HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-08-30, Page 8t".).t?SiittngtantEim.ts AUGUST 30, 1886, Ci4, a, '..'illart' '-Congo succeeded in 1.:s' 3rd ea se nonprofessional ,: s.w held tl July. Mitch credit ;:o•t,,n l:i as well as Mr. :1, itis teach he being only of. age. He will, leave in it :r l:,'. -k to atteil . the Business t+batham. ..the Unions of 1•%.'i• ;:l,ti Gorrie efeated Brussels ele-v'n innings :.ane on the lat. %"81='• 'fieot.fa.ls on D+ iday last. The at av follows i a8456 891011 ---total. Iloteels,0 100 000600-8 lflaerf l.s 0'1. 3 3, tt 0. 1 1 1 0 8-16 110.tR c rio•s fix Brass s 'Grower, Stret- on and 1.0ss, for Un 'as McLauglin and tiail"ttt l:son.. The- eviler stook o:at t+ Welt and the 1atier 14, The 'Unions. p':ty the Olippe s of Walker.. ton all ^t "ra:ueter ou Th • rsday. They hove only lust one ga ' of ball this rfty.--Mr Oscar Stni , who works in Perkins airy goods tore, has been slightly under the w ether of late, but We Hope to see hits able to fill his usual pi+SItion on the diamond, at short, on Thnrs • ay.=lliiss Etta Ayers, daughter of ' ev Mr Ayers, has been tai isteal. with t •hoid fever dor tug the bleb three wee s, :but ander the v zitil of Dr. ';luck he is beginning wo i11iL rr_,vtl -:11r Gar ey, of London, , who commenced the ' pie factory here hit winter is in taw ' . fie has made stile of dil his dri-d apples at • 7+ cents per lb. --Quit• a number took in the a ,eur11on. fro xi. Harriston to Owen Soutld via ,ton on Monday. `Gulros • A few days'past, 111 of Kinloss, gothis fo oh Mr J N Pickell wheels of Aliens en Woodstock, it. -Mr Da jroodstock, is• ho 4.ther's Mr Neil has a good situatio son Bos. ---1r R (tut American variety p:aee which IS now o high and still . growi had a horse which ce Friday last. He w ou Mr Wellsvood's to nave got dixguste he was driven, so 11 died. Sam Garbett, t badly crushed One .of the: ine and toiler ran McKinnon, of e visiting at . his McKintion'e. Dan with the Patter- • rshall has corn growing on his rfourteen feet g. -Mr Weigle sad to wiggle on ased plougiliug' lace and seems with' the 'way laid • down- and Lower Viii hale. Mr. George Phappe , of Parkhill, • who spent a few day with his parents, has returned home gain. --,The Rev, Mr. Moorbouse is totdiug a series of prayer meetings i Lower Wingham school house and al o at Zetland, and they are largely derided. • Mr. Moorhouse is a Veit forcible and plain speaker, and sows bow to explain the Seripture so fully that no nue can inisundersta d or fail'to see the right path to w .1k in. May he have souls for his h' Zet and. Mr.Angus MoD ugall,teacher of the school of this place,. . resighned before the holidays and has secured another situation in the S:,o-Miss Walker, of Lackuow, has bee I engaged in Mr. McDougall's place,' here is a greataeel of sickness here • at present. -Mr. Robert Kennedy 1 as been very sick for the last two w'eks.-Miss Maggie Tervit is able to , a out again. -.The ,weather is very h t and dry, Every- thing is parceled np. 13o Etc, the H.owiok Not re' list shows 1,176 voters to be regis erect ftiais year, 939 qualified to vote =t both municipal elections and elect s to legislature assembly, 127 at unieipalelections Indy, and 110 at le.islative (Assembly only. ,The total taumbei' of persons qualified to serve 1 =jurors is 652. ORN. n CCORMics-- In w hats, on the,27th Inst., the wire of Mt. D: igtCot ick; a daughter. 1ic1)oroatt-••In mwanosh, 00 the 27th inst., the wife of Mr. Andrew .Donggall; atiaughtor, AIMIP. •ln fiowick, on t 28th hist., the wife of Mr Wm Adair; adaughte WasaAa:--In Illnevale o the 24th iflrt., the wito ro 1 Iter. Wm. Wsaman ; a " auF titer. BtA44n--1n T 1•t berry, . n the 17th inst., the; wife o Mr. Win heard " a d innsn-In lestet-WA. nosh, on the 171k inst., the wife :,t Mr. The luzsh ; a deal_ ghikr. lfaa.ttert•��tap 1• 1tani, on the 7 zh list., the Nita et 4dr.htIcata" alias; wdaughber, Ismer -In Morris' • a the 15th inat., the wile of . ldr. W. htelbr ; a sen; etas,-.11rstmt. W 1n hp tn• key. lir. Howl% 1a;,a A a i• duster, o PPPI oxe -hm po tacky, yomrnr*nt yoht Via L.w'rd 112:61. • e�10 he path but 114664,* O:.Uetroit, to UMW, aged 1, on Else Iath I lei tlRulli'riibbt30:1, Mr Wm, G. W'ilehl ata- P. 0, Ind. Sanford f I GLI4 1 +[AABIC..'