HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-08-23, Page 2/••••••••••••••••
FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1889,
Tampon New Hampshire refused to
make prohibition a part of the consti-
tution, the Legislature Um just voted
down by 144 to 118 the proposal to
replace the present prohibitory law by
BOTR Kilrain and Sullivan have
been arrested for disturbing the peace
end assaulting one another, and the
probability is that both will be laid by
the beele in jail for a term. Some of
their aiders and abettors ought to be
out to keep them company,
THE United States Government has,
after a long struggle which threatened
4 one time to develop into civil war
in Utah, fairly vindicated the lew
against bigamy in that territory. The
most confirmed bigamists have been
compelled to eeele refuge outside of
the reach of the law a the United
Tnu.two cent rate for postal Service
in cities where there is free delivery
is still a sore epot, but the Govern-
ment have the upper, hand Be far.
Mr. Haggart has won bis suit against
a Moutreal party for infringement of
the Postal Act by the private delivery
of letters, and a despatch from Ottawa
says the Great Northwestern Telegraph
Qompany, Of Hamilton, has aeked for
a withdrawal of. proceedinge in view
of iti enterin,g into au undertaking to'
avoid such infringement in the future:
Mr. Haggart, it, is said, hes agreed to
these termemathe company paying all
ALTHOuGH, only a few years have
passed since the discovery of the natu-
ral gae.bed of Ohio am1Pennsylyitnia,
or at least since the use of this source
of newer, heat and light became gen-
eral, the Standard Oil and other similar
corporations have already got posses.
aim of the wells to such an extent
that almost the sole benefit of 'this
great store of natural energy is being
reaped by these monopolies. The city
of Toledo is now putting down its own
gas wells, and the' enterprise promises
to be a. successful one. The example
. of Toledo should be: followed by all
the cities and "tows of the natural gas
regioo, .
Tunerope ha Scotland, especially in
the slaitbsaare abundant. Hay was
secured early, and surpasses the crops
of many years back, while turnips and
potatoes are alike good. The weather
during the former part of summer was
warin and,dryand 1st one time there
avere fears for the oats; but two or
three good days ran dispelled these
foreboding!. Strew is long and heavily
topped.. The Scotch farmer has grim-.
Ved with.good , cause, for some, years
heels, but this season is a glo,tious
exception.. He admits his success and
hag, 119tiling bat smiles for everyone.
Th 6 summer, indeed, has been the
hest for many 'ears, with just enough
tells for the ground.
Tim. Elixir of Life bast in several
was proved to he. more of an Elixir
of; Death. Microscopic examinations
revealed the fact that one sample of, it
wa&. alive with bacteria, the smell
animal germs, divers species of which
are believed to be the active agents in
many of the worst diseases which
aft'ect mankind, The presence of
bacteria, however, is net needed to
parent for the illness of two enter.
prising reporters who were inoculated
with the Elixir in order to be able to
describe the, proem, sensation and
effects graphically in the newspapers
they serve. The iujection of foreign
matter iuto their blood, wee quite
&lough. The 86046IS of people that
have been inoculated during the pest
the breaking of whose dam occasioned
the great Johnstown disaster. The
widow and children of John A. Little,
a .well knowII draramer, who lost his
life in the Hurlburt houee ia Johns-
town by the flood, have entered action
for $50,000 damages for the loss of his
life. While it is hardly possible that
the responsibility will be successfully
proved, it will be a lesson to other Cer-
porationS. Shoald the issue happen
to be successful fur the olaimants, the
wealthy fishermen would be quickly
ruined b;v the avalanche of claims,
New uses for paper made from wood
pulp are being discovered almost every
day, and one of the latest is likely to
make almost any sort of wood valuable
for building purposes. The usual
order of things has been reversed by
the malaufactere cf wood.paper into
boards. The Mississippi 'Valley Lum-
berman says that one esteblishinent
out west is doing an extensive business
in the manufacture of paper clothing,
and the fabric) is said to equal that of
any other class of goods in, style and
durability. For blani.ets, piano cover.
ings and similar purposes, the paper
fabrics are an established success.
They are light and serviceable. Dr.
George Thenius, of Vienna, has in-
vented- a process for the manufacture
of leather from red beechwood. The
best wood for the purpose is taken
from fifty or sixty year old trees, out
in the spring, which must be worked
up immediately, bark peeled off, steam.
ed, treated with chemicals in a kettle
under pressure, and exposed to, seseral
operations, which the inventor does
not mention, as he wants to have them
patented. From the prepared,;weocl.
strong and thin pikes are made by
means . of heavy pressure. The in.
ventor states that, a solid sole leather
can be obtained, which he Claims is
superior to animal leather in firmness
and durability and can be werked up
iu. the same way as animal lathe,
nailed and sewed.
