HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-08-30, Page 6.1•4:•• ' 1 • ° *
am timt
FEIDAN, AUGUST 80, 1880,
relations with Great Britain they are for agents, to whom liberal ternas are .Ver sole by 0.1.i. Wiiains.
I ,17,1` r'f•
to check 3, repetition of them. The anaeterplece of historfeal investiat
gation, The raoat intense fatigue le that
Giebeiwhich also supports the Govern- it is flail of that thrAlialg interest which reaults from arace for plea,
settlement of wild couutries lam Rev 'Geo. Tann, ofc
States desire to 'produce very Etraillud See ad vertieemeats in another column our
ves to Burton's CoNSTISIPTIoun°s.
which attaches to the subjugation and. mar%
ment, devotes a long editorial to the
suject, and (days' that if the Uinted here have not their paralled !notary. lad, sari: ""lieth myself aA
nd w w
i I measure of succeee. °Irma,
Sia 11°D= Tunrannnl' Premier of The seizures are eminently unfriendly
and provocative. They may, if per- - The are a
farmers ll busy harvesting nna en Terms to
the people on the subject of Confederwithlead at any moment to and business consequently dell in borrowers can obtain money in 0
suit borrowers.
eel ev ng ergo
Newfoundland, is out in an address to
- severed , days,
$600,000 TO LOAN.
Clt fiamilmts
Onla 1033I1)la 11.10ItNINGr,
--AT TE1E--
On Farm and Town Property at \ ery Dowest subscriptionprlee.stneryear,inadvaime
attain vitt). Cauada Tile. manifesto the village just now. -M D Remsity, eath,tultorY.
• of the lat line, his a pea stalk which VANSTONE, One Cam 00 0,88-00 j 020 00 08.00
spaeo. ADIVEillyTrtSINGT.)11)01\117.43.: mo. 1,4110..
11tIpture of diplomatic relations between ;
the colony with the Dominion of Gan- [Government, it says, should not -------------------------------------------------. .
AMR FOAGE8 PURoklaSe0, No CommiassON °SARUM
saye : "The question of the union a Deaver Bleck, \\Ingham, nal! 66 00 211 00 1t 6?) 6 06
the two countrWs. The NA ashington pulled a few 'lays ago and which - ?mays H , 20 00 12 00 0 100 i1,)
ne Inch
e hear that she is pr istrated with what gages. For terms apply to, feoLtirgetel.nsortion, and 3c. peirilitn,e foorieoacch et:T:1.
Local v,nd other castle advertisements, Se. per line
ada is one whieh is not at present too far on an aseultuption that John can beat it a -The many friens of
before us for consideration as a, practi.. .
Bull will tamely submit to these coil- Mrs Wm Johnstou will be sorry to
stant indiguities, and strongly sum sts or WM. 3fe P II ERS 0 N, °DA gectilitlInToattiGlata•ee.31;ueill:1111"h:eurT11)araireega ell 581 etli'sba's flail; rAin'i,"Bt ictl 1
cal issue. The Government will take -
no part in bringing the question for- the submission of die 4tItultio an
is supposed to he an attack Of bleak P. WAREN,
fever., -Mise S j johnson is also in-
ward until called upon by the people, Tr. Talihninina, Winghain. RIM% OlOnferrowe Advertisements of Lost, Pound, Stray ed, Situations,
Pacifie disputes to =impartial tribunal dispoEed. Witigham, May , " and Business Chances N Vented, not, exceeding 8 lince
Money to Loal ou Notes,
,acacaera amaschciectro,
6 00 8 00 00
nor take any decisive action. in rehition f
0 able diplomatists!.
to it without subinittine it to the de.
terMination of the constituencies." The friends and admirera of the
We find the following in an ex" Rev. joseph alcOoy, M. A, pastor of Notes Diseatmted
TED eager competition between the change ; Sehoel has opened, aud how the Egmond ville Presbyterian church AT REnsONAELE, RATES.
great cities, of this continent for the many are glad Surely not theohild-
fair of 1802, ren, 'who have again to ake up the
collepted and presented, him with a
. .. . ream , advanced on Mortgages at 0 per cent. with
possession of the world's t •
purse ae 4 Small token of the esteem privilegh of paying at the end of any you. Notes
seem st to have settled down into a burden of reel life. Nettle teachers, in whioh he is held by the congrega• ,and"wuctacceectecla
who have to begin again with ' the tion, Mt, Motioy leaves in a few Tour. mancueo.
read rivalry between New York and
Sfalle monotonous grind, A 1111,40 Orme--Beaver Block, wingtam, Ont.
r, days for Chatham, N. B. His re.
