HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-09-06, Page 5Ali oeeel e nest ettl gatr 1. lite mused •ole ram siaskiat. s l •telae a song of• a beta bold,. . A statesman; of renown, • e , 1.1110rdwrrra But Wawnaoeh• • Flantlr g and Mitunfebkiring Omen - ,• • Paaatterreeione- 9, few evenings ago .ppatsy, eompoeed of former residents of ` ET DOWN T ' , a large number of the young people .1towioki; and Turnberry,. The plan. along with the members of the choir taction is situated near Arnuudville in Whose proudest aims in lovwto weld, of the brick citurolt congregation call- southwestern Louiaiana,1 find about' The sit t, to the crown; ed on Mrs, Chas, F. Itocl•e, at her 30 milea iroin tke.Mexicaih gulf shore. :p}inugit..: a .tongues' and garbs apd .residouce, 14t14 con, Illast I awauoslh, 't'f:R.priuoipal staples raised are sugar Awl ilve 'els eutervans, and presented tier,'before taking her carte,.. corn and, cotton, All those And quarrel ` ' as these symbols dear,. departure for Tier future home with from these parts engaged in the The (:)tango d the.Green. the following Address (aid a e cry busineas'pxprese themselves aa well Speak not of . r(lidcr'a fame,handsome lamp, and also: a beautiful satisfies) and particularly so with the RrC'casar's g t renown, chubs pickle ocueti:-'.rTs Mrs, Chase soil and climate, part already having Of.Cliarlomague or Zengaskau, To spread dominion wide and far, : 1', ktache, -`fie, u few of the uaeillkters made ill their permanent home, while 1Vhoahtattered many aotearu, .and adherents of the 'brick elluroh be. the ethers interested purpose moving (1'er mountain, sea and plain, fug desirous o£ showing our appreei. time with their 'families and goods Through blood and tem, through grief ation'of your services as organist in this fall. Others not directly inter - sad woo, our choir, which you have so cheer- estod who have visited the 'lace as Which marked their murcicrous train. • 64 504 rft fully rendered in the past, take the prospectors, etc, feport every .one act For. every Department of our large premises is literally:jammed with Speak not of groat Lord Salisbury, present opportunity of conveyingto delighted 'with the climate,. and eon.. NAsv S Stylish. + (]td Gladstone or raring], nl], , Seasonable, y ,, and Remarkably Cheap FALL Coercion whips, Hone Rule and S.ettgues, the shXua time extend tou our most sincere you ourekei con- thesat e parts,s £ and it eveome r tbinne thee ""'GOODS. Splendid range of - They tare rail a Worthless spell ; y everythine Old Ireland still in trouble groans, I he$hauuon rolls botwoou, . i'4 hitst Ulster shakos her Orange flag, And Connaught waves the Green: We'll sing of glorious Canada And our great chief, Sir John, Who spread dominion from the east To where the sun goes down ;- And bound it with au iron baud, . As fortune binds her wheel; To roll our traffic east and west, As fortune rocks the creel, ' t5te'll sin„ of glorious Canada, Tier foretat, mine and plain, Where timber limits stretch afar, And boodle grows arlrain; • ,Whore spells and booty, healing balms, Ry skillful lianas and.clean, :'VInygathered be„for•noothiug oft The Orange or the Gruen. We'll sing of•)naiiy a glorious feat, Perforated by good. Sir d'r�tin, Who put a girdle round the globe, grntulations in your marriage rola- omuld be desired. Tho temperature Cons. 