to represent this Exeter paired, the 'home team going Presbytery in the matter of the call to bat and piled up three runs the 1st before the London Presbytery. innings, Tait, of Exeter, pitched a Provisional arrangement . was made good game throughout as also did for the induction of Mr Urquhart Duffield, but they-eeeiited .to find the The ¥odexator to preside, rdr Gad' tatter ocoasionly for safe hits. In des-fo preach. Mr. Murray to address the 6th toad 7th innings the home the minister. Mr Sutherland to team commenced to creep up, but the address the congregation in. English game was toot.near the end to win, as and Mr McQueen in Gaelic. The the result Was 13 to 6 in favor of Moderator is to fix the data. A pati- Exeter,- Score : tion frons 'Huron congregation, BELanava,' R O. Buren R. 'U. asking for the section of the Presby- Wardell 0 4 R. Eaoretl; 8 1 tory to a sate of five acres of the glebe Patterson 1'2 1 P. Anderson 1 •3 land for a cemetery was granted'. It Duffield 1 3 C.McDonald0 a was agreed to instruet the clerk to Johnston 0 3 G. 3+3aorett 2 1 assess the congregation on the basis Musgrove 1 1 1. HD'araanMcDonald 1 2 of families for the AssemblyDols- Yodge'. an, 0 2 R. McDonald 2 1 Budge . 1 2 . G. Anderson 1 3 gates' Fund. The claims of Aid- Agnew . , 1 '2 D. Tait . 2 2 receiving Congregations were consider- Pringle 0 : 3 E. Bissett ' 2 2 requested. - EDITORIAL. NOTES. EAT.nint rtn is to have its .annual election soon. judge Falconbridge ;gave judgment . on Tuesday voiding the election of Mr Colter on account of corrupt practices on the part of .agents of the respondent. Tem -boat race on the Thames (Eng• land;) for $1,000 and the champion• ship of the world, on ` Monday' last between Wm. O'Connor, champion. of the United States and. Canada, and Henry E. Searle was won by Searle .by six boat lengths, in 22.42, beating tithe beet time pa record. Mr. Justice Rose has just given a to very important decision in regard to athe right of a police officer to hand- :cuff and=:cuff a prisoner, A pian was arrested rand taken betore a 'magistrate for. 'furnishing a Central Prison convict • with tobacco. The Judge held that ' ;there was nothing 'wrong in this, but :he severely reprimanded the detective 'who made the arrest for using the ,ltendgtif[s.- To handcuff • an untried !.prisoner, unless he resists arrest, is .trespass, according to -the law, and in this, case the detective will have to . ,pay the handcuffed men $200 damages sand the costs of the suit. Booro4Yarox Independent: It is difii- soult to imagine any greater folly than ;for a peeple'to levy:•taxes on the food ;and fuel they consume, with the , obi jeot - of artificially increasing „their' price. Yet that is what i3 being'done to report at' length ,at the .December do Canada. The delusion is equally ed, arid grants asked for Pine River, Dungannon, Port Albert, Langside 6 21 14 18 and Belgrave. Mr Law asked that Brussels and the Unions now took the Bo assessors be appointed to his session Bold, aril for two innings it was evident the late boners of with a view to the ordination of the latter club were to Elders.. Mr Hutton, of Wiughain, . be. maintained, . batt by and Mr Jamison, of .East Wawanosh, costly errors and timely batting it were appointed. Mr. Ross reported: was won by. Brussels by 8 to 3. that he had attended the Bruce Score ; - Presbytery, according to appointment, tJNxoxs -' R. 0. Bnassine • R. O. and that the scheme of the distribu-Sanderson 1 1 4 3. Ross 1 2 M' 0 2 Gerry 1 1 Mon of the Mission Fund ' was favor- raouliLanught'in•0 2 �. Stretton ably entertained. Final action is to Nash . q 2 QA. Currie' 1 1 be taken at a future meeting of that Paralow 0 2 J. '`MoBain 2 • 0 Presbytery. The thanks of the Williams ,'.0 2 R. Ross 0 1 . Kaake titration 0 2 Presbytery were tendered to Mr Ross Johnston 1 1 G. kIalliday 0 2 for his diligence. Sessions. were in- A. Naalie ^0 • 1 - :. W. Grewar 1 1 strutted to make their own arrange- ments for holding Missionary meetings.. 