HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-07-12, Page 571
I )'
moot 0 arts, the highest court , of
France ' t the time. To weep the
judgment . of the court they appealed
theXing. And here the influence
of Madame de Pompadour was greater
than that of the Jesuit cruufessor, . Who
irefused the King the Sau*aiuents un.
less he dlsu,issed his- mistress and
their order was broken up in France.
The caube e£ their dismissal by the
court was.the teachings of the order
us evidenced by its couetitutions,
which are its colletitutious atilt; the
.inllueuoe of the 1 ing's Wistretiel pre•
vented the preeegative of the Ring
ieiug' exercised in their favor. It
wins only a year after this that the
treaty of Paris was wade, under wuiob
the Jesuits Mainz ail'eaial privileges in
Chani L. But they were out recognized
by the Crown ipFranoeuor its colonies
and, therefore, could not have been
considered in the treaty. It was but
eleven years after this,.ili 1773, that
°lenient XIV 'attached against the
society the Bull, Dominus au lledemp-
tor, by which the order wassuppressed
Iltlrougbout the world. This is a
very long document, which is 'largely
devoted to the injury to the uizurnh
caused by the evil doings of the. society,
amongst thein being—"their .universal
employment, in, ulnae ,places, of
heathen rites, instead of those which
the universal'uktureh had only sauce
*booed; or concerning their use' and
interpretation of•certai z maxims which
the li oly Seedeservedly condemned
ae sc&ndalous, and plainly prejudicial
to good morals.. Ale Pope ordains
that, we, after mature council, with
;certain knowledge, and by the plena
Cuda tf •the apostolicarl power, extiu-
guisli and suppress• the. afeiesakL
%moiety, and that this • 'present.' bull
'shall always and perpetually be, and
'continue to be, valid, firm and effeo-
tive,. and shall have and obtain its full
and complete results, and shall
.he inviolably observed. by all acid
revery Dile. whom it effects or will iu
any way effect in future." These. two
authorities then agree as to the char
actor of the Society of .Jesus, and
'the decisions of the highest court in
France, where the society was per.
witted to defenditself, and of the.
aileged infallible Pope of Rome who did
• not permit any st.ch defence, seems to
be absolute on this subject. But to
attack the Jesuits .on the score of
character is to flay a dead dog."
Fearing that,I have trespassed too
much upon your space, 1. mist con
`Over a year ago, Rev.F. E. Nugent
came to this town to take charge of
the Methodist • church ab.•tbe request
of the Stationing Committee, but in
'oppoiiitiou to the expressed and deter:
pined wish of the congregation. It
was no personal feeling against •their
new pastor that caused•the alienation,
but one of dissatisfaction that the
-wishes of the people had:beeu ignored
aud the man of their choice sent
elsewhere. The opposition was frank
and honestly expressed. Mr.Nugent's
tenure of office .then has not been of
the most pleasant . character. The
people had consistently adhered to
their determiation not to give material
support to the church whilst their
wishes were being trifled with. By
bis gentlemanly manner, active and
conaistent life and faithful ' tninistra•
tions, Mx. Nugent won the respect and
friendship of many in Listowel and
this was publicly ,recognized previous
to his taking his departure by the
holding ofa garden soeial•on the par-
sonage lawn and the, presentation. to
Rev. dr. Nugent of a gold watch and
chain; and a silver bowl anti spoons to
Mts. Nugent. Dr: Philp occupied the
chair, reviewed the unpleasant path
Mr, Nugent bad to tread and paid a
tribute to ilio ability and. Christian
character. • A kindly, worded address
Wag read' which was signed by James
Lee, Dr, Philp, B. B. • Sarvis,, T. W.
Jackson and J. M. Sbinbein.. Ad.
dresses were given by Rev.. Messrs.
Campbell, Gilpin, Deck and Frank-
lin. expresltive of sympathy' and
friendship. The • baud discoursed
pleasing music.
