HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-08-23, Page 5!-‘ Cr betitit4 4 aria Frame render- ed (raj) allette bankrupt. At - thus ritspouritble, the Jfrench ine Jesuits elertook1 repay Messrs. Lionel Wailers ei Gmifre, inerehante, Illereeilice, but rime of the Jesuits in Paris Repeated to Parliament aiis1- this apparent lejustiee. Perliaineet, however,condemned the Jesuits: to pu.y the dut,mai sopa after seized their rendering ic impressible to do so. FluellyePerlioanitut, by a moat inajerity, p eased a decree of baidelnueet. And ti regard to this decree the Protestuut Sbioe1t saye s"rhie decree beers so s iably the murk of piiiieion awl injustice that it c•innot fail se be condemned Ity honest mid nuprejudiced 14, former letter, asked my reverend *sew] for speoido Charges of en/lesseh ity agamt tUt t twits, la his last teeter Ito alludes to this demand, and says, 1 bave " heard what Maeaula y , the Fteuelt Parliatueut, Pope °lenient have said," &c, my deer reeerend friteed, those obargim are general mid ueb speoifio ; Iiy epecifie, t mina ivaivIn intrges.of tete speeitie erioue 1 have shown, think, that °Wont XIV,. did .not charge the Jeettits with any wrondoiug. Now, iu order to show my reverend friend shat 1 mean, will be as plain as possible, and, iti order to do so, will aithelfg a.wmbor oximeitted. by Protestant clergymeu'who no doubt Wight "Now TeeternentOhristianity,' and "Trutit,Righteousnesteand Christ." April 9th, 1889, Rev. E. M. Lawson, Navasato, Texas, shot mid killed a negro who had stolen spate articles. of trifling value from him. In the same locality, ou the seine day, an intoxi- catedintin named Burharg persisted en desturbing ,a Sunday school, aud • /the pastor, Itev. Mr. Miller went home, . got a gun, shot and killeri the unfor- tunate man. On April 9th, 1889, at I3altimore, Maryland, Rev. Joseph A. 31unday, waa aimed killed by buying his throne cut while engaged in a drtwite.0 brawl. On April 25the1889, 1lev, M. Dobbin, of Dufferite couuty, ' Ontario, I thietk, was deposed from the Presbyterian or Congregational Church for crimes the mention, of which would .pollute the colutnns of the most immoral New York paper. On May 20th, 1689, Bev. tY.T.Hooper, of North New York, Congregational Church, though a married men, eloped * 'With Mary Curtis, aged 19. On the 27th Jam, 1889, Rev. It. T. Burns, Church ef • England olergyman, I believe, was senteneed to two years in , the Kingston Penitentiary,. the lowest limit allowed by laW, for robbing the post °Mee, appropriating a pour wo- man's hard earnings that shedeposited in the post ofliue savingsbank, and it is a matter of doubt if the Govern- ment will melte restitution. My. reverend friend also reutember the intliscreeiou (at least) of Rev. Mr. Longley, a Methodist clergyman of Toronto, who, though a married man, acted in such a manner as to serioesly coinpromise the character of a young lady member _of his congregation. 1 . will close inylist fur the present by, mentioning the indiscretion of Rev. Mr. Stonehouse, of Strathroy,who had • to fly to the "land of the free" on ac- count of several charges of blackmail attempted on hotelkeepers in that tovne Doubtless, by this titne my reverend friend will understand what mean by a -specific. charge. Can he bring a single auoh oharge against the Jesuits during the past year? five years? t wenty yearsa hundred years? two hundred years ? three hundred y('ars? .1 ohallenge him, to do ; nay, more, 1 challenge him to show where a Jesuit has appeared as defend- ant in any criminal or civil case in anada.. or, the United States. There may be, but I never heard of any. I see Mie Shortt bee taken to quoting the old, won out "No Popery" twad- dle. For instance, he says, Bishop O'Connor, of Pittsburgh, said; " Re- ligious liberty is merely endured until the opposite can be carried iuto elfatit Without peril to the Catholic Church:. And again, that Father Hecker, in the. Catholic World, july,1879, says,"There is ere long to be a State religionle this. country (elie united, States). and Oat State religion is to beetle Rotnan Catholic." In. regard to. the first, must insist ou Mr. 8. being more expli Alt. Is it the present Bishop of Pitts. burgh ?. Was it in a Pasteral lettee? Sermon Magazine article/ Or per- haps the quotation bas a history, some- thing like the one from, the Shepherd'. of the Valley, of which t will speak anon. Ori perhaps Father Itecker's wards ma have a sttnihu history ?; But the quotation