HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-09-06, Page 1,.•.w.w,n..wwr',..Ir.rvM. MSM..+.c.I,. 0.1M.- oiWti li i 1li llli.4 ii.4.1, Ir,,• VOL. XIII a. ---NO 85, LOCAL l7WWS. •-Wiugham Distr4 meeting of the Methodist church wi be held in Brussels, on Tuesday, Sopt,1 lib, -,00iton has deck ed to have a town park Mid will short y vote t4 on a by-law for 88,000 to purchase he totem, -Danoarx.-;Only 2 baby oarriagee left. Will be sold cheap for cash at S. Grueey's, G. Spa rug, of this town, has :vowing is his g en a sunflower, on whioh there are 6 heads or flowers, - 4SIr, dos, .Cies( shipped two car loads lit of cattle from tit •,,G. T. R station,hore op a" Thursdayfor•tho old county market. Y --A oonvontior of the Dominion Alli aorto for the Total Suppression of the Liquor'] Traffic w 11'Ito held in Toronto on the 12th thud 1&t'i insts. -70 learn tacit Mr. !s. H,', Jou; ;Xtina, prepriotor c the late Brussels .Tod: • t;laiaa'g000pted 1, position on the editorial Staff of the Brat timid paig Telegram. ' • -Mr. 3. C. I.iinkiatcr, of the Ganaavogue High Schoal,-an 1. Well known in this town and vicinity, has been appointed Elder oto " the Presbvterip, L church of Gauauoque, a ---Written op dioatior for the office of oolleotor of the town of fngham for the lrt Yeat, sill be revo by the clerk 1llotela next at 4 o'clock p. m. ,lieaut4te• ` wto salary. ' 1 Ih is tsf it aped that Children's Sun- day intirbe fir. yteriauchurch will bring out parents an others ititorestod in the • 'spiritual welts, a of the young, the 'hope of the church• nd't);e world. 444 . ''/ ', T'.'rt;: I.. {/'-1 .••.a it YY ul /' ).iFRIDAY, I• 1. NT , M- I,1. 1'%'Iln' RIDA Y, SEPT MBE 6; x.889. , --Curtain poles for 49 eta at S. Gracey's, -•-I,uokuow Caledo games will be held ou Wednesday t, 11.th inst. Our thanks are duo the so 'oty for a, oomph- tueutary ticket, , -Pruitt, fruit, "r if peaches, plums, p , eppies, or any kiud of fruit call at th tauran t, u an o w t a c b polos sty Res, HILL. -Parties ilia444 l'` fat" preservfttg -Watermelons, huckleberries &a, at Should loo' a .., :• as at Mclielt'i~e'j. MoKelvio's. t -Anyone senili us' scents can have -The 0atholi tate Turn. sent totheir address -at homepicnic at St Augustine or abro --for the balance of this year, ev tho 4th'last, w s a grand success in every respect. --I' =ahem,. cents to 361.40 at. R• hissttiiiioeititioustendency to pulrona affections was the only ground for i red thitr week with'_ fu8ur•u c , , i e men's bo -rat . } 3 t Item edf in, web will do. ' ,d i emits"`, our'' ' - ., ni w, " tivecl animals. Thai -A. public Wessling i t inoardiae, last ' , . • Trues has a large oircilation, and a small week, asked that a by1 toy be submitted to -Hu ob 1os and grapes t the City advertisement n it costs but little.. the ratepayers grantini a bonus to a stave Ieoatau ant. IIILL,. -As we go to rose the races aro going - foundry of .67,000, ervicers prelim nary 't ix;;.solemn A. number of goo 1 horses are here. A 111X. Thai. Bell shi 'ped to: a gentleman ordinance of the la's Supp ' re conduct:- full report will be liven next weak. in Morden, Manitoba, +ho is engaged in ea by tho fl tv. !jt'r. amsay , i ,• rite Pres-• the undertaking .busi ,spa, on Saturday byteriitip church cm riday, 80th ult. - Go to chesoly e's Star Restaurant rant for Plums, Peaches end Peals. Fresh arrivals last, a splendidly mat .had teats} of black To flhl'v . •-The se cud and third fiat' o£ every clay. t• horses whioh Mr. }well a £route 1 t11ding'on Jo>}ophirle street, near purchased in Boli, facto -The Tuxes will be sent from nava till TeeeWator. 