HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-08-09, Page 8IN ~ C'.rtllf'Q 13. C (leas i 8,111 Qt:U1t �t 1 m Mr. Mat. Ambler, of Con. 3, ]las returned from a visit to 'Toronto. IIo ..,... ..... .-� R.._.- .: is now employed in \Vingbam.--Great complaints aro now made as to the FRIDAY, AUGUS1 0, 1.889. , injury clone by rust to the fall wheat. PeB 1 i I •ld d 1.40lit of ran Fairs. Provincial—I./linden, September p to 14. Industrial--T•.�routo, September J to 21. North-Western-- Gociozicll, Soptembor 17 •to 19. Great Central--Ratnilton, Sept. 23 to 27 Wellesley had k.Isthepo—Wellesley, Sept, 2 4 and 25. Central Bruce-,•Pfl,isley, a ept, 24 to 26. The Northern—Wall:erten, Oct.1 to 4. North Perth —Stratford, Oct. 3 and 4. Listowel, Sept. 18 to 21. Northwestern•—Win sham, Sept. 24 and 2a", aare a so mildewing an prospects are not nearly so good as they were a fortnight ago. WING -HAM MARKETS. Wniou i, August s,1839 Corrected by P. Deana, Produce Doalor. 5'lour per WO lbs, . 41 2 70 to Vail Wheat perbuahol, • 0 90 Spring " 0 90 to Oats, Feat, - Potatos, Rutter per lb. tug, - do Rolls, ,, • Mitchell. Sept. 26 and 27. Eggs per dozen, South Forth, St. Mary's, Sept 24 aud.p. y cetoricrd, alp..0. P. R. TIME TABLE. •ho I b hero some — as since been in the Traina arrive and depart as fofowa ; LRAYIRO ARRIVING who etre in the 5:35 a. m. .. ,.....For To:routo...... ...5:35 a. 01 Cineinnatti Ohio 2:15 1, ill 2:15 p,n1 Inin 2:15 ..,,,....,For Toeswator 2.15 s week to his fami- 10:$0 II, al 10:30 r. FURNITURE of all minds, ly who still reside in iVinghain.—Mrs, R Which will ho sold at lowest figures,. Smellie loft on Thu dayon G FL.C.S TRUNK �'v' Y g ¢ visit ;to, - 4, 0, STRATFIDEE, AQENT, tYINoaADt. friends at Fergus an tithe points.—The Through tickets to all points in America—North. Misses Fiorillo, Lout and Delia Sperling West, Pacific Coast, etc., via the shortest and all .+ popular routes: Bacrgage chocked through to Ara renewing old asso ',)tions in Blyth and destination. Lowest freight rates to all points. Seafortll, their formo home.—Miss Ella:—•---T1iVME TABLE. rem Mr D J McOasey,. five months ago, and employ of his brothel meroautile busiaesss i was home on a visit th 2 75 0 02 0 92 • 28 to 30 60 to 50 • 26 to 30 13 to 14 , ▪ 12 to 13 11 to 11 1 25 to 1 50 0 00 to 700 ere' Lists Act. YUNIet?J,tlrr OF 7015 .TOW a OP NTy Wing! Ay,. COO OYyfU1tON. Notice Is hereby Yen, that I have ansmitted or ciolit <lred to the per . he mentioned sections 0 and 0 of the Ontario Vote .• Lists Act, . 9, the copies required by 851(1 scats. 8 to bo =• trantnlitted or dcllYorcd at rho list, ma puree% to said Act, of all persona appearing by f i laet Uviscd nascssment 1011 of the said Municipal y to , 0 entitled to vote In the saki Municipality at lee oils for Members of the Legislative Assembly 'n at Municipal Elec. tions; and that said list was st posted up at lily Oleo, at Wingham, on tho day of August, 1889, and remains these for ins. it 0. Electors are called apo to a amine the said list and, tt any ones one o any of er crrore ire fauns] therein, to tali lmedt toprace. sings to• bane the said errors c acted a. ording to w. B. FE GUSON, rk of WInghant. Dated t s 7th day .f August, 188 V RED ROOKER ' r its we Stare. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT - --osr— LEAVE 17INGEA3f, ARRIVE AT WINO1fAI.I, 11ltoGuo 10 returned on Tuesday from e 0:39 a.m.Torp 1pit Palmereton, 3co. 8:80 p.m, „ three weeks visit to B autford, Iiamiltah ?1.10 '„ 10.10 and London.