he makes from the Shepherd of the Valley has a very in- teresting history. Nearly forty years . ago, a Mr. Bakewell, a Convert to the Oatholie March, and now, I believe, a United States judge, started a0i,tholie ver with the relieve title. As r*.ar 04., 1 understaud, it never wag the aroma of the Arelibishop of Bt. Louis. The paper has long sinto eetised. publics" Tho editor on tOdO Maslen, wrote something like Ur. Sbortt's quotation,withons the"$o we believe:4 but the anti-Outholie press took ad- vantage of the Way it was printed, dud very, conveniently removed "so say our eitemies " Mb over the Mated ;Setter; wetst hid latter. Now it was attributed to this :bishop, now to that, aIway stripped of the qualifying sentence above alluded to. A few yens ago it was put on Archbishop Ryen, ef Philadelphia, but he tienied it Lula it was SII..W11- that he was a stwiciit in Rome at the time. Now, however, my revered friend has pre - dented it in a new dreseethe que.ifyiug sentence, " So say our enemies," is left on and "S t we believe," :Weed. At al. events 1 have never seen it giveu that way before. Noes there is a curt of doubtfillinise reboat tins tienteuce. If the " wo" is Ola Otsized, it looks as tf the writer agreed with " our eremites," otherwise otl TW1$( i might be taken u implying that the wrier believed ".)ur enemies" used the words quoted. As regards Father, Hecker, I had the pleasure of frequently listening to his lecturos and' stIrmons ; also reading seine of his wwqrs, and, although like all converts he woe a most zealous priest, I never understood he was in favor of a &We churelt. Ele was a Limit etithusiastio American.. But, Lay deer revereald friend, don't you think such language emnittg from such quarters lacks that jesuitical crafty cunning we hear so much about I If Bishop O'Connor saactFittlier Hecker possessed it they don't -show it here. Neither do. they say what is to be the nature of the persecution hinted at. Are they to use the rack ? burn them at the Oslo ? imprison themi or whet 1 In fact, this Bishop and Priest don't talk about killing at all. Can we say as nitwit for the fathers of the Refortuation Let us see. When Luther was protected by princes and magistrates, he Wrote, .4.311001 any one present himself withouk the marks Of a. divine vocation, or the human authorization for biro to exercise the ministry of the Word, although he were an angel, even Gabriel himself who had come dowa, he must not be listened to. Drive him away as an apostle of hell, send if he does uot flee, deliver hiin up as a seditious man to. the executionea,"(Ooto. Lath. in Psal. 71, v. of Jeuse, p. 147.) Again, in addressing Sylvester Prieras, he said, " If welang rubbers on the gallows, decapitate murderers and burn heretics, why should we not wash our hands in the blood or those sous of perdition, those Cardinals, those Popes, those servants of Rome and of Sodom', who defile the Church of G-od ? (See ander, cent. 161, etc., p. 109 ) Agaite he say, "Come Princes, to arms 1 The times are come, the wondrous times, in which a prince can gain hes- en more easily by sluiddiug blood than I by praying," (Luth. T. ii. vol. 130, and Torn Wette, vol. 8414) Fur- ther,Catvin in his "Defensio Drthodoxa Fidei," ou the trial of Servetus, who, I believe, wanted to reform the Re formers, argued that the governments are bowie to suppress heresy, and those who deny the justice of the punish- ment deserve it themselves. And in this opinion he was joined by all the clergy of Geneva, (Schenicel,iii, 889, Dyer's Life of Calm, 854. Paul Henry, W.- 234). Melanohton also said, " It is the duty of secular government to banish blatipherny, false doctrine and heresy on the bodies of those who are guilty of them." Also, " Since it is evident that there. are gross errors iu the artieles of the Anabaptist sect, we conclude that iti this case the obsti- nate ought to be punished with death.' (Bretchnwider ertMelauch, op. iii.199.) And again, speaking of Servetne, Me- lanchthon writes to Calvin, "I am ,entirely of .your opinion, and I hold it As certain. that things having been done iu order, your magistrates have acted aceurding to, law and justice in :puttitig this. blasplietner (Servetus) to 'death," (Peeling, Court, Defeuse de Calvin, p. 282 n Beza also says, in his defense of Calvin, "Obstinate heretics are far worse than parricides, and deserve death even if they repent," (Torg. 715). At the Lntheran Synod, Hamburg, rtlx Angust,1„58,6, at which Me.ancthoa was present and voted yea, was passed the following.cleeree : 'Who- soever rejects infaut baptism ; whose - ever usurps the priesthood ewhosoever holds unlawful assembliese,whosoever sins against faieh, oto be Pun- ished with death,' e(leivin. lila, del, Anabaptist:1re, tin, p.222, .121, 22,1). Also Gaspus, p. iid, 865, the AN° Adolph Menzel's Neuvre Geschichte der Donchen). Of the many such quotations now before roe, I will only atra MinAithiyos article ht Iildinbutgh Reviewevol. 