HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-08-23, Page 1VOL. XIII II. ---NO 33. LOCAL VEW$, oceekr. john flee -Cm hue bed a very fine plate glass front p in Mestere. -Ur. IC A.. Let is, book agent, of Pal- merston, bee been canvassing the town kr the past week, wilt oonsidereble etiocess, -11fesers. Crow ley and Ffunter, the greet revivalists, 11 commence a Berton of evangelietie serviced in Parkhill allergy, The hew G. Tj 1l. passenger station. is `Ong puehed along rapidly and will be ready for oceutsatio t, it is expected, in the touree of three eve s. 400914-4/r Peter LukIter, with -Ur.J. j Anderson, has betvl seriously *disposed for the pttdt few dais.) We hope he will noon be restored to tis usual health. -The post office authorities here have been notified &ore the department that the interest on dep.eite will be reduced from kto 4,par our t. ea and atter the Id of Ootoher. -Threshing mac Unite are now on the move spite -awl qa to t number of farm. erg hereabonts ha -e thi °shed their, fall wheat. Prom:1.1'0i le eourees we learn that the yield will e from fifteen to thir. y bushels per act Wtn. T. B ckle, sou in-law to Mr. Walter Rutherfo Bluevale road, 'has resigned. his positi n as head gardener to Hiram Walker Sok of Walkervil Ont., andlas settl in Wingham. As a competent gardeu r Mr. Biala is A 1. .-Tho ladies o the Methodist church eutend holding n. s oial eotertainment in the shoeing riuk on Tuesday eveuin Aug. 27t1.1. The • nd and the Methodist S. a. orchestre, b vo kindly couseutecl to be preseut. A. vo y enjoyable time is eel- ticipated. Xr. John -01 limA0.1.1111A1AMAIIIPIPPINON • ..., ease. , -.Asoesureromoommegoeseelbseeseolair " ° WINGHAM, ONT., FRIDAY, ITGUST 23, 1889. -Win hana's patio8Q14Ql will molten on Mo ay nexe. - eneene-Ouly 2 baby car nes lett. WilWflyoe sold cheap kr emelt at S. cey's, -Several oar lead of ve stock were shipped from the G. T. R, 4ation here this week, -The Winghatn Looros e Club goes to Listowel today to piper a scheduled game with the club of that tom , -The woodcock season opened on the 15th of August. The clo e season is from January 1st to August 5 h, -The Trues will be sent from now till the end of the year for 25 cents. Send for or call and subeeribe. -If you are going to ritobrt or the Nortlawest this fall, the o ap .excursione run by the C. P. It should ot be mimed. -See my line of picture rames at 25, Sty of picture 35, 45 z4 65 cents. A. spool and ramig, any size ,or style, at S Grec 's. -Attention is diamted tc the adver- tisement in another! opiumannouucing three cheap exourritone to lalcuitoba and the North-west vie, the 0, P. I. To Been -Tire sehoud and third flat of a from tififdlng on joriephiue street, near Bell's x tory. • A, Mitethe • f good roans. Apply o Geo; Thom n, Zetland mills, box 125, Winglia 4' • -Messrs Hu ton &Carr expect to have their mill in rr cuing order in about two weeks, Mr R hitlaw, of. Woodetook, has the contract patting the rollers in, and th.pe work is heii.g pushed aloug rapidly. 44 -Messier A. I oe, W T Yates, john Boll, AI Conover an 1 othet tawnetnen were in Goderiob on "tr‘ednesday. • The inaugural 'meeting of the loderioh Turf Club' was held that (ley, tond was a grand succese, -It is said teat several it the carbons of Mr. 3. W. B ngougli, Grip's oelehreted cartoonist, no t Land OM Labor ques- tion, have been re-publiehed fo t chorale- , tiou in Great B itain to assist the Henry George movemait. New -Record Peke, for- merly teacher Cliuton Model SchRol, was married W.clnesday last, at the res- idence of Mx R Ople,dy, near. Clinton; to? Dr Al' Molienale,of Toronto son of frieud Mr George Mckenzie, of NVinghant, Rev Mr Stewarb offi dated. Ur and Mrs Mo - Kenzie, of Win ,ham, were presenb. The Tereus extends s•engratulatione,• - Cheap Harvest excursions will be run by the Grand Truuk Railway ou August 20th, September 3rd and 24th, from Wing. ham to Winzripeg, Glenboro, Deloraine, Saltcoats,, osejaw, and Calgary, at Special lo .res. S posters and call on W B Towle or A Strathdee, G T R agents, Wingbam, or full