HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-08-30, Page 7worcurn.wiftae. ling and venery, the latter partioularly. &seta wharembeltiley. (The UW SS of eyes ? ) 11, M1 uudue (Aa worterruelvu time its eecumbe reline eirort, all Ube that produces fatigue or kiln, liarin, it beim; always safe to stop at Awl there /diet U4 1444 A Wall' Ail this elem.—Liu. J, £L Ilaxavortn, io. ticitioacion mo, , St Lout.; .3.1ayaziuo. For the way 1 hanker after wortermenme '. ia a eiii, Im4, Wit i4)11 it$ the why and wherefore as you Pathing izi Cold Water. eau pulauly two, ' Coneeraing bething of the body, 1 •oh, it'a in the eaudy sell wortermeleus think Our sanitareme ate very ex - docs the beet, travagant, and they have done a greet Awl it'a there ther'll laY awl wailer lu miselaiet by settiog the great towns to the eunehine tend the dew, Till they wear mil the greou ample glean Plunder the rivers cit their oupp 'dee . eif of their breast, free/ the head streams. And you bot I Ain't aelintlia' any fault blven the prophet Mohammed, a wail ilium; air you?' great fanatic of clemilinees, regarded 'Thee Anil no hatter thiug in the vegetable friction with sand 48 coumeneatory lime; . for washing, „ Aue theY don't need nitwit teudiu' es , . , ey'ry farmer lcuows ; / t arty oue suppose that the limos But wheu theyr ripe wed ready for or and trunk of the body cannot be kept pluck frou. the vine. as perfeotly elven. by dry rubbing as I want toay to you theyr the 'heat fruit by mey amount of waeleng, 1 say lie that growl). • has something to leurn. 'It'ss seine likes the yellow oore, and BOUrle Ali the hardy barbarians of the likes the roil, And it's sortie ;aye the little Californy is north have, Cu all times, been re - the best ; preached by ;southern people for their ..tit the sweetest slice of flu 1 over wedged eueglect in whiz, iu rev. heed, The old Romani) did not—as a the West. fa the old Ildieburg mouateineiprout °El nation—betake themselves to baths 1 1 J. I until •the era of effeminacy Ret in, 'Yoa dou't want no wortermelon vines, Puultiu"igh Your TheSythiaus of Herodotus were 'Came some way or another they'll Emile reported not te wash; Imo in cola ' Toprig §, win § Bur § I. 1! § ,,,sarau nills your eloes, shore weather, at dietant intervals to matter 0 § .1-) ek. ih • TVG corseed. 'eni taste likeepuukins, from •the tlieir bodies with a hot, splay paste. e to the rine% Whieh maybe a fact you. have iaeord of It dried on !them, and dropped off before. . when cola, leaving -the flesh clean.. 'But your melees thet's raised right, and Northern races know that cold itenaed to with care, water takes the strength oat of them, You can wink iteound: amongst 'em with and they do' not volunteer to touch it. a permit's pride veld joy, - Their practice has wore weight with And thump 'ein on the 'heads with as • fatherly a air me then recent theories.—T. W. New As of eat% of them was your little girl man, AIL D., in, ..9t. Louis .Allayaitine. or boy. ONTARIO MUTUAL LIFE. Cash Income for .1888 4444.4,4,44, Now Afesuranceo written in Wart Aseets, AR at Dee. 81st,1*4 Assurance in for, Jan. it, 180 Surp)ue, Deo. 8Ist, 1888 • • • • :if+3.e74 .2,51s,JnO. 5,e13,4r,e, 11.1.;*41.91.4 ...... Ot. SPECIAL MATURES: Prompt Payment of Clairrie, Annual, DistriVation of Profits, Guaranteed • Ourrentier Values, and Liberal Polley Contlitione. ALES. DAWSQ,N,. Guilea4..vItaraz. am Oxfl IEWEILERY Ilan a most complete assortment .of the LATEST, Cinn0.68r, and Ron CIIIARTAING ARTICLES in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silver Goods, a joy iu my hart ot to jishear tbat rappin' silo nester° the Froslane.es of vorn Bouuti, . Clothing. . When yea split one dotvu the back and The ffiystery to, /natty people how jolt the helves iu two, the scourers of old clothes eau make %Anti the friends