HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-08-09, Page 1•
girnitr+. _ _
tr. is customary, for toe 1 papers to
take a brief . (toll 'hy suspending
publication for n yr ek. The Tanis
has deeided to do the same tiling,
next week, ;o . more• appropriate,
Aired .could be fixed u on, We hope to
compensate our re dr'rs and a!Iver•
tisers for the leek f one week's issues.
The aloe will be en for job work,
'renewals of sub ripticns . &o, as
`Hill's restaura t for huckleberries,
—The town o nail meets on Tuesday
evening, the 1$t dust,
—A nevi daft paper -the Herald --iia
made its appear: oe ire Hamilton.
Girls who pow er don't go off any quick-
' er than those w o dealt. •-J3oston Qouriert
—The Wingh m fall show is to be held
an Tuesday an Wedaekdtuy, the 24th and
25th of Septem er.
—Anyone sending utile cents can have
the Trims sent to their address ---at bora°.
or abroad—for the balance of this year;
—A. number o) ear ea°hauges are drop-
ping a week's is a and enjoying a holiday.
The llinoardine Review does not issue this
e week.
Mr. J. A. Merton presented the &tams
the 1icchank t' Institute at the Council
•;z Meeting 'on Mo ay; and it grant of 0100
eve generously ads to this worthy object.
--An error oo nrrba in the report of the
:(oath of ]L Ito• fey, in last issue.,,;ltre W
• s' Smyth, oft'Wiut, am, is •eadaugbtei'"of the
• deceased. • The names 'somelr&iv were
' trausposed in w (ting.
-111r D Stews •t shippied a line load of
. cattle to lvioutr•td, ou Monday, part of
*bleb was for port. He purchased five
,lrplendid ani a frarxt Mr 1' Pewter;
Bluevele woad; a seefoor from 1lirGarnesu.
boueeaaion2, Mei 'ie.
A.• tug -of war be (coag D. Nnech tel,
sin thenone aids an.• Mrs..Leusinn dud Misu
Sarah Knechtol o the other -side, was -one
of the attraction at tt elauover Sunday
Selma' piceio th.. other. day. ..The ladies
came/ti victbriou.
—111x J 3313'ergu of ,anal wife spent some
tlaye in Obesity •last week, visiting tela
tivos. FIe .says t tab town has conic forth
handsomer .than before its fiery ordeal
last year: Oro, have •te good appearance'
• In the .section the country. •
r;femora Ii Ory, from near•3XArnook,
brought into t a office, a fow days ago,
a t;peoimens of o a and hay that are likely
to tread the list .r this, season. The oats
Measured 5 leg 10' inches and the bay
5 foot 11 incke 'When shall we see its
like again?
-Word.aecen recalved frdmMoosejew
ite tothe effect t at the crops are good itt
that 1otiality, is expected to yield 30 to
40 bushels to tbmore in meuy planes.` Mr
Wtu Wilton, tit terly. of Wingbam, has
100 antes of Gives ent wheat. The lack of
rain d ct not earl damage in that district.
C. g.11,, condi •tore bave been notified
that .henceforth n books or articles will
be allotted to be Id on C. P. B. trains.
aCotiduotoieare-,untrtteted to require all
news butchers c'•siting passage to pay
their fare, and n t to allow them to sell
,any articles oil i y kind whatever. .
-=ref % Robert (.. rnyat has had placed In
:the Wingham Ce etery a very lino square
:cottage monuin nt over the grave of her
•cleceatsed husba d, The stone is new and
etif elegant design `in American dark blue
tetone,end stand bout nine feet in height,
'1t was proper + by Mr Wm Smyth, of
The Dominic Life Ansuranoo Company
of Waterloo, t t., connetences business
with subscribed apitalof 0250,000, emountf
paid up 062,50( jeenes Trow, Beg., M.P.,
of Stratford, h,. beou cleated President,
.and P. tr. Sims, of Waterloo, Vice•Presi•
relent; Mr.'I'hof s Billiard, of Waterloo, in
Managi :g Dir +tor.
r L Me eon, sownliller, Ieft a fow
duty* age to vial friends at Sidney, Prince
Bdaard Xaland that being hie native
looelit , which. , o has not visited for many
years. 8e l make an extended tour
*tiro Chet rititue Provinces. ' By long
years of close d undivided attention to
business, he he, yell earned a reepitp from
active labor.
--Mr .7 J Ando on left for Manitoba a
few days ago.
