HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-07-10, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
ews of BaFie
1 1
Mx. and Mrs, Charles Ferguson Mr and ' Mas, Merton, Meruner,
"d daughter Margaret, Sudbury, with GarA-010, ,JBq><is', X.•orno, Cole4
M silteid i!ru the village last week. and Keivaan, te+t't Saturday on ,n
Mr. and Mrs, A'ulg!ust !Delan!glhe, MQW tnriip -W Hope, B:C., to vasalt
Jena, daughter, GaY A+nnney Debrgit, rella;tiwes.
built a cottage M Mr's. A, F. Furter, -eek o, spent
have recently • u
Ba�ield several days this week wi h her
IPi'ct!ures are now being shown brother, Hal Stinson, in the vil-
each week flan! Pioneer ,Paaiic, and lage,
+are" much aWeeiate'd !by the Mary Elizabeth Erwin, daughter
youngster$ asi weX as their par- of Mr. and- Mr's. S. Erwin, and
ents. The annual runtmage sale !Gaylle Turner, daughter of Mr.
will be head in the Towln !Haid,, on and Maas. Robert Turner, cell
July 1'5� in the eventing, rate their birthdays the same day.
Miss Betty Townshend, has as Myrna, Scott, Marion Francis, Bar -
her ;guest jthis �Week , Miss Anna dbara, Turner, !Lunda Scotchnner, Sh-
Gu cies.Amltsa IC r g; Bo!b Towns- islet'' Daruvboro!ug'h, and Linda Gem-
ihenn!d oined them over ;the week- +eunhard't, were !their guests ,at a
end. party June. 30, at the hoarse of
Mrs, F. Neason, who visited rel- Mary Elizabeth. They ,are mow
ativ!etis and frlends, for a couple of Jl1 yearn &d.
weel�, in Dundas and, Anc'aslter, Dr. and Mrs. William A. Ti -
has metnuzmeld home, m!an, w1t1,, their children, Jed,
Mr. rami, !Mrs. %Cliff Utter, had Peggy Anne, 'Mary Plat, Judy,,
as their, guests, over the weelwT4, Cathy, Paula and Bambara, have
Mr. U,&;er'is mother,. Mrs. R. Ut- opened the Tillman ,oabtage for
iter, Norwich; his brother, Percy the season, rand !Dr. ".Ball„ as, sp-
U'tter, and daughter Li ndla. ending his bdlddlays! !here this
Mats. W. A. Ilellps, olio has! been month,
a, guest ,of Mm. A. R Reid, la)t G!uesits• at the 11moctor !colttag-
her co!tlaW, returned .to Windsor. est' are, Mus. Agnes Dwyer, Mr.
on Weidnes'day, with.i1'Inss� Key !amid Mm, Allan' Dwyer and, (family,
Reid who had been visiting her Mr. and Mats. Jerry Wilhelm and
mdther. ' 'faunn9y, Mm, and Mrs:. Vincent 1Piaf-
Mrs. M. Mar's'hall: who had been kiewitz and family, all of Detroit.
la patient in, Clinton Public Hos- Twenty-five friends and relat-
pd,•tal, was able, to return to her oyes, visited ,the P, Proctors, at
home in) Noah Bap', vl�t>h! her ,their cottage, Deer Lodge P'a'rk,
dla!uighter and husbands, Mr. and Saturdays an!!fght, :and- were enter -
Mrs. P. R, Badly, on Man•day. taained witlh. a, Weimer roast, and a
Only $49.95
* Efficient
* Economical
* Time Saving
* Indestructible
only 3 pounds.
Resulta Royal
Machine. at right�
uses tape. Or
can be used
like,'the smaller
Resnito 7.
See These Precision Built Machines
Now At
Albert Street Clinton
— Also Smith -Corona and Victor Machines ,
rrdWgbit supper.
With Mr,. ,end Mrs. dliuss,ell! Kerr
,over the Weekend' were Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Humlphrdes ;and 'thea
grarudeoln Clanll ZiUmphrwes, Pott
Staley, >also Mr, an!d Mhs Jos
eiplh .Malludki ands children, Eslpan,
01R'Ir. and Mrs. Jam l:lisaner, with
,Larry amid '!Frank, are at !their
cottage. Mrs'. BeTtl DlwnlhlRmi
auf!falb,, isi their ,guest ;tihils: week.
Mh and Mrs. Monroe Fasher,
with Shan and Barry, spent the'
Dominion Day holidays at their
Miss Diane Rots and Miss
Geraldane Blurlke, Toronto, were
guests, of Mrs. !Charge's Rogers
last week, Miss. ILage!rs is lean-
anf for w'ellsh'aden, Cerrlmany to
-teach, the Children' of the Can!ad'-.
ian Air Force s!tatianeid tlnerel..