you love the best is gathered v.11 e,round, them almost as good as new is explain - And you say unto your alt,eethes,rt, „04, ea in the American. Analyst as follows here's the cote for you 1" Take, for histauce, a shiny old goat, And I like to slice 'em up in big pieces for vest, or pair 'of pauts of broadcloth,, 'ma all, cust:iineie, or diagonal, The scourer Eepeshally the ohildree, and weteli makes . a strong, warm soapsuds, and thevr high delight, plunges the garment into it, souses it Ae one by one the riues with theyr'pink notches fall, • up and down, rubs the) dirty places, if Aud they holler for some more with un- 1"-"cessarY .puts it through a second (paneled appetite. ,- sails, then rinses it, through several Boys take to it uateharal, and'relike to see waters, and Bangs if to dry on •the 'ens eat, line. 'When nearly dry lie takes it in, A slide of worterrnelou's like le French rolls it up for au hour or two, and harp in theyr heeds ; ' then presses it, An old cotton cloth And wheu they saw it through theyr mouth • such music Gaut be beat, is laid on the outside oi the coat, and 'Cause IVO reueie both the sperib thud, the the iron, passed over that until the stummick uuderstands. wrinkles are gut ; but the iron is re- -Oh, there's more in wotermelons than the moved before the steatu ceases to rise purty-colored meat, , from the „goods, else they •would bo And thtere overilowin' eweetness •of the shiny. • Wrinkles that are obstinate wersquashed betwixt ' The up'e.rd and down'ard motions of a are,renioved by laying a wet cloth over • . 'feller% tee'tle, thenl, and passing the iron over that. And'its the taste of 'Aim oia age and 11 any shiny places aro seen, they are juicy childhood mixed. ' . treated as the wrinkles are; the iron leer 1 rawer taste a Luellen but my thoughts is lifted, while the full cloud of steam rises, mad brings the nap up with it. Cloths should always have a suds made specially for it, as if that which has been used for white cotton or woolen clothes, lint -will be left in the water, and ding to the cloth, In this manner we have known the same .coat and pantaloons to be received time and again, and have alt the look and fti'el of new garments. Good broad- cloth and its fellow cloths will bear many washings, and look better every time because of them. .0„ it's wortermelou time is a-comin' round again, An tboy ain't no man a livin' any tiokleder'u me, 'Per the way t hanker after wortermelons is a sin, Which is the why and wherefore, as you can plainly see. Ilies away To the summertime of youth, and again d Bee the dawn, eetind the fachu) afternoon of the long sum- mer day, And the desk and dew aefallin', and the /eight a.comia' ou, 214 there's the corn around- us,- and the tiepin' leaves and trees, Awl the stars a.peekin elo en 011 113 as still as silver mice, And us boys in the wortermelons on our hands and knees, And the new moon hangin' o'er uslike a yeller cored slice. eir 'CLOSE ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRING, An) WORK 4ILL WARRAIsina). 'GO BIGHT TO (*BEEN'$ BLOCK FOR YOUR ,TEWEti.JERY SON Impaired Sight. The man 'ale ought to listen and learn usually' does the most of the talking. Aim you made miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skim? Shiloh's Vitaliser is a posi• tivo mire. For sole by 0. E. Vniarcts 01111SGS of impaired sight : 1. Sud. Fire at Windsor Mills. Quo., dos. -den changes from very light rooms to troyed about $15,000 worth of pro - dark oues, or the reverse, causing perty. more or less pain which is al ivays an I-1 ...ntoresaeriarculletreer--epoilitive cure illilitaill011 that something is wrong, for Catarrh,Diphtherie and Canker Mouth. 