-Messrs Crew 1 and .t3 return-
ed fronr their ext dei and pleasant wort
ward trip on We eeday,
Top Phaeton buggy for eale. Apply
to Geo. Thomson, Zetland mills, :Box
125, Wingham.
--A public clan vas held in the total
hall on Friday ev ung, the music beiug
furnished by 1tr M ay,
-The Mons will be sent from bow till
the end of the year for 80 cents. Send fcr
or cal) and subscribe,
—Dr. r, M• ' ebzie has located in
Toronto, in the ea:,eru part of the ciby
May deserved sued= a attend him.
—Mr N T ltitchi is out with. a sures)'
ing party in the ?Q pissing district, having
got the laying out ,f a township there.
1klr J J Anda von offers for sale hie
saw mils, stave f •tory and coopers' shop)
Seo We advertise ent in this paper,
Creme de La iranee and'Be-Rosa bel
Vuetta—realty tit • ohoicest cigars made—
at .1 MoKelvie's, o posite Korman's hotel.
--.Tho acoustic, d plenitude of berry
pickers at this s• son of the year blas
failed this b.t•Evest, Ile crop beiup, almost
—A grand Salvati
will be held at Witt
Tuesday,17th till 2
usual attractions.
-The Montreal
Montreal is "lige
contract with the
lamps has been to
little prernatnre,
great aasistauoe jus
people to find the ole
—A requisition .sin' d by Jas A Cline
and 50 other business' =ople,waa presented
to the Council, re+que ing that Thursday,
5th September, be set apart as the oivio
holiday. • Tho council, by resolution, in-
structed the mayor t• comply with the
request of the petitione
Arriny can p meeting
n from Saturday till
h August, with all the
tar says : Now that
od" by eleobrioity the
Company for street
Mated. This is a
'he gas would be of
now in • enabling
rib light.
-eThe streets are crest
%Apoot—especiallyin the
-inl ire(
a 1 d flogs.
very etceilenb improve
made, more, roe underst
been accomplished in o
of-new•gra%'el bide walk
tnidg a change
atter of grading
urge number of
eats: have boon
nd, than bas ever
year. A number
avb boon laid.
--None df the Whi eohuroh property
offered for hale e t the c runswick hotel,, ou
Tuesday,wtbs sold, no o. a apparently being
laud hungry. Mr Jo Currie wielded the
auctioneer's hammer. Mr. W: Thomas, of
Magee, Greenlees & Thomas, barristers,
London, Iooked aft• the form's interests,
ICC Priest preached u edifying discourse
in the Baptist char , cm Sunday evening,
on "the foolish ric r man. His commend-
able qualities—ind :try, frugality, &o.—
were first shown and subsequently his
eharaoter was cons °red from a spiritual
view, and. hie eb (comings emphatioallj'
pointed out and ,sons deduced there-
-Tlte Turf Cl
following officers :
C Sperling, treasure
Arrangetrtonts are
bills have been pos
and everything augu
of the races on the
that that day has b
holiday and cheap r
ensure•a big gatheri
Nice fresh huckl - • errios at J 3l'oiieivie's
,.-Inspector Pa• y was in town, An
Saturday last.
-Mr John Ilan a is putting, a plate
glass f ant iu his et, e.
Ile. c o • peach and pears ab Hill's
Cit r auraut, at owes( prices.
—1'x Babb Hill t • s placed n, nice, new
soda water fountain 'n his restauraut. He
purchased in Toren Iast seek.
—Ileo Alr Moor ouse and Bev Mt
Newton; of Bervie, '- ebanged pulpits last
—Our Gorrie correspondent wants the
ear of the: Wingham base ball club, theta-
phorically speaking,
—Por the most selectable ice cream,
Boston oream par •aellence, and delicious
milk shake, go right to l»cZelvie's Star
Restaurant. otentl
--,Master" Gus
arra dislocated on
off a fence;
—The Organ Co
ried in God'erich, on Monday, by a vote of
612 to 1.
-Topsy, Mr UDC': trotter, tock second
money in the 2.40 -lass, at the Sirocco
races, on Friday last:
—Mr l' Pillingvley leader of the Luck.
now band, received a Gaut 0100 as proceeds
of the hand dent:ert$ero.
—A meeting of • (('Creditors of Messrs.
Inglis c4 Armstrong- was hold on Monday.
No definite settlote eut was arrived at, but
propositions eubm tted ting extension of
time given till the '*Oth of August.
