The Wingham Times, 1889-08-23, Page 4ttletViingtpmEimcs FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1889. HetWink- Mr. G. H. Blackwell paid his friends a short visit while on his road to A'eonta. lie being an old teacher Here, his many friends were pleased to see him.—J.1-I, Dunlop, of liar- ristou, spent Sunday with his parents. —The farmers have finished bringing hi their wheat and are now busy threshing. it. It is quite likely they are in a hurry to see what the yield really is. Turrtberrv. Mr, R. B. Martis latloy sold a fine driving hone to a gentleman of Itucknow for $160.—Mrs. Geo. IM2of. fat, of the 13. lino, passed away, an Sunday last, in her 49th year, after a lingering illness, borne with Chris- tian iesignetiou. Kincardine, Mr. Freeman, representative of the waterworks company which has the contract for building waterworks in this town, was here last week. The cause of delay in commoucing the works is the inability of the firm to secure the piping at once. At the present time the demand for iron piping appeors to be much greater Langsicte. than the output, aocl the tnanufao- Mr. Humphrey, of Ohio, is calling tutors ere unable to fill orders off - upon his brother, Mr. S. Humphrey, of this pkLee. —Aries Annie Rnss is Monte from Loudon on a visit,---Mr.A. A.Crowston bas been suffering greatly with neuralgia.—.A wonderful tune is anticipated by our citizens at Luck• now, on the •11th of September,— The pea crop is quite a failure on ac- count of the mildew.—Stocktaking is still continued in this mercantile es- tablishment.. Glenannan• There will be no service in Eaclies' church on Sabbath first as the Rev Mr Hartley preaches in Kincardine in lieu of the Rev Mr Murray— Miss Martha Weir, of Arkona, sister to bliss A Weir, late teacher of school section No 8, has been visiting at Mr John Scot-ft—School No 8 was. re- epened on Monday last, Mr ,George ..Musgrove, teacher (pro teen )—Prayer meeting was held at Mr William Ferguson's on Tuesday evening and was well attended. Culross. Mr jos. Welwocd is away since last week to Michigan, having. received a telegram that his brother•in-law, Mr. J. Clow, was at the point of death.— Rust has ruined fall wheat around here and Sprin; wheat is also a failure.—We had the greatest rain of the season on the 14th inst., patting a stop to harvest operations for a time. —Who can beat it?, Meek has growing in his gardeu a genuine Scotch, thistle over five feet high covering a, space of eighteen feet in circumference and carrying upwards. oiv on,e hundred and fifty blossoms or heads. Clinton. Rev. Rural Dean. Craig wae present- ed the other day by a few friends with a purse of $65.and injunctions to take a ,nuch needed holiday. Mr. Craig has taken a trip up. the lakes. -31r.\. Foster and family, who have resided in town for many years,•have removed to Toronto.—Mr. James Steep, who is associated with, "Apple Kiug" D, Cant telon in buying apples, was in town on Monday from; Lambton county, where they are making purchases.• tir.Steep reports an excellent crop there.—The corner stone of the new Baptist chapel was laid ou ii!pifday evening with ap• propriate ceremonies. Goderich. Col, Aylmer, D. A. G.,, paid an official visit to Goderich en Thursday, ancl• inspected the arms and • accoutre- mente of No. 1 Co.—Wednesday last Mr. Wm. Bisset waa stricken by par- alysis, which completely affected his left side. At present he is in a low condition, and. as he is in his seventy- ninth year, fears are entertained as to his recovery°. --A telegram was ree..eiv- cid by Mr P. W. Johnston, informing Shim of the death of his father, Hugh Johnston, formerly, of; this tpwn. The late Bugle Jahneton, was well known by all rho old, settlers. of. the Huron tract, having for many, years been a resident of, the section, and a prominent figure. in, local politics. Some years since he.located in Texas, .and, in conjunction 'wish. his sons, wont Iargely into cattle ranching iu. that State. haud. It is net probable that the works will be putin. this season. The reservoir or iron stand -pipe will be erected in rear of Knox church, on a lot 80 by 40 feet, purchased from Mr. D. Beaton. .Brussels. The aannal Fall' district meeting of the Wingliarn District will bo held in Brussels 1MIt•:tliodist church next month, --A 40 horse power Lefell water wheel has been put in at the National Roller Mill. With the additional power all the machinery in the mill may be run at the same time with a hum.