2 rY• ••Antomber of good rooms. Apel to Geo. Thomson, Zetland mills, _ the end of the year for 25 cents. Send for -Fon 80 DAss.--Ll• run ou sideboards,..box 5, Wiugi arbl. orcall ane subscribe. bedroom suites and tables. Be sure and _,Tho C • linton +7csa•' Eta says call before purchasing elsewhere and see ys the -There are a Gro t many people' who toy stook and prices. S. Graney, furniture the rumor is again , lived . that judge send a,aopy of the szas to friends and dealer, Wingham. Store on the Maio Doyle is to be transf- : d to the county of pay pol;tago;r They. fifty-two coots in street,.direotly opposite 112re. Herdsaltan's Carleton, and his pee lou in thio count este ej and, oir trouble f and T. A. Mill's, tiVingham, y P g o fl ty two filled by the appbintw.ent"of - tar. F. W. times, the paper alw ys goes several days Mr.. John Bathed rd, bookkeeper at Johnston of Goderic after ublication. D he Uniot1 2aotory, an wife, intend going P 'paying up the sab- le .m9lfne of.tnoture" 4irames at 25, soriptim4ricethey;a a saved both •post- ta the old , ountry d ring this month: 3v, 45 and 65 ceute, .A specialty of picture age ` and'' trouble tic the paper loaves They will' sail by th ' Allan lipo. The and wreath frami:n,g, any size or style, at pro •tly at the hour 2 publication: ' journey 1s made fort benefit of Mas. 5 G ors. I t,i Ruther£ord's health, • Several left oq the C P' •excursion to -On Sunday morns last, a little after • -TIMED Novazx anftoUa on Tuo a a four o' oris, thefre rm sounded and Nov -morns. A Ivan who neve) , y 1 t . • Anion • . , t was x w soon discovered those ofh t fi to]cl as war a ra the o f hewomana Dir "x woe . a vii oat tongue never ' kaon gt going and wife,• got the better of her j dgcuont, and a man of Brusso1s ;-.IVlrAitr.6trgng, wife and eon, of t Jas i31e in ainouple 'of Bt bseba lerly, ep the rope vwhb can publish' a n shaper 'to ploase of Morris, a'nd Mr Nom Cants, wife and, y, esti side of everybody are the thr e social white ole- children, of East Wowepas'h,' osephine street. Tho 3reman were soon . phants tyhfch'vao>Zld }satin parts iii, -The brick onst the spot, ate ammo:wed in getting the g >' ix k work '112r tiiC-,T ae,under control. in t short time and the circus of the wools. confined it to the. built ings in whioh it started. The building's mlongedto Mr H W C Meyer, and Mr . 'as Shemin. The loss will be about 4500,'sartly covered °by insurance. lI 1'1 Ca 11 an -We have been 1 several showers of much good. WHOLE NO. 199 Monday last to ; rosecute his studios Antler Mr Smith, an i itimate acquaintance of the i}amily. If *leasing manners,'vint and punctuality ente 'as factors in worldly sac. cess,, we augur a noble ,future for our •`ou' frie 1 -. t1c >S. r?Newman, y of:C,}stew el, t1' was in town on Wednesday,--.-14Irs Jamb `Large, of Listawal, is visiting rel:ttivrq at "e town.• -,-Misses F orilla, and Louise Spar- ling leave "on Si•nrltty next for Whitby, where they antes=l taking a course in the Ladie8' Collggo - -Miss kI Hole, sister to Mrs T' A MjIIs, returned from Britfslx Columbia on t5at'rday.--Mr John Deddt, of •Seaforth,vtfas'siting in town this sleek:**'' -Mr M MoVklening, is visiting in Wing T -- Icam at prese4.-11r R 0 Sperling was in London this week, Mra Bohn Gregory, of Manitoba, le visiti g her daughter Mrs Geo Mason, -Mr T 11 initiator returned from Manitoba on Pride last,. -Matte,: Prank Halliday has tone' o Detroit, where Ito has scoured a situation • n the I;arnurn Wire WorksCompaCry. - r Todd, of the Clio - ton News-Reeorc faszred the Trues with a - oall on Thursday..