HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-07-10, Page 6F
St. haul's Little Helpers
Hold Annual Party;
Rain Cancels Sports
-The Kittle Helpers of St. Paul's
Anglican Church held their annual
service and party on Tuesday, June
24, A short service was held in
the church with Rev. C. S. Inder
conducting. Mrs. Theo Fremlin
presided at the organ..
Races and games had to be can-
celled, on account of rain. Later,
lunch was served at the Rectory
when motheirs and children enjoy-
ed the hospitality .of Mrs, C.
Inder. Refreshments were served
by members of the WA and GA
Pour Young Bluebells
Receive Their Rings
Chanter members of the Bliue-
b'eills of 0hation, four youxng rginls
here have Just received. their
membership ,xwngs - although they
received the award symdb'oldc of
.the mnnrgs in, Mamc'h.
Since, the iringtsi were desig',w l
particularly for ;the Bluebells, f,
they have 'taken some time, in
eomdipg. They are designed, with
a silver cross, at the foot of
which :ane idlustered the BMebells.
These first four B,1u'ebeft are
Mies Jane 'Woods, Miss Noreen
Oanr�ow and Missi Susan Cann, ala
on, the staff of ;the (Clinton Pub -
Be Haspitaa now, and Mass Berva,
An, anterdenroantinatiional organ-
azatcon, the Bloob I' wane formed
by Mrs. C. VanDamime land van.•-
dou , aadies• in town have lent their
help In provldibg uniifiorms which
the ;girl's helpod maike; teaching
them, various crafts, and skills.
They are taught that wham they
do is I$or the dave of Christ, and,
they are encouraged to attend
their own church. to worship
At present theme ;are 15 Bdiue-
ibel:ls, meeting every second Sat-
aunday to study and work to-
To In ' T ON JI VIX 10
The Women's (M siioniar7 sioc� I
i'ety of
St. Andrew's. :P;resbyteiiasn I
Chinch will meet Jury 10 ait the
bomo of Mrs. Robert Scott,
Sunday, School At
Street treet Plans
Summer's Picnic
The execative of Ontdaa4oStreot
UxAlted 'Church Sunday sdchdol
meet at the ipazsontage wl'th .Stew-
art 4Sdhoen'hals, presddept, >pmsid-
inlg un the absence of the super-
iinitexndent. There were, 17 present,
Final plans were made for the
pi'cn+ic in; Joweatt's Grove, Dayfield,
on July 1$, aand cars' wulll heave
the ch urd4 at 1.30 ;p,m.
Donaadd: M R.% reported can the
Vacation School' proceedings, at
which, 163 attended, the first dray.
Plaredn:ts� are dnwidted to -view the
work done .on .Friday afternoon
of +this' week,
Barbecue fundi: was served' can
the rear fawn', where a social half
hour was enjoyed,
Clintornian Club Has Fun
With Apron Parade
The Clinbonian Club, met at the
hoime of Mr's. Robert Fairservice
an dLonddiesboma on, June 1.9 Bund
made plans for the Area: Picnic
oto be, lin Badyfaedld Park an Jury 25,
Membensl are asked to bring gifts
far the ;penny sale arid' for the
An, invitation to join ithe Wing -
ham MustMers at +their plcrile was
laccetpted. Soave very .pretty ap-
vonst were paraded and the jud-
ging, was difficult, but -Aft,.Cod-
aldoaugah'is ;apron took ithe prize, and
she wain erntem dt dn+ the apron par -
aide tin; 'the Central Pddarnic dant L'anv
.don. The 9110wp will charter a bus
for thd's, trip.
Ma's. E. 1 'p gave two, readings;
Mats'. Faidrsenvvice conducted a tree
-contest. Lunch was served and
,games were played ova the lawn:
The next mneetdng will be im
Sdeptember at the home of Mrs.
Charles Thomson, Toronto, visit-
ed last weekend at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John McGuire.
