The Wingham Times, 1889-06-28, Page 7ra,
ek larnee..Y.w..a1C:AMoMwUcx.Meneeiee,
t'( 0 las
cap of weeks the Tile council at its last uteetin
efriende of Congregational. Church have (keeledto, eppeel agltinrst the repo
been prepaarina to taint their oI•l;attist, of the Egnalizatitm, Committee of tit
tills Ataxy Li..'u: eey, by emeries and ,)Brnee county 0011111111. A special lev;
:present., !aur welt eu:tao tease ,of i wee mule ori the townships of of her se:l•vicee dareKlueeedine teal Kiiihe s, and Luckier
ing the
the fraewela tarrivuci c�piinetuellyi ntgl8 f„12 a(0 eeetionalthis
f a d 'emus�►`be raiear, so tat n
tie:lock et her keine ou '!Trinity eveniug thin year.
last. Mien all wire een.i+•tl tlni(rtly
health): iter Mr Totten, the pastor, TurnberrT.
Si;;lrt drafts are probably so called
g to (liens! !t it311 them from the kind you
rt carat rise, but wllto1 gives you 4 cold.
There is never It Witicwttll !lour that
one can afford to be 1 ff his guard in
his .thiuktug.
In prosperity we need God, else we
may bt•cnnio proud and forget our de.
d peudeuee ou hitt!.
ureic anti, in very appropcl:tte re A Leese roeontly built in what is
n.nrks, iutrt)clueed Airs .i'S'ittltolsou to known as Gregory's bush was burnt
red the ttdelrt•at which had been hest Wednesday eight, or early Tlattrs-
prepnired f•.sr tho ,sects•i iu sir Allen i clay morning. Lightning is the
!+'rubel: then ts:'corted el pie Loneney t otctensible cause likelier the lite bug's
to this tabic: on welch were the pre- doing. Lucidly the house was ui:oe-
seuts, eousisting of a cake (lish, butter copied.
dish, • tied, emit state!, ural -beside
whish 1+l rs 1 ieiwlsott stood, The
later then read the follawieg address.:
Terneerry, Julie 1,tth, 11350 .
'•DearMiss Longley,
ens, 1110 members
cf the Congregational Ohnreli ab
Gsruaiilt'ci c.traer have frit for some
time that some token of your very
valuable services as organist of tate
above eburoli should be te•udered to
you fur your gratuitous aud Aillient
aid for so !many years, \lee are
tlieretoro met to -eight to express our
Jteartfclt tlianits•f Jr your unremittingc the Truitx hand an their return from
diligence iu the discharge of your 0 .Bt ten(iillg the :hand ooinpotitia.te at
elle 'ei't,Elizt' and. tato Press.. o
Rev Mr McKay, of the London
when the tame of patine may emee, South Baptist. i71ioreh, made some
which we hope will be long, tlectt cep. eery i.ensilhs. remarks recently.
aratiou meal) in oliristiau £t•llewslup '?'tee of n couple of entertainments
and love. .lcceettherefore at our Jetties were heeded t•) him to read. This he
tbie small tukall'ot eetoeua and regard, dnciinecl to du, slayiri; the House of
teed should not be used as an adver-
tising utediutu.. The daily press was
the proper place'for these notices, and
not the pulpit.
Rev Dir Potter, of Toeswster, has
charge of the Meethorli;•st church in,
the place of Iter' Air Campbell.
Mr A Afacdon:ted has::old his farm
to IvJr Joseph Well wood,
Druce County /terns.
Mr. 0, Broder, of the Omura! hotel,
eValke•rtou, gave a: supper in honor. of
"&titles, and pricy that your if may be
lot's spared amongst us, and that tbo
Divine b`,Ltlier may reward you both
te.lkporerily and 'spiritually, and that
and nag every bleesing attend yea
in this is alto earnest desire and prayer
of your friends in Zion."
!ties Loughrey replied very appro.
griately and thanked thein dinuarely
for the general kindness end attentiouTie TM onto...11ee:i1 offers two prize
shown to her since she bad been of a;2,5 and lenfor.tbe best design oe
aiu•Jng thee,!, All scented to !Joss the en advri•tiserneet• o ;the "Birth, 1dar.
eveuiee enj iynb y in eoti'i1 chat, sing- ringe and Death ttnnoilieceinents.
nig unci iu iu(,ili t ' in the luxurious
rolriat shier situ liyclit-s pruc�ictud.— A writ for 826,000 has been issued
14'lllle Se11J,`Yt, (J,1 We("reels@let+ty :too, by tie. L , itttireatrr•Gleirrn1 against tea
had the misfortune to tail out of u tr N \V.°1elegrj ph Cm3, its Hitnllitoit,
.rep „ for dt•Iiveriegittetel'e".