—Master 3.4opm, Oiinton spending a week with —Mr T W Crawford, for a fortnight's trip Gestic, Vanstone, of her horse after spen ing some time .with TTV1n Mallsugh is 7:25 ,.....Palmerston, Slixed.. ,...10:20 a.m. riends in Toronto 3'40 ji ni ......'gr'don, 80.......... 171.: :00 „ . p.m, ail clerk, has gone ,.11:10 a.m...... -11:moraine, 0:39 3:30 p.m 11:10 ” up the lakes.—Miss 10;10 "0:50 p.n friends in Wingha —Misses Nellie and Maggie Bridle, of Pa Is, are guests this week at the residence of Mr. Joseph Brad. Win.—Miss Mary Wells'ood, of East Wa- wanosb, is visiting at 11 r. J. W. Bradwin's. Mr, T. 1). Healey, of Ottawa, was the guest 05 the Misses D and E Irwin, of Wingliam, this week --lir S Merrifield, who bas been workin , in Kincardine for a few weeks, returns ou Tuc^day and has . gone on a visit to M. ant Forest where his wife has been fo• some tilde.—airs J Mason and two chi dren left on Tuesday to visit relatives at ollwater and spend some time with tl em camping in the Georgian Bay vicinitl,—Mrs II Flynn, of i-lt��O7 St Louis, E 8, is vislitl ig friends in town.' N _ d9 Mr Flynn was a forme) resident of Wing,b .. (501; 90), i❑ thetrRwn o undersigned up hl+m.—!Sr r, alconer, pi'naifl,.l Of :118 For-, y 'ASO), est public school, was ' Wingllain a day Tuo$cla , Lit or two this we t'a, o having formerly • oft cleans and ••Pit if ofse . The lowest and not al cepted. R wingllam, Aug. 1,.1850. TOWN LOTS FOR, SALE. Town Lots Not. 252,253 and 310;in: the Town Plot of Wingham, containing hall an acre each, aro for sago. Apply 59 J. A. MORTON, ,Barrister, Wingham. r Ir:tirsv vj SALESMEN TO SELL Nursery Stock. All geode �' warranted k'irgt -class.— Permanent, pleasant, profitable positionplol. the' right 11101, Gond salaries anti o::ponses paid weekly.' Liberal inducements to beginners. No previous ez- perionro necessary. Outfit frcc. Mete for terms, giving age. CMGs. II CHASE, Nurseryman, (Mention this paper.) Rochester, N. Y. TO CO] ll TRAC T Qi S. Sealed tenders for tut immediate erection ,Of a Y BRICK( °I�IAU, Wingham, will bo received; 0 p. Aust, 1839. may bo seen at the Mayor's inst, tender necessarily ac -- T. McI,NDOO, Mayor. taught in East Waw way to the Provinci, tion at Gha'lt'aqu•z, James lefU last wee tacky, where we and learning the tailoring law M.ca Buie and M's Curtis, of Blyth, were visiting at S Grac A B Mackenzie, of N been visiting his fri Week ou a trip aero British Columbia. lingwood. by his unol of Goderich, who s cco nosh. He is on his 1 Teachers' Assoc:a- 1lrs Saltines and lion for Louisville, Ken - stand James intends iih his brother-in- y's this week. -14r w York, wlio has ds here, left last s the continent by To was met at Coi- Mr. Robt Mackenzie, panics hill]. Tia•5 Orsm ;=In .11'8 13.owe0L•s. To the Editor cf the Wing ails TINES : .DRAB SIP.:—A11)w mo to thunk the Orange organizat on, who through their Master, Mr. John Davidson have vouchsafed their rasoua for not invit- ing Dr Macdonald to speak at the celebration at SVtnr,.: m ou the 12th of Tilly. 1 am willif g to accept 'the explanation as the ost satisfactory that can be given. O 01U189, �: c, PROTESTANT., ESTANT, for anyone desiring to Hess. For particulars and oa alit a 0r e PLEASA VALLEY AFiR3Z. The nndersigned ha Mee of PURE ITALLIA hand a roll -supply of Rive ttcpded to. Carpenter work in all its bra alt times. PETER A or sale a nu: EI8S. H All Opposite Brennan's tan eryt er of Coio. also keeps on rdera promptly. es attended' to at, ILL ham, SAW MILD, (TACE FACTORY t' COOPER SHOP FOR SALE. Trig.. J. J. ANDERSON Having centered his intdrests in Mani. toba now' offers for sale his Sall' LIIII, Shingly Factory .16 Stavo Factory, Conveniently situated near the Grand Irani: Railway Station, Wingham. All these estahlishmentta well equipped and in good remain; order and t a is an excellent chance gage in this line of busi- erms apply to Turnb: Mrs. T. Jenkins, f the Bluevale road, is. visiting Lien is in K.:llashi, • - ?i,Sich.