HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-08-30, Page 5to. °there Tree a right ma wrong f padre But vre would reoegnize God's Wain for le nerna—Sono of the cot, alsoi 1 am i toed, therefore, te hated in his remeval, and isaye He lege students have turned into Darn accept the stat eat of Chambers' doeth all things well. God sends us laborers.—Mesar. Hamilton 4 Tovell Eneyelopeedie in. r and to infellibility, hAwl retnovee ere, ne h , ence wino have removed the geode saved from, , rather than Collo ;a Laynlari 0. It and haw he pleasea; and it becomes the Are t4) natant* block, where the says that "it embraees Alt entestions of - not to murmur at hie diepeneations, post ofeee ia alSO being kept at present. faith and morality, at; euej!ets of general but to submit to hie will, and .Being unable to secure premises of discipline, se far at least as to preclude quiesce in his arrange:I:lents. We see sufficient capacity for their busineeee the introduction by authority of the In Isle removal from our midet, Mellere. Hamilton 4 Tovell liave de-- Church of AU dieelPiine which should renewed, illustration Jet the great arid oided to remove from Belgrave, and be injurious to faith and to morality." solemn truth, that death is the lot of are haying a great clearing sole for the This meets the ease also ; though as 1 all—that here we have no continuing net forty days,---Laet. week your have SlIONVD• a lineation discipline pity ; and our prayer for the bereaved Blyth correspondent Bald, "if that may fairly be deemed a question of family would bee that he would take wus the Belgrave club that emu° to morals, Might L eel; le Catholic, Lae. roan correct in saying that the doctrine of the Catholic Church is that the Pope is ouly wheu speaking as the omatbpieue of. a. General Council Was not tbis the subject of dispute between. the Ultraneentanee and Gallioane parties, as to whether the Pope alone or the Pope in Council were infallible ? and was it not decided in favor of the Intramontane party, that the Pope alone is infallible, by the Vatican Council -in 1870 . t had hoped to finial) my remarks in this letter, but it has grown ao long that 1 must defer the conclusion till next week. W. K. Sinew, ie.. LET .DOWit THE AtCHOpeaier R Jr 5 Qa t'tle g 4-A 0 g 11> ct) ,440, f,13 m Ca CO r, 1,1A theme under the shadow of Ins wing, play the club of that place, be docs and oast the shield of his fatherhood not inloNv where Brussels and Gerrie tta P c") around them and pour into their conies in, as be saw several of their soula the balm of consolation, and players in the team," 8ay,souny, you For every Department at our large premises is literally jammed witl. give them the oil of joy far 'mourniog must have beeu a little "off ' that New, Seasonable, Stylish and, Remarkably Cheap FALL and the garment of praise for the morning, but it was well you, did not —GOODS, Splendid range of— ,spirit of heaviness, The shadow of imagine that something worse than a great Borrow is now resting on the ball players from Brussels and Gerrie DRESS (3-0-0DS3 family. But God,. in his. love, has were after you. Be earefui, or the irradiated bathe dark olond with n next attack you get, it will be osnakes' . golden glory. Mercy mingles with jie your •boats. But I will tea you In every design and texture, from the cheapest Meltons to the richest, the trial, for we can look beyond the that there were none of either clubs —Silks or Satins.— derloiess of the tomb, to a bright and ,with us. “Brace up" and pull that joyful resurrection -dawn. For him kleeee of MeKinnon's wool out of your ,wbose loss we mourn we sorrow not eyes and you will see better. We as those who have no hope; foie we ,would tike to' see the Blyth team, up All shades. from 50,cts up, and other trimmings to match' all styles of 'have the eoneforting assurance that to our tournament. —Dress Goods,— 8 in passing through the valley of the Be sure to see our shadow of death the light from the Salem- P S E S celestial city abcc"Pcm. him' and and' mrs 17. Wilson "le- Mani,1;5oolls navn Wheteehureh• • guided Win along that he rested his brated their silver wedding on Tees- 1. ' 4 Mr John Clow wee well known nod eoul by faith on 'Jews as his Saviour highly respected -throughout this and -was upheld by God's „grace and 'day evening last. Several of their distriet, where• be has • strength, ' During his last illness his friends and, neighbors were present For FLANNELS, either grey, red, white -or blue, and away down many friends and a very agreeble time was spent in price, be sure you visit the "Anchor." and- relatives. Three years ago ho suffering was severe