HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-08-30, Page 4teingtam
' last week; at course your bumble tier. Turnberre. hair. Yese shorwiteettes to Catatclisa morals; Iter saof ° nee , � gyernir?g„atlier .
Layman, matters o£-; a greatest itt}portanoQ .
111e5 . included:.•• --•Mr. Barker, of Toronte, Miss Awe mamma ie at present To ta4adt oe otcao wlntthscaT,ksa; y to preserve ,
was in town last week. --Mrs. N. H. xeaiting friends at �'irroxater.-.LouiseDeese SIR, -I intimated in txty lank, ure,attid�ioteot thee:Mea l -an Dogmas, •
Young paid Listowel a flying visit last Tipling and her brother •,Arthur, of that [might not reply again, How- pure
matters. in t+1;Ig and the pre-
FRIDA.X, AUGUST 80, 1880.
week. -Mn George Powell was in Toronto, who have been, visiting .at ever,1 think it well to make some ceding csnttershews given rise to great
8arlook last week. --J. t+ivin stop, their cousin's, Amos �'ipling e, have additional remarks. Catholic Layntqu .evils and abuaee. M1..our predeeea• .
tries to break the force of the. quota- saga have been, grievance amicted by
b• calling it an 1 ' d especially Pope �nnacsnb �I
Mr, S. 11. Gedtey, our prominent town this week. --S. Woodman, Lon- before taking his position as teacher .,,insinuation" and not a (large, ber- wire was forced by necessity to forbid
tailor, is having the roof of his nese- desboro, A, lamella, Ipgersoll, Wtu. in the nlitohvll High School. -It is cause he has not appended fent notes• the SQeiety from admittiug novices ;
dance shingled. ---Dir, John Kelly, in-
moore, Clintons were in town last reported that one of our boundary ,ole has not appended, them to. what he Innoeopt XIII, u+lio was abliyed tci
the Queen's Hotel, is having the in• week. -T. E. Burney, of Colinton, was line boys is about to join the noble said in their favor either., But hatho' .threaten it iaztla th same punislyrnent, and
tenor of his house nicely decorated in town this went'• -R, B. Lawrence, urnty of bneadiots beforo longber lie Layman readily quoted that, ,How- also Benedict XIY, who ordered a.
and painted.--MoElory Bros. have of Guelph, was in town last week.-- Harvest iss nearly over and a number ever, in any case, Macaulay was not
visiiatioli. of the houses tins colleges,
etas a new Dost of paint put on their W. Spears, of Toronto, Paid I3lytli a of the farmers are threshing but the ,the than to make statements without in the States °£.our beloved son in
cooper shop, which adds greatly to flying visit last weak. yield's very small, wheat from.10 to large investigation,. even when lie• bac eeees Ohrist, the very faithful King of •
East, Vila a 20 and barley from 20 to 80 bushels y - p Portugal and Algeria,'
the appearance of the building.t--�- not deotned it necassar to s pend g "
The large new driving shed at Central osh• -per acre. nates. Your correspondent is quite Again, '" Indeed the clamors and :
Hotel is nearly completed. -Wander Mr Boot Riley has disposed of his Mr Thomas Gilmour, who has been 'riglit.in classing liiin.iis an Anti ,Ischii. the cugiplaints.'about the Society going
if the salt barrels on Dinsley street
farm, being lot 36,coiteessiuu 9, to laid up with a serious attach of might put a large number of emi- on increasing from day to day, there
are soon going, to flat y We pee a his neighber, Mr Robt Scott, for pleurisy and other troubles, the result ,tient writers in the sou^e class, Cittho• arose in some places troubles, diesen-
couple of the fair sex and a couple 85050.• The farm contains 100 acres, of a bad .cold, is uow able to g t lie Layman need not feel Burt about
more o£ the other sex bolding them.around' again, though still quite the rise of the term "Romanist," sions,, very dangerous seditious and
and the sale is considered to be tkgooa feebly -Binding twine is costing this It
even scandals, which having snapped .
