HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-08-09, Page 7• TaSE BAi ''% i3 Ap, 1 fun only a hit or amour That dazzles tat• t..tt)y's t'yhat 11111 the II:Mitt .111 u1.y innermost ehil!nbet I4 telt` baht of the prirltine slam. For al:''t' ami b lid age/. SS'beu, tar hl the ilii 1r 'Vast itri. 1.1.e old ui t•lritnu es. Shed lamina }•very A here, And, all w tiro wont gray weather, Svhieh wrapped tin, whole round world, Solemnly waved together As the thick warns vapors curio, • VI the s iL,htae's sudden bursting I eased 1 ruin a topmost how. And i dranl:that upi.•ud"r thirsting–, These in no titch siumilinn nowt End the win^,'s that• <ama round me 1111141111.4* Nolan it§t.tlu'n) are fluttering ture– I eight idly heavy pitashing A qtt :huateci to my olitninf; 13l4faere. ph, life•tltat Was wild and glorious :When the elements wrought for wan, And waved over fire vft tori.ms, Shaped the earth to tier ancient pram Then the tides la the vre^.t world changta, Rosa in their mighty tarn, Rolled Over the 111 CV:11,11 ranges A.ntl,i4sti Maine or tate giant feta. Aes.taad passed and cars, When the winds ticonprd the deep ma, dour. .ateet t:eeeetetattt their norm Worm rase:. TOStittil Itltxto light Duce more And now, half a len it mayd>e, Dalt a dengue, you hung it Dna' mirth Doting the throat of the new beim baby, Tho ,tl•le tt on earth —Service. Prescott Spofford Wit, Nicholas, Hereditary 'taints. One result of the labors of physiolo- -,t;ists has been the cleating of the montal :vision, and the gradual comprehension a)f the treat. pervasive and potelitial fact •Cif "heredity." "Tile sins of the fathers ',shall be visited upon the children," said . Moses more than 8,000 years ago. Probe- ; ,lily he comprehended in'buta very small .pleasure the significance ,of his own utterance.. Not only do parents transmit 'to children their mental peculiarities, their moral tendencies, the features of alto face, the stoop of the shoulders and the trick of tlierir,ait, but they pass on to ahem ,their bleed, their.. brain, their glands, their very soul and life. Wo de not mean to say that heredity is a tyrant troth which there is no -escape, and that awls the parent in constitution and con- duct, so also must bo the :Qliilclren'10 the a remotest gesiorati on. , If that+w.ero one of the discoveries cif Ililysiology., small thanks would be due to the scienee from 'overburdened man. ;But it isesottso. The parent himself, as :is well ' known, Can modify and make averse or better both his constitution anti `ter :.itis character. Similarly, the child's :constitution and character play ,Ile cihanged,..until, by the •capertltiou'of • the ,i.aw of heredity itself, a not vory reanote :descendant may be the antipodes of 'Isis • .early :progenitors. The discovery of an ,rxistingduheritechtnintkof disease .or of sic,in o.cldid Ss,tot et.Cause for /egret, but:fortthankfutness. The disease taint ,itself jis,•:of ,course, to be deplored, and 'so is'the•inherited vice; but its early dis- .':s:ure'y;is to be hailed ivith gratitude as tllointii g•:ont lines of physical and moral tireatmeet which may dead to the' trac- Qieal enfeeblement of the taint or even ;to itserucifcstioa,—London Hospital. Iter l'ather's Poor Cigars, A well kuown congressman, who loves a cigar, good or bad, had a box in his library which was bad, and his daughter slttietly threw them away, That even- ing a distinguished judge called, and the 12, 0. doling the evening asked him to smoke, and went for his cigars. They were gone, of course, and the judge made Food the loss by getting a couple out of his own pocket, and the two friends set- . tled down for a smoke. In the midst of it the daughter cane in. "Whewl"she said, supposing her father had laid in a new stock. "Whew!" a "What is it?" asked the M. 0. "Smoking those cabbage leaves again, are you? They're awful, papa; simply awful." 13y that time.the judge began to wonder what ho was getting, the M. 0. went into a laughing fit and the girlooncluded she ' had made a mistake and flow. Later the M. C. explained to the judge, and all was forgiven.