aud exortmiating Songs, recitation, and .the usual removed to Miehiganewhere pine but he bore it with unmurmuringSongs, ehased a fine, farm and settled. on. it. patience and resignation, He ex games composed the programme.. Stacks of WHITE A.ND GREY COTToNSi TIMINGS, SEEIRTINGS and His friends here will be sorry to hear 'pressed bis submission to God'e win ; The majority of married people, seem GENEAAL 1)11,1" Gloom, offering cheap. I to enjoy only a boney-moon while of his death, which took place: an And his readiness to depart in Grails . _ . Mr. and Mrs.. Wilson sesta to enjoy a --Great value offered in-- Friday, 9th Angusb. The fennel time. Re declared, his unfaltering took piece on Sabbath, llth August, trust in Christ as. bis Saiour, and perpetual honey -annum, — We are e"Whither are WO STD) SWINGS AND TWEED' e gel . .etta was the large .t ever aeen in that that amia bis *pain, and suffeteug, the often led to exclaim, part of the country. least Sabbath, peace of God was filling his heart, and we drifting ill'n 8001n intellectually --Y, "49 ; (.18th Aug) the funeral sermon was the promises of the gospel. were .s.n1 morally.- To be euro the schoolAnd guarantee every Suit we make to be satisfactory in . style,, proaohed in Lamotte Church he the his stay .and support. The assurance—workmanship and fit.— 'system is doing something to . improve' humanity intellectually, the pulpit Rev ‘..V2m Whitfield, A M, 'wbo, after of an. interest in tine heavenly -world way at .morally and: the home socially, but rues 01 SHIRTS expoundine and illustiating the text- through Chriet a.s tha job 30 : 23spoke as follows : onl The entrance nate it, madey him willing to • still it is suiprismg, even in tInS —' dia- depart from this vale of tears ; and. nineteenth century, to think of how Wet, stroke of death has. visited our., many ignoramuses, rogues, and black - and removes from our Midst ' in the struggle with the last enemy, . one who was an honorable office -bearer he looked to Christ as his Saviour, guards shore aro in certain °Gummi- .. in We coegregation, and took the obtained the victory. Christ's all. .ties. Fr instenceaa crowd of boysCA 'PETS .1 FLOOR OIL. OtOTES., 1 . r deepest interest in its welfare and was Sadeieney WAR the rock,ora returned home fon. church last which he - Please visikthis department before giving your 'orders elsewhere. Sunday night in.sueh a way as to Weiler and deservedly esteemed by eh rested ;., and that bore him up aniidst who knew him. Last Sabbath his re.we lead ono to betieva that be Was the swellings of Jordan: and now mains were committed to the tomb, can in,dulge. the cheering assurance ' ,% .. t, ord.on 1 .1*. • among, the heaeluma of Africa,, where p , , - .,i: , • ..1, aperably) of moornetsi, which testi. higher, activity and more deliehtful are bet at naught. We would advise TRE BROWN ANOROR, WINGETAM. cluty:re, _. scene of all: righteaof deceney, law and order e8e,e'.. i ..1 aci3onspanjecl by an, unusually. large that he has entered upon, a . the parents of thig githg of rouahs . to lied- to the ,bighesteem .and respeet service,_in that world where there ., , 0 ' .either keep -their children:at helm or . , . . . -in which he was held...John Olow was shall be no more death, . neither sor; ,. . barn in , the, parish of Methile, in row, erg crying, norpain, foraceompenythera as. escortsto pre:- . the for- ': ... Perthshire, .Se,otland ; ,e,ocl in 1.8e2, tiler things are passed awax- ' -.vent thern.frein refleeting:diegraee. one, _ 41 t h • ' - thorn,• - ..ee earbere al years old, earns be. Canada - - along mall hisfather and mother - , Aed grief no more oompliins, . 'Ferniers-are v.ery. busy jest. now, and , • 4 , F 0 R . ... . , There psinand kss- never come; • , . . "lines and gauge seem • . , 0 threshin .m.ac TIES 9. 5 HATS, awl UNDERCLOTHING To suit every taste, T.REA.SU.RER'S SALE . OF and the rest of the femily. The ' Bes,ith triamphs ine,ittimertal bloord, . Ontario BY VIETUE of awarrant issued by the blayor, under the Coripiostur7o,orn, Tou,„,oilwIF13,atn, TixiontnIndi iont ImVienfollinv , tacinweelirgeteidt,01=1:4rticloontitihne fttuertAndoagnogt j 1 coon to sell the said lands ,Jr SO •1•Oh thereof as may be neeemar y for tho payment of the' tilx.les Atiar7urdoutr:1;8(1:11.i.i. at the Council Chamber of the said Town of Wingtulm, en g And endless pleasure reigns. to be in dearand,—Ma. T. s. Wilson remainder of • his life_ was passed has secured a school in Whiterock, , No oloicl. those blissful regions know, ' Mich., which he left for on Wedues- , re Canada, up till three years ago, ythen be removed, to .thit For ever bright and