Miss Malnnie Eiasom, London,
tspent Tuesday with Mr, and Mss.
David Eatsom,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lonsway, To-
ronto, were •receantlty in town re-
newing acquaintances,
Jack Hawthorne, Victoria, B.C.,
visited last week with his.nephew,
Gordon Snell and Mrs. Snell, Clin-
Miss VioletPin0ips, Torn ,
spent least week at the home of
Mr, and Mrs, Ima: Merrill- and famr-
Tom Oliver has returned from
a trip to the West Coast and visit-
ing his daughter Barbara at Ed-
Mr. ;and Mrs; T. Barker and
Diane spent ;a: week with. Mr, and
Mrs, Cha&es Waymvo2uth, Londes-
Mr, rand Mrs. Johan A. Gi'bbings.
and ifamvily, Stratford, vashed Mr.
and Mrs. B. J. Gibbitngs over the
July 1 hlo9lday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Adams, To-
ronto, spent a few days over the
holiday at the home of the for-
mer's mother, Mrs. Ada Adam.
and Miss Brigham,
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McMurray
have returned from a holiday
spent in Fenelon Falls and
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Menzies, Dr.
and Mrs. D, B. Palmer, Mr. and
Mrs. Alex E. Haddy attended the
Bowmanville Centennial celebrat-
ed on Dominion Day.
Mr .and Mrs, Mel 'Or+ich and
Melvin, speant Judy 1 with Mr. and
Mms. Ray Gd'bbings and Tiamdly,
Stnathroy, Wayne Gibbandgs is sp-
endinga week here with therm.
Mir and Mrs. Finanik Washdan;gton',
Kirkland rake; Mr. Tabn'ay, Godie-
,rich .and Mrs. Maganesson, Rocan-
v1ITe, Saskia.tehewam, visdited with
Mrs. Wiihmer Wallis.
;no4ng Officer ,Gerard A. Elliott,
Trenton, son of Mr. and; Mrs. Ch-
arles E' E.111ott has received ihds
permanent commission in, the
Miss Lai's Dale, who has been
•aatatending Goderich Business Cdli
lege, has accepted a position with
Ladies' Summer
Sport Clothes
Ali ,y.�..
11:04. i
e Bermuda Shorts
` �«• 10Pedal Pushers
r '
* Cotton Skirts
- l * Skorts
� ; a
' • T -Shirts
* Bathing Suits
6' * Dresses
' House Dresses
Pullovers and Cardigans Special Clearance
All Reduced $1.00 ea, 1/2 Price
Summer Yard Goods RAYON PANTIES.
Glazed Cottons Sites S - M - L
.All Reduced 20% 3 pair for $].00
T.AD1189f WEAR
Mrs,, John Turner Ho
On 75th Birthday; A
A surprise party was tendered
Mrs, John Turner, Rattenbury
Street West, on the occasion of
her 75th. birthday, June 24, when
seven of her nine children and
several of the grand -children met
at the Ritz Hotel, Bayfield, for a
turkey dinner and all the trim-
mings, including a lovely birthday
Those present, besides Mrs,
Turner ,and her sister-in-law, Mrs,
Ben Keys, Brucefield, were Mr,
and Mrs. Edgar Allan and Mary,
Brucefield; Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Turner, Auburn; Mr, and Mrs, °
Jack Duckworth, Jackie and Sus-
an, Goderech; Mr, and Mrs. Archie
Robinson and Betty Lou, Mr.. and
Sixty Women Hold
Surprise Shower
For B. Middleton
Miss Bambara Middleton., popular
bride -elect, was the guest of hon-
our at a shower held at ;the hume
Of deer parentis; MT. and Ma's.
Fred Mai,ddlletan .on Thursday eve-
nvi'ng, Jeune 3, when nnore than, 60
la'dies and young tgidrlls of ;the com-
snunity "suilprisedd" her.
Miss Mavls Steppe ;acted as
mistress of ceremonies for an in-
teresting and varied ;picogram.
