The Wingham Times, 1889-07-19, Page 6Mfik 7771 • ' 4.•;"" _ _ , ego,k , when I feared I. might be able to Belfast. C. tag though the very thought of it enraged preached. to the Orangemen of this Tellli II ji 0 ts., am it,tme5 ..Ye your life. 1 know it now. On Sunday, 4'uly ith, a sermon was41 me then. 1 have watched and place, by the Itev, Dr, Strompueni 14 • FRIDAY, JITLY 19, 1889, waited mere to be sure that you had a aunter's boob. Quite a number MANI TOBA woinan's beartittban for aught else, gathered front a distanoe.-414, and though a false word of honor kept Mrs. Oeerge Snell, of Londeatmromera . AN taiEXPEOT41) RESULT, we true to my pledge, After I met visiting friends here, last week,—Mr, you on the beach I determined at John Johnstone and Miss Johnstone, • .14,114,4444,4 BY B. P atm once to break my odious bond, and have risen vigiting friends here and a place myoelf at your mercy. You Dungannon, — The farmers in thi may refuse me, in view of my course vicinity have started haying. The —you probably will, but every one in eay the bay is a pretty fair crop, -e. that house there shall know that you picnic was held in Mr•Sereuel Fbillip refused me, and your triumph shall grole, and the boys north of the gro be more complete than mine." played the boys south of the grove She looked half doubtingly into his game at base, ball, the former takin face for confirmation or his words, the match.. There was no coldness there now, but a devotion and pleading she had never Lucknow. seen before, "it will take a long . . Mr. George Kerr and wife are re time to pay you up. I hope to be cuperating at Niagara Falls and th your dear torment for a lifetime." ' eastern potnts,e-On Friday 65e ticket Ile caught her in such a strong were sold ' for Wingleem,, besides impetuous embrace that she gasped— very large number drove ()ear. —Tb "I thought you were—cold towards Caledonian games will be held her our sex," on the 11 th ef September. --It ie es "It's not you sex that 1 am clasp- timated that waterworkswill cost from ing, but you—yea, my Eve. Like $9000 to $1000.—A grand, coneert is the first man, I have won my bride to be given by the band on .the 3Ist of under the green trees, and beneath the July. • (=moan non LAST She sprang up, and Am Wand stood fore her with folded arms. She :•tarted violently, and leaned against tee tree for support, But the weak - was momentary, for she wiped to tears from her eyes, and then ; erned towards him so quietly that ...key her extreine pallor proved that t to realized the import nf her words. Ur. Ackland, she asked, have you ; I r Munson's address? It was his turn now to start, but he ,eterely answered, Yes,• Do—do you think he still cares for e I Undoubtedly, • Since, then, you are so near, will • u write to him that I 'will try—she rned away and would not look at ;,‘ lai as, after a moment's hesitation, te cenoluded her sentenoe-1 will •y to make hini as happy as I can. Do you regret your coarse 1 he ,ked, with a slight tremor in his eke. I regret that I misled—.that I • ronged him beyond all words. And ata willing to niake-alle to amends eveat of mY lire. I was staying with , my power. a charming family, and they would Do you love.hitn,?. not permit my removal to thehospital Wroxeter. Mr. Wni. Stuarteof Mitchell bas a She now turned, wholly a.way, and One of, my bravest, and most devoted • •eook her head, • nurses has consented to become.. pear tree which hi literally covered ; , with blossoms for the -second time tins year. , Aetd yet you,would' marry -Linn ? wife lhope you punished that little • FOR SALE I SI Tooararali Stage lltiselog. We commend to amateur actors, emu - bled, with bad.mernories, the happy idea of our friend C., writes the "et n" Itik, lof The Beltimore American. i a young man, he was to playelz t 're and the daughter chanced .to be • .rery handsome woman, $o when he ygota ,his part he Could think of.nothing betfer, while holding his "child," than to say; "Kiss your father," t 0 320 A.OttEs (.1' Section), of Virile. ales And eaela time when ho felt his mem. y Land, only Five Miles tem the Ory about to fall, he would save himself . by crYing out: 4 rapidly growing City oft . "Conit.4 to my emelt my ebild." 