HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-07-10, Page 2PAG� �,"WO CI.INTQ�1` �iEWS-�tEC(3I�D . Clit�to� l�e�vv���i��orc� n_ .� +�y � � r � . .�+ �Y �#�+ C; L�r . . . � ��.J� .�'.� �,le s � 'X'HE C,G'.INTON N,E�W �R,A T�iE �,,�N'.�(�N N�WS=�CC�RU ; Amalg�materi 1�J24 /� M�is� �rrua �L�a�vii�' wc�ru� claw� ♦� E Q A Puu195�►ec1 evory Tuursday w.t t1iQ Heart of �Hulron qqunt� ��Q ��ARS A��..l �p (O�s�,�,^w�a pn� '�,°,hutttsld�ay l�la's�t � d QXiniPn, An�s�ria -- PApu�s�tio�n 2,`J0� � � � � a�twrsJ�a�i w�i�t'� a Ch- �' i C��INTON N�W �1[LA ar� �S�altn,t�rda¢� r ` r 4 Q � �v�z�a'Uct �a�r �ar fh�em �br�rt�.�� J. B. '�hu�rs�lr�y, Jt�ly 9, 1J18 �,raviE�s�, 1V�is�es� E])va �arud �E�l'mia, L�av- � �., � A. L, C91�IuLq4in, I'uhlishes� WiLna D, Dinnin, Etiitort T�� �1i�ce c�f aaa'1' Nv�as� a'dlv�a�lc�e�l fils a��poun�l�nb�e'd 4�er �fnom Tarian!tKs � p � tio�la�Y 5Q aem�t� me2 't�oa4 �' � q�n�d' �aic+e �emd�nig it��e vacarGi!an, �t ♦ � a�F � �,+v.� �� : . d�a��, �c+a�asie�qweu��t � �1'i� �Er�gh�t �;h�li� �voan'� �Yveme. � S'(TB�ORTRTXON RATE�,S: ,}?ayable an advance.,-Ca�ada and Gx�at Bidtain: $3.OQ � Yemr; . �a�;ce � 50 ce�t's � h�ar� ��narn NL'� '.�lUare�nve 'Miayl�var�d, Mautahr B, U�ni,ted Sta.tes ai�d Fo�e�ign: $4.00; Single Co�ies Se�ven .Ce�� ttk� 2num�e�� �t�o �t�e Suspem�h�om e4i1, �as� tUh� �g�u!es�t �af Nfss. .T�aarues Aut�'�ed as secwnd alass mail, Post O,frFice Dapartrcr►er�t, Ottavva Bira�dige, �h�r,e� mva,� !b�e +a, ��'eu�vt. �rawn �v�r � wteie�k�nd and �ia1i,- a�d�� ,a� rtlh� ��iain!a:diizr►• �ea�ld q�f da�. . _ _ �t�h� hiau]', un�ec�es�it�atnm�g a. ��um�h�e� ��' THUI�SDAY, JULY 10, 19�8 adv�am�ce� �arn rt1►��e x�ta.5� ��tic�e, � _._._. _ '., '7� CioQ�Ue�i�vtae� ZrU�bi�rut� amid' NLad'� S �llls �arr,'e Qtiav!i�vg �t'hehr MORE ANI� �VIQRE L�T'��R�� �� � �, coiaa �bwn� �f�lq'�a� �u,� �w,ubh IsaPt cbal fiom it�h� c ng 'w�im�t�ea`. GONTINUAL GROw7H in our toWn has sibly enlarge the present building in 5ome way; ��$'e'��u:�'� I��ap��e� �aaa� se� t�he s2uia been considered a good thing and it assuredly they could vacate it and buxld elsew.here, or '�0'�' '0°1 ib�o�t� ,swd,�s• �oif ��e iem.�c•e iS, �iowever, growth has caused considerable they could tear down the �amiliar building and ��'����'S` '�°'��t �'�a� �w'e W�t �h�nauig� llarsit wfitnt�e¢�, s�alud fM. ,A. Ha�+r�'vng- strain on serviGeS to townspeople, erec� a modern one, Either plan l�as adVant- �oin, aE �t6ie �f�teT �aantmall�+r'�S �de�I�amt- For instanee more and more people are ages, and disadvantages. m�envt, 1�q�le� am� �wnge�d +Uoi �1u](1 +Uo getting letters, inagazines and newspapers out rn Goderich the tpwn is negotiating with ��'r' c.aa�l ii�Lns' �n�aw. Z'�;e �ti71o�t-, of the post office each day. There k�as been a ��e post office Tox a trade. Tl�e municiPal m,c�ruts i6ar ;�aah �a� ith� S�Ua�ie�s a�tvd waiting list for many years gf persons wishing officeS may be moved into the present �ost �C�'�a '��"�' �'��� �an�d' Uni�l1 %b'� tp rent �, numbered bo� for th�mse2ves. As ]ong o�Fice and a new post oifice built on the site °�t �the� iEim�s�t w�eek �f J�aly, as geople have to Continue asking at the wicket p� the presenL nnunicipal oPfice. This may weli for their mail through genGral delivery, this be the answer Sn the county town. We read Thur�du.y, Jtil,y �.1, 1J18 causes waiting �ines, impatienGe and fxustration, recently oP a small town, pf comparable siae to S�tinan�l�er�rie�s 24 y+ea�ns �ba w'eim Qn the management side, it causes increased Clinton, which was requesting house delivery— s!el�liinlg �f�noan $1.00 a c!na�e �af �.0 staff nesds, extra time sgent over each letter, whether that would be of assistance in the lacal ��awe�� it'o �fiiv�e� cemitts �. !k�ox, O'hy more hamdling and sorting. post offipe, OL' an added stxain we do not know. fiar !t�'h�e �dia�s+ o�f ptid. The problem is not getting better, but is, Zlh�e s+as�bieaJr,�' �ra� wWUI', urt Gs and will continue to get worse. What will be clone remains to be seen, how- s�aiicY�, be �Ih�ht ��li�s +y�a,r, aw�im�g �Ga There has been consideration given to the ever something will have to Ue done soon, if �'h'e'aoioQ. �ve�a�lhl�r, �b�wt tivli,llll b�e'tuelavy flm� �&ce. 