HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-08-09, Page 3beset* ins Nov*1 a a+adiste. wanton vrus over Nr, constructed th, a could afford to react a silty bele -Tit your seteution of books tike only luteal &Se;a ut IuR*e story, The rnhj'aity of nevelt; in our time are' utatte tri set lottll dtslsc'rate love scrape's. It in well enough for a man re\react sufficient of tLie Literature to skits from bei g awkward. whet' he hiiiteedl becomes 0 ratty to sonic affair of 'lie heart. But much ek eud- iir of love storil's unLktes , no Vitt. iusipicl,1111SWlt Juinat'll aiul usel,eSS. The probability is that where your effect Mull are cuptatred they will not i•e• eailtuted a{,ce,ratalg to cheap novels. 1•11y will :',tit leu t into team or t°ailif, nor will the }area oppose you ee that ;v • tt will tugs to pfaoe a long ra.+�rw�tt�tllMf CHIPS. boerd of trade is to bo temper in tho town Ag Vendee. Men do less than they eight nrless they do all that they can, A very promising boy oitr;ht to be wade a shoemaker or r1 tailor. A shed Christian with n watch cannot be said to be a liear•it-tack. hrnenee (luno will immnclietely relieve ernup,Wheopingoung;t and iironchltls. 'ornate by u. 1:. William% Fortuuo SOinetinieft 08 the way,but it is energy that achieves sue- ewe 'Pira Calgary II';ra'd says springs have beim. discovered Cro'w's Nest bass, iitrt:l, r to the tiara story matinee at Liqu r keeps a man's tlllllili lit, I.'eete2sivl• residing of lova his Lees cuusstttntly iu 811)riNS will meet' 0 you a foot before Rate, you kunw it, 71 oil in the stnmach and en unsettled t, Fon DYSPEPSIA t psi ttdgui aran'elLivorCoo on every otlitint tieof Shilohx T:tinl;.s Werth Enewinef. utilizer. It never fails t, sure, For sato by C. JC, Il nak.:s the pilary shelves Glen' . wsaaine, met pine to %woe tee -al with lithe A matt never knows that a women water, lees any old clothes untilho has mar - i b niuko is sn£ti,chtiug you fall one reed her. tile .goer and t,,'W1 „tit, On your .atds A reasonable man is ons who att- end. ;recce,, ante the situation until he oars grit a .FIs. sweet in the oar truly be drown -':Vetter place. r eel one with tepid water or hilted by, it fee drops tit Sweet oil. no mosquito never waits till the '..+r the sari: inuiltlt of infants cis. first of the month: He sends iu his soli (+ one mice.ui' powdered borax inbill at all hours. fent', ,ounces of glyeeriue, Some men are contented and others The best whiteww li for a •cellar is• are indolent, but it is frequently had Blade of lime ural .water only. The -to toll which is which. wtrlditiot) of other tithe's binders theire Rej „, s,rirpuse of lteepiug;tlic cellar pure and Ind., s ysy'"BothGeo,l fTsetf au iYER,f wiferbonowe l,i:aitlt£ui. oar lives to SUixon's Coltsenprion Certs." In picking encumbers for potting For sale by C. E, Williams, di:lwn in the brine, it, le best to leave Three sawmill ow tiers of Piiterboro' a smell portion of the stein adhering ; have been tined $'20 each for dtunpiug to prevent withering -and insure: per' ' blti3dust into the river. feet keeping, In making a liniment for brgises,. (eis3i.hes completed the organization sprains and rheumatism, use one of a Beard of Trade, with Thos. Todd cupful of turpentine, nu cupful of as president. anettlonia, two eggs. Leat welt to- A roan in New York Was °etller and bottle. $300 for giving tobacco Apply to grass -stains on the giraffe in Central Park. children s clothes inolasses, just as you woUld s$np, and wash as usual. Ass you made miserable by Indigestion, The stains will disappear entirely, Yeltaw Sk n ? S 1lloh's�Vitali%ei isllaiposi wit& no injury to the fabric. tive cure. For sale by U. E. Williams HOSPITAL REMEDIES. It is refreshink' to see how a tramp • who finds n woodpile will pull his coat There is a new departure in the treatment off and lie down to sleep. • of'.eiisease. It.00nsists in the collection of the specifies -used by noted specialists of Why is a bounced government•ti1erk Europe and America, and bringing drone.. like a rusty. oketgon ? Because he within the reach -.of all. For instance the: kicks whim; heti fired. ' treatment pursued by special physicians who treat indigestion, stomach and liver- Sad -fatted tramp,-•L.lMo.dame, 1 am a •`rubles only, was obtained and prepared.