8;1 ' 13RANTh`-‘14Cr. The husband of the da,uliter was . et-, N -P4 -N # heard to say that lie thought "the author a . is repeated himself very often." g The gram Iiunegyl. of the North-west she have called cousins with% . ' ;two' erethaee of the women whom Tho above is reollaa dealral.>1. Farm and,YAB bn„eold :11100-0110 drawn,,Laut ilia Out itly • • Ohean. 'w1xerlier alio was liarknes.; or ilubbard.. o if3 CD . after exatataiag ea veral Icniked or Kilburn, but, asked for gloves. KAI A Mill e. r'aliscoutentedly with "Ilavea't yo li any. elect shades?" "Must inetin electrie."' thought the sale:an:1u, nod nroducell the• 30 by. 30 feet. box of electric. blues. "N—no," she said, open sky." Yes, Jack, and I give my whole heart as truly as did the first woman, Gorrice Mr. J. R. Williams has. been visit - when there was but one man in all Rine friends in Michigan.—Mr. W.H. the world. That is my revenge. 'Green, teacher returned from Sinacoe This is what Will Munson wrote county eo spend his vacation here.— some seeks later : The married men were b.eaten by the Well, Jack, I've had the yellow, slog's at a game of baseball on Wed - fever, and it was the moat fortunate. cl y by 16 to4. Yes, if he wished it,. knowing all wretalt,,,Evit Van Lyne„, aa she de- ; ae truthhes * es met, , • Confound your fickle. soul 1 mutter- Seaforth. • • . Can you believe he would, wish it A lacrosse match match will take The mo TWO OTOkIES HIlftI Containing all the modern machinery for manure°, turing Flooring, Mouldings, Sash, Doors &o Boller and Engine Room Fire Proof with sit iron Shaving Boom attached. This valuable property is In fIrst•elass running order, situated in Brandon hear the 0 I" 11 station, and in the heart of the inanufacturin,, dopot of the city where a Large and Profitable business can be realized. Immediate possession can bo given. Title parted: For full partkulars apply to Foiz e, Evellegeg P. FIBBER., Winghain P. 0, • of he,Stook now on hand ' ke asked, indignantly.. Qan you be• ed :Ackland. Iipenished her as she keve that any inn-. ' did not deserve, . and I risked more place here on Friday, July: 16th be - Then avenge him. to. your cruel than life in doing so. If her heart tween the Stratfords, of 'Stratford, eirs content, she exclaimed, passion. had not been as gold, and as kind as and Beavers, of Seaforth.--_ Prepore- ,ely. Tell him that flume no heart Heaven, she never would have looked tory to leaving for a holiday trip Rev,. D. A. Macdonald was preseuted with give him or to any ones. Through at me again. an address and a purse of $175.— V. ) effort, or fault ok,Mine loverheard Ackland is quite as . indifferent° to. - rs. Alston's worehe and yours. 1 the sex as ever, but Eva has never tThi.e Seaforth fire brigade won . the tow your design against me. Assn complained that he was cold toward .n•ernational hose zace at Mount .1ige your friends grief by, assuring her. . ietn of your entire. successof_ which at are already so well aware., Tell . . en hew, you tritimphed overean ' eta - Clemens getting $160 therefor. They (THE END.) received a hearty reception elk, their . • return. A-PSOLUTE .FIT Mottle. r• taglit, thoughtless girl, who., was im, Concerning Glenfarrow. . • f, -,led merely by by the love of power ' , Regarding moths, says the Uphol- •Our old friend Mr.Thomae Bolt still stery ;Trade Revieev, many are not takes the lead. I -Ie pulled a stalk of 'it : Onnown Goods, 4 t el excitement, as you are. governed t ambition acid a remorseless., willaware that the damage is done when barley on the '29th of June which . . lid not knoev—I did nbt understand the millers commence to fly, , as their measured 66 niches.