Mr. Messelr sold a sbipmeat of
cheese at -the Listowel fair for 9 cents;
—Rev. A.' Y. • flarttey. has been indis.
posed for some df ys.. Mr. D, King
emanated the meetings Sunday.
-Mr. J, J: Messer---doe—is borne on
a visit,—Mr, R. Mcidardy is indis-
posed —Mr.
ndis?;posed.—Mr. R. Patterson returned to
Dumfries this week:=•• -.A number of
pedagogues have returned to rusticate
felt seven or eight weeks—Miessrs.
b'rlitou, Wm, Hartley, John King and
Mopracken.. --Mr. James Oasemore
returned from Manitoba, being acoorn.
•pat ied by his daughter, Mrs, Cante-
ttin.--Stiss Mary Aun.Ross is iu poor
theath,--41r. S. Scott ,has nutip over!
860 pigs at the factory,
I III 111.
isinut1and Pr'osbytory.
The regular meeting of the Presby
tory of Maitland was. held in Wing.
dans,, cm Tuesday, there being present:
Rev. Messrs. Stevenson (Moderator),
1l,1:oNab (clerk), Law, Monition,
Sutherland, Davidson,. Anderson,
Oaineron, McRae, Brown, .McQueen
and McQuarrie. The meeting was
'opened with devotional exercises. The
cell given by Chalmers' church, Iain-
,oardiue and Bervie to nett, D. A. Mo.
Lean, of Kemble and Sarawvak, • was
sustained. It was signed by 110
inetulunii and 285 adherents. The
salary .promised is $800. Messrs. Wm.
Heudersoa .and ()aulpbell,teeti1ed the
heartiness of the call, Air MCNab was
appointed to prosecute the salvo be-
fore the Owen Sound presbtery. This
call front Whitechurch and Oalvin
church, East Wawauosh, to Rev. W.
H. 4i dries was Moo sustained it tieing
largely signed. Mr. Jamie u, of Cal-
viu, uhuruh, and i14r. H. D. Bender.
son, of W iteoliuroh, represented
the interested congregations. The
salary promised is $850. •'fete induo•
tion is to take ,place•. fit White-
cllurch on Thursday, • the 20th
of July—liev, Mr. Forrest to preach,
Mr. Cameron to pieside, Mr. Mc-
Queen to -address... the minister and
i1r. Mc)tae the people: A case from
Belgrave was discussed andadjudicated
on for a couple of hours.. Mr. Wight
man, an elder, an active and consistent
member of the church, having had
some disagreement 'with' his session,
considered it his duty ,.to sever hie
'commotion with that church and made
the request that the usual certificate
of membership be given him. This
the session•saw fit to refuse, notwith-
standing the fact that Mr. Wightmall
had al'ways.beeft a consistent member
and active worker in the, dilurcll and
that be had never" been made the
• snbjlict of discipline or had any charge
preferred against him. Tho fact
appeared to be admitted that Mr.
Wightrnau was entitled to his • certi-
ficate, but the court appeared unwitl•
i,ng to reflect on the action of the
'session., After lengthy disouseion, it
waedecided to • sena a delegation, to.
ascertain utore fully, the facts of
the case. The presbytery. then . ad-
' A fe&ivai'in connection with the
Congregational church, at Getnmill'il
Corner was held on Thursday evening,
July 4th. `The webthoa";i• fortunately,.
wits fine 'and there was . gond ` attend-'
ante. After refreshments were servcl
Mr Ritchie of Win Bain', wasun-
animousiy voted -'to .take the chair.'
Inspiring speeches were then delivered
by Rev Mr Smith, Wroxeter; Rev Mr
Shorti of Wingham and the pastrr
Mr Totten. Theprogramme was
varied by songs rendered by Mr Cline,
of Wingham, Mr Thos Cd•ibtJon, Wrox-
eter. Mr Graeey also gave some humor
ous readings interspersed by selections
by the -choir. On. the .following
evening -a social in connection • with.
the.flabbath• School was held. 11r
A Longley, superietendent,was pleased
to say'that the school was prospering
•numerically and finanoiallyand wish-
ed that by the divine. blessing a good
work was going on in the hearts of the
young.- Singing and recitations were
given by the children rind addresses
by Mr Totten and Mr • Wilson com-
posed the programme, which was pro.
longed ata late hour.'
