HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-08-09, Page 4f • 2 • 1. , illOmpid #1111001101. n . _til mug Ce, fago, q Sroxata, W. T., bad a $10lid ,000,000 ewalka -which are being put down a few (lays visiting bis parents here Belgrave. at the present time. Moved by Mr —Miss kielina Poulton left, last week We notice among the Values h fire ew dayse „ 0:ine, seconded by Mr. Brookentsbire, for a trip to Detroit —Mr. Oull, a suceessfid who wrote fur entrance ex., Lone Twarrsol, celebrated Ills that the 6 tun of $100 be granted repreeenative of the firm of S. P. =illation three of J. 1). Nicei's pupil , FRIDAY, AUGUST 0, 18E9. - eightieth birthday this week. the Wingham Mechanics' Institute McKinnon & Co , was in town last from Morrie, namely : George Beilliy, Ma GraLDSNE'speech on the for the year'1889.—Carried. Moved week and secured quiteu large order who obtained 520 mks; Mary Pat- e . . . . .. . _ . TOS by Mr Williams, Seconded by Mr from one of our leading merchante,— ker, 476; and Alf }tubed, 417. A alawi. ORANGE MASTISIt. royal grants was caught by a p mina Gregory, that the use of the Town Mr. Green, a rroonto, was iii town Those were the only pupils alto wrote a We are again remiude6,by a letter in I TuB Toronto Labor organizations graPh• flail be granted to tbe decoration lF ast week.—. Saunders, representing from Mr Nicola vlioul and it will -b this weeklahhanteathat there are lotse oommittee for Priaay,August 9th, free the firm of John Green Jc Co., Lon- seen that they did remarkably well tie and fixing his fees was roma, three Wingham broom factory, wee in team chew tomueIrt, mitrisoliticsopit er of make regnired to as ,akcsvh we ettlipati•enar' PP tha• . pointiug Mr eo Rawl poundkeeper Kenzie,Gof Wingliant, representing the wthaes1131461171b. of chorge.—Ostroed, A by.law ap. don, wes in town last week.—Mr. Me E people who know bettor how to 1 sunhave pronounced strongly against tun a ier n does the editor. clay street cars. Iinv. Da. O'CoNNoit, of Sandwich times and passed. The Reeve report. last week,—Mies alillie Moller, of ne pales ht preparing them for the. College; Father Flannery, of St.ed that be bd interviewed the Reeve Clinton, is the guest of Mr. James work,—Dar B. Wray has. for over in a of Turnberry us to the repairing of Monroe= popular mail carrier.—alr. week been very nigh unto death's. Thomas ; awl Dr. Kilroy, of Stratford the 13 line between the corporatism of George Powell was in Wingliam last - door, Daring all this time he hal are tneutioned iii connection with the Wiegham and the Township of Turn week on business.—P. E.Ltunsclen, of boou dine ed with, a serious oase of • vacant London bishopric. betty, and that, the Reeve of Turn- Hamilton, svas in town last week.— the I iecoughs. Ivey walla has Patsoass Loom has been eely berry intimated that the Town'hship T. Ellis, of Toronto was in town last .,oen resorted to but w.itheut success sm would pay half the repairing., Moved week.—Win Neil, of Toronto, was iu to stop them. He is 72 yeartnof ar.,,e. married a week when the news comes by Nn Williams, seconded by Mr town last week —W. A., Hogg, of —0e Wednesday leen after. a long that Princess Victoria of Wake, the Agnew, that the chairman of the Brantford, was in town last week.— and painful games, Miss Sarah Irvine bride' sister, is betrothed to Viscount street committee he empowered to -take John lisannaoncl, of Elmira, was in died at bar Immo iu Morris. Her. re- . t Ohlsest, sou of Earl Godogan. Victoria is 21 years olsteps in connection with tbe Reeve of. our midst last week.—S, B. Carter, of •mains were taken to the lalyth. cenae- e PrincesTurnberry regardingnepaire ou B line Hamilton, paid a. dying vieit to our tory her itnerment and wetti fellowed1 e d. and boundary line, with power to act. town last week.--oeichard Coloton, hi I I I t......t.ier 4 a „ergo nunilsee of serrow. She is said to be the handsomest of —Carried. Moved by 1Sir Cline, wbo, has been Mune for some time,bas Mg friends aud relatives.—Al ies,M. ',Ts the Prince of Wales' daughtere mid secuudecl by Mr Brockenshire, that secured a situation as baggage master Irvine arrived Marne from New., 'York Messrs Gregory, /Demuth and Nee- in St Thomas. and, started for that city on Friday, lest to attend, thee lands be a committee to stecertain the place last Teeeday.