'We.are aware that during 'tire during June and July ranged. from -,S E S G S tv:. titue you have favored iXii with music 80 do Trees to 8$ degrees and only on in the church and elsewhere, you threedays during that time reaoing in every .design and texture, from the eheapent Moltons to the richest Must have done so by sacrificing much as high as 92 degrees. Vegetables --Sills or Satins. - of your three, yet, nevertheless,: we are to be had every month in the have always found you at your place eyear. Every one of those who went in ell seasons, Oer oervioes in the front this•sectton are exceedingly well sanctuary have always been enlivened, pleased and claire a roan can do as All shades from 50 cts up, and other trimmings to match all styles of not only by -your accompaniments on .well oht.half the money than he can---Dress•Goods; organ, lint by your voice for ' a num- here. Cattle, for. instauee, require' Be sure 14 see our her of years withoutany remuneration but little attention during winter,, whatever. it is therefore with nluele t monthst f thetwelve, ' P IA • ,� PL`TSTIES, • . , , grazing - ori ou 0 we ve, I Rgrelt 1 pleasure that we this. evening meet Thousands of acres of beautiful land fat, flN t t�i1 Ry3t�'tDEp1l lk�;�� \i}tA{IIs al ^r tnbetltert0 fell yoai of the hili e$taeril in western Louisiana, tempered .with iris (�. 4 a6 --q)� � t4 �y 1UAl tilw itlti'ir�� in which you are hold iu your self- the gulf breezes, that was under culti- , cant' ing work Wield, by our congroga- weasel) previous to the war, is now Fier FLANNELS, either grey, red, white or blue, and away dt,vau Con, and at the same time to present beim taken up and waiting for the in price, be sure you visit the "Anchor,” you with these articlos as a token of proper, parties to take bold a it. our regard for you., We all join in Any of the -gentlemen named will be Stacks of WRITS AND GREY COTTONS. TICS INOS• SII1IlTING i 'an:i. And belted zone•to,zono ; the hope that you may still go on in pleased .to give full information to .GENERAL Day . GOODS, offering cheap. Bat who cousd.bent the matchless charm,. your good, work, and; that wherever those desiring it. your tot may be past that you trill -Great value offered hi -- always have a -place in your heart for Geenteerow, That twenty year Have seen, By mystic spell, in hived embrace, Vin Orange mid the Green? • When lengthened years of useful toil, Seems waning near or far, prince natty aleck a worthy knight, With garter, stripe or star, Bat who can soave a tartan plaid To wrap our chiefteln in, And blend in mashy a nnystio check, The range 51 the reen • your friends of the brick church, Mr 'SV J Vilson left fora tri toWORSTED • Auct.no>a.xn. conolusiou we wish to r p®� �� �''+E ;'illi. t Tennessee for the benefit of this health, • convey' to you through all the journey' on Monday last, We join with his And guarantee every Suit we make to be satisfactory in • styic., . our best wishes, and, at last rosy you l reany f1'Jends here in wishing hits a and all of us join in, the heavenly -pleasant journey and stt£e. return,: - choir that,. surrounds the Cirque, of Mr W D Lamb has resigned his posi• sat s '®f O d h Green? . trod, to sillg of salvation for. ever al,ci tion at school section number 13 0£ • ' ever. After malting the presentation ITowick and Turiiberry and loft here the company was very heartily thank on the 211d ihpst, for New York, . for While 'Ir, J. T. Wiggins was bar- ed by.11rs. Rothe for its kindness, the purpose of ursgin his studies in �y -" ralviilti, last week, tht3 horses en tiro- sol; for the value of -the articles alone one T the in viral elle os o$ that ` 1"' 3 a` n t { «� ` -4- -workmanship and 'ft. -- • SHIRTS, TIS, HATS .`�tt,t and�l DEECI . J � .�'.v ti:.'' Orange i11. ing at the end of the field tweed the but for the very ,find and welooine city. • I.Iis-tunny friends around GIen- m, end of the 'doubletree ` tri strike the spirit which accompanied the present. furrow wish Ixiln fty.r4 succes0.