The Wingham Times, 1889-09-06, Page 4• • fte • expelling the infamxtotte tampeiann- of leaders of the ReforMatiou fore think there is a single JJeauit in .Pr. Mac. I i tS Jesuitism with the prnnctpletl of persecution. Well, if they did so they, dlonalcl, s consituancy, .lf s dutarvluashes morality. gave it the wound that luras did wrong, 1 am not' oeneerned to between Jesuits and Catholics." And -- never healed. Je,auitism is not merely defend them. They were only .lately agaui, "we were quito justified in wAlte FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 181?tl. immoral, it is founded upon %utmor- emerged from Popery, and had souse- mg for further evidence of bis Ieinc` n oneetonnee- _ __. __ _- _-- slaty ; since its fundamental prluctple tUing of its spirit. What is talalnaed, ity before giving him too mud* credit A tx ,aI2\ct of the Emit l iuron Re. is . the prostrate submission of the as Cat'holio Layman has adverted to for writ:icing an ivtaginary Jesuit tote. forgo Association, for the nomination inalvadual conscience to the objects of dile matter, is that by the Protestant (ilio italics are mine.) I don't exactly of a candidate to contest the EMIR equivocal, Order arid. the commands, however Reformation the way was cleared up understand what Mr, A mewls by equivocal, of the .Superiors. The for the development of thought, and sayingthat the Dr. distinguishes ne- in the eonming ele tion for the Ontario Jesuit is bound to be 'a living corpse,': far the establishment of freedom of tweonJesuitsandCaticolics, Iuuderataud Le;ielature, will be held in the town without will or conscience of his own, conscience and liberty of speech, such that tette Dr. did say at the inootteg of ]mall, Brussels' art Monday, the 23rd in the baads of the chiefs of the con-- -as we now enjoy, and which was June. 4th, thttt all Jesuits u•creOatholies, September inst., at 2 p, in. A. full. spiracy. In modern times Jesuitism attendance of delegates from the las :c ange ne ,ar t p difi'e' i t mttnioipa'.itios is urgently aims, but only its methods. Power xequuated. having grassed from. the monarch to t $17tYa, the people, it is not with kings and the "Men of the Mayflower, the pretty well posted m general uhaire; Mae Andrew tsltttu•., oho) heel liter :, Another Lotter from xtev, iVlr, shorn.• til favorites or ministers but with Puritans of New Itnglaud carne to yet here they admit that they ' don t -To utterly unknown in the old Papal but all Catholics were not Jesuits. times I am aware that my danotni- (italics are mine) Not'', I think I nation, was .apposed "lad persecuted by ant right when I take both Mr. D. and other Protestants. I sin aware that Dr, Moll, as rrproeentative teen, Anel lit anti -Jesuit agitetion shoul4 o siusa. The Jesuits are steeply worku,g with the church, the same as the other orders ism her bosom, and lay no claims to fee any better thntt :the ktelletaap, torists, Z+ ranoisear •. - , Dominicans, 13enediotiues, she ,a ly no worse; yet about those othe speaking, 1 wake ,Jesuits "get A* ey Aro certain a bear nothing orders. Vulgarly suggest that the " Why not "have a hack" At the cher orders 1 They are no better than the Jesuits, Yount, .. CAxtmoima MIT NOT A. Justin'. tete t,diter of the "Tame WO: , ' horses terribly uettildatedl .1 tit wee 1, I)".,, uIr ----I notice' that Catholic political t' that the j"suit now AneerioA seeking a freedom dPtaiPd _mow any mtore tokens the Jesuits than " ��fi�+rot rt tewat t , t ODD bund It c1 dlllat, l teems., about poi ,cls panes, , ,' 1 • e d Layman Asha for specific charges of 'Stvizllland tiy ll he brin©gs that Coded. tk,o.vex gues in them in the to ay Land, fouuclatiotof the father of and that thus hhe natives f tlieus►,lri �n the inion. for i,ifortuatio,t that will lead to.