2. Tile fliekeritI6r of gas lights, and Poiesele by C. E. Williams. the instability of all Halite, since the Of all the known words of tongue .sight is more or less labored. S. or pen the most significant are these : Reading in the oars, or when the body He's got 'era again, is not ittrest, as well as iu a l'eehth'`` Vim will you cough when Shiloh's Curo bent position. 4. Tho use of tolled. win give you immediate relief? Price 10o, •co, especiaily °hewing, except so far SO0. and el. •Por sale by 0.11:Williams. AS the smoke piirticles of tobacco gots The hardest time for a man to show into the eyes, tobacco Ixelsons the his frit is when he is forced to bite the whole system, seriously affecting the duet, optic nerve. 5. The intense light of toe kerosene lamp, the sem; being HOSPITAL REMEDIES. true, in some, degree, of all artilicia, lights, 6. The use of the eyes at the Thereto enewdepattureinthetreattient twilight boor, in moonlight, or any of disease. It consists in the collection of the Specifies used by noted epeeialists of imperfect light, when an effort is n, fried() to see. 7. no exposure of the vithirithaellettAnICh TA11.1'41))rttgl:7C•nr eye to the bright light of a, lire, &c., treatment pursue by special spnyna:Jani: with tiv, withal beat. 8, Reflected who treat indigestion, stomach and liver lw,„„ troubles only, was obtained albl prepared. ight, as from tho snow, in a '''..Y rfetor:Act:1,1AM 004arbt Nvphysicians, cejebea. bright day. 0. Long.continued dark. a lltilf _ness, the result tit which is the mune, Ito on till these lacompirr:br°11e 0tirreatirnowlrna sap the sight, as fasting thor) fill . one boo weakinelededieeae"f theluerkkineYeefemale Ask your druggist for than. Theo) who 1 the bode, (The Ashes ef the wit d• batinot proome these remedies front their mps; v 4.4.*.:4144444.4.-* rhtu enatismein nervous debility. *teery weak, is to e pweof ne"' pvFFIELp NEV PATENT TOP MILK CAN, Cream Cans, Milk Pails, Sap Buckets, nd. Milk Paas, And trT4RytItiag 'Mt) DaigylazI. AT' ET Li OU OH 11 Ct A.SPECIA. TY. I I,titni,P1 INif121 dra- Pro,4ty dro Briiliant Durable ! Economical! Diarannri Dyes excel ,au others in Strength, 1urity and Fastness. None other are just as good. Be- ware of imitations, because they are ' made of cheap awl inferior matedals, and give poor, weak, crocky colors. To be sure •of success, use (only the DIAAND 1)1TO-or coloring Dresses, Stock. lags, Yarns, Carpets; Feathdrs, Ribbons, &c., Ike. We warrant them to color more goods, pack- age 'for package, thaw :any ,other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the Diamond andtake no other. A Press Dyed 1 FOR A Coat Colored Garments Renewed f CENTS. • A Child can use theta.. 10 At Druggists and Merchants. Dye Book free. WELLS, RICHARDSON & Cas Montreal, P. t E. ...i HTS! When 1 say Puna 1 do 'hot mean merely ‘o etop them for a time, and then 'lave them. 1,gain. InItAli A RADICAL (11T1LA. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS Allis long study. I wannArm by remedy to Ounittheworst cases. Because othershavefailel is no reason for not now receiving a care. Bel a at once for a treatise made Panrel3oTTLE of INFALLIBLE REMEDY, Give Express and Pc. 4 Office, It costs you nothing for a trial, andq. will cure you. Address: H. G. BOOT, Branch Offices 164 West Adelaide filtree4 Toronto. ata,./.. -r: ..0.64.i*ROismomared4k 40,1,440.41141a1.. Yi.adw„ MOST CERTAINLY WE CAN 'SUIT YOU IN HOUSE DEOORATIONSI CONSISTING OF CANADIAN AND AMERICAN WALL PAPERS and BORDEI1S. Our Stook isTaried, Stylish and Oheap.ePeautiful WIND 0 W BLINDS of Latest Design, Colors and Best Quality. MEET SETTS 'Ex.celleut and Cheap. Everything in tbo, Book lino, School requisites, Station, ry, Lacrosse Sticks, Base Ball 13ats;Balls &a, ROSS' POPULAR BOOK ST031.4, TvVING11.811. li•VMSVIEViaMiles,a4ViimansibeRisik THE LONG BOOT AND SHE STRE Owing to tliq 'late Booin I have made room Large Stock of for and have one hand READY - NOB HOOTS and