.'.'TS. Wtaouani, August SSD, 1880 Corrected LY P. Leans, Produce Dealer. klour per 1001bs, p 2 75 to 2 76 AU Wheat per bushel, • 0 84. 0 Ot) Spring " 1. 0.90 to 0 91 Oats, . 60 to 60 Peas 25 to 80 Fatales, - + • - 11uttcr for lb, tub, • 13 to.:, 14 do Itnils, 12' to 18 Page per dunes, + 11 tO 11 Wood per cord, • 1 20 to 1 40 flay per ton, Si 00 to 7 OR V, P. R. TI112'E TAIMir;. Trains arrive and depart ag follows : !MOM* ARIMPP t 0:8.5 A. m. ... .. ....For Toronto...... ,...5:36 a. ,n 14 2:15 t Si15 p. m For'Teeswator 2:151"� 1.0:80 p. in 10:20 • G-1:?,.A.1\17,2) TRil'ZTK 1 'Y A, C. ST1iATH17EE, Aoz'w, Wiseman. Through tickets to all points in Atuotica-North. West Paciflo Coast, to., via the shortest and all .popular routes. Baggage checked through to destination. I',owest freight rates to all points. - TIME TABLE. I,EAv2 wwou *r• AItwwyn Ax 1riNORADt, 0:39 a m.Tgronto,Cluelph,Paltuorston, Ste. 3:50 p.m, 11:10 ' 10.10 3:40 p.m, " " Clinton, sr 7:25 " .....Palmerston, Mixed,.. 10:20 Gan, 6:50 Ilan London, &o., 11:00 " 8:40 p.m. 11 7:45 p.m. 11:10 e.m,. ,. ..Eincardtne, &o,.., ,...Q:39 a.m. 3:80 p.m " 11:10. " 10:10 " . 0:40 p.m. Cattle Bstray. Strayed from the premises of the subsorlber; lot No. 4, concession 4, Morris, on Saturday, the 24th August, seven steers. -three yearlings. grizzly red color, with bell-shaped w ' e spot in forehead ; four two years olds, throe color, and ono grey, with stag horns; ono of rad twa•ycar-olds so,nowhat smaller than the or two. Any persongivini; such information as ill lead to their recovery will be suitably raw ed, ,THOS. ANDERSON, Delgr ve P. O. FARM TO RENT. In the Township of 1Vailace, one 'bole north of Gowanstown, comprising 100 acres, 88 acres oloared, 10 acres of pasture with a firat.class spring (no trouble to water cattle,) and 14 Gores of good meadow, with 4 • acres of fail wheat and seeded, the balnuoe under.. good cultivation. Frame barn and log house with well at both. Por lull partloulars apply to J. W. SCOTT, Banker, Lietowei, or to E. A. LEWIS, agent, Palmerston. . TOWN .AND VILLAGE LOTS' FOR SALE. • 'gown lot 439, west silo Leopold street, Winghatn; and Village lot 25, McCrea's survey, Delgrave, both excellent building sites, are for sale, Apply to J. A. MORTON, iSartieter, 8,o,,. - WatiellaM, Oalx t,t,Talil EX& R CfS id:io fi0 TI1 S 11 TH-NEST In order that the Ramon of Ontario may rare an opportunity to learn the exact truth about the re• suit of the drouth in the North-West during the present season, the nacli acific SALES TO saw, Nursery ook. All goods mar Ord -elass.- Pernasnent, p1 t, proflta• pogttions for the right men. Good arias and . Tenses paid weakly. Liberal imlunatuenta be ars, Na prev'ions ex. perionce necessary. 0 rco. Write for tering, giving age. Vitas. (Mention tits paper.) PLM -ANT VAL oe-sr .A.PUA.]:t•"X". Ws, Nurseryman, a,7toohestor, N. T. The under= ned has to Bile a number of Colo. Wes of PURE' ALLIA HIES, Ile also keeps on hand a tali supp of lyes. All ;mien! promptly tteuded to. Carpenter work ' -' lte braucheaattended to at all types. PETER , h1lf.LEIt. ‘gingham, Opposit• trennan'gtannery r RED ROOKER Punitive Sucre. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT F'URRNITDRE of all lauds, which will bo Bold at lowest figures; HAND MA,17 l 017 01tD111 D GOODS. Sae MY own hake of 8t+treeses, Lounges, &o, and everything in the upholstering line, Picture Warning and ordered work azll reoetve prompt and careful attention. All work done in ffrat•olass style, Undertaking Promptly attended to at any hour Every requisite in Stook, Embalming„ a specialty, • D. B. C &LBICK, Funeral Director and Embalmer, REDUCED RATES TO ALI. POINTS -INS MANITOBA, 'BRITISH COLUMBIA -AND THE- N ORTH.WEST ERN STATES, ` BEATTY'S SARNIA LINE STEAMERS "1JNnTED Farms", "ONr. R,o" and "CAMrASA." Leaving Sarnia every TUESDAY and 1FRIDAY nigh during Navigation, (weather