—•11 iss Seirap is teaching i:i P Jgolr her work nottaking --'Mrs. Geo. Blacks% funeral of Mrs. Weir Monday. --Mr ,Alvin tneriy of this towns of plastering a Church lit Rah:til Donn Kerr—At Wingham, on th Mr. John 11>400; aeon. 7rtIAx--In I1russcls, 011 Mr. Christt..rl 7111iax ; a el VA:sTONR••-In tiorri'i, f M7(.EAN--- 5t la-in:Ihal:i, s 'aekwell, who, has continued 11e usual holidays it attended the at Clinton,n •AL A.L l:zck:vellfor- 111,683 thecontract tow Presbyterian • 'ty, :Man, - Tho assignee in trust for Creditorsof Roht. 13. Millen, will otter for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the 0th hist. the wife of ho 10th ult.. the wife of • m;llter. , the 4th rose., the wife et Jr. R. Vaash,nc : a drug ter, the Gtit inst., the wife r; a daughter. 153l1RRA b. PATrI•:nson.-Wniatne.s-- 0 Slrussels,on the inst ult., by tier. G It dowse, 1, A, Mr John Patterson, , f Grey towns,iii,, to Miss Tea )011a Wheelens. of Wing- 1,ath. lines )111 nt: ryv it L tel:now, An trio Gth inst.. :iv Ret 'Sir. 11ohii Rev..1, Iila:;K, of the state nt Ohio, to 1.11..4 :1a,' ie Mori' son, of West W4O•auosh. o1 31r. John McLean, sawmii MoC •x ' - •.At Tcoswal et Mei TA.eh,ate.A1 813 Its r I l3o'i1'r, on :lea, 4Ted 47 scars and six , en tete 28011 alt., Mar. re, 10 4th inst., Wnl. Wil. Antis J. J. All RSO~, Prop istori WI:iCIIAM, ONT, AUCTION SALE 8 HAND MADE OR ORDERED GOODS, - Soo my own make of Matrasses, Lounges, &e, and everything In the upholstering line, Picture Framing and ordered work will receive ; prompt and carotin attention, All Work done In ftrst•class style, Undertaking promptly attended to at any- hour Every requisite ih Stock, Embalming a specialty, D. B. CaLBICK, Funeral Director and Embalmer, REDTIOED RATES TO ALL POINTS IN MANITOBA, BRITISH COLUMBIA —AND THE— • • NORTH WESTERN STATES,. —V34— , OTTS SAMilA L E STEAMERS "Usrreo EM'PIne", "Orranio" and "Mtwara." Leaving Sarnia every TUESDAY and FRIDAY nigh during navigation, weather permitting), and calling every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at Godorich and Kincardino,4ncexe they connect with the O. T It, train leaving Wingham at 11.10 a. m, for St. Joe' Island, Garden .River, The Soo, Port Arthur and Duluth, connecting a-8 Port Arthur with the 0. P, It., and" at Duluth with the Red River Valley t5'y. LOWEST R,er1o, BERT ACe0Meto»ATI03t, "ffiliffsktkoloSataagsarttrataleilsimisabarkluanau IIP 4 po I• FOB THE BEST VALID ORDERED CLOTHING HATS, —GO TG CAPS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFFS, (,• Cheap for KASH, �T • f.. :t '' ,i rseg THE CITY GROCERY CHANGED HANDS, Co .l Having purchased 11', Hiseoek's- grocery and mado heavy pur•. classes in • GENERAL GROCERIES and PROVISIONS? r' , Cmofectig er , Crockery, yHoq..has now; 0 3- Si ARBIV'XI Gi 1YAILYr• and offers SOLID BARGAINS FOR CASD,. Come .and see. Try goofs and ascertain prices', A CICIOE STOOK OE GA,.AD IV SEEDS & HOUSEHOLD PLANTV ExPaEss TIRE AND CROW,^,E o8 ROUTES. 