particulars; free Colonist bird a • -On looking ok last wook's issue of the Oakville Star ton-yroteld bo loci to think that it waathe co 'gen of the Royal Tem. plars of Tempo -once. It contained pic. tures of W W .3tiehannan, of Hamilton, DomMien Com eillor ; Bev Wm nettle - well, of Oakville D 0; Rev D Mun- gor, Waterloe N Y, Supreme Couneila ; 11 Land,' of Hatniltore, Dominion Secretary; S Inane% of Toronto, Sec- retary Dominic» Alliance ; and Ur Dun- nett, of n, a member of one of tho Royal Rev valisb bends. The Royal Tempters have •een.holding a two weeks' wrap Oakvill recruiting their strength or another atteek on the strongholds. of Xing Aleholiol, vbich is tho occasion of the Sfaet illustrated number. ,•-,t(irmerly of White-: and latel -tit'LAingston, alichigen, st•died at that niece 9tla Met The Bov. Win. Whitt •id, of whose church de. •oriased was en ele r;preaed an impres- sive funeral send" on the 11th inat, at the time ef intextotto -Mr. T. AuStiti of St. Antonio, Texas, and eo.reett(40,4:: ustin. foundryman, of Listraielk, •ough Winghartt on his way teem on't duesde,y. "Toramy" looks *ell, end ea the nihilist° agrees • with hiata:1 ;Well, e is cashier in the American' Express office .of that place, • where he bee beet_ for the pasb three • years. -Iteoreation par •proved* by the remo and the levelling u • pipe fence along the, and a tight boseel•fe • aide will still furthe understood the core 'charge intend oarryi mains as soon as po • -While I am prepared to 'furnish all necessaries for funerals, and attend pere • serially 04110 or day) whore ray services are required, and will be undersold by none, 1 vim i istiuotly understood that • I havo no. ye. ore agents out enquiring after dee re, . ' ohm done bv some in thin town, as 1 emisidetesuch actions mine. coing in the uudertakiug professiou. 1 •/ ill not conduct my business on soy such priaeiples. . R. Graeey, undertaker, oa the •main street, Wingham. •-Mr. Jos. Pornjuson, contractor, who spent last winter tend part of the spring on his fern] near 'rand Valley, was in town on Wednesdi y of last week. Ile has lately boon wotkik in the neighborhood of Millbank, bur intends returning to Witighttra in a shot time to finish some contracts he has, r ad to permanently re- side here. , • The annual me /jag of the Wellington, brie been greatly Int- el of the old fence done. A good gas tut and west end, co along the north improve it. It is ittee having it in g out these improve. fible, So mote it bo. Grey, Perth, Ilor sedation was het (Thutsday,) when and other ineporte. acted. Tho meet tiro preeidont and million Millers' As questions amain The advieability o change table was eatilptittret.. *there' as at LiStAtill'?.Yiesterday, he electian rif deem t basineee was trans - ng was addressed by secretary of the Do. oistion on impottaut UM intoreets, reetrrangieg the ex. Iso taken up. Lan Tretvere --. The etsemeh, palatial steamers 'United Bmpite, Campana and Ontario are sow runniug twice each week front Sarnia and 3kInee,rdine, forming the quickest teed most direct route for Lakes Huron and Superior ports, Port A.rtlitir, Duluth, etc., making close convention for all pointe in the Westeth States,Manitoba, Pulite Ceaet. eta. • Vor all information, lowest single and ronad trip fame, freight velem, etc., mill on Agout G. T. It., kitetiou Winglians. -Friday, 9th natant, as arranged, was observoil as deeefation day in Wingham by the I. 0. O. te. C. 0.1%th° Orangemen, and other seek?. ee. At three eolock Delorain proem -lion was formed at the market L leirtemelpe°,1,11,* 4,3 sgencia and, ilea ed by the town band, //zee Sin,-rer j marched to tiro darnetery. The peer:elision jest returned. from was tt largo one, natty of the citizens join- through the influee inn it. When the, cemetery was reaohed by one nor:meta d by the Rev. W. X. iuduced to oonto ociety then took ohargo lumber and horses of the graves of thole for, and life friend . beautiful wreath, hint to sell cub her and, was pla9e'd. V° istid stiff backass eggo Ireland, who wee, stock. lite AndOrir if that