down every night! -A telegram reach- one. is now commonly used by Proteatanta, asunder and totally annihilated the
ed here from 111! George Kiug, from year about 35 cents per. acre. --The 'as less offensive than the old term bonds of Christian charity, enkindled
Montreal, stating that he left that The Council met in the Ootincil . teachers of this township are in re- „Papist," and shorter than Raman in, the heart of: the faithful a party
part for Liverpool, instead of Glasgow, room, August 15th, pursuant to ad- ceipt of ,the rules and regulations in Carbolic. I have, however, used the .spirit, hatred and enmity: Tlie deli- •
on the 12th. We wish George a safe jotlrntnent, members all present..reference to the uoifori>i promotion terms Roman Catholic and.(latholio ger became so imminent that those
`Ford has !cashed here of Minutes of last meeting read and examinations to be held in October also, the latter by courtesy, not��con• whose piety acid liereditar f good will
K ll signed. Messrs. Wm. Pethery. and ..�Oramminry" up for examinations will , dn o£ course the °universal. inI toward the Society are widely acknoty-
!edged by. all, nations,, namely, our .
'beloved sops iI} "Jesus Christ, the Kings
of Prance, Spain, Portugal and the . j
two. Siciljes, were forced to- eject and to ,
banish from their Kingdoms, States
and Provinnes, all the members of this ;
religious order, living persuaded that this .
extreme measure was, the only cure for so
uzueli evil, and the only way to prevent
Christians from provoking and insult-
ing aiuVteariiig.onc- another to pieces;„
in the very. bosom of the Church their
Mother, But•, these Xipgs, our very
dear sous in Jesus Christ, were of
opinion that their remedy could have
uo permanent effect, and be sufficient
to restore, peace in, the who'e world,
unless the Society itself were coin-
plete•ly suppressed and abolished.
Consequently ,they made their wishes ,
:known to Clement XIII, our predeoes• •
sor. But the unexpected death of •
this Pontiff stopped the course and ,
prevented the realization of this mat-
ter. Scarcely were we raised to Said
Peter's sent, but the • same prayers,
requests and' entreaties were made to ,
us, and to these were added the coun-
sels and supplications of. a Rape num-
ber of bishops and other men eminent for '7
their rank, scholarship ancipiety. After r `
having then used all necessary means,
helped as we have every reason to be- '
lie•ve, by the presence of ,inspiration of .
'the lioly Ghost; besides this compelled
by the duty of our office; to`do all that
lies in our power to'pieserve, to main- ,
twin, and to ensure the peace and
tranquility of Christendom, and en- •
tirelyextirpate whatever might: endan-
ger it; and being_conviocgcl, that the
Seeietyr of Jesus is.,no longer able, to ,
beer the :abundant fruit or give forth ,
the great benefits for- which it was
instituted .; . . being convinced fnrther
that it was next to impossible, indeed tee
entirely impossible, for the, Church to , '
enjoy rest and lasting peace while this.
order exists, urged by such powerful .
motives, and stimulated by other rea- .
sons suggested to us by the law of
Providence and by the ,wise ,adminis-
r the riches of , trations of - the Universal Church ; •.
the -world. Such was the source of after a mature examination with full
their troubles; which 'alas l are but knowledge of the facts _end, with • the
too well known,and which have •caused plenitude of our apostolic power, we ,
so much pain and grief to the Apos• suppress and we abolish the Society of
Bluth, last wee6.-E, Smith, London, was in Belgrave, spent Sunday with friends tion from Mamie -lave y this, an .este y
the severe 111ness of Mr Jolin a y, :,
formerly of Blyth,but now of Detroit, - Win. Holihan were present requestiaig he in order for the next two months
Mich. We hope, however, to soon .that something be done as soon as no doubt.