The Dominion. 10.1r; Act,18CO3
, The Aot passed by the Dominion
Parliament daring last session, to pro:
vide against frauds iii the supplying of
milk to cheese, butter, and condensed
manufactories, is a piece of
wholesome legislation.
It forbids the sending or supplying
to any factory:.
(1) Milk diluted with Water.
(2) Milk in any way adultereted.
(3) Milk from which any cream has
been taken.
(4) IVlilk commonly known as skim-
med .milk.
(6) Milk from whirls any peationaof
that part of the roilk 'know" as strip•
pings, has been kept back.
(6) Milk that is tainted, gr partly
(7) 1.14 takeu or,c1rawn from,A cow
that the patron knows ,to be diseased
at the time the milk is so taken or
'drawn from her.
The penalty. for each offence against
the provisions of, the Act, upon, con-
vietion thereof. before any, Jestice or
justiees of the peae,e, is a fine net ex-
ceeding fifty dollars and not less than
five dollars, together with the costs of
prosecution. In default of payment
of such peealty and mats, the offender
shall be liable to imprisonment, with
or without hard labor, forea,terree not
exceeding six months.
The parson on whose behalf any
milk is supplied to a factoryeahall bo
prima facie liable, for the violation of
Any of. the provision e of the,Aet.
• For the purpose of establishing the
guilt of any person charged with the
'violation of the provisions of the Act,
which forbide the supplying of milk,
as mentioned in clauses marked 1,2,3,
4 and 5 of this article, it shall be suf-
ficient pram. facie evidence to show
that such niilk is substantially inferior
in quality to pure,inilk. The tests are
to be made with a lactometer, or cream
gauge, or some other proper and ade-
quate test, end by a competent person;
provided always that a eariviction may
bo made, or had, on .auy,other sufficient
Jogai evidence. Any persott accused
of an offence _under this,Act, and the
husband or wife of such .person, alien
be competent and compellable, to testi
fy, The fine, when recovered, shall be
010/1 Ile PAPerld. The curtain had dropped on one of
the tragic aots of Ten Nighte in a
Bar -Room, when one youth turned to
another and sad, Pretty strong, ain't
ib You bet 1 Let's o out and take
THAT gamma COUGli can be ao quickly
oared by Shiloh's Curd, We guarantee it.
For sale by C. X. Wflhiums.
Many are the schemes now devised
for gulling the honest farmer. The
country is full of sharpers, travelling.
from place to place selling "Ilidless.
Oats," "Hay !forks," "Seed Grain,"
eto., etc., and they appear to do a
thriving business, es Been by the num
ber of complaints made ti t -
the country. We append a form of a
promissory note which is often used
by these trieltsters. The form is
filled up and given to the stranger,
who outs it across after the words
'or,' 'dollarsand Litnnuiti,' near the
middle of the noteaancl thus seoures
a straight note, Sign no paper Lt for
any agency whatever, but attend to
your farm labors.
7.n emery Ournaco,„
Birmingham, Ala., Aug. 13.—A. re-
markable religious craze prevails
among the negroes ngar Bessemer and
the country,immediately between that
place and _Birmingham. For some
time an old ,negro .named Tobias Jack-
son has been proclaimlog himself as
Daniel the Prophet, and doing all
kinds of .singular things. The negroes
in this section are ignorant and super.
stitious, and Jackson's actions and the
great powers be °Jai= to have been
invested with haye, awed the negroes.
Cn Saturday last Jackson persuaded
three young raen that they were repre-
sentatives of Shadreok, Ileshaelt and
Abednego, the three children of faith
who entered the fiery fitanaoe,ef Neb.
u.chadnezzar. He *claimed.. that a
furnace where iron melted and cast
into all kinds of forms was the fur-
nace of, Nabuchatinezaar, and that they
pouldaentenand peas through without
the smell of fire. The three negroes
calling themselves the three children
of Israel, ander the influence of their
new prophet, deliberately entered the
gate of the cupola of the furnace and
rushed headlong, before they could be
stopped, into the white heat of the
melting iron, When they failed to
come out Jackson proclaimed that he
saw them rising in the air with the
smoke of the &nem attended by
artgelaand said that they would revisit
the earth agvin next Sunday. The
negroes propose to meet at church
next Sunday to, pray, awaiting the
descent okthe three children of Israel.
The mother of one of theni said, when,
asked about the matter, "1 feel jos as TOTEM, OF 014R11114:
shoo my boy is in heaben as I'd done
been dar and seed him. .Tackson, the
prophet, cotnnian' him to walk de fiery
furnace arid he obliged tee obey him,"
Catarrhal Deafness, Hay Fever.