-k;s - Tbos Agnew is Visiting relatives in the vicinity of Ot- tawa; -MrsA MoD. hold, of Rincardino, is visiting at Mx ID .M lordon's, this towu. . ¶retro council. Tho rogt`ilar mthly meeting of the town counoi1'',t*I1 d on Monday evening last. Prose - nt T mayor, reeveeve and Councillors Messrs , Williams, Brooker*, shire, I•Hemuth, Agrtw, Holmes, Cline and, Dawson, Mae minutes of last meeting= - read and ti;ylproved, • The il, act :° Co_amittee recommended the pt e of th, following. accounts C. Barberork n streets and park, o)5,t.62;- D: ;11IoR , do., $14.07.: G Wolfs, do ' el 2sG0 • ' 7 G2 > oo , Moore, o a , Geo, Hughes;do, 0.75 ; M* Bisbee; do,• 615.3$.; Alex Inglis. do, 00.3a Jas Moo - manus, dos115i.1 , rhos Moore, do, '113.13;° :Alfred Gra. .. Y: T, do, i¢7.50 ; '<Y Doyoli; to., 113.75 ; d. Walker,. ;ravel, 363.36 ; P `Mar- den, work at pound; 3134.3 ; 5' Billingsley,. r poo pgx l?3 ; grey loeung & •Spttrlin , teaming gravel, x$3.6 ; T "Hughes, tdbminp,', t2;.: it Eliiotti, pri icing, X22.24 Wm ' - Moore, cedar .jjost8, 06.50, Tito' 'recom nlondatiou of the ootnmittee strati adopted and the accounts orde -ad to be paid.` After considerable direussios as to the purchase of a graveI pit,; it we oved by Mr Wil - hams, seconded by Mr Wales, that the. - committee appointed this., council for the purpose of procuri a gravel soit•be authorized to.buy such - pit as they cleans necessary, the prig no to exceed u7O0 Carried. kr Willi ms 'aid iio had been • informed that the town was in need, of .'. more hose. The Fire nd _Water Com- mittee were instruatec , to examine the - hose and report: to • he .council. l%tr.' Jormyn addressed the %ouueil in rogard to poundage fees he had p Lid for his cowl she having been put in pod while on the street, having broken of of the pasture,- Mr Wm Diamond also addressed the coon- oil-regarding oun-cil=regarding his hors being impounded, it having broken ou of the pasture.: Moved by kr William seconded by -fir Gregory, that Me Jert yn's poundage feoti be returned. -Bost. 0 action was taken in Mr: Diamond's e. •;Oa motion' of Messrs Cline and Will ams, the clerk was instructed to•a22tvertis, for applioaticne for tho office of collecto,, bf taxes for the town of Winghi.m for the year 1$39 ;•ap- plicationa to bo recoiv up till 4 p. no. on elondtty, Oth inst. ;tis .ocunoil then ad- journed till Monday e •suing, 9thinst. presc o- pp Cheap•Iiarvettt•& ourtions will bo run bk theGrand Troa& Railway ou August. l2 r0a11 l1n1 ,September 8 o',itTiertrnbpaer ,r and2E th, from Vi a. g, • Glenboto, Deleraine, Saltcoate, Moose aw, and Calgary. at . Special lowwfares. See ppsters and call on. W I3 Towler or.A C abrittlydeo, C•r T R ttgeuts, Wingham, for full particulars, free •'Colonist births, e&c. ntcttc tettneryhas bee; • completed, and the -Perhaps it may 11 Ip some housewives building present r a, find• appearance. to know that ono can- grate hor)te-radish . Worktison are'husil engaged fitting up withottt:vory badly afieting the 'eyes by ` the intetaor,-and.wh n it is completed Mr Ch man •' ratana w11IlZ 1 ro0 aGxnf ut fdye g g o r file Place it on p . of the most cpm- the hearth and open '4ae front stove doors.: Pieta upper leather a d sheep ekin tanneria$ Also pepatel (thione an the same way.. In country. •t,• • t.. Try it; you will dud i frogr,ca holp,to your o -Vire learn that _ far of Ilonluth ck eves, : f • ' ••• • lauohanan„boot a oh :and harness TitroArch., .I YP Y o£ B•el, ° • Webster; re iihe gohoory.: -A t this period of the year, wltett!:ther , - f h, ` F;' rs, lias been lvef lav Homutl grave, awl 11'f ly.w ix; r i' t . ug the. burin o'hanant :wo <• le more Wel:nose ' *is std ; ever other, y of eysta intend' R . .