The Wingham Times, 1889-06-28, Page 3Capture end iteeaideve. A vetera:l of. the Thirty -44h .luno.d toluliteere furnishes taut; After we had fie/eked Jotifxtton's army' front Dallas, it Wail. contrary to the usual cestout, the fortune of the First brigade —Sheritktn'sbid divieioti -to be left be - hied the army a few days; as a guard for a2i a nbutam e train.. the day two of bur 311e13 --gnu of them duel; Ty ri'ell, conn- 2nissnry: of our bei acie--w r&t tri t:tl.o a bath beyond: and in sight of our picket line; in a small bayou, tvlticl➢ temerity rity n'tW observed by home of Ferguson's cave airy hoveriiag in the viclnity, wile do - 'Welted two nien armed with sabers and baeliinee to bin;; tlteel in. Ikiu g with - nut arm's they were surprised, toad start- ed off en deellctbille, in the eery face of the pit:ketto who dared not fire) for fear of in jtrin;; the priaoneee. Batch rebel started iii It different dirt.•cc' tion with his. charge. After going a Whort distance Tyrrell dodged to ono side, nepo,iing his captor to oar pickets, who ttve Mill a volley, but missed, on which the Johnny, out of spite, returned the s si>t; wl nn Tyrrell, taking advantage of his empty carbine, sprang and caught bine by his abundant whiskers and dragged hiin from his horse. Hero a shoat struggle ensued, in which the Con- federate 'had on-federate'had to give way to northern muscle, although they were both good types of their countries, rind Johnny; animus Itis 'gun and saber, was marched to .the picket lines by his escort, who Betided him by walking behind him with Nue hand in et►c1i sidoof bisowhtiskors. It. is useless to say that be was received by the pickets with ooilsfderablomerriment, The other Confet1erate, on seem^` his com- t'iu1c's fate, and hearing the whir of a - few random shoal, fled, and left hili age tri• come back at his will. bb os'ier's Produco MA? L igeilds make fat. There is no doubt of this' In my mind, though I am fully cognizant of the fact that a, good .many people will deny it. Thoeliaractor of thea liquids has a good deal to do with it. but the practice of thinking invariably leads to unwieldy bulk. 1n ;pain, where men drink little, a. fat man is unknown. In. Taxis, where men content themselves with sipping thimb1esfu1 of absinthe or small cups of black coffee, the French aro thin to a remarkable degree. The wom- en, on the other hand, drink great quen- Litios of champagne, Burgundy and lat- terly beer, and they are as a result prone to stoutness. In England men drink ale and beer, tend they are a thick necked, pudgy and heavy race as a rule. I had observed all this many times, and when I went to Germany, where 1: knew the consumption of beer was very great, I had prepared to find fat men in abund- ance. I was not disappointed. There " would seem to bo absolutely no end of big, corpulent and unwieicly znen in Ger- many. While in the 'truly they tire slim and splendid' looking warriors, but ta"o neontlis after they leave the ranks they become heavy, puffy and beefy to the last degree. This is even so in the ranks• . among the other soldiers, and the cas- alry were men of such extraordinary weight that they always excited com- ment from strangers.--Philedolpbie mimes A Washington territory farmer was < igfing a post hole on the balks of Dire river, when he unearthed a. skcle- ton richly dressed in old fashioned'cloth- ing. .The coat was especially fine, and ryas adorned with velvet collar and cuffs, The place where the skeleton was found bad been used as a ho}se coral for the past fifteen. years. G11ost ;norms. A phantom team is said to haunt the - houdo which merit's the scene of the tee - tibio Fletcher Btooiz tragedy in Wash- ing torn'tounty, People in the vicinity say • that they hear it drive up abort once in two weeks. "The men in the. lumber camps near by also declare that • the ghost disturbs their elreams,—Lewis, . ton Journal Tho courtesies of hollow and thankloss. aiXcttrai11t,fci;, n d7tt mad ISMITZVIttaIRINO. MISS A. BOYO