• houteiess man. Patient Housewife-: The treatment'of other physicians, celebra- " Nix eh, if you are hoarse less than tit ted for curing catarrh were procured, and + y so ore till these incomparable cured now husband is, I pity your poor wife. include disease of the lungs, kidneys, female weakness, rheumatism and nervous debility. Sftraoir'SCATAnnn 11,eueee-a positive euro Ask your druggist for them. Those who for Catarrh,laiphtheria wed Canker lllouth. eannet procure these remedies from their For sale by 0. .L. Williams, druggist may remit the price to Hospital One ounce of arresting' somebody Remedy Co., .,03} West King Si,, Toronto, an the remedy will be shipped to thein for carrying eonceelea weapons before direct, (The price' is one dollar each). he kills somebody else is Werth a Descriptive catalogue sent cis rOffeipt of pound of murder trial. atii1 p to pay postage fined.. to a Man is born with his hands -clinch. Aunty's Yeeit and Miss Jones' eea; he dies -:wide his hands wi,1-t1-open. Bread This is the story, writes a' Entering life, he desires to.. grasp subscriber at Dorno, Mo,, told by onr everything; ,.leaving thee world, all old negro, Aunty So Miss roes done that he possessed has slipped, away. . move way, hes she ? I'metnber the cures thing she , done. She cam ter my house once, and 'lowed elle winter make light bread es.I did. So 1 tole her, and tole her particular 'bout . 'avenin' it ter. an oven beat, so es 'twould viz geode She went lruw, she slid, and mixed 'Iter yeast an' sot bit ter pie. It was late like, en she wus sleepy, so what she- do but wrap hit tip and take hit ter bed. She• was a mighty pussori to' Jay still in one place en not move erbout when she slept. Yer Say yer noz bit waver vie in the D, L R C P, etc, Truro, N 0, Bays: Atter three years' world ? es1Int did i hitriu-,tui both iosperieneetoonsidorScott'sEmulsion one ofthe very best W the market. Very excellent In Throat aloe. sideaovbee.. Catch thy. yeast11Ot'ttons. Sold by all Druggists, 500. and *1.00. rising !---Detroit Free Press, - .. . Wand and F'irernerec3• ''ournaxaent and ' ColriSttmxtion Surely Cttrecl. Itorco Races At Y,istowef. To mer. gmmrn :--:Please inform your readers that I A. grand demonstration will be held- e.t have a positive r"!'_ody for the above n0u:ed disease. the towsi of Liato Wel On Thursday. and been cw' timely I shallube gladands ito snit t 'as q-buttlest0 Fridtuy, Aug. 15th incl 1eth, when 61,200. - nay remedy rt+anfo any of. your readers,'mho n.:tf - 0;) will be given fur and class and County consumption if slay will Cents me theft t ,dress 0110 Bands contests,. Horso.ruubig, t'irotnen'8 '0.1). address, Respectfully, Use. T. A Sx.Q0Uaid •Hine heel Races and entertainmotit. -0West Adelaide St., Toronto, Ont Arrangements are being mads en- a grand Of* interest to Gas Contagion • scale Aud-Lhe committee will spaecereither titue, work nor money to make tele the r,atlra, said the younglady's mother grandest denion.+tration ever hold in North net tiukilIdly, it semis to ale that you Western Ontario. Attraetionreaud amuse - hid the gas turned rather low ]alt mats of alt kinds win be provided. Lacrosse and base ball miatltcs are also evening. being arranged and every taste will be 1t was solely for economy, mamma, gratified. A Grand Concert will be held the maiden answered. on the evening of the first day, Aug. 151h, There is no use tryi;lg to beat the in the large Skating Rink wlxich will seat o 1f,000 people. A number of towae• intend; gas company, denglxter. I have net- holding their Civic holiday on Rugg. loth deed that the shutting off of the gas or 1.6t11 so that their people can tape ad - is always followed by 0 corresponding vantage of the cheap rattle and accompany increase of preesure, toe bands and firemen to Listowel. A.r. rangeuseuts are being made for special. Well, that lessens the waist, doc'alt t trains returning on the leading railway it, titanium, dear?' replied the s,rtir ss lines tate at night. People looking. for one sirl,. Aud hie:loud parent could find or two days of pleasure and' oiccitereent no lime to say. will find what they require at Listowel on the lath and 10th. For full particulars Mie 1Ji'„hth-Atlnuni Convention of watch for small 1,111e anti.