—Washington Critic. The Popo a Cszrat Chess Player. The pope .has a weakness for chess. Ile is a very fine Player, and in the amateur ranks is laid to have few superiors in the knewledgo of gambits •71nd openings. There is one priest in Rome who has the especial honor of 2leing the pope's adversary over the, board. This priest --Father, Gtielht--hag played chess with Leo peed for thirty- two years past, When Cardinal Petri was raised to the papal throne; Father • Shelia, who was then in Florence, got an in vitation to proceed to i omo and take up his quarters in the Vatican. CG;elia is , hot tempered), Itud has been known to look very black indeed at the vicar of Christ across his chess board. The pope. takes (lielia's temper good naturedly, and often improves the oeeasiou by:a little homily on the eirrttlea of resigna. tion and sleekness. — London Court Journal, The nest Tire Resisters. Investigations elf fire rains show that porous terra Cotta bricks and blocks best mitt fire, water and frost; next to these in the order of fire resisting, qualities be. ing the various concretes, or sotto of them, and hurtled clay work. In the `wet building work now done the iron sent ie incase() In porous �r ra cotar tile :.et brink work in roof, floor and tile con- struction; the hollow tileefare faced with tiiti'twua tile, 814e, ter ante good weather proof coating. or with a tangle Meknes); of brick. Inctieed f1 tire proof materials. trop tend t'.teel franiewor•1i In t:lttiuled to ,give the bcirt results.—t ik age Tribune. flftt boort SVu.t I.Iiitenlell;. Ono night when one of D2]:4. Hodgson l'e.rutett's sons} was about five years obi, he tell asleep in ilia mother's artn4, i f hen she put him :into !lie bell rake ii:iss- ect hien again and again aiid called Grim pet ]sautes. lie wins so sleepy that he could not Hiss her in return. but the mur- mured drowsily, as if to comfort lien for Itis meowing indifference; "lklanuua--•tiny • —heart—is—listening—to—you." -»' The -Helots Maker, T3eating the Realm The brain 'htls generally been regarded tint to part of our organization which lies entirety outside the sphere of operative interference by the surgeon. • It is not g^penally known that the matter of the brain itself is non -sensitive, and that persons have recovered.from severe till- ,juries of the !lead in which several t,uuces of brain' matter have actually Wen lost. Professor Ferrier, in a recent l:rltlrnss on the functions a the brain, pullets out the interesting fact (to winch, it tnelyshe added,, surgery itself has been leading up) that in the near. future it will. be ,justifiable enough far surgeons to at- .tetupt to cure certain brain affections by theacrtual handling and ,examination of the greet 'center of the nervous systeux. ' Such a view of matters certainly fore- casts a veritable tviutnpb of the 'heallag art, for kneed hardly be'said that' there are no cases in face .of which medicine stands .more hopelessly than manyiornis of . • brain disease.- Today operations are successfully performed which but a few years ago were regarded aa ,essentielly fatal au :their nature. It is not too.much to !predict that brain .surgery will forth a department of the medical art of the future from which great things may be hoped for in the interest of suffering itu- intraity. t--Ueraid of Health. Cloth Slade of Glass. Ever since its invention glass has been found to be available for numerous pur- poses as a decorative material. but it was reserved for modern ingenuity to conceive and carry out the idea.of weav- ing it into cloth. Not long since a Frenchman of 'plan inventive .turn of mindediscovered that it was possible to mange a kind of cloth from glass, or rather from glass and silk, the latter forming the warp and the former- Ghe woof. The process of weaving is very slow, and ,of course the product is ex- pensive, tout not more so than other fan- cies in decorative novelties in whieb wealthy peeple indulge 'themselves. As the pattern of the material is worked in the gasp, which -may be of any color or' variety of colors desired, its brilliancy may readily be imagined.