--1411's Please visit this department before giving your orders elsevih'rc;'. To suit every taste,' ground and open the harrow, striking tation, and also the thought that , on Cotsomire, of Rodney, Elgin county, one of the horses 'on the !hip and in- taking her departure froth among and miss L Switzer, of New Tlalnlmeg, fltoting a gash eeverai inohea deep. them she would be missed. The seri)- were visiting friends hero last week - Veterinary aid was obtained, but use- puny, after spending, a few pleasant: NiesNfoitoil, aToronto, is visiting rd.. lar,. Cisr x3'4; .,• less. Thin is a serious loss, as it was_ hour3 111 alnu..t newts of various hauls,_ }jet fiiihteI,. t�'ZTS Uas6iil, this week.- THE' BROWN ANCHOR, WING difficult to find its equal; and he has enlivened by music oocasinnly, par- tf r Edi Oampbe1J of i;tyth, spent Ilouo to replace it. --A fine horse lion - tools of refrer,bincnts, and • Ilion took any with friends hi re. --fix ;yllort. 'engine. to Mr. Edward Festguson died,- their ..departure for their v erioue teed liras resumed his duties fat e,cheol of colic last week This is the'sccond homes. r;ectien No 9. Mr tshortreecl is one of teat lie has lost within four months. Mr.. W,. S•acldlo-nse's nese stone the successful candidates at the late T • -Thor. is a flue brick strnotuI'ebeing mansion is almost completed. •'- exeininntion for first class . non -pro- les TREASURE—WS SALE • OF . ND `•s • hello in the western viennty of Orange The brickwork of the v'estheld church fessionalcertifieates.--than 8 Bentley 'Ontario ) nv TlItTCE'of aaarrant issued by the Mayor, under the Corporate nes t,r hl,/: dull, wr°hlch' betokens, a bond trine soon is finished. -Base _ ball practice. Itis returned Saturday from. a three weeks' Town of Wrotham, }Totts of W111 4131, to me directed, be+rtup' elate the fourth deg of July.. 1•3.31; ewe. - Tn tuft : }Town to }sty and sell tbo rapds a o•,ttor:erl in ts iniiov: ini; ;fat, for.,,, r,} , . for the' boys, We. t110211 they should ' again commenced on. they Gth. A visit to friends m Blytt, Goderith 'taxesttuo thereon, Ihorehy t fro ho9lce that unin,a such arraartTand a ie,sta rr.. n0ur h,sta, r srt yt ,. go4ctlleir covered rigs iu order, so. op Grit and l err natal-. will take • place and other )daces. ---•.r";. Sandal 8011001 teen to sell the said iAnde ossa ouch thereof asmay hu necessary for the payment of the al s ....t, saw, . to be ready for the emdlloeucy on iiatylydiy eveiiinri next. --felt Aaron picnic is in antnanticipation.-Another.iother• at the Council Chamber of the said flown •af 1vfnSharu, on Bennett intends leaving for the Afield- dots' shooting affair,` shot with peas SATURDAY the Twenty-sixth Day 1 Osten° El rl • %Listowel- ;an lumber goods shortly._. A honey this.tiine.-M1 Thos Higgins lost a At the hour of ,TWO (VCLOCIf in the afternnoa.. Mr sfemnu•.Halt, who file held' tbo. sacial,in aid of the churchfunds, will he. valuable colt recently. -Quite a num- rhe leeowing lands aro patented except parts 1 ancl2: held let Ir. J. 4.0 intou's on Iltriday bet of farnlers in this , vicinity tare �lLccn ' position of telegraph'operator at the evening, Sept. 1 As this •"is some- •tnroubrlh with their -S'omo ui No ofza scotcsot,th a, r. 1-10 acre ` saxes: 'Cases. station here for the peat five ysarsf thing fresh, there:. will doubtless be a fall•av, eat has been. soavtt. npartzos2 JosephPne E Gov. pad. 1-2 2a it , so Iran been appainted atlttinfi agout at g s Josephine); J w Sadler's 1•6 hb 01 a u) i311Y1t'sI+'tilis on the 1lami1tot1:5z:Northe good turnout. -The harvest Home ; •tit c;tltartne av Leet&'Davis 3-a ani so o FY 10-nic and, base ball. tournament to ' lie Catharine N If 1-5 6 4Y ri, r. ';2 'western division, TIualtoL•w dtstrict p as JohttandIratcisLeett\ndMcKay 2.6 a 9 4' vTa2pt@ttOVTII• Mr Hall is well qualified and. will fill be hc?ld at Belgrave on Monday is flit 'T A H ' Dr " the r,nsition with .ability.