Tenders are .sing received for the
new Ball; and no dash( there will be sta.
y cibse ftguxin ; thereon to ensure its
WHOLE N.O. 198
McLaughlin had his Apples, rte It and Att pm-et-4701u
by falling • ,,fruits, ut t fa. --The schae ::else meets on Saturday
Largo gnu ivies a fruit of eveey dee-
criptiou to 1 the fu a , few grins et f.,s tao-
1{elvie's. 'a early teed de.
d leave pate outlet a.
—Mr J A Marton, earrister, lervee be•,a •
on Saturday for a for eigitt'a rejuvnxn.tie'te
in Toronto aud other j aces. IIewill:st'.rn•I
any by-law was oar.
—Mr W Scott ,doe:
his new department
for a fortnight and is
—Mr Jtes iTorton h
kept an engine as cone
yard. .of the G T It.
roil: since 1865.
Sped Notice - D
right t Jas 14foliely
peau pears and td
and oliP est,
Thirteen entrants
Wingham public echo
There were two more in
did not try. A very
—Mr J 8 Anderson,
ham, solved the puz
a few weeks ago an
pennies and cents
other of a certain
---Mr NV 1' Broc
toudance at11b.P
in'termite ,Auf til
August, : ad his g
those aye. The
not take charge of completiou ata mo,erate sum. The move
f work int Toronto to build this year w e no doubt a money-
omo for a few days saving one. ..
—The voters' lists
perhaps as trimly hale have been is
s into the Wiugham There are ou this y
e has been on the °municipal and pa
e • 218 for municipal
't , ut o ntary only ; as as
els. forhesitateCrawforbkd smelspeotively, last vee
e. The choicest
—The Insurance am
assed bub of the Montreal, deals ably,
1 --all who tried) prehenaively with tot
the (gass, but they its scope. We shou
for the town of Wing•
ued from this office,
ar's list 449 voters for
liamentary purposes,
my and 50 for parha-
``ainst 429, 111 and 33
xcellent showing, business man whose a
the range of subjects treated by the Chron-
aciisr,C ower Wing- icle would be immen#ely advantaged by its
e given. in the Tamsperusal regularly.
t the, movements of --Ib was decided
rem •one side to the Council to spend tb{{
nt. madefor the imp eminent of .Recreation
bice •wit be in at• Park. The east e d will be levelled up,
rapbers' Convention the present fence r moved and a new iron
tb tilI the 23rd of olio substituted. '4` 'e have no ioubt, in the
y will be closed on hands of an energ :tie committee, but the
,c will please note work will be well lone, The Council. will
Ibe heartily thanks for this needed Ina -
Finance Chronicle, of
enohantly and com-
ics that come within
d iudgo that every
'cation comes within
at the last meeting of
appropriation recently
-=Thenew G TB, s toe"was eornmencod prov men ,
on Wednesday, Mr yohn Waldou, of Pal- Leen • Tamp, •.•• e, staunch, palatial
nporston,and his au
the work in hand .
of frum e u larg
intended. •
Au exchange gives
for making a good to
vim, energy, ohurahe
of workmen having steamers United Empire, Campana and
dal,tario are r now nutmeg runng twice each week
he building is to be ei ba'arrtia and Kincardine, forming the
than was at first quickest and most direct route for Lakes
Huron and Superior ports, Port Arthur,
Duluth, etc., peaking close connotation for
o following reoipe all poiute in the Western States, Manitoba,'
: Grit, push, snap, I.'aeifie Coast, etc. For all information,
schools, Colleges, lowest single and rouud trip faxes, freight
moral:( enterprise, h moony, advertiaiu rates, eto., .call on Agent G. T. It, Station,
cordiality,cheap prope by,healthyloottion,
talk about it, help to i nprove it, advertiser T A Mills mo
d into his magnificent
iii and read your own own paporn,patron: new stove, adjoittin, his old one,thls week.
ize its merchants, fait i exhibited by good This two story str, ,oture as 90 feet long, 20
work@, aompetitiou:i ! business, help all feet wide, exdelleialy arranged and well
public enterprize, e ; of good men to finished, with epic (did Ihting and rich,
public spirited, en- large plate glass ' `ronts, Leaving; an ea -
to one of them your- •cellent shop, this i ; stili it decided change
very dollar invested for the better in a •commodation and Con -
outs is that much venience. Mt Day d Sutherland is to move
his stove and tir"ware business into Mr
Mills' vacant eetakiishment.
olio Church liars Arrangements have been beide by the
ro=eminenoo in flag"! I 0 0 F, C O F an.1 other Societies whore:.