fair, last. We wish bine the .success ' that state, }le was brought up in abe : For sin, the source of mortril.woe, , Can never enter there. bis energy, ambition and tact deserve. -fear of God- from his youth, in no - —His eister, Miss Tda Wilson,. has Nor sun's effulgent ray; succeeded in getting a third class or family training to know the Bible, For Flory, froti the sacred throne, • certificate in Mich, and -as she is corn., the Psalms of,David and tbe Shorter cordance with the old.Bcottish system There no alternate night is known, • Spreads everlasting day, , - . parativroy young, ties evinced talent Catechism. Re was possessed of and enterprize knso doing. She also, many excellencies which endeared him The discourse was closed with some has our best wishes for her success.— to altivith whom he came in contact, furtber wOrds of . nornfort for the .. air. Jena .1looey ishttating up another being distinguished for his singular relatives, and with lessons . for the .zarloach-nt horses for Manitobe,-111,r.. amiability of character and obliging eongeegeiion, who listened with ragt 'W. I Willits,,thoClifford photegraph- disposition, and by uprightness and attention throughout,„ -and' fine& the ete,paicl his patents, a flying visit , last , , integrity of conduct in all the rela, church to overflowing, . wee.,li,—Mossrs Crockett , Willits and-- - tions.of life,. In Canada„where nest , , Tbere bas -been a veryedry spell • in Wm. Gernmill have been appoint of his life was spent, he stood high 'this locality, Pasture and Wraps ed. executors.to dispose of and. settle in the ,estiroation of , . the , community . eequ're rain,r,Rarvest will -soon., be the estate of the late Wm., Willits,-,., among whora-he hvect and occupied over; the fall wheat Le badly rusted. MiSs Fanny Longley returned fion, WINGHAIT SAW MILL) taxes duo there0n, hereby Ave notice that unless sue arrears and all coats are 00000r paid I sI all • - SATURDAY the Twenty-sixth Day of October, IS89`: At tho hour of TWO O'CLOCK in tho afternoon, Tholf?llowing lands are patented except parts 1 and 21. Quanta}, E half of 29 Scott south 0.4. Scott 1-10 acre . $ 2 78 , $1 50 No. Street urvey ,,,,.. of Land, . Taxes,.. Costs, Ivital: E part 1 85'2 Josephine E Gov, Add. 1-2 25 II 7 SO 32 97 3 • . • Josephine E J & W Sadler's 1-5 14 32 6 -50 20 82 115 Catharine W Leet,t5 Davie 1-5 . 5 91 , 8 50 9 41 EEL 0 th I W 1-5 .. 3 to 9 41 231, John and Francis Leet Ind goltaY 2-5 . 6.53 • 10 53 Treasurer's. Office,. Wingbam, July 4,1830. . . JOI-DT niczsohr Treasurer, thapoeition olderin. the P.resby- The Aeld is small and sample bad.— Teeswater on Tnesday last to 'pay a ,, . 1 terian congregation .'of , Whitechurch, The exeursion to Goderieb last week shortnisit o.her parents. the duties of .which oillee lie faithfully was well patronized, 70:tickets, being ••,, and earnestly discharged. On the sold here.—Mt T Finnen, a former , r . erection of this congregation into a resident of this, Oro, who, has,. been .! . - Listowel• . separate charge in October last, he on a . visit to friends, returned to The, it holiday was duly observed ' Was spontaneously and unanimously Michigan last, week.—Mrs, J. Cook, on Friday last. • L special train Ieft elected to the, Same office here,, the of Blenheim, and son No1310,.. are otin the morning; conveying . a Lucre duties of whieh he was equally faith- a visit to friends. near here.—Georgina number of people who were botrnd for ful in disehaaging, besides tailing a McKee,- of Listowel, is visiting rela various points of interest, snch as deep' interest in the prosperity of this tives here.—Outtiour and feed store Hamilton, the Palls, Toronto,. eto. (Jimmie.' He has Ikon cut elf . in the is doing a rushing, business. Flour, The Listowel band accompanied tha tniast o± his days, when, to all human &c, can be bonghtt, ()heap. Mr, 1 fa Hamilton eiCureionists,—On Friday, appearance, he had a long and Beaton, the proprietor,.. seems to evening, 28rd inst, a riveting of ,oredie prosperous future before'. him. Ah understand his basinesa. tors of Messrs Hess ,Bros was held for though not strong for a pert ofthe opting and summer; o unwillingly , . .. the purpose of Appointing a new as - it Beigravee signee in the place of Bele illorphy. -detained for several Sabbaths from Messrs Blaekley et Anderson, the ne- ttle house of God, where it was. al- Mr. S. A..Tovell has gone to -Guelph signeos. of the Toronto brae* were ' ways his delight to meet with JOS on business,—Bev.G. Lem/Ante yetarne ehosen, to the gerterel satisfaction of, fellow- worshippers' in the serviee of ed after a journey to Toronto and-otker the creditors,.r--The exhibition of the e sanctuary, he had to a great et- places of 110t0,--tb. a Agnew, who -emu:mei Agricultural Soolety will be tent recovered his health and strength has been spending, Ins .vrteation at e alt.,a on 0 aeptember 18, 19 and. 20, But God in bis mysterious over, ruling home, has returned to Clinton.