$500,000 TO LOAN.
ctidrortn:AlaTtoowstutir bv0prols4rafit. I cry Lpwest Real
:otbnizoAtwoQuoriyes, Pcautiao0HAtsaignis. ratroonoopymerintsosiodaNyeaHiAter000.
Beaver Block, Wingham.
gages. Per terms apply to,
or Will. MoPRERSON, '
Tr. TirriAsuaze, Winghern, REBVB, Glenferrow3
Wingiram, May
Money to Loan, on Notes.
Notes Diseounteai.
Money advaneki on Mortgages at 0 per cent. with
privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notes
and accounts collected.;
Ormoz,-Beaver Bloc*. Wingham, Ont.
Sarn'I "Youblirs
Private funds to loan.
A number of 13uilding.11ots and Residence proper
ties for Sale.
Those desiring to mime. home in Wingham should.
communicate with, or apply in person at tny Office,.
where ell necessary,infermation can be btaoined.
• •
• Qapital, $1,000,000. Rest, $400,000.
President -Jong STUART.
Ntiod•ProSid011t—RON. Jab= Tweeze..
Cashier -J. TURNBULL,
Savings Bank hours, 10 to *; Saturdays, 10 to
Deposits of 61 and upwards received and interest
Special Deposits also received at current,
rates of interest.
Drafts on Great Britairs and the Unitell States
bought and sold.
]IE 0 i\T,
WINGHAM Octrolaz 4rx1, 1688.
. 2 •
Supplies all necessaries for fun. 3
oral furnishing having a Delivery
Wagon specially for this branch of,
business, All orders attended.
personally, and delivered any:
where within 10 Miles of Wing:
'Remember the place, first door
souNof, the big brick hotel on the
main street, Winghani,,,
A. law nom TREATMENT.
Sufferers aro not generally aware that those dis•
eases are Contagious, or that they aro due to the
presence of living parasites in the lining membrane
of the nose and austrachien tubes., Microscopic) re.
f.earen, however*, has proved ;this to bo a fact, and
the result is that a simple remedy has been formu•
'ated whereby catarrh, catarrhal fleetness and hay
favor aro permanently cured in from ono to throo
simple applications made at home by the patent
once in too weeks, N. B. -Por catarrhal discharges
secular to females twhites) this remedy is a specific.
A pamphlet explaining this now treatment is sent on
tteeipt of ten writs by A. H. 'VW & Sort, 8C8 )Vest
Ring St, Toronto, Canada.--Scientiflo American
Safferers from tarrhal shotild oxd the.
shove (awfully
Mildew can he removed from linen
fO'ff bye will tearer a good deal front h h e IV Wetting tl'e article, -rubbing on
payau e—one- a teat ortaeu or
chalk and eeeestng
to the Jain
fear, if not from SWAMI disease, after complainant, and the other half to the For' woonao, a • weak solution of
reading the latest accounts of the pea- repreeentotive of the factory to which
gunnel, g will prove, suciessful.
sible effects of the elixir. the milk was bdistributed t
gni 11 thetrona • rt. to aitutint CURED, health and tweet breath
SUIT US beau entered againet tLe their respective interests in the Pre- Pride, 50 tenth, Natal 'ejector fre0, ror
secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Itetueciy.
Itutit Park Fishing Club, Pittsburg, dant *reef. salkby 0. E.
=pt. eci•tall nate for ***E6 VCrilet
Removes Freckits, Tan and Sunburn, makes
the Skin Soft, White and Smooth.
The marvellous healing properties of the
Salts are incorporated in this Soap, and used
in connection with TOTEM OF HEALTH
SALTS and SALVE, cures ECtema, Sadt
Rhetica and all diseases of Blood and Skin.
Atli your Ouggist far TestirnontaIs.
Totem of Health Go.
0114tioxzes. toes.ga Ding STUB,
Sli71,131; a ,n .e ()lacy.
ISSItS StraIrtiatridl Wateh.
Bold ter aa1OO until Welt li 111.1
Dern Ed watch M the World.
l'erfeet timekeeper: Wu.
• tamed.' WM, oild Uot •
Hubtlar Cum Both ladlee
odor can stereo 0I5 tee;
tegalbet wIth Out WO and adl•
nab% )tn 0.1 kinuadhOld
Igtalelpleda Thew landdes,
well at The welch, We Wad
rirer. Mad after yon bawl -keys
them In "eta home for * menthe and dome, there to Mole
Who may has °ailed, thay bosom your ewe ptop•rtr,,11084/
Who write oboe ean be rate of twalolag MO watch
end fattanple& We_lur all some, frafght, toaliatolreen
10 141 Voro AIM $1,06Fort40441h
'Subscription price, $1 por year, hi advneoo
Spam 1 yr. 0 nun 5 ino. I 1 Mo.