Miss: Janet Burch; Toronto, was
the guest of Miss Sally Bet4
!Hrunrter, ldaist week.
Mrs.. T. W. Oates, 'Rauh ;ton,,
has opened her cottage and has
:with her taus week Mr. and' Mrs.
John Oates land children ,10,rom
Mr. and Mrs. Klurltz and child-
ren, Rochester, New York, and
Mr. and Mrs. Vanan and chuldren,
Royal O'ak, Michigtan, are, owuPY-
ifng Mrs. ,C9inaatlels R+oger's! cottage..
Const'abl'e William Johnston,
OPP, Mrs. JohnstonandKim,
were !guests. of Constable Johnl-
s!tani's 'aunt, Mas'. George Little,
last week, !allso miss, Mabel Ross,
Toronto, was, a recent visitor,
Mrs. Spencer Ehvhi, and, Mary
Mizalbeth. returned on Monday aft-
er having been called to So!uth,-
amptom because sof ,the illmess. of
Mrs. E!rmn's father, who is in, h.als-
lpiltal recovering from a heart at-
Gary Jdhanfsiton, second son: of
Mr'. and Mrs Flou.+d Johnston left
on Monday with, his; aunt and
u rade!, Mr. and Mrs.. Annus Mc-
Rae and Douglas, London, for a
two week's' holiday through the
southern s:tates:.
Mr ,and Mrs. WbAter Hbltonn,
with Susanne, JefifeW and Patrd-
cia, are in their hoarse on the lake
shore Ifor the, season.
Mr.. and Mrs. John. MacKenzie
,and daughter Margo, returned to
Toronto! !after spending. a week
with Mr. (ands' Mrs. J. MacKenzle.
Mrs. !Harry Knapp and her -two
,o'hmbdresn .Karen and, Harry Jr..,
AshtbaQu, Ohio, are vdsiting at
the hoarse of Mr. and Mrs. H. H.
Mr and Mrs. Jlohn !Stewart, v'i's-
Ited in, Detroit over ,the wee'kend.
Mr. and Mrs:. 'Robert Beethana,
with John and Bobby, Amherst-
!burlg, were ,guests of Mr. and Mm.
George BelWhlamber, on, Wedn'es-
,day and Thursday.
Mrs. Thomas. Badley ds, in, Vic-
toria Hospital, London, for treat-
ment. Her daughter Thelma, sp-
ent !the weekem;d here and she re-
turnedd to Landon with MT. anct
Mrs,. LIdwards' on, Sunday.
Miss' Maingare:t Howard, daught-
er of Mr. ,and Mrs. Jack Howard,
passed with honours, her first
year's .course, ;at Hurbm College,
Landon, !and' will, retruam! in the
fall!. She is; at present instruct-
ing, at the Gi!nl ,Guide's Camp,
,at +Keewrayden.
Miss' Shirley (Brandon., daughter
of Harold, Brandon, passed with
honours' her second' year's work
at Umliversaty of Western Ontario.
W. F. Can:telon, Toronto; Miss
Birdie McRoberts, Burlington,
Miss iDlolhe Cantedon, Mr. and
Mrs, Charles, Wise, Cllintan; Mm.
and Mrs, Jack Brooks, and, famnily,
Cor:umna; Mr. and Mrs. Richter
and [family, Port Robinson; Mr.
and Mrs., !Clayton Harris and Miss
Charlene Brooch$, Mitchell, were
visitors at tB,adiley Park over the
holiday weekend.
F,lydnig ,o(ffa'cer and Mrs. P. M, ra-
ke, who were recently anarried in
Toronto, ,have taken up reslid'emce
at the 'Gardiner cottage in Bailey
!Cpl. and Mrs. .ClEvler Hopsum,
who left Bayfield in 1953 to go
,to Germany (now living tan Cal-
gary), arrWed Tuesday at the
Sheltered Accommodation
Washrooms -- Playground
New Snack Bar
Open 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. daily
Barbecue Chicken
:Every Weekend
Phone 29 r 3 for Orders
or Reservation
Uoimo of Mr. and' ~ Mrs. George
Hopson, with' ,their five c'hha !ant
David, Wayne', ,Lnrvd'a, 'Rabin
('boa n to Gv mw*) ,.an'd Brian.
. nds Mrs. J. G: 4llcKeomy
FIaml:ilto!n, wh!a cane. here oto play
'in rthe Gudembch Bridge' ToUTM-
ment, are ci cupya! the Galbraith
cottage' on Bayitierld Tarnace.
Mm, And .Mrs, Mae Ailvenhead,
,London !have a!pepod 'their cat-
hale'!for their 30't!Fl. suMn%er hem.
• Tr4i#y lubes
Tainity Chur h Guiald held their
m,onthll!y meetung at Vie
biome of Mm. WnlBam Parker,
on Tuesdayevening worth ten
r wmbersl present. The Rely. E.