has now en hnna a most varied, well assorted and magnificent display of SPRING AND SCMMZR MI rLIN RT, New, l'ashlouebie and earoiully aelectod: ►,.a'.TOO Z CSP "'.. ..ITC"" " C+OODDS. An enumeration of articles ca• Cl novelties wand be impossible Everyone cordially invited to call and a wheat is offered at very -reasonable price:', The MANTLE DEPARTMENT eouteins .a, varied assortment of the Latest Designs and Calera and best qualities In Cloths, Silks, tee, toles worn title season, PERFECT F1rpT]Na AND LATEST AND BEST DESIGNED GARMENTS. . EtWal IglIVAIAT EMINENT Has w most oo:nplete assortment of the LATEST, CIIOI 1uST, and MOST CilAI2iiIING1 ARTrCLIuS in Wachtel, Clocks, Jewelry and Silver Goods. ?Val Q.Aii BUT WE BARGAIN& CLOSER ATr3SNTXON GIVEN' TO Ii1+3PA.IIZING, AND WORE ALL • WARRANTED. - GO RIGHT TO GREEN'S IILOClf ]i'OIt FOUR JEsWELILERY. 11111, UFFIELD NEY'd PATT TOP Cream Cans, Milk Gr_. Buckets', E ck� s 7 • a ' MILK a aud Milk ilk Pali s1 the ,T aigy se T Wit ail ad Prmtl fin MOST CERTAINLY WE CAN SUIT YOU IN HOUSE - ECORATIONS, G CONSISTING O i' CANADIAN A, TD AMERICAN AVALt - PAPERS - and BORDB .t - bur sco* is Varied, Stylish and Cheap. Beautiful WINDOW BLINDS of Latest Design, °eters and Bast Quality, GOWN SUM Excellent and Cheap. Everythin- in the ]3ook Bite, School requisites, Stationary, Lacrosso the . world arc ' Sticks, pose 134 Bats,3alls S.e. ROSS' 130PIZA,11, BOOly t�v'ii NOE . Richter—No +.nan can .either live piously or die righteously without a - wife. i Somppe�opltpaalpe good deal more •L • AG Boor Aka sio for koe 111 r Lt a � earalices than for steeping ftp realities. Leisure for men of business and business for mon of , leisure, would cure tatty complaints. The appellation of gentleman is never to be Milled to a man's circum- stances% but to his behavior in tilem. lie a companion .to your husband, if he .be a wise limn ; and if ho is not, try to tnttke hitu become your com- panion. Raise hie standard; do not let Iiii11 lower yours. Confectionery and Ice Crean. USW —We'll lose ten of our best custom– ers next week, Assistant—We will i :sA.re'they goif>g to OI;lahoma ? No ; they are going to get married. - The rater—Well, Dr, Replan, I like your school very much, and I think I'll put my boy here. fiat tell me, that sort of boys do you turn out' The Dr.—Tire had ones. Owing to the late Boom I lam made room'' for and hswe oft hand ----.A Urge Stock of HEM - NAV' Bgan ta.L.14,153, In addition to ray Custom Easiness, tiefy" Competition in Quality, Sixes, to nd a►n dettarrnitied to sell for OASI-I, AT OCl'T I;OTTO PIi,ICES,- AO-Repairing its usual, ansa Ce» ant ratebiug a Specialty. x :tolioit a share of the patronage, Don't Fors, ; tlitt Place Opposite the Central tract.. Dips sewed free in ail boots purchase:' from me, Butter unci eggs talion as cash in exchange for goods., Fa . 6r1)EZ, yVl'Ntl ll tt ,t, o.x'i',t Ix W 1 . Afu:DU: 1.114 HALL •TUO Samety meets tree,? third lifondry �•r•t;,,tom MISS tti iLLO Me D'� m'oo'd. '.•.stag:; brtthron ,vet.!Oni.,. 1:Aiy,W nnaansban 0,tt be steitred for ester fir,A5dt.5 ran r,kSrutltrT• Io l 'tl:P PT,i.:ro AND ,ttlnm2eat34123trvkind ale very kuru Ri,•dre. ret VV , $3e i te., IttYttty tJ ttrgs,n, in vcieo L uttaro and Hammy. 1 J.11tai T,f CTIT, Minn: Eon is VaAvid'Iltoeg k artstin &Cat. WHAT 18 LlM? Tate 'Vaal gammon Pb enlisea axon Various fitiN dpointe, One day, when the feathered songster, In the woode were tired of ¢in,gi;�•� there was a long pause. Ail was quid:, -•nd nature itself wonted teat in meditation Suddenly the philosophical builtinc'1t;e; piped, "What is life?" to which a little .: sgngsteramong the leaves replied, "Life is a song;." "'lsTo, a 1>attle in the dart:," said the ground mole. who just poked bis head out of the ground in the vicinity of the tree among whose k>rauches the little bird _ was hopping around, "To illy mind it is an unfolding," dee Glared the rosebud, Ulrich was just ready to unfold its beautiful leaves, to thogreat ele1r ht of a .magnificent