—Now York Telegram. A Good Old Irish Maxine. 'When George IV cor»phtuented Lord Eldon, after a Christmas dinner at the Pavilion, on the strength of his head. the .chancellor quoted, amidst the gen- eral applause of an appreciative com• party, the ,famous old Irish maximi "Keep your back from the fire and don't mix your liquors," which had been com- municated to him by Mr. i)kmclas, who received it from the jovial Duke of But. land.—London Truth. �L I tl MANITOBA FOR SALE 320 Aor:Es (- Section) of First•Class Land, only Five Miles from the rapidly paa�pid l yy growing�City of B1�A.1_�I D O.L'Y t The grain �1inneapofis 0 the.North-west The above is really a desirable 4:arm• and will he sold ' Cheap 30 113r 30 feet TWO TOIIE$ iII{T Containing all the modern machinery for mannfae• Wring Flooriltp, l,fouldit.i;s, Sash, boors Ac. It,.+ter -anti Sughtc Rot.m Fire Proof with an Irou Shaving Boom attached. This valuable property 19 itt fii-$t•class hanging order, situated in Brandon near the U P It st.atloh, quit in the heart of the manufacturhttl dopett or tin' city 10.0re a Large and Protttabte btisht4es can be realized. Ihumiliate pne esaion can be given. Title perfect. Tor fu.1 ptttt.culars apply to 1', Plstlln, Winchan) T. 0. Sol,, r3 1e Dunt lbat batty, bj 1 i sakifor uthew,ely, j(in beet 3sg watch In The world. rouert tiMekeapor. _was. ranted. Beaty Mohd 4301d nanting Coi. both ledt,s' and gent/' altee,wlth werke end two et egret wine. ONO Persotn In asci tw NUN eta more One dee, together with ore large aeon. ,ebtd Ittte at Hourehal4 9letnples. ?rheee•amplee,•a0 well as the watch, we well Paso, and after you here kept tbr,, to your boles fit ti Month* and shown them to those Who may law tolled, they b.- ,gee your owl p tkoee who irrtte once ear be acre of retNNctr the ' Watch Fed 5W t etc Add � tlsr. We p4 all ar tete rt y ta, rt11M101► �, 161''E BISi, �'britYatl, 1hta11711itr • ONTARIO MUTUAL LIFE Cloth Income for 1588 ....,. ;193 on 01 New Assurlon.es written iii 18838 1I:.,.1ti,t! iI) 01 Afsf'ta,asat !.lee. 81st, 1888 fe:1111,ri:,ll It Ati;ttu•anees its force, Jan. 1st, 1889 12,1 41,1;1.1 (h S11i'p' its, Av. i115t, 1888 90.3S7 0$: • SPECIAL FEATURE'S: Prompt Payment of Claims, . a 2nual"Distribution of xllroCti, attar•; ateed Surrender Values, and Liberal Policy Coxtditiotts, ALEX. DAWSON, GE:trfn.AL Answr, WingPam Out D. ZITS JEW:ILEA? ZINEMENT Has a. most complete assortment of tlio LATEST, CII01cEST, and MAST CtixRiilflsto ARTICLES in Watches ClockS, Jewelry and' Silver Goods. Call? BUY AT CLOSE ATTENTION GIVEN TO R1:1'A'*ItjNla, AND WOItK ALL WARRANTED. GO RIGU.T TO (*R,E•EN'S BLOCK FOR Y. OUR JEWELLERY `IELD SON PATENT TIJP MILK CAM. Cream Cans, Milk Pail, Sap uckets, and Milk Pans, ev y hl s the D ry u -ANDBi'�.s g U ,ll, v ,:1 ;yrs}.' ,sc Rwithiii V1ifl MOST CERTAINLY WE CAN SUIT YOU IN HOUSE DEOORA T.SONS, _ere ep rr CONSISTING OP CANADIAN AND AMERICAN -WALL PAPERS, and BQRD& S. Our Stock is Varied, Stylish and Cheap, ]ionatifnl WTr:L::iS of Latest ilesigu, Colors and l32st Quality. COQUET SETTS :I?xcelleut and Cheap, '"verytbinn ill the 'Book linins,, School, I'eytktiites, Strait .a„ ry',. Lacrosse Nolo, Base 13a11 Hats, Bails tke. TtOSS' POPULAR BOczf. "INc:sTS! E1il�, s 11 Brilliant t Durable ! Economical P' Diamond Dyes excel all others`, in Strength, Purity and Fastness.` None other are just as good. Be-. ware of imitations, because they are made of cheap and inferior materials, and gave poor, weak, crocky colors. To be sure sof success, use only the DIAMOND DYES for coloring Dresses, Stock- ings, ' Yarns, Carpets, Feathers, Ribbons, &c., &c. We warrant them to color more goods, pack- age for package, than any other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors, Ask for the Diamond and take no other. A Dress Dyed FOR A Coat Colored10 Garments Renewed GENTS,,, A Child can use them! At Druggists and Merchants. Dye Book free. WELLS, RICHARDSON & Cha, Montreal, P. Q. The Most Successful Remedy over disrcv Dred, not blister.mILetel Its below d dots KE DALL'S SPUR! CURE OFFICE OF 011ARLIt8 1i. Sa7ldtn, 1 BREEDkn or VLEV$Lalvw BAT AND T8071110 BUM Honsns. 