1, p. 121, By no artilice 4 i.tdseinesteeseesses I I or ingenuity eau, the stigma of perse. cation, the worst blemish of the Eu 01111.r.311. Im 014tlet3 or patched over.' Now, I do not make those quotations to palliate religious woe - cation in any form, from any quarter, Protestant ur Catholic, and 1 think Mr. Shortt will sue that those early Reformers he no doubt often speaks of with feelings of respect, were YOU Much 'opposed to the DenaniMatloo to which he belongs, A. few words on papai iufallibility and I hove done. My reverend friend, itt that portion of his letter published in your edition of July 19111„ says, 'Now one Pope Completoly and forever abolielted the eooioty in 1773. Atwater infallible Pope has revived ur virtually treated another body of Jesuits in Here my reverend friend displays his lack of knowtedge in regard to the dootriito of infeilibility, ts taught in the Catholie Church. tiathollos do not tetlieve, nor does the Church teach that the Popo is infallible in all Whigs In such a matter ad the euppressiuu of the drisaite, matters uf ditcipiiue and Obureli government he may ; it is only when ns the muutlipieee of the General Council ha speak e to the world ou matters of faith and morale, and it should also be understood that ipzfalli- bility does not mean impeccability or freedom front sin. lidera ootieludiug, Mr. Editor, I desire to thank you for your kindness in giving space to my letters, 1 have etateavored iu owe humble way to defend a body of tnen from the charges that have been laid agaiust theta and at the same time Wow, how absurd are tome of the popular netions. in regard to Catholio matte's iu general. Atid I have en- deavored to do so without giving effeuee to my Protestant fellow towus- awn, and also. defend my Catholic frieuds from the imputation of belong- ing to a ,Church as corrupt as she is sometimes represented; for ignorant said stupid we must be to adhere to it under the circumetanoes. I for one 'Would not stay inher bosotn an hour if 1 'Mew her to be one hundredth as bad as some of her enemies say she is. I have probably as sincere a desire to reach the goal of all true •Christians as my reverend friend, and I firmly believe that, in the Roman Catholic Church I have foaled at least a safe road. 1 have no other reason for staying with her, and without boasting, I flatter myself that my powers of diseernment between good and evil will compare at least very favorably With my reverend frieud, of whose sincerity of purpose I have not the Wet doubt, and that were he to satisfy biteeelf as to the correotness of toy statements he would refrain from con- tinuing the charges be has insinuated. cATII01.10 Sestforth• • A frame building owned by Mrs. MeTag,gart, of Toronto, situated on the south side of the railway track, was burned ou Seturday morning. 10th inst. The loss is no heavy; insured for $200 --Mr. John'Hannah shipped a car load of creamery butter to Edinburgh last week. The butter was sold for 21 cents.—Re. Mr. IVIoCoy, of Egaiondville, has accepted the oall given him by the congregation in Chatham,. N. B.—Dr. Smith, of this town, has been appointed. Vice - President of the • .Ontario. Medical Association. Wrozeteri The council met this. evenings in the usual place. Members. preeent— Messrs Sanders,. Paulin,. Hemphill and Davidsou. The Reeve in the. °heir; The minutes.of last meeting were read and confirmed. The fol- lowidg accounts were handed in and on motion were passed and debentures ordered foe the same, viz. Clerk, half year's salary,,$87:40 ; clerk, overpaid ou statute labore 1889, $4 ; Win Sandereondreringing bell, half year. $12.50; Seaferth Sait,, printing, voters* list, 1889, $5 e A Gowdy, re- pairing sidewalk, $2.50 ;. W A. Ruth- erford,. coal etc, $4.82. The -eistitnetes were merle, out ant a by- law introduced, readthree times, and passed, levying the rate for the our rent year, which amounts. to eighteen mills oristhe dollar. On motion by Thos Hemphill,, seconded, by. J1ts Penile, the clerk was instructed ' to have the Treasurer's bondexecuted by new sureties his sureties having late the province., The reeve protest- ed against aetiouor watt of action of the street conituittee in, not attending to the streets. and tidewalks. On motion by Jas.. Pauline seconded by Xohu Davidson, the.council adjourned to meet on the third Inesday of September, or at the call of the reeve, J. Coweee Clerk. Hog cholera is sai4 to e:a4 in Stot- oo cocoty. 