11, `� A p y i� Q Ask your nearest Gravid ,Trunk R'y agent. freight and paenger rates, • • ;JAS. 14. BE•(i.TTV, GENERAL MANAGER, SARNIA. Pner II.adare Storei :STONE BLOCK. We give special ,attention to the following lines.: IRON PIPE, ALL •Blur S ,y40111; TO 3 .1x0,80. II5ON AND BRASS PI•I'E ` 'ITTINGii. FIRE BRICKS, MACHINE AMERICAN WATER OIL. MILL FILES,, OILS. WHITE :COAL' We are sole agents in Wingham for; the sale of Genuine Rubber Paint the best in the world. All kinds of ' shelf and heavy Hardware at bottom prices. Land PIaster in bags always on hand. ha. ,.lrna 'e4 0`°ME A.T L A T, PUBLIC OT CE THE E O L '. JEWELLER,. S ACFECTEYIS (j:ROti ARRIVED THIS DAV STRAWBERRIES, BANANAS, `OReo.NGES,• LEMONS, PINE. APPLES,.,Cr &C,,• Finest Quality. at Bottom Priees; MI -L . SHAKE,. The Most Popular Summer Drink. Something' NeW: Te, . Taste is to appreciate. PURE ICE, CREAM, Any:Flavor al.aay, ready. Very special Reduced Rates Yi' :. aW Public Entertainments. CONFECTIONERY The most complete stock in the connty. Puro Creams a, specialty. Cali and see me. ILL'S B@TY 'RESTAURANT. BRUNSWICK HOUSE, Another large 'consign- --Z9 onsign--l9 Tut ]Hent of Fresh. Teas oi Town of Wingham, superior quality. ox In order to counteract. THURSDAY, AUG. 29, 'any the dishonest At 2 o'clock p, m„ the felloufag valuable farm practices property: Tito Routh three-gtlartnru of lot number eleven in perpetrated on, the pub - the Muhl Cohc.'s;iorf of the Township of 4lorrts,in the 1; ,y L, pedlars e t �I, and doth xrs Ornu/ty of Huron. 11 ►J iAL Tiro said led: run sins 150 acres, of which about i ere ore upon l and theebalance timbered. There is we are offering Special erected upon the premises a brick dwelling house; >~jj Special PSNAt Y 4 --In (troy, "1 he. •r;it'1 alt„ Elizabeth, orchard land well, Jf and the pand remises rarer avate0 10 red b v rte of tt.c i Parabaker ' 05;441 SG yeses and t the liver Maitland. Inducements 1if! 1• r nnt:r r The grout ty *407 .s00 and r$01a subject which Coo ?ee) and solicit your is due abnta ltiC75.o0 will be su19 subject ton , 1 your re Prrcd bid. 79031B: --`Ton percent. cash, and the balance patronage. in one month. �A'c�lifrl'ol"dturjl'.. For Sar'.lculars and conditions of sale apply to :A+Ectlorr an 1vinlham, .n the 7th inst, 2'ylreii ' lb.•rtt y .il..c St (laugh .'r of ilio. R NIliett, (of the Times"), + al (1) trs R Ant11s and 2:) days. Tilt 0i 31 willi tsk f,; ..Icllrenon, eta t,er Atrcet 1.so p 14 �a Friday1Wtn 8t.,, and p000544v1 to tilt In:•hwt�.nrc�,•re, , 'Wont- r.: f:. 4 n.irh town ip, 0,.ar Clinton, on t1ir •' i Mat.. 7.••r infe } f 1)1, w d of lir. >zPliham Il ar S � LIST OP PIIS' G00Ds_ 75 Plain Gold rings 50 Gents' Set Rini s 50 Ladies' Gold Rings 75 Chaste Gold Icings 25 Charms :)5 Pait s l+ ai drops 50 Pairs Cuff buttons 1.00 Brooches 100 Pairs Spectacles $2 25, worth $3 50 v$2 -00, " • S5 00 �2 00, " 4 0(0 G Oil, 11 4i 00 25 cts. " 1 00 80 ets., `e 75 ets: 15 eta., " 50 ets. 25 ets, rr ' 75 cis.. • 15 ets„ 30 ets. `''ea and.. And al g will be sold accordingly /hsma•s Gregory, Aasf„neo; ltobt Metndo.) and (Jennie Pettypicce, pccfore or to the under•; et T signed Wet aYK At ,. 1 ,l 3 A:'}:..ire.” a . , , �%'�'l,�n �`i1.,�'•Y•�1A +•� •1N •r•� BLOCK,' fluted I11 .M rx:�:, 11 n,j.)114. W:n;halm, J1 y'�lt:•. loo en OYs,a CitOre. he China P. 0,. BLOCK, .7�•�INGt A*rt 4i) m sans : not t 1,11 .A.:N S a1. O .1L'+J & 1HhYL"R Jlr DIf"1Cl"15Ov ha h Martha 1 other oods Now is the time. Don't miss it. Difficult watches repaired and put in thorough running order with promptness and despatch, and all work warranted by V V d' 's it Co., r !