HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-09-06, Page 3RIVO;.P.14mOr Wi11ks H14.1,u.
turista nod Ignore/awe Store ar 'Solaifte
or x'llen Itahtts.
1 Indrat fascinating book on nettilral
311 tory,. "A. Frozen Dragon," is an ax-
lt atian of henotnenon that trout
i e often font in muutateitt streams,
ar up toward tl r s'nor't?, in deep poolt
and eddies: t
In one pool, oui1" which led tt 'direct
fall Of three feet, Feil re were siutubera
'of the richly tinted ittlo creatures, thit't
to have attained their position must
'either have swum up, the fall or gone}
around byaland. ,After catching It num-
ber I began to frighten the others to. seri
What they would do.
Soule dashed at the little fail attd (Us -
',appeared, while others darted over 'and
'swain clown stream„ $Sti11 farther 'up I
found the speckled game, until finally
the passage bee ,ams so (lilacuit that I `Nees
obliged to turn back. Inn the tillage•
'chanced to mention the subject to a
i'riend.who owned the twill on the sante
stream, and lhe•told me 'that the ahes'
ascent was a pnzzlit 'to 'lout, until oue.
day his boy called hint out to the dawn,
•where the, riddle was solved. The dale
was nearly four feltit high, and to relieve
ltlieiatteue..several auger holes had beat
.,'blared Ala ,it. alloitdng a. small stream of
water to jets fordibiy.outatul to go splash-
iutl down, Into the tciear pool beloW. A e
Illy irien{1'>iepproatehed the spot and look-
'ed through the bushes several large sized
trout were seen moving under the mimic
fall, evidently.'in great exoitement, 'and
dartingeinto Wes if enjoying the. Splash
nand roar of the water,
Suddenly oue of the fish made a quick
'rush that sent it up the falling eiream,
• so.that it inmost gained the 'topOut by
Ian unlucky turn it was caudit and
'thrown back into the pool, wltereitl'dart-
'ed away,. evidently much startled.
Soon another made' the attenilit, ' dart..
iug'at Mike the first, altd, then rapidly
'swimming up•tlte fall, but malty to meet
•`the fate. of its predecessor, • Thie Vas
.',tried a number of times, until finallyia
'trout larger than the others made a dash,
'mounted the stream, and -entered the
!round hole.
The. observers were almost ready tc
• • iciap their hands, but it was notsuccess-
Sul yet As `the water stopped flowing.
"for a moment, they saw that, though the
•athletic trout had surmounted the ' full,
'the hole was too small for it to pass
sthroughi and there the poor fish was
• ;lodged. The• lookers on hastened to re-
lieve it,•and found that its side or pec -
flash Income for 1888 ...... ,..
New Assurunet a Written in 1888
Aset'ts, as at 19(141, 1llst, l t*ili3.
?insurances ill to •ce, J an. 1st, 1853
Surplus, Deo. 81 it, 1888
i 1ilalMautll�M
......... t..x,x......,,...,,r R. ...$ 303,074 00
2,518,060 00
.............r..,.x....x5,3111,868 00
.... OOP .x 12,041,914 00
00,387 09
If yr*
Prompt Payment of Claims, ▪ Annual Distribution: of Profits, Guaranteed
Surrender Values, and Liberal Policy Conditions.
Gm:ma AcnxT.
•. • Wingham Ont
41as a most ornplete assortment of the LA.T4sT, OuuOICESP, anti
Mos O11.4.i tfnNG AItTICLES
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry'
• 'and Silver Goods,
Cream Cans,
t'toi fil fins were caught in the wood, but, S u U O i16 e;t s
by pushing the fish ahead; which 'you
may be sure t7hey, did, they liberated it,
:and it darted•away into the upper •pond. .
Isere, then, was the explanation. °Tlho
trout climbed the mountain by • swifon-,
: ilk Pails,
ltetl Heade Are Macy.
should like to 'metre my life, but I
would be coaside•red a had risk. 1 doubt
If any of the lir.;t citissiioaupunies would
accept me "
Those were the Ivi rdeof a big freckle
fao('d,re'cl inched lnt.ivi:lual whose usually
merry count—name; and abundant avoir-
dupois nuub' 1.iwn the picture of health.
