HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-07-12, Page 7Calms mutual, x'ire /*tura,uo% Com
The Directors met in the town ball
an t! `29tH June. Member's all pree-
t?lrt•, r Kirkland, president in the
el.ai: The rninutos of previous meet, -
lag were read when Mr Little moved,
seconded by 111r Clark, that all appli•
'cations for insurance be laid on the
table for ' inspection. Carried,
Moved by Messrs 'Armstrong and
••,itcid That having carefully examined
4tn applications laid before us, we rind •
89 satisfactory, and authorize the
president and secretary to prepare and
ihsuo pulicies for same, one application
to be returned to applicant for uorrec•
tion and reduction. Carried. Moved
by Messrs Little and McK.ague, that
the following accounts' be paid : J J
Stephens, legal advice and for assist-
" 'ling; eutnuiittee in revising and correct•
leg new forms of Applications and
Policies and for revising proof sheets
of •sartio, $10 ; Alex Adamson, secre-
tary, fur postages from Jan 1st to
date, ,2.1.5. Moved by Messrs Real
acid Clark, that the secretary notify
Mr Hugh Gillies ofthe Co'y's sanction
to the proposed addition to the
' buildings at same time enjoining
e'xtlento oaution to prevent fire while
• the tradesmen are employed: .Moved
by Messrs tittle and Clark, that as
the -property covered by policy No
1550 has been sold, the secretary give
notice to parties concerned that such
Policy is now therefore cancelled.
Carried. Moved by Messrs Clark and
tittle, that as many farmers in the
township of Turnberry and Kinloss
are availing themselves of the benefits
' benefits and safety to be derived from
" having their property umured in this cost of
$40.0,000. It is 245 foot
Company and,as the Wingharn r1ruzs . above the water, 821 feet long, and
has a large circulation in these town. the strength is estimated at 1,200
ships as. well as in 'Culrosr, t!ic toes, a
secretary is instructed to send a copy , The new London. bridge is , con -
of the minutes of this• mee•in; to the: strneted of granite, From the designs
Wingharn TDIES office for publication. of L Rennie, It was commenced' in
„;giroviding such con be done free of 1824 and ooutpleted in about seven
ehargo.—Carried, Moved by Messrs years; at a cost of .$7,200,000.
• Armstrong and Reid, that this Board Cliftou suspension bridge, at Bristol
adjourn, to meet -again on the last, has a span 703 feet at a height of
Satutday of July at 2 o'clock, p in, ' 215 feet above the water. The cart i
ill 'I'ees�vater. • age way is 20 feet wide and the foot-
- 'ALEX ADAMsON, secretary, way 5.• feet wide.. Cost, $500,000.
' The Britania bridge crosses the
The Donnelly Family IV3onument. Menai S trai t, Wales,. at an elevation
Arob Campbell, marble dealer, of. of 103 -above high water. It is of
• Glencoe, has just completed a • band -1 wrought iron, 1,511 feet long, and
-some granite monument which is to , was finished in 1850. Bost was, $3,•
mark the resting place of members 000,000.
of the Donnelly tinnily who wore so - .
ruthlessly murdered in Bidulph nine Senior 'surgeon at Hospital—How's
Years ago last February.. On the that aifeetiou of your heart going on ?
.front of the woourneut is the follow- Junior Surgeon (forgetting hiniself)—
ing iaecription.:.. - It's all settled, doctor—sha accepted
,FAMES DONNELLY, c'z- - ine this tuornin
Horn !March 7 _ 1810 niardered Feb 4 1880.. .t •- '
Some Big Bridges.
Coalbrookdale bridge, England is
the first cast iron bridge. It was
built over the severe in 1770.
The covered bridge at Pavia, over
the Ticino, was built in the 1 dth
century. The roof is held up by 100
granite columns.
The bridge at Havre de Grace, over
the Susquehanna, is 3,271 feet long.
and is divided into 12 wooden spans,
resting on granite, piers.
The bridge of Holy Trinity at
Florence, was built in 1509. It is
322 feet long, constructed of white
marble, and stands uurivalled as a
work of art.