orpanization, A botter pleased the, people took part in the -'and bee gathered s, and there were betwhich he is solidi ,eernetery but were dee- tritirleelgintul'o ths, crosses, bouquets or •1,re bolts& I am gi liapee. Tho grave dove- better thati any leCurtaiu poles for 42 Os -'-ie sehooliiin $f& rura Mewled last week, t Gracey'e, 4 -The G T sootione cone- Niagara FM Saturday. -Sportsmen wiItJ venomat the clone season for par ridge will not end till let September. -Zr W Broolfensldre is in attendance at the Photograph rs' Convention at Tee& ronto this week. B C Clark ber th tailor, has removed to the Royal block, opposite W T Yates' grocery. .-Three car load ; of furniture left the G. T. R, station thi. week, two for Mut. real and one for Mritoba. -Anyene trending us 25 cents can have the Ttems sent to their address -at home or abroad -for the balance of this year. etifMr Weil lloGe-gor meet with an semi. dent while at Mr -T Bell's faotory last week by whichi,lie _est the end 'of one of his fingers. • -Dr Smellie. o Pinkerton, brother to Mr 1.1 Bennie, of hie town, bas removed to Madoo, where he has established a praetice, -The GT R to dCPR run cheap ex. cursions to Kings on, Ottawa, Montreal, and Quebec, fr en 28rit to 26th hist, Tiokes good to reearn .up till September Oth. ,. —Fon 00 Da,—i run on sideboards, bedroom it 'tea and eablia. Be sere and call before p rchasing e1sewhero.jznd see nay stook to prices. S.„Grace , furniture dealer, Wi gluten. Store ot the Keen street, die etly opposite Mr Herdsman's and T. A. Mill's,- Wi glia -Mr1) if r S Mills, v' theist and conmposer of musk, of London is in town, and will have for sale a nuefer of pieces of music. He may be prevai ed upon to teach a class; if a suffioieut lumber of pipits can be obtained,. • • -2itr. 'George /lord, of Listowel, lies been engaged for re) ne time at Mr: We J. Chtapman'e tannery putting in the vats and getting it in sh. pe" to commence opera- .. d;, 3, i i d rune a cheap excursion to toalay,good to return on -Top Phaeton buggy for sale. Apply to Geo. Thomson, Zetland raills, Box 125, 'gingham. he Wing am hose reel company event to tistowel Friday WO to compete iit the flreme s tournament at that place. Although o r boys had hardly any practice they emcee ed in taking second place, competing; gaited Kincardine, Seaforth and Walk ton' teams, The time made • was-Rim:4r ine, secoude ; Wingham, PI; Seale th, 5C The boys are to be ,congretutta • • on t eir (moose, The town band met •hem at the station on their return. School Board. A. special • eating of the Public) School Board was eld on Saturday evening, 1.0th inst. Me ro present -Messrs. W. W. Inglis (chair an), Thos. Bell, Geo. Petty- pie9e, D, Gordon, Thos. Abraham and Wm. Moo Twenty applications were read for e position of teacher id the second. de tment. After cousideration of the applio 'ens it was moved by Mr. Bell, second by Mr. Bte.ore, that Miss Rose L. E., g, of Brantford, be engaged as teacher o /the second departmenb of thd school -Car led. Moved by Mt. Gordon, seconded y , Mr. ' Bettypiece, that the chairman ncl-seoretary be empowered to effect an additibnal ivauranoe of three thousand d.ars ou the coltool buildings in a good at Cle 'company -Carried. The followlog a counts were ordered to be paid .1Kinpb 'Printing Co., advertising, 61.43; R. Ell tt, priuting, 01.75. Board then adjourn d- till regular meeting in. Septemb.er. . Master FM: vdnce, spent s last week. - Mous. Geor e aa exper mace me - who hes been ahanio, and Mr. Oh bpirtan an feel assured j.ohn Neelan that will get a g d job, Orangeville 0 • kmietais. McLaughlin, of the Ad, roe days visiting in Sciaforth s BIC Lowes, of Brampton, visiting her cousin, Mrs , for some time, left for uesday.-Mrs D II Dor- is visiting ber daughter, stone, of this town. -t -Mr r, representing L D Sawyer ton, was in town this week. of the ArIvocate, and brother of H Davis, ot Wingluen, gave the Ti a friendly call on Wednes- day. --Bir W Norman and wife, of kit Thomas, are •' Wog at 0 Strathdee's.