Naha,"(Jil whllt it %rite neer a rn
stout, and broke bis (+rel. err Brawn The 2vfetyor of ii l€est Trelat+(i • brie
was sent for end thelittle seafarer care.
Folly I`al)(D to the Jphnate\rya sutlererS
-fully a'stended. Gu. --sir. Havey startedits apt ii t 1rnent on•tl e amount to be
ou !11 forty sec Olt t iia (.o ltaaittli,a raised by the Btlfaet.
un T'uces.tay last. 11' took a load of
hursee with him.—Mrs A Thompson
.:rise started on Tuesday last for
.,rlanituba nil a visit to Lie sous and ee a. bulwark to the Indian Empire.
daught.ersin that great clan try.—Mr This involves the deposition of the
Ja es tSh pleene is navin; new shingles Rajah, and causes general alarm
- put ou his burl}. Goa Muir is doing a:ilong the native pi !noes.
the job for hill..—;hiss Mary Chrysler
itis, been priorly lately, l,ut we espeet
to See her regain ht r health
-a J()ci.--:;basalis Willits, who, with his
wifo and family rcinovt-d,Yroru here to
"!' dtirfaex, Men., Leant a mouth ago,
died receicily of brain disease. .
Iiia noel Griffin pro»osos to Colonize
Caslltnere wit 3,000,000 Euglielanen
On VYedne'sday njght Mrs Boyd and
• Thompson, aceurupanind by -.A Sy-
.mieda tied John Gillespie, left for
td be .,0.
parts Willem). Mrs 13oycl leaves a
husband and sib shall children behind,
her. Sho took advantage of her
i.usbittt(t's absence in the country, people, and it is a habit formes! is
hoinaeshe every works,
ht, leavingahor childr .t youth, to finish only that part o
their work that isin -sight. The par
alone. The y our+nest is not 2 years that is not seen is left. 'with rol;!
old. The two mon wore comparative ed, e.% or long stitches,or, if possible
atrin;ers,'havin. been employed so'a;e a'.. A
work is only done that is seen
weeks in towel. Years, centuries 0140, in Greece them
:ivied a sculptor whose work teaches u
Palmerston. a lemon. A sculptor wits eniploye+'l t
A meeting of the Reform Assncaa- .crest a statue in once of the Gre•eiat
.ion of West Wellington was held here telitples,_ and on bring •,eked why h
on &Iouday for .the; purpose of Putting carted the back part, which wits to hca
to candidate in the field for the next . set into the wait, with as much pain
femoral Provincial elections. This . as the front, be replied, The gods se
names of .1£r junco 141c1:wing of the it.
township of Peel and Mr John Dar -
rock of \lhitn were presented to the
zneotiu;, but they rcttirt;d in favor of
1411 A S Alla,. t•f' (:ii!f etel. tl,,+ present
member, who iv:ta lin.aal:n,.iuSty effere;d
the nomination and accepted it.
The uldeet Zan in lit. John. N. 1..,
died last week. Cornelius Driseoti
Was born in Baltimore, County Ctirlr,
Ireland, in 1784, and was, therefore,
105 years old. Ho was a !aboreraised
00 tobacco and scarcely touched
liquor. Up to the age of ninety he
w•ortee 1 steadily, and until a ' few
months ego worked about the hoose.
F�e :Iainied that his grandfather died
at 105, and two' of his brothers lived
Sninon'a Cate will immediately relieve
Craup,tvhoaping C enStt and Brunel:ltia. For Hale by
o. g, rrullw,,a.
The innocence of the intention
abates nothing of the mischief of the
When you think to do a kind action,
do it now; for to.tnortow yew
thoughts may wither and die.
Eifi LoU'sCATAxRir Itsafsnx'a positive ours
I for eettarrlt,.l'iplitheria and Canker Afoot!".
' For sale by C. !I. Williams.
Dude— You have been looking
straight at ole for the last five min.
utes. What is it ? Farmer -that's
just what I was'woudoriug.
Tramp (after ringing door born—
Please ma'am, I've seen bettor days,
Housewife—So have I. It's quite
foggy to -day; good morning.
Wxrx will you cough when Shiloh's Cure
will give you immediate relief? Price leo,
50o, and tfi., - For sale by C. G,Williams.
The world, says Oliver Goldsmith,
may be coui:idered a vast mansion,
and man has been*permitted to enjoy
MADEMOISELLE, permit the to make
the confession that I love you to mad-
eers 1 Pray speak to my papa --be is
a dootth tit the lunatic asylum.
Tire neve Gso. II, Txx•& n, of Bourbon,
Ind., says: "Both myself and wife owe
our lives to t�tnzxon's Cossuu!TI0Dl Cuss."