In addition to my Custom Badness, defy Competition in Qi'ality, Sizes, end tut determined to sell for AT oen LOTTO PRICh.lb rRepairina as usual,. and Cement Patehrug a Specialty. I soieit, share of the patronage. Don't Forget the Place Opposite the Central Hotel. Rips sewed ftee in all boots purchased from me. Batter and eggs taken as cash itr exchange fur goods, El RODE:MIS, . - • • • S i CJ CALEDONIAN BALI,. moth Cave have been so any wait druggist rosy remit thegss to Hospital •nto Beady tneetts‘ ary ronday • !Vase, therefore produeing debil Me, I Remedy Co., SO3i West g St., Toronto, MISS 1/111Tst INIfiellt A 14.re Month. Vtaiting bret feu Medeuillm. Ang elifeet.) 10. Gluteny, debauchery. "a no '"'neaY Will be eillea them lUill MU lin sueura,1 tat cuter 111G011oarilliCIS auy respect, 'espealtel, Deeedpeeve catalogue eent On retIsip4 Ot Orsosri, in Voles Jaltirs and tt mut*, tarots appij direct. (The prices is One osst cc,chy. LASSItS OP iestanotioa iNe AND tAitionlotS et every idiot at a. ',tory low. figure. Fur the Use of eaaleos spirit)), ;pass litmus) to pay P011illigat . . k /Mho; Aw4a 15 1.1,l101.1, )3++Jihi 41111. LIAJO JAI4 1.'tette, The Nest Successful Remedy ever din, covered, as It is certain in its eftects and, does notbInm llatemr. %wlA(' 1'. procl.,1 o.t111ys.ew. s 1811. 1*. B. I. KENDALL Co., Enosburgh Falls, Vt. Gentlemen have used Nen- dalbs Spavin Cure for Spitvluu 'cud also in acme of lameness and &Gra (tints and found it &aura eurtr In every respect. I cordially recommend it to alt horsemen. Very rctipoottully yours, ' Cluenuts 3, Dr.setram.. KENDALL'S SPAVINUR sr. Tuouss, I' Q., April 22, 1881 De. B. J. East:Nita, Co., Enosburgh Wails, ' Gents have Used a few bottles of your 1C4- dates Spavin Cure on toy on 4 *which was Buffering from Ink.. enzain a. very bad form, and ‘.*: say that your nenatere sear • Curo made complete and, rap - cure. Lean recommend nes ti„; best and most effective ItnInu I have ever handled. Elnilly sp. 1 Me ono of your valuable beaks entitled "AL itec,x• WO on the Elere.O." Yours respectfully, 1. F. Wfucnifton. KENDALL'S SPAWN Pont Emma, gat, ma 30 1815. Bit. It J. KENDALL Co Euusburgti Paha, vt. Gentlemen 1,-. I always keep your I.0011111..., SpavIrt Cure and Blister on hand and they tate llatter fallatt in what you state they wilt do. I have cured a bad ease of Spavin and alio two caSeS 01 lilbal'oso of yeara standing,on suave which I bought to breed front, atld havd ns not soon Any sigof diststro in their oXsprlutt. • Yours trUli, D. j. O'Grotintx. Price St per bottle, OPtabc bottles for itll3 1 ZiggttbAlar "1: 41Vtigtri)13irol:e by eas 11 1, • trig? ts.rakotautt sburgh Vail!, V.. SOLD DV ALIA D /WOMB. .,,s...•••.-- • 403 •,-...-,`,......,..e. , To at cit oil t it Wish Stint .11tttelhliionp ' 1 ;",„te, fle,-..,. „ poi Oar toathines . 1 trade III itil pals, by .Fni„h:', , OM, And vodswhere the ?moo can . • 1 , -' ',1‘ •i•••„_ ° 1 bm, ive Wilt Hod 2-rea to • .. „:,_-_,........r.x...-- .......... peStgon in matt locality,the t • -.„.....--- ..t...._,-,,,.......- / - .....;....t5 it. Seri With sit Mit Athwit.this 1 In lk btbt BoVrihg.tnachihe and. t • • i'it' \ 4 . Wet ilia Cm ihoyi comp, 1 1 te • .kee lint of ou scaly and mild/tide • 1 111°-% ; lfr'w ',..L. 4 4.semplat. Tettinivie Mk that ; 1 sety COM a Ota MAW, iind Ott, i show *dm tend, to / r i4 oti :itil,ntoprolm nth, Id all beatatt your e• 1- - mode r she ISINEM*Vate. . whi ru utliStidror iStatt. With t I &earn Out i belbta par, t lit frond ttactittit 1 ieb • .' ' ' vl meat*. and 17011. /1(410 . * IL aett,itttingefit, Wort n , . 11 61111/14, 0 in (10 wothl. VA ti ., r r to. N apital repaired 11 ., Wet inittntoti . grin, Thbilb 1010 t. 'it, OS ny, onto *In .• • we Oree the bet newinK-mathi in the weed. ' 'a -n -d i tnerTw4-r:.' rfigktrg. terIT ,,: . v • ee. '