—Mr.. Ge. D. Coneulteyonr, e . .vr cruel I as, althoughnew_k de very presence 'indicates the absence of Shortreed and Will Lambe, tetegters, a call. W„ the worm. iebti'that. It is to prevent the Miller are away spending their, holidaysprecautionshld bee -..,A. . - • '.. • 1 •00, I shall never forgive; myself. nnang sounumber from here attended Mr. Joieels it if you had the heart a a. man,ibat Fle taken, gppO.barn raising, whch took.place on the k . ot might have seen 'that youA large proportion f thebi , were hjectinme to torture. Ii didnot millers never hatch eggs, bat die with- 5th of, July. . ,g ; his elegant Oanacdan Irish an ricesLowest, fgeto M SL I q superior any festitlious ca ines of Engli ,Fren Com F fill 'Tis sweet to court, but Oli.;tia bitter, ; The tinders To court a girl and then ,net get her. I ers and the p So thought a. young man the other. reopened th night who .after walking,lly,6 miles to see his girPhorne from„ meeting seen MU • her go Oft with oue. ofethe boys. And are unluniteclquantities and at the,, Molesivortb.. y flarrn. 'Ine inale or ekpect that you. wouleLcere for miller, which does not fly, but rune but I had a right to hope.. f9r a very rapidly, is quite easily detected de kindness, a, little meniy,. and by.his triangular shaped figure, but, eicate consideration, a little l'944[4.' keeping himself out of sight, he is apethy for the almost mertalavound not BO easily found. His biding ex-. k «et *,9u have made. Bute now Lsee, plains the devious flights of the female it you have stood by.enel watched in her seareh. The kiflidg of one ; I Wm.& grand inquisiter. Tell•your i male is equal to the extinction of -eful thiet you have transferred. the many ordinary millers. The male , fughtless girl into a. suffering wo- miller is commonly known by the name a. * I cannot goe to.Brail. I can - of "silver fish." ,t face dangers..that might bring rest Carpets aro seldom troubled with • aust keep meephice in society—keep moth worms,.. &wept where hatched . too, under a, bunked observant , in a dark, auprotected space; and, curious eyes. You have. seen it •where it is moderately warm. It is of late in this:he/use ; I, was too for tnis.reason no; doubt that carpet • etched to care. It was a, part of housefeare seldom5 if ever, troubled by • e punishment, and,I;acceptedet, I thein, ,the stocks in the 'larger houses edd not be false.. again,, even in try- beine dieposed, of between seaeons. e to conceal a seeret,which it is like Neatly. all the trouble from moths eth to a woman.to reveal. I only emanatee. from the furniture, the bar - eyed one word of kinclatis from you. lap insidethe outer covering being ed1 reoeived it I would.have gone their, best field for work, where they ay in silence, and suffered in silence It your mutat) and what 1. have can be. free from annoyoand and find plenty to eat. Many furniture dealers. , ad has made me reckless, and. des- . realize their dunger, and.oleanee the .1ring. You do not leave.me even burlapneed witn maritime • • i poor consolation of self•aacritlee. is. when the worma, ara either, k. et are wy stony-hearted fate.I fe me 'tid their food or it lacks the. eksh you had left me to &Own. Tell • at 4,91 here. be suited in , Scotclly -,Tweeds, tible wh sags - Os and' ABLE RAKE. ;.4.1t4NTEED .of, Charge., ving us 'ut Fre nterests by Tarn Opene ned desire to inform farm °pie generally that they heis Ivpu in Winghein ow prepared to purchase Oats in 'rhe Molesworth Presbyterian Congregation lave raised during, the.: past year by subscription and coiled, tion $100 with. which a splendid."' Sabbethe School and congregational lifgary; has been. leaught frome the leading4nblishers of Canada , at a disci -emit of 20 and 25per cent, so that in realetty we have a libeary of, about $125ein value. The_ irimeaging com- mittee in choosizeg the, books were - careful, to meke ascii seleetions as wald meetethe Approval:le the con- gregation and airthe sameetiree furnish suitable readingfor the uld as well as the young. The library contains some 212 works, many of which are biogra- phical sketches of historical men, voyages of discovery, histories of : aiecient' times and 'cities, books on tetnpeerance, morel and religious • . aueedOtes and a !alp number of books • . ,v friend Ism more wretelnel, then itiourtshment, diet they dain" that the readingof which will