Chicaao. Each city fills the air with • 1 f .rfi
a sig o las escaped froin a host moval is very, much regretted by the
its claims and casts ridicule upon its of mothers, who have said to them •
based upon its central position, its 'children cut of t preatilied the gospel for nearly eleven REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR*
inembeee and adherents of the con- . Sam9. "Youlalth:"
rival. The claims of Chicago are selves 'It is a real blessing to get the gregation amongst whom he has
ften occurred to the writer that there * ANCE AGENCY,
must be something wrongiid. withhthe town, has been elected grand director OFFIC :
lodge of 0a,nada, a position winch lie A -number of Building Lae and Residence proper - 1." -------
Those desiring te make a homoin Winghani Meade!
110110r to the Masonic fratOXIlity. communicate with, or apply in person at my Office, • First-class honor man and general proficiency medal.
* where ail :memory inforniatien,can be btaoined. 1 ist Toronto University. Member College Physicianc.,
he way.' It has
years. -Mr, Ballantyne, of this
more tolerable summer climate and its °• '
thoroughly American character as .home training o c w °se of coremornes of the Masonic grand
compared with New Yorinas dwelt mothers desire to get them out of the Private funds to loan,
upon by all foreign writers. Those of way. How many mothers dread the
idea of Friday night, and eagerly long
New York rest in the fat that the
for Monday morning, when they can
celebration not being a national but 4p„ok the owe ones off to school and
continental one, the choice should be let the teacher take care of them.'
made of the moat cosmooelitan, the
most easily reached and the most
commodious city, which it is assumed
every one will acknowledge to be New
Evnx the most courtly and dignified
of London papers found it impossible
to refrain from noticing the humorous
element in the appointment of Her
Majesty the Queen to be Col -oiler of
the First German Life Guards by her
grandson the Emperor. Bet the
Times' smile is a very grays.one indeed.
It remarks "These Royal and fin-
perial eourtesies every loyal subject
vonica desire to contemplate in spirit
of submissive gravity, but it must be
confessed that they are not wholly
destitute of. an element which, in_ a
less august connection, might almost
be described as comic." Another
Tory organ, the -. Globe, smiles upon encounters as would discount any
seeing the Times smile and says: university, plInw light, she • is coin.
4! What are you doing la "Laughin,g,a
" Do , you call that thing laughing?"
" Well, it is as near as I en menage
it." In this spirit the Tunes smiles in should by chance mallet any punish.
kdigni6ed manner at 'the fact of the ment on any of these three or four
then there is a xlisturbance
Gernan Emperni creating his grand- boys
The idea of a teacher touching her
nonpareil, 01 per rnon .
Houses e,nd Farms for Side, not °seceding
Sr for dist 00e, per subsequent month.
These Urine will be strictly adhered to.
Special rates or longer advertisements, or for
longer periods.
Advertisements without specific directions, will he.
inserted tilt forbid and charged accordingly. Trail.
tailor).- advertisements Inti paid in advance.
Changes for coniweet atherusernents must lea in
the °dice by Weilnesday noon, order to appeal -
that we,eic
Paaratzvon MP Pitorasunn
WINONA*, ' •
nit. 4. A. DIELDIltlef,
1./ Honor Graduate of Toronto Univerity.
Office and Residence -The old stand fornierir nem ,
pied by Dr.Dethune, at, the corner of Centre and
Will fill with Credit to himself and Mader Sale. . F. 11 GODFREY,
• Grey. , 2 and Surgeons a Ontario.
RYER Offloo-At Methodist Pnrsonage.1""‘""' °5T‘
A man named Joseph McDonald,
The never think thet Instead .-.I three who owne a tun o
or four be has 40 or perhaps 60 tu the 2nd concession of the township of • 127. 111.