-�Mr .I. 1f general topic of emiversetion.. Air Barry Bettie, 'rho popular tz8 A..+" ... e ;i a•) } Lir • •toa Pr of Io, Grey, has resigned• 3rornan, of Poet bas porches pos• ev• ed 'the stook o general.store 00dsOf . T oFrinir.: ro,hmJ the trainiuIattutpuelwere c'r,.,f, • Messrs 11' 0 Olarke R Co, anti has The council plot at Fordtvi-1- ho in�ttlzids to riss.a�step bights in tlhe . taken possession. • It is understood "gust'21st, pursuant of adjaurinnenb teaching profession, --Harvesting%/INGHAM SAW • i4 that. Mr Clarke -has accepted; a post.. in Brown's hotel, Members all Pres- aprrationa liro.'drawing rapidly to a tion as traveller for a wholesale 'house ent, The Reeve in the chair. • Min close, and the felts tare beginningteepee,-a have Listowel brewery, it is sale), hasIleehh ed, Moved by Mr. I ulma;;e, second -been favored this week with several madden offer by an English syn- ed. by Mr, Graham, that the treasurer .enol and refre:shili; showers; tvllieh •dioate for the purchase of stwo.thirds be notified by the Clerk ,to fllrnisli Have briebtened things up generally. interest in his brewery. . $15,000, ,Winaucir.l Statement for Council- at -Mr 8 S;nillie, the. i•t.ieo rs?Sser,"-is do - we believe, was ` the figure named, next mooting=-Oarrind. Moved by inf; a ruslliit; business in honey this with a gore); salary for ..coutiuuiug . 1p, De1iaap�l; seconded. 1 ' Mr. stammer. The orders come in so fast the management. . Robertson, i,hut the Clerk post up tim that it ie difficult to supply thele. necessary `notieos in re closing up ' Vileetenbeerene road in sideline 20 and 21, con, Ifr-- The hennive.t'Say services in EOnnee Carried, Accounts passed -J \V LRWyer's clerk -Wil, yon take a time with the Methodist church )here Spence $5. gravol; J IiolIinney 820, chair, Miss? Boston girl -No, thank • will he held on Sabbath nex«, nth for gravelling, e!3n 14, lots 23' and 24 : you, 'wouldn't know what to do wit) inst. Sermons will be paw ellen :,s William R:ubbitrd $5, for worts on it. Rut 1'11 sit down if 1. meet., - •follows'; At 10.80 a; iii ,. by I%ov. W, oon 14, lot 23,• Jno Gregg $5, for ....,,,ee,e.d,:;,�.-.r,e.- i 4. Strongman, L• L. D,, - i1. D. lend ditch on sideline 20 and 2,1, Coni 11; . a . ec g road audt fence, sideline 20 mid 21,a of this piece. On Monday emetic, �,• following, a Hemet 'Heine Fe�stiival oc'i 1'0 ; )Brio Croft 31'x,.. for covering t„ will be held. Speeches era expected bridge, con 1, sideline 25 and 2G; (,1 . w . X41lti from Rov, W. 1I. Geddes•, Dr, Ohis• lla ors $28:70, for gravelling on Y bolne, lir, Musgrove, Eov, W, . sideline' 25 and 20, con 2; Dr Spence Strongtnttn, 'L, le D e Ph. D. The lµ(1, two medical certificates for Eli Tiorig iltperienee, eloso. attontion acid Winghani Sabbath School Orches Martis; Lasker Derider, $5.2%, for nnoxeelted facilities; enables pie are will furnish,- choice music, Tee gravel and garnago. Mewed by Mr . to turn out uuiformly'a olasa of will be 'served froth 680 till 8 o'clock, Crihdin, seconded by Mr 3,iccluea, work equal to tihittaf any . Pxbteeds in ail of the T'rt]st'. Fund.- = that -the commit do now ndjoern to i Gallery in the west, , AIT are cord.tatl > invited, meet in the Township :Bell, Gerrie, . • •t 7.30 p by 1'ev, CV II Oeddes R Greenaway r90. for mehintr new > �` t { ?S 3 on the third Wednesday in fleet etre- At:rw•ork pf , everyy description rrtil;•, Gionannaax• ber tient-.