"l,'Clhat in world should make you
a bad risk?" chorused a group of byatitnd-
The first speaker blushed tillhis cheeks
were as fiery a red Las his matted locks,
and then be answered softly:"My aear-
let topknot is any bane. It is quite bad
enough to hivite the sobriquets of 'brick -
top,' ,pinky' and the like, bat when the
insurance companies take a hand in the
persecution it id enough to shake a strong
Irian weep.'•
The aggrieved individual resembled a
consumptive as little as was possible, but
his's'upposititiota:l tendeney to pulmonary
;affections was the only ground for the
insurance hen's boycott. The medical
exaauirier of the /ceding life insurance
tonapany, who wee questioned as to the
alleged disparagement of red heads, re-
plied that it Out; largely imaginary and
'exaggerated, "It is a fact, however," the
'continued, ''`that red headed persons have
.generally thtal skins arlare, as a rule, of
'a delicate constitution. A pale, thinfaee
and a cowerii}g consumptive form are
'often allied "re a reddish complexion,
Light heir, and'especially red hair, often
seems to betoken scrofulous disorders, _
and its presence may prejudice superfi-
cial examiner;# +against the subject. It
is a fact that red headed persons who
'show not the smallest trace of pulmonary
trouble will solnntimesdevelop consume -
Oen in an al:nest iucredible—Phil-
adeiplaitt Record.
Pioneer Justice in 1lrioltigan.
A story that judge 'Reilly occasionally
"repeats when the subject of Michigan
justice is up for discussion, runs sub-
: atautially as follows:
When Gratiot county, Michigan, first
' began to be disturbed by pioneers, and
after it had its first justice of the peace,
a fanner named Davison walked three
mile's to secure a warrant for the arrest
of his neighbor named Meacham for as-
• sault and battery. To save the constable
1 a six mile trip the defendant walked with
the plaintiff. They encountered his honor
; just leaving this house with his gun on his
shoulder, and Davison halted him with:
"Squire, I want a warrant for this man
for striking me."
"I'm in an awful hurry," said the
ls1 squire. ••Comelo-morrow."
" ao'iu I la a hurry, and I'm going Oa
have a aising to -morrow."
"Meacham, did you .hit hire?" asked
the justice. •
A .d,:ev erythi g in the 154Srybbg line.
ming up the fa s, darting up the f0 M. , .
ing masses, and adopting every espe,.
'client to tuFcomplish their journey. For _ • •
'these 'fisli dSPECIALTY
their eggs high up I A ..•Y1�
• ^n +
stream, so that the young fry, when RAJ a
'hatched, may' not be disturbed by preda
°tory fish and other foes , living in the
wet waters, • .
Instuneee of Will rower. rR airi `111 anq Ptogritl, ®
Three iitories were told over after dare-
'Iner cigars the other day, showing the , •
power of man's will. •One was of a _ __Al
•youngofficerinthe English army, in) '
was peculiarly stubborn and irascible. '• •MOST CERTAINLY' WE CAN SUIT YOU IST
Ile hadbeen confined to his bed after a
'severe attack of the heart, and was'un-
'able to _.. ve. His physician 'asked one
• ;of hie fellow officers to aimed him that he J
would never 'get out of 'bed again, that oONsIi TING (7E` CAI�TADIA.N AND AMERICAN' t:
!he.. might arrange his affairs before �y1
±deatlh. When the sick man was t'gld ` WALL ,. PAP
.;E+�RS a 2 d BORDERS
'What . the doctor had said, he arose els , -
'bed excitedlyiaitd said: "t-willnever •(;tit , Out' Stool} isiraried, Stylish and Chewy, Beautiful,3
'up again, eh? I 'will walk'to the . doctor . ` • .
'myself and show • him." Ho atimped fe, L"'` '" I N D O W '► T IND S
ithe floor, winked &Melees ,the rehire and 3_J L`f 1J n.7
Veli dead. .
The other was about it sheriff out west,
Who, when arresting a pian, was stabbed
through the heart. He seized the man
'laythe shoulders, after 'the blade had
struck him, pressed hien to the _ground,
drew his •revolver, and deliberately.;
thrusting it clown the struggling prison -'
ler;s throat, 'palled the trigger at the in-
stank lie himself died.
The thirdlstory was regardieg- another
Ipkitti 'who +lues lrttnting down a thief.
ins naafi thetight; he had given his pur-
;sttd. the -slip, btat.;jftst as he entered one
' "Davison, slid you strike firstr :
t"Meaeeham, had you rather work for
Davison'three'days than go to jail?"
6sX0 3*
"I guess so," answered Meacham.
""Anel will thatsatisfy you, Davison?"
"Then make tracks for borne, and don't ,
I bothermeanother minute? My son has
just come in with the news that an old
bear and three cubs are up the same
beech, down at the edge of the slashing,
and I'm gong to have some bear meat if
. it upsets the supremebeneliaf Michigan.
Court stands adjourned at present"—
HUSE • D E C O RAT 1 O - - Detroit Tribune.
'?Nat'l? $crevtls.
It is astei'ted that the smallest screws
in the world are those used in the pro-
duction lif watches. Thus, the fourth
jewel wheel screw is the next thing to be
invisible, and to the naked. eye it looks
• like dust; with a glass, however, it is
seen to be a small screw,with 200threads•
. to the inch, and with a very•fine glass.
the threads may be seen quite clearly.