East Wativn.aosk,
Mrs. and Miss Carradice and . ]Kiss
Shcrtreed, of Esquesing, are • visiting
'at Mr. W. Scott's.---it'tisses Mary
Littlefair and. Maggie Miller, of Mor- •
riswere the guests of Mrs. S. Fells
this week.—hiss Lizzie -•and Willie
Armour, of Wingham, are spending
their holidays at -Mr.. J. ' Bennet's.---
Quite a number of sixth .liners attend-
ed the hop at Mr. J. Ioakey'e ou Fri -
'day night —While Mr. John J. Mason
was carrying a Minch of shingles up a
ladder to the roof of Mr. L. Nethory's
barn on Friday the ladder gave way
hurling hike' to the ground. Fortun•
ately, beyond a good shaking up, he
was not much the worse.••-='I.fhe Owner.
onians'.played a match ¢sine of base -
ballet Belgrave on Saturday with the
team of that village and came out
victorious by 80 runs, the score being
54 to 24..
G1ez inn ^ A.
Haying :hes begun and the 'crop is
a good average oue.-=-Rev, Mr. Mc-
Q;uarrie, of Wtnghatn, tacked in the
Presbyterian church here on Snudiay,
in the absence of 11ev. &1r. Hartley,
he being indisposed.-41iss Annie
Weir, left for bar home at Arkona,
Latnbton, Co., on Tus day. She was
accompanied by Miss Maggio 3.
Scott, of Glenaulian, who purposes
staying there fur a Neut. Visitiva.
A correspondent of the Seaforth
Repositor says of the gentleman who
lies acted as township clerk for many
.years : Mr, Wm, 'Odic, of the . 8tti
line, after listening for the -past 10
years to the very different reports BUY YOUR SUMMER
given by those wile had been to the li.�t a .Cr.reU
far west, determined last spring to go
and see for •himself. After making -
an .eixterraive tour thzough Manitoba,
he waif so noon taken with the court- -
•try in general, that he would fain have
,spent the summer there, only that he
thought, as his foreman, Geordie,
beipg only a boy, and addicted to
nocturnal habits, might not run, the
farm satisfactorily, be resolved, to
return to Ontario,. and if possible,
sell or give away his property and WRIT
then take Horace 'Greeley's ad-
vice. ' If Mr. Claret should leave he
will be greatly missed, especially in
township affairs, as he has been town-
ship clerk for the last thirteen years.
Mr. J. M. Roberts has resigned the,
secretary -fillip of the West W awanosh
Y 0 r .+; .1
W ebster
Cheap for Cash.
Insurance Co.and is said dee by AT 'CLEARING OUT PRICE'S. 11tc. Wln. Lune, who is Said to be. n .�1
cowpetent and reliable man. •
The Howiek Mutual Fire Insurance-
Oompeny, appointed i%ir, Wm. Mc-
Kercher, jr,,to be secretary, instead of
Mr. Thomas R, Miller, , recently re-'.�1E
signed. .�1:�
Brliissels. •
Rev. Ur. Swann . was tendered a
reaeptiou before leaving here.—The
teachers of the Sunday school present-
ed Miss Ida Swann with a handsome
album and book of poetry.
6Y -LAW NO. 161, 1849,
L By -Law to raise the aunt of Eiyht
Thousand .Dollars for the pur,"pose qf`
erecting'a Hall on the property of the.
Curpdration of the Town of Wvrighani'
and to' authorize the issue of debentures,
therefor .and the levying of a special:
• ..rate for the payment of -the debentures
and interest.
(WHEREAS itis !lacquer to raise the stun of•
LIST of as Qfoons_
75 Plain Gold rings
50 Gents'•Set Rings
.50 Ladies' Gold Rings.