give advice for 1., aver can be, becalm am a woman ?they seek are, outlet and dron.npen the practical conduct andeinesese in the ISA be satisfied I iearpet, spirituel, and, temporal, r):11. Those who, are readers and evlio rola to acre ..key. ife ought to be, was the lowhusky . process is regarded as the surest, Clamming cornets by, the. naptha see quire useful knowltitive intelli eut g kept A eLeearefeel.tAlyssconritiihnitmetd. ofprtreasreletes 8 ere you proud of ;oar triumph t most satisfactory where there ie.the information and new ideas., can not go, Lain heartily ashamed of it • slightest suepicion, moth eggs or fail to have their gratifications seas- low as aro consietent with good work t Highest oriat Prico. They will supply cuatomerO with the,pasa Onapea,in,Qat Meal. ELDE1c CLEGQ) ':NATING-1-1..A.M • - - ' BROCKENSHIRE'S., Photograph Gallery. looking at thew with scorn; ••I want something, elect. to match th green aid.., this brown. The volors aro well enough,.. but I want sometlihig elect in. e ty," And the salesimm toi'd her .that „ lad decided to stop livening them taa:auso, there was no call for them; and, as soon... as she was gone, confessed his il b to ono 'a, the girls at the counter, and asked,a what."alect" mennt. The girl reads peetklilagazine aim". The Editor's Study,,,, and she told him, and thfetwe are won- . dering whether it would tact bo well to , put up a sign, "Elect Cloveg..." Great liar- - gains," Why not? And wh4yshould not the butcher announce •'Sausages. 'Very Elect," and the clothing dealer "Over- coats, $8; Elect Lot?"—Boston Transcript. ANOTHIEfta VIEW OF HIM. A Puritan Natron.,Proteets Againo they Assertions orlffadaine Lanza. • I was pained to see in a recent issue of • Once a Week an article by the Marquise , Lanza, entitled "The Dian Who Fasci- nates," for it so entirely ignored the moral element in the character of men and women, and presented for our con. sideration such low and unweythy standards of conduct as to chock all who have not become roues oacynica. Madame Lanza declares, that weroen notdmire men for their goodness or nolailty ofdharacter -Ikt.for their man- ne.re and the abilit; which they, may. . poffess to flatter, cajole and deceive the:. silly if.not immoral ole tures whom she :, makes women out to be. I pass over her assertion that women are fascinated by mere brute strength., Possibly sotne of them 'are; but it is, no credit to them., Yet what I wish especially to' protes0 against is the calm Assumption, on th6 :parte the:Writer thataallavonien ignorer- thaquestion of character ints man."The . 'veriest scoundrel," she says, "that ever . drew breath is apt to be a thousand fold 'more magnetic than he who, having -1marked out an ethical path for himself,:• *Koceeds religiously to follow it. !Women like insinuating manners." .And again: "A man who desires to please a woman should never tell the whole truth. * * * * Sincerity arouses retains respect, but that is a far differant;,, thing from -fascination. It suggests the tradesman in a leather apron and smell- ing of garlic compared with a lovely woman made yet lovelier.by the scent of rose leaves." There,you have it all., All women are , either fools or worse; and in order to gain their attention nen need only be ontwardly charming.. Lying and dec.eit,,,, vrill not only not hurtAliem in the esti- roation of the poor fools whom they wish -A to ensnare, but wjii. actually help 'them.. As for tho rest, they may be as dissolute and immoral as they please; wonien still be fascinated by them, so log as they aro dissolute in a charming wity. Now,I ask in all seriousness, is that,. the highest outlook of our ago on this great question of the relativa relations of men and women? After ail ;these ages ., of inured' conflict, after all thetea,chings of Christianity, nay, after allethe prog- ress 'nude by hamanity in intelligence , and morality, is that wretcha.and re- peilsive lei of bietlevard cynicism all we lave toeinny? Levill not belleye it, deny that allateanien are so mipdiesa, so e vein, soattniily,peable to appreciate 