• peeet,re. .lav the Internals€deist Ie"netlist th.p'ctors.information. re,I4ire:l may be obtained k'ssociutiou will -be heldin Toronto on i• frena• 11.11.1lorarizv, "lit' 2381 of, itiJtobt r, * ' awe:entry, London•J'ucstice says- that all the people'noweliying ill Vire worbi, or about le100,OOO,000, could fiud standing room within the limits of a field ten.mifes scplare, :ted, by aid of a telephone, could be eaudressed by a singlespeaker•, Chronic COuglis' and- Golds. And all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs can be cured by the use of Scott's Emuislgn, as it contains tho healing virtues of Ced Liver Oil and Rypol:hos• phitcs in thoir fullest forum Sea what W S Muer, id t,tlNBOLO ATJ(Jly. When brolly came home from the party aeleeete. The party WAS out art awe - There were Craves or nears in tier bright blue eyes 'bat looked ntow'uteue up to mina For some oho had said. Ana whispered tome With her tavo on her shoulder bid. Some one had said (there wore sobs in her voice) That they didn't VAG something sive did. 0o i tools my Atte girl up on my knee-. I am old and exceedingly wise - And 1 said, "My dear, now listen to use; Just hewn, and dry your eyes 'dl`9sts world is a didloult world, Mcleod, And people are had to,:ut1. Anti the man WO plays on the etolin It' a bores to the man with the dutu, "And I myself have often thought, How vest' much teeter would tie 'revery oneyf the fonts Vint i know Would ouiy agree wale use. "But dace they will not, the very best way To make this world look bright. Ls never to mind what people say, Ilut do what you thing is right." - Walter learned In .;t. Nicholas. asst Itis Way. They tell a good story on Senator James Farnsworth fierce. It ,seems that lie cause to Albany to gee Governor Tilden soon after the tatter's inauguration. Af- ter it brief chat the governor, who wits easily bored,.agkedt "When are you go - fog beck?" "Thirsafternoon, I think," said James. "Better stay over till tomorrow," re- turned the governor in a confidential murmur. Thinking eoihething was in file air James remained over, Next day lie again invaded the executive chamber, and • the some formula was gone over, with the exception that the governor's tone was slightly more confidential: James pulled at his glossy, iron gray mustache forawhile'tl,xid again remained over, only to have the sauce disappoint. meat. Iiow long the affair would have lasted is Con jectui'aJ•• had not a kind hearted orderly toldthe inisguide teena- tor that that was•rnerely a way the gov- ernor had.-Aibauy Journal. A Goi root Magnesia. George -EfiJ You got engaged bast • night?' Gus, ley old, n)y dear friend, tell me Flava you did it, Gras --Really., 1. Hardly know myself. Couldn't help it. Just like falling down stairs. I was on the edge of a proposal, she gave me a push, and there I was- engaged - "Welt, I haven't bad any such'expcei- ence. Every time I try' to start my knees knock together, and rayteeth chatter, andi•my tongue cleaves -to theroof of my mouth. rve tried a•dbzen times to pop the question to•Uliss Do Pink and slumped every tune:" "And didsho let you slump?" "You are courting the wrong.gitl:"- ?dinneapolis Tribune. Cost of Water Gas. A great many people think water gas cheaper because' it is made out of oil. This is a mistake. Tho greatest differ- ence between the cost•of coal and water gas is in the matter caliber. The mak- ing of coal gas requires skilled labor of the best kind, and at better co,upensa- tion than is usually given to labor of . this•elass, The work ia:very hot and re- quires the closest attention., so that the chance snail cannot bo engaged for it. The man who does it acceptably must have -been • educated in it, and most be steady and -devoted to his work. - In. the manufactureof"water gas this labor, is crit off, and the saving represents the large part of the difference between the cost of the gas manufactured- from 'coal and-thatproduced. from oiL-St. Louis (llobe-Iiemoelat. A Bible Scholar. A Sunday school. teacher tells this amusing story: .I was teaching a class of little boys in. Sunday school. TIse lesson happened to be about the prophet Elijah and-tlle widow of Zarephath, who, you will, of course remember, told Elijah. when he asked her to take him to board, that she "had nota cake, but a handful of mettliin a barrel and a little oil in a cruse." When asked as to the Supply of food the'poor widow had one little -fel- ' low ittle-fel- low quickly replied:' "She bad just -meal enough to make a cake and oil enough to start tho fitol"-e-True• Flag, Proper Precaution. Young Man (confidentially) -I want to see dome of your solitaire rings, Jeweler -Engagement ring, 1 pre- sume? WOOL! WOOL! WOOL! ' WOOL 1 $O,OPO pounds' of Wool wanted, r wliieli the