'Iih�e �d'vtY fA'aPems� ame �ituation, by postal authorities. They could pos- good serYice is to be maintained, quniY�iu�g ��h�em �at 30 �e7vt�s �a J� arud' it'h�e� �rlicte� b�s �xpe��tc�d� �to �'er HOIJSES IN �C'LINTON''S T'UT�CJRE �'��� `vR �y ��,n, ��;�ta, �s sl2�euvc�i�n�g �'em vaca�t�iio�rv �a� �tlh�e pair- ACTION OF THE Town Council this week ho►nes are new, modern, ancl well planned. They �niba�l lh�o�n�e�. insures the first steps being taken by the pro- are considered pleasant places �o live, in the M�'vs� Ru;d�d� a�e�a�v'e�s �+hus� rv��ek �to vincial government towards securing low rental • towns in which 1:hey have been erected. vli�i�b �ie!c� �teir Sin, IVG'vnmt�das�a, housing in Clinton. Whether or not the homes Town officia]s, and those of provincial and �'z'�"�i�t�ab:a. �etually come inta being, xests, we feel, upon La�;t Fa�idiay rrii�g'h�t �t ��l��e �iol- the interest shown by those wlio need such �ederal governments are anxious to be of assist- �,��v�7ie �a�nd'an �a��ty, �i:w�a ne�r- homes and of course on other relevant matters. ance to tho Y looking f�or acco gmodation an s!o;ns �r'c�s'enibe�d �a $10 �b'vl�l! �ba �ia�y � Clinton. The are malcin an exce tion to their ad�rnissh!onl� unhac'I�� �ounite:d� �ba 60 The fact is, though, unless the government rule of not attempting such a project in towns cem�Gs. Th�e� �ga�te k'�'e�pem -d'ecfi+d'e'd +��e finds that �eople are ready to avaii themselves of less than 5,000 people, becatise they realize w,o�u(ld� +no��t c'h�a,nge� �t�he �b7dt1 �a•rud �tne oP this type of housing, it is not going to be the unusual circumstances facing our town. a8h�e�r oinie� �p�a�i�,d� �th�e� 3a aemiLs, l�wt very interested iix tnaking it availaUle. s!o�an di�saptp�e�ared'. Td�e �m'o�a��y w+as We would urge all persons who are inter- a 1li��tle� �h.�e�. Rents vary according to income bracket of ested in living in Clinton to Iceep abreast of d— the persons taking homes—much in the way information available on this subject of low �o �-�;, A�,C A�+ (� that rents vary in the permanent married quart- rental housing, and be reacly when tUe time .���9�• �.7 1�9•�•��v ars at the Station, according to xank, and ability comes, to make application for tlaese homes. CLXNTON N�V��S-Ii-�COItD. to pay. However, in Goderich, we believe that information will be availabl� froni time to time �'}Ll1I�sd:�y, July 4, 1918 similar prnject housing has rents about $48 a in the pages of the News-Record. Pamphlets month. For a house, built and serviced, il�is is fair- and lite�•ature will soon be available in the town �'� ��'rid Mn�s. W�iil+]u�am I�. Lac,k- , wo�o�d ��an!d� �i��tlie IVfiis�s� ETaz�'1, 7n�- ly reasonable rent—�and there would be a limii: cleriz s office. IF you are interested, make your g�n•�;o�llJ, sip,�rvt it'h;e tiVe�ek�d �at t7re placed upon the salary a�erson could earn needs and requirements lcnown, This is the only £tomanem's 1�om�e 6�n. rtnwn. and still be entiiled to live in the projecl. For way that the pzoject can be actually bi�ought �, ,B, �Uo�b�b, �Ga1t, was a v�is�i�t those requiring rental housing, it is ideal. The aboixt. wivtah �]�Ii�s �i!s�te�r, 1VLns, C�earge �Z�al- .. " d�a�rud �dP i'h�e B!ayfi�e�ld Raa�d, b, . �i�[I�]DI�.EN AND THE LQ1�D�S