Miss Carol, Tayllor and MriSis Mar-
dlyn Rathwell' favoured, with a p,a-
ano and, coronet duet. Mrs. Johan
Grigg conducted a, eant'esdt and
also ,gave 'a reading "Why a shoe
is !thrown aifter the Brld'e„, Ma,
Bonnie Stirling played a Novelly
accordilon solllo. Mrs. Raobert Tay -
Tor ;grave a must humorous reads ig
"Dev!inskry at the Wedding". Mm.
Mitltan S'teelp;e conducted, a san:gis
condtes!t, with Iver dauighter at the
After his program, Miss M'avus
S'te'epe read -a very cleverly rhym-
ed address to the bride='towbe who
was seated In a igaidy decorated
chair, with confetti-.f'iReid ;balloons
laloating overhead. Then Maraide
Middd'eton, nice of the b -Ade, .and
Jimmy Middleton, nephew .of the
bride, pulled in their mibbdon 'be-
decked wagon laden with gifts,
they were followed by many more
young ladies beaming. gifts. After
all the gifts were opened, Barbara
thanked her many friends for
their ikindness.
A lovely ;Lunch and social dnaatf
hour concluded a most deligrhtful
1 the Union Gas Company, Sea -
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Freeman
,and David, Kingston, are. spenid-
dng two weeks vacation at the
duke, sand Visiting with friends
aeound 01inton.
Miss Dorothy Flynn, ckatdon,
has joined the office. staff of John
Boshaart & Sons Ltd., Seaforth,
Miss FWnn is a 'graduate of the
God'erdch Business College.
Mr. and Mars. Mel, Crich and
Melvin spent Sunday, June 30
with Rev. A. G. and Mrs. Eagle
and family', Stannda, and attended
,the manning wou'tshlilp at Grace Un-
ited i0h:umcb.
E. S. Livermore, Q.C., and Mrs.
Livermore, London, and Mrs. (Dr.)
Balmer, Vancouver, B.C., were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
James Livermore on Tuesday
evening last.
Mrs. David Graubert and two
children, New York, arrived by
iplane on Wednesday to spend the
next two weeks with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John McGuire, Clin-
ton. Dr. David Graubert will mot-
or to Clinton later this month.
Flying Officer and Mrs. John
Nogalo, Ottawa, motored to Clin-
ton last week. F/O Nogalo return-
ed to Ottawa on Sunday. Mrs.
Nogalo will spend this month with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Percy Brown, who has been at
Stoney Creek for some time, has
returned' to Clinton, and has a-
gain joined the staff at Larm'e
Brown Motors Ltd. Mrs. Brown,
and the fam Vy expect to move to
Clinton this summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Washing-
ton, Kirkland Lake; Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Lawrence, Hamilton; Mrs,
Talmay, Goderich; Mrs, Mausseon,
Spy Hill, Sask., visited with Mr.
and Mrs, F. Townsend over the
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Jones and
Mr. and Mrs. George Potter mot-
ored to North Bay on Friday, June
27 to attend the Golden Wedding
anniversary of their uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Rich-
at'dson on Saturday, returning by
way of Manitoulin Island on
Mm. and Mrs. Wddlaam Shob-
tbroak, Pickford, Mtahigan; Mm and
Mrs. Stanley S'habbr ook, Toronto;
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. WlUanrd and
Wendy, B 66alo, were dguests, with
Mr., tared' Mrs. Wag Shobbrook over
the weekend. They datternded the
Shobbnook iplank on .Siatur y at
,the ,Aims Park,' Seafioubin.