hear of his speedy recovery. -Air• .A., possible towards opening up sideline The Council Inst in Saints' hall,
Steinoff's youngest daughter is on the 39 and 40, cons. 5 and 6s Messrs Bluevale, ,on 22nd of. August. Mein -
sick list this week. -Air. Wm.Thonep• Taylor and Anderson were authorized bers all :present.. The Reeve in the,
son is on the sick list this week, --Mrs to go and see the premises, and report chair. J 1u utes of previous meeting
Wm, Oockerline ie able to,be around What was best to be done in opening read and approved. The Reeve re -
again after his severe attack. of fever. 'said road. Letter from. Peter Aiiam- ported that Mr. Armstrong had • cpm•
--The Hopeful Gleaners in connection son, Esq,, County Clerk, stating that ported job of. Arm Iron to d Gray's
the amount re aired for County rate y
with the PresUyteriali. Church have q - bridge •'according to enntrttct ; also
decided to hold a lawn social at the and Legislative School Equivalent was badge done a small job of extra work
residence of Mr. A, Elder on Wednes- $2275.45. Resolved that the sum -of on the same, and recommended that
clay evening the 4th of September. $2625 in addition to the. amount 'i e• he be paid $1,50 for extra ,work fie
As this is a ve , suitable place, a quires for,C•ounte purposes. be raised also recommended that John, Forster
large.attendance may be looked for,- this year, for. Township purposCs,
be paid $5 for ensgeotin;job of erect
Salaries and Contin encies and n
Miss Lilly Diantore,. of Mitchell, has„ inn Grays bridge ;. also that Frank
taken the plane lately vacated by I isa 'est on., Railway Debentures. A. 'rate 'Carruthers be paid 50 Ceuta for •fining
M. Taylor, of Clinton, in the junior ''of 4.inills oil• the dollar on ail. the road through river ; oleo that Jamca,
department of the public soheal.- -eaten ile property in the Township was Anderson his completed his job o1
The Congregation of the English 'struck, to:raise,• this; amount, to be gravelliiig on sideroad between lots 10
Church has decided to. • hold a harvest divided as follows :--County rate, and 11, concession 6 ; also that, a job
home festival en the llth of Septem- !mills, Township, 1 and ' three; tenth of cleaning out ditch on 6th line has
ber. We learn there will be a supper •mills, Railway, seven tenth mills. been let to James Baby at 30 cents
given in'the temperance hall,_ after A. Ise that the amounts for the several
per rod. Messrs.Thonieon and °Nick-
• R!heeh an adjournhigent rill be made �ohool sections requeredby the;trus shank. reportted.. haviu let lob of
to the church, wiiere.addresses will be tees be levied on canis property,. By .cleaning out-Ilohnes' ditch road.
delivered by ministers of the diocese law No, 9, 1869, eomfirming true same allowance to Thoinas Martin at 25
and resident ministers,,; --Rev. Mr. was read and passed, Moved by. Mr. cents per�rod; also having let job of
Scott, - of Wiggham, Swill, address a Sutherland,.seconded; by Mr. Ander- graveliipg near Holmes' schoolhouse to.
meetingof the Kraals, Rights Aasocia son, that the reeve and treas;}rer, be
Win. Garrett at 2b cents• per rod, and
tion in ndustry hall, on the evening emr owered to dispose of mortgage, No. that Mr. Garrott has completed jell
of the 3rd of Septeniliere `Admission 2 to the amount of 1200,.witll accru- according .to contract. Mr. °ruick-
free f all are 'cordially invited to -'ed interest up to date, also the, same shank reported that,: along with the
attend, -Some mean person or persons be reinvested as soon as possible to Reeve of 'Wingham, having let job on
went to the farm tef,btr. A. Sloan, a the 'best advantage;. • The fotlewing B. Line, Hent "cemetery, to Wm. Gar -
respectable fareper living near Btytlt, :accounts were passed and debentures ratt, at 88 eleits per. rad. Mr. Diment
on friday 'niglit or. early. Saturday issued for same, -viz. :-Arthur Brooks reported having let . job of gravelling
buildingthree' culverts,onsideline 39
morning and lilt the mane and lase offh on B. Zine :to .John Watcher at 77
o• both his working , and 40 Cons 8 and 9 : $14.e5 • Do. - , G ' Il reported
shamefully disfigured them.' one Do,gravelling suing e a
plied, .As to the . Papal Brief of
Clement XiV,;,k have looked into it
carefully, and instead of " the cowl
plaints of Icings against the Ceder
being only iuentioped,'; II see, the com-
plaints of . thousands.-nientioned. the
'Pope also assents to the truth of .these
complaints,, and thereby condemns. the
Order for, the troubles that they con=
atantly brought about, The Brief is.