0 . . I INS ISS.~10,1kilaStistssleM. mr4 No ilsi LET DOWN THE ANCHOR FP"" ARE ALWAYS RIGHT. 51 121 .4 et .3 For every Department of our large premises ig literally jammed with - New, Seasonable, Stylish and Remarkably Cheap VALL —0001)S. Sple.mild range: of-- -41DRESS GOODS!, - In every design and texture, from the 'cheapest Moltono to the tidiest --Nilks or Satins.— P 11.4 S E All shades trona 0 cts up, and other trimmings to match all btyisIS of —Dress Goods.— Be sure to see our Mantiologig,iltorings,roarlymailoliadlo;201rhaa For -FLANNELS, either grey, red, white or blue, and. away 'down in price, be sure you visit the "Anchor." Stacks of WE1TE AND, GAZZ COTTONSi. TIORMS, SUIRTINONi and GRIMIA.1, DRY GOODS, offering cheap. • —Great value offered in -- WORSTED SUMS AND T And guarantee every Suit we make to be satisfactory —workmanship and fib.— 'Piles of SHIRTS, TIES, HATS and UNDERCLOTHM To suit every taste. CARPE 2 FLOOR OIL CLOTIK% ct C,4 LL, in etyl,,,,4 • Please vi G t this department before giving your orders &sew het,. do THE BROWN ANCHOR, WIN�EfA [. TREASURER'S _or SALE AN S FOR TA vo.s.ax s•tt,„ .1 Ontario 51' VIRTUE ofa warrant issued by the Mayor, under the Corporate Town of Wingbam, Town of Wingliam, to Ine directed, baw.ng dato.the fourth day of July, ,Ite,:. . To wit: mending me to levy and soil the lands a eltioned In the following list, ior Atm.. • taxes duo thereon, I hereby give notice that unless such arrears and all costs aro soonerpaid, I cial I.• coon to soil tho saki lands or to much thereof as may be neceseay for, the payment of the te..s..... .4.11 at the Council Chamber of the said Town of Wingbam„, on.. SATURDAY the Twenty-sixth. Day of Ottolleri. I e2D. .82 the bour of' TWO O'CLOCK In the afternoon. The:following lands aro patented except parts 1.and 2: (titfuratilit No. Street .?, Taxes.. Costa, Tota: ,sapart . E hail of 29 Scott south C. TSti,veco6Ytt . I.10 acre $25 17 78 14 32 17 ,� * 1 3 1 4 2 Josephine E GovAdd. 1.2 3 i & i .. 116. Josephine 5 .7W Sadler% . 1.6 1.6 5 DI. 3 116 Catharine W Leut,ds; DAVIS 1.6 6 DI 3 6:3 . 83 • '4' Catharine NV Johnaud Francis Lod: nd McKay ' . JOHN 131 6 0Ka S041"1". , . 7 t: • 1: Treasurer's 051co, Wing/lain, July 4, 1880, WINDHAM SAW MILL, LUMBER AND. WOOD vAL ›\LEANI P,ROPRIE110 Alrr, RINDS 01 LUMBER,, LATH; SHINGLES,, AND WOOD) Kept constantly...In hind or out to order and deliver. cd hi any part, of tho town on the shortest possible notice, CZYMI mete* attended to promptly. and satisfection guaranteed. Orders in Cm Lots a Specialty. Mill and Yard on Josephine street, adjoir.ing the 0. P. R. track, L. & 3. 113:IXAN., Winghark OW LOTS LOTS POD, SAtIL ••••••1.46., ToWn Leta Nos. 232,163 asa 310 in the Town Plot 05 Wingisuss.es33,0014iikitAa Atte I:Ault, are tot I. _ _eseeiteesse Treat • •••••.,••••4141...,•••••••01,".. UCT/ON SALE The assign of Robt. B. t by PUBLIC A. BLE F e in trust f Creditore Ten, will ffer for sate at the BRUNSW CK HOUSE,. Town of 'Ingham, THURSDAY, At 2 o'clock p. 111„ 0 folios ng valuable tora. .opelty The south throe.q.s. tare of lot :tuber elevenin the theta concession f the TOWDelli of Morris,In tbo, County of Huron. The said Lot cont s 160 acres, o which ,abeut 120'aro cleared and he balance thnhe •d. %hero is. erected upon the entices a brick dsv lin g hot:Sot, also a good bank mond shed, Ther u: a goou orchard and well and the pu.miscs sae atered b3 the liver 1tli.tx 1. Tho propody subject to a mortgage n which. Is duo about 4 5,00 mid will be sold sub et to e. :timed bid. TERMS :— .4t per cent. tuts, and the alance In arm montl For pathsars and coaditions of stile app to • Thomas G. gory, A ssignee ; Robt lielndeo (looms. At piece, Inspe‘tour 02 to the tu. signed 291 '89, =VISE 46 EICKINSON:, Vol:dot's holit.torst 1, July 80th, 183 N AND VILLAGE LOT& FOR SALE. *if To,W11 lot 426, West side Leopold streetf and Village lot 26, ifeCrea's survey,,11011tnac, bo excellent huiallug e,tett, are for sale. Apply to Z. A. lAtOMOlt- .41 1.1a. AA, • • ?NA ,•31, •