HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-08-23, Page 3Atirtok Proaperftk. Tell me slat advertising Is at best au empty dream, For its charms are more surprising (And every body who has tried it wisely and well will acknowledge that its effects are far more astonishing). Than its dull, old fashioned praotitiotiers could ever deem. And which evor way thou turnest Thou witt find upon the whole, `Those who advertise in earnest (Yes we have only to glance at our wealth commercial firms and we shall • admit that those who do the thing properly) Soonest reach the wished -for goal, Would'st thou then a lesson borrow? Would'st thou know the royal way? Advertise then so to -morrow (Don't let a little expense deter you ; you are merely casting your bread upon the waters, and you will soon have the satisfaction of knowing that each to -morrow) Finds thee richer than to -day. Advertise then.( No retreating! Let the senseless croakers rave ; While your heart with hope is beating t(Yau will always find a lot of people nn every community who are blind to their interests; but while you, are making fame and fortune) They will find oblivion's grave, Printer's ink will load the battle— Printer's ink, the balm of life; Printer's ink—no din, no rattle— ` (No, it does its work quietly ; and in the great war of competition, when judiciously and thickly. laid 'on, it 'always) Leads the van against the strife. Advertisers oft remind us We eau make success sublime, Make our pile and leave behind us • (Exaotly, that's just where it Domes in, We not only feather our own , nest, but provide for the prosperity and well-being of generations yet unborn, 1 and so leave behind us) $What defiles the touch of time. ffeeing which, perchance another Struggling mau with weary brain, Some non -advertising brother, .(A.. good example is always to be com- mended, especially in the matter of advertising; and many a struggling business man seeing the secret of another's success) May with wisdom try again. Atl.vertise then 1 17gW.and doing 1 So avert a4neaner fate; And, the wiser course pursuing, (You will find that you will soon be in a position to look she world in the face, if you will only) Learn to advertise and wait 1 New Zealand Tune, Teeswater. A sad drowning accident occurred dere Friday, the victims being two boys, Robert, aged nine and John, Aged 12, sons of Robert E. Little, 'whose farm adjoins Andrew Lit,ttle's "will dam. The boys are supposed to Jiave gone out on a raft, and from the !position of the bodies when recovered, it appears as though the smaller boy fell into the water and his brother in tryine to save him was also drawn' an. The first heard of the acciuent Ryas when their little sister, sent to .find them, saw their hats floating on The water, and ran to the mill and have the alarm. The father was away to a neighbor's thrashing. Soon a number of villagers were' searching for the bodies, which were ,quickly found. Some slight hopes for the elder bey were entertained when taken out, 'but the doctor failed to resuscitate him. Lucknow. INTENDS]) DOR LAST w8SS1, Several weeks ago, a Largely signed petition was !]resented to our Council, asking them to take the necessary steps for the procuring of a good system of waterworks, in order to milord proper fire protection for the village. The council at once had a bylaw drafted asking for $10,000 for the purpose, the debentures to • be spread aver a period of twenty years. The schema was discussed pro and eon around the streets and consider- able opposition was developed, but the principal men of the village were in favor of it, and these were backed up by -a !urge number of ratepayers. The result was that et the public meeting held on Friday evening Last the whole weight of argument was in favor of the bylaw, and on Monday, when the vote was taken it was carried by a majority of 53, It is conceded on all sides that a new era is dawniu; for Lueknow, and that she ie prepared to go forward with her sister towns and viIIages and prosper RS they are pros- pering.— A very suecessiitl garden tarty, under the auspices of the ladies' aid society of the Methodist Church, was held on the grounds of Mr. G. W. Berry, on Tuesday evening. The grounds were beautifully lit up end decorated for the occasion. An excel- lent programme was gone through and Om large number of guests enjoyed themselves thoroughly.— harvesting operations in this vicinity are pro- gressing rapidly. Oats, peas and barley, generally speaking, are an ex., lent crop, - Ttev. Mr. McKay returned from a trip up the lakes on Monday . last, woman, Woman, the crown of creation,.• -•- [Herder. All that I am my mother made me, [Joh]i Q Adams IVoman is most perfect whenroost womanly. --[Gladstone, Woman is a miracle of divine con- tradiotions.-- [111icholet. Narrow waists and narrow minds go together. ---[Comfort' Shakespeare has no h erose ; he has only heroines. ---[Ruskin. In wishing to extend her empire woman destroys it.