permitting). and calling every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at Goderich and Kincardine, where' they connect with the O. T It. train leaving Wingham at 11,10 a. m, for St. Jae' . Island, Garden River,. The Soo Port Arthur and Duluth, connecting at Port Arthur with the O. P. R., and at ;Duluth with the Red River Valley R'y, • LowasyBATias+ 138sy ACCOSIMODATION, E.,xptaess 'TAP ,li» On010R OF ROUTES. Ask your" nearest Grand Trunk R'y agent freight and passenger rates. JAS. H'. FIEATTY; GENERAL MANAGER, . SARNIA. n Pioneer Huhn Store Oflor the following very low harvest excursion rates: WINNIPEG rs DE;1:.ORAINE GLENBORO' . ' • SAL'1'COATS .1 MOOSEJAW' ,d CALGARY • Aug. 20, returning Sept. 80 Sept. S , " Oct. 14 Sept. 24, " Nov. '4 Full particulars from any agent of the Company. • SAW MU STAVE. FACTORY & COOPER SHOP FOR SALE. MR. J. J. ANDERSON Having centered his interests hl Mani. toba now offers for sale his Saes Mill, Shingle Factory fk Stara Factory, Conveniently situated near the Grand Trunk. Railway Station, Wingham. All these establishments are Weil equipped and in good de orderito engage an ,1 this excellent t01 chance neve. r particulars and tonins apply to J. J. ANDERSON, Proprietor, WINGHAlt, ONT. ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any part of Winghalii. ita "Order, by mail prompt 3r attWndt tt to. • STONE" 'BLOCK. !.. `-We give - special_ .attention to the following lines : - IRON PIPE, ALL SIZES PROM TO 3 1N011. IRON AND BizAiiS PIPE FITTINGS. FIRE BRICKS. MILL FILES, MACHINE OILS, AMERICAN WATER WRITE COAL We are sole agents in Wingham for the sale of 4lenuirle Rubber Paint the best iu the world. All kinds of shelf and heavy Hardware at bottom prices. Land Plaster in bags always oli hand. les. A. Wine Ct PUBLIC TICE. Another large consign- ment of Fresh Teas or superior - quality. In order to counteract the dishonest practices perpetrated on the pub- lic by pedlars and others we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your patronage. W. `y_ T, YATES, The China Muse. o e. FOR THE BEST VALUE O -RD )1 CLOTHING GO TO_ HATS, OAPS,SHIRTS, QOI4LAR1$, CUFFS, 4w, Cheap fob KASH. .----AT-------- k&r9 o SHE CITY GROCIEAY CHANCED HANDS. C. J.. Having purchased Pl, lliscock's i grocery and made heavy , aur. classes in - GENERAL GROCERIES and P1 OVIS iON$, Glaaavrare, 0., 1Ie has now F11T xi 211R,S ARRIVING DAILY, -------and offers ---r-=- (Y Q SOLID BARGAINS FOR CASH, CoMO and. see. - - Try goods and ascertain prices. A C1W!CE S'T'OCK OP GARDEl'T SEFt S & lIO' h1i HOLt PLANTtit 0. d. READiNG. FRUITS AND CONFECTIONERY. dl's Oity Res tn.! ARRIVED THIS ®AY STRAWBERRIES, BANANAS, ORANGES, • LEMON , PINE APPLES, ' t@G', &C. Finest Qulaality at Bottom Prices. MILK: SSHAK 9: The .Most .Popular Summer. Drink. Something New. " To Tll.ste is to appreciate. PURE ICE . CREAM, Any Flavor always ready. Very special Reduced Rates to all. Fublie Entertainments, CONFECTIONERY The most complete stock in , the county. Pure Creams a specialty. Call and see me. - on't ? MU'S CITY RESTAURANT. is- UWL 6SS YOU !ANT TD BUY aAP- -1, We claim to have the largest and best assorted stock of WathesCocks and Jewellery in Wingham. Our stock consists of American and English Gold.PlMed and Rolled plated Jewellery of all descriptions,; A.111011001 and Swisd Watches, Canadian and American Gold and Silver Watch Cases, Spectacles and Opera Glasses-. 2. We buy alLour goods in big lots, and pay spot each for ev'er'y. thing we buy, therefore vine customers may be sure that we axe at no disadvantage as compared with others. It will pay you to:.'call and inspect our goods before busying else.. where. We will 20 per cent lower than any other . dealer in Wingham, , . In order to make room for our large Xmas stock, now ordered, we, Will sell at cost for 30 days. WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. For quality of material; used and close - of workmanship we ac- lknowledge no superiority at the people's Jewellers, Etat R..IT.AIN` P NE Cc 1' t"AO'I'IGAi, %log GilliAltialtZ A d'ZW :rl�tt• , d