—On the lst Sabbath of September Rev. J. Livingstone, of Clinton, will preach Sabbath Soliool anniversary sermons in the Methodist church hero. On Sunday afternoon of that date an open- session of the school will be held when addresses are expected from Rev. Juo. Ross B. A., of Melville church, and Rev. Mr. Livingston. Mr. Sellory will supply the work at Clinton.—Nomination of a person to fill the seat at the School Board rendered vacant by the unseat- ing of Mr. F. S. Scott, was held ou Wednesday of last week. Messrs. W. B. Dickson and J, R. Smith were nominated. Bluevale• (in'TESDED FOR LAST wane) Mrs,James Moffat, of Prince Albert, N.W.T., daughter of 1111%J -obit Fowler, is home on .a visit to her parents.— Profeseor Henry H. Wing, of Cornell University-,N.Y., is here at our factory for a month getting' a. few poiutes: on how to make first-class cheese.- - - The July make of cheese has been sold for 0* cents per pound antl w ear 1'oad was shipped on, Monday, -gr. T. Nixon has made arrangements with the Brus- sels mills to got , roller flour. People eau now get their choice, roller or stone flour. -t-... Duncan McNaughton, senr., who has been very ill for some time, is. ou' the mend., --Miss Lizzie Iiobertaon, daughter of Mr.. John Robertson, of this plane, is very sick aeher brother-in-law's, Mr. C. Scott's, in Wingham.—The .[rev. A, Y. Hart• ley preached last Sabbath to the Foresters in Teeswater,. the Rev. Mr. Linton, of Teeswater, preaching here for lir. Hartley.—Mrs. Jackson and family have gone home to Toronto, Belgrave. Dr. Towle, late of Belgrave, has decided to locaniat Dublin to practice bis profession..—..On Monday morning, 12th instant, about 8 80, a fire wits diseevered•ir a.mt cure heap close to the bask of the stable in connection with Tovell's general store. Ere it could be extistinguished it got into ONO.School opens next Monday.—In looking over the New Ertl of last week's issue, we see the Belt;rave cor- respondeut bas a groat. deal to say about their base ball team that passed through here on Ft ivay of last week. isTow'wve would say to that fellow, don't .get too fast by calling people names or by saying that the people had better stou flunking. When a team comes td Lyth to play base ball the club always turua out to play, but they doa't run to play base ball with a team that passes through our village to some other town, and I thiuk the Blyth base ball team willaecolumodate thein with a game any time they have a mind to appoint. If they call that the Belgrave team that passed through here last week we don't see where the Brussels and Gerrie -teams come in, as wo noticed quite <t number among them.—There was nu paper issued from the office of the Blyth Standard last week, as the Editor thought that they should have a holi- day.—Blyth held their civic holiday on Thursday of last week, all platen of business were closed. .tA. number of our sports wended their way to the park and enjoyed themselves by hav- ing a game of cricket.—Wheat in this section is turning out between .10 to 35 bushels to the aere.—The lawn soclal given by the M. P. S. 0. B. proved a grand success. The proceeds were in the neighborhood of $30.— There aro rats in your whiskers, Jirntny.--As ono of our sports that has a fascination for sailing went down to the pier of our mighty river that flows through our town and boarded one of the irou-clads that floats up and down the river and was enjoying the beautiful scenery along its banks when the boat ran alongside of another pleasure boat, and as the other boat had a passenger on who Sotne difficulty ensued, as the council was inclined to be mischievous and considered the demand exorbitant. started to splash water on the sport Finally Messrs Saunby and Smith on the'iren clad, he tools up courage agreed to give roadway to the parties and a•getieral battle ensued, the sport named from March let up to Dec 1st on the it'on clad • used a pail, while for sum of $12 each, when it is ex- - the•passenger on the pleasure boat_petted the sideline will be in sufficient , used the paddle and. the result wasrepair for Messrs Young and Smith. to use it. The clerk was instructed, to levy the amount asked by the differ- ent school boards. The clerk was instructed to correspond with the Minister of Education regarding tha Misses 111ehaes bail from 1}etreit,. Mich. -- Mr. John Brownlee, of Clinton, epont Sunday with hit; mother llore,—N r. Charles Shetitt, ei Loudon, spout Sunday with hie wife and family, who reside here.