• :, t1i ;;#:Bf6n,;llae •'l nsl, t :n I.?axl*de;lti ' td, , oFv'h iii u at: '. , ti ,. t a a ty Tier time this pear, ry w%}L: c ` r c' : ' Uu14auoss of 11Ir, No >zlirent of •Windsor, nib ? s°l?ustne`s'g”"L o ap ryisitizen shoo 1 exercise 9, personal and taken ossessi r. e axe so o lase sue . on sMrBuohanan p M T ylor is an a interest in mainta} ing perfect• ele'aniiuess hat Is Win 's. lass is Parkdale's r •' 'about his an It is in, the. interest energetia acid rehab itsiuos 7 l,• man,. and • Oat wgha of ovary otpirizen an his family • to mini- his many foienol•h' a will wide him silt= gena., Mr Buchanan wi,l not leave for his xnize as.far as pal `ibl8 the chances of oessin 1?ais.uew hht re. 'w.. • • new home, for a few vsekt r• a 5 .. sickness and, disco e. Art rex i'ts yq Ifs itnewspaper Buyers are advi; ed tblcaution'tbe fat - were to;run down o town le which it is niers against mixing tlleur old barley :with Ilarriaton 74i vie: George• Bradley,_published, how so'. would everybodytnd the new. 'Boole fm r•iiers may have old baker, late of Win tam, and' brother of bu Sohn and Adam Br cloy, of this town, has it out and how q ickly would they be'barley on hand, aid bey may be thought - purchased this hwk. g business from Ales, Cricking the editor & thero • first mood. But less enough to mix, it -;with the now pro - he Gerrie. puff s torsi day after day and duet ; but if they do • they will make a ,'Irvine, of Gerrie, a took possession on•, r" Wednesday, and s he •is not only a snag its praises it seven different Iap- serious mistake. Tim mixture wile not =thorough practical siker but' good ,liusi- gouges, 1611a "some people never seem by malt and therefore v..li not find a; market. • tress man, there is 10 doubt'but that ho know it; think 11 'thing bas been done dm•& 'can grain buys detect the mixture anyway. 'Fat as'a matter of fact no sin atonco' ' mereject it, Sud thelocal buyers "r .Will soon build up' .large business. • gle thing b gius to _work as much for a will be co gelled to :o the same. •-.While' am prepared to furnish all neoesa iii ey for funerals, and attend per- •nonalt<v {zg'1ght or clay) where, my service areteti•utrgd, and will he undersold ' none, T.wish it c1}stinotly understood that T'have np:adv:utsse agents out enquiring after deaths.•as.is being done by some in this town as I consider such actions untie• coming in the undertaking profes don. 'I will not couclt'ie :Ipy business on any such principle$. S. Gooey, undertaker, on the main street, Wingham. ' -Thera iso, gree t deal of sickness ins 'town at present, . ' "hero are no oontagiouti diseases, such as foyers or diptltoria, we are led to believe, out most of those who 'hate boon univol_were vitiated with n cholera. Meagre. o1rainps •or Canad: John. Noelauds and rrfltgned to their 111 Both aro now able t Peter Tfinklater is a well asi4i:r. T. »H. boon sick for some t •eaforth Brownie ttfat•Mr.,, ohn I,yenp, awarded the contra _ for the erection of neva town hall in W!rgham. It is a ten thousand dollar • jot- and the Wingham people could net'ha o placed it in bettor hands, as ariy work lir Lyons undertakes Ile always does well " The .11hpoei for has been misinformed a to the contract being awarded Mr Lyons. His tender was the lowest, :bat as 'it-reatly exceeded the amount appr opriate 'for the work, the contract was not ldb. - ilex. Ross have been nee for some days. bo around again. Mr to on the mend, ,as Liuklater, who have 1110, "We understand of Soaforbh, ltas been Laxu Tnxvst. T steamers United B Ontario are now run from- Sarnia and `i it c tt}•akest and moot. Btren and S po pie 17illttth, etio„ ma fug all points in the. Po.0 flo Coss% 1o'vresb abnlgloi a , e ata., ott1i en irtdl," • 444. a staunch, palatial pita, Campanili and tug twice each week