--kliss, Oliver, who fattens) of her hister. Sarah who Was price at which a gravel pit, suitable has been visiting the Misses Marshall buried on that day.—airs (He W.) for the use Of the town, could be pun of thio place, left foe her home ie jellieslasharteou and family, from chased, and report saner as early as Kincardine Mat week, 'Dr. Gordon, staaalstoek, are at present yieiting, possible.—Oartied. Council adjourn- of Auburn, was iu town last week.— arientli in tiiis ',At:40V —Da R. E. ' Herb,Fullerten, a represenatire for Toe le epessa last week in Belgrave, .. the Spew Drift Mantifiicturigg Co., IMsiness end pleasure combined. The was in town ldet week. -0. Todd, of _doctor bas not yet decided where he St. Thomas, li arry Fair, of 3oronto, win locato.—Iter. Frea Kay, the pops., & Tovell's T, E. Dennoe, of, Toronto were in 1.1r clerk in Hamilton town last we0.—Tlie rate' of taxa, store, left laet week fur Clinton, whores ' 4.0 for this ne.at is 18 mills on the $:,, he has secueed it position in that town with aleusrs, Pluniatill & Gibbings, • merchauts. • We wish him every sue- • cess in his new situatien.latrs Birch and Miss Elea Glibson, who !Jaye been - vieiting their sister, Mrs. M. Clark, returned to alicago last. Wednesday., ' Mr. John Soatichott is in.London We vseek.— Mr,. .). IN. Nicol was here this week attending the Foresteis' Court. —Ou Friday Inst*Mr. and Mrs. Archie McLean left for a trip up the lakes for The beneflt of Mr. MoLeau health, as he has been ailing fonsome time past. They were also accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLeae, of Belgrave, It ii hoped tbeynvill have a pleasant time end all come back greatly bene- fitted by their trip.—Our genial neer. chant, Mr. J. A. Tovell, has this week shipped a large quantity of wool to be manufactured at the Walkerton woolen Mills. Fle, also shipped 60 tubs of butter to Toronto.—Our base ball club have this'week been arrang- ing matters for a game, and will this Friday play a feienily game with . This fellow goes on to illustrate .what would be appropriate newspaper .atter by treating us to a Leavy dose of Mt:tondo and slang—"the raving hallucinations of a moonstruck imagi. nation," It is strictly after the Model eet by master in last issue and ; our description of it is equally applic- able to thin Dr Macdonald knew or knows no more about "Protestant's" asls letter or its author, than does this • Toaster Stewart. Nothing is more ,steclaous or disgusting to newspaper men than silly and bombastic insinu- is highly accomplished. ations —a Niagara of words and a Tun immigration from Europe to paucity of ideas. Ex -pedagogue is a the Argentine Republio is very large. ' hackneyed rhrttse and a man of the 1 striking originality of master Stewart The Government pays theimmegrauts ought to avoid stale stereotyped traveling expenses. The aggregate phra,ses,besides the writer may shortly thus paid out last Mardi alone was ed• It was decided at a meeting on be au ex -pedagogue himself. Flow $1,000,000, Owing to the vast influx Tuesday morning, after some console conies he to be so highly constituted of people the exports of corn, which tation and measurenecnts, to have the an authority as to know what truth were last year 445,000 tons, will this ball placed 45 feet back, •froni Jose:, is about Dr Macdonald, or pronounce year be 2000,000 tons. phine street and in tbe-centeeof the grounds; which are 182 fee e iu width. upon journalistic propriety, foul SP Wf mial VERNOT HARCOURT play, decene.y or spitoons 2 Its sim- denied that there :is a difference a. Myth, Iftechnow. , . ply superfloue bile, and utter miscon- mong the Liberals over the Royal . • • Mr. George Powell was in Clinton 7 Mr Angus McQuaig, of Lucknow, .oeption as to what constitutes his Grants. Every member of tbe party on Sunday --People May. wonder on retunied froth a trip 'north a few own business, He would fain say as from the highest b the lowest Was Dinaleeasa6et what enakeithe Dinsieg days ago. Be was at Enesdale, 50 • did one of Shakespeare's zharactere never more devoted to the leader than street. girl'Wear ' crape - 'on her • aysn, ' miles north of Branebridge. He lam Sir oracle now. As for any separation between Well, WO 'will try and. explain. We reports things as looking well in thqt And when 1 open my mouth think that dear sweet • tailor is soon northern distrion-LAlways appreota. the Liberals and Mr Gladstone, that Let no dog bark. going to leave.