splendid picnics. by Friday, 0th in :taut, (today), has been,
month being made set apart to clecora e tho graves of deceased
angthingprevioualy brothers and frienasThese meet at the
areat diversity of town hall at 3 p. re , rid proceed in prones,
g Y sign to the cot Teter '. Members of Societies school and accepted the principalship of
as will be delivered S
Mode , the Genanoque triodchool. At the close
au, of Strabluay, and are requested to lzing a bouquet or any of the form, the foSeg address, accom•
other decorative deject suitable for the
and Hon A M ltoss,1 occasion. The bau 1 will be in attendance, panted by it gold p ni, was pti3souted to
office, speak well of•iti
terprising citizens And
self. Remember that
in permanent improve
on interest. Always
who go in for ieeprov
—St Augdatine Cal
wide reputation of
la leave appointed the matter of getting; a
gnaw, president; it Judging by the arran,
A. Roe, Secretary. this year's is to eclips+
ow about completed, attemlited. There isj
d and sent abroad, programme. Speed
well for the success byRev. Fathers MoK
h of September. Ndiv Camerae, of LaSalet
set apart as a oivio Id P P, Provincial T easurer ,am • urn out and m iko decoration day to ban i
ilway rates ought to aro, ex -M P ; .ft Por .°r, M P, and others. Ganauoq te, July 4th, 1889.
in Wingham. k A beautiful and deed ' chair will be railed success. Mr. J. C. Linklater, •
queAi'+ —J°try Bushes late inspector of the geadlvfasterGanan•
Bart .Brae. & Co„
flaying a tremoudon:
-ing this and next m:
whole stook of stapi
Dress C•oods, Silks,
DTillinory, dr.
en's fu
and Boys' suite, Ca
nishing goods at a
give 16conte off e
cheer on the men
the• Grand Lodge X ( 0 1' meeting tit StCatharines,
—Iiroekensbire'a a logy Is recogni,a:al t•r
be one of the finest metaide the -calve,
the matter of oonye deuce and :whaleembellisbmeuts. Ile las added a splhndil
frame of photos about seven feet love.
Tao Turnberry voter ,'liethas been iaitue 1 •
from this office. It ab ,ws 000 voters to ba
registered this year—e10 qualified to votes
at both municipal and .egisietive amenablyelections, 116 at muni teal electives telly,
and 34 at elections ti the legislative ;t.;-
sembly only. The iii oe
was refully pre •
pared by Clerk John itr~argess, of 131ue.vaic.
When writing an ad ertis,otnent 1 l4i;tko
it terse—space costs m 'u ey and reat1er:t ant
impatiens. Make it attractive in style.
Make it original iu exp . ssion— you oar.nct
command attention about separating
yourself from the crow take it pointed:
in objeot--your wish `for patrons wilt
never search for voila you fait.' to show
theni. Make it uniq in appearance—
your purpose is •half Lsfeated if your ad.
vertieemont does not oppress people in its
—At the last meet ng of the Minton town.
Council the question of electrio light cane.,
up. A draft of agrmment tie be enteral:
into between the To vu and the Okes OrganCp. was submitte and approved. Thu
chief conditions ar that the Okes Organ.
Co, are to provide n 2000 candle power;
lights for 300 nights ire the year and re-
ceive 4660 therefor. Contraeb to be for five
years. Lights to be ept burning until 11:
°'sleek, andou gipeoi • 1 oceasioue, on order
from the mayor, to a Wet hour. T1$
Companyto furnish diticis#al ;Tights tt
the Town or citizens t a rate not to erose::
22 couta per light er night. Contract
not to be assigned wi out consent of come.
ell.. Lamps to ha g over matte of
—The following oke will be required
after the holidays b thee° whohavo passed
the entrance exa. 'nation. Tho list, itt
given by Principal Groves: High Solioci
Reader, H 8 Geogr pity, Fl S Arithmetic,
H S Grammar, H. Botany, E S Algebra,
Practical English •(Williams'), •Strang'&
False Syntax (tat :et edition), Strange
Composition, 100 L aeons in Composition'.
High School Draw ' g Books Nos. 1 and 2,
and a set of Draw g instruments, Tile
oleos just promote. ` front the It Depart-
mentwill require St aug'e Syntax,Strang's
Oomposition,100 L mita iu Composition,
Public School Draw ng ,Book No. 5. Both •
classes will want a •ood note book of 150
to 200 pages, for iia • ry Notes during the
coming term—our !:istory not being felt
Wen Apt arociated•
A year ago, Mr. J. J. Linklater resigned
principalship nit the Clinton puplid
odel School.
f Listowel, Ont., are = and a gold watch p ;asor'ted to the mostDeet 'Teachor, -- Ve (fee members of the
'dissolution vale clue popular young lady in the congregation. Waterloo leIntuai F re Insurance Company, Senior Class of the p. pile of your roo• m,•
nth. They offer their Au infiufte variety of amusements has is well known to r r'y of our teadefs, A take tide opportunity ,f showing our sap-
idfancyDry Goods, been provided( thea rounds are amongst Tomato letter of r.ret, expressing Mail- preoiation of the exec, lent teaching done.