cardine,•forming the root route for Lakes ports, Port Arthur, Mose connection for rn Itates,Mauitoba, all information, iiin fares, freight Slaatiten,. town's prosperity''=k its newspaper,' - • -•;i.n exchange says :-Many who drive n.162onday •e*ouing last lily J. d, ylo not understand tilt the law ..gives the Anderson and; a voral members of his the. right of wcor to the pedes. family returned f m , Melita, Manitoba, tritth. A tnan 0 when who is grossing whore they halve b en for some time. Mr.. t ,e 'street at o, reeilar crossing is not Anderson speaks i, glowing terms of the o igod to look out fo- tbe person wlio is country, and say that notwithstanding in the team but -the person driving , ' g . , p u d >, mg. the dry weather a perieuced in the section ;l, tans care not to jostle or 'ineom- of country in whi his land is situs e• a person walki; g.. That is law and the drops will be f ily up to the averal;r, _ on.courtesy as 7e11. How frequent - It is•expected the t as soon as tb C'anadi ly do wo see teams d ow up at a crossing Pitoific Railway Company definitely locate and pedestrians ;mu de to .paps around the station at Melte, the placb will soon thorn,; . `" o - • - assume largo praprotions, as there areOn • Monday Ino 'ling, "'i ,Ir Thos Bell great numbers waiting to locate there, started his furuitu e factory after a 1s anticipated that 1428- lapses:2 about,eiphb - weeks, caused by the of 2,000 inhabitants. factory being partiai•y destroyed by Aro. --Important c angels in the paroei post . A new frame yuildc'- g, two, stories high, service took effe t on tho lab of Scptem• has been crested anciother improvements bar. The rates on parools posted in Cart- have been Meade It sew boiler and a 50 ads and addres d to the United Riugdom horsepower NV nelo -k engine have been or Nelyfomidlan't are as follows : Twenty, put iu and the saili its for turning but Jive corgi per : aouod or fraction of a furniture greatl jo inciteasoa. Mr hell is pound ter all pails of Canada, °fiche North- to be commended foil the pluck and energy west Territories included, except British be has exhibitor/ noel •_3. most trying oir- s o bp hoped CoI nabia, whorl the rate will be 80 eats' not haveCanothoria o : experiance.h9 may per pound or Ira Alen. This is a most ixn•, portant reductio 3 00 current rates. Tho miners' it oallation, Manitoba, Erititu' Columbia. and Ferri. Wo last week gav the wheat buying torial rate iq rod trod 15 omits per pound, table adopted by the .1lfi11ers' Association the Ontario rata 10 Dents, end tilt; Quebec of the counties of 1 ron, Perth, Gray, and Maritimo• 2rovineo 5 gents. The .Bruce and North Wel 'ngton, and now: we weight limit is ir4r0ased from four to live give the flour exam) e table by whit% pounds, and a ou donut deolarabioti attach, members of the • a ooiation will bo ed to each parse is imperative, etherwise governed: the parcels will 1 of bo forwarded. It may `For 08 lbs. ivheat401b; also be elated t11, .t the Imperial Poab:odlce .: 62 do 80 has consented to an arrangement proposed ' 61 do , .11$ by the Domini authorities by whio1a da g7 Canada can exoh ago parcels through thq 58 do • at nperial Post office wi ' . 57 do 84 60 do 88 55 do s0 ilo 54 do 9,, to "• KA do 25 1A and 12 lbs of• atm, Inside of a year lite will be a taw medium of tbe I any country with darn at present e1 the same as frtrt plus the Caned whioh the United ]a Changes, the rates b the *United . Atattd n rates,: • ft r' Person s. ' Mrs;Ford and daug tett of Hahoilton, are visiting at 14li s. . erdsman's,-The Misse@•i'isher, I4n'hle , are ":visiting at Mr Peter Fisher's Mr 'titer ' Stewart, of Fat}t,, tw '•n w,O,sh loft „on C1e:kpesday ,far.. Ashland, Wisconsin. -J' r-ngishs, inspec- tor of the Aetna F'ixe•Ins trnuso Company,. was in town on Friday st, L Fort Elgin Times t Ayr D C Munro, 2 the Wingham TIMEs, wont to Milverton on •Saturday to spend a few weeks aft I is told home.