• the Lot niy worthy correspondent, bow. - verge £tc'vilowa,.. mad and beyond himself "Land of Freedom" for the oppreseecl' constituency.' Jesuit Most assuredly s not Ito—The sor.ffeldi,ag around the nosy xum.)morality against a,adiv'duttl Jesuits, verge b d 1 what a b k the 'Not 1 J t ' Dr. lacdot aid's arrest of the party or patties who diel Ver e O m ever, remember that, ani Principal sent over the frontier for bis pains. of Europe. Tarn aware that a mem. 'And I question if ono of those iiidivid• ethodiet aliment haa,beeu taken dosvim Oven observed, we disolaimad that In the Express of the french, bow- ber of our body, Sir Herry Vane, mals ever' sot foot within its . limits this avPolr,•—'.Lege It"' Mr. ' MD:31Y, of from the first. That is something ever, at oncejealous and deyUtlt, lee seas elle first mon to proclaim tate exceptNiagara Falls, w , perhaps, a co ltury. r tw i yr ,wile lute been in our with which we do not feel that we found a fitting instrument of the old, principles of civil ant religious liber- ' when they traversed the 1>atlalet a ;Inidst for the pant week,. addressed i inter - have to tea in connection with the and to him more congenial kind, t on the floor of the 13ritiele Heuso •foreets as missionaries among the. 'meeting; in industry ball ill the inter- ' present question. It is a ,natter of Three"h •her be brought on a deadly f Oonunois; and I am also aware Indians. • "An imaginary Jesuit vote.' efits of "elle Egmzt 1'.ig'bts A>asociacion< oliurch discipline- Our aryitation was 4 The He eful Gleaue+re. licca their p , a war between Franco and Germany, that another illustrious Member of Imaginary, indeed] l ansa it requires'-" p' "meet the Jesuits Etna ps Pill, The though his promises of treasonable the same Comnmunion, Oliver °roue a very strou; irnarrivation too,.for the - lawn social on the lawn tot, Mr, A. quPc;tiala of the Jesuits morality carne aid amongthe Roman Catholics of well, put a stop to the persecution of hoist of m opinion the baker's dozen . i''"''•`•', ea y'uluonitay sev„tiro It -=. . in only so far as tha.saffectedl�lao Qs Southern ermany, patriotism at tho. Protetants on the continent, for ho of Jesuit residing in tho Province) of '”°t&'iia r1"rfculttuttl XI((t 411's s f, 01 and1abc tics o others. last moment having prevailed over sent word to the Pope, that if he did Ontario de not voce at all; tetany of , t , - 110 Layman gives a list of 'Protestant sectarianism remained .unfulfilled to not cease the thundor of British them in the e::ereiee of their sacred Sir. 1:a Milue's, on tiaturday Afte.i•nuon. ail:xlira, elle merely states committed e the utter discomfiture of their dupe guns would be heard at Fort St milling townie the Indicans are very apt —A couple of young ruscaitiwent into know s, that Protestant ministers do sometimes fall into evil. The number is, 1 believe, small, compared with the matey thousands on this continent, The Jesuit: are, I believe,, few, in num- • hers. as ytet, in Canada at least, ouly seventy -orae persons.. If anything doer; go wrong with an order of cell - bates, moved easily at the will of a suporior, a trouble can be more easily ooneealed. If, however, a comparison were to be made between the Catholic clergy as a whole, and tho Protestant clergy, in America, the latter would bo no betors by the comparison, If • I wore so disposed I could snake out a list front the archbishop who figured in the papers so prominently a few years i.go, as having in souse, way made any with the largo sums en- trat,tt:d to nim by hih too entitling flock, dove to the numerous scandals related by Father Chiniquy in his " Fifty years in the Church of Rome." .But 1 have no desire to regale your readers with such fare, and such stone• throwing would, T think, be peculiarly of eneivo to inyltomanOatboiio friends. Our opposition was to tho,endownment of the Jesuits, as being professedly: a religious body, and to their endowment of incorporation as Et body dangerous to the State. But