J, B. HIpxxlisdiq,• opened !the meet -
ling with, •pra!ye?'s, and after reg^
ul'ar repgrts we!t"e, read;, pkns were
discussied'ajad made! for the supper
to be held! n7n Trinity Panxish HAL
on ,Flriday.,, July 18, A social !hour
:fodllowed' with the hostess serving
dainty refreesihmen!ts.
The Little ]Cin
A. J. M, BQW' ran,, and, Mr. and
Mrs. Hulbert C'r"aii�•., wall+kerv'iale;
Muss l0sha Elllemea�',t, 'Mass+ ,Al�ber-
ta. Kent, and' Miss, Hel+en! Lindsay,
London,, Alyea Keith, Toronto; MM
J, Rankin, Goshen, I'ndi'ana, whibh
her' 'three children and two guests,
Mrs. Wblli'am WGIBLyay, Londlon,
with her another, Mrs. Elroest
Parsons, Oshawa; Mr$;. Wallis ,
Qukk and, her daughter, Miss
Lenora !Q1ufick, Toronto; Mr. and
Mrs. Jorlylyn RuddY ;ands Rev. and
Mrs'. P. M. Bada�ey, Hamiltom
Mr's. C. Mc'Brade, and Mass
,Grace 'CYluff, Toronto; Mass! V,
Chishblhn, Chatham,; iMrs. Kerr,
Vancouver are, occu!pyin+g; Mrs. H.
B. Cobbs: cottage, for July.
A, daily Bible school l will be
hiel,'d dont !the Ualftell Church, July
14 to 25, under the dareictaon of
Miss, dCUara Olar'k. Thasi will the
an ;interdea omin+ati!ona,1' studty, and
all children of the caunarutxni y are
anvited to +a!ttean& 'shire !theme of
the studies will!; :bre ",S'aalirng with
`Dr. and Mrs. .C; E.. 'Sibo'gdula,
Toronto, whla for serreral years
were, !part of Bayfielld''s! summer
colony, were ,guesitl5 at the MU
Hotel; this( week.
Kathleen Archer, young gramid-
daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. A. W..
Hayman, flew from, Ottawa to
Loandon, and disi now, a guest of her
Aunt, Miss Ruth Hayman at the
Uttlie Inn.
Mrs. S. H. McOmay,ands Mrs. S.
Laudenslager, Einid, Okla.., 'art7i,ved
by imator on. Friday to Vend ,the
summer !at their home im the
vil1!age, width !their nice and her
husband, Mr. 'and Mgrs. R O!ddleaf-
Wedding Anniversary
Mm. and, Mrs. Percy C. Parker
,and !son Bi]l, Nekorna, North Dla-
kata, wdho! have been visiting rel-
,atuves ,and, Pirie nds in the village,
deft Kiri Monday to visit relatives
' , Prior
h! 1eve�land' :and Tenmess'ee.
n Ci
to their de!partiu e, •a f+aunRy picnic
was held in aaun! Gregor Square
at which 66 were present. As it
was the occasion of their 42nd
wedidnung ranniveTsiarry they wane
presented Wirth a gait, by William
E Parker, ori behalf of ,the' f!amByp.
Those attending from a distance
were: Mrs. H. King, M. and
Mrs. H. Astwood' ,and Tim, Sarnia;
Mr. and, Mrs'. L. B. Smith, Mr.
and Mrs; Glenn. Suniith, 'Chatistiune
and Janice, Mr and Mrs.. Ed Rouse,
Jimmie, Catchy and Vicky, Mr.
and, Mrs. Ke th Pruss, Janice
Ch ,
amine, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Parker and Pam, Landon; MTs.
Chris Parker, Mr, and Mrs. Keith
1Brandiion, Garry and Mann, Strat-
for; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Rdid,
Wayne,, Lamy and, Bob, Ottawa;
Mr, and, Mrs. Robert Reid, Judy,
:Darl'ene, and Cheryl, W,allacebur!g;
Mr. an'd Mrs. Keith Keys, Cli'nt'on!;
Mr. and Mrs.. George Reid, Mh•.
and Mas. L. Heard, Eddie and Ter-
ry, Mr and Mrs. C. Revd, Douglas
and Chaarlene, Varna.
Sunday Brunch
I0 a.m. to I P.M.
Come Linger over Coffee or
Buffet Supper
5.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.
Every Sunday Evening
Kittle Inn
Phone 8 = Bayfield
T'MRSDAY' JULy ", 19
��I I
Mrs' Art !F'irnlaysolny Mrs. lYLo" . .a.
75Persons Attend Kippen East wl P nuc gam. sink the ship, Mr. aul
At Seaf Orth Park; Full Sorts Pre rain $� Tom' gam"
g Mrs, Brlo1cle$ side; pilLawcase race;.