- Mr Jos Sebasti • is rusticating at Godorich this week. - Ir jolin Northwood, of Chatham, tra oiling agent of the P was in town • n Saturday last. -Mr Wm MoCutcheon, .1 Listowel general agent of John Abell, of route, was in town on Saturday fast. • Mr Prank Xirchmao, manager of the •pera. 'house in Loitdon, was in town t week.: --Rev Mr and Mrs Moorhouse w re visiting at Bervie last week.-Xine rdine Reiliezo : Mrs Thomas Bell and two hildren, ,of Viringhana ; Mrs .Englis and Mis •cAllister of St Louis, and Mrs Clark, o 1,Vinghatn, write visiting at Mrs Boyd's a d at Mrs Carrick's of the le,keahore and rieuds in town. -Major Keine, of Go e, Reeve of Howlett, was, in town last we on business, -Mr Arm. strong, of 'Minn o, of the Arne of Inglis & Armstrong, wa, in town last week, on husiness.-111r as Large, DE Listowel, was visiting rolati es in town last week.-WIrs S B Taylor d daughter, of Woodelee, • visiting T Deans, last week -Mr E Brad in, sou of Mr 4'08 Brad - win of title tow , now connected with the Oakville Sear, pout a few days in town lasb week,- not; Miller, of Mr M H ItoIndoo's s re, returned on Wednesday from a two oks, holiday, While away ho visited Po Huron, Watford, &o. - Mr D 0 Mun o, of the Tunis, has been holidaying for t o past two weeks,in and around Port PI 'ti. -Mrs Tremain, of Listowel, is a present 'visiting her &mesh - ter, Mrs It El Mt& of this town. -Mr Intosh, of the rrn of Motatosh MoTao„. goo, bankers, Bresaele, Vitte in town 011 Tuesday. -41 a Jos Breelwin and her eon, A 11 Brad it/repent e. few days at Kincardine Mrs C Deltas hae boon visiting teionds learimin„-Mrs John Brenhan i ; at present in Chicago visiting friend t. -Mr Richard Davis, of Toton'to, has beet visiting Itis brother, Mr II Davis, for me days. --Mies Maggie MeAllister send MLp Inglis, of $t Louie, :Missouri, who 1 been visiting ab Clatit's, Windt en, returned to their hornet so Wed Way, Mr 0 E Willis ceived samples of timothy and prai J J Anderson from day this week, s, agent C F R, re - wheat, oats, barley, ie grass from Mr elite, Manitoba, one te,,.samples are really exoel1ent.1VIr &z4raon reports that in many oases wheat b1 yield 85 linsbels per core. The sampboL can be seen at yr Williams. -On Sundis,v, 11 h inst., about thirty members of Overt Naitland, No. 25, Cana- dian Order of Poreters, drove over to Toeswater to attend hp anniversary ser- vices of Court Vic • ria, Of that place. Rev. Y. Hartleyo Binevale, conduct, ed the services, whiol were largely attend- ed, a number of the • dresters from Bei - more, Wroxeter an • Gotrio also being present. -Tho new system which registered letters are only sent 0 trains with ruail clerks and postal veal instead of closed, bags, came into force n August 1st. tin- der this system there ill bo a personal responsibility from th posting of the let- ter until its delivery. Tito mail clerks at the office give a reed to the sender, anti in return get one fro • the clerk ore the train, or forward the in a Sealed packet to the postmaster nd get an acknow- ledgement in 'rotor . While this plan may delay the iIi1ty y al registered let- ters, it will provide acuity for their de- livery. This has be n in force on the Grand Trunk Railw since July 1st, and will now become' go eral, prayer was offer Shortt, and each of the decoration deceased brethr prepared by the grave of the late once a member great many tow decoration seri • few graves itt tin °rated with wre flowers in other • atter' is it beauti it will be entities will do inneh to beautify the se cul Dusted], and we hopd.s1Kind17 moo that t ed iu Wiughain, ne it Virinmpeg Without stimulate tits eitizeute, to okay. itau., Aug 6th 1889. Laud Commissioner, Andoroon, of uelita, • iughsen, Ont, reports 0 of, a lottor written f Sourieford, ho was ell. °without a ear of • Welt he went down Wiligliam wanted aied ship his horses ro was no feed for the eine° his return in over with the,,,dount% numer of temples, fa to C 131 "%Manes, Proof they aro not Tho samples, which n to understand aro et sent from Imre, ay go through. from elay. ants trey, Thos 31 Itettelre man, of Mitch Mrs R John llteXel • Co, of Ha --Mr 333 Davi WHOLE NO. 197 Tow Connell, n adjourned meeting of the comma was held cm Tuea evening, Preoe:3- The mayor and Com Mors Nae. lands, Iforoutli, Spar ng, Sniytb, Cline, Brookenshire, Holm la Atinel. 