1 L ibnn B. J ]RsNDALt Co.weep, Ir t., Nov.20,1885. Dear Sirs :I have always puroheeed your Kent Gall's Spavin Cure by the half dozen bottles, I would like prices in larger quantity. I think St la one of the best liniment* on earth. i have used it en my stables Yo� ttrruLy, Cees. A. Si anter KENDALL'S SPAM, CURE. Baooxa s, N.Y., November 8, 1889. DE. B..7. KENDAL/; Co. Dear Sirs :I desire to give yyroou testimonial of my good o tnlonof your Kendall'aspavin Qure. I hove fled 15 for Leentenesd, Balt 3olnzs andi 8p/.tins, and I have found It a sure (lure, I cordi- ally recommend It to anhoreemen. Yours truly A. H. Grammy, . LrtanngerTroyLaundry Stables. E NALL5S. SPANN . CUR SANT, WIh-rote COUNrr, Onto, Dec. 19, 199.7. ;Goias': B. J.. T isat .t1 CA outs : I feel i t my duty to sav what I have done with your Kendall'e Spavin Cure. Ibave aired twentyitve horses' -that. bed' Savin.,, -tea or Ring Bone, nine 'efotedwith pBl head and seven of Dig Jaw. Since I have had one of your books and followftl the directions, I have never lost a case of any kind. t rp Solus truly, • • Aststlw TmatElt,C Horse Doctor. ENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE/ Price $1por bottle, or six bottles foray, All Drams Wets baveit or can get It for you, or 1t wlnbe dent to any address on receipt of price by the propria. Pere. An. B. J. Btt)DALt.Co., Enosburgh Balls, Vt. SOLD Br ALL DRUGGISTS. THE LEADING BOOT An SHOE STOHE When I. say CuRIt i do not menta merest t a 1 stop them for time, and then have them maim a again. I can A RADICAL CURE. °wing to the late Boon f have ]nacle I'OO1 l for and have o%1 hand • A Large Stook of ----- HEADY - Mint BOOTS arid.. • To addition tritely Custotn Bnsintasa, 'iefy C.'inpetition in Quality, Sizes, and tut detNl tull.t d t o sell for (1At4i, AT OCR 1(JT'i O PRiOik ttepllll'lnt: 818 slat, nn'l Der ''ret Pateinnu 4pr+,'ntltv. l; so'i,it 18 share et titer patronage. Don't For,/ the t'Iaee. Opposite the ';e'ntrai Hotel, Jtip .soav=tl t'rt't=itt }til line 1p pttretlased frorn n)t'. .littler and eggs taken tie ltlt.11 hi exeli digs for goad,, '.H. RODER118, MISS NELLU atllcEAEDT. riLAIrEi issratCr1ON ON PIAN° AND kj Urges, in vete culture and 11'atnrouy. sie els ftoo'* Iv nesvelt Stock k: VelN(SHAM, t`NT t:.r Ai.BNlNI.t;1 RILL 1. e i] witty meets ot•try third 1:oeiley limns 't is ting taethreu etre,-Mo. e This edm,i toal toa46alittin au ag•... l Ulted tor wee t.mrumnls,,t e••er, t,h,d a a %.,t7 low t:t ere. Far St :mil kt.. 4.110' to .1 LOrTIT, saes deo. 1 have made the disease of PITS, EPILEPSY Di' • t.A:LLING SICINESS A. life long study. 1 w;raetAaiT my remedy to MILD the wont eases. Because others 11aye fad -1 Is onreason e io a treatise ant a Tnie '110 t i ii; of ser INrA.LrXBLF+ ItD!IIlto . (' iv0 Express r+nd Office. It costs you nothing for a triol, and it will euro you. .Address: 11, a itOOT, itt.c5,. Branch itiffices lel West .Adelaide Stre o.t, Tog otlto. I,i.11 X1111 hatift1le'1,1111Mobailielltiod1iliastkki_'tieS , git8 Gree once est Wlnh 9'o et once iith trade an all parte, by� end /Dade one inedible* peop e can ss them. Mead!) tend free to ane gallon in Nth loealfy the tart bort sewing-mheht0a glade to the werld.wltb all the etterhmelee. We will alto lend [tee a compo-•, line ofoat comfy and v►tuabte e.+. tablet. In haunt we ask that }nu eh0w what we eehd, 10 thole, wh, they rent year borne rad refer * Ciottie ell Matt become your cwa property. 'I'hte grind merhlet :a made atter the In rr pateeta, width have tan out: Whet, p000, ren eetlt sold for$98, kith tt IIttt•�chthenta, and now tells ee. $50Bett,atton90t,tn0etser., Ml machine fat the trend. Alt er fret. No capital regnttte. 11atu. fillet Ingram bas riven.'rb0,0 whewarn to heatones tin to Wore flee the beet .ewt,g'.tnerhtnr th the wortd, grid that 8n.at11cLohoorktef pi�t,�a,artyyeaarslowstogrtneerrnAmot+ot 'IC.I�.C`J4:tEoVO,.x 40,.,t\Mltnstnt.liteii°•d're. to •