Pl�.A�YE]Ci. i�,� W��1���d, � K. Chiot�em�, I�aurviltian, nia�s �be �n �bo1�n �t(hii�s ryvee�k. I7�, Mx5 (Smuth Fa11s I�ecord�-News) WH�LE A CIIUTtCkI rnaru�ter �at Co�b�,Lt uav �J;ivtrai io Q�s li�a�d' ��irn�s�ed�P d�� �tr�ouib� h�eca:u�s�e 1��c b�e�eve�, m�aa�ents sli�oiu�Ld !b� r�pon�lib�le f�ax� E�1�e�nen,t�ry sex e�d�uic�a�Uiom; eiF th�e teen-age�d� c��l�d- rem, s,o t.lrat �h�e rna�,g+h�t exipd�ia�; t�o �t�hean �t�e znean- �ng o�P �.he Si�bh �o�ntiniaald,mem�t, �tne� nuavis�teTs o�f W�e�lu�u�ghou�� an N�eW ZeaS�an�d were� w�n,de�lim�g �bout the w+h�rl;� que!sta,on af Ghe� z�l!iguous eiduca- ti�om o� r�h�i���reu� ap�oaClan�g �h�eir heemts. Wh�e�the�� t�he cih;i�ld�e�n, a��e� ��e�ara�dal�g the t�!a�ch6m�gs �rP thed� �hur�c�hes d'a�o¢rz, ?Jhe&r �am- �ruts ar th:e m7niistea�s �ar �b�at�h ds m�at rna�le c�l�ea� im a°e�porbs bu1 t11e m��abt�, b�ut� s�amew'laere o¢� o,th�e�r tihe e�iu�caitianall v�e�.i�1�e 11�s s�lupp.e�d' � geaa�, Here ms w�h�ait h�atip�pe�le�di w�he� a. �te�a•r.liem as�k�ed �a c��as� aS 20 �wplilss ,tao wrryte� tahe� 7�or�d's' Prayer. The children were in a grade equivalent to �bha�t �F�1 an auera�ge age� iaf �.4. Nane� �af 1�h� �hu�llclrem �ate 1ahe� d7wld eox� me!ct text, �h�o�ug;h s:om�e carn�e� ol�o�c� �t� n,t. C�ome �Lotsi� th�e �ihxe�ac� h�a7�f wa�y ih�augh. Bwt ve�ry �fzw� 5hawe�d a7vy si,g�n �aP ua�der- �bamidii��vg �wlrat the� �zraiyer was� �b!awt. From ��lzeii ve�nsx�t�n�s at wias olbu2,ou�s� bh�a�t �tih�ey h•ad ju�t �l�e�a�rn,e�i� a�ga�b�b��e af wands �p�amz�at da;sl�hbn, �+ar a�ns�tam�c,e the� .ph2 as�e '`wiha�h. are d,n� iheaiveil", w�a�s wxa�tten as ch�er omk nm 1���ave, n�hi�c�i ar��t an �heva,r�, wihnc'h .�urteaz h�eaven; wasih, c�h�air�t in ]i�e�a��em, w�it•ch. �onzt arL �Ieaven, w�hhc�h c�h�aim �m. 1�eue��,, am�d; wl�ic�h cai�t an heven. Th�e ,ondy womtl�s �tA7�e� whiole cS�a�sS spe�7��d'� correctly were three-letter words oL- one syllable. Ondy '�one� giu�l �h,ad� 1��a�7�l�onue�cl, tre�sp�a5s�et1 an�d tem�bat�o�n a14 correct. �Ieav�e;n�, dafi��y an�d �a�ainsi ti�^ou�bSe�l r�!early all the j�Uj7115. VB151011S included daily, clayly, �i�aar�ly, day�ie and da1e, a�n�d agist, a��i�nt, a�geu��ch, a,r�d age�s�t�. , IE'�nf1- �a���a�re�d, a�s e��i�l, evea� a��ncl� ev�1�y; �o�w�r rv�as spe�l�t par, �poiur, rp:are, a�n�i ��onan�d; gilioa� ;a�s igomry, grona,, IgLorie, �7;d �gLomry; deme� a�A�pe��re�d a� �1't�n, �d'oirv amd d�o,wn; 1:�a�d as, 1�e,d�e �a�rud 1��c1; ancl �obhem w�ands w�� s�ed�t �t�arb1re�, �brc�d, aembll �amd mam. "�his� �d�ay" fre�q:ue�n�bl� ;apeare�l a�s to stay ar �bhe sbay. 7.lh�e g,u!�'vl ��nit'h '�he mos�t ariigi.n�aln,ty be�gan: "O�ur faths� w�c�i chamge �n� �h�e�v��," can?a�ue�i wiith, "g.'nve us �Gh� s�tay� �aum da59y ��ray�" am�i ��e�ache�d �. ;gs�and c�liarL�ax w,ii�h ":�o�rgive t�ie�n a�anc�h u�� fm�om�� ev61 bAnald ou�r t�i,n�drom �po�'�v.em a�nt �'liary", IT SAY� HERE (Coano�.-Clumberland X+'reo Pross, V�uncoixver Isl.�nci, li.C.) di'NC� A PRIVILEGE �om s{p�ca�a'L fav�ou� iEvaS �been .�a�nte�t �by t�h� �gavem,nunemf, 6�k s�e�enns �ilar��s�t �,imipas�si�l�Le� ta s'cv'olt� nt. Yc�arc� wga, ��t+a�uts wer� m�ade� ta ag�tri�cwl�Yaumal s�ed�ta�,e� foL• !rh� �u�^,pos�e aE �,�aUd�im�g fia.�i�t,s, I�v was� be�li�v�d �hlva�t ,tiam��t�uti�ani amvomlg 'tlh� ,famme�s w�o'�vd 'am1� �cx�!�e !th.e� q,ual�uY�y oif llivies�bock, �abaGae�s, ar arher farm produce and Lhat Mrs. I'armer would be dm��!'uract iby. v�iewisvg �h•er �en�gl�lb�,wr'� pn�cla'lie�s an� n,m��n�ol� �Ghe� faa�e an� h�r �awnu fiiaib�Ie. 