75 Chaste Gold Rings.
25 Charms
25 Pairs Eardrops .
50 Pairs Cuff buttons
100, Brooches
100 Pairs Spectacles
$2 25, worth $3 50
$3 00, « $5 00
2 00, " 4 00
200. " 400
25 cis. , " 1 00
30 cts., ,r . 75 eta.
15 cts., « 50 ets.,.
25 cts., : " • '75 cts.
15 Cts„ " 30 cos
And all -other goods will be sold accordingly.
y Now is- the 'time. Don't miss it.
eight thousand dollars for the purpose of emoting a Difficult watches repaired and put in thorough running or&
hall on the property of the•Corporatibn of the Town
of 1Vinehant, and in order thereto it will be nacos- with promptness and despatch, and all work warranted 'by' " •
'eery to issue debentures of the Municipality ,or theT
dollarsown oWtbgle as herem •itheu. sari ed eight, thousand • • '� ]' A' g�y � r4
wuyable' -i ,4it b r provided.
'�/ ,(j 8c C
AND wnaN,ans •It µ:iii bo requisite to raise gnnxtally, •�
during the term of twenty yearceby epeciai rata •for e _
paying the said debt acid dnterest the .bum of six ' B
P. 0,LOCK` ° s
bundled and forty-two dollars: r. • ii?INGIA111:
•' AND. wireases the amount of the whole rateable -
property of the.Munleipallty according to the last'
revised assessment roll aluounts to five hundred and
seventeen thousand cue hundred And seventy-five -
• Arm wnsasas•tho amount of the existing deben•
turn debt of this Municipality 'Is fiftyseveu thopse-'Casli Income for 188$
and six hundred and sixty dollars and no principal New Assurances written.' in 1888 r 8
orinterestisinarrear.2 u.�,,.', t •`.
Therefore the Mtuuioipat Counoil •of the Corpora' Assets, as at Dec. • 81st, 1888
tion of the Town of Wingham enacts as follows :
1- It will be Male' for the Mayor of the said Town Assurances in force, Jan. 1st, 1889
for the purpose aforesaid to bbrrow the said sum of Surplus, Dec. 81St, 1888,..... t• fl,i ;
eight thousand dollars aud to issue- debentures of
the said municipality to the amount of -Dight thous
and dollars in sums of not- less than one- hundred
dollars eaoh, payable at the end of twenty years
from the date on which this by-law takes effect, and
to bear interest at a rate not exceeding five per cent..
per annum payable annually on the thirty-first days
of Dcoember in eaoh and every year, during the cur.
rency of the said. debentures and on the fret day of
September A. D. 1909.
2. -The said debentures as to principal and inter-
est shallhe payable at the office of the Treasurer -for
the tiinebeing of the :Mid town of Winghar)p.
3. It shall be lawful for the.. Mayor of thee,,said
Municipality, and he le hereby authorized -and in•
strutted to sign and issue the said debentures here-
by authorized to be issued, and to cause the same -
and the interest coupons attached thereto to be.
signed by the Treasurer of the said Mutlictpality,
and the Clerk of the said Municipality is hereby
authorized and instructed to attach the seal of •the
said Municipality to the said debentures.
4, There shall be raised and levied annually by a.
special rate on all the rateable property in'the acid
Municipality the sum of four hundred dollars -for the'
payment of interest during the currency of the said
debentures and also the sum of two kundred and
fo.tytwodollars for the payment of the said debt.
6. This by-law shall tako.elrect on the first day of
Septeniber A, D.1880,
• 6. The votes of the ratepayers of the said Munici.
pality char be taken on this bylaw at the following
times and places, that is to say on Monday the
22nd day of July nett at the hour of nine
o'clock In the forouoon, and continuing. until Sve
o'clock in the afternoon of the same duty.
In ward number one,at William Ridd s office, Vim
toria street,by dames Fleuty, deputy returning oifi•
Tu ward number two, at a room in Tamlyn'a
block, Josephine street, by George Payne, deputy
returning officer,
in ward number three at the council chamber, by
J, B. Forewent,deputy returning officer.