For sale by C. E. Williams,
Tisitnr (at the,utuseu'rp)--Where is
the' .fasting=!nal= ;•boss? Keeper--
(absenttnindedly)-;-Till's just gone out
for supper ;elle ' will be back in
teittate or twere e•
Magistrate (to el'derly wvitness)—
Ye.ur age, madain ? Witness—thirty.
Magistrate -••=Thirty what'? Witness
• --`rears. lilttgistrfete— Thanks. 1
tllouglit it might be mouths.
i Oa DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint yon
have a printed 5utran•.eo on every bottle of shftoh'e
1t::,liLar. It •nerer 1sit3 t. Cure, Fur sale by C. L.
11"ill,ailtH,. ,
In is ent Youtb—I1.nw I admire
MiSi Qnilie'g calmness! She never
I.clse>3 her eelfpriee ssiou. Tart maiden
—And never will. • ]one of the
young; men Waut her.
• A young spark, suffering from tC too
strung emulation of the more tender
• feelings, denims his coLnplaiut as an'
altaelr of lassitude.
Vir.tej1 o(3
It is fortunately the habit of man
. Tubb;—Yes, once. i%rhy ? Miss W.
f --Ob, nothing.
t An Irrepreesible : Iiertie —Pa, a
' little strewn is a stre:awlot, isn't it ?
' Pa ---Yes, Berrie. 7lertie---\Veil, pa, Ist. TEAT I HAVE THE BEST ASSDT,,TI, TOOK OF
• is a cutlet a little cut, aild a hamlet a ' WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELLERY" TN.WINGHAM.
t little barn; arc! a gimlet a little gine
and a pamphlet a little p.unph? Pa end. TFTAT TIIE QUALITY OF. MY GOODS IS EQUAL TO •
o —Ob, go way, l)ertio. I want a THE BEST.
' little quiet, Dertic—Well, why don't 3rd. TfTAT MY .PRICES ARE SUCH "THAT IT Ta SAFE Al ''
`' you say you wanted a quietleti k'ITAI.LE FOR ALL TO DEA..L WITH 111E.
• Joseph Hurtle was one twitted for
e his inconsisteUey in going to bear Dr.
' John Mown, the celebrated Scotch
• prencher,when he made reply: 1 don't
' believe all he says, but he does; and
once a week, at least, I like to hear a
man who believes what he says, Why,
whatever I think, that man pre+;trues
as though ho felt the Lord Jesus Christ
over just at his elbow,
Little sister --I know what learnin
by rote iueaua, Little Brother—leo
do I. It•meansa loarniu tate way the
feller wrote it.
Conversion -is no repairing'of the
old building, but it takes all down
and erects a new structure. Tlie
sincere Christian is quite a new fabric;
from tho foundation to tee top, stone
all riew. - •
Tubbs (recounting his experience at
a musicale a fear evenings previous) ---
They did not even ask zee to sing.
Miss Whiteley (placidly) --- You've
sung there before, haven't you i
5O,000 pounds /£ Wool wanted, for which the hi keys inarrt«t pried
will be paid. T. A. MMILLS.
BO We must sell our goods,
Greer Eargtairas are to be, &lad
Prints, lauslinq, Law.% Seersucker.%
Era rojd.erios for skirting .purposes,
Par sols, SIM and lineal G1ov ,
Sheeting% Oottonade , Linens,
r. ab1m ,^'
We make a, specialty of Black Dress Goods, and would invite rvery
lady requiring those goods to see our large range and get rlele)tation
before buying. See our All Wool Goods at 15 cents per yard.
and see our range of
for ordered clothing., All suits guaranteed to fit or no sale..
We have the largest range (If goods in Wingbarn, rand vee meanl ut:t.
ness every time, so come along and get some of the cheap goods wieli?s
they are going.
Winghaln, 8th May, 1889.
T. A. MILLe....?.
STOVES A. "�..
D. St.'T.H...ER .gym '
.tea•..,__: .,-......_.. ,.... _._..
}laving purchased the stock of IlnicsToN tie Sous, we are ofr•1ii',g
for the next GO DAys. COAL and WOOD STOVES in Great
Owing to the.nurnber of 'Furnaces put in ihie year, we lea vc• sr,tne,
SECOND-HAND STOVES as good as new, at LESS 'i`leA
WARE ROOMS AND SHOPS ; Opposite Exchange Hotel, corner Jcsepl.ino
and Victoria Streets.
ting stl] 61aim
d h , tt
' u
ti t
ve'tcwiii 4l
Agyort3 0.
Little drops of printer's ink,
A little type displayed,
Make our merchants princes
With all their big parade.