--• [Oabanis. I wish Adam had died with all his ribs in his body.---[Bouoicault. If woman lost us Eden, such as she alone can restore it.— [Whittier. To a gentleman every woman is a lady in right of her sex.— [I3ulwer. A handsomewolnau is a jewel; a good woman a treasure.—(Saadi. What is woman I Only one of nature's agreeable blunders.--[Oow- ley. Women detest a serpent through professional jealousy.— [Victor Hugo. A. fashionable woman is always in love with herself.—[Rochefoucauld. A woman changes oft ; who trust leer is the softest of the soft.-- [Fran - ole 1. All women are good— good for something or good for nothing.—[Oer. vantes. Handsome women without religion are the flowers without perfume.-- Heine. Apassionate woman's love is always overshedowed by her fear.—[George E liot. There was never yet a fair woman but she made mouths iu a glass,— [Shakespeare. Between a woman's "yes" and "no" 1 would not venture to stick a pin.— [Cervantes. O woman! thou wert fashioned to beguile, 'so have all ages said ; all poets sung. --[Jean lngelow. Ideas are like beards—tnen never have any until they grow up, and women stone at all.— [Voltaire. Trust not a woman when she weeps, for it is her nature to weep when she wants her ownway.— [Socrates. Often the virtue of a woman must be very great, since it has to suffice for two. --Elizabeth of Roumania, ADVIOS To MoTnsRs.—Aro you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and trying with pain of Cutting Teeth f If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalcul. able. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers ; there is n0 mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, ieutate the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens t',e gums, reduces Inflammation, end gives tone and energy to tho whole system. ' Mrs. Vin. snow's Soothing Syrup " for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the presor:ption of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for •sale by alt druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Bo sure and ask for "MRs. W,saLow's SooTnnNo SYRUP." and take no other kind. Visitor (dime museum)—You are not a freak, are you? Lady—Yes. Beg pardon; but what is there re- markable about you I I have been married ten years and I never once told my husband that 1 could have got plenty of richer and handsomer men if I'd wanted 'em. Chronic Congffs and Co/ds. And all Diseases of the Throat and Lnngs can be oured by the use Of Scott's Emulsion, as it contains the healing virtues of Cod Liver 011 and ffypophos• phites in their fullest form. Cee what W S Muer, M D, L R 0 P, etc, Truro, N 9, says: Atter three years' experience lconsider Scott's Emulsion ono of the very best in tho market. Very excellent in Throat aflee- tions Sold by all Druggists, 50c. and 51.00. 320 Aoans (. Sflcti Land, only Five rapidly rON BRA The grain of the ALE. n) of First•Class Miles from tho ing City of DON, inneapo1i th-west. .The above is featly a esirabi, Fartn and will he sold Cheap. A Pi., min by 30 re t • OTORIEO Containing 1tho modern machinery to menthe turin't k'leo ing, Mouldings, Sash, Doors, e. Boiler and Engin > Room Fire Proof with an Ire Shaving Room attached, This v uable property is in tlrst•olams inning order, sit itedin BBtandrrrnear the 0 P R 'tattoo, and in t - heart et the maaUtteturing depot .f the elty wh e a Largo and Profitable business . n no reared foam: , late possession can be Wan. Titio pe Per t • ll particulars appieto il', $'TSIIEIt, 1r 1ngfaln ONTARIO MUTUAL LIFE, Cash Income for 1888 tt 393,074 0(0 New Assurances written in 1888 2,518,0150 0( Assets, as at Dec. 81st,. X688 5.313,8( (i( Assurallcrs in force, Jan. let, 1889 12,041,014 0( Surplus, Dec, 61st, 1888 w 90,337 09 SPECIAL FEATURES: Prompt Payment of Clti'ims, Annual Distribution of Profits, Guaranteed Surrender Values, and Liberal Polley Conditions.. ALEX. DAWSON, GENcr,c AGENT. Wiugllani Ont E0. DIMLY'S ESTABIZYNT Has a most complete assortment of the LA.TEST, CLUES r, and MOST CRARbtTN( ARTICLES in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silver Goods. �Tyl C.41t BUT AT BA -GAMS. 1` CLOSE ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRING, ANI) WORK ALL WARRANTED. GO RIGHT TO GREEN'S BLOCK FOR YOUR JEWELLERY, DUFFIELD & SON NEW PATENT TOP MILK CAN, Cream Cans, Milk Pails, Sap Buckets, i ACTS Al' THE SASS TPA; ON THE NERVES* THE LIVER, THE .ROWELS, and the KIDNEYS This combined action gives it won. derfui power to cure all diseases. Why Are We Sick e' Because we allow the nerves to remain weakened and irritated, and Olen. great organs to become clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are tbereforeforced into the blood that should be expelled naturally, 9 CELERY . pifflesCOMPOUND W ILL CURE BILIOVONSSB, PILES; OONSTIPATION, ETON= COL PLAINTS, URINMRZ AIBEASES, PENALRWRANNESS,RTLNUNS, Tis1S, NRU'RALGTA, AND ALL NERVOUS DIBoED$RS, Ey quieting and strengthening the nerves, and causing free action of the liver, bowels, and kidneys, and restor- ing their power to throw off disease. Why stifferBiliona Pains and Mhos Why tormented with Piles, Constipation) Why frightened ovorDleordered Eidneysl Why endure nervous or sick hoadaohes1 Why have sleepless night. 