Orli Column, Ede -6o 53F-ao -520 So -6-ero
Hall a 35 00 20 00 12 00 0 04,
Quarter" 20 00 12 00 r 00 4 00
Ono firth 5 00 8 00 2 00 1 00
Local and other casual advertise nents, 8c. por lino
for Oat insertion, and Lie. por lino for each subsequent
Local notices, in nonpareil type, 10c. 'or flret in.
onion, and lie. per line for each subsequent insertion
No local notice will bo charged less titan 25o.
Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situutions,
and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 linos
nonpareil, $1 per month.
Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 6 lines,
$1 for that month, 500, per subsequent Month.
These terms will be (aridly adhered to. 4
Special rates for longer adrealsenurnts, or for
longer periods. .
Advertisements without specific directions, will be
inserted till forbid and charged. accordingly. Tran-
sitory wivertisernents must bo paid in advance.
Changes for contract advertisements must he in
the office by Wednestley noon, in order to appeoe .
that week
Prreeeltrent AND PGII518 e.lb
lr‘lt. J. A. LIELORCM,
U Horror eqatinate of Toronto University.
Mee and Residence -The old stand formerly oceu.
pled by Or. Bethune, at the corner of Centre and
Elret-olaes honor man and generg,peofirioncy medal-
ist Toronto University. Mee:Ater College Physicians
and Surgeons et Ontario.
Ofilee-At Methodist Parsonage.
Solioitorsfor the Bank of Remitter. ConunissionMe,,
for taking, allidavits for Manitoba. Private funds
to fond'in ot:airzIrt loans at lomat rates. ()Nees -
Kent's plea, *Ingham, Dueler ‘nd Gerrie.
. 15. W. a, OMR. B. ICKINSON.
Win ghee' , • Ontario.
OFFICES -Beaver Block, lineanar, ONT.,
• Germs see ONT.
Private and Company funds to loon at IA, rotes of-
intorout. Mortgages, town and farm properry,
*mutt and sold. Mercantile collections a specialty,
DENTISTRY.- J. 8. JEROME, antemisr.
J„S Jerome is mmuffacturing eel-
Pletes Vulcanite plates ni• the
best material as cheap as they can bo
,,ot in the Dominion. All work war-
• Vegetable Vapor administered for the peirdese.
extraction of teeth, the only safe anesthetic known. ' •
OFFICE : In the Beirver Block, opposite the
prunewloic Rotel.
11. MACOONALD, Wigeflem
- Maker of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy,
r_ Silva. Geld, etc.,eta, Plates, ranging •
414444'641 in prices fronx $500 upwards per set.,
erofenng and brldgework. 'Teeth ex
treated without the least peirkby the use Viier.'
ized Au'. Read Office, Wingharn, side entrance op.
posits the Queen's hotel, open-deilY (Sundays except-
ed) from San, to 5 p m. Will he at Blyth evert
2nd and 4th Saturday of eachmintin-011iceat Milne
*hotel; Gerrie; let and Brd Mondays of each month -
Office at Albion hop!. Extracting 25 cents.
• "PFX1r.
pI$EAN, 31l!, WINDHAM,
•• OF AGRON. ,
Sales attended In any part of. Or Co. Charge
.131t KIR;
Alt sales attended to promptly and on the Shortest
Notice. • '• •
Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guarenteee.
Alt necessary arrangements 'can be made at the,
To; •' eqlre,
• Widener, Orf
E. L. eep. L. Surormons AND Orli, Ezererszeliiiip
All o fie left At cr. 01%9 9: the 5111730,1; r
eche To•ompt aLtention. •
-k) tit SOX 5, r Mania,
r, t, soreoqor, r.rg,inew? and ,
Particular attention paid to division of trosrer
140 bugling lots, Bottling cuspated bounonii.s,
preparing complete plans of towns and villages, „et
Pet Registry Act, and descriptions of pronett '9
for insertion in ,deeds, Cfoss•Seetions of rivers :oda
and estimates tlot COMIr Of Bridges, Culvert% 4(..
Ales and estimates forgrading hills, drainn•.0Toni
and street itenrovernents SIMVOTO 004 Molar E,,10
nearing woti.s., Correspondence Pellet d, stert'l,g
niece end ehafatter ol wort. OPVION,-M J. A.
Goa Winglietn.
1 0 •
vitytifit AkmsTitil„
Contractors and Ilttildors, •
Winn/04 • • 024Tc.
Agents for Dpwng's (germ()