- Messrs W H Clegg and W G Strong, of Gorrie, were in Wingham . a; business on Tuesday.-Miys M A Brown of Innerkip, has been visiting at Mr. V, , Taylor's this week.-tlllr A Roe attendthe Gloncoo' races on Nriday last.-lkli • . Holladay, of Lakelot, sister of Mrs F 1 Sparling, was • visiting at Mr F G Sparli :'s last week. -- Mrs M J Flanagan left on Saturday; ac- companied by Miss Telma •, . daughter of icfr P B.1'lanagan, bf this: own, for Han- over, whore Mr Flanagan` purposes resid- ing in future. -Mrs M ;Pr •main, who has boon visiting at • her da ghter's, Mrs It Eiliott's, thio town, for. =ome time, re. turned teller home in Li: towel on Satur- day last, -tar Angus ,11i Kay, .of Ripley, was in town on Tuesde.ty qp business. --- Mr H D Henderson, lei •Whiteeburch, was in town on Tuesd .i -•The Misses - Fisher, of Paisley, sister of Postmaster Fisher, who are visiting i1 town at present, leave next •week for Gran. Rapids, Michi• gam, where they will visi-s 'relatives, and from"thence they will jou ney to Denver, Colorado, to visit a sister who resides in that city. They expect 1., bo absent about two months. --thus. d 11 I eerier is visiting relatives its Exeter this .week. -Mr John Martjj, who recently ,rpoved to town from Lucknow, spout a;ay or two last week in that .village. - i1ir A lleub- schworlin, tailor, who ha , beou visiting at Mildmay for some days, • oturned on Mon- day. -Miss Marion Inglis daughter of Mr Alex Inglis, this town returned from Goderioh on Saturday, wrere she hadbeon visiting for the past four z:selts.-sllfasNel. lie Gray started for Clinl n Model School Monday =rotor,' -Mr i' '5' Uomuth spent some days in Hxmilten, Fla are Falls and Toronto, last week, robarning home' on Monday.- Itliss Jane 81 beholl left for Ckrandin, Dakota, this w e k, to rejoin the family cirole there. -74O din Coruyu, an ai'tunnua of Toronto Vni'Arsity, supplies straightroilorflotir 1, the place se ably inlet .y Miss Annie do do • Waiir, sow preparing for t college oot}rso 113o do at Clinton. -Mr B C Olar "e, tailor, wife o do da 1' and daughter, leave for B +ffalo to -day to take in the great exhibition whioh is iu progress in that Qit0' r_: presetft, Mr Clarke will return ' Iii a , nw (,(lays, Mot Clarke and datiught*x teirai singliSu a tint* with frieutla,-Mr.xolin Chi*holm, to the regret of old aneriung,1 •'1Vingl,alr1 on • List o2 P4)1 Pairs. Provincial- London, 1" aptombcr 9 to 14. Industrial -Toronto, Septentber9 to '21. North- Western-Godexich, lie,tetuber 17 to1J, Choat Oeutral-ilamiltan, Sept, 23 to 27 ,-Wellesley• and Easthopo-Woilesley, Sept. 24 and 25. ' Central Bruce... Paisley,Sept. 24 to '30.. - • The Northern--WValkertoii, Oct. 1 to 4, North Perth--S3titttford, Dot, 3 and •1. Listowel, Sept. 18 to 21. Northwestern-4Vitigham, Sopb. 24 and 25. Mitchell, Sept. 26 and 27, • South Perth, St. Mary's, Sept 24 and s;;, ' ]fast Watvanosh, Morava, Vet. 1 and 2. Clinton, Sept. 24 to 26. lirussels, Oat, 3 and 4. Seaford', Sept. 16 and 37 Exeter, Sept. 23 anti 24. .'1urich, Sept.10 and 20, 13iyth, Osb. 8 and 0. Wroxeter, Oct. 1 and flerriston,130p1. 20 and 27. Palmerston. Septi 21 and 25. Guelph, Sept. 25 and 26. _ Mitghcll, Sopt..26 and 27. Central, at Hamilton, Sept.:,.] to 27. liouthern,Brantford. Sept 1tr to 12. Northwestern,'0odert , Sept. 17 to 1'l. Poniusular, at Chath _ , Sept,17 to 19, • 21 Soto'27uthern Couu¢iesThom*, , at St, Thos, torr, . • • s