that danger is not Yrot;nde:d on their private immorality, taut on their interfering in political matters and with the resigiozm of ahem,. .;o noon as they obtainsualeient power; "Mt they have donee so, all history goes to'slaow, and there is no evidence tient in this respect they aro changed. As I prefer not to Make statements, However,. on my own humble author. City, but on that of '.some well known author, I will here quote Professor Golclwiu Smith. He says '1 Jesuitistin were, like the other lnoaiastie orders, a religious brother- ectaonahle, as the following extract hood, to endow it out of public funde j,g would still no a flagrant breach of the from the Montreal 'Witness shows fuuda,neutai principles of our polity. . "There are two ciroutnstancos•wbieli But it is not a religious broi;herhoocl, go to make that question a most dis- It is, sal has been froth the beg inpintz, quieting; one. One of those is that a con:3piracy against civil societyset forth by 1llie Mercier in., plain - :tnrl government, Th4re is , no words when asserting the necessity of record in history approaebing in 'satisfying the church with regard -to 4rimziinatity to that of the Jesuit. On the Jesuit estates, The church de• Win reale the guilt ori Oho bloody ox, clares, bo said, that it has been robbed termination of Protestantism in I3o. of these estates and each member of benmfat, af'thirty years war in Gcrrany the ministry is subject to ecclesiastic sof the revocation of tho edict of pains; and penalties if he fails to .N'reutoe. end the inerdexotui persecution recognize Its asserted claims. This of the; French Protestants which on. was, tho reason alleged for taking this &tied, of the dauntless religious rout', property. from, those who had an dere eoui nitted by the Spaniards in acknowledged legal claim to it and the•l.tow f'ountrioe3. Wheneyor 1 hear giving it to those who bad no legal elf the Jesuit, I think of 1lotley's, . claim to it. It meant that the min• . eloseription of the poor srrrent girl, isters felt forced to do an illegal thing in tete $etherlautle, who beettuee slap rather than have the offices of the would ;toe rumour a her faith, was led church refused to them and have out hntween two Jesuits to be buried their bodies oast forth as unclean o"tial. Jraait dt'etor3 prerelied t.yran- things. The same theory is a plaus- niehle , and in the background of each thin one for the' sacrifice made by Sir g;rwot crime, the Murder of William J'oliu filaompsone7f his good reputa For these and similar -machinations Augelo. If danger were apprehended to bo hundreds of utiles away feet- u the .i nglish t:l,ntcft psr,snrtn.ge at d? Hcl t. ', siva z+iiia wl -against the public weal, one Catholic _ now from any Protestant source, we polling; piece at electiou times. A;, endaa of• o „ country after another has cast out the would oppose it. We support :equal all ovenen, they never take elections eser tiaey could nel, bat were, chocked` brotherhood of intrigue, which Pro- rights for all --Catholics and .Protes- into consideration when they are in their, career •o3• the eervant girl and,. testant Canada now takes to her bosons 'tants. But Protestantism, at least in wanted to bring happiness and eon a Son d'. Res lir.. 1tacey's •troaiing in and furnishes with the means of sub- Euglisb speaking countries, has &hang• solat on to their scattered fiool.s. Aud froth the lawn, '!'hitt'. matlogasd their ' t+erting her civil and social peace, ed greatly for the better -.in the last further, I doubt if there is a. single "sip° tierorr;;lt the ba 1. cl,lar, Swett Far from. having a claim to endowment; 150 years. The • Roman Catholic( Jesuit on any vows- 1 stin•tlais Province, xoung reseals.ei'ould be, 'fateaclecl to, jesuitism has no more claire to legal Oleurehdoes not profess to have either for Dominion, Protiinciiai or as we ba".,toe many of _them ..in protection than Thuggiere, nor was changed. We claim liberty of con- Municipal palpates. Yon will .see, Blyth for. a plenaof its size.