These minute screws are 44,060th of an
g��trg� inch in diameter, and the heads are
� U r' 1iSETTS' double; it is also estimated that an oudi=
4kloe r'of a atlroad,ar'the ofeer appeared ,
tittithebther. 'llhe thief instantly fired,
the ibiillet isenetrattng his pursuer's brain.
The otter, Inoue ver; 'returned the shot,
bainging his'tiiah telbe ground: He then
dragged himself ,rdeng.the aisle' of the
scar, firing as he crawled, ~rintii his, revol-
ver was empty. Ho was �Teatl, huvllen he
was picked up ri, second 'after ll a `ceased
'to-shoot.—Boston Gazette.
Wheat Are- "Morganatic" Marriages?
The terra "morganatic," applied to'
Marriages, had its origin in. an ancient
•custom by whlelh the bridegroom on the
.day after the wedding gave his bride a
sI morning gift—tnorganabe. In the case
of a nobleman wedded to a wife of low
.estate this morning gift constituted the
wife's portion, or endowment, and front
this gift such n arri:tges:took %he name
allorganatio .. The German law, oontinu-
;* frig this tradition, allows tlhe rnerabers of
;the reigning house and •certain noble
families to' contract marriages in all re-
>speot legal and vat{d, except that it gives
to the partner of lower birth and to the
?children no share in the rank, titles and
distinctions of the privileged house.
Such marriages have often been eritinetit.
Iy happy' ones .--oil Lafa
• of Lateen Design, Color's and Best Quality.!i
' owe ♦ two
1 • PAIN'S,
• C E!✓E . 1.,, •.
anclthe KIDNEYS
This combined action gives it worn.
derful power to cure nil diseases.,'
Why Are We Sick?
Because we allow the nerves to
remain wealcened and irritated, and
these great organs to become clogged
or torpid, and poisonous Humors are
therefore forced into the blood that
should be expelled naturally.
• (WILL CURE =mamas, PILES,
PENAL$ Wxtuarzas,rat utra.
isERvous DxsORDERs,
By quieting and strengthening the
nerves, and causing free action of tbe
liver, bowels, and kidneys, and restor-
estoreing their power to throw off disease.
Why auifer PInoua Pains and debut
Why tormented with Pilo a Constipation!
Why frightened overnisorderedItidneyat
Why endure nervous or nick headacbeai
Why have sleepless nights!
Use PAINf•S Carnett COtaroWt» and
rejoice In health. It is an entirely vegeta-
ble remedy, harmless la en cases.
Sold Ly all Thu eisea. Friss>8r.00.
Six forvt.5;po. -
WE1.LS. RICHARDSON 4 CO,,Proprietors,
xceilent l;nd Cheat+,"Tet nary. lady's thimble would hold 100,000
• of these screws. No attempt is everma le
ulz in z oo
Sifeks, Base Bail X3atev Balls
Everything g the 1 - k if 'e �'th of requisites, Stationery, Lacrosse to Coact theca, the method pursued in
determining the number being to place
100 of thein. n a very delicate balance,
and the numer of the whole amount is
deteriiiined by.'the. weight of these.
After being cdt the screws are hardened
and }gut in •frames�{ytibout 100 to the
frame, heads up, thus being doled very
rapidly by sense of touch instead "of by
sight; and the heads are then polished hi
an automatic machine 10,000 at d time,
The plate• on which the polishing is per-
formed is covered with oil and a grind-
ing compound, and on this the machine
moves them rapidly by reversing; motion.
--New York Star.
it Seems r$ey Do.
c� - Do horses reason? • A friend of The
t C 13 , d .f Competition 1' , Portland'Tianscript thinks his does. Tlo
determined to sell for t7ASTf AT O I� 13O' TO R 17L++ S drove him to a s4
a share of the patronage. Don't Forget the Place Opposite the Central Hotel, horse held bask his head in disgust, but '
Hips sewed gree in ,till Boots purchased fratn nle, • presently
v en his to teeth ook the
andy threw it from the
butter and eggs taken as cash :in exchange for goods. ' . trough. Then he held back his head and
waited for the water to run cleat,
It a - ODE RU f •1'rtsently he smelled of it, but not being
GVIl�t11Tt114ina ON., . satisfied he waited ttgaiiy and yet again
• Filially' he put his nose into the water
'.6.46.6*'EVP. and svvashed it around, apparently to
ALi bONIAt BALL. { slop out all iaapurities before he cotfsent-
`iC is °t to third t llt d � to drink. No how did the ors
In.addition o U ' aatatu ubInp$a a y U11I[ s t 1 it Qua ity Sizes
Owing to the late Boom T have made rooms for and have:on hand
A Large Stock of-----•
Ic k Alf MA OE and 0)
catering trough the
and am flet 4� t other day, into which some one had
Repairing as usual, ando etltent isatnllltatt a Speeitalty. 1 solicit thrown the stump of an old broom. The
When T say dnttft i do not mean merely to
stop them tor a time and then have them return
I have made the disease of
Alife long study. I w gltellr my remedy to•
Oirxitheworsteases. Beoauseotherahavefatied
is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send
at once for a treatise ands IrMRE BOTTLE of my
INzreLI,zaLs REAIED•$. Give Express and Post
Office. It costs you nothingfor a trial, and it
will Cure you. Address: B Ci-. ROOT M.O.,
Branch Office, 284"West.Adelaide• Street,
s :dl etli 111 iliV alt titiI hIrlii ttla ,de.I,iii lila . w l
i Organ, to voice Culture and ii►rtlnny.