3.15 8 : 12 It agreed that the 'question of Batteries Brussels, Grewar and holding a Conveutioa for the discus- Ross.. Unions, McLaughlin and San- sion of Sabbath School work, the derson.. state of religion, &o, be referred to Tne . Voiotia sod Belgrave now the S S committee, with instruction's Played for., third money. The jiome club'eoesiderab`i'y changed the team, putting Wardell in thebox avid Mc- Quariie behind, while Duffield' 'played short and Dinsley right field.' At the end O'f 'the'' fourth innings the' spore stood''4 to' 4 with Nash, the second base man disabled, who was replaced by 4ossl of Brussels. In the 5th Roes cracked otlt a three bagger oyer right field kenos letting one man in, but was nipped at the plate io 'trying -to make hone, through a speedy throw in by Dinsley. Belgrave now went to bat, having two rues to make to wing The Unions seemed to fall . ,. p y b a n re -'1 to pieces, while the home team kept prevalent hi' the St:tte.. Here in. (}ntori the industrial;'elasseai are ,I►atieri y paying 10 bents s pealed for 1'tggr at an.England costs 3 cents, and the tax'.6n coal Costs the Grand .Teunk 'tailway: $280,000 a : year meeting: Tha'Clerk 'read a' circular anent'Home` Missions and Augmen- tatidn. ` This Presbytery is , expected to contribute $900 to Home Missions and $550'for Augmentation. It '-was agreed to commend the Home Ms Sion and Augmentation schemes to our people, instruct the' Clerk to allocate the- amounts asked. from this .low just think about this thing for a Presbytery among the congregations .moment. and thou. ten: this• journal ='on the basis of families, and urge the honestly if you don't think you must congregations to raise the sums respectively assigned them.' Forms tee most precious'dutl'ei to tae -of petitions to, the House of Commons ox sent to have:youi food and fuel ra ang for further ]enslation i ids1: ` • guard to Sabbath 'observance, were .tool, though the greatest enthusiasm ��• .. -t • "i cd V7111iet ht rob• Iles anniversary'seri ices in coquet• •esion with the' Methodist Church' were - ',held on Sunday 'last:' Eloquent end leipressive sernions'were' preached by ev W A Strongrr tut, L L D, Ph D, - and Rev W H Geddes. " The Harvest ].ioi ie Festival on, 'Monday evening was a ' o ided success. ; •Addresses -%vera delivered by the above teverend gentlemen and..alao ' Mr ' A H Mos - handed to members, and it was agreed existed in the "cdaellirs," and the that Sessions be instructed to attend crowd was; nearlyfrantio. Patterson, to the subscriptions iif these petitions Johnson, Mas, rove,. and• McQuarrie in their several 'congregations and went euccesl3ively to bat. Two runs return them to tise'Presbytery at the easily mine in and the score stood 5 :December meanie.; ' in . the absense to 6 for Belgrave, as follows: of : Mr Sutherland, the • proposed -Moores R. O. I311Lon&vs It. O. :scheme fors Presbyterial visitations Sanderson • 1 2 Wardell 1 2 of congregations, was laid on the McI,aug1t1in.1 ]: Patterson 1 2 table till next meetin . Mr Ross. Palfin 0 3 Duffield 2 0 fl Nash • 1 2 Johnston 1 2 referred to the proposed memorial' to Parslow 2 0 Mosgrove 0 3 the late Rev Prof Young•, and offered Williams 0 2 McQuarrie 1L' 0 grove and D.r.Chisholni, of Win- ham. a to receive `subscriptions therefor, which w•Reeks0 2 Vamnuorman 0 2. Pio Wingixam Methc,dist Sil,bbath was well 'received. 'The Presbytery .A,. Miele 0 2 DinsleyA 2 School orchestra inlivened the pro- adjourned to meet at Winghain 'on co"dings with choice selections during ,Tuesday, Decetnbor. " 5 15 6 15 the evening.