'or tulerstatal.eneke4,goodness and purity ehis wretee neekes them ont„ to be. ulenitelizet Mute; Lanza specks erdy for ho faelikankble i kers of botli,:eseees who n our grezete, eines apdaciotneee assume to . o the wt of gpeel socieeete, In reality, hey are aeely tinieunhealthtend id scum ebat fleets on teeesurface of he great strezteee of humane lite. In . housands 01, happy homes la this. city ()day, among both the loft 7 and thee, owly, wee and„weinen are tok, be found vlio would repel,. with indigeent scorn uch u low and cynical view ef our hoe . lief life. Thank God there le such: fling yet among us as a love of good-. CBC, and truth, and -virtue in spite of ur society cynics, and club roues,. and 11 dam:natio erotic novelists, The women f Gee fair land are not yet so stily and ale as Mine. Lanza considers them to. 1,x). With an exception here and there hey are attracted by purity of life and • ability of soul in a man, and repelled. y the roue and the tier, however cheetah:1g" their manhers may heee-A urite.negatron, la Onca a Awe& Long Experience, close attention and unexcelledlacilities, enables me - to turn Gut uuifornily a c.ass of work,eqetal to that of any Gallery in the west, • efarWork of every description artiI daily, promptly and satisfactorily dune. WETS\ AD:', FAIRLY GligU4, SPECIALTY,— W, .t haft kept a. pledge that will' ' Worths. It is, especially adapted to lied by reading many oft the books ',,, maelreost me .far al are than it has pile carpets. Cletteereshoule be,exee. now in theelibrary. To avoid .; disturb - 4 . cieed as to theepurity and clearness of ance in thcoselasaes and to,,, save time . •t• ' , . t pledge?: , the zzaptha used ard the thorough', ex, in the Sabbath Schoele printed Teat my pledge to , make yoa traction of the greasce.else the, dirt catalogues ofi hooks int the library .„.e.,,, tis far as pA osibles he. suffered. adheres more easily, thee 1,640", have been prooneedkand , parents and aim put her hand to her side. and , Where carpets are teremein in storage children choose the books, they want 4, .t.' a moment gad, , wearily; and some time, the odor can be left he the at home by, writiog,,hutn,ber of books :441,• carpet. A more thorough eleansing wanted wet, ellecked, card for the Arent tell hint that you can be assured by having the carpet. Pawl.. succeeded ;1 1 be content, and elm• turned toi heat.'" first. &surface application of • . _ * t; :It him. napihs will drive the impuritiee The.. Centeal Trades and tabor tiittalortigg4: b /HAW Maid lo Iho row14. Porfooll Illuoikrower. Woo.11' t rimed. Now •t4 C Hooker Corm.' Wt.' t mid gooso• Moir,. tfireorko oot4 grow of t ,,,,„,2,t; r.:74,,„..:. 4,41' t .....K, el,. .1-,10,..i...tudi. I rpiolopploos. Thom, sonoolosy WIR1•11 oho .Volah. W*. '• ' tall oltot you Isis , • 001011_14,4,,,ItotiO he fit e ,Inetaiaine *ono sheaii4 .. wx.Pzirr .... iihrtoit• ilt,""*"11nirattt.:; e fatioazietiore•Aver4,,, eeejgheus4t., . . III • ' • 4iltiseiiNG itoerfes. 44 v your turn. Take yadr re- vrhicts,i4 under h. wotkingneen's orgaifizatioos and see e- t, ItOVIt t lilasturin t **own ° taws ea ler • • It ttay, he. oiled iinpettiously. it. is • ltat tlirough the artic'e, to be absorbed by leatu'edi with the aid of til"""rial 1;‘,/ttt'l 01;togtoking akstroclitan weeiclirli ban 1): • ties, are to. 11aVe a grand team Day., .14"P* , r lintl 0010 . * fr revenge she earnestly repeat- Townie-tThat's too bad about Ding. ht e 2nd of Septenther.. mer,Net . [Toole men.. nee aeteroefoollee. ., e l,t 0 ..tt. unfeigned tatottishtnent. *own— • ' Stereente Vivetteee ie whet 90te wod tor TerielrietttnifetrtZil'agay' " e 0414 ' .. 1 Th • arid 75 neigh ple,bottln. pit wee by (,) 14 Tenni greekly *lilting "aril ley, isn't it/ HoW t Wi.tat jegi your revenge. heye loved that? Twee —Ioiried the. silent C°"atiPathmo 141" (4 APPetite, Di7",41liesso TWO rar°110 N frotn'the -moment hoped you rusk tity. 13roWrti•— NV,intt,1 data g and all syniptorai of Dyerrede. Primp 10 TIMM ind W 1). h.. 1 Ittithiat heart, aye, arriti bait Towns—g..04,sesnisi. iyrits064.. l''' 4' *P0 40'