—Mr E. D. I'urkiteson, a ropreseutative ler tttt' brei of Pigot, i3ryati Rn Co , whult•eale glass and china merchants, woes in town three week. -- The Snlvatlou Army ltas been reinforced . by the addition of a now captaise—:lir. and Mrs. B. J. McGill, at Chicago, are vteitiue his parents bore.--Meeeri • M0E1141ou and Powell shipped 4,000 lbs. of wool to Toronto lot week. • West Wa wanosn. , The Council wt•; according to tori• jourutueuton the 110th inst, Members all present, Tice award of the Tp Engineer on the drain un eon 12, w::, presente-1, and, asfer as the tuttn:,hip is coneerued, accepted. The rt'port of arbitrators appointed to settle thi• claim of Thos Miller wan pi: ueutc d and received. The rcp:,rt was fri favor of the township.. Win ('tteehelt complained that the fences enclosing the sideline between lets 15 and 16, con 6, wore not in proper pewee making the road . too narrow. The clerk was instructed to notify the parties concerned to have thein put in their proper places, A petititiii signed by 17 ratepayers, asking for tt grant for wire fence opposite lot 27, 'eon 2. Om motion of Messrs Gibson .A.nothtur Letter free L• ayhha .:!i. ethoi•:•lyter et rho wag: ent't:et::p: 1>isait Sha ••--A grt•ttt, dt'tJ of is being attached in the supprr'asikn t't the Jesuits by 0lemeitt :Z.tV. in the present agit•ttio►t, ui«cl ale° to their Dititisshurur,tfront lir..itet•, 1 will tr.uke :t few quota:loos to . how that. Ott ,thnvettatuu3 liutititl cid 104 butppresa the Society for rely fault ,•f -f heirs, i r that their 1at...thiueut front tient cuun• try was brrught i h .nt nt•t .'u account of their immoral 'tt dish lel tendencies, l,nt• beettu.e they b.td he:e'red, with- t ut any fault of theirs, the t'ntnity of the ruing seeeruiutnr, ulifurtuuately it,tlnt'tut'tl by the" linin'•) uttvncts ef the Kling. The fellewing letter front (:lenient. XIV , when ll.<ruui,tl, to the Jinatluts de C,trreeeiula, will dhow What h0 thought of the J. huhu before• he :wended the i'ttpel throne . eSupt:r- tioial minds einttguto that •tee ant nese favorable. to a e:tt.tin Mit,iuns ,h• ciety, became ea do oat Attie' it .t ;•tri let ICiugly atrtfinrii j', 1 i+.i . i•catti`.:s t1Aat,, in ti:eietiiij thew p'.evare, we Could do ire more. thud multiply the attauki• neehtst it. We do riot tltet,ire to maitre! ourseltr:s With etahuhc prineeti. It, is i,eyond it doubt :Alamo:fill, that it rtaihit'u'; R eire:y so ciovott•d to eduua- tiolh in ild cellegt's,Rt'ti►i':ai'ie`s, aud m et:done, :tort tt hich h.45 wi ittwi so intuit 011 flu: truths of reii,:iou, should be ttbandunt'd in a tint' s ht::l iuort- eluiity, u:tuil,►int;tl, rages cagiest all P rengion; but. the gtiestiun tett h •genet ter and L'owerr3, a grant of 15 cents per dericicd lie ort: God is • .4eth • ct i tsc tele rod for about 50 rods was granted. ' more Co cv,ntcntl with t/w.,' sorirei,nr•, Edward Durnin claimed compensation than to sicrrinc'e a scck'tl." ('Tt:a ►talks for,damage done -to his crops by teams. are nine.) `I'o tt,e datuaud trf Cleoi-• driving through iiia property • while Saul the 1e,encli reltreseuttttive, Ole- road was impassib'le,being, blocked by meet XIV said, "As for t.liu Jt,suita,. snow. The sum of $5 was given Mr 1 •can meteor blains nor destroy au Durnin. George Saunby and John institute wla.ioh i,iuett i hh of toy erode - Smith claimed $2 per month from the cessors have praised, especially at the council for giving roadway to Thos institute has berm confuiued by the•. Young and Wm Smith respectively. holy Council of Tient ; aud, according, to your !french maxims, a General, Connell is above the Pope. If it bo• desired, 1. will assemble a General Connell,. where all things for and against the Jesuits may be fairly - discussed, and where they themselves; shall be heard in their.own defence; for I owe to them, as to every religious order, justice and protection. More• over, the I?olish nation, the Kings of Sardinia and Prussia, have written to me iu their fat or. I should, there- fore, by destroying them only content some princes by displeasing others."' Speaking of. the Brief of suppression of the society., the Protestant historian. Schoen says, "lo condemns neither•_ the doetrine, nor the inorals, nor the. discipline of• the Jesuits. The cow• plaints , of the Courts against the OrtMca- ' are the only motia'es alleged for its sup-. pression." (:,Elie italics are mine.) Now my reverend,opponent, in his . second ietter, quotinfrom the