'Wdi�atller �Ghis ��"�guaxvem�t �a�s vaL'ud� a�n �he ��i �r rc►'�t, it s�eui��s aQxpauremt �ih� pr�sem�t daY fairs provide little inspiration ta the originai +pmqd��zcer a,nd 't�h.e� �re�arv ��om ,govern�vent �gria;nta rtior t�cu�ch em;t�er�balimcme�rut� �eao¢�s �cr�a�i�ly . Z'�ao.'d rto ;�ttstJ'vf�. �oca4�l�y �t�h�e� c�a� �r,e� � civa�rugeci oat T�1�t�ci f�ai�rs� s�a fiAta� a mi�dvway r�an m�a�k�e �th,� careuit�, acodnd��►vg, ta ia�te m!e�art,�'. If �Fanms �rc'e �t1a ��sipn�re d; fiarom�r fi,� �bebte�r �pts, it anlug�lvC �b� a�s�unnec� �6h:ati h� �ba�kas �the ' ��drc diat�e� 6,nba couu�c�ex+aibi�cnv w6��eai �� �pl�ammi� 'his ].a �n,dp, B�r mo�' �the �nlaa�iv �hi;bit� s1vo� �e .varrvin�g ar� a,�ace° aivd� �ny� srui�ge�ta�an, to� a9he� bhe� d�ate w�au�d �UYunaw th� s��diuile af�f co�-n- �1�et�dy. ,Ac�twallliy, I da7valgimie� �ew �aivnsrs xlecal�l' �th� ��i�r �clabe� wn�t�ull rtih�e� s�h�aw �iihn,� ds� allm,as�t a;t ��a�n�d. �e �th�an� Lao!]� �avex rtJhe �ar�m �a�nci e,r�tea� w�h�at- �e�r �.�e �a�p�perus �ta �h�av�e. 'IThere� nl 1�tHUa +acUwa� ,pr�ad�uct��arn �ar rhh� �fali�r. So a�t d�oe�s�rn'�t an�at�r rf �, �n,emry-.ga-rawnid ba�ke�s p�re�ced�n�e av�em ea�- id�lli`biits. �8tit t�t r�eQn�+uius �idi�u�cwl�t �tq 1ttt�Gflfy ihl� �xpendii;ure of publi� Pands on a c�rnival. Of ��1�I� �f�omiru5 rrf pagul�ar �nte�t��xm�ea�t h�h� catc�h- rpen�n0' �di��i,'c�,� �orf a�a�in' a,t+� �dh� �a.s't -th�:C rh+aui'llci' �be �uibs6idiz��d. W�'d �ar be�bter 4i�av� C�13� ax° �e�n�turiaan�a. Tl�� 1�s�t �ami�erd' c�a �r Mzre� �t+h� wruSuspe�t� �d�h�g` w�ntih� falt�c� vV�h�I2�Ls af �antume �mlcU �int� g�urcnlbil�nlg �ie�Wi�czs. An!d, od oawrs�, g�amvb�umig; �far �o2n,e� re�5an; ce�as� fi,a �b� ar sin� a�nd' �; ar��nle' u�rv Qama�d'a w1�� st �ls ass�adi�at�d ��tltl �a, ianr. oa'a sort a� m�ara,Uit�y, hs��,t �t2 `� N��VER IJ�N�E�,'ES�IMATE t �r ' AT A. VETLX �AI�,LY ;pa9sut nu� 9v�sbarp,, woari�n �lecid'ac� �h�a�� bYvimlgs �cawl�d �bl� a 2nt�al� �� . . , r�e�ter, tivarnn�er, c�tri�r. �NL�,n!, vvih�b �!aud�,'� s�al�liy� a�dbi�c�dl the� clisc,amiEort, a�gre�e�l �nd se�t i�bawt r6o un'a�iz� ua�'pno�c�m+c�►vt�. 8�e�t�e+euv �vt c�a�y �an� �this, vcnom�n; 6�ia�e� �laept aru �tz��"e5t} �ihvg, �a��d� sn�n� �a�e tc��st on� Sa�rac�r�., � �i�t�a� tion thAt• �as contribi�tcd gre�tly tid �ro�xess �tt1d Ih��apin�e�s� a.tt &errJlar�l'1�. T`o a�atn��ry �ie�° desir� �f�ar s��c,u�ty, 1�e c��+o��e�d� ��'dtn; �; firee, C1i•2�s�ac� a �beA� �xwt �dt` �. cia�, �at�c� �bc��anv �Gtr 'bn,tiiflid ���aws�es. 'I'ky s�ait:9s�y 1��e+r �de�s�me� �ar �aait�r; 1�� �q�weeze�cl j�li�cs� �mam 'b�rinic�; d�aaral;c�d �t�h� �wlilc� a,f rdhe eav�, am�l� �Gh!etu pr�ace�dic�d �t�a callcu� e�v��ryt,�3n�� s�91�e m��ihit �e!e� �r �fion,t�ch, 'I!a ��atJi�f� Ih��r de�sir� �ar al���� ,�ine�, �� �1�1i�z1 �ux �h�zttid:G �ruci; �,rdv�e�rut�d: �Ghe l�a��hiiu�li, �!b saibis�f� ��r d�e�Lr,� #c�m ru�a�tiiess�i h�� �� �t�ad s�Ur�,ws� �a �e �n�l �aC �a �tdc1� �,m�dt �h��v in- �rut�d� �tJve �a.Quurrn c�eane�t�. �lo sati�f� ��r �an- �ti�lvia�l. c�ii�sat��s,f�cbi�an� r�i�t,h the� �ba�tus. t�u�a, fle� ab�articlaru�d� �fii�s� �n�;c s�edc�ruf;a.ry h�aba;�s �and' sirn�p- �I�er wan�ts� �:n;d; :1re!ty�ri;� �, bC7iET�. , , � .F� G0- G�I1�FL! i�r%an�m�t�us) 1Gl��aw,e�� �am�d M;iss! B�trt,y a:re spend �,r;g ra v�alca�7�o� 1�r�e and w�i,ih God'�• I2i . ch fmier��d:s. 7.`hursAay, Ju�y 1X, 7.918 ;Oin �un!da�y a�c� it4�.�e �a�s��t�• af ��h�e� Wi�'lfllau�d' A�v�e. �lVie'th�adi�s�t CIl�- wnc'hy St. �tih!emi�es�, �n �be��a'Lf aF �i� dr'i�rvd�s� ti��v �e� c�o�ugr�c�gaihian, ! �xi�e�s�eaa,te�d' 1>aavne8, �'dums+be�e'1, w�!� aa 91. y�e�a�rs �oflid �am��l w��a s�tluLt gacas relgu'I�amly fiaa �h�umc�h �v`e+z�y S�u�nid'ay mfo�rini�mg, �,'vt!l� +a ���mg� �b�auqu�t af fliaw�ems�. �-X� �ILso� pa�s�s�e�d� ��Y cam�pll!ipYueuvtlar,y �remn,�rkis u�an �,e uipn.ii�gtYv� vvfe� ae,d by� �hli�� ��ged� maxri- smnan�e�r. Mm. �';l�arcn�gt!e�l �s �+m nun- Gl�e. �af �awr c�s.b�em��e�d� t�aw+nsanfam�, �i. ll'�.