highest market j)1IC"i will be paid, T. A. MMILLS. Great i3ut we caret bell our goods. rl'here#sire Bargainsare to be Had Prints,. '(+ usjins�, La*us,Seterr!'SuCcykor , n Qp 71 r broiUerit s for skirting pe'x i o�'es, Pa ,-aso1N, Silk and. YOU gloves, Shootings, Qottonades, onades, Linens, a,��--�ablings, &e., &e RES . r GOODS :DRESS 1 GOO We snake a specialty of Black Dress Goods, .and would invite every lady requiring those goods to seo our large range and get quotations before buying. See aur .All Wool Goods at 15 cents per yard. OENTLEM10, GO TO T. A. MILLS FOR YOUR HAT, TIES, COLLARS, CLOVES, UH' E 'CLOT'HHNC, A& . and see our range of T W-FITTODS, P A TI GS, &c., for ordered cloihing. All suits guaranteed to pt or no sale. We have tire largest range of goods in Wingbaln, and we mean, bait's.. nese every timer so come along. and get SO1114 Of the cheap : goods while' they are going.• Wiegllam,.fith ilray,.,I8S9.'. •-• 01-:C 0-- T4�hi�� 1thiito h pitivo B to zt g? ;N t o'. 1st.: TETAT' s]:' UAI1' e' .THE BEST ASSORTS' STOCK OF' WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELLERY IN WINGHAM. 2nd: THAT' ,THE QUA:LIMY ;OF , MY GOODS .IS EQUAL LI TO THE BEST. " 3rd. THAT' MY PRICS ARE SUCH THAT IT IS SAFE AICD' FITAI311 FOR ALL .TO DEAL -WITHllt . E. - 'MST TS-- - S i B '. CALLING- ..O}}'F • E . P.A..-147',C 7.E7 G - 0- D S,ZT o E : '- THE MISSES MALLOY Have changed their business premises to the shop lately occupied by Mrs. a1eCAlloe, neat door to S:• Gracey's furniture warerooms, where they will welcome old and new patrons. ettatonrers will find amongst the nunierons -articles usually kept in a fancy store,; - Silks'for Art Needle Work.- Medieval Lace for Trimmings, GLOVES, IIOSIE W, UNERWEARS,• APPLIQUE EMBROIDEPY,- MAVII.ES VE EMI3I1,OIDEEY, POINT LACE. - POII�T' LACE AICD EMBROIDERY MADE TO ORDER Bef". Stamping in newest designs. Knitting Silk, Material fee Point Lace, The Tailor system taught. feathers. Stitched .Braids. • i Young Irian---Y-yes, sir. Jeweler -Fiche's just. tho thing you wart, Alaska stone, rolled plate and warranted for a year. Young flun---But 1 want a real stone. .Jeweler ---Of. course. As 1 was going to say, tree dam, a one of the plated rings along with each real stone. They are exact duplicates. If the engagement is a success it is very easy to substitute the real for the imitation. --Terre l:iaute l xprese. . She Dreamed Xt. Tin (about to ask for a. kiss) -I have an important question to ask you, She (playfully) --I know 'what • it is, Charley. • You want rue to be your wife; 1 dreamed it. Well, take enc. lie (rather taken aback) --You dratt- ed it? Site --Yes, I dreamed it last night, sYid t answered you as I airs stnswering you now, and you took me in your panes and kissed laze. 'What. could Charley dee-Chicago Led- DRESSSIAKING IN ALL ITS i3RANCIIES. Oat Zeal Kill Opened. • T3ROOIIENSHIR +'S The undersigned desire to inform farm ern and the people geueraaily that they hat reopened their Ont Red mill in. Winghani, And aro now prepared to purchase Oats in unlimited quantities and at the lgest hr ;c'>v' . They will supply customers with the reuse Guenss to Oat Meal. ELDER Sr CLEGG, Photograph Gallery. r . Long Experience; c'ose attention and unexcelled facilities, enables me to turn out uniformly a class of work equal to that of any Gallery in the west, 'AV -Work of every description artif- ,cnl ly, promptly and satisfactorily done. • QJAJINETS AND FAMILY GlIOUPSI -.. ... A SPECIAL 't.— CLUBBING A Large • Assortment of 1:r'ramee4 Any of tho following nett ipi !etas wteklh a can be Resp constitritly Olt hand. Prius'w x bi • e t a i n tiSkS a 51(00 TIMr$ and Otbb&. Tisolt,.Mali, amd Farm and Yiresi re, Tllat:s, Globe and Rural Caua4lir,u,.• TTImes and London dortlser; .. T%Mas and Montreal �L•itnesa, Tiara and Toronto Nows, , . .. Twits anddeihr Wfr),i building i 72'*3 stories d 1 Y Tiszs en rreelrly `pews with prcminnt- "Christ age. Second flat suitable for rex• •ace, Apt.li• to • btitore^Pilate;••„ l 76 J. BUNT:, Proprietor, >i1, lt. 8i*, Col 'atter, t..ru, ••e w.u„H vl L'euf0detafioti," . ,. :1:a MatntlCk. • 1i iush...At% obtained with thb lvi,b} et T t the iiglues tele IOW 'its are Consistent with pont wnrk, ..51 75. ....` ., � r...... . Q. 76 Ta AEA' T:, aro t 76• .. •1.75 • A pplendid I3nfCii STtilti+ i+entrally lnn,ted its 1. j5 Josephine street, opposite tliellrn,t w,• R twr.,,, The ' 2 qg s feetbV two a as %mons . rl a .