Alvaro heti? int ?Mann* Stout.
wli� h horse
tin oei y int every t rt Monday
Mont) Visiting brethren welcome know that the water would rttn pure? It
This caautnodtous hall can be sutured tor enter_ have been tbe result of observation
tailtmonte., areply very kind at a Vety low, Equrn. XP"- and memory. A11 horses' kaon "enough
terme d[eof pto hrief inswotSena ni
:AIMS >;btlxit, to refuse to drink ilxipurkiwater. Hort revs ?Vee, tba
Clnaah�b. Milan. ....... ," ._ . WA UJE �a
'Pito !licee Bneci�3afu1 lrte tnedy ever Jia+
• covered, ae LI
is certain n its effects and
does not bunter. Read proof below.
Drt tr. J IieNimrt Co.. Enoaburgh rails, Vt.
GentIemett.—Ii'lave used Ken-
da2Ya Spavin Cure for Spavin;
and ds°inaeaseoflamenessanti
stifrJetiits and found itasure
euro iaevery respect. I cordially
rceotnntend it to an haractnon.
Very rdapettfufy yours,
Clients J. BLACK -tin.
Sr.'f'frOnIA5, P• Q., Atwil22 i8S .
DR. 8. J: itrp-oAt4 Co., EnoobnrghFalls,tVt
aenrs rI hav da]] a Spavin oCurro on my ccoIt,
'which. was sufferingfrom Laau-
- enza in a very batt iortn, and can
say that your Kendan'e spaMu
Cure matte compieto and rapid
cure. lean recommend It as the
best and Most effective liniment
I have ever handled. MIME. send
me ono of your valuable book's entitled " ATrea-
tise on the Horse." Years respectt'ulty.
I, P. WXmarsoil.
FORT ELTtCr, D1AN., ?day 10 1000.
R. B. J. iZe=Lr.Co . Euusburgh Palls, \tt.
oentlenteut— I atwaya keep your niudait'a •
Spavin Cure and Blfater on hand., ..
what yo t state they will do. i I
have cured a bad ease of Spavin
and also two cases of Ringbolt°
ofyearattanding on mares winch
I bought to breed from, and have
hetaoen anyaignS of &tannic in ee
their offspring. Years' truly,
Pitot $J. periicttle, 00 six bottle% 01, b ei
tient gt0 any Address on receipt of price by the
tprine.? re
Dai. D. JQ irENladLtt'Cbq EnOgbtlrglt rails, Vt.
SOLD Int' ALL J11tVi' mgrs.
_. snit f4evrtdst IitecttlIU
�a, S.j t
trade elestablish
parte tby�jt7y.
t. piecing ear praachinesJ, j
IR [ . tr end Made when, the Petrol* ten aeti
. •�": !,_' , .theft, we wnl nets rime loon.
�•.— • person (watch lortaity,the very
..6-...--:--7176....,6,6*.' rr best sert•Iag,m.ehwa made en
the werld,Wtth all the edgebnlante.
l wewhtateoaendfrrearomplete
•..M� rrI ' o �� laic of au, ceetly and tatuable art
.1 � 'I. a eefnplbe. In tatarawtl ask that y.0
!k!'.41 dll show whit we Bend• to these Who
t • ,lily rail et yeast borne.and alter
' Monthsir shin bec,,ie Vont- eerie
i 1 4
r 4:1,J �e arhiea
i 5 .ma atfty Thts �tln is
!��' + 1 �. made 1&. the out:
DT p4drnti
.... - Whiehha6eranout: ap�lrlh
nlneFNtaetdibtdAA wf1lithe
�'"�„� ata obrnenee, and new *ells Al,
Ad Moai,eein"ineenwtTta eb,IA1
nose. He tomtit noosed. P1alo,
ran. That. wbe Write to ua at ono. tante-
best eawtntl m,ciIte an the world, and
kI .I Most ,hwlitAft r .
u.. ... _ __ . 1,1heYY►•