Grey twelve years Rao removed to Capita1,11,000,000. Rest, %KM. warir:Arg
keep quiet. '01i, well, they say, 'he
is paid for it.' That is where they
make a grave mietake. Teachers in
Ontario are not paid fur keeping
children quiet. They are not even
paid for teaching them. The pittance
which is doled out to them is not a
remuneration for their services, but
just a little to keep soul and body
together. If teachers were paid ac•
cording to tbeir work the salary of
each one would be doubled. Teachers
are not always looked uppri as.hum,an,
beings', but die), are expected to be
something angelic in their natures.
Of course some of them are in the
latter class. Mrs. A.. has three or
four children who sometimes bother
her considerably. , She thinks nothing
at all of giving one of them a crack
on the head (the caost convenient part
of the body), or' a slap on the ear,
and sonaetiines when theee boys go
upstairs to bed, and engage in such
pelted to use a slipperfor soothing
syrtap, the pain of which discounts
any rheumatistia or sciatica that ever
vms heath of. But if the teacher
mother a colonel.,
Teta Toronto meeting of the Ameri-
can Association for the Advancement
of Seience, to be thekl from August
27th to September 7th, promises fea-
tures of unusual. interest. The general
sessions will be held in Couvecation
Hall, University Buildings. Major
3. W. Powell, the retiring president,
will give his address on the evening of
the 2gth, and the vice.presidents of
the various sections will speak before
their notions during the afternoen of
that day. Special meetings will be
held of the Entomoiogicat Club, the
Botanical Club, the Agricultural So-
ciety, and the Amerce= Geological
Society during the sessions of the
American Association for the Advance-
ment of Seience, Papers will be read
by Prof. J. D. Dana, Dr. E. 0. Hovey,
Prof. Gilbert, Prof. Newberry, Prof,
3. LeConte, Prof. A. Winchell, M. 0;
D,Waloott, and others. The president-
elect of the association is Prof. T. 0.
Mendenhall, of Terre Haute, flatlet:a
at the head of the Rose Polytechnic
A LONDON (England) desotcli says
The news of the fresh seizures in Doh -
ring s Sea has been received with tin
pleasent suvriee, the general belief
having been that Levi Salishury'S
remonstratiel wolld pre volt a rept',
tion of the "Meek Diamond " outraee
The Ht. dames Gagettr, whim supports
the Government, wive that these eei
Zures offer a haah aggravetion, end
ittke,.,&t 4tru,g beiag taker'
boys The most- immaculate and
sinless creatures in the world. Then
he is persecuted. He is dubbed a
CMS teacher, and such a name as
that generally sticks to a teacher.
But she doesn't care, as long as her
boys are educ tted. But don't huit.
What a strange tiling ia man 1 and
-Milt a stranger
Is -woman I What a whirlwind is her
And vitae a whirlwind full of eopth
and danger
Is all the rest about her.
. No?, *story.
11 will be gratifying to our rears
to, know the klistory of British edam -
Ma, by Hubert Howe Bancroft, netd
recently sold only with the complete
set of this anther's works in 30
voluMes, can now be obtairxed separ-
ately, complete in one volumeit is
perhaps one of the most difficult fielde
in literature, to take uh it was se
lately a, vast wilderness, with oniytio-
crudest material to work with, and
make of it a complete and finished
narrative, as Mr. Boneroft has done,
interweaving with the more sitbstan-
tial political and industrial develop-
- .
Akron, Miebigan, where he became P hi I: 2 S
- res -en. -.01114- _MDT. . to lend instrai
Kent's Ble0
owner of a, farm, saw min, and other vieo-proadoot-noa. JAMBS TUMOR. .
property. Ilis wife a as a Mico Met- , ,,, DIRECTO/M. a. W.
calfe..They had no family. About a Itomm, A. T. %Von.
year ago Mr. McDonald went to Bay . Cashier -J. TURNBULL.
City, his market town, on business, .
and he has ,never' since been heard
froua. There were no reasons for. his
sudden thsaaapearance, and the affair
was enshrouded in mystery. A few
days ago a skeleton was found in a
swamp on 'the way between McDon-
ald's place and Bay City. From eer-
Savings Basile hours,10 to 3; Saturdays, 10 to
1. Deposits of 51 and upwards received Dud Interest
Special 'Deposits also received at current
,ratos of interest,
Drafts on Great Detain and the United States
bought and sold.