too long to publish, in a letter, but here
are. 'suffi-nient extrltets to satisfy any,
unprejudiced mind •
""Nevertheless, from, the very tenor
sold wording of these Apostolic: Cou-
atitutions, we learn that in the bosom
of this Society, scarcely out of its
cradle yet, various germs of , discord
and jealousy had sprung up, which not
only dietracted its members, but led
them to 'set themselves. against the
othez; religious orders,,, against . the
secula . clergy, the. universities,, the
colleges, the public -schools, and against
very sovereigns, wlio, bad welcomed
and. admitted them into their territory,
. In a ward,, there was hardly.
an accusation of the most serious na-'
•titres, that was not brought up against
this Society; and the pease and tran-
quility of - Christendom were thereby
disturbed for a long period of time.
" Thence arose thousands of com-
plaints . [Leanest this religious com
Reunite, which complaints were' laid
before Pau1,IV, Pius V, and Servetus
V. our predecessors."
f b tl horrzea and ' ' cents per rod Mr. emmi r p ' Again, " But, all these precautions
1 If thine on sideline, 36 and 87, h let job of 48 rods gravelling f" c`tld not allay the clamors raised
persons are found' out, a heavy punish- con. 10, 82.13 , Do., Do., gravelling near Douglass', on gravel road, i o Johu 'V lust the Society, nor, reinave the'
Reno should beinflicted on them for on sideline 89 and 40, don. 9, $1&3a; Griffin, at 70 cents per rod. Rev. Mre ee plaints uvade;.about:, i•t.-. one t1>,a,
using , dumb, smite -rale 1n,stich a cruel. Charles Campben1,65 yds grave1,43;25, Tgtten was refunded 1; oll,aeco�zi t of contrary,. there; arose in, airiest; the
' "way .-Division Court was held iu Elam Livingston, 128 fe4t cedar.lym- road work • fpr. 1886e, Mr. barley's, whole wcplcf..t1 sharpest dispussioris,
caea.b p - • h&ll.,, on Monday, several . ber, $1.58 ; Thos. Nicholson, Auburn, alai>�n waa.laid over for, consideration. concerning the doctrines of ibis order,
cases being disposed of. -Judge Doyle 22, yds gavel, $L10; Jelin Geer, 110 A rate of 1 15-16 mills on the doli'ar which docti;ines many claimed' to be
of-Goderioll, was in town on Monday. yds gravel, $5.60 ; James McGee, con was leviecly for loup1y,,purps�ges; {incl i entirely opposed to Orthodox Faith
-Quite a number of legal lights visit-
1, 34 yds gravel, $1.74 ;. Georgeei3-,mills for toivnslnp, purposes.. the and sound morals. The very bosom of
ed odr town on Monday. -There are 77 yds grave! and damages, $4.85 •; Clerk was instructed to Ieyy,the sum the Society of Jesus itself was torn to
several cues of typhoid fever in town Jas. Elliott,, coq 10cti. und of Statute of $250.. foi.Ie,• ld., dt B, R. R.•. and pieces :hy,internal and external dissen-
ut present. -;vers. James Moore left labour tax ,$88, 50cts. ; James Roy, the a mounts required for -the different sions; and among the many charges
this week. for Oscoda, Mich., to attend con 12, refund of Statute. labour tax, school sections and Governriient dretirrs brought against that Society thou was
tier daughter,,Mrs..J, Ramsay, who is 1888,$2; John Jeelerson,nonnybroor, io the- township. The salary of the the charge of seeking with too mueh
very, ill at present. -Miss' Annie refund, of Statue, labour.tax,,,18$8, Cojleetor . for •the current year was eagerness and mistily after
Moffat, who hats been visiting. friends *$2 ; Benj. Naylor, 8.1 yds gravel and fixed at $60, including . postage and
in Baden, returned home this week,-- damages, n6.05�; C�eor.'��e Qui n, 91 stationery. Robert Harris, Esq:, was
Mr. R. D. Dunbar, a former Blytlute, rods wire fence, sideline 36 and 37 appointed Collector for the current
bat adios* of Chicago, • spent a f9w days
visiting friends, in town last week.
Bob,looks hale and hearty.- Miss F.