Mir. and Mics. LAID Pratt and
son Dennis, Merlin, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Madbonalid
ander the .holliday weekend, Lynda
Juno MacDbmealdd' returned with
them for the vacation. Otho ;
wislitors With,Mr; sand Mrs, Mac-
Donald Were Wallace VaacDonaild,
Geotgetow•n; Mr. and Mats. Stew -
aft MacDonald, Timmins,; Mr. aid
3 D. D•etmapsey and son, Jea ic,
noured By Family
I Bayfield Hotel
Mrs, James Turner, John and
Sharlene, Tom and Ivan. Turner,
all of Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Griffiths,
Larry and David, Niagara Falls,
visited during the week,
Mr. and Mrs, Drew Fowler and
family were unable to attend be-
cause Masher "Neddy" recelyed a.
head injury when hit by a car 1
and had to spend the next couples
Of days in hospital. His many
friends will be glad to know he
is now well on the way to re-
56th Anniversary
Mr, and Mrs. John G., Gibbings,
Mary Street, celebrated their 56th
wedding anniversary on Wednes-
day, July 9,
4-H Bus Trour To
Bruce County Farms
Members of the Bayfield 4-14
Beef and Dairy calf clubs will
take part in a bus tour into Bruce
County next Tuesday, July 15.
Club leaders are: beef, Harold
McCullough, Bert Pepper and
John Deeves; dairy, Tom Rathwell
and Ted Dunn.
The bus leaves Clinton at the
Department of Agriculture office
promptly at eight o'clock, and dur-
ing the morning will visit the new
open front hog barn near Tees -
water; the Teeswater Pig Farm;
the Ernie Ackert Farm, Holly,
rood and the Bervie Zoo.
Lunch will be at the Kincardine
beach, and .everyone is asked to
bring his own lunch. Chocolate
milk or pop will be provided. In
the afternoon, a visit to Port El-
gin, the Tara Milk Plant and the
famous disappearing river near
Tara will be carried out, and pos-
sibly other hems of interest if
time permits. Everyone will be
back in Clinton and Brussels in
time for supper. Tickets should
be bought before Saturday, July
fol -
Director St. Andrew's United Church, Niag-
ara Falls, by his congregation
lowing the preaching of his last
sermon on June 29, before retire-
CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH � Dr. Fingland, who is a brother
Pastor: JOHN AGULIAN, B.Th. of Judge Frank Fingland, Clinton,
1.1..00 u.m -"The Light, of Life" gave 25'years of service in that
12.00 noon -Sunday School church, and was praised by W. L.
3.00 p.m. --Worship Service at Auburn Houck, M.P., in these words, "Dr.
Fingland has stood as a man
A fk>rdial Welcome to All
woiep-NiTYi# ltiteb
REV. J. A. MclaM, B.A.
MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist
M, R. RENNI>E. Choir Director
Sunday, July 13
11.00 a.m.---Joint Service at Ont-
lario Street.
1.30 p.m . -Worship Service at
8.00P.m.-Communitay Servdce� at
B:row,•ntes' Drove -Zn Theatre
Lot us use the Lord's Day to
strengthen our Christian Faith
St. Paul's -- Clinton
REV. C, S. INDER, Rector
Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist
Sixth Sunday After Trinity
8,30 am. -Holy Communion
11,00 a.m.-Morning Prayer
8,00 p.m -Service at Drive -Ian,
Maple Street
Sunday, July 13
1.0.00 a.m.--Surnday School
U.00 a..mn.-Morning Worship
8.00 p.m. -Gospel Serva;ce. Speak-
er - Mr, Jahn Aiken, Shlel-
rue day a p.m. -Pray rand Bible
'A Hearty Welcome Awaits You'
Victoria street, Mton
K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor
Assistant Pastor:
r^riday, July 11-
8.00 pm, -Christ's Ambassadors:
4unday, July IS --
.0.00 a.m,--Sundav School
.1.00 am, -Morning Worship
7.00 .p.m. --Gospel Service
Cuesday, July 15--
8.00 p,th.-••Regula.r Prayer and
bible Study Service.