11111, Wlle liams? By. w No. 161, 889, to raise 40,000 for the erection of a t n hail was read a. third time and adited, on motion of Messrs. Neelands an Homuth. By-law No. 163, for fixing the ate of taxation for the year 1889, waft read three timed times and passel he 'rate is 19 mills in the dollar made up as knows!: Por county purposes, 1 mil o the &filar ; for public school, 6 mills; br interest on debentures, 6 mills; for or 'nary expenses of the town, 6 mine, r. Neelands, as ettearneen of committee t • fix up and fence the park, made some romp. s as to the work being done, and asked fo suggestions as- to the fence to be built. •he matter was left en- tirely in the haw • of the Committee, Tenders for • e erection of the town all were opei d as follows: • W. S. Doyell, 210,800 John Lyons, Se. orth 9,823 John Forster, Wi Awn 11,002 Bamford Bros., stowel •10,775 Jacob Large, L' towel • 10,002 John Sky, Li owel.... ... 10,815 H. Kerr, Wi ghat/L.: 9,282 Mr. Kerr aft meads withdree0 hie ten- der, which loft • Lyons, the lowest tett- der! Moved by Par la new that this cola Merit to erect itt wants of this ris by the ratepayer that the beat int will not be obtainer be further piocedd resolvedfiliat the until the munkip a further sum ca ratepayers for • yeas artd nays b declared Jost. tended by Mr. Bjoe mittee having ch structed to co reference to sig Wilding of tho ha an adjourned mee held to -morrow Carried. poun day evening a The council pursuant. to adj mayor, reeve and Williams, Agnew Cline, Spading, lands. The ma tee to confer wit committee had make. Mr. Gregory t not exceed the a Mr. Cline wou appropriation, as ceea it 21,200 it w 01. He did not plan altered. Mr. Neelanas kg the plans of kit she matter sta the ratepayers fo hand the hall. this winter. Moved by Mr. Mr, Agnew, that any of the ten meeting, for the on account of t amount appropr Mr. 11, herr as built for 6500 les year, the contra which to got 00. For• statement. 13 thought could be able to do th 61,000 to 01,400 On motion Smyth, the bui structed to con Lee what eeduetit mit of the build' mes,seconded by Mr Ag- cil find that a sum suffi- wit hall suitable to the • g town has norbeen voted `ander By-law No.101,and este of all concerned if the present acherne witla, -therefore be it ole matter be deferred. 1 election for 1890.whea / bo submitted to the eir approval. On the eg,taken, the motion was lied by Mr. Cline, sec- Ushire, that the cora- ge of the plans be itt- et with Mr. Lyons in ng a contract for the , and report same to ng of this council to be ening at 8 o'clock. - adjourned till Wednes- o'clock. t an Wednesday evening. Present -the • uncillors Messrs. Hill, Holmes, Drockenshire. 'myth, Hornuth and Nee. or, as one of the commit. Mr. Lyons, said th • o reecomneendation to 1 A ' ought the council should. ouut voted by the people. d nob like to exceed the 'f it were wrong to exs • ald be wrong to exceed it ke to see the present IA as not in favor of alter - a building, but would d till winter and ask additional money try* Ito co.traot might be leit. seconded by is eounoil do not accept' era presented at lent siding of the town hall, figures exceeding the stede-Carriert. the building might ba • if it were done next or having the winter in • the material, ter corroborated Mai:0We outtieg off some thing.; Iii e done without, he might work nett yoar for say ess than hie Wider. Meagre. Nedands and dine, committee were in. with the atchitecb and is took/ be made in the tg, and report to this council. On moti.on, t to pian.e toll to hocked for eu1• 1".1 Catlin:11 acne -The prize hold in Wingli September, h1 ofilee, Copies Medical, these ti treasurerwas instrilatell 10 redit of the wheel espouses. ruea. Ste oftbe Fall show to be it on the 24th and biteit of a been leaned fetm this n b. had from Mr 3 4 041-7.