We side; candy s!craai
for the d4d1v n, woman with most
(By Durr Ilensall Correspondent) for
Mrs, Art Varlet'; weight
M' Wen Ebst Wouneau's- Tnslittiute sane 'Carl sFink'bedaxer; !girls, nine to foo si'nv, contest,Wi4mer Ba,aaid-
emoyed tllielir annuap! picnic at lip Donna Rlcfh om, Dianne Kn.
Seaforth •Iaupns Park with.. 75 at- iays!oru; bays mane to 11, George Couple with wedding date near:
tending. A !full program of sports Wood, I,esltile ,Broadfioot; girls! 12 est date of !lniona, Mr, and Was held, held, directed +bN Mr, and ba 15, 'SuaM Haugh, Jean Mc- Arthur Fli'Inaayso n, !whose date was.
Mrs. Ken McKay, Mr.. and Mrs. Naughton; !b!oys 12 to 15 Leslie the day •olf the pacnac.
Bob Bell and, Mr, and, Mrs, How- B'roadifo'ot, Gem Wood;ladies
ar!d ,Einkbeiner, T", le c'ommnlitteie 15 and aver, Margaret Wood,
was Mr. and Mrs, Ross, !broad, Graces Chapman; you'n'g. men, Jdrn- Some day somebody Isgoing !to'
foot; Mr. and Mrs, Art Varley, 'r;WBroWqlo0,:� . Urs'E�'aa; means Doone
UP wlitty, a parking mletea•'
Mr, and Mrs.. W. Ikmdfoot and balloon race, W+ianrner''B!roadfooi for; �a. phone ,booth ,and make a
Mm, and Mas. Campbell Eyre, Art Varlet'; ladies alo!thespum made.
Wiinners of sports' were; , lot of peopllle biappy.
five! :and under, Philip Ross, Doug-
las McGregor; 'girls six to eight,
]Fe Donna. Whitehouse, Helen Ross;TENQERS
boys' six rto eight, Jimmy Finlay-Goderich Township School Area
TENDERS will be received by the undersigned:
(1) To install an Oil Furnace at SS No. 11 Scho(2) To erect a Building to accommodate an Oil (3) To supply and put or, an Asphalt Shingle 0�11. SS No. 1 School.
For further particulars contactsecretary-treasurer. T1$e' it • by. July 14, 1958. Lowest,,or any tender not nE TOOK LONG YEARS accepted.
R.R, 3; Clinton, Ont.`
001 a MEMO,,
• -1955 Pontiac 4 -poor. 6 -Cylinder
► • .
1955 Studebaker Station Wagon
.1954 Studebaker Sports Coupe
Do women really 1953 Studebaker 4 -Door
have equal rights 1951 Studebaker 2.Door
io their home?
. Also NEW 1958 MODELS
H. Dalrymple Son
^` ' .......
What kind of automobile does
your husband drive? Chances are
it's as new as he can afford .
with the very latest in transmis-
sion . . . high compression engine CIRCUS
and automatic controls. You'd
never dream of asking him to Will be in Gode�ich
drive a car that's old-fashioned.!
So why not be equally fair to
yourself? Keep your laundry --• ONE DAY ONLY --
room as modern as hubby's gar-
age ... with a Frigidaire Electric
Dryer from, 6AL• L and MUTCH, It
ends forever the: worry about sod-
den rain that ruins a wash. End-
stooping and stretching of
hanging clothes. Let BALL and
MUTCH show you how your Frig-
idaire E.Lectric Dryer dries a wash 20 EXCITING FEATURES—including Daring
anytime . . . whenever it suits
you. And your wash is dried so
soft — many things won't need Aerialists, Performing Animals,, Clowns,
ironing. That new "Wrinkles -
Away" feature, too, smooths out Jugglers, Etc.
wrinkles in wash 'n' wear fabrics
such as Nylon, Dacron. Orlon and
treated cottons .. minutes. GODERICH MEMORIAL ARENA
Why not come in to BALL and
MUTCH today—and see this mar-
vellous Electric Dryer in action? Matinee Performance 2.30 m. ---Admission Children 50c
For more information call BALL p•
and MUTCH, Clinton, phone HU
2-9505.., if hubby's home, bring Evening Performance 8.30 p.m. Adults $1.00
him along!
PHONE; HU 2-9475
a •.
/ SAVE ON, TIRES-11111lioe
Guaranteed � ..
high mileage economy a X, a
Deluxe Super-c"Shilons $1695 -hhA&ube>Aft Imik
Now 3-T Nylon Deluxe SuperwCush ons.$149'
All Goodyear tires orb made witty Sopor stroha 3•T r4
See w for the best tire deal in town
01H*14 SION" Of
us for