—The When nearly $2,000 in prizes will be Providence, after lb ;3110a ilmoss of people ot this vicinity blond holding ofeeeee,_on woemsdne, Sept nee .. a pienjoand base ball tournament on . conventicto of the Methodist Sunday Monday, September 9th, A grand salmis. of .the district will be held in time is autieipeted.—%1t' 0. MoUral', town.—The Christ church liareeet of Algoma,. is visiting friends here, -thanksgiving service has been fixed prior to his departure for Washington. for Sendey, the let Sept. On the. --Miss Maggio 1Vorrison,who hesheen 59 9 e t : 0,-011fai;/. ..0.10W stir, tt, &neer and Con - waned to the house for some time eera.will be held in the skating rink. past with inflammation of the lenge, is recovering. Her many Houle will be pleased to see her around again.— COL LAN, of the Distriet of British elesers, Etingstone Vannornian itid Columbia, has been appointed as McClelland went to a grand carmen Consul-Omer:el of the 'United States tbe other night,—Harvest bawls are only a, week's darte,tion, has removed him from this scene of being, and never more Can we see him, moving in our, nald4,cheering 114 with Ilia genial smile, and his affectionate, loving eleannera Ris !nee will be severely felt by a, wide. eirela of *lode on a neighbors ; but most of all by his oWit household, for he 'WAS an affectionate husband, end a -loving and tender father. The spirit nal welfare of bis family was ever at his heart ; and as be gathered them ftround the &mile altar, he sought sow around bre, Nearly l'At OttiiMiltillStOilli of Mr nos W very likiss, who reeignad. tfolefiel4de kheert ill tile helreellwar 'every Mak you can see two or three note HISTORY OF BRITISH COMP. rroni the curliest Trolled to the Pre•ent 5D1210. 'sr Rural, mows mounlorr. - Now ready, complete in one volnine, with sectional, maps, plans and, index, A book full of atartling in - moats and thrilling* romance.* A matchless work, by an author of great repute, and is also the only history of this section extant, Agents Wanted tvr:revci,),?g,i'l4tr,r07 t1:1 MGLEAR5 with intelligent and enterprising settlers, Who ate ume fa rapidly filling up • L. i .. a making note their holmes. They all wart to know the history of the country as well as their friends. PROPRIETORS. who do not go there. Here is a country es lame as and those who have business connections with them tho United State, and this volume must ever con- . *A stitate the fonndatlon of its history. !Mt, KINDS or eon be made by agents, Everyone ot the hundreds of thousands of peeple interested fa this country, and in the history of the world,. one part with rimidgra,• another, wilt buy this honk. It is wholly unbiased, and though tull of startling dotail, it hi thoroughly ..),0/24? • From $5 to $zo a day SHINGLES, AND WOOD Itept.coostantly ott band or cut to order and deliver. ad in any:part of the town. on tho shortest possible uotico, IMAM orders attended to promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. Orders la Car Lifts a Specialty. MilI'0.tel Yard on Josephine street, adjoining the 0, P. R. track. L. L. S. leleLltAll, Wingham, Mai let, USN - TO1 1,0118 • SAL35. toond: practical and p osophIcal, Good earnest wor rs desiring terrirnry should apply inuardiately and in order to secure it in. gently sond 31.25 or a complede canvassing outfit, and name choice fr territory, txtra liberal terms guaranteed. N experience or capital required, ea tho book will s I itself if properly prer.ented, and we Oro onr mts thirty days' time in which to de. liver and colt et. Address, • THE TORY CD., 723 Mar kal 't st.t rtmetaco, Cal. A corvitsLeis Aais-rbEiv joiarovi. and 4itiiiilletot - Embracing also a history of the floods in Williams .. • pod, Loch Iftwo, tiuninny, and all the ilm.sierl districts in the State ot liennevit ania, also in. Wash- +.$ anti, %tit n t - wot aii nfi 101154ti VIP 90544_ INS 02 over 11,2)1)es ata thedestruction of over 140,000e 000 worth ot prop.rty. DV GEOL. T. rtRytta, A.M. octavo, 82.p a.rcs: Illustrated 't(1.'rort.. r•. titgut. Vitt. z,?4,2ro Z81 avnigts. 1,1i. "'Town Lots /Os ils.; 0 DIP In the TOM) net' ;Iyab edition isstivti August ttlth S 4, pay ,nty on of Sitinghton, coinedui n acre eselt, are bo baese• tat o apply to Atti4bLt5 WANTX0 Set' ct I, 00, QN, navrisw, 114.tv niae;batt. 46. 600D1;11;t1) co., •