A Special 'Welcome Awaits You
amongst men and if Niagara Falls
had a Hall of Fame, he would be
at the top of the list."
to the retiring minister in -
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH elude a clock, fishing tackle, a gift
REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister of $2,000 and a television set. He
MRS. M. J. AGNEW, Organist and Mrs. Fingland plan to continue
and Choir Leader living in Niagara Falls.
Sunday, July 13
9.45 a.m.-Church School
10.45 a.m.---Divine Service
While You Are Enjoying
God's Good Gifts
Do Not Forget To Worship Him
All' Welcome it Our Service
Sunday, July 13
10.00 a.m.-Sunday School
11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship
"How to Worship"
7.30 p.m. --Evening Service
"What God Does With the
Believer's Sins"
Wed., 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting
You are cordially invited to these
Christian Reformed
REV. m J. HOYTI:MA, Minister
All Season
and his
S t d J no
a tox 10.00, a:.m.--Serv'a�ce an Dutch MIDNITEaY Sun.,nJune 29
11.30 am. -Sunday School Tuesday -- July i
8.00 pan,--Serivice in Ehgibsh Friday --- July 4
Everyone Welcome Saturday -- July 5
Saturday 9.30 a.m.-Bible School
Listen to the denominational
broadcast -of the Christian Re-
formed Church: Back to God
Hour. Every Sunday, Sarnia,
Ontario, CKOC, 8.30 a.m.,
1070 kcs, Windsor, Ont., CK -
LW, 10.30 p.m., 800 kcs.
Joseph Strut
Christians gathered in; the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt.
18: 20) meeting in the above hall
invite your to come and hear the
Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus
and His Love,
Order of meetings on burro's
day as follows:
11,00 a.M.-Breaking Bread
3.00 pari.--Sitnday School
7,00 p.m.-1"reachiztg the Gospel
8,00 p.m. -Wednesday ---Prayer
Meeting and Biuble•Reading.
�$ Pastor--UZV. ORA" MILLSs O.A.
H x a 9.45 am,-Sntnday School
+� 4 M.00 a,m.--•Momlhg W'�tla°sbap
o % TtJI1wN1EIl:'S C7>9f1J1[i fk
9.15 a.m.--••+Worship Service
10.45 a.m.-•-�gu day School,
John Nott
John; Nott, Londesibaro, died
Sunday efteavoon, June 27, at the
Thiamer Nursing Home, Seafortb,
in his, B0t'h year. He was a retilredi
He was born an Hulk -At Town-
ship, a son of th:g late Mr, and
Mars, Thbnna's Nott, and had liveld
in 't'h:e, Londesdboro district foe the
past 50 iyears. He was a member
0 Lond'esbaro Unhted Church.
He, issurvimad, by his wife, the
gh'ters, Mats, E'rmist. (Mbe1 ta,) St-
ghttrs, Mrs, Ennest (Alberta,) St-
evens; Walton, and Ma's. Frank
(Beale) llwbearton, Se0orth.; one
brother, Bert Nott, Stratford;
seven g randel$ ldren and four
great-granidchlildren, Slice was
trach the Ball and Mutch funatral
borne, Cabnton, on Wednesday,
July 2, by :Rev. J. T. White.
Burial was, an Clinton, Cemetery.
Mrs. J. W. Shaw
Funeral service was conducted
on Thursday, June 26, 1958, for
Harriet Frances Rance, widow of
the late. Dr, J. W. Shaw, who
passed away on Tuesday, June 24.
Service was from the Ball and
Mutch funeral home, High Street,
Clinton by the Rev. D. J. Lane,
minister at St, Andrew's Presby-
terian Church, and interment was
in Clinton Cemetery.
Pall -bearers were Frank Mutch,
Hugh Hawkins, William Counter,
James Snell, Douglas Bartliff and
J. E. "Dick" Jacob.
Mrs. Shaw was born in London
in 1866, the daughter of the late
Mr, and Mrs, Henry Rance, early
settlers of Huron County. Her
father was the first reeve of Hul-
lett Township, and her grand-
fater, William Rattenbury, was
the founder of Clinton.
