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The Wingham Times, 1889-09-06, Page 2
tIi Eitt� �• 1 ItIDA•Y, SEPTEMBER , ,.889 ..14IXTOliIATt 1'1'01% 8. 'pnrx leteyt estimate puts the'i4iani tabu crop at J2,00Q.0Q4 bushels, war iu the United 1$tates that. her wont on the Continent for the Eaglisb RLritig• and . stopped the train. Tl tree iutt;rests lay in allowing the colo. government niay be Helpful. ladies ct.altat up liud kistisd the depth Des to seek their own advancement The prt•eniiueuee of school instruo- lug one, aild while the slwet+tneiltt te. Et halLatt5 --IS LI 15 in their own way. This was the gas- +lett in Prussia for the last Miff the ost:ulatiQ1u1 and the colldtnt:tr r' lel of Edmundmindere Berke, and its full :Century dere itis report unustuilly kind teetiou still liufiered about ill th recopuition eaten) when England abol- tiligrestive. 0110 of the fell,: points air the train resumed its oom° lazed her colonial tariff` policy, and bo was ittetructed to observe during southward. Tide,tatiou 4+111 10 111111even.. permitted certain colonies, *Biel his investigations was the status, the diva of the cavaliers, wheu _ were foolish enough to resort to the training, and peusiouing"of teachers; wouuiu's lightest wish is law, supev'stitiona which she herself had and as a type of the trnii ing received, discarded, to levy liroteol:ive taxes the course of a flttiug or normal f4500,900 TO LOAN.t upon her exports, 6011001 in Saxony is described. Ti e On Foreland Town Property at eery Lowest irate IT ie a utlloritatively stated ilia e ;Every ;British statesman knows that course taste six and nifty require seven (ooderhain tb Worts, Toronto, halt I+.VNItX 1''RIDx1.X MOIt4 -AT TI s -- x d TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPH1 r Wrivi?EY,+ a WINGIHA1VI, - OZ`i ARIO. " Sufiaerjptionprloo,$4n4+r ,AnenvrzaoW . e.uvease n lidxFat -. - sold their .distillery to au gttg1isln syndicate for.,$6,0QQ,000. Tan office of 'Superintendent of Education and the I',ofird' are to be abolished in Manitoba. and education pieced under the care of a itflnieter of the Crown, Mi• Chia, M.A.ogcNZIE, brother of ;`pn.Alex Mackenzie, has been chosen tas .t1ie - Reform candidate , in Wes ) atubton, for the seat vacated by the death of Hon, T. B. Pardee, A MEETING of railway experts war field in ,Qnmilton the other day to $'pronounce upon the cause of the aeoi- deut at the Hamilton Y. They con- cluded that breakages in the train. machinery eausec} the accident. But what caused the breakages is what the Public are most interested in. Were they the result of negligence or did , they come from unoontrgllab'e air• cnlnstanees 1 Lord palwerston,eaid 1!I•r,Gladstone , the other day in • a •gepitil , reference to his .old age, is, the,. onlyF11een,.who ever attained to the `rank of ;.Prime Minister" 6f this c onntry that ;I have , not already outstripped and left be- hind me. And the :distance between Lord Palmerston.,and .Thyself :s tow so short that if .my ,days, be prolonged ,,� but to a small extentr'Ile,:vxould be ill the rear and I in the ` front.' Lord Palmerston, eats horn Oct. 2.0, 1784, and died Oct.; -1.8,. 1865. M. Glad- stone. was born Peg. 29, 1809. To be;leyel.;with :.Lord° Palmerston be has only,.therefore to live till Deo. 27, • °'.1890 ' , Soasr months ago Rev. Father � - t1' 10 fltyn offered to forfeit $500 if it volzld be proved' that it'wasan essential .• of the Jesuits' doctrine that the end justifies the means. The challenge was accepted. by Dr. Hulbert.- Twat Protestant srliitrators were appoii;ted, Principal MaoVioar and „•Professor Scrimgour, and • two J Jatholio, Rev. Fathers Jones anile ,oherty..ee- A meet. ing was heleciately toy appoint a fifth, and the name ,of the Rev. t. Clarke Muri'av LL.D.,'Glasgo`cv, Professor of i?:liloaotghy in McGill University, was F,ien,tioned: • The' Oatlxooie arbitrators pla'i'mt d�it judgd'•df their own faith, and roils agreement 'could be Cottle te,, so c'tfiat the controversail contest is not ' keiy to take place'.' An En,iglitenea Poiiioy. Polled Angus and Galloway bulls, •quality of the training staff, the two 1'ho cry,that Britain 'walled not 01 ewe stallions and 60b brood mares, Years' course of stric4 professional aw Canada to miter into a free trade Tee males are imported, the mares study — theoretical and practical, alyangenxent;'with