)5. WILLSON, Aen3r.
tain bone deformities it is supposed CONVEYANCER, FM
MST .,&c. , .
k o anditon. Commisisionele.,
r Manitoba. Private funds! _.
at lowest rates. Offices - , '- '
Luckh,,, • •nd (Thule.
. a„ amnasole.
Wingliam' • Ontario.
this skeleton is the rentiaillii of poor
McDonald,who had been murdered for
D 11. I ‘1'
.9rrias-Beaver Block, \Vixens*, 0112`.,
• Gomm) and Breve, (Js. •
Private and Company funds to loan at low rates 04
some money be was supposed to have IS OFFERING . interest. Alortgages, town and farm property
bought and sold. Mercantile collections a specialty,
S Serowe ie manufacturing eel
luloid Piatee Vulcanite plates of Um
bestmaterial as cheap as they tan he, °
got in the Bonham .eks work war-
on him and whose body had been
JLVI 0 '11" =4 .
dragged into the swatop, stripped of alj
clothioga and placed under a brush pile •
where the' skeleton. was' found. The MI.A.M,IVC. 17M401=2.7.11R/11-7"
affair is now being investigeted by the AT 'V'ERY LOW RATES; ranted.
authorities of Michigan. Vegetable. Vapor administered f01 tho painless
extraction of teeth, the only onto anesthetic known...
T128 Va,stness of Canada. OFFICE In the *Bower Block, opposite the
Brunswick Hotel.
The Insurance Post, of London, SM 'E1 III)E r DENTISTRY. -.V. II. MACDONALD, %%must
Eng. conveys this idea of the vastness OFFICE-ORPOSITE TH.D, MARKET. Malan of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy,
of Oanada: "It is difficult to afford any •° 1•Vmeaus Oman= dry, 1888. •
adequate conception of this country.
England, Wales and Scot lend form to varazaragrBuirmama
gethor an area of..88,000 square miles;
you could cut forty such areas out of
Canada. New South Wales contains
309,175 eiquare miles, and is larger by
172 miles than France, Continental
Italy and Sicily, Canada would make
eleven countries the size of New South
Wales.:tThere are (in extent) three '
British Indies in Canada and ,still
enough left to make a Queensland
and a Victorie. The German Empire
could be carved out of Canada and
fifteen more countries of the same
Some people give as an excuse for
aot advertising, that they have been
Supplies all necessaries for Inn -
era), furnishing having a Delivery
Wagon Specially for this branch of
business, All -orders attended
personally, and delivered any:
where within 10 miles of Wing:
Remember the place, first dolir
south of the big brick hotel on the
main street, Wiugha,na.
Silve, Gold, oto., etc., Plates, rang
in prices from 000 upwards per set.„
crownng and bridgework. Teeth ex
traded without the least pain by the use of
ized Air. Head Office, Winghatu, side entrance op,
polite the eltieen's hotel, open daily (Sundays except-
ed) from 0 m to 6 p m. .W011 be at Blyth every
2nd and eth Saturday of eaehmonth-Ofileont Milne ,
hotel; Gordo: let and erd Mondays of each month-- °
Office at Albion hotel, Extracting 25 cenut,
OrixAilm ,
p DEAN, :II111.,EWC4A14:Gia:1111,A.131": a.
krIONVI1 to ell from whom they are at LICENSED NUOTIONEER FOtt THE 00t111TY
long established in their trade and are ..i.ehassmss4Am4AA.4..azzAnnaugsfass**14.6zArz*:
country of rapid changes such a claim'
TO7 EFL OF 0 liUf sr"
: . Moderate.
Sated attended in any part ot tao co. Charge
-0' HURON.
all to Gamin patronage. In title
is simply absurd. Our population is I , t Ill eras HENDBES011,
increasing at the rate of neerly forty • ifiRDIGE • LAKE. gilfg• 1.1000000 AntiTiphiliBtt Pon Comeriza HURON' ANA
per cent each ten years, and this in. Beam
cities and towne. Tbe newcomers
-WATER and All sales attended V) promptly and on tho,Portest
crease is rot eontined to the newer Cuts, Braises, and Bums, and used
connection with the SALTS or
should be invited to trade with the old in Charges Modere.tt and Satisfaction Guaranteed,
All necessary arrangements can be made at th
Tanis' 08100.