—Mr Thos. Miller and ..Jones MeoNeen, - • Brussels and Exeter now played the Pres Clerk. final game, which was very close and exciting. Exeter put Sippy in the will go to Port Hope, Michigan, for Turnberrv. . box). and Brussels put Wardell llehind. :at short btay. Miss Jeannie Mitchell left Wednes- the bat. • The team from the south',1 day for Graiiciiu, Dakota. -Say, got the Iead,but a good bit or two Lower Wingham. Jimmie, you seeee to be wonderfully would have chzu ged eirumstances. Miss Asenath Netterh'eld'. and Mrs, pteaend about something , whet is it 2 ; Sippy delivered rather a hot, 'peculiar Pred Beck, daughters of Mr. Thomas Oh, a daughter, adaughter.—her. G ball for fine Brussels' inen to find in a Nrtterfieldreturned"home to Tuesaalan Blackwell left on Tuesdayfor ll`a id d' last week, after an absenco of two City, Manitoba, where hwill engage `glScoreoomy 9 toe►+2e,nasing; fAilotv>s an+'tater won. e,-Mrs. Edward Mulholland, in the plastering with his son Alvin, B�xae R. 0. iayssans R, 0. of Ripley, is visiting her friends here wlio has a large ainount of fall week R. Eaorott 1 1 J. Ross 0 2 at present.—Mr. David . Halsted re- in and around that place and Bran- P`. A.uderson 0 s. 'Wardell 0 ti MoDonpell 1 (;eery Q 2 tarried homer last week from Manitoba. don. 13e took a 'large nunil,er of G: N'aotett. 1 1 .I'. Sttettott 0 2 1•te his been over there all summer patterns of ornamental work, there 'Tynan:tau 0 h A. Cherie 1 1 '' 4,ngaged iii farinirig, we believe... -The being considerable of that to be done MoDo Heli 0 2 a., Rennin 1 1 Misses Campbell have disposed of their there. U.s.ndereou 0 1 Y. Stratton .6 1 handsome property to Mr. Smith, who • wife have gone to Watford toy visit' heir son, and from there Mr Miller D. Titit 0 1 G. Halliday. A 1 hal rcttarnea from Manitobst.---Mr. ' East wa'avnaos}i. R.Iiisaett 0' 2 lv, rpn'a4r 0 2 The best hit was made by Ross I'atter3ou of the home team is also a good batter. .McQuarrie received an ovation when lie soared the winding run. In the evening a concert was held in the Foresters' hall, Those taking part fully sustained their reputations, end the concert was voted a success by all who attended it. "j'he whole entertainment was ander the auspices of the base ball club, and they are deserving of' prelim for furnishing the people with such an enjoyable enter- tainment. The croquet club visited' Landes, born l�tait weak and played a friendly game with the club of that place, which resulted in an easy :victory for the Belgrave club. ---It is understood that Mrs Tufts, of .Clinton, who own- ed the post ollice store bound here lately, has decided to ereet a brick block in its place, Sue was in the village on'•Uonday last. Culross. Deer Eeditor, as a' was cot vision' me eosin "Bootie" las` week, au' comic' bame, a' heerd a inaist re- markable coart heirs held at the Hoose o' sin .ca'd Meester Sprinkling -can, by whom a' the weemen nen een the coontrie had been ca'd thegether as weetnessei Agin' the wife o' Meester Sprinkling - can for ha'en. speek-it her -peind on to relashuns between Meester,Spriiik ling -can an' sin ca'd Meestreas Flip. Noo a' wud like jus' to ken what Bootie thinks o' shill a nreetin' bein' held in ain't, own boos; agin' aia's eel', wi'oot sin's own consent t 4 think eet jus' turibul. yours, Scoria's Cope*. Ilaroest is about wound lip. 'Pate and peas are above an average.- Canadian thistlea and wild oats are the staple crop in this locillity, and since the iiitroduetion cif twine binder and the Totten pea -harvester, the inconveuieuce of securing the thistle " crop is to a great extent obviated. ---Burdocks and liurs of all kinds beat all former records. They are used from no* till winter sets in by the farmers in . tying' up their horses manes and.Mails and for giv- ing sheep and lapibs a more tidy and compact appearance. The rag weed industry is only in its infancy, but it only wants a alight show when it will assert itself and prove a. success.