tete United States, were chiefly collected in Ontario,altt,on h or en to the charge of being i /no foundation. to rest upon. The There is now accommodation provid. ftish people`long ..Since recegn1,zed . ed for 500 horses and 6,000 cattle, rt?ie fact that the trua and indeed the shedding for over 80,000 sheep and in1y safe policy is to permit the colo- ' $,000 hogs. There are now over 200 fries to promote their own interests, hands employed and the further de. and do the best for themselves; Iii velopnientof the scheme will involve eta days a different view was enter- the importation of over 5,000people tained, colonies being regarded as so to .be nettled on the company's lands many trading posts at -which the mer• next year. They,avill be dotted down chants of the` nether country were all otos cottages will be built this entitled to an .exclusive monopoly summer, twenty acres broken and im- to return, a discrimination was made- pleinonts provided, and el.a:Chas and in the British markot'in favor of colo., schools .built. This is a very big nisi products. But this system died scheme; involving a large expenditure of money and its- workings will be watched with Considerable interest by the half -section farmers of Manitoba and the Northwest, who, as a rule have very tench more faith in what can be done 'by the investment of it good ileal oi' skill, industry and indi- vidual eliterprise, than in the farming mammas of Capitalists. AN Oil TOMS to aµlf borrmK ers. ,Canada .wolial be benefitted by cure- years. ,As the gos ern11ent (free) MORTGAQE¢ PiJaQHA$ER NO QOMMISSION OHARME striated tl'ade.iyitb the Jutted States. schools are not above what corres, ,steals°torr, onµ obtain money hi 6 days it 11r• uohn Morley likens it to Lis being ponds nearly to our grammar gl't1,de, li, VANSTONE, t BOWS). B OCk, l Ingham taken into partnership ley the Barings' • the course includes all academie as D, or the, lothchilds, Sir `Ilona$ Far- well as professional course.. To the •MONEY TO Z, TI?• rex, formerly Permanent Secretary of training school is attached a practicing rd of Trade, says m a recent school. XII this school. the students 1101, CORPORATION OF TOIE TOW1'SIIIP 0 y 1 ,ort . P e,Appi o,.• - the xso work t urn the practise Of tea4,hmg JgugaslrtFol�tdinius aIy x3000 to loan On AL that ell n instrt t.iop they receive in - P. MoLAI1EN; or WM. MepllERSON, two pee Rees which rattly not .have Tr. TREASURER, Waighaut. Bost; Olonfarrow: of tarifle, and tet - rn' t ; . , all twenty-five scholars. iv Ingham, leas natural channels throughout the Con-- - Their hours in class may not ex- t tinent to their ,n utual advantage, need thirty -e4 a ween; not counting Mone�J to Loan ' on Notes. .What would Scotland be to -day bad the time given -to =site The mot- her tariff war with E.liolat,d lasted to tern of instruction are religion, Ger- tho present tinnq And English ratan language and literature, Latin, ,&T REASONABLE RATES, and economists are equally geography, history, natural science, Ione advanced n cent. well aware that Britain herself aR'Qilld both descriptive ;and theoretical ; privilege of puyi g on u©te tri i uuyp�oar. ('Notes benefit by our prosperity. Even it arithmetic, 'geometry, pedagogy, and accounts cunectcd. we put our tariff against her goods up including pyscliology and logic, music, - EO$T• Plopt1000.. to the A,merioaijcJevel we should be writing, drawing,,r and gymnastics, OratuE,-Beaver Block. Winghaw, Ont. able by reason of .our greater progress A.11 of these •are obligatory; but,. . - and wealth to hay :more from her titan after the first year, students of proved ' ll YOLl,�1111's wedo now.' Tit* .character of our incapacity for music are no .longer - imports .from her would doubtless taught it, One-third of the teacltin�r REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSIiR- un Iergo ikaban;e,•but the aggregate staff of the training 8011001 may be 'ONCE AGENCY, value of .thein would ungiHistioi:ably aistinguisbed elementary teachers Orrice, : Ptagrr's BLOCK, WINGHAM. be larger. Our people could then without university, the remaining Private funds to loan afford to purchase luxuries which two-thirds being university graduates, A number of Building Lots and Residence proper . they grq,,npahle to purchase at present; but this proportion is never to bo ex- tlegforSale. and- ,.1111 the end, 1p110 can doubt it? 