The cantilever bridge over the
Niagara is built .ahnost entirely of
steel. Its length is 810 feet, the
total weight is 8,000 tons, and the
cost was $900,000,
The Rialto, of Venice, is said to
Michael Angelo. It is a single
ivarbie arch, 9113 feet long, and was
completed ill 1591.
Tile bridge, of Sighs, at Venice,
over which condemned prisoners were
transported to the place of execution,
was built in 1589.
The bridge of Burton, over the
Trent was formerly the longest bridge
in England being 1,545 feet. It is
now partly removed. Built in the
have been built from the dosios of
12th century.
Tay Bridge, old bridge,ovor the Tay
at Dundee, destroyed December 28,
1879. New bridge about two miles
long, has.85 piers, height above high
water, 77 feet. • ..
The Niagara Suspontion bridge was
built by Roebling in 1852-55 at a
Esau sold his birthright for a mess
of pottage and left Jacob's establish..
nlont dead broke. If there had been
a waiter to fee he'd have gone out in
W nc will you cough when Shiloh's Caro
will give you immediate relief? Price 10e,
550c. and 1, For sale by 0. E.Williams.
Johnny •--.Tommy, let's put our
pennies together and buy Ina a nice
present, Tommy—All right, What
shall it be? I guess we had bettor
get her a paddedtslippor.
,S'nzcou'SCsemi zn Rs:merw—a positive cure
for Catarrh,Diphtheria and Canker Mouth.
For sale by 0,1+1. Williams.
She--- Perhaps you'ro not aware,
Colonel Snarlington, that T had half
a dozen offers before yours. Ile—
And perhaps you're not • aware, Mrs
Snarlington that I proposed to a dozen
different women before+I met you,
For Delicate, Sickly Children.
Scott's Emulsion is unequalled, Seo what Dr. 0. A.
Black, of Amherst, N. S.. says : "I have been ac-
quainted with Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver 011,
with hypophosphites, for years, and consider It one
of the finest preparations now before the public. its
pleasant flavor makes it the great favorite for
children, and I do highly recommend it for all wast.
lug diseases of children and adults. Sold by Drug-
gists, 50c. and 51.00.
A lady, greatly exited, asks to see
the editor of a daily paper, and is told
that is impossible, the editor being too
busy to speak to anyone, no matter
who it may be. Oh, that makes i o
no difference, is her reply ; I do all
Cm talking myself.
Curious Mental Phenomena
Under the above heading the current
number of The Revue Rose publishes an
interesting summary of an account re-
cently communicated to the Societetde
Biologie by M. Fere, and in which aro
embodied some of his experiences of the
effect of ether on persons at the point of
death. It is a well known fact that the
dying aro often able to see the principal
facts of their lives, -which otherwise have
been forgotten for many years, clearly
and accurately before them. Tho reason
for this clairvoyance Mr. Fere ascribes to
a sudden modification of the cerebral
circulation, which can also be brought
.about by artificial means. Thus he tells
of a case of a patient who was dying of
consumption. Ho hail already lost con-
sciousness, when, having been revived
50,000 pounds of Wool wanted, for which the highest market price4
will be paid. T. A. MILLS.
Bat we must soli our goods, Therefore
Great Bargains are to be Had
Prints, Muslins, Lawns, Seersuckers,
Embroideries for skirting ulrposes,
Parasols, Silk and Kid Gloves,
Sheeting a, Oottanades, Linen%
Tabhngs, tie., &c.o..
We snake a specialty of Black Dress Goods, and would invite evert
lady requiring those goods to see our large range and get quotation:
before buying, See our All Wool Goods at 15 cents per yule. •
and see our range of
for ordered clothing. All suits guaranteed to At or no sale'.
We have the largest range of goods in Wingharn, and we mean hoe:
ness every time, so come along and get some of the cheap goods w h ..
they are going.
Wingharn, 8th May, 1889.
Having purchased the stock of HINGSTON & SONS, we ore are!
for the next 60 DAYS. COAL and WOOD STOVE;, in Urel>t
Owing to the number of Furnaces put in this year, we have sora' ,
SECOND-HAND STOVES as good as new, at LESS °i'I1A c^
by two successive injections cf one HALF (COST.
gramme of ether, the dying man slowly
raised his head and rapidly pronounced ' A SUPERB STOCK OF OflC10E LAMP GOODS.
a string of words, which no ono near
him was able to understand, as they were .