pion-. treal Witness—a questionable authority on anything Catholic—says, " [t also shows that Pope Clement XIV., in his.. Bull, did condemn the. order." Now,,, if Mr. Short will read the Brief care, fully he will notice that the Pope only mentions .the complaints against the. order, as given by the kings demand- ing the suppreseion,o£. the order., idler does not say they were guilty, and in order to carry out their object, the, Witness is veryecareful to put in just.. what suits it, for before the quotation from the Brief will be found words - that qualify the quotation, beginning with "their universal employment ine some places of heathen rites." On passant, I, would like to say. a few, words about those " heathen ,rites." The Jesuit missionaries in . China,,, some time pr,evious to this, •found among those people who became Chris• tiaus,-a custom,, of • honoring, their - ancestors' in a manner•wbich,, made it: somewhat inconsistent,with their pro-.. fessions of Christianity, It,was, how,.. ever, a.• matter of doubt, and • was. £erred to Rome, and when the. answer.,. came . back, that the practice must • tease, the: fathers ordered its• discon tinuance. Another. quotation from a letter of Clement XIV., previous to the Brief . of suppression, says: "But: as the end we.have in view, and whiche we ardently desire to attain, is to care,. for. the general' wellbeing of the: 'Church, and the peace of the nations, and at the same time to succour and., comfort; every one of; the members;, of, this. society, every individual mems her of: whom, we tenderly cherish in the Lord," &o, This does., net react, like a father condemning rebellious. :rihildrent, Now, a few words anent'. the Jesailat expulsion. from. France. It was, precipitated: through the.. thoughtlessness of- rather Lavalletto be great, as the post office, telegraph 61at0, a former. Blythite, but now of lust a box, et ware ea 1"aescltty, the of the Jesuit house of, Martinique. office, anti ono of the leading stores Montreal, was visiting friends and nae who took them .might be thankful This, community was heavily in debt, are all gutt0. T.he loss is , estimated relativos in Blyth and vicinity,• last ett getting off as ire bevel} kuuwu. and•`Fatller Lavalletto eonoeived the., to $9,000; insurance, $4,500. elrs. -week, .Ilii took hitt departure for idea of reducing it by entering, into, Tufts, of Clinton, the owner softhe his Longe in Montreal on li'riday, The Government. M tuitnba crop commercial 5i)eontatiort,, contrary to,, buildit,gs burned, had no insurance, • -Misses Mary and Jennie MoGce are bnlletineex vera es the trantt yield at the canons of the order, But the, to tyud her lois will be ova MOW. visitipg their parents itt Elyt;i. "Cue 14 bush::Is..t;r the acre:. capture of, the ships, during the war Billy .of the post office and Albert of the woollen mill got a pretty good drenching. -=-There is a new fascination on Dinsley street in the shape of an elderly married lady standing out at the gate accosting passing pedestrians. - &aims of the Trustees of U S 8 No 17. against West Wawauosh portion of the section. The Treasurer's report showed a balance o>,i hand of $201.15, Moved by Mr Stuart, seeonded by Mr Bowers, that a rate of two mills for county purposes, and two mills for township purposes, per dollar be levied on all assessible property in the tnwnship for current year.—,Car- ried. Patlineeter. Whyard reports that J S Cook had refused to do his Teems i" Now, don't suspect this one - roadwork. The elerk was instructed or blame that one for it, till yon:, find to levy the usual, tax against the out who is really the correspondent. party mentioned. 'The following —Mr. T. F. Johnson is away on a.. accounts were paid :—Goderich Star, trip to the States. — The Misses advertising Court of Revision, $1.56 ; Spatting,, of Wingham, are the. guests Win Webb, 49 rods gravelling at 68 of Miss. Edith Young, thin - week,— cents, $38.82 ; James. Wilson, killing Mr. George King, of the firm of 'wild cat, $4 ; Edward McRoberts, Ross &.King, has gone on a trip to 28 rods gravel, con.8 and 9, at 75 Glasgow, last week. We wish him a,: cents, $21.;. Wm Coulter, 54 yards safe journey.—Mr. Serail King, of gravel, non 10, at 60 cents and 12 Millbenit, is visiting his parents here rods at 49. cents, $38.28 ; W 11 Wil - this week. -Mr. G. Flemmit1g was in son, cedar for pathmasters, $9.82 ; town this week.