--iiir. R. the' sacrifice of human victims to science, freedom of apeeoh, a fres however, Mr. Editor, that my learned Jones, of Seaforth, visited his family, Bowaunoe by the cord of. the Thug press,•free schools and an open bible. friends have an idem that some of'the who resole here, on Suurlay,--ler, U. more wicked than. the sacrifice ' of Pope Pius IX to his encyclical letter Catholic laity are Jesuits ; but I can Shane, a represenetive for the firm of human. victims by' the fire of the auto of Deo. 8, 186-, denounced in severe assuro them that save the .lay brothers 111alntyre, San 8' Cu„” of lMontreat. da Fe, or the sword of the Jesuit terms these things, and, the present that aro attached to each co,nmutiity' hewtikes hiin s .pori aat>arTti Charlie flndtt wars, to the power of cruelty and Pope has united with him in severat and who perform, 'the menial offices ahittl f tl 11 ntotl 11ou l perfidy whieh the sono of Loyola wor- ship as God. Already Jesuit ascen- dauey in Quobee is bearing'its.fruits. The old French Church of Canada, as g a dauhter a£ the National °limrcii of France, had always, been giiiet and unaggressive-; it . produced the usual effects of Romanism on national indus- try and prosperity, but it•.• respected the rights. of the State. Tho Jesuit comes; having- the reiteniug influences at Lorne in his 'favor, be courtiers, and at once there is trouble between tete Church and the State... In the An ericiiu Republic, the Uitremontane _ spirit., of which the jdsnit is the organ and largely -the author, is like: vise at - of his encyclical letters. Cardinal appertaining thereto, there are no lay ey, o , ae .tm• i Manning, speaking in the name of Jesuits. Now; let me answer the leaves shortly.for his holidays.—It°v. tete• Pope, said : "I acknowledge no question at tate head • of thin, artiolo, ,Mr, .Itaeey was in , Clinton legit week , civil power ; I am the subject, of no "who and what are Jesuits 2" The attending the funeral of the imfaiit prince; and 1 claim more than title, • Society of Jesuri is one of the orders dlaugltter of .Mr; Jahn_ Seaton.-nWm. . 1 claim to he the supreme judge and' within the bosom of the Catholic Sheppard, of .Iowa, was vieitixog m director of the consciences of men Church subject to her in every • way town lase week:—Miss Lizzie Drum - of the peasant that ;tills the fields, both os to their government,disoipline, mond left last week an„ a visit to Iowa. and of the prince theft sits upon the &e. They live in communities as far --iter, F. Jones i }on the sick list Stets throne ; of the household that lives es possible ; the Members consist . of-weelt.—Mise Motet has tendered het,• in privacy, and the. legislator that Priests and lay brothers. There are resigeation'to the trustees, owing to .> public.. lust jtage of what is right and wrmakes laws for kingdonas. I am sole, of coarse teeny students- who • have too many whetters. for hez to teach in ..' wiling. attached tlgeanselves to the 'Society',the jit,mior lees stsn� tat of tl,e Plorcovcr we declare, ailirtn, define, -'with the intention of beeioiariug Priests scttech--Mr. John •Jone. ,. of Clinton, and pronounce it to be necessary ; to and take their theological course tattler is..in town this' sFeter, -rxir. Pant salvation to every human Creature, to : the direction of the Scoiety, Their Malloy, of Brussels, wee in town ttu. be subje, t to the ,Romain Pontiff 1" ehtbject is to promote Christianity . as Sunday, ---'1r. will Powellwasin Clint 1 work preparing foi an attack on the —(Tablet, Oat. t0, 1864.) taught by the Catholic Church; let, by to Iasi wee d.