Tait,.of Walton, Wes in town this
week. --Miss Lukes, of Toronto, is
the guest Of, Mrs. Milne, this week. -
Mee J. Campbell, of Seaford', was
in our midst on Sunday. -Mr. and
Mrs. W. HafeBride were in Goderich
last week attending the funeral of
Mrs. McBride's nephew, Mr. Olds. -
Mr. Wm.
lds.-Mr..Wm. Parrott, who has been visit-
ing his mother here, returned to Tor
onto last weok.--Mrs. J. Montgomery
is visiting her ,parents in Seaforth'this
aTek, Jim d't like ..-.E, J. Owens,ha legal light inof Cleat- filling the approach to the hilly west '$7,14, doge" Mr. McKelvey, $1.80, do.; XIl and XIII antd•.Iienedictlay have
ton, is in town at present. -Mrs. John side of the river, cons 8 and 9,401: John Harris, 52.50, do,; J ohn,Vender, vainly endeavored to restore the dosir-
1+i c +tory, who has been on an .extend- ]Donald Calder; part payment for $1.50, damages drawing gravel ; Joh able tranquility., tee the Church, • by
ed visit to Manitoba, returned to her urayellin, at lot,42, cons .6 and 7e$20.: W. Walker, Si, gravel; jos. Neill, means of different constitutions, con-
weorge Do.slo balance of payment for gravel' $2,10, ilo ; Philip Baker, $2,64,, do.; earning, eitbeir these temporal ,affairs
Middleton, of Toronto,
was inG town liat, lots 42 cony 6 and 7; $10 , Geo.,Pocock, "$7,15, gravel and dam- 'that the,, ociety ought not to hare' inter.,
this week. -Miss L. Powell, of {`,lin Duncan Robertson, drain,and boxing ages; llobert Anderson, $4:60, do.; feted in,, outside, of its Missions, or in
trio, is visitingher brother here ,this stilus at lots 3$, sous 8 and 9,.as per Jolin Eorstor, $5, inspecting bridge; connection with them; or concerning
reek. (You, ill have to keep quiet Engineer's award, $6.90 ; Win. !Warr, Jauies Netteriield, $1.,50, repairing grave dissensions and sharp conten-
for a while, Will.) -Miss t%1egata 6ienaott, gingham, stat oneryds grayel and datrt?„ges, ,$163; culvert
\gym t4 Ga •rrott,le$• 5, do ; 12, r'T rank ber! boos,
Against.. the raised
loeal bishops, the
Kelly returned home from Clinton last, g :. '
week. --Blaster George I3anna, of Tomos,. p'luete, Wingham advance, Ourruthers, 50 cents, making road religious orders, the places consecrated
Will ham was visiting in town last printing. 1'rAgincial Voters' List, 1889', through raver ; James 4iiiby, S8, clean- to piety, and communities of, every
week -Mr. and Mrs. mess aro visiting $184 .vin .Stuart, Engineer services ing silt dltoh ; IL Armstrong, $91, •ap deseriptiou in Europe, Asia, and Muer-
at her parents, Dr. Sloan's, this week. Gil per
A ne dngat Of ln'a g Do can 5,nalMc preaches to Gray's bridgeo Jas. Piper, andica, acid which
hcl entailed
le nations rsuls
r--lVlisg 13' draw of Clinton was in $8,. charity; Ed. A m t ns, $5, ,eon.
non 8, $13 96; George $enderson,133 year, provided he furnishes three good
rods wire fence, sideline 86 and 87, and sufficient sureties, satisfactory to tolic ,Dee.
ee. THIS IS ALSO THE REASON Jesus ; we.Annihrlate MA we abrogate .
on 2, $19.95 ; Mark Buchanan, • 133 the members of the .Council, in the WHY MANY SOVEREIGNS. HAVE. BEER all aid every one of its offices, fane-
rods wire fence, sideline 30 and 81, gum of $12,000, on or before the 23rd tk
OPPOSE) TO THE ;SOOIirrr." (,N'ot so- tions, ands, administrations, houses, -
con 5, $19.95 ; Benj Naylor, graven -cording September next. The Clerk was
- cording to e,Pope, incidents of, .the; schools, colleges, retreats and .hospices
ing on sideline 50 and 81, con 11, instructed `•. 'the Ppaupadour kind.) ti. , and all other establishments in what.