Listlo bits of stinginess,
L>r e.7Ei24b`f3•. Disear,ling printer's ink,
Busts the been Id business
ILov J S Coiling, of Walkerton Arid sobs his credit pink.
takes cherge.of the sethodist church,
her, Rev Mr Greene goitig to CGran• HOSPITAL REMEbI S:
roti.• --A finer ear of brood mares was 'Ys nine is a now depttrtureintho treatment
shipped to 1ltlancitoba by Moibsrs. J of disease. It consists in the collection of
Miller and Pti, lrwiu lane wr-ek.---St the specifics used by noted specialists of
Joseph's church, Asid field, bele! their Europe and America, and bringing there
annual lieuic on Wedncu(la of that within the roach of all. For instance the
1 y trestmentureued b s sola! physicians
week, tit itingsbreige. flan A i T who trees ndigestioa stomach nd liver
Ross, R Porter, Al 1', J 41u 1lillart, M troubles only, Wa8 obtained and prepared.
P, acid other lois! talent were (=poet-.
hotad tri'ccuriu of other
ed to deliver atldreest:s. so on till these incomparable cures now
include dieeaso of tholungs,kidneVs,fentalo
rx'<.o;atli",,:G.i�. v;calntczs,rtietunati�'rlanc ncroutitlebllity,
flet s•R0 Coo le DWI' Band loader, Ask your drtt.e„i:st for them. Those who
t. ' f,enuret rroenre these rellledieis from their•Ilev 1V V Sl)ariiiig leetureel ill dru t lilt may remit tho prico to Hospital
l ditiburgil on 1utied y cv( , Dandy Co., 804 West Ling St., Turontot
and tho remedy Iain bo shipped to there
. i:t;Tnl " cIL1.Ct.
alio )rice is ono delilrr eaoli).
A NASA I+ t ire + ;.a rank bottle i l
i•his ,H a tit' 1. .• 1,,. ....,' „ t,..� tf?. "'c." toceertntivo eatalnl"xo . ('S.'u o' 5l, t ct:ciliLa t? thv r �nN e. to E W
In a lesson in parsing the sen-
- enoe: "Man courting tho capacity
of bliss,"etc„ the worn courting cause
t't a pert young miens of fourteen.
Site a nnmenced hesitatingly, but got
a'.nre well enough nntil she was to
tell what it agreed with. tiero shot
stopped short, but the teacher said,
Very well, what does- courting agree
with No anawer. I)olt't you know
whet that agrees with 3 Yea, sir.
Well, why don't you parse that word?
.s'ulle'n, blushing, MISSY/Well r'it Iig QeS
with all the girls, sir."
a � ri'lliccS POP, M - C ":a—= •
eeeed i
c=..e..m�-.uemnrnersu..nw�a. , aa+.: ,amsm-.m,.,aay.o...,e _+aexv,�m•a�varoa,o.
0 5 G0 02D ES fr`t Ma,.
THE ' IS8E MALL v+;+ Y
y,r Have °hanged their busincss premises to the shop lately nreteltic l by
Mrs. MoCiance, text floor to) 3. Gr:teey'a furniture waretootn . where tbe';y
will welcome old and new patrons. Customers will find un nget the uutueroun
articles usually keptin a fancy store,
Silks for Art NeedleVJorT.r. !tie leval Late for !riges4
GLOV'ns,, 1 -IC I r .t ", UNDX .•R,\V.Z ' P,
A:P1?LT *J.J,I+I:8110I13.712Y,
lt'AvSI .7.1S S 3J relel aROIDITte
-__ Po:d it L' LACZN
Coi ort:nptiorx l zt;.^el.V Clirtet. t y • ANDL. i t ID i' i s . ► r•
Ti Cie linr:ua:.-1'L•per 1uf n:u veer i'R,te r the r POINT LAC,' t '4 :� :K tri' 4 �' v" ? .
• I,tu n »,i.itir Yr+ ••.tl} fig' no ,u a it ;,cert
Leen t till.! t Ott?lit ellle Niad tai:x i two 1.:41,11g ° eiteIU(11ing in neuent deme t5, Kniteine ' 11% :11/;',...P!
reteolynixe1. t'+ AAA', of 1.01:1* r.a l( rs s i.a tetra
,' ••• •le - Ad Y. , it Cx ,1•�. rail
. i '+ ie . i .r 1. J . c v
S A •. t , ,r t0, . rite
'Psis Toiler r ri ni 1`^,tryf.1i, iftni'tie rs. tl:t•le -I +'` ••
o,neera=t,nitti•=yt el p iri e / 1 y'
1' 1 31`t a 1' 1 +this,, In '1 A. dt1' y a r, `t p ti r .r,
. ,v , 1�I.ii#A7f.).FI AI *-' V Alit, e 'i , `t't
.a w.: deiaid,,.., ^owe )
Iltl�t_ I.. 4.11' II w 1 ati.t.:��. a.,