�umv�srt�efP. �o�rd'on �Lw�vi�n�g�h�a�me� �3'oes�n,'t 1�h- a,nik n�t p�ays �bo� a�d'v�rbis��. La:s�t w!e'e+lc ��e� �pi�ake�d wp �a �mial� w�ad t�f b�rn3t miabes� �am�ew�ve�r� �liu�'�zvg h:i�s j�qu¢+rneYU�nigS� albiauit' rUovv�n. 'llhei�'e 'wiasn�'�t �airuY�tlhlii►vg a�on� �'h�em ta fin:- dinc�at� rGhieii�r owinc�r�hti� 5!0�, ��uke� k�m �vo�r�e�s�t arvam, 6�� n�n�e�r.te�d a�n a�fl 6nv ;tih�e� News-R�e�oand, A4lmvas�t �b�e- fa+x^e� y�au, ca�I�d' say "J�aak R�al�un- siom," afllang �eamie a arva�n �amd cl,a�i¢n- eidl �t�hie� ¢n�an�e�y. "''I'��eire," say�s CX. C., "I had �ta ]�a�r�d av�r rtJh�a�t nn�ce �it�U'I� mavl., Z �lian'�t ,1ih!imk 4�t �ayls� rt�a a�d!v�en�i�s�e. B�wt �t'h�e�n� I rup- pasie T'�d �vav�e� '��acl �bd ,giv�e mt �t�o lilve R�d ,C�+as�s �ar mvis�su�orus, am�y- w�ay: ' �o� 25 �EA1�.S �►.GO CLINTON NL�"WS-Ii1+'.CORD Tllnrsda�y, J'tily 6, ].933 M;r. �and� NLmis, C. H. �;pPs, w�hc I�ia�d �t7� e�i�r nma7, K�umv 7nn, ¢re�aa B�aw¢na+n,v��le, �d'e�s�Ut:oyed by ia�+� 1�a�t y�e�as, �vave �z�}�u�il�t aitid am� nor,v �don�ng a �dice bu�i�a�e:s�s. Mms E�pp�s� W�i;l;l b�e� �be��tt�r 2.em�e7n!lxere� as: NLis!s� Mamy Argta�ft n�f '� �Gon The� 1'ile�t.s�ah H,a�tcheay, ��I17cY h�a�s� �b,e��n a�ac�afi,'ed' an C!h�anle�s�w'ar�t'�h': ;Eee�d �s�t�are�, �an�ud us n.t�mde�r i�h�e� m�am �gcm,e�mti b� Ru�s�se7d J�ea�vxs�, �� jws�t .coznpileibe�.c1 �tlh�e seas�i�'s �ork amid �o��nig, t�a �n�ar�+ased l�usnn�e��s ar u�s xiaw m�avl�n,g rt�o� t�h;� l�arge b�uilLd nm�'. an Ratr�em�lawr� s�txeet w(h+vc� � v�er .vaas� $omm�e�nliy� u�s�e�d by t!h�e J�acksea C�lloiUhiin�g �b. e�,n P:raf. A. W. and Mns. Andemtu�a em��e,rita�rned +tIlve c�hbiirr oi� S�t. P�aiu1'i �Z�m a �fter bo esbemda. � c�, �rc�.� � u y � �t`h�ear s�um�rner �h�ame� �:L Kflmrt�aal. Pr�a�c7pail �. A. Fi,n�s ancl M3s. s���.�.. �,�l�i s �� (By W. tBill) �. `i". Smiley) It seems tlyere is going io be a bullfight in the town of Lindsay, Ontario, on the Civic Holiday weel:end. As a consequence, the "Lei;ters to the Editor" columns of the daily papers are boiling and bubbling, as all the soU sisters in tl�e nation, of both sexes, wield iheir pens in a weiter of mis- guided emotian and needless alarm and despondency. :i: o: ,� Just the otfier day, I received a fervent plea frorn the SPCA to throw my entire 134 pouttds into the fray, write ihe M'ayor of Lind- say and I don't• know who else, and demand that the lffair be eancelled. Now, this may not gain me any lifelong friencls among the hysterical fringe of our populacc, but I have �o intention of doing anything of the sort. �� �: �� In the first place, this is a I„bloodless" bullfight. It is being , presente� merely as a spectacle.l Instead oi dying by the sword if I thcy lose in a contest that is not , entirely uneven, the bulls are to be slapped on the neck, if and when they have ,been out-dancecl by the to� eros. �: � �� The only animAls who might ]ose some blood in the encounter are the two-]egged ones. Ts any- body �xpressing anxiety over the fact that the bullfighters are liable to wind up Wearing their entaiIs arounc� their z�eeks? Not a soul. They are lamenting because the Uulls will be "taunted and h�.r- assed:' � � �: Anydne who has run� aeross a 300-ya�d fxeld �head of a bull, as I Ilave, sat in a tree �nd been taunted And har�zssed by the same poor; dumb crettture, tfien w�ttched as the dirty brute tram�led Anc� gored �. fine string of trtlut, drop- ped 9n the scamper, wi71 have ]it;tle sympathy with the vxews of these ov�r-�rdaglrt champions of the barn-��rd big shbt, �u x+ � �'hese cry-ba'bies are alsb �11 wo'rkecl up �borzf: th� effect of A bull-fight on the spectators. Th� SP�A. �ppeal sa�s flatly th�t "bull. fightin� is an immoral spdrt �vhicl� lowers i;he ideals of the �pectatbr. T'1i� meht�l