She married Dr. J. W. Shaw in
Clinton, and they lived on Ratten-
bury Street, where the doctor had
his medical office. He died in
May, • 1955, after completing more
than 63 years of practice. He had
served overseas in the First
World War, and was once mayor
of Clinton.
Mrs. Shaw was confined to her
home for a number of years, suf-
fering from arthritis, She was a
member of St. Andrew's Presby-
terian Church.
Surviving is one son, Professor
Harry Shaw, Dartmouth College,
Hanover, New Hampshire; one
daughter, Mrs. Madeline Kilty,
Toronto; six grandchildren and
three great grandchildren.
Cushion Comfort in these a
Canvas Shoes with
thick foam soles,
Priced from $2.95
for Men -- for Boys
Ideal for Beach and
Playtime Wear
Clinton HU 2-9352
�`? ;est.`?:;� :.;E�•;! :.
Choose from Our Selection of
Our 12th of July SPECIALS:
rrom Our Store Only
Reg. 45c for ......39c
Reg, 4qc doz. for . .............43 C
Bakery and Restaurant
Mr. arid Mrs, M;eMn Web-
ster wish 0 announce the
engagement sof ftheir second
Wallace A. Haugh
idaug'ht'er, Loris EWzabeth, to
Mr. Jarnes 0lidfford. Hart, son
Wallace A. Haugh, Brucefield,
of MT. and Mrs. George Hurt,
prominent resident, passed away
RR 2, Brussels, The marriage
in Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea -
will take place at Varna on
forth, Monday night, June 30, in
Saturday, July 26, 28p
his 58th year.
Active member of Brucefleld
United Church he was present
55th Anniversa At
member of the Session, and was
active in all church organizations,
W. J. Plumsteel Home
Surviving are his widow, the
former Mary McNaughton, (on
On Monday, June 30, Mr, and
the staff of Hensall public school) ; ,
Mrs, W. J, Plumsteel quietly ob-
two sons, Allan and Neil, at home;
served their 55th wedding anni-
two daughters, Ann, London;
versary at home. On Sunday a
Suane, at home; his mother, Mrs,
family buffet supper was served
Chris, Haugh, London; two sist-
and the following day some of
ers, Mrs, Dr. J. McIntyre, Toron-
their immediate neighbours called
to; Mrs. Jack Ussher, London; .one
to wish them happiness and best
brother, Dr, Carmen Haugh, To -
wishes for future anniversaries.
Mr. and Mrs. Plumsteel have
Funeral services from Brucefield
three children: Eleanor, at home,
United Church on Thursday, July
on staff of Clinton District Colleg-
3 at 2 p.m. Rev. S. Davison in
iate Institute; Jean (Mrs. Harold
charge. Burial in Baird's Cemetery.
Snell), Exeter; Margaret (Mrs. J,
Maurice Kingston), Seattle, Wash.,
who was unable to be present.
Bert Walker
They also have four grandchild-
ren, Gordon and Peter Snell, and
Funeral service was conducted
Molly and Jane Kingston,
at Denver, Colorado, on Monday,
June 30, for Robert Henry "Bert"
Walker, 328 Bannock Street, Den -
Piano Pupils Successful
ver, who passed away in Rocky
In Conservatory Exams
Mt. Osteopathic Hospital in that
city on June 27,
Successful candidates fin exam-
Mr. Walker was formerly of
ina,tionts held' here recently ' pia-
Clinton. He was born on March
aha, by the RoyalCons,ervattor^dy of
9, 1869, and in 1898 moved to Los
Music of Toronto are:
Angeles, Calif., where for 25 years
Grade 10, pass, Donna 1VLurchy
he was an ice cream manufactur-
er, After some time in Tacoma,
Grade 8, first cllalss, honours, Bar-
Wash., he went to Denver, a year
tiara Ehushace; honours, Christine
ago to be with his brother Thomas
Brldle,; )pass, Mary M. Allan.