1 Use Pa,xa's Cnl:ntar COMPOUND and rejoice in health. It is an entirely vegeta. Na remedy,, harmless is aJi cakes, • Sold all ,Draggirtt. Pries $S.co.. • Six for 0.40, 4, WELLS. RICHARDSON 4C0.,Proprttre,. MOIi1TRHAIi, P. Q. URE FITS! When I say Conn I do not mean merely to stop them for a time, and then have them return again. I MEAN A RADICAL CURE. 1 have made the disease of andFITS, EPILEPSY or ans, FALLING SICKNESS .Am. everything 10 the Dairying Rae.. .TellAi VET , :J III, G rRIPR lIA.LTT Well aad PrTiqtly MOST CERTAINLY 17E CAN SUIT YOU IN HOUSE DECORATIONS, CONS [STING OF CANADIAN AND Al11 RICAI WALL PAPERS and BORDEf S. Our Stook is Varied, Stylish and Cheap.!;feautiful WIND W BLIND S pf Latest Design, Colors and Best Quality. 'isRO` 3i14J !T SITTS S Excellent and Cheap. Everything in the Book line, School requisites, Stationery,' Lacrosse Stinks, Base Bali Bats, Balls 4c, ROSS' POPULAR BOOT STORE, W1NGII.41Vt, THE LEADING BBOT AD SHOE STOREI Owing to the late Boom I have matte room for and have on hand ----A Large Stock of 1T - BOOTS and SE033, In addition to my, Custom Business, defy Competition in Quality, Sizes, Ana ani detcrmi;:ied to sell for CASH, AT OCK BOTTO PRIOEl3 '1tepairing as usual, and Cement Patching a Specialty. I Solicit a sharp of the patronage. Don't Forget the Place Opposite the Central Hotel. Rips served free in all boots purchased from me. Better and eggs taken as cash in exchange for goods. P. H. ODE E S W1NG114 t, ORT 0ALEPONt&N HALL. 'The Ssc]ety meets every third Monday MISS Ej,'[,,() MC';3ARD , i month. Visiting brethren welcome. talnmenty ol every hind at a very low ,figure. Per 1 ytASSLS OR INSC1tUCPION iPIAN0 ANDI terms dc„ apply to [[,jl Organ, to Voice Oultdri and Harmony. JAMES L611mii, Mrste Rev tN naa>aa Blom( (;line &Co I This comutodHous hall can he secured for enter A life Iong study. I wARnANT my remedy to Curs the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Finuc BOTTLE of my INFALLn3LE REMEDY. Give Express and Post Office. It costs you nothing for aan trial, and it will cure you. Address. S Branoh Office, led West Adelaide Street, 'Toronto. The Moet Suceesnfat 11emedy ever dis. covered, as itis certain in its effects and does not blister. Dead proof below. STansrsvxLitt, P. Q., May 3, 2689. 115.8 .e. SENDALL Co., Tnosburgh Falls, Vt. Gentlemen ,--I have used llcu- dalra Spavin Cure for Spuyten andalso in aces, of lameness and Still -Joints and found itaeuro eure In every respect. 2 cordially recommend it to all horsemen. Very respectfully yours, • Cuantra J, BLArat tin KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. 8r. TtfonrAs, P. Q., Apr1122,1669. Dur. 8. J. Mamma. Co., Ehosbur h Pal/,,. Vt. Gents :—I have used h few bottles of your Sen- dall's Spavin Curo on my eon. which was suffering from Dina enma in n very ball form, and can say that your Iiendali's Spavin Care made complete and rapid euro. lean recommend it as the best and most effective liniment I have ever handled. Kindly send me one of your valuable books entitled "A Trea- tise on the Horse." Yours re peetfully, I. P. WILKINSON.. KEKRALL'S SPAVEi CUREII rout Et,Lrek, !!fait., Hay 10 1889. ' Dir. B. J. I(SNDALL Co . Enosburgh 1 alls tit. Gontlement-• I always keep your 'Itondait'it Spavin Curo and Blister on hand and they have never failed in what you state they will do. I have oared a bad case of Spavin and also two eases of Itingbono ofyearastanding onrnareswhich I bought to breed from, and have not seen any signs Of disease !�rt their offspring. Tours truly, Price 81 per bottle, or six hottttiea ol'55b A11 druggists nevelt or can get 't for you, Orli will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the. kaP II Tri ENBALL Co., Enosburgh 'Ea11s, Vt. SOLA Int ALL DltilaGISTS 59ts A6111,1]Kt,bIi,h779417T! e" 5►� trede Insall Mate, IL.i plscing ens e wd IAeae wbetetvathlethe peeopple tan sea 'may them, we Will send grew to ons person in cath loeatlty,the sent beet eewtng-mbehine shade le a1 the wettdotith ell she cttsehreents. w � We wlnaleo send free a somplete .11 ee ooltly '6Meththpbla MUM er h.So show whst we 'send, to those who may eel! etyonr hefae,and suer El enamel) obeli bacons your own ppetty•1'hie arnnd machine enc • `� ' made atter the Opt % e fr polant,, W.Mohheletonoct: erorepetethe t'• .ti. - tan obtletold roM neW. 'Withpens foe nttsehment,, ten nom melte ibr :lWomblBeet,htle worlt.io most i Kfa f6lbt td it ,he world. skits .lRn Noerlt.1l rogilrn Mata. .orb 40 efts asttter, sea whaw.t1 to a at Date come. fdnom.tB iafworksorhihMrtte ehowntOeeth r19A., . WILILI I. Un -..Mat,' O. .►urinal*,Mtilkot