—Miss Ellen Thomp. tive of 'the productions of •home talant was as likely as a separation.- between si ou s on b te sick' list this• week,— more especially When in support of SUNDAY STREET CARS. Afr and Mrs Gladetone. The Liberals Wonder what big, two legged dug was, some local institurioe, the band con- . Tau question of baying Sunday had an uphill fight, but. the were snooping ardund a certain window bn cert oniVednesdr4 evening.lest drew e. .,. street cars ie being vigorously agitat- never engaged in niefeater or nobler Dinsley street last week. ' A pot of one of the best -audiences ever had in :this town. The programme was in hot water Would cure him. --.A new ed in Toronto at the present time. battle. voters' list bas to be got out as there every respect an excellent one. Tale The Worka has been for nearly a fort- . •are a number of mistakes made in the splendid performances of the band tight publishing the views of the Towil CoAnc..111.10eting. 1. 7 -one got one recontly,—,T. • S. Roos of under the leadership of Mr F Billings- . citizens en the subject. There appears The regular montaly meeting of the anti of Eine. & Ross, was in Ross, Wal-. ly, of Wingham, created surprise and the town council was held on Mon- ton last iveekS—Doo had better keepelicited hearty applause. Vocal to be a very wide diversity of opinion day evening last. •Presitut — The those dogs shift up or else they will be Music was pleasingly given by Misses ..ion the question. Those in favor of Maker, Reeve add Councillors Messrs. biting •• someone.—Where was our Lalla Berry,Lizzie Lawson, the Misses the movement almost invariably hurl Neelands, Dawson, Hotauth, Smyth; police -that he did not quell that dis- Shonbottom, Emma Peart, Ernma misty names at the churches, the Vitae, Brockenshinelfelmes, Williams turbance on Saturday evening ?—The Sinith and Messrs .13 Morrison, G E ,eIers;y and those generally who oppose and Agnew. The minutes of last Scott Bros. furniture factory was Eerr , and S Kelton. - Miss jean regular and special meetings were read burnt to the'ground on Sunday morn- Murray leaned a couple of selections the change on grounds of morality. .and adopted. .A cotnmunication-was inglost between 1 and 2 o'clock. It with her well known vigor and splendid they make strong representationsai , reaa from Peter -Adamson, County waapartly insured in the Huron and effect. Comic singer, Joe Mason, 'of to the right interests of the working. Clerk of Huron, advising -the Council Mid,dlesex Fire Insurance Ooa—Blyth Winghtem.—Tbeoancl gave an. open Gprrie. Men. The Globe, the Mail, the. Awe, that the amount •of County rate re- is having its tura with fires now. air concert ii the park on Monday • A student mimed Martin, of the quired from Wingbatu for the year This one is 3 inside of three weeks — evening. The, boys aro making rapid Veterinary Oollege, Toronto, is pre°. fa7rut1r cad otber influential papers 1889, is $514.31. A communication Watson &Freema.n, our popular cattle pregress. in the ' musical art.—The tising in \Vroxeeer.—The James make ,, wad' strongly opp-sed to the movement was read from the lalcilvanie Gas co., buyers, shipped aesiege Med. of battle yetiettg.p..eeple, ef. the- lattglieli church of Gorrie cheese factory was Old for 4rici in ' oui• estihiation have over- of Toronto. A petitiOnevas read frota to Montreal gest • week.—Messrs. Mc- he'd a garden party'aon the groundttof 9o. per lb. -,Tae orchestra of. CourthelminAly refuted he contentious Jas. A. Cline and 59 others, asking Kinnon & Powell Shipped two carload ildi'W J Holmes on Tuesday evening Victoria, Co O. I? Teeswaten 'visited to have September 5th 'set apart as °testis from here last week.—Mrs. a very Pleasant time was Went —The tile brethren of dorrie.Cfourt at their 'Of those favoring area's fries. They Civic holiday. Moved by Mre-Wil- John Gosman is ein the siek list this brick work of the' new Presbyterian. last meeting and rendered some very leave shown that, the' inciemeent im- limns, seconded by Mr. Agnew, that week.