healtli oi the natidn Coulcl be �!'iected hy publi� clis� p�a�s di ti�is so��;." � � � "Th�t, in rriy opi�yiat�, i� impudent poppycock. It's poppycock f�ecause it has no basis in �act, and it': insolent Uecluse it pres��mes tha� anyone wlzo might watch the bull• fight, even from curiosity, is ir. pretty shaky condiCion, and only needs soinething like tl�a1; to toppit hinx into sin or insanity or boYh. :i: � r Canadians are a little tougher• Pibred than that. Anyone wlzc thinks a classic exhibition of bull• fighting, sans bloodshed, is goin@ i:o degrade a Canadian auclience; is away out of toueh. Canadian: who revel i77 hocicey piayers smash- ing each others' sl:ulls with theix sticks, wrestlers kicking each other in the groin, az�d young ]adie: swimming for 20 or 30 hours in icy water, are going to thinl� a bullfight is a pretty sedate affair, ��� * � I'll bet that not one in a hundrecl of those cranlcs who are wailing piteously about the poor bull has ever been within a hundred yard� �f a real, 1ive, mean, big o1d bu11. Every year these gentle creatures gore or trample to death a few hones� farmers. r ,� � Personally, Z'tn �on the side pf the matador. I tih9nk it takes a tremendous degree of skill and cold nerve to face a ferocious, �rained fighting bull, with nothing but a cape and a sword. I wouldn't �tand up to a bull with anythirrg less than � tank znounted with a 17-pound gun. , * �� x: Do the rnoaners over the alleged �nistreatmen� of the bull quail Nhen they are co�nFrontied with � ;hoic� roast of beef, knovving th�i; :his was recently a happy, stupid �teer tha� somebody mt the abat- :oir had conked on the hettd with � big hammer? Do they hear the �itenus bleat of a dying latrib as :hey ladle on more mint sauce? �oes the �ei^rible sque�.l o�` a scald- ad pig prevent their mouths wat- �ring as the� sniff bacon frying? V'ot liltely. w � * Show me a ma� who wilY n�t ototnp a spider, swat a inoSquito �r pound � x�,ttlesnake, anc� I'!Y end a respectiu'1 ear to his plea hat all �o�ms oi' life be tre�.ted vith solieitude, Bu� ddn't asl� me a take u�i th� cudgels on i��half i� a greA� £ig11t3n� bullr bea�us� iis feel9ngs might I�e hurt if he �an't �ore� sotn��ody, �tirl gets ]flp�i�d on th� z��Ck, '�',�iL1RSD�Y'x JUT�Y 10, 19�.ff _ ... Bi�,�dane b�f rf�e� C9c�U1'��at,� We�re ��as �be�n nn �usie :f� 49 y�. �nesiic�'vn�g a�t QS�1'l�e�gi�art� e�nlin- �I3ba�. J��u H, S�'d5'� �� �Gi�an� art S�a.�tl� ,Uast wee�Tz. Oa�.ia�ty'�s �brit�u�i�an bo �e Sa�k- '#����t�� I�azaie, �wilvo k�a� �bcaeai a�tehe�wan C(� ��pv�^�n�eaux, w� ( be,ac�tn�,i�g ,�t ��'�,v�'t' �.tvG��, �a�+xu�e� re-effe�ted a,� +t1�e h�wP-m�mb?a' h�atne �a�s��� �w�e�lc�In�l'. Tie w.a�s m�c- Sa�lc�.t�o�pn� u�iidGn�g un hV�� �tnav7tn- c�atxvp�a�nieidl by 1�1i� �ba�qtl��ea', �c�waxid s�ia�t e�1�c't�'vo�; Z1h�ms:cDay' �ast. k� u�ua (ha�d b,c�en M'�itum� �li,q�: d�ot a as M��n�i�t'e�r �af �R�h�a�b�i7a:ta�ta�om, �x T�a�r�egtht, ��he� �b�op�s� �b�rau�gihi� rd �t�� D;cNwg�aS' Crav�nrci��t, wthd�eh bu��+dk1 �bamk cam�� �dbn�n• wa�trz t3i�emu, �s tt�atu�r+��e'd t� �wem wtt�t4i 31 s��rlap�e�d �n ibap �f �klve�r pa�t;ne, aut aF 50 d�ai�d'ed s�ts. �us bro- NLm. a�n,d 'Mms. S J�cU'an, IV�r, �u�Id �Ih�e�r•, iC�lamem!ce S�tna,'�d,y, �Qlnri�bon�, 1V�ns. A. �nac� a�md c�l�alidrc�em ¢n!at- eanpect�s �th!at Mr S�twnci�y �rvfiii�l vdsait are!d ia ,�-�pefl�e�r ��om .t'he Iuollx�a9, nu� �thfis du�s�kzti�cat r�hns sum�n�es a�ti f wllveu� �bh� Da�+iias�au�r ��aar�n�l+y �i�liie �a�Y �amx�iv� eamly 6n J�4�1�. 'T4��e 4i wias� �bai�tug ��e��d'. M�rS. iWudfs',e;d e��atibav �'e'1��e�d H�is oom5rcig QaYuis QdVcl�c�tt�gn, G�acter�a�eR1 Towmrl�aq�', ye��. v�dva w,a� �aills!a al�om�g, vWc�n�t �an rfia �mtan C�Lis ,a�n�l �Gb�dernc�, kily_ Gdu;eO¢yh, �w�h�!r�e s4� vi�sat�d �h�e,r ��,�ge� �a �tivr�iIl,l.