—Mr. 0. McClelland, - M Leddy, on.lvort, $5 ; Thos Joynt, of Belgrave, drove down to.l3lyth last gravel, 137.60 ; Jas Whyard, box for week and gave us quite an account of assessor, $1.50 ; Edward Durnin, the recent ire that happened there • damage to. field, $5 ;,,Jno Armstrong, last week,—Mrs. Combs and. daughter, nutting hill, con 8, $15600 ; Patrick of Clinton,, are visiting at the resi- Welsh,, graveL, con 6, $1.7.70 ; Ede Now •wewill mention no narues but would say that the house is more appropriate.—We learn that there is going to bo a new store started here shortly. --The Empire stated a few days ago that there was nearly 50,000 Canadian girls living in the state of Massachusetts alone. --I hear as I take short walks occasionally people saying, "1 wonder who is the correspondent for the Wingham the etable where the coal oil was kept ;.dance of. M•rs. G. Rowed, this week,-.-- of con 6,, $18,70 ; 11 and in. a, moment all. w.ati ill a. blaze. Mr.. W. G, $iggins, of Clinton, was 1Srnitih, cutting• ditch,. con 5, $5.25 ; There w,as a fairly. strong north east Acton, town last week.—T. 1'z Smiley,, of Jno fickingbottom,.equaliz}ng TY S Se, wind at the time, thus bearing the fire Acton, was visiting in,town last week, $20 ; Robt 1lhedd, culvert, con 1, $5 ; down the street through the old hall, --T. E. Bruce and T. E. Ritter,. of .L Wettlauft'r, 'amber, $11.66 ; to the post office, but in vain, Every. Olinton, paid Blyth a flying visit this Walter Ste parr, (umber, $7 84. body worked to•save the goods, furni- week—Richard Ooloton who. left here Council adjourned ,to meet, au, Satt}r- ture and the produse of, the cellar, for St. Thomas last week to fill a day, Sept 7th, at 10 o'clock. The whole store was not long.in being situation there returned home' this •.R K MuLita, Clerk:, a mass of flame, and the buildini; weak. Thiele ttt+ice Dick has been shingles and other cinders flying down there and has met with, the I around ignited nearly every other game success. Dick will soon be • $elfast;. building in the northern part of, the quite a traveller. --Myr, B., Marney, of . Mr. John Mull in, who was<very. low; Listowel: town. biCClellalid'a.store, ale a die= ;London.,, was. in town lot week. -0, with tho fever, is again able .te move Mr. Lillioo has rented his new hotel, ;stance of about ao..feet away, was. be• .,0. Archer, of Iihmiltou, was in. town 'around, Bet hie. brother Christian which is about flubbed, to Mr $, seiged by the fire,. and for about 20 this week, ---T. Colter, of Woodstock, is at present in a very low,state, • hav- McQuay, of Toronto, who has taken minutes a: terrible fight ensured, in was its. town this week.—Muxdo& - ; ing taken the fever. about a week ago, McGregor, of Detroit,,Mi: h, was at '—Q,uite a number passed through possession. The hotel is to be" known which men stood and fought the o F , as "Tho Arlington", and has, been flames and. heat with, watee and wet the Central hotel last week.—James thisvillage on.Tuesday on their way fitted and£urnished in. the best style, blankets, when the heat alone was .Case,;ofa Toronto, was in town last , to the picnic at Goderich,—Mx. Me- --Mr. R. Martin, and his daughter baking the building. Flail,this point ;wook. -GeorgeAnderson, of. Dakota, b.:euzie, of Uoderich, paid• hie. old Essie, who have been visiting in the lost, the village trill and all was bean .was among the the many guests at 'friends a flying visit last week,—On old land, returned a few days ago, gone,as the whole is in near connegtion, 'the Central last week. —. William -Saturday last,,11'r Levi, of this place, looking ,very much invigorated,-••- but men and women, boys and girls, ,Geddes,,of London,was in town this wits made the happy father of a. son, Messrs Floss Bros, furniture manu. said 'No ;'and fortune favored the ;week.--Oharles Quinn, of Listowel, '--Al harve,t house festival will. be facturers, have been forced to make brave, and it wort saved, though the Charles. Buddell, of- Loudeaboro, bold in ;Mir. John Agar's grove on all assigutnent. Tl.e firm has never goods atilt property were much des- and George Snell, of Londesboro, write litchi Srd. Adnti. ion. 25 cents.---. ,recovered from the flnanoial difficnItios troyed. The loss to the village will in town this week.-- Mr. Charles Mr John Lougheed,, of thin p aeo, in which it became involved owing to fire in their factory on March 21 last, The estate on May 8 bait secured liabilities of $778,000, with about $28,000 unsecured, and the assets elwwed a nontii,a,l surplus of e,,7,C00 or *8,000. 6 404