—Mr. Elias Ouruminsea is on the church is being pushed. rapidly for- fine music. They are a fine lot of• pliea a relaxation of morals 'and the the Mayor be instructed to. appoint sick list this Week.—Wonier. what is Ward, and presents a very fine appear- fellows and under the leadership of enslaveinont of 'N,?okingtoen, in September ath as a civic heliday.— tbe matter with the Standard's anee.—Mr R D Catneron,of Canaeron, Mr. Ski/lina we bespeak for them . necessitativ increased Sunday labor . Carried. Finance report: Chas Smith, reporter that he did not give a notice Murdoch & Co, has- returned from a success.—A• meeting was held in the n of 'Ways. Churches are work on street, $4.01 ; J Fleuty, about the lawn social that was hold trip op the lakes, and feels as thous;h town hall latt Tuesday night for the a'seenea'a printing, &o, $19.25 ; Jas RabY, work on Wednesday evening, in lase week's be had taken in a fresh stock of purpose of discussing the advisability almostenneasy of access to residents ou streets, V 50; Wm. O'Hara, issue ?—Mr. George Cultin of Sault health and energy. Ile says the trip of purchasing a piece of ground and Jr saii'Aiirt Of the city as are street do, 87.18.; John Groves, constahr,e, Ste Marie, is the guest of Mr. s, among the islands of Georgian Bay fitting it up for a park in which games darn ' \\*h&h it nunaber of 0:median 12th July, $1.50,; Robt. Leiden do., Shibly, this week.-klesars•MoKionon and Lake Huron 4 one of the fittest, of any kind could be played ; also for 'a itieg have nartiAl services and the $1 50 ; Jos. do., $1.50 ; L Mo. SZ, Powell have erected a bowie' for salt that the lover of beautiful scenery cen denim of the agricultural sodiety. Lean, do , $1 50; R.Elliott, printing, barrels, adjoining their new store on take.—Our Caledonian Society is 'may Steps were taken to procure the same. change in the way of increased labor, $13 25 ; A McGregor, work on streets the eortiet•—Mr. Andrew Sloan had a Malting. preparations for their big Tho agricultUral show which is held... :Ind due olnervance of the Sunday $3; Chas Barber, do., 889.85; Wm. curiosity in the shape of a snuit box celebration on lith of September. in Fordwieh and Goriie 'alternately ' May b ot be as yet very marked, it is Moore, do •i $27.95 ; J McManus, do., that bas been iu his 'family for three The indications are that it will bo one' will be held .here this yeaz_The ,inly by looking at the effects in the $82,20; Ge Hughes, do., $34.49; B hundred years.—As T: V. Johnston, of the most suceesSfulgatherings they Union B. B. club would like to hear tarp American cities that the result Corr, do., $i4.37; Jas. Groves, do., (not F F ) was driving to Chalon have yet held. from the Wlegha,n1 club re a return $10.68 • J Walton, do., $1.25; Mr one ovening last week thhorse belted match.—Some of our townsmen atee eten he fully semi, Toronto is now a Welsh:do., 630; Thos Martin, do., throwing Mr. Johnston out *e sin ... Belfast. tended the ball game at Seaforth on city of nearly 200,000 °inhabitants. $250; Jos Bateman, do., $8.24; hani severe injuries about the fade and . Mr. Thus, Taggart, of.„ the 7th Con.. Wednesday between Brussels and, AS present ser"Vico for the street ears Mr Litalsay, do., 820.74 ; G. Bisbee, hop.—Rev. A. P. Park, of Bellefoun- of Wawanosh, who Wea it. a poor aann Exeter for $100 a side,—On Tuesday : 1,300 banns. Think what the °- $5.68 ; Mr Jackson, do., vt 10; taitne, Iowa, preached in the Trinity dition for the past tw.f w/.1'148 pa'Ssed night a load of pleasure.aeekers drove g d angus and Neil McGregor, constables, caurob, bearing chiefly on the rock away on Sathrtley last at the age of out to the residence of Mr. Wade on Working of those would imply. $8.; T Moore, do., $1; II. Clark, do, 1 that -we should build on, Jesus Christ 78 years, The funeral, - which took the 6th eon, of Hovick and spent a Placesof amuseniant too, would be ne;a0 ; Wm Gannet,repairing, $12 55; being that.rock. .s place on Sunday, WO largely attended very pleasant tateteing. Tripping the es:Tared to be opened as well as paces Alex Ross, stationery, $8; Thomas . William Parrott, who is in the by friends and those -who were itc. light . fantastic. was the principal for supplying refreshnients. The Irwin, cemetery caretaker, $30; D 1 employ of T.Eaton & Co„ of Toronto a quainted with deceaeaci. Mr. Taggart amusement, arguttent as to chtitch going hes no McKay, work on streets, $6,88; El 1 is spending his vacation here visiting was oue of the first settlers in this V- tr Wright lumber, $48 44 ; T Gregory, m his othen—Mrs, Robert Ramsay, part and squatted on eleven acresLower ingleane, '. of .r e•ce as Toronto he:seltw the reputat. innaber, 81.72 ; F Wright, fireman 10 who has been visiting friends in Saud land which he held till • about seism : eat aickbk litrtulesihxa-yuearijai olcrl ti:Seonarroofw Mese,: ism of the greats cif churchgoing city tnontits . , $10 67 ; Robb McKenzie; Beach, Michigan, rettirned house lest : years ago when he sold it to his W iit America. Streetcar runningisnot gravel, $1.75 • Geo Russell, constable ween—Dr. Towle, late cc Bograve, /Other -hi -law micl went dawn to five ,., ...eve Myth a call on Sattnalsty.—Tbe at his brother's in Ottawa, but city °LIP° fortoelimepb,elvesaitluslgrderisvefiSusaliYnycil/ontionitipacloasnlytt 171c-s'ly to swell the attendance. We $1; Wat Robiertson, deputy -returning fwroeemk. opine that the most hopeful. ana e/e- officer and rent of roona $5 ; G M gum) Brothers bave engaged the life did not agree With bin so he re- Payne, do., 85; J13 Fergusen, deputy serviees of Mr. It Maxwell, to run ttnixed last, fall to the oki place again with another boy when it strnek him eateing influences in the city are returning officer, 88. Moved by Mr their threshing engine this action — and the weaving loom on which he in the forehead with its foot which , eslasitt* the movetnent and we don't cline, seconded by Mr ryrookenshire, Miss Annie aleareight, of Seaforth, workedlinlDearlygeedaasyesd was waswealgialninio;vino trtheerceaitsssittateepiest.heipluieiittitgailrel offelltowwo or s believe they are likely to adopt a that the Finance Committeete repot is visiting Ler parents here.—Mr. n Owens, of Clintoti has taken ale. in atta settleMent.—The quarterly getting along tieeleta—Anothenfire for Lower Whighato. This time it was ;Ale ne that presents so ftw advent. be adopted, with the exception of the ease.; and is fraught with so many clause in reference to the amnia' Solniston's place until he is able to be tneethig held ta Blake's church -Ou rate of taxation, which shall lea over mond. aain.--Mr. Sam Woodman, Sunday was well attanded by friends au old stable that stood in the tear of tt.ngerotat tendencies as the ono that for consideration at next meeting -- of Loudeeboro, was in town last week. from different parts of the. appoint. the old store recently boron), so that there was not much to lose beyetid. A been spasmodically advocated Carried, Mr J A Morton • addreseecl .—W. Bruttstion, of Londesboro, Geo. went. . good Melt. No further hartu done. EDiiiiiiit., iiiing. .. . .. . c•ith so little aimless for years. Town Hall for an hour on Friday, 9th Toronto, D Reynold, of Clinton, Goo. the council. asking the use of the Middleton,- of Eckert, Kyle •& Co., . Liutoviel. —Work has been emumenced on the iusts, for the dittetent Societies who Graham, of ShOppardtoo, George The new Addition has been itoz, ED mill, pond to try and get it cleaned •nto Randolph Clitirchill n s n s intend having a Decoration Day on Tate, of Brussel% were in our midst the an T R. efation her:. eeirlyhe rewaamit; 04, bwoh.eicohotttosyjuidx biftiltheelook of it, point tilts " ' ' I )' 6 e9 date named. Also urging the claims last week.—Wm. Triek, of Clioton, Mg room now presents the ch•aned out and the school house new - of the Meehania Institut for a was in town last Week.—Dr. Young, ly plastered,Lewer Town woull harder 4, ! ...t. ,, tensorial Mao uf ZIOJ,090,00? , and commodious appearance and -177 'al advatlefd ti.) enable Lisa grant of $100. Ile also made some of Loedeaboro, drove Over to Blyth I extended platform aecotrimodation is/ know itself, ...,-4.,..f,4'o bay their bolding& remarks in reference to the gravel last week.—Arthur Eneigh i's rmending ' a matter of extra onvenience. •,',$ r .,. , • Blyth club. • • - #