-- Mrs. W. Pattison was visiting at B1uevale last week.—Mise Hannah Porter and Miss .Stiy'ah Pattison are Fire Insartinee Company met in tho town hall, Teeswater, 31st . August, 1889. Members present --- Messrs. Kirkland, Clark, Little and McKague. President in the choir. The minutes of previous meeting having been read and adopted, Mr. Mc]ague moved, seconded by Mr. Little, that the agents lay all applications for insur anee.before the Board for examination --tarried. Little — O1ark — That having examined 16 applications and found them satisfactory, the President and Secretary are instructed to pee - pare and issue policies for sameeee Carried. Little-McKagne •-- That whereas Mr. Ireland, in 188., did take. an epplicattun far ins trance, - but a fire occurriij, pu the 'property before and application was:laid .before the Direceors, the party withdrew his application when Mr. Ireland rel turned the fee, the secretary is. there. fore. instructed to pay Mr. Ireland one dollar as compensation. --- Carried. Clinton. Mrs. A. Ross, of Wingham.,- was -irt town this week looking after Christ- mas stock.—The Collegiate Institute is now on the 'war path.—.The Model. also opened Last Monday. Both in-. stitutions are well .patronized. --Rev. Prof, Greig, Knox College, Toronto; took thePresbyteritln services, morns - ing endevening,last Sunday. ---Ontario Methodist church was beautifully decorated oti Sunday last, for . the evening service of song.—Rey, :Mr. Livingston oecupied Ins . own pulpit last Sunday.---Qlinton went down to Seaforth to see - them beaten at (foresee, last Tuesday.—A, number of citizens are at the fairs.-Lookout.far Clark -X .tle*Tiiat at any time through l Ilnron Oentral.—••Heat has almost put inadvertency ou the part of either a stop to business. --Clinton tennis agent of member any policy has beet glob won tet Blyth. neglected to be renewed at the' proper date %Fiore expiry, the President and Secretaryre nth ' id t k MIA B11tt3'vale. • a amay" o Make sntry John Burgess, clerk: of Turnberry provision: as theymay deem neeessar to meet the requiienaents of such a toWnelhip, left for Manitoba and .the st case, subject of course to the approval North-West, last .week. He expects of the i erectors at the* 1srst meeting to be away for about font weeks.-NIr, thereafter — Carried. Mcgague �. and Mrs. 1". Patterson spent some Clerk—That this Beard do now ad- days• in Seaforth, last week,—Mr, T. jout`n to meet again on the not S,ae J: Dillon, of the cheese factory here, ai;dey of Septemoce, nit 2 o'elook in has several cheese on Exhibition at the a sereeeu, tali uessgttter town hen Loudon. It will not be surprising if Laughlin McLean is away. for a trip - Mr. G. Bretz, of Best W iewa-oelr 3 5 • 2 15 f '1' xlou%n to Nova bootia, has leased his farm. south' half bit 87 Tliis concluded the games, Mr 11 i Married, the first prize acmes down this way, Ai.2% AnaMON --Mr. Jas. Inose, cheese maker at in the 9th con . 100' acres,, to blesses. J wells, of 't�ruigliam, umpired the " -Howtals• Jas. & David Purvis, fur a' term of games with much ability and entire Secretary. Arnow, Bruce county, is also s win The Ilowiek A will held their - in (Sorel. ne 5th. 1 fvlteire he Ilea another son residing gricultarat Society live yearn. Mr. Bretz, aecommpauied annual fail 'show - by his son and daughter, intends leav- Satarday, Octobering in about a week for L•rnisiana, r satisfaction to all. There was hardly • � - cheese. at the Provincial Ir, b. + - late is away to London- to take in any kicking and :far' the gonttemauly Air J G Coopor, late Oollety Treas.- the provincial.- .11i r. Atoll. Patterson manner in suntan he managed the urer of Bruce, is *aid to l►y ruunsaag a and wife go to Toronto to seethe gree a h games -throughout the day be received hotell in California, , . • •+ 11i�lustrtal l air,