In ward numer four, at tho woolen mills, Alfred
street, by William Robertson, deputy returning
7. On Saturday the 20th clay of July, 1889' tho
Mayor shall attend at the council chamber a`l ten
o'clock in the forenoon to appoint persona to attend
at the various polling pintos and at the final• cum
ming up of the Votes by the clerk reepactively, on
behalf of the persons interested in and promoting or
opposing the posing of this by-law.
8. The Clerk of the- Comrcii of the said Muriel.
polity shall attend at the council chamber in the
maid LOwn of Wingliem At ten o'clock M the forenoon
- of Tuesday the 28rd day of July, 1880, and sum up
the number of votes given for and against the by.
Dated at the Town of winghani
Vele 2nd day of July, 1889, i
That the above is a Otto cOpy of 0 proposed
by.law which ' has been taken Into consid•
oration, and which will be finally paced by thoCoun•
ell of the Municipality in the event of the assent of
the electern being obtained thgreto, after one month
from the first publication thereof in the Wingham
Times newspaper, the date of which first publication
was the 6th day of July, A.' D. 1880, and that the
votes of the electors of the said Municipality will be
token thereon on Monday the 22nd day of July,
1880, Commencing at the hour of 9 o'clock in the
forenoon and closing at five o'clock in the afternoon
of the ea,ue day ; and On thesame day and at places
therein fixed tot taking the voterlof the electors the
poils will be hold,
Towu Glurk'a Ofltco, July Pal. 1 80. •
.1. B. Fl:1u1tTSON,
•. Clark.
Prompt Payment of Claims, Annual 'stribution of Profits, d.':im ,
Surrender Values, and Li rat Policy Conditions
Win ihrin
, � iet
`'Y Y.AR7D_
Kept conetantiy on hand or out to Order and deliver-
ed in any part of the town on tho shortest possible
('All ordera attended to promptly
and satisfaction guaranteed.
Orders in Car Lots a Specialty.
Mill and Yard on Josephine. street,
adjoining the D. P. R. track.
& J. MuLEAN,
Winghern, May lat, 1880.
Tendore w
topairing floor,
!louse of S. S. 3,
after holidays
be ret
for plastering telling .
new platform, etc,, in School
berry. Also Teacher wanted
t iralf year. Address,
'0, .It, SCOTT,
enannan, P. O.
Tho undersigned lifts for sale a nnrber of Colo.
riles of PUaE ITALIAN' DEEM. Ile also keepson
hand a full supply of Moo. All redeye promptly
Lumber of all kinds,
First-class Shiagle-
and Cedar Pest..
Car Load Orders a S a i ity .
WOOD delivered to any part c
=Orders by mail promptly attended to.
.__iv it elitt+,1'.. 0.
[3111' ISH Cr.'LUlilttair
-axe van- '
ST I:A:1!I:1i8 •
''Cietten Eterittn.", "ONTARIO" tr1 "Cs. -..sus.
• Leaving Sarnia every TL'I,SDAY end ;'i:iD A Y Lig i
during navigation, ((weattms p uedtteee, •net a antis
every WEDNESDAY tui "s,t.,.i.., .9 tet °tori.
and Itineardhte, where they rn.,c ,, e Ali the 4'l• "
li train leaving Wingho:n az:t.tc-., no, to. ;It Jr..
Island, Carden River, Titer tie,,,r.,,t Artl.ter
Vuluth, emmecting at lett Ar.Te.r u;tto tuc�:1'
R,; and at Dulnth with tl'e eel .sr
Lowro-Rxres, itrtT Ae'o':u,
lOxr'atcas 1,.t • ..:.: t': i• :P `',
Mended to,
Carpenter work In all iia btanehee attended to at Ai!k your nearoet O::r1 'NI .f. t"; : oa'.
all times, rtreigbt and pnlsouger Lee,
PIt 1`iila A. a i:LtEK
11'ighain, „ Jaeit, LE : ev,
Opposite troenan'8tannerp. - c•.•,r. ea*r 0.•r:•