Flemish. B
After some movements indicating im-
patience he made a sign that ho wished
to write. A paper and pencil were then ; READY-MADE TINWARE, A HEAVY . STOCK
handed to him, and lie wrote rapidly
three or four lines, also in Fiemisli.= This •
Man , who was a native of Antwerp, had •Er ORDERED til'Oli.i , A SPECIALTY'.
1 lived in Parisfor many years and never
JOHANNA DONNELLY. -AllE you made miserable by Indigestion, wrote or spoke anything but French; but
Bora Sept 22, 1823—ruarriered Feb 4,1880. , Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, when dying be seemed to be unable to
naTn'tza of TIPPERARY, IRELAND. - Yellow Skiu ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a poli• recollect that language. Afterwards it
tive cure. For sale by C. E. Williams was found that his pencil note was about
Farewell, we moot no more a debt of fifteen francs, which he had
Cu this side of heaven: Hallo, said a man to a friend whom borrowed from somebody at Brussels in
The heartfelt parting scene is o'er, , he :e'en running wildly g down street—
The a race ? 1868 and which had Hoverbeen paid.
The last sad look is given. Hul Io ! Are ou training '
y r, In another case the patient was dying
Erected b5 the remaining members of No, replied the flying man, I'm racing of lung disease. He.iiad fainted several
the family. for a train.,, times and no longer replied to any ques-
And on one side the following; ' , tions put to him; his pulse was all gone,
JOHN DONNELLY, No Shamming ,''hare;-�-=Bagley —1 but after an injection of ether he turned
Born Sept 1G.•...—murdered Feb 4, 1880, understand you wife is sick. Bailey :his head towards Isis wife, sayingrapid-
TH.(»IAS DONNELLY, —Yes, she hasn't apoken a word for ly;''°you will not find that pin, for all
Born Aug k0, 1854—rnuederod Feb 4, 1880. 'three days. Bagley—By gracious, the floor has. been remade," which was
BRII)G1ET DONNELLY, she must -be a pretty sick woman, i en allusion to an incident of eighteen
.Born May 1, 1858—murdered I'eb.4, 188,0, A NASAL IeszceoR free with each bottle years ago. After uttering these words
A NATIVE or TIPPERARY, IRELAND. of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy, Price 50 cents. For : breathing ceased.—Pall Mall Gazette.
The name and date of birth and sale by C. E. Williams.
'death of Michoel, another member of Fond Mother—Jane, give the baby
the fancily who was stabbed to death some laudanum and put it to sleep.
moms time before the noted tragedy, and bring file •my parasol. 1 am
will also'be place on the monument. going to a meeting for the ameliora•
.At present a seperate ,stone marks his tion of the condition of the human
grave. The monument was shipped, race.
to Lucan on Tuesday and wilt be >tiVinlcs—Has your wife a cheerful
erected in the L'iddulph Cemetery disposition ? Minks—Oh yes ; very
this .week. It stands 11 feet 2 inches cheerful. Last night when I was
:high and is a very handsome,affair,
dancing around the Twin. on one foot,
- after Navin; stepped on st tack, she
To Mergers Ore yon disturbed at night
'And broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and laughed •tz11 her sides ached.
trying, with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at
.once and get a bottle of " Airs. Winslow's Soothing
'Syrup" for Children Teething. Devalue is incaleul-
' able. It will relieve the poor little sufferer
Immediately. Depend upon it, mothers ; there is no
mistake about it. It ogres Dysentery and Diarrhoea,
-regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic,
softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives
toneand energy to tie whole system. ' Sirs. win.
slew's Soothing Syrup " for children teething is
pleasant:to the taste and is the prescription of ono of
tthe oldest and beet female physicians and nurses in
'the United States, and is for sale by all druggists
tthrourhout the world. 'Price twenty-five cents a
'bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mies. Wnsiow's
'Sooraixe Sump," and take no other kind.