- 111,. d: l3 •.erl,etl or 'public school, which will probably Trip these views we aro .unalterably foreign missions among the heatbett; Loudon, was ire Lawn tirii, week, ; 111•. farm the first ' ]rattle field _ of the' opposed:, Catholic Lyman says that 2nd, by teaohieg in their Colleges;R,_ Darker, of: I�Eaniilt ou, was in our coarsing eonaict." in tele Roman Ca,thelit tl.burohyhe has : 3rd by ordinary ,parish work, and 4th,' 'midst last. 'week.—Miss llrlaittie it It is this interference with polities, found safe' road.. Well, I should be by giving missionsthroughout the •visitiug-in town' title week.--11r..Hec• co as•to squelch religious, uteri and tiro last to ry roach hint. 1 can heard- ! country when mallett , upon • by the tor Bute, is visiting friends in town free institutions that we deprecate. ly• reciprocate Iris complimout as tot secular clergy, when •convenient to do •1 -his wee=k-' The Jesuits are as yee few in Canada. sincerity. When I reot a sincere, • so. On account of the rule of living in 11 We trust they never will have the devout Catholic, 1 can appreciate .cotnfnunities, their parish work 'is ascendancy in the Dominion. Ent we such, just as well as a sincere Prates- _ Mostly confined to largo towns and object to oudowlnent and inuorporation taut.. 1 can, speak with `feol•in cit of : cities. Having now • explained who acs giving them more power. The very respect not only of the Reformers, and what are Jesuits, 1 will say a few meats they have taken to secure the but of pious Catholics such as Thomas- words in regard to, their number,in endowment in Quebec are most ob- a-Itetmapis and the Marquis de Renty, Cunada, and any one of your readers I can adtrtire and venerate even Jesuits - who wish, cam refer to the Canadien. Such as Francis Xavier. Butrthis Almanac for 1.889 and they will find does, not blind my eyes yo the errors my figures are in the main . correct; of the systeine nor to the danger of In meter to ascertain the number. of liberty froneit as -a whole. 1- thank Jesuits its Canada, ,let . any one ex - you, Mr. Editor, for your kindness in .,amino the. above almanao seed by publishing these, letters .and I Indy say to © looking vex the list 1Iamfl R 0 Ole}ro over go that I shall probably not reply farther at present, as 1 do not think it ciesir« ontreal, Three Rivers, Aroh Diocese able to prolong our controversy to' an of Quebec and St Boniface, they will ses about 75 names with then. letters interminable length. 1 remain, S J after' them. ' These are the clread- W , I. Szioxmr. Yours truly, ' ed Jesuits. I might add that the esteb- lishtnent in Quebec city is.a sort of • refuge for aged amen inform members Who end what are .iOSumto P of the.ordeY $o lea,e although gk their mines may appear its the, list, they are Dsau Sure:-. In the controversy now not likely Capable of doing much harm. going on ftbout the Jesuits Estates Of course, in this list 1 do not include there seetns to be a ,great deal of the poor hu'inble lay btothexs :drove misunderstanding about tine much alluded to. Now about the number abused Order. In the pulpit, on the in the Province of Ontario: Bo fur. platform, in the press, and also in Sher examination as above, it will be private conversation, eve hear and soe seen that we have among us about a a great deal .to show tis that - a large bakot's dozen. Omitnious number 1 number of our Protestant fellow About ono for . each of tho -"noble citizen's are not very well posted - in thirteen," and as some are vary feeble Seaford); • Mr. John A. Wilson,. oft this town, has returned from the old country, lie was vas very successful at•Winibledon,: having won $226 in prizes. --A busi• - nese gnat's association has been formed in town. The_ objects of the associa- tion .ore to encourage ..well directed enterprizes and to promote the growth of the town in all its, interests and the extension of its - trade. To promote a more social feeling among business men,. to foster the strictest commerical integrity arming thaseetengaged ,in . the