ltutter,'ly, v; l>ich di&not hesitate to kiss the pretty flower, with these words: "Life is full of idle joy- and pleasure." "Say, rather, a short summer day," hummed a jealous one day ily buzzing past. . "1 mean that life changes ever with work and pleasure," mentioned the bee, and it disappeared in the leaves of the rosebud to gather honey. "I do not see that it is anything else. tidle wor y,"" complained the little ant, dragging a blade of straw, which in comparison to :itself was unnaturally Longhan. "Yes, you are right," a little rabbit nodded from. the hazel bush; "life, as euro as I live, is a hard nut to crack." A.t this motnent a soft rain murmured, "Life consists of tears, all tears." - "Liifo is an ever el:a:nging conscious - nese," said the thunder cloud floating toward the ocean. The ocean waves broke against the shore and sighed, "Life is a steady battle for freedom." • "No, you are mistaken, it is freedom," juI1ilautly said the eagle, sailing through the t:ir with his powerful wings. - "Ali, it is poor earth," moaned the weed, working its way out of moor and stone. The high cedars bowed to each other to the earth saying: "Life is striving ever upwards " Anel a ripple sounded through the tops of the trees until the pasturo criedsorrowfully: "Lifeisrather. given up to a higher power!" Night had broken in .and the solemn dome prelate advised: "Let us rest, my t'riends. As there was no satisfactory an- swer given we will resuinoour debatoto- znorrow." "For ail I caro you. zany do that," breathed the night. "But Lite tamely a dream," ; r The still night ruled ever the city awl country' and e000n morning world draw near. The student, who was sitting in. his out-of-the-way garret, lost in nmedita• tion, blew cut 3,is little lamp and mur- mured: "Life is only a school." Footsteps were, heard on the deserted streets. A tired citizen was going home to rest, after spending the night in going from pleasure to pleasure, in spite of which lie complained: "Life is an unsatisfied longing and steady disap- pointment." "It is a riddle," stammered the new beim morning wind. 'u"ucldenlya glimmering light rose upon the horizon, 1Iighor and higher climbed the magic light over tho top of the woods. The red morning light greeted the earth and Iike a mighty chord it selmded through. the universe: "Life is only a, beginning.—From the German." Battu Ticar by 2sdolusseS Cakes. Maria Divine, a well knowncolored woman residing near this town, is dead. She was 10 years old, and for more than thirty- years rhe bas been engaged in 'making and sellingmolaesrs cakes, from which- she accuintlated. a comfortable little fortune. Both she and her husband were born in slavery, as were several of their children. She had accumulated enough money before the war to pur- chase the liberty of herself and husband, and during the war she made enough money out of the Federal, solciieru quar- tered here- to purebaso her children. After tho war rho bou;lit si term near this town, on which she employed bei• husband, levity; him seventy -lino cents a day during the spring anti counter months, and fifty cents during the winter, She used two barrels, of our every month in the manufacture of cases, always making 0,000 cakes out of each barrel. During the. long period she was engaged in this business, it wan es- timated Che had intuit) nearly 000,000 of cakes, She was an honest, industrious woman, and enjoyed the respect of nlI who knew her.--Onanceek (bra.) Special, ] rllllant ! Durable - - Economical tr Diamond Dyes excel all others` in Strength, Purity and Fastness.' None other are just as good. Be- ware of imitations, because they are made of cheap and inferior materials, and give poor, weak, :rocky colors. To be sure of success, use only the DIAMOND Dvxs for coloring Dresses, Stock. ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers, Ribbons, &c,, &c, We warrant them to color more goods, pack- age for package, -than- any other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the Diamond and take no other A Press Dyed . FOR A Coat Colored Carmen es Renewed 0,:.; rs.r A Child can use them! At Druggists and Mcrchaats, Dye Book free, SWELLS, RICHAR:DSON & Cts. BBttontreal, P. Q, Sett'Ann/iota. Experiments have havo lately been tried at Dover with a so called sea anchor, in- vented by Capt. Waters. This app:lr:ttue consists of a canvas bag. about four feet inclianieter and five feet deep, with either a strap; hoop to hold it open or a square baited frame to answer tho eaznc purpose, • The bag is attached to a beam, or iloat, in such a manner that it lies just below the surface o£ the water, and n stout rope forme the connection between it and tlto bew of the vessel employing it. Tim ob- ject of this sett anchor fe to bring a bout or .'hip's head to the sea tvlhtn iiz danger of foundering from getting broadside to- • ward waves. There is nothing verynow i:i the Mea, for emit a contrivance has frequently been extemporized with ad- vant .ge. T1'e retett:n aeronaut, Green, also constructed an lumber to hold sL bale leen nen: the surface of the Sea, which wee e 11ne et identical in forum to title one. When I say Gunn 1 do not mean morelvto,• . stop them for a thne en. and then have tip return • again. IlaBAIT A' RADICAL t)Uni . i have made the disease of FITS, 1PILEPB' ' of FALLING SIC I'TBSS A ]IPC tone study. I wAhxaaxrr my•remedy to Cunistheworsteases. itecnuscothersIrove&stied is no reason for not now receiving, a cure. send at ones for a treatise and a y'xoitnr. Bo err n of my 1t 1''AT.rihLTt ItnnYEIM.. Give Express and Post OSlce. It costs you notl➢fn ler a trial and it will cure you. Address: GF. ltiO0L.� Branch Offiee,1641 West Adelaids Street, Toronto. - 'Me Most Suceessfttl Remedy ever discov- ered, es it Is certain .nits effects and does notbiister. Read Iona below , E ALL'S Mill NHL Omen or CfAMAT.S d. SYrnsn, Bnarrnan DTP 'Cr.L Tdx» DAY ANo TtOTTnro IIntO Boars. 9t ea i toHtwOoe,aaosNyeeodnvs.2o0u,20 1 e. dn'sSpn1 COrsbsylwta?air n - bottles, I won➢dLko pricesinlai' rgnanOty, i thinkltis• one of the hestllnbnentn ou' +earth. I t➢av0 used it en my stables ruurs truly, Camra, A. wrier . KE D LL'S SPANN, Httoottrx, N.Y., 2iovember3, 2023, On. 13. l'.Ir sxztAnn do'. tear sats a i desire to giro• on testbnonldl of m9 Coedo >niouetyourBentfiafl 85tvinCtr a.E1twe '➢sed tat for Latnonose, IetUF .totntn ,snd av„h,md1 itoxbvnd ou ua e c:i0, 8 eodl- Yours trulykanegbr Trot LindySLw gE i LL'S SPAM +UR& i?re Z. J. &wr,an3 Wn r n Count, OM,Dce.15,1923, saw s: 1 met it My dsty toesy twhntX have done with your iiendaiNs npavia Cure. l rend twentyilve horses .hot had &5p- vi ir, tea of Mug.niono,nino affilaedtvith P3'^ Mend ana seven Of Iii,y}� aw•. SInco 1 harp 1,nit Ona of vOar books and !Otl4Wed rho dlreetfors,z have nerelt fest 4 oasts of any kind. rJ YOuratrniy, Ationtivo s Doctor. WELL'S SPANN ?deo tl,11orbxlttte,orate betties tor ?`.5. Alt Byer., Oats t'Any nd for ca it of lyou, or 15 bo Seat 2020 . no°. n. J. T>;ctibATr, Co., OuusFint; h'"n3ln, tY7 SOLD Mt JILL DIs TGG'ISTS.. 853 trotrotggalrerintstsl i 1JlJ rr Ta nt oria0 eesnht➢Eh � , �I+r�-.s trade >h all pats by {EI�j.�'..+� p,ae➢nr an0 i`t'trb `1�3 1. ,., Rnd guo to wht7 the )''J9 ti' lett pe. teem. Toe Will Kn.!. t'a•ett melte parsprt ➢a c5c1, IJ,.ali.o rhn+ "11; belt ba wiil(t•t1tR,`h:ce' mads Is the world,tvith all the ettethWictlte. We gnar:lae,adfEt'enowned*, lino of o:7t reedy and Valuable AK, temple,• in gaunt a3 ask that Sett ,how what wtr aeh1. to eba,' wha to/weal! at year bow?. and atter $ monlheeltahal111ecotno year awn d'ee'p. 9;• s .:rind t til41, W ,na, a liter ,t' on:: 'I' 1' tents, ,steneatvnrtie.s:. h64'apat„Ha ran autU,OhiforlLItUl5, 1,1,htiif I R_niteh,tranta, Sad r 1W ,Mlib es, • .. 'fl50 154 t. attcntittr,ttto,t'lko» Mt•,ylhrAiEa tH fila wMti. Alm' hest� vo cava tattVale l,rs flptterey 0,5 van• vasiWrawrb5toasat,1Id,ioraie. tyyn��rtr i 5f5 tha b(!,iet �N�aiiyrrtak• ':hila it➢ t',! Vu;tld, latxS qW T3► 9aI0 (Q..fiv •k+# akAhtm, AOt as t s