A little boy, enjoying himself with
'a'gauae at the ball on the roadside,
vas accosted by an old woman, who
ssaid, are you no feared, laddie, that
ithe man o the mune 'ill talc' ye for
playiii:c on sie a day'} No replied the or sale by C. L. Williams.
boy, lor'I played last Sabbath day, I am 'somewhat astonished, Carper,
and he's .never ftaten me yet. remarked Bigbee, as he looked around
Sirfton'e'Coiut will immediately relieve the room, to fledthat so great a book-
'Croup,WhoopingCongh and'13roncliltis, For etiie by
•C. E. Williams. worm as you are rdhould' possess so'
.A. Scdtch Bailie, ileeanting on his small a li'hrary, Ah, my biy, return.
new robes of office, described his ed' the other, it takes a great deal of
magiitterial cloak with great nnctinn,:reading to :find _out whflt:isn t worth:
"Ay, than;' he said.,' 'the' velvet o't was keeping.
as raft as the cheek o' a new-born Apollo was lig stickler for the node of
bairn, f►n' i# Was a' trimmed roon at honour. It was he who first struck
/17451111/11,' (ermine.) i.the lyre.
Fon DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint you
have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's
Vitalizer. .it never fails to cure. For sale by C. E.
Old lady—Little boy .what would
would your father do if he should find
you smoking ? Little boy — He'd
(puff) prob'ly lick mo ; this is (puff )
one o' his 'cigars.
The pious man and the atheist
always talk of religion—the ono of
what be loves, and the other of what
he fears.
TEE But,. Geo. H. Tw.tm t, of Bourbon,:
Ind., says; "Both myself and wife owe
our •lives to Srizaon's Co.lsvnnrnea Cure;"
A New 'voting machine.
A small, box like thing, with glass
sides that show the machinery inside, is
what th'e votersees when he approaches
the opening to thelittle booth into which
each voter must enter to record his
choice. This booth is the same as those
used in the Australian system, and is
necessary to the secrecy of the ballot.
The voter approaches, lifts the lid of the
box, which act causes a bell to ring, and
finds himself in the presence -of an ap-
paratus much like the finger board of a
typewriter. There before him are the
names of all the candidates, all those of
each political party being printed on pa-
per of one color. This is for the benefit
of illiterate voters.
You press the buttons of your choice
and you. have voted. The machine re-
cords accurately the number of the vote
and also records the whole number of
voters who 'have opened the machine.
Repeating is impossible. You may push
awny.at tho button all day, and it will
just as persistently keep on recording
the 'same number. Not until the .cover,
of the bo habeen closed can -another $ave changed their business: premises to the shop lately occupied br
number be recorded. If ,u voter attempts. Mrs. McCance, next door to ,S.:Csaeey's fnrniture w aroroouis, where tiler
to close, the cover and Vote again the will welcome old and new patrons, Customers will find amongst the numerous
boll rings and properly consigns hire to ,articles usually kept in a fancy store,
tho porridge.
When the polls are closed the face of Silks for Art Needle Work. Medieval Lace for Trimmings*
the machine shows the total number of''
voters who have cast their ballots. 'Un-
lock the
lockthe machine and the papers halide A.'PPLIQVE EMBROIDERY, •
show just the number of votes for each
candidate. The judges verify the num-
bers, add their signatures, inclose the
papers in a sealed envelope and go home
to supper ,and to repose; =they may,
hasten to the telegraph office to hear the,
returns from other precincts. Before 9'
o'clock the result of the election is known
to everyone, and all may go tobedwhen;
they pleaso.—St. Paul Globs.
Ari' I E1tY • L
WARE ROOMS AND SHOPS ; Opposite Exchange Hotel, . ei eller Josephir1ts
and Victoria Streets.
tii- sub lei it Avg • kkilnto in poiiiig
toitostiotaln facts:.
TEST TH=S POT?, o- J':E SE . ,P
P.A.1\1"C"17 GOOD -8 ST0RF_
*fini'` .Stafnijing in newest designs. Emitting Silk. Material for feint LAO%
Tile Tailor system taught, Feathers. Stitched Pra ds,