'seeded.Those leen tomakeithomein winlhamshould needed. There are half -yearly .exam coon in ea fifth, or apply in person at my Mee, 'Free Trade would be established be- inatiuns. The six years' may be where all necessary information can bebtaoined. tweed the three countries to the im• lengthened by one year for a student - mense benefit of each and. to the good who is deemed not ripe for the leav• BINK OF HAMILTON, of .zinanitind at large. Theeyes of ing examination, which comes at the v IN 4H A M this generation may not behold that end of the ' course ' At the end •of Capital, $1,000,000. Rest, t 00,000. grand consummation, - but the first the course the •studrarit undergoes pace. 1 I yr, 10 nun. I. 3 mo. 1 1 mc. Ono Conium V00 00 80D 00 I '20 00 {�a 00i Ilia; , " 05 00 20 00 12 00 It 0Di/ Quartet " 20 00 12 00 f 7 00 { 4 Oa Wm Inch 1 5 00 3 00 _ 2 00 I 1 _C4 Leval aid other casual advertisements, Re. per line for first tltsortiun, And lite. per 'Meter each subsequent insertion. Local notices, in nonpareil type, 1Oo. for .Past in. $,mien, and 5c. par Ihne for eaeh subsequent inyertion F No Ictal notice wili be charged tvss than 26o. Advertisements of Lost, Food, Strayed, Situationo4 and Business (Thames Wanted, not exceeding a line, nonpareil, el por mouth. Hoses and sarins for Salo, nob oxneeding $ lines, el for that month, 50o. per subsequent moth. . These arms will be strictly adhered to. $petal rates for longer advertisements,. or fO,f, longer periods, Advertisements without specific directions, will bet inserted tilt forbid and charged accordingly. Trim., sitory ptiveetisumetts luust bo paid in- advance. Changes ter contract advertisements oust bo ani the owe by Wednesday noon, in order to appear; that week R. ELLIOTT' PRorntRroR Axe PUntrellna Notes Discounted nted step towards it, namely, the establish• examination for office. The ex- Provident—JmiN STlrnn>e. Vloo•Prtrsidcit—Hoe. Elites ream. Went of free trade between the two amination is both written and DI ECTOn,S branches of the race on this collo- oral, and turns upon the work of I A. G. RAi9A; JOuN PaooTOR, 011Aa. GURNEY, GEO. nent, is being hastened by the irresis- the student's course in the training . Itonou, A. T. WaoD. bale logic of facts. --Exchange. school, If the student,asses he Cashier -J, TURNBULL. receives a certificate p Savings Bankhours, to to 8 t Saturdays, 10 to, of ripeliPaS ' 1, DeNoeits of $y and upwards received and interest A Gigaatio Farm Syndicate. and is now.gnalified to serve as as- allow, Epeeist Deposits also received at current? ,A exchange says: Sir Jolih Lester sistant in a public popular. school, or rates of interest. a as aprivate teacher where his war Dar d'tson Great Britain and the United States, Kaye, of the Canadian Agricultural, b bouglitandaola. out west superintending the details of P0PUlpr•school instruction (grammar MEYER & DZCIiINSON, a monster farming scheme. Their grade). After two years f service someone.lands, with an area of 110,000 acres' as assistant, the teacher turns to comprises in eleven farms, with a the'training school and presents him - frontage of fifty mites along the 0. 1?, self for the examination fo�P- .r defini- R. R, were. selected last year by an ,'five :posting, :This „examination - is English expert, bought mostly by also hoth written i and . oral. ' Mr. English money, and are evidently Arnold attended such an 44ami.nation meant to run on old`country methods, •au'd 'heard candidates` examined in One half of the capital now being ex- ;religion, msisic, C;ierman language and peuded has been raised in Shazes. of ,literature, the history of education the company, the rest by debenteees, and pedagogy, psychology, logic, and and excellent buildings eregted; of school law. In general, Mr. Arnold :first rate British ' Columbia timber remarks, that instruction is. better in were last fill put upon all the farms. 'foreign schools; because the schools L'al,'aonir, toe parent farm which lies 'are better organized and the teachers Coal and -Color ization Company, is has not to go' beyond . the • limits of - $ WILLSON, AGENT: two ataiso is east from Regina, has 'letter trained. 'already bean some years kinder oilitf•• Only such leachers are eligible 'to ,vatior; and en that and the:, now position as possess certificates of =