Satins, first class the finest in the w :st, the day's hearty ity to be present a the banquettendered by you sinceyou beeaue our teacher, and
iahing;s, Children's onjoyment eau bo d*xreuded on and a cor• Jerry in Waterloo, dosed asfollows t ' of your uniform kiudt=ss and forbearance
eta and House Fur- Glial invitation is e',onded to every body to us as pupils, We bz you to accept this
- `he Commi•
rent sacrifice. They ;by 1"ether lltcGee a
cry dollar's worth of date is Sept, 4bht
goods ter cash or t tde, 'Their stock com
prises favorably wit ny in the city. Calle Messrs P 73 Pial
and see their good: and pprices. About the employ of Mess
ettt thousand doll, a wort5i to ickfrclm •
tw Y p . sad his brother, MJ
The return c ieket match between Mr Geo Hollinger':
Tecswater and Wi ghat was played here vitfage of 11anov0
on Tuesday afterno. on Itcoreation park. men lug opordtious
The game was watch d by it largo number next. Both brethor
of spectators. The result was in favor of men in the tanning;
Wingham by it seer of 70 and four wickets 01 ehrowclncss, app11
to 09 rune. The T==ewater players were: ler upright .and no
B A Carter, Dr Ste • rb, L A 13riuk, W B i ianagan we ear'
Ib'owler, It Thurtte, Gibson, ff Wytd, ly, His position of
'1 A mau more true' than Jerry ldtrg(h, present an a token of r esteem and re-
s very hard to find, spec( for you; and the :rust that tho Giver
Sestet: Waterloo since Lookie $ow)+ of alt Good may Ian wears you to carry on
en -
man (for tett years in Not one is left 1,bind 1 rile good tv¢rls in wiiic1 you are note see-
s 'Brennan & co..), Nd Matt more juste or fit to trust,
Than Jerry eve breathed; aged, aud;tltat the rel Won which has ex-
alanagan)leave loolsted between you and to during the ached
High up en Zgtna carve his name ' year now closed, may 1 ave a long and on=
new. tannery in the With burning lova wreathed! disturbed continuance
and propose con • Jerry is now inspatoI for the .t itna, Sigted ou beeatf of the class.
bn the lst of October --Dr 13rown•Segsord, a diatinguislied —We learn from Per ebroke papers thab
tate long; experienced seisntisb, is reportel to havea'discovered Mr Alexander Youbg, son-in-law to Mr
business, and aro men some mysterious el xir, wbicti, by being Campbell Fianna, of W.wanosh,who learn -
Mien and well known injeotod into the • tuman body restores ed his trade as a mike .. with Mr 1' Fiehex
orable dealing. 01 1' youthful animation end vigor. A number and left Wheel/aux about teu years ago
peak more particular. of Toronto physioia as gave evasive er in. recently removed to ?aokenham. On
esponsibility with his definite answers on ling interviewed as to giving up the head• -•m tlership at Iltr x'
Salyerds, d Moteai Gco Tlreobold and It Present emploYcra,3s active interest in the alleged discover :, b)r Flammond, a lttcAllister's mills, l'eml iroko, lie was made
trath. Tim Win' Ilam team was thus Ioea1 and education 1 matters, his iutelli• } leading Ameriecn tysioian, one of the. the recipient, at the halide of his fellow
t 1 In . D Roach, R L Bence, liberality and tlinenee are such that I medieal attendants u won the late President employee, of an apprgei dive addri' w a,rd
eoreposed r C N , p
»ickiusorr, C E Willi ° . s, E Dtneiey, Geo his departure is to b: 'regretted, it is to be Garfield, is at presort experimenting with it haudson a r^.•: t•'
l)uiiloltd, 1t Vnnston: W 11 Macdonald, G boiled that in iris net ° venture he may meet the alleged dieecve-y, What a gra,' : ' ; .'
Willson and A Mil e, hit Paling satin• with that measure. of succea;r that hitt
i B applle )tion, knowleare, workmenelti.• : • ' world this will be if rho •::,- ,.
^.^fnt'ily inupire 1 ,•' . ,1t' MA !''thee• t,,, '•• o •