�iaeg 3-3 fiiie wn �rotlher, �. Ga�av�s4 a �3'iuro�►�P�+rt1� B�a�e'baal �we —�— IavY,�cnne.c�i�aite d�iwtu� am C�arnxn,um- Thursd#�Y, �'uIy i$, 19.33 1'tY �'a�'k Tue�rci�ay �V�'nnmlg. �t wa5 thz �far�s�t �tie gaan� 'the C7aLts �va,d 112i�s5 �G+l�vdiy�s �C�ic1i �and �r 1vi�e- .�yp,��,ed rtiyi�s y�ar. Zlh�y ame ¢��aw �e, Vd�ala Fa�e�r, a��tiznn�e�d' ]�a51t ti�ed vv�iGh �IemskuUl :f�ar th�e iZ'ea�ue T+liursd�ary �a�f�tem a vtis�u� wilbh h:h�e a,�a�d� wlilUh £iNe wim�s �.�rvd nme loss P,p�+me�r'�s bno�Jh�r p� ��tmai�t. �h. Mn,s�s J'eian Stivam�, Yawrnge�t da.u- g+h�berL' 'af rMtr'S �I�Cy S'Wia`n:, yeif�t yes�t,emcDay d�o�r Z1rn�aruba �amd Q�e�an>'�ets �t,h�eme �an i�lniida�y far 1VX�an�bxe+al Por a t�o tive��l�s vacata:an. bliifc�ns Fnec� �nd W'v11 Mu�dh an!d DirwmRncyr N. Mi�l�e� �gave qwite a dem:an�s�tnna�t��an �af ��h�air s�kLUl an 'I'u,es�tay ev�nluivg and y�e�tc�r�dapj niarin+ung, �bef�are �l�eav�im�g far �th�e ",wia�11�" �t P�nus�e�ls, on tlh� ,P.w'blii�c Li�b�ra�ry Parr^k, whe�n �a 1�a�nge� m�u¢n- I�e�r �ga��tz�arc�d �0 1�vstic�n fia �hhern. Aik�rn �o it'h�e sbi;rvgl'vn�g �af m�as- qu�it�o'e's� �re, �he Li��Le �vcoau�nhs darried� ax� � �baailcs �af Sbc�aS rrnc'�r- crha�lbs. �a�e�h� Wn att�a]!f c�aes n� am�uawrut �Go anuch �Cept �s a c�an.us�e rrf ia�rva�an¢e, +bwt ra �lange �umibem af �t,h�c�ru mnay ,l�e sie�r,uau�s. 11h�se t' 1h�t�tA�e Nt;emvs iaf �a�f�ty ce�nUs rto a ddPla,r -� aan�iidene�d so fix�iv�.ia,l by t!lvase vvih�a awe th'ercn, �Gl��at 1ah�ey a1�e� me�g-llecrt�ed�, ame� a mea�l �ab= lem �Go �n�airuy �.fiiaunis. Nii�ss Ed�e�arnar kii�sh��r �nid Md�s Vera �u�bolz�e�om a£ rt1h�e W�vnmi�'Peig Te�a�a11'vrvg �S�aff a�re� wis�i�ta�n!g �d,wra�ng t�lve� vacat�co�i s�e�a�sbn +a�t iU7ve �b�rve of t�h�e Eomrn;em's :pare�n�hs, Mm, amid 1V�ii�s, Roib�einx Ftvs!h�en , NLi�11 S•tree�t. �VIi�sS Ilwt,c,'he�an and M�sts �,i;�herc tnavelllled' �by oar �am:d s�p�e�n,t a f,env d�arys vliisaiti�rug �at t�he W�ai'��d's Pla2:r �at C�hnGa�o. 0 10 YE.�.1�.5 .A.GO CLTNTON 1VEWS-RECOItD TluuSdn.y, July1, 194$ A -s��ec�ial mee�tlin�g oif TuGl�em- smalUlr Ted�e�pihrnne Sys�bem, �hie�!d' 6m Wa�tiso�n's HaI�I, Ki�pp�em, ap�mov�c�d the u��s+ta�lll�a�ti�an �� �a sw�iG�hb�aamd at Sayfie�l�l a�t a ca�t q�f a�b�awt $2�500 a. ye.�as� �. P. ;Qh��s�ne�1', clLa�'urnn�a�n �af �th�e meetar�g, �a�nd J. K. . Comivi�sli, �s�ecre�ary tire�a�s�ure�r, ; explfa�i,neci �d�t�anills �f �th�e �pmapasa2 ; a�nd �an�s�e�re�d ��he n�umeronzs que's- � . T i � il i e ub�s vbc s. tnans a;s�ked b h s cm 3 Am ant���5t'vn�g an�d i2npr.e�si�ve � se�-wic�e �as 71e1�d �t Crasl7e�n Lin�e, i Stan,ley, t�„h�e!n �t�lie carnersban�e� of ' a n'c�vt* Ua��ted �hurch wa5 lai,d. TJ�,� n�env b1aSld�ng, af r.e�d bxrick, r:epl�ac�es Uh;e fram<e bu'vl�ding w�hich Thursday, July 8, 1948 A �varme dbmg �ass�aci�a�tt�c� wd�th, t�h,e� bwtc�em l�u�s,cness sn �CLi�.�tom xetumns �a rGha:t fii'e�d �af rcn�rch- ed a,r�d�i�s9n� n�;ubh �ih� Pwiidhas�e af �ih�e C. D. �Oanneil�l b�u�s�im�e�ss �by No�nan L. �bliitzsu¢rvans. N�armam's g�- �at!he�r, Raal�c�rt �kliltz'sum�a�, sbamted i,n �t�h� �bwixh�em �bus�i�n,e�s�s ��eme wbowt 60 yeams �a�g�a, �a��ncl it�ve�re �}va)s ,been a Fztz�slim�an!s 3n �h�e� �Irus�tue�ss ��e�re e�v�e�r shm�� ex�e�p�t �ar �h�e �t f�w m,arut�l�. H�s �grza,t �gram�dfa�tlhes Tev,ns�'ey �a�lLs�a �a�s �a �bwtcher MT. an�1 Mrs. 'R�1be�rt B�r�awm Gam�gball, �ho �e�r� an�aa�ni�d fiut �t. Ja�m�es' C�Yvur�h of Druglam�, NLidicll'e��n, �l�y �R,�v. 71aV�r.n�e M,om- g;an �ar� Sa�tunda�y a��bemn�aan, Jwn�e 26, �aVe a,e�bi.um�e�cl �f�roan +Ch�ear h�ox�.