R. Walker. T, R. Walker operates
Grade 7; dhonours, Sharon Mc-
a piano retail store, and does re -
Bride; pass, Margaret Elgie; Grradie
pairs to player pianos, organs, etc.
6, dfdarsit class homers, Douglas
in Denver.
Fishier; pass; Edward, Ba�ndidlL-, GT-
Also surviving are two sisters,
ade 5, honours, Robert E. Munro;
Mrs. Eugenie W. Wade, Fort Wil -
pass, Nancy Boyce, Sandra 'Ware,
liar, Ontario and Mrs. Carrie W.
Praul. Draper and Cheryl MIlilam is;
Downs, Port Huron, Mich.
Gm'ade 4, honours; Bonnie Boyes;
pass, Joan Mills.; Grade 3, honours;
Douglas, Wells, Louise Powell;
pass, OatherdnGrade
de Draper; 2,
Rev. Dr. Wm. Fingland
honours, Marry McKim; Grade 1,
Honoured tint Niagara
pass, Carolyn Whitten.
The Rev. Dr, William Fingland
was declared minister emeritus of
fol -
Director St. Andrew's United Church, Niag-
ara Falls, by his congregation
lowing the preaching of his last
sermon on June 29, before retire-
CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH � Dr. Fingland, who is a brother
Pastor: JOHN AGULIAN, B.Th. of Judge Frank Fingland, Clinton,
1.1..00 u.m -"The Light, of Life" gave 25'years of service in that
12.00 noon -Sunday School church, and was praised by W. L.
3.00 p.m. --Worship Service at Auburn Houck, M.P., in these words, "Dr.
Fingland has stood as a man
A fk>rdial Welcome to All
woiep-NiTYi# ltiteb
REV. J. A. MclaM, B.A.
MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist
M, R. RENNI>E. Choir Director
Sunday, July 13
11.00 a.m.---Joint Service at Ont-
lario Street.
1.30 p.m . -Worship Service at
8.00P.m.-Communitay Servdce� at
B:row,•ntes' Drove -Zn Theatre
Lot us use the Lord's Day to
strengthen our Christian Faith
St. Paul's -- Clinton
REV. C, S. INDER, Rector
Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist
Sixth Sunday After Trinity
8,30 am. -Holy Communion
11,00 a.m.-Morning Prayer
8,00 p.m -Service at Drive -Ian,
Maple Street
Sunday, July 13
1.0.00 a.m.--Surnday School
U.00 a..mn.-Morning Worship
8.00 p.m. -Gospel Serva;ce. Speak-
er - Mr, Jahn Aiken, Shlel-
rue day a p.m. -Pray rand Bible
'A Hearty Welcome Awaits You'
Victoria street, Mton
K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor
Assistant Pastor:
r^riday, July 11-
8.00 pm, -Christ's Ambassadors:
4unday, July IS --
.0.00 a.m,--Sundav School
.1.00 am, -Morning Worship
7.00 .p.m. --Gospel Service
Cuesday, July 15--
8.00 p,th.-••Regula.r Prayer and
bible Study Service.
A Special 'Welcome Awaits You
amongst men and if Niagara Falls
had a Hall of Fame, he would be
at the top of the list."
to the retiring minister in -
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH elude a clock, fishing tackle, a gift
REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister of $2,000 and a television set. He
MRS. M. J. AGNEW, Organist and Mrs. Fingland plan to continue
and Choir Leader living in Niagara Falls.