Arms, else the younger rivals well get Tong ar TOMEI' SOAP
them an.d the old customers also. BOLTON St HAWKINS,
trying with pnin of tiott.ng 'Peon If so send a• P. L. 11-„p. Suaysvoits AND CIVIL ENOINE ,
ADVICE To tIvnentis.- Are you disturbed at night 3alt knellnle LoZellna, Old So -es 141 S d 11
., le n a
80.1 1)51800 of your rest by a sick child suffering and Diseases of the Blood and,Skin.
once and got o bottle of " Will9109,8 Sonthbyr
syrup" for Childs -en Teething. /ts value is hicalmi. Ask your Druggist foe Testimonials. Alt orders left at the caleo of tho Tame wilt re
able. It will relieve the peer little sufferer coive prompt attentiorf.
imorellately. Depend npon it, moths -hi; there is 110 . .
ments . a N USW,
regulates tbe Stooptch and Ilowels, curtalVincl Celle, 11101. 'Arai of re` ea 1.47, G
the (molt ato t al the prciserlflion f - a intrt outer tate don paid to division of plcrties
are drawn hag ly fr lif V • •
those Mame mettle! 8 r tt flistaire about it, It mire; Dysentery and Iffierrlima,,
e lie. Lill 0
torciantio episodes connected with the 40a00 the mewl, mdueo, mem
imnatien, and (.00
d and roving life here oneountored, !glen yea to the ewe tee Will'
tame s ,ro o iltirvoyort Civil Engineer and Uralveltallm
fr. Baneioft's picture ` pleasant to the tasi,:' 4 is f " t°('Cril" 19f
3,10 V0ii11111.
to building tote, settling disputed bonn aries,
e 0 O. tho IT It 1 S ('inftle 11.1481‘. 419 a nil" 16 11I811°X4'° C()1.4.:"t4 D s
a el Mee arri is for scle by all di utTG To/o, preparing emu:dote plans of towns end villages aa
gX1411440141 Welch p ,Y Per
the country in porson he cum) t througlieta the 41 ugg fith
mr insertion In deeds, Croesfficetions of rilverliladiecm
egeney. Registry Act, and descriptions of wo
tile' ewe. sa Wei * rine twenty-five tents a
c 080 001liaa Wit 1 an yr. ir
officers of the Hudson Bey Compeny,
SYntrDe." trkke tigtile'YFItad.W1144"14
80101the X . until lately.
Bprar ri wwv:
moat *of whom- have passed away. A 1V0111811 of Trenton, tan., seieel
Prom their experience be not exile and held four of her neighbora chuiu
obtained a large ITIRSti of infortnation ren for debt,
which ptherwi ...) (Ada nave pabber, A NAS \ DIrmersrs treet with nneli bot9e
out of exiaten -e, but ill* was Elf if 5111084 Cabral Remedy. Pricer SO cents, For
tO fill his work with viv*d 1"fe I 416
And estimates of emit of Bridges, Culverth, Itr, Pro.
Airs and estimates for grading hills, drainage road
and street improvements, sewers anti other' Engl.
a -leering WOr101. Correspondence tolieited, 14tAting.
)11we zud character of work, OFFICE -At J. 41..
%Med. HWY gond UM ONTO- 4 laW OWN, 1/4 Wham, Ont,
mother Cues. Doh Indies' ,
and gem' slew with work/a'
0000 0.100 ht Aunt WO. r -R0-0
0 ne Perowitein oath la
rattly tan wont ono free, 2
toratitor with our largo OA val.
obi* 1it04 or_ "Somehow
marnoieg, whew eamplee, 1111
well al the watth, wa send. J,Xtrtr30tOr and Builder,
'lithel in yen home for *
tail which in , other way could h't'' These throe enif, the pei i 86114 woo May hats eellil, they 'memo Yon, or IntlIwIr 'nos *Ina ItAlf,
Month* iina *hewn thertt tO_Shoett
a - 0Yr, .
1080 Writs ft (mei On WI erre af tee Wog' the Orb
been ]G*tbI Beside:1 etug a irinder. lie tikes so find thinge dull. VattlartZ. Varer431:411.4Zattupel!. Area for Dormoy'll (11Mgrave) 11M6 '
' .,,r• „
' 0. '