- eym�o�oa� Go �Mus�l�alt�a �an�d O�t�Gaw�a, am�d� w�7Q sh�artly ta�ke urp ��s�i,d'en�+e d,n� tt�e�i�r '��me �an� ZVIIi�I S�tre�rt, G"�inn�Gom. Mms'. R,. J. D;r�a�per �h�a�s ret�uam�'d to� 1tie�r ;h!om'e a�rv C11�n;t,an aite¢� spe�n'�dim�g �s�e�rema�l rno,rnt'hs n�cth �h�er famd�]�y uin Slt. Qa�bhe�rlirne�s. Hiem iw�a daughbe�r,s, M�es�s Wi`vivni�e D�raip- eT �a�n;d 1vZr�s, W�a�l�te�r G�aiy�a�iu, are� wmtll her. Clvnian� +Gabt�s rrnain�ba2�ne�d �Uh�i� � p�osiitivan n�e�an �th�e t�ap dn �'h�e Hur- om-P.ert4i E�as!eib�alt Le�aigu!e by keeip- ing �p�a�ce vv�i�t!h F-Ic�n��a�lil� dwrti7vg �th� pas�t we�e�lc a�nd ��e�fe�atvng Ceirvtma7d;a R.G'.A+F at G'�rutma�l�a �a�t �ugh�t 2�-3. Skinn men women a►� , .. ga�n 5,10,15 rbs. i What a thrill! $ony lunbs fll out; uglyhollows fill up; ttcek no lon�er scrnwny; Uody loses hatf-stnrved sickty benn-poIe" look, Thoa- snnds of giris, wqmen, men, �vho nevez eouldi ga4n before are no�v proud oE shapely, healthy- ]poking bo�'ies. They th�nk Ostrex Tonic Tab- ts. 3e1 bu' u bo ski n eca e of le I ild p d n b us P Y Y n tite im nir d lack of iron Im xoved e b aour slvnent helps pur flesh on Uure 6ones. Don't fenx getting tno fnt. Stop tnking wBen you've gniaed tiie 5, i0, 15 or 20 lbs, you need for nonnnl weight, Tlien nvoid overcaHnb of omy srr.e nnu save Tablets for new � very day. At all �usiness and. Professio�.al --� T�l.�'�C�OTy' -- P1V\i 1 �o1�1GLR ALVIN WA4PER PROVINCIAL L,ICENSED AUCTIONEER Eor your sale, large or small, courteous and ePficient service at all times. "Servioe that Satisfies" Phone '! 19 Dashwood PUBLIC ACCOLlNTANi 12,OY N. BElY'1'LEY Publi� Accountant GODEtR,�CH, 03�tario Telephone 1013. Box 4'�8 45-17-b ItUNA�D (}. 1LIc�ANN Publlc AcGountant Office and Residence Ratten�bury Street East Phone IIII 2-8B77 CLINT0IQ, ONTARIO 50-tfb � OPTOM�TRY J�. E. 7AN(�STA.E�.T Houra: 9eatortlt: Daily except Mond�y 8c WednesdaY-9 a.m. to u.30 p.m. Wecine$day, 9 a.m, to 12.30 �.m. 7`htusda.y eveming bY appointment only. C�inton: Above Hawkins Hard- ware—Mondays only-9 a,m, to 5.30 p,m. Flxone HUnter ?,-7010 C1liaton E'HONE 79�, �aEAFORTH (�}. B. (7LANpY OptomoiHst -- O�t[clan (successor to the late A. L. Cole, optometrlst) For appointment phone 9�, G}od'erieh , REAL ESTATB � � %EONARD G}. W�NTER �eat Fetute aad Buslueee Broket Qigh �treut -�- tillntott Phone HtT 2-G&sz bOCTOR GF. A. WES�, b.0.� �Ddetoir ot Chiropr�.etic 433 M�IIV' S � , , EX.E9C�1L 7�C-li.�� �a�d La�>oratory' Fncllltates Opt�u �ush Weolcdn� �xeo�t Wodnesdriy Tuas. & xhurs. �:vot�ings '�+�5 �'or Appbintinent - Phon� 606 ex..s�a�.. .raw.+vv�M+w � It�SURAPlCE YN�UIL� 'sH� GO-OP '('t�AY .Elnto, Accident �Lnd Sicicness, %itibilitiy, Wind, Fire a.nd other periis ]P. A.. "P�7C]G" ROY, CL]INTO�T Phone HU 2-9357 Co-operators Insurance Association H. O. I.AWSON Ba.nl� of Montreal Buildin� (7linton PHON�S: Office HU 2-9644, Res., HU 2-9787 Insuruuce — Rea1 E�tatci Agent: Mutual Life Assurunce f1o. Be Sure : : Be Insured K. W. CtlL.QUHOttN Insurance and Real Estate Reprosentative Sun Life Assurance Co, of Ca�ada Clintoin � PHUNES O�ffSce HU 2-9747—Res. 2-?556 J. E. HOWA�tD, 13ayIIeld Phone �uyHeld 58r�! Onta�rio Autoxnobile Aeebctatl� (7ar - Firo - Acaideat Wirid xnsnx'anCe If �ou need Insurance, I da�r� a Policy T� McA1Lx.0Ii 11iUTUAL FIIL� iNSiJItANOE CUMPANY Head Uf�ic+j: Se�J'o�rtit Offleer� 19Cn6e Pr�esident, W. 9� A�exandeir, Walton; vice-presid0n R.obeTt ,Archibaid, Seafortii, retary-trcasurer and rnanager, M A� Reid, Seaforth. Direetors: 3ohn H. Me�win� Rober't Archiba�d; Ckir.is. L.eon hurdt, Bornholm; E. J. �'revt�arbl� Clintan; Wm. S. Alesande�', Wal ton; :�. L. Malone, Seafdrth; I�a vey Fulle�, Goderich, J', E, �egpe BruCefielc�; AlistCr $roadfoot, Se fo:rt�, ,�lgents: Wm. LelpOr Jir�, Lonci boro; J, r". Pi�.iete�, �rodiiag� Selwyn Balter, Sfiusseis; E'r' Ni�nrd�, S�a£brthi.