•'Gat71est 1Wliases'tia Bio and Rate St ott,tiftex • wee 1'>:t�rr, cafly, promptly end eatisfaatnrily done. n year's visitiin in this country, left, '• ' •1"p Clerk, t'' , X "1 y G �siS Atli). J AMIL 1 Gla'JlS hate on Monday morning on their tvay ,t1:`�'Vetn.11 and wife, forrtierly dif. ��i tr t i home to (#lastrow,ticotland. We wish Carrie, and, J Wiley and Win Pointe —A lerncictLTY.- .-'w then) bon voya jC..-1V' r John Coenyn, ray, both 'foi`mer.y of t'4rroeeter, le -1 • Alumnus of Toronto Uuiveesity, now of Arnaudville, Louisiana,• srriv- A L;it•ge Atenertsnent af. 'Fraines ' S1Xilpltce, j''rc ten, the place of . Miss ed borne ort a •visit a short tithe ago.- kept conetantiy on fraud. Prices as 'Itl'ialt•p, sin lic: No, v huel, . Mr Poinerey is .ptesideut of the Huron low . as are Cetisisteut with goosi work. HISTORY OF BRITISH O �.Jt�� IL pn� r n - M fl WOOD 1+'x•on thio erx11eettysg Qotl to aha S•�ae:•. «ai15 t1� I, cntt'lct noose-r-)n-•,i,•g,l� 1110,88 �� a b 1nw ready, cut ti,rete h, one v . im , with seeticooi • maps, plans and hides, A boos. out of • urs.„,- in- ' iadenta and thrilling romance. .1 *,rush).>:? wets, - by an anther of a+reat• repute, ale/ is also she noir history of this atmos extant. everyn t The n n ec,::c ",� m !Ifith°InItteSliiitVichIlriirlef:it.c::::733717.41(11)3rs: b''rt.rea ,..,,; 1 ,y , tt• py t,limo s r Nh f, n L` ,Le. ,�1tiS PLEA crpri ,r 5 °,ler ,',o l u GGG���ttt tVio i1 ,n•rkit:;; tore their oboes. 'll y .s:1 Tru tt 1,;),.. w the history of tiro ant•ntry as (veil n their 1 i asps, and those who have business yt t et tions wilt meet who do not 80 there. Nero is a e,,.r try ,., i. r e , es the untied States, and this volu rte must c.(,:: este stitute the fon:Action of EN ci it rs". - PROPRIETORS. AtI. tutm3 01' • LU BER, AND WOOD, • SIO 4; eonatantly on hand or rutin ardor and der'ver• cat in corp part of .the tnrerfl n:t the shortest possible notice. ' 1r7All orders attended to promptly and satisfaction guaranteed.; -Orders in Gar tots a penia ty. Mill and 'Yard on Josephine street,. adjoining tile C. I.).11. rtralck.Y r R7 'Ir. , ul . MoLIi UN. ` WitgOant, itaq int, + lOsl'iirl 1,01% :port $3.A.1.`M, Town Lots Nos. 251, ett tea 330 in th8 Town 'Piot of lwin;;hant, enol mint half Ito aero each, .aro tog eels , Alpiy to i A. 3t'+3a!1` N, Tiarr'i tor, wittyn en. From $5 to $20 a day ran 1)5 tradeby.prrouta,• n remote of ;:,e iliniere,:;r i:housan:is of people interested In toiv c .nr:tiv, and1u;thc hf;t,u`r of 'the world, ono h t �:.!:► another, will buythis itnn'.a It is )shelf t ra i..:-.-,. and though fun• of startling detail. is tl .ret,gt 1L sound, prattiest and philosophies:. Goon r'tr»est worker:( desiring territory :Atonal apply immediately, and to order te.a.•ro,ti it irt- stantiy seal y1.`23 for a complete ra•n1`+= 5cr out:', and nano choice of territory, 1 slue. 1.l'•- nl terse, guaranteed. No experience or cr Z.:t:d filareJ, ;I: the book will null it:n:f if t,mperly l,rei.ut .d, at,g we give our agents thirty data tinge m tt3.4h to ti,; slyer and collect. address, THtr'. HISTORY CO„ 123 i(i ?lri 3i , Sart ltxtttso:: tie, +?,"n A COMPLE'r}t ttiVro r.I •-•rll M• -Y txr anti -a••. rrrtMlo•. 4/ VIZ001% !Embracing also a history of the linn3 t t °i i! s +•. turf, IAds Iiaveu, 5tnthnry, and ohi 4 t.'i.••: ittorts $tato n 1 Pottuavlt start, Vs..1 r Wvs el • ' in sten. b. 0., New Tock, Maryland, 3., ,aa t.;1 west vitt irtia, allot tabitdt S8.1 the t,•tai lore •.t over 11,000 lives find the destruction of ergs;AMA( • 000 worth of property. 1311 Grff, 1' ! ticttiyo, t1"ie 311:1s,xes; italibtiafeti a�l:)i.S1G fir- ?tris;. Tait a4g EbgravingL Filst t.,httiou issued August 10th. We dugs tri all bunks 4f 1144.. "TS• taiAlit ii Stn r1 it t 00)0 Okra outfit, IC, b. (tC3C1DSP11klU CO., na., York