Sunday, July 13
9.45 a.m.-Church School
10.45 a.m.---Divine Service
While You Are Enjoying
God's Good Gifts
Do Not Forget To Worship Him
All' Welcome it Our Service
Sunday, July 13
10.00 a.m.-Sunday School
11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship
"How to Worship"
7.30 p.m. --Evening Service
"What God Does With the
Believer's Sins"
Wed., 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting
You are cordially invited to these
Christian Reformed
REV. m J. HOYTI:MA, Minister
All Season
and his
S t d J no
a tox 10.00, a:.m.--Serv'a�ce an Dutch MIDNITEaY Sun.,nJune 29
11.30 am. -Sunday School Tuesday -- July i
8.00 pan,--Serivice in Ehgibsh Friday --- July 4
Everyone Welcome Saturday -- July 5
Saturday 9.30 a.m.-Bible School
Listen to the denominational
broadcast -of the Christian Re-
formed Church: Back to God
Hour. Every Sunday, Sarnia,
Ontario, CKOC, 8.30 a.m.,
1070 kcs, Windsor, Ont., CK -
LW, 10.30 p.m., 800 kcs.
Joseph Strut
Christians gathered in; the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt.
18: 20) meeting in the above hall
invite your to come and hear the
Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus
and His Love,
Order of meetings on burro's
day as follows:
11,00 a.M.-Breaking Bread
3.00 pari.--Sitnday School
7,00 p.m.-1"reachiztg the Gospel
8,00 p.m. -Wednesday ---Prayer
Meeting and Biuble•Reading.
�$ Pastor--UZV. ORA" MILLSs O.A.
H x a 9.45 am,-Sntnday School
+� 4 M.00 a,m.--•Momlhg W'�tla°sbap
o % TtJI1wN1EIl:'S C7>9f1J1[i fk
9.15 a.m.--••+Worship Service
10.45 a.m.-•-�gu day School,
John Nott
John; Nott, Londesibaro, died
Sunday efteavoon, June 27, at the
Thiamer Nursing Home, Seafortb,
in his, B0t'h year. He was a retilredi
He was born an Hulk -At Town-
ship, a son of th:g late Mr, and
Mars, Thbnna's Nott, and had liveld
in 't'h:e, Londesdboro district foe the
past 50 iyears. He was a member
0 Lond'esbaro Unhted Church.
He, issurvimad, by his wife, the
gh'ters, Mats, E'rmist. (Mbe1 ta,) St-
ghttrs, Mrs, Ennest (Alberta,) St-
evens; Walton, and Ma's. Frank
(Beale) llwbearton, Se0orth.; one
brother, Bert Nott, Stratford;
seven g randel$ ldren and four
great-granidchlildren, Slice was
trach the Ball and Mutch funatral
borne, Cabnton, on Wednesday,
July 2, by :Rev. J. T. White.
Burial was, an Clinton, Cemetery.
Mrs. J. W. Shaw
Funeral service was conducted
on Thursday, June 26, 1958, for
Harriet Frances Rance, widow of
the late. Dr, J. W. Shaw, who
passed away on Tuesday, June 24.
Service was from the Ball and
Mutch funeral home, High Street,
Clinton by the Rev. D. J. Lane,
minister at St, Andrew's Presby-
terian Church, and interment was
in Clinton Cemetery.
Pall -bearers were Frank Mutch,
Hugh Hawkins, William Counter,
James Snell, Douglas Bartliff and
J. E. "Dick" Jacob.
Mrs. Shaw was born in London
in 1866, the daughter of the late
Mr, and Mrs, Henry Rance, early
settlers of Huron County. Her
father was the first reeve of Hul-
lett Township, and her grand-
fater, William Rattenbury, was
the founder of Clinton.
She married Dr. J. W. Shaw in
Clinton, and they lived on Ratten-
bury Street, where the doctor had
his medical office. He died in
May, • 1955, after completing more
than 63 years of practice. He had
served overseas in the First
World War, and was once mayor
of Clinton.
Mrs. Shaw was confined to her
home for a number of years, suf-
fering from arthritis, She was a
member of St. Andrew's Presby-
terian Church.
Surviving is one son, Professor
Harry Shaw, Dartmouth College,
Hanover, New Hampshire; one
daughter, Mrs. Madeline Kilty,
Toronto; six grandchildren and
three great grandchildren.
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