differ. - ent lines of business. To tithe action in matters where the general: gooneef business then is concerned -and where • individual effort is ,:power—less,-such as needed concessions in.freight, express alae insurance rates, shorter hours of business, immunity from s,dulter- "ted goods, short weights and men -- sures, eto. To prepares a list'of delin- • quonts in the neighborhood for pretec- tion only so they may no longer abuse the confidence of business then and evade the payment of their just debts, To ccllnpel the peddler to assume a portion of the burdens born by the; merchants.—Strattord won ,the la- crosse match. on Tuesday tin' nava, et 1lcaal7 of, Valois, the tion for .irate•tiigenco and con:;titu-_'regard to the nuns, objects,, mode sof and others amis.; away in the remote goals to one. tnr;il;:, of Horny 1't , the Gunpowder bonne lthoteledgo. But even sul)pos- life, numbers, ileo., of this society, end; districts most of the year, T think, Piet,:il�l,eartm the figure of the Jesuit im)g; hitt] to leo above ecclesiastical of the greatest orders in the Catholic the ;'noble thirteen" will have an Wroxetor. Who, political plotting the Bona of threats, ho ie.uot above feeling the Church. In order to facilitate my easy time °Hun watching, over the, Messrs Smith and Malcolm are • Loyola in ti.na mniugle,ct • fturtncial wrath of . a church which controls explanation, r take the liberty of most active, and prevent them • from gettitrg the umaehinery into their cupidity ,-a,nne tent+, scandalous hank. 'When it liken a large' majority of his quoting from the letter oi: Mr. John iulluencin&th° two millions of people. furniture factory, and will soon bays +r ruptev 401' a ,mercantile home connected elec ors.Feet �thn Gteort a Cartier s defeat' Davison, Master. of L" , fJ, L. No. 794 that are supposed to iul.abit this tub: it runnittdr.—b:lr Walker, who has . with ttt3t, Pi >tb jhj, last military veiled r rl tore Montreal astia ter tri ieg ti, published in.your edition of 2nd ofProvince Having new answered this taught in the public school . for many } Lennie indignation etg:tiust a August, and T lee;, to enure Mr. tncguentotts question, ;1•. hope those, of years has restgr 'd his position to these and has one of tate immediate The fact it; that the 13ririt,h constitti- Davison t1►at 1 t o so with all respect your readers who laevo imegir,c:d that neeept at p<lsition in the Prescott High dntt_,c, of their fall. It is net on iron and Government by majority is to hien, and leave no intention of talc, the Jnsuite wore a eon; of lay rolig o. &boot, Before leavintx he was made 1'rclteetmrtt QvitieUCC alone that the in tete last analysis nothing but :x ing part its tinct controversy, whicl, p -liticttl ti;lciet,y,.IM by, n few interest the recipient of many valuable tokens chair, •a against the Jesuits rest. Tin, farce where ecclesiastical servitude, appoaro to ha entminent between Anti- ei p,rtie . and • arto',,mtt,to to them- of the est -ohm -- which. lie wee held by Cathelie powers of Etirepea united in riveted by the plane and prualties jesuite in Last Filtrate Int the letter solves tho temente, title of defendent hie scholars and nisdm from Chet bible d ,tianZting the enlzpressaon of the alluded to so painfully by 141r. ntreter, refs+rred to, etre Y) -pays , In reMard , otter nem the enemy of eivil society °xi$ti;" to hitt (1 r, liitLrdonald'a) vote ids "the of ,the Clot '1'0 Church fnant outside class of whiclm 110 was teacher.—Mr. T' • Viae.. has pnrebtised the 'bankrupt • fuel gevernment. No Catholie ever: gatlaolic Lftytnart quotes author- house, wblch it is thought should a; ;vesico hurl in; uginar•y a,rgreesors, stook of ler Houston, of. Fordwich, act trims more devout; thitu Pal al, who by ities to show Chet some of the cover a nutltitioao of sing,. We do pia wilt now•breathe It is gene the ifl .oetits on the detail:, • • n ,