,17.11; 'Robt Johnston, cutting to write to Mr. James Bal-
i--lagh that he. must cleats out drain on lPatella, "We have observed with ever way belonging to it, and in what- .
sideline 83 and 84, con 4, $13 ; D lot 19 .concession 12 on,or,before the the deepestsorrow•tbat these remedies, soever provinoe,.ltengdorn, or state they
Calder, gravelling on eastern bound- 2nd ,day of , ,sgpteinber. next. Also as also orally Others subsequently em- be situated.."
ay, Morris •.and. East , Wa anosb, ,to write to. Township Fpgineer to ex- ployed, have been neither efClcient nor - Any one leading ,the above may
514.75;. Wm J Fenwicl4 46 rods wire Alpine ditch on 6th line .on Weir, powerful enonnl ,to destroy and disci- easily see that it is .not the Kings,
fence, sideline 86 and•, 81, con 6,. $6. •Tracey and John Powell's lots, and if pate the distur Gaugee. the chnrge9, and bishops or nations that • the Popo •.
90 ; ,S`amson Carter,. • gravelniug on ''not cleaned out, to let the job of clean• the complaints about this Society ; bleenes, but the Jesuits themselves,
sideline 80 and 31, eon 4. 416,25 ; ing oat the paid ditch. Tlie following and that our predecessorsUrban V111, , rhe fact that ole may have written in .
George Taylor, gravelling at lots 42, 4;monts were ordered to be paid : Jos., Clement .IX, X, XI, and XII, Alex- their favor prior to his becoming Pope, ,
Li ';;Ti for gravel, A. McMichael ander andII, innocent X. XI, or that be was unwilling to abolish,,
cons 8 nnel 9,$34.40; David : Nixon,hl'• e VII
them; is nothing to the point. He
found himself compelledby3.the lir•
cumstanees. of the case, when he as -
minded the Papal, throne, to take this:.
extreme measure. Catholic- Layman
thinks I showed my want of knowledge.,
as to infallibility. Now 1 ani, quite
well aware that it is said to apply to
questions of faith and morals, But 1
ask what is a question of morals -in
the broad sense- of the tertnl-whish
must certainly be the sense intended,
It means a question of rightor wrong.
Issuch a course right- or not? Is .
such an riot proper or not f I submit,
then, that this is a case of morals, •
I3iyth"last week. -R. Martin, of Tor. 1,17m `poll, repairing culvert, sideline Wm. Anderson, $5, do. 'fele Council cerning the interpretation and practice .The rope calls on all princes to ere•
onto, was in tcwn this week.•. ---H. Y'. 36 al,d 87, sora 3, and cleaning out Bill adjourned to meet in Saints' hall, of certain heathers etiretaionies,,whieti• cite this brief, frilly and entirely.. Is
Brown of Windsor, was in tewn eon 4, $4; Hobert Johnston, building Bluevale, September 28rd,1889. 'the ,Order tolerated and, adtnitted iu it right for thenl.to do so or nott Is
!ant wePlr.-•••••b. 8. Mills. ee Loe 4t 33
2 two culverts on sideline and 34, con Jowl- Buncitss, 0.erk, many pares, whiizt it excluded those it a envie that is worthy of moral
was at theCentral lea- wee-is/el 58. Resolved that the Council approved by the Church Universal; or 'approbation or disapyrubation ? Ae40
T E Mille, oft linton has now adjourn tilt Monday, 23rd Sept. i'at ver I~bDwAIimA Collaervntiveq Mare onueePting the use end interpretation cording to the mope it was the proper
in our midst last west -Quite next. of those imbue which the Holy See 1 thing to do, and he strenuously urged
ntunher from here took in the P Porieniteneme, nominated Mr James Johnson for ilea justly peoscril.t'd its scandalous it. I1 ho